Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Aug 13, 2023


As always, if You are not of age (18 or 21 depending on where you are) to read content of a sexual nature, do please come back when You are legal!

Thank you for reading the ramblings of an older guy and I do hope you enjoy what I write. Comments are welcome at odannyboy@aol.com. I have gotten some very positive feedback so I think you for that. I still hope you enjoy and look forward to any and all feedback. This chapter deals with scat and I realize that isn't a popular subject for a lot of people. To that end I am going to create two versions of this story, one mild and one graphic. That way you can decide which you'd rather read. I'd thought about holding the graphic one back and emailing it to whoever requested but when I thought about it I thought that maybe my graphic would be mild to some while to others it would be extreme. So I'm going to send both in to Nifty and let you, the reader, decide which you want to read.

Well I just finished writing this chapter and came to a couple conclusions. First is what they say is really true, write about what you know. When I do that the words flow easily and I get things done quickly. I really don't know anything about eating shit, especially in the way this chapter was to portray. Sure I've licked a dirty ass hole before, but I've never been fed so trying to figure out the dynamics of this situation escapes me. For that I apologize to those that have done this and my short coming in describing it. While I doubt that I'm ever in this situation I would be interested in hearing from those that have done it to get their thoughts on how this plays out for them. Email me your thoughts and views, what you think about as you eat, or feed. How you deal with going thru with it, that sort of thing. Because of my lack of knowledge I realize that trying to create a graphic chapter would only make things worse. However if I get feedback from those that have done this before I may be able to take what you tell me and incorporate it into the graphic portion. So as of now there is only this mild version of the chapter. With your help I may be able to come up with a decent graphic chapter. Thanks again for reading and enjoy!

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After about twenty minutes i began to come to. my body felt like I'd been in a car accident or something. So many muscles still hurt and throbbed that i wanted to keep crying, but as i came to and opened my eyes i saw Master sitting there looking down at me.

"Master, I'm so very sorry that i passed out. The pain was just to much. i have never felt such pain before Sir. i am sorry that i let You down. Hopefully my failure didn't cost You to much money Sir."

"On the contrary faggot. Believe it or not but you actually made both me and the company money. you lasted longer than any of us thought you would and that impressed all of these Men, including me faggot. So far you have made me proud to have selected you for this and I rarely have anything to be proud of a faggot for. Now the next two Men are getting ready for the next session with you faggot. This one will be more of a mental challenge than anything. While there may be some physical pain involved most of it will be mental. Because of the position you will be in and the activity you will be participating in #3 doesn't want to get real close to your ears and he doesn't want to shout so you'll have an ear plug in and he'll be using a mic. you have endured the pain session very well and I have every confidence that you'll make it thru this next session with no problem. Well, some problems but you'll make it none the less. They had been willing to allow you an hour but since you are awake now they want to get started pretty soon. Do you need to go to the bathroom faggot? This will be the last time tonight you can use an actual toilet."

"Thank you for the words of encouragement Master, they do make me feel better about things. As for using the toilet, no I'm good. i didn't eat or drink since before lunch just to make sure I'd be clean for tonight Sir. If they are ready then i guess i am as well Sir."

"Very well then. Let me help you up and we can get started. As always queer, failure will bring punishment. Success will bring reward. I'm counting on you queer."

"As always Master, i will do my best to please You and succeed for You Sir."

Master helped me up and led me from this bedroom themed area and back into the main area of the warehouse. The five Men were sitting around a large table covered with food and drink. Master grabbed a bottle of water and a sleeve of saltine crackers from the table and told me to consume all of them, which i did. The crackers of course dried out my mouth but the water helped with that. Since i hadn't eaten most of the day the crackers helped. #3 came over and led me to his portion of the warehouse. It was sparsely set up as another room in the dungeon I'd been in earlier. #4 came up and gave me an earbud. Once i put that in he spoke into a lapel type microphone.

"If your can hear me faggot nod your fucking head." His voice was coming in loud and clear into my left ear so i nodded as instructed. "Very good queer. This should be fun. At least for us that is." With that he stepped back for the set and #3 walked up to me.

"Have you ever eaten shit before faggot?"

"No Sir i haven't."

"Lol, you are in for a real disgusting time then. Go over there and bring the rim seat back to me." i walked over to the other side of the "room" and got the rim seat. When i came back to him he had a ball stretcher, riding crop and a short cane with him.

"Set that down over there (and he pointed to a place mid front of the set) and then come back here." i did as was told and then returned to him. He quickly snapped the ball stretcher on me which pushed my balls to the bottom of my sack. It was painful only because of what had been done to my balls earlier.

"Now, I want you to lay down on the floor, face up, and move until you are under the rim seat."

#4 "Look at you you pathetic fucking faggot. Not only have you willing placed the rim seat where he told you to but now you are willingly crawling under that seat. you do know what he's going to do to you don't you faggot? " i nodded my head to show that i knew what was going to happen. "Then fucking tell us, what is he going to do once you are under there faggot?" i hadn't realized that not only was i hearing him but so was everyone else. "Just speak in a normal tone and we'll all hear your pathetic voice queer."

Once i got under the seat i began to speak. "#3 is going to sit down on the seat and use my mouth as his toilet." As i lay there i noticed that #3 had placed three go pro type cameras around the seat. One at the top of my head, one at the bottom near my chin and one to my right side. The left side was left open so the main camera could catch everything. i also noticed that these pods were capable of catching sound as well.

#4 "How does that make you feel faggot? Knowing you are about to become some man's toilet? A man you've never met before tonight?"

"How i feel and what i think are of no consequence. All that matters is that i serve my Master to the best of my ability and by extension serve all of you the best i can."

#4 "Words of a true faggot. Get ready queer, here comes #3!"

i had never thought of what the view from under a toilet seat would be like, but now i was finding out first hand. i looked up and watched as #3 approached, stroking his dick as he walked around me. The look in his eyes was one of evil and lust. i had no doubt this was going to be just as difficult as the whipping, but more on a mental level.

#3 "Look at you down there queer. Are you ready to be my fucking toilet?"

"i will do my best for you Sir. i admit that i have never done anything like this before Sir. i hope that i can please you Sir."

#3 "Haha! This is gong to be really fucking tough for you then faggot. I haven't taken a shit in two days just so we could have some fun. Well I know that I'm going to have fun. you on the other hand, well unless this is one of your secret desires, you are going to have a tough time with this."

#4 "Fuck but I'd hate to be in your place queer. Having to swallow two days worth of shit. Think about how much you shit on a daily basis. Now, knowing that he was going to be doing this to you, to try to get a better deal from your Master, think how much more he ate just to build up a nice heavy load for you faggot."

#3 "Let me show you what you'll soon see up real close and get to know real fucking good queer." With that he slowly turned around and i saw one of the cutest bubble butts cone into view. For a Man of his age he certainly had a nice muscular ass. As if reading my thoughts he explained. "I love to have my ass, and my shit, eaten faggot. Not many guys are willing to do those things for me. At least not if I have an old flabby ass like you fucking do. So I do several different squat routines daily. They help to firm up the ass and thighs. Lost of long hard work went into making the ass that's about to sit on your face queer. What do you think of my ass faggot?"

"Honestly Sir, it's a magnificent ass. It looks very firm and solid Sir."

#3 "that it is faggot. Firm and yet pliable enough that it'll open up and envelope your ass licking face." He then slowly started to sit down on the rim seat. As he got closer to it his cheeks began to part. I could see his asshole and i could also see some dried shit. Knowing that he hadn't taken a shit for two days made me wonder how long that shit had been clinging to him. "See that smear of shit faggot? I've been smelling that for two fucking days. I'll be glad to have you clean things up back there."

Having never done anything like this before a wave of panic washed over me. So much so that my body visibly shook, which brought a round of chuckles from everyone, including Master. Then this mass of ass was sitting over me. Pinned down as i was there really wasn't a way to get away from what was going to happen. The smell from the dried shit started to get into my nose and i started to cough.

#3 "Fuck faggot. The breeze from your coughing feels kinda nice on my hole."

#4 "This ain't nothing faggot. His shit can clean an entire house just from the rank smell of it. Nobody uses the bathroom after he does for at least an hour. And you faggot, get a front row seat to the smell, and taste, of that foul shit he creates in his body."

#3 "Time to start tasting faggot. Lick that dried shit off of me. It's going to take some time and some effort on your part. It's pretty caked in those butt hairs. And don't let me feel you pulling on my butt hairs. I like a hairy ass and these will be staying with me for a while. Now get that clogged shit all nice and wet and just suck it off the hair. Get me all nice and clean so your meal doesn't get caught in those leftovers you're fucking swallowing down."

Now i don't know if you've ever eaten shit or not, but when it gets in your mouth, especially small pieces like this, it starts to dissolve. Soon my saliva had turned into a river of shit. The stuff was slowly filling my mouth and then flowing down my throat. The taste was dirty and earthy, but mainly disgusting. Here i am, actually swallowing the shit of another Man. Not that his sex made that much difference, but i was now a shit eater and always would be. I felt his hole push out a little and was met with a nice fart right to the face. Since there was still some shit in my mouth I'd been breathing thru my nose. Big mistake! Without even trying I inhaled all of his gas and that only added to the coughing, which brought another round of laughter fro everyone.

#4 "you are really in for a world of misery faggot if this is how you are reacting to just this introduction to #3's shit and gas. All the pain you endured with #1 and #2 is going to be erased by your failure to please #3. Everything you've done for your Master is going to be for nothing faggot."

That was all it took. Knowing that i was going to lose money for Master made me change my outlook on this event. i couldn't let Him down. i had done so well with the first round that i couldn't fail now. He was counting on me and my future with Him depended on how well i did here and now. With that in mind i swallowed down the nugget of shit and began to lick and suck on the dried shit around #3's hole. Soon it was nice and smooth and everyone could see that thanks to the cameras attached under the rim seat.

#3 "Alright, it looks as if the toilet has done a good job of cleaning me up from the last couple of days. Now let's see how it does with a nice fresh load. I want to feel your tongue up my shit hole faggot and I also want to feel you sucking on my hole, trying to get more to eat."

i pushed my tongue up and into his hole. Sure I'd eaten ass before but never with the goal of finding shit and sucking it out and into my mouth. This was something completely different. I'd barely gotten my tongue inside him and there was the turd, waiting to come out. As i began to suck on his hole i could feel him start to push and the turd move. As it got closer to my mouth my tongue was being pushed back into my mouth. i pulled it back in the rest of the way and laid beneath him with an open mouth. i could only imagine how it looked to everyone, my laying there, open mouthed and the tip of the turd emerging from #3's shit hole.

#4 "Get ready you fucked up disgusting queer. We can see the tip of your dinner coming out of his ass. Just think, for the rest of your life you'll be a shit eater. Nothing you can ever do will change that. When you take a shit you'll remember this moment in time. When you see a turd floating in a toilet bowl, you'll think of this event. When you see a dog squatting to take a shit, you'll remember tonight. Eat up faggot!"

When he said that #3 gave a slight push and the turd began to leave him and enter me. Not only could i see it descending but i could hear it crackle as it left him. When it touched my tongue i jumped a little, which brought laughter. All i could do was lay there and feel it invade my mouth. The taste was horrible, much worse than the little nugget. #3 pinched off the turd and it kinda fell into my mouth. For some reason the weight of the log caught me by surprise. All i could do was lay there, open mouth filled with shit. i knew i was expected to chew it up and eat it, but the thought of actually sinking my teeth into a log of shit, well that seemed beyond what i could actually do. i thought about spitting it out and begging for mercy for this to stop. That's when i heard Him.

"Listen faggot, I know this is your first time eating shit and it's going to be difficult for you to do. Human nature is to spit it out and stop this scene, I understand that. I also understand you'll do whatever you can to please me. This act, as disgusting, humiliating and degrading as it is, well this is nothing compared to the pain you endured for me. This involves chewing and swallowing. Try not to think about what you are swallowing, what you are chewing and that may help you. Hell, imagine it's my shit you're eating if that helps you. Just know that if you do stop this that's your decision. Yes, I'll be disappointed. Yes, you'll be punished. Yes, I'll lose money. But in the end this is your choice to do or not do."

Hearing Master say these things gave me the boost i needed. Knowing that He was counting on me is one thing, but hearing Him express it was a different matter all together. i slowly started to close my mouth and chew.

#3 "Aw look at the pathetic faggot chewing shit for it's Master. It's that touching? Well I can assure you faggot, His little pep talk won't be near enough to get you thru two days of stored up shit that #4 had for you. No doubt you'll keep considering stopping all this maleness. But it won't stop until he's empty and then that's only the start of things for you this session. I'll let those be a surprise to you but I'm sure you'll think twice about stopping."

#4 "Stop talking to the toilet and let it swallow my shit. I've got a lot more saved up for it and now that I've started I really need to release it. I might have to just let it pile up on it's ugly face and let it eat it as it can. Fuck this is some smelly ass shit. Guess that's what happens when you keep it inside you for so long. Here comes the next log for you sewer mouth."

With that i could see another log coming out of his ass. i wasn't even done with the first one and now here came another. This one seemed to go on forever, coiling up on my face. Some of it slid off to the side while the rest of it just piled up. It kept coming and coming out of him. How much shit can a person hold i wondered? i began to swallow the shit and that's when my body decided to react. Suddenly i started to choke, my stomach started to contract, i felt like i was going to puke.

#4 "Go on and puke faggot, you'll just have to eat that up as well. First timers like you usually puke more than they swallow, but in your case we'll make sure it's the other way around. We'll make sure you get everything inside you and keep it there. Fuck but I love making a new toilet. Get's my dick nice and hard."

As hard as i tried to keep it down i did puke some of it up. The slurry ran out of my mouth and under the pile of shit on my face. i could feel it running down my cheek and drip onto the tarp they had put down to catch such things. When i was able to calm down i started chewing up more of the shit piled on my mouth. All I basically had to do was open my mouth and suck some in. He shit for almost ten minutes before i heard him give a sigh and no more was coming out. When he got up he left the rim seat over me. Partly so the three cameras they would keep getting all the disgusting action of me swallowing his shit, but also to help remind me of what I'd become. A toilet for a man to dump his shit into. It took me almost an hour to get it all down. There came a point where i was reaching on each side of my head to get more to shove into my face hole. When i couldn't find anymore #4 came over and picked up some I'd missed and put it in my hole. Then he came over with some bread, scooped up shit from my face and then shoved that in my mouth. Needless to say by now my mouth was getting dry.

#4 "Open up toilet face." i did and he stood over me and pissed down into my mouth. As sad as it is, i was glad to get his piss. It was very strong but it also helped to wash out the shit taste and to get my tongue wet again. i drank his piss as quick as he could fill my mouth. When that ran out he stepped back and kept looking down at me. The shit had put a slight stain in my skin, different than a tan would have but it did change the color of my face.

#3 "People are going to look at you and wonder why your face is such a different color. Those that are wise will understand it's a shit stain, that you'd been shit faced. Laying down while someone shit on your face and it was left there long enough to change the color of your skin. That's fucking sick faggot. Letting shit lay on your face like that. Just nasty."

Every time he reminded me of what I'd spent the last hour doing i felt queasy. Part of me, the sane human part, wanted to puke everything up, to get it out of my body. But then the lowly submissive side of me knew i had to keep it all down for Master, to please Him and to help make Him money. That's why i was here, to help make Him money. #4 came over and took off the rim seat so i could sit up. He also had a big clear bowl with him.

#4 "If you do need to puke you'll do it in this bowl. Once you're done puking then you'll need to drink it all back down. Well, drink and eat it that is." With that he burped right into my face. It smelled like he'd also eaten some shit. The stench tipped the scales and i could feel my stomach contract. Almost without warning i started to puke into the bowl. Seeing the mixture in the bowl just made me puke even more. That combined with the foul taste it left in my mouth and the burning in my throat made my stomach contract even more.

#3 "Haha! I knew it! The toilet backs up and spews it's guts out! That's going to cost Aaron a five thousand dollar penalty! Awesome! That's it faggot, puke your guts out. Get all that nasty foul shit out of your system. Now in all fairness to Aaron, if you are able to tip that bowl up and drink everything back down you'll get some of that money back. Thing is you'll need to keep it down for thirty minutes. Puke any of it back up and it's another five thousand dollar loss for Aaron and you forfeit the chance to make any of it back for him. Oh, you'll still need to drink it but He won't be making any of the money back, that's a one time offer. So make sure you're ready before you start swallowing it again."

i sat there with the bowl in my lap. The lake of shit was disgusting. Puke is rarely pleasant to look at but when it's sole content is shit, and some piss and break, it's really disgusting. I could see bits and lumps of shit floating around the mix. This time i was going to be swallowing it on my own. i wasn't going to be passively laying there having someone shit down onto my face. No, this time I'd be tipping the bowl up, like a bowl of soup, and doing this to myself. I'd be forcing myself to swallow this vile mix and keep it down. I slowly brought the bowl to my lips and began to tip the brown brew to my mouth. At first it wasn't that bad, for shit soup that is. But as i drank down the liquid it just exposed more of the lumpy shit that i hadn't gotten chewed up. That I'd have to scoop up with my fingers and lick off. This time it only took about fifteen minutes for me to clean things up. I could feel the shit sloshing around inside my belly. i didn't want to move, to possibly trigger another round of puking. The clock had started counting down the thirty minutes and i vowed to make it. i figured that once i reached that mark most of it would be working it's way thru my system and i wouldn't be running the risk of puking again. After forty five minutes #4 came over to me and took the bowl away. Evidently i was right about the timing of things and was proud of myself for keeping it all down.

#4 "Impressive for a shit virgin. Now it's time to make sure you've got everything inside me."

"You mean this isn't it? i can't see how there'd be more inside you." i spoke without thinking and instantly regretted saying anything.

"Don't worry gentlemen. I'll make sure the faggot is property punished when we get back to the resort. Speaking out like that is unacceptable in any condition." Just from that i knew that Master was upset with me, that I'd embarrassed Him and would pay for it. But that was for later. Right now i had to focus on the here and now.

The other four men joined #4 and i in the platform. #4 picked up a red bag that i knew was used to contain water for enemas. He gave it to #5 who began pissing in it. When done he handed it to #3 who also pissed in it and so on until all five men had pissed into the he bag. Actually they had to use two bags. Once done they left #4 and i on the set. #4 hung up the bags and turned away from me, putting his ass in my face.

#4 "Just to make sure I'm completely empty all this piss is going up my ass and I'm sure that even stupid faggot like you must know where it's going to go when I'm ready to expel it."

#3 "Just think faggot, all that piss and the bits of left over shit is going to come blasting out of his ass and right into your face. More correctly, into your mouth. All that recycled piss blasting out and directly into your open toilet mouth. It'll be like you're being water boarded but with a piss enema. How disgusting."

i knelt there behind #4 and watched him insert the nozzle into his ass. He looked around and told me to open the valve so that the piss would flow. When i did i could see the bag start to deflate as the piss emptied into his ass. He moaned a couple times as the piss flowed into his lower bowels. I could see his lower stomach start to bloat out. In almost no time the bag was empty and he was hooking up the second, less full, bag. When that one finished draining into him he took out the hose and turned around.

#4 "So faggot, here's what's going to happen. You'll be going back under the rim seat, only this time you'll have a nice gag attached. The tube from the gag will allow everything to pass from my ass and into your mouth. Since it'll mainly be liquid there shouldn't be a problem."

As he brought the rim seat back i could see the adjustments that had been made. It almost looked like a clear sink had been attached to the bottom of the seat. A bowl with a tube where the drain would be. As he sat the seat down i opened my mouth and the tube fit inside without a problem. It came into my mouth just far enough that i couldn't close it but i could put my tongue at the end to stop it up. Just as he sat down he began to expel the piss, which filled up the bowl and started draining into my mouth. The taste caught me off guard, mainly the strong piss, but also the residue of shit that came with it. That and what was left in my mouth. He wasn't even pushing, just letting the piss flow out. i kept swallowing as fast as i could but still there was more to swallow down. The other problem i was having is that with all the shit he'd fed me combined with what i was now drinking my stomach was feeling fuller than i'd ever felt before. Almost like i was going to explode. i also felt like i needed to take a piss myself.

Finally i got it all swallowed down and felt like it would stay down this time. When #4 lifted up the rim seat i could see an evil smirk on his face. That's when i felt his foot on my stomach, slowly pushing down.

#4 "Glad to see you got it all down. Now lets see if we can get it to come back up." i knew that if it did Master would lose more money and I'd be forced to make myself swallow it all back again. When the steady downward pressure didn't get the desired effect #4 started to bounce his foot up and down, making the foul mixture slosh around even more. Then he moved to stand between my legs and kept pushing down on my stomach. In no way did i want to do that, but we all knew that in time my body would betray me, get the better of my mind and will power, and I'd be spewing that foul mess all over the place. With pleading eyes i looked towards Master. He had a stern look on His face, one that i hated seeing. He knew that i was going to puke, that #4 wasn't going to let up until i did. Then i thought i saw Him nod. Was that possible? Was Master giving me permission to puke? #4 came down rather hard on my stomach, stomping on the bottom with his heel and just applying steady pressure until i could feel the mix moving. It was a slow creep up my throat, from my stomach to my mouth. Then it was slowly pushing it's way past my throat and into my mouth then over my lips. This steady stream of liquid started to just ooze from me and #4 just kept applying pressure to my stomach.

#3 "That's it faggot, just let the liquid mess flow. Tilt your head to the side so it comes out easier and you don't run as much a risk of choking. We want you humiliated and degraded, not fucking dead. Look at all that flowing up from you. Looks like the sewer is really backing up today." At that point #4 picked up his foot but then stomped it down again, right in the middle of my stomach. That's when i started spewing like old faithful.

#4 "Roll the fuck over and get on your hands and knees over the bowl asshole. Sorry Aaron but you've lost the five thousand this time." All i could do was follow instructions. The realization that I'd let Master down and had cost Him money overtook me and i started to cry.

#3 "Aw, look at the old homo. Crying for it's Master. How fucking pathetic. What a disappointment you must be to Aaron. Here He was nice enough to include you in His life and all you are doing is costing Him money. What a waste of time and effort you've been."

#4 "Drink that mess back up queer. None of us wants to fucking look at it. Once you've gotten that down we'll take a break, but you have to hold it down." With that said i had a little hope. A break never sounded so good to me before. This time swallowing the liquid mess wasn't as bad, at least there weren't any chunks in it like before. During the break i noticed that Master and the five were talking, but not like before. They were talking low so that i had no idea what the conversation was about but i got the impression it was about me. Every once in a while they'd look over at me and then continue talking. At the end of the thirty minute break all six of them came over to me. Because of my failure i couldn't look at Master, i had cost Him to much money to even think I'd be allowed to look at Him.

"It has been decided that this portion of the event is over. #3 and #4 have been impressed with your performance, as have we all. For a shit virgin you did adequate. If you return here improvement is expected but that is in the future and has no bearing on the here and now. So far your failures in this session have cost me six thousand dollars. I have agreed to round that up to ten thousand to stop this round. When we get back to the resort you will be punished accordingly. Even though #3 and #4 were impressed with your performance they were not as impressed as #1 and #2 were with their time with you. Because of that they are only increasing things by half, ten percent increase in production and five percent increase in price. you will now be given one hour to compose and clean yourself before the final session with #5. Hopefully you'll be able to redeem yourself with him. For now you'll be allowed to go into the bedroom area to get cleaned up. I will be in shortly to have a brief conversation with you."

With that i was led to the bedroom area where i woke up after my first session. When Master came in i was in the shower so He joined me.

"Overall you are doing well faggot. The last PA I brought to this begged for mercy after the first mouthful of shit, so you are doing better than he did. Remember with #5 you have to be strong and forceful, you have to dominate and degrade him to the point where he breaks down and cries. And this is only done with words. There may be some interaction physically, but most of the session will be mainly words between the two of you. I would love to tell you his weak points, the buttons you can push to get him to that point, but that would be cheating. I can tell you not to waste your time on his looks, he's aware that he's a fat old faggot so you can skip that. Use it as a starting point, but then move on to something else. Think of what would make you cry, what failures you feel you've had in life and then direct those things towards him. That's about the best advice i can give you. Both of you are about the same age and similar backgrounds so that may give you an advantage. Only one of my previous PA's has gotten him to cry so maybe you'll have better luck."

All the time He was talking He was also helping me to clean up. Instead of Him being the focus in the shower the attention was centered on me, which was a real switch. Being focused on getting rid of the shit all over me i didn't realize this until we were drying off.

"Oh Master, i am so sorry! Here you've been so kind to me and all i did was focus on myself during our shower. i didn't attend You the way i should have. Please forgive me Master."

"This was not an ordinary shower faggot. If I had wanted your service I would have demanded it. This was about something else entirely. I'm not a cruel Master, I can be kind and compassionate when needed. Because you have realized what happened you will not be punished for it. Just don't take times like this for granted faggot."

"Yes Sir, thank You Sir."

"Now rest up and I'll be back to get you when it's time for your last session with these men."

"Yes Sir" and with that He left the room. As i sat on the bed thinking about this last session i couldn't help but shiver. i am now and will forever be a shit eater. There was nothing anyone could do to remove that fact. i also realized that i had to put that behind me, put all that had happened tonight behind me and focus on making #5 cry. i took the advice that Master gave me and thought off all the things that someone could say to make me cry. i would just have to simply go thru my list and see which one struck a note with #5 and see where that led me. Now for a little rest before my next and last challenge.

Next: Chapter 9

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