Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Aug 29, 2023


Aaron Masters 9

Master came in and woke me up about forty five minutes later. i was surprised that i was still had a slightly upset stomach, but considering what I'd just done and been thru i guess it shouldn't have been such a surprise. i was allowed to take a shower to revive myself and then when I finished there were a pair of shorts and robe waiting for me. Since my clothing had been destroyed at the start of the night it was nice to get back into some sort of covering. When i was dressed i met Master in the bedroom area.

"Remember, this is your last session for tonight. After this we can either stick around for a little while or go back to the resort. That will be up to you, I'm fine either way. Also remember that the goal here is to break him down, make him either cry or beg you to stop. My experience with fags is that at the core you are all basically the same. True some things will work easier on you than they would with him but at some point you need to find some common ground. I'm hoping that since the age difference between you isn't that great you'll be able to accomplish this better than any of the other PA's I've brought here. Most of the time he had them crying and begging for it to stop. Oh, did I forget to tell you? This is more of a conversation than you just running your mouth. Like any good fight he's going to be replying to what you say and trying to break you. Don't let that happen faggot. I'm hoping you do was well with this session as you did the pain session. Now, do you have any questions?"

"Thank You for Your confidence in me to do this Sir. As You know i will do my best to succeed and to make You happy. And profitable. i do have a couple questions Sir. Since this is going to be a conversation style session are there any type of out of bounds topics?"

"Of course not. Everything about life and about him is fair game. Same with you. He can choose to bring up your job, your childhood, anything he wants. Just as you are free to do the same."

"Good to know and to remember Sir. With the other two sessions there was a clear ending point. me passing out from the pain, the number of times i had to recycle the foul mixture i had to swallow. Is there a time limit on this session or will it just be until one of us cries? Keeping in mind that it could possibly come to the point where neither of us are going to cry or give in."

"That's a good question and one that's never been brought up before. That shows you have confidence that you won't break you but it also shows that you aren't as confident that you can break him. It is now 11pm on Friday night. I will privately discuss a time limit with the guys, except for #5. That way neither of you will know if we've made a decision on that. I would think that if it appears to be coming to a stale mate of sorts we will end it and decide amongst ourselves who won that session. Anything else?"

"No Sir, i think that's it. i will do my best to make sure You are well represented Sir."

"I know you will faggot as your future could depend on the outcome here tonight."

I'd already figured that tonight would be something along the last test and help Him decide to offer me a job or not. i could only hope that I'd proven myself to Him. As we walked from the bedroom set and into the main warehouse i was led to a set that looked to be either a library or den in a very fancy mansion. #5 was already there, seated in a comfortable chair and enjoying a drink. i took the chair opposite him and was brought a drink as well.

#5 "The rules here are simple, well actually, there are no rules only a goal. The goal here is to see who can break who first. Any topic is fair game, nothing is beyond the limits of our discussion. The first person to cry loses the session. Of course for someone like you I expect a descent conversation if you will. The ones before you were young and easy to break. I look forward to a bit more of a challenge with you."

"It is my intent to have you crying in time, begging for things to stop. It will be interesting to see where things lead us tonight."

#5 "Well said. Now, shall we begin?"

`Yes, lets begin."

#5 "Very well then faggot. I must say, I'm very surprised that Aaron accepted you as his assistant for this trip. Usually he has someone pretty, someone in shape. Not some pathetic fat old faggot like you."

"i would say that this time He decided to go with a quality person and not a piece of fluff."

#5 "I would say that you were the only faggot in site and that's why he settled on you. I can't imagine that he'd be willing to allow such an ugly faggot as you to lick his ass let alone suck his cock."

"That's something between Master and i, but it does sound like you're jealous that He chose me and has never let you close to His cock."

#5 "No I'm not jealous, but amazed that he would lower his standards so much as to allow you that privilege. Aaron likes the pretty boys that's for sure and trust me, you are far from pretty."

"Again, it sounds like you feel you are worthy of that honor when actually you are nothing but a tired old queer that hasn't had sex in a very long time because you've let yourself go. You think that your tittle, your money, will be enough to impress some young stud when all it does is make you a target. You go around thinking you're better than everyone else when all you really want is to have a Man come and take charge of you."

#5 "There is some truth to that, but trust me, I get plenty of sex, so you're off target in that respect."

"Oh I have no doubt you have a lot of sex. Sex you pay for. Sex that you have to direct. Sex without meaning. I'll bet that if we weren't here tonight you'd have already called up some whore to come over and use you. You'd have him Dominate you for an hour or so, then you'd pay him and off he'd go. To leave you, again, all alone and wondering where you went wrong."

#5 "My dear boy, I don't pay for sex."

"We both know that isn't true. I mean, look at you. In just as bad a physical shape as i am, worn out and used by countless Men. And for what? What do you have to show for it? Sure you've got a great job that pays well into the six figures I'm thinking. And the Doms you call to come over and talk down to you, they all know that as well. That's why they cone over. To get paid and to get off. They don't care about you or what they can do to you. You're just a job to them. They do what you want, say what you want to hear, maybe abuse you a little if that's what's needed that night, then they go home. Home to shower. Shower the disgust they have for you off of them. Shower and scrub where your hands and especially your mouth have been. Trying to clean the desperate faggot smell off themselves."

#5 "No one has complained so far so that must not be it. Try again faggot."

"Of course they haven't complained queer. They are smart enough to know that if they complain about the desperate way you paw at them, how you cling to them, beg to suck their dick, if they complain and express their true thoughts you'd never call them back. You don't want them to tell you the truth, only be a part of the fantasy you've created in your head."

#5 "And how about you homo? No doubt Aaron is paying you a nice sum to be his assistant this trip. Probably more money than you've ever made in one week. And on top of that, you already call him Master. True, that's close to his last name but it's not what you meant now is it? You view him as your Master, your Dom isn't that right queer? You want to do nothing more but to serve him all the time. To be his slave, his servant. Isn't that right queer?"

"I'll admit that yes, i do view Him as my Master. This week has been very different for me, but an experience I'm glad to have gone thru. He has been my focus this entire week. Making sure He's happy and all His needs and wants are taken care of. Nothing wrong with that."

#5 "Oh, you're right, nothing wrong with that. But honestly, do you think he cares about you? Aren't you simply a way for him to make a profit from this week of meetings? Hasn't he just been using you to make money? Do you really think he gives a damn about how and what you think or feel? Are you that deluded?"

"Honestly it doesn't matter to me if He's using me to make money, if He doesn't care about what i think or feel. That only thing that really matters to me is my service to an Alpha Male. It's my place to be of service to Him and not His place to care about me. So what if i am only a tool to make Him money i am happy to be used that way. If He at any moment shows concern for my thoughts or feelings i will take that to mean He wants to get the most out of using me as He can, and i am fine with that."

#5 "So it doesn't matter to you that he views you as replaceable as a toaster?"

"If that's the case then I want to make sure i am the best toaster He's ever used. By the way, what's a successful older businessman, fairly good looking, doing by yourself? Why don't you have someone at home running your pathetic life?"

#5 "I choose not to have anyone significant in my life at this time,"

"Oh really? I think it's because nobody is interested in your tired old worn out self. They take one look at you and instantly turn you down. Besides your pile of money you really have nothing to offer anyone. So why are you alone?"

#5 "I have a lot more than money to offer anyone that comes along. I can be a very loyal submissive and..."

"A dog can be very loyal if that's all the Man is looking for."

#5 "As I was saying, I can be loyal and respectful for the right Man. So far I just haven't found the right Man."

"Let me take a guess. For you the right Man is between 25 and 35, athletic, smart, Dominant, and above all, Straight. That about right faggot?"

#5 "Yes that about sums up what I'm looking for. But those Men are very difficult to find, what with all the queers flooding the internet and apps."

"Oh, they're out there. They just take one look at your online profile and block your fat old faggot ass. They see how pathetic, how needy you are and turn and run. They have no desire to Dominate their father, or in some cases, their grandfather. What they want is someone younger, someone in shape, someone pretty. You old man, are none of those things. You are the opposite of what those types of Men are looking for. And you know it. You aren't alone by choice, at least not your choice. You are alone because nobody wants you faggot. Isn't that right queer?"

#5 "No, I've decided to..."

"And how proud your parents must be of you faggot. Wasting your life by being a fucking queer. Wanting to take dick up the ass instead of finding some respectful loving woman to be your wife. Hell, you want to be the wife don't you faggot? You want to find some Man that will take you into his life, make all the decisions for you, and let you stay home and run the house. You want to be fucking Donna Reed but all you are is Alice. Men don't fucking respect you as a person. The only fucking respect you get is because of your job, your wealth. You live a hollow fucking life trying to find a happiness that you'll never get. Isn't that right queer?"

#5 "Yes, yes that's right. At times i feel so lonely."

"And you think that playing this little game you can find some peace, some happiness. But instead all you really get out of this is more money. There is no way in hell you'll ever find someone that really cares about you. These other Men in here don't. They only see you as a business associate. You'll never find fucking love or happiness. At least none that will last the rest of your life. You faggot, are destined to die alone. Alone and longing for a life you'll never have. And deep down you know that. You know that long lasting happiness will never be yours. All you can do is hire escorts to try to give you sense that someone cares about you. Then after a few hours it's done and over with and they leave you. Alone."

i could see him starting to break. i could sense that any moment he would start crying and that this session would be over and once again i would be able to claim some sort of victory for Master.

"As one sided as my relationship is with Mr. Masters it's more than you could ever hope for. In fact, you are jealous at how close we have gotten in less than a week. Even you must be able to see that there is a connection between the two of us. Yes, i am nothing to Him, but at the same time i am of use to Him. And even that is being rubbed in your pathetic face faggot. Our connection is more than you could ever hope to have with a Real fucking Man faggot. No Man will care for you even a fraction of the little Master cares for me. And because of that you see how hollow, how pathetic your life really is. Admit it queer, you wish you could spend a moment in my life serving Master than spend the rest of your miserable life alone. Admit it faggot!"

#5 "Yes, yes, damn it, i admit it. I'm jealous of how close you and Aaron are. I wish someone would look at me the way he looks at you, but that'll never happen. I know I'll always be alone and most likely end up dying that way. Please, just for one moment, give me that chance. Just let me feel that someone cares. Please....."

And with that he started crying, which ended the session. All in all it had been easier than I'd expected. Master was right though. I took the buttons i have in my life, things that would make me cry, and used them against him. It just seemed all to simple. As #5 sat there crying i looked over at Master and the other Men. They were all stunned at what had just happened. This had taken less than thirty minutes to happen. Their friend was sitting there crying, almost sobbing, just from words, just from facing the truth. And i had done it.

"Well, I guess that ends this session as well. I would have to say that my boy has won this round as well. Do the rest of you agree?"

The other Men, including #5, all nodded in agreement.

"Very well then. boy, you are free to do as you feel you need to."

With that i walked over to #5 and put my arms around him. He clung to me and cried even harder. i just sat there with him and let him cry it out. The others slowly came to realize and accept what had just happened and were starting to talk in subdued tones. As i held #5 i tried to calm him down, to let him know that things would be alright and eventually he did calm down. He went to the restroom and when he came back he seemed to be his normal self.

#5 "Well, that was all very interesting to say the least. In light of what's just happened I would like to amend the contract as follows. I will authorize an additional forty percent increase in product and a thirty percent increase in price."

The other Men almost exploded over that. Talk about that being to much on both accounts, that it was beyond what #5 was authorized to approve, all of it was being yelled around the room between the five Men. Finally #5 spoke up.

#5 "Gentlemen. In all the time that we've run thru these sessions this is the first time that one of Aaron's boys has really broken me down. He was able to get into my head and push all those deep buttons we all try to keep hidden. That being said I doubt that this sub will return to us and I feel he needs to be rewarded for a job very well done. If the four of you don't support me in this then I'll cover the cost myself. I'm just very impressed at his skill, which I'd have to attribute to his age. None of the other subs that Aaron has brought to us have had the maturity level, the life experience, to be able to cut thru things like this one has. I would like this to be a unanimous decision but regardless if it is or not, this is what's going to happen."

With that said all five approved and signed off on the amendment as #5 had proposed. Once everyone had signed the final contract Aaron announced that it was time for us to leave and had the car called to pick us up. Once we got into the limo i quickly moved to kneel on the floor between His legs but was stopped.

"I want you to sit here on the seat beside me. you've been thru a lot tonight and you deserve at least a little comfort. I have a set of clothes for you to put on for when we get back to the resort, go ahead and put them on now. As you know during all of this overall, you've made me money, increased production and overall made me happy. This past week I've been very impressed with you. Not once did you refuse to do anything that I've asked you to do, and everything you did you did to the best of your ability. We both know that if I offer you a permanent job you'll accept it. I will not accept an answer right now because I want you to think about it very carefully. Things will be very different once you accept the position. you'll become my first full time, live in slave. I will teach you how to please me both sexually and non-sexually. Just as it's important how to please my cock you'll need to learn how to cook the food I like, make the bed the way that pleases me, so many small things will lead up to bigger things. Do well with the small and you'll be given the great. I will depend on you not only at home but at work as well. I will teach you how to be of use to me as my PA. There will be other trips like this one where I'll pimp you out to get better deals, more product whatever it takes. But there are going to be other times when I'll use a younger, prettier sub to do these things while you're either left at home or in the hotel suite. While you will be a part of my staff you will not be the only faggot I use. I do tend to like the younger prettier ones myself and you will need to deal with that. Any jealousy, any back talk and you run the risk of being dismissed. While you will fall in love with me I will not return the feelings. But be assured of this, I take care of the things I own. And if you decide to move forward with this, then I own you. When we get back to the resort I will allow you to dress properly and return to your home. Stay there for tonight and when we meet up tomorrow then I'll accept your answer. For now just think over what has happened and what may happen. I will expect you by 8am with your answer."

By now we'd arrived back at the resort. As we got out of the limo Master strode right on in never looking back. I simply stood there and then the car pulled away, leaving me standing there on my own. I went to my office and got my extra set of keys for my car and condo. As i walked thru the resort various members of the staff either avoided my gaze or stared directly at me as they passed by. On the drive home all i could think about were the possibilities of what was ahead of me. Opening my door i realized how empty it all was. Sure there was a house full of stuff, but like #5 i was alone. Now I've been given the chance to change that. But would it be worth giving up the life i had created, getting rid of everything just to take the chance i was being given. Living with a Man that admits He will never have feelings for me, but will only care for me just as He said, a toaster that He owns. Would He allow me to keep in touch with family and friends and would i even want to. i was pretty sure that my job a the resort was over and it would be difficult to get another, at least here in town. Service was the only life i ever really knew. As i sat there looking around my condo i knew that i needed to get to bed soon. i set my alarm for 6am, five hours from now. That'd give me enough time to wake up, get ready and get back to the resort.

When the alarm went off i slowly got up. Sleep hadn't come easily but in fits. So much was spinning thru my head. In two hours i wold be giving Him my decision. As i showered I thought back to the showers i had taken with Him. Now here i stood alone. When it was time for me to get dressed i stood there looking in the closet. There were my work suits next to the polos and button downs i wore on off days. As i got dressed i played over what i was going to say to Him. Would it be the right thing, am i making a mistake? i drove to the resort following the same roads i had driven many times. Once at the resort i pulled into my parking place and slowly walked in. i rode the elevator up to the private suite floor, got out and walked up to His door. i approached the door and hesitated. Am i making the right choice? my life has already gone thru so many changes, so many things had happened, do i really want or need to make another change? How would i explain the recent events to my co-workers, not that i expected to still have this job. i reached out and rang the doorbell to His suite and waited for it to open. When it did open He stood there and stepped to the side to let me enter. i stepped thru and He closed the door behind me.

"So, have you made a decision?"

"Yes Sir i have. After much thought i have considered what You are offering me, what i have going on in my life, and have come to a decision"

What would you decide? What choice would you make? Give up what you know and dive head first into this new life with no guarantees?

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