Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jul 26, 2023


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Aaron Masters 6

After we'd finished in the shower, which included me sucking Master's cock had then turning and getting fucked by Him, i put His things in order and then went into the bedroom. Master was already getting dressed when i walked in, looking elegant in His tux. When i looked down at what He'd laid out on the bed for me to wear i was slightly confused. Butt plug, cock ring, ball stretcher, bright pink spandex bike shorts, nipple clamps, blue wife beater cut mid way down. Now, on a twink all of this would look hot and sexy. But on me, a fat old faggot it just looked ridiculous. No matter where we were i'd stand out and basically announce that i'm a faggot. i could only imagine what everyone would think as i walked thru the lobby. All of that really meant nothing at this point. My main focus was on pleasing Master, no matter what it cost me. i was in to far now to refuse something like this. i had to wonder where this was all leading but knew it was not my place to question or complain.

"you look like a real faggot now queer! The Men are really going to enjoy you! So yesterday I told you a little bit about these five guys and what they like. I won't tell you who is who but it won't take a rocket scientist for you to figure them out. The way you're dressed will bring out the worst, or best, in a couple of the guys and will help to make your job easier. Now, as before, there are goals here. This is a business meeting of sorts and we will be working out a contract. Unlike with Ted I am actually the seller here. The goal here is to sell one million pieces at two fifty per piece. The way this'll happen is the more you entertain them, the more you divert their attention, the happier you make them the more they'll buy and at a higher price. Now for example, with the two that like to inflict pain. The more strokes of the whip or flogger you can take without making a sound the more they buy. For the one that likes to humiliate and degrade, the longer it takes for you to break under his barrage of words, the more they buy. The lower you get the passive guy to go, the more they buy. And well, the guy into nasty toilet games, I'll just let that one be a surprise, one for you to figure out on your own. Do you have any questions before we leave?"

"Yes Sir. i am guessing that since they all have such different kinks they will be interacting at different times. Would that be correct Sir?"

"Yes, it will go in cycles. While each Man may want some private time with you there will also be public usage where you may be flogged in front of the rest of us. Maybe one will begin to work on your emotions and begin to humiliate you while you are having your back whipped. Most likely he and the one that likes toilet games will work together as well. The difficult part will be to break down the last one after he's seen what you've endured and done. He is actually the one in charge of the final pieces of the contract but to get to him you have to work your way thru the rest. Do you think you'll be able to do this for me faggot?"

i went over and knelt in front of Him. my first thought was to bend down and kiss His shoes, but seeing them shiny and look brilliant i decided against that. Instead i reached out for His hand and brought it to my face. i gently but with passion kissed the back of His hand, then put it to the side of my face and looked up at Him. His eyes just seemed to look thru me and into my soul. There was nothing i wanted more than to please this Man that had come into my life. It was if at that moment we both know that i'd be leaving the resort with Him when the time came. i just looked up at Him and replied.

"You should know by now Sir that i will do my very best to serve You to the best of my ability. While i may have had better assistants in the past i will do my best for You at all times Sir."

"I know you will you pathetic faggot. All queers try to serve me but most fail. This deal is very important to me and I except you to do your very best at this. I know it will be painful, physically, mentally and emotionally, but know this faggot. If this succeeds you'll make me a good profit and your hard work will be rewarded. Failing to meet expectations will result in swift and harsh punishment. Now get your fat old body up off the floor and let's get going. This time I want you walking in front of me so I can see the reactions of everyone. We will be taking the main elevator and not the private one. Have the car pull up to the main entrance as well. This way I can fully see how your co-workers like your new look. No running, no covering yourself, just a calm slow walk from the elevator, thru the lobby and out to the car. Understood faggot?"

"Yes Sir, i understand." i understand that doing this will most likely be the last nail in the coffin of my professional career. He knew that as well. How things went in the next fifteen minutes would determine a lot for both of us. As we waited by the elevator nobody was there since we are on a private floor. But this elevator was located in the main gathering area of the resort and was glass. This provided the occupants of the elevator the opportunity to see the atrium and those in the atrium the opportunity to see those in the elevator. Twelve floors down to the lobby. As the doors opened and we got in He spoke again.

"Push the button for every floor then stand in front of the glass looking down into the atrium. Let everyone get a good look at you, and time to make sure everyone sees you faggot."

With a pit in my stomach i did exactly as He told me to do. After pushing all the buttons i then went and stood by the glass, facing out and looking down into the the atrium. After we'd stopped at a couple floors a couple with their kids got in. She noticed me first and did a bit of an inhale. Her husband turned and saw me,

"Jesus Christ you fucking fruit cake. This is a family place you go around prancing in that fucking get up." He and his wife made a sort of wall between me and their kids so they could look out the glass as well. As we stopped at the next floor the husband muttered something under his breath and the wife grunted. Two floors down and a couple high school age guys got on. As soon as they saw me they started laughing. The little boy with the couple wanted to know why we were stopping at every floor, that he wanted to go to the pool.

"Some idiot pushed every button, thinking it was cute or something.

"Bet it was the homo in the corner." Said one of the teen boys.

"Hey, let the rest of the guys know about fairy cakes here. Tell them to get shots of him as we get closer to the lobby!" i could see there was a group forming in the atrium, looking up and taking pics with their phones. This in turn got other people to look and soon i saw some of the staff gathering to watch the show. As the doors finally opened the teens were laughing with their buddies as they got out, the couple practically shoved their kids out of the elevator and then i went out followed by Master. As i passed Him all He said was "slowly faggot. Don't rush this" and then we were in the lobby. i saw the staff all looking at me, some openly laughing while others tried to hide it. Some of the older staff couldn't bring themselves to watch but i knew they'd be shown videos of my walk of shame. Just as we reached the door i saw the owner of the resort come out of his office and head our way.

"Just keep walking faggot and get into the car. I'll deal with him." As i got closer to the owner he started to say something but Master interrupted and i just kept walking as instructed. When i got to the car the Head Valet opened the door and ushered me in like he would a female guest.

"After you princess. Fuck Wilson, i can't believe even a faggot like you would have the balls to parade around this place like that. I doubt you'll have a job here after this but kudos to you for standing up for your "gay fucking rights". Have fun tonight and if I never see you again that'll be fine with me." With that he shut the door but we waited for Master to come out and get in. During that time i looked back at what had just happened. Part of me wanted to cry but that was out of the question. Sure i knew that this was a test, to see if i would back down, if i could handle the scorn, if i could be faggot enough to get thru this. If i couldn't deal with this how would i ever be able to make it thru the rest of tonight. i had no choice but to stay strong and prove to Master He'd made a good choice with me. After a few minutes He arrived and got in the car.

"No questions faggot. This incident is behind us for the moment. you need to concentrate on what's going to happen to you for the rest of the night. This will be discussed at a later time. For now forget it and kneel between my legs where you fucking belong. Inhale my scent and calm yourself." i had already gotten on the floor and was moving to be between His legs. His scent did have a calming affect and soon what had happened was indeed a distant memory. i felt His hand on the back of my head, pulling me in closer and tighter. i could feel His erection and knew it was from watching what had happened. Part of me was excited that my embarrassment turned Him on while another part of me was concerned by that. The excitement won out and told me that i had done well. It took about twenty minutes for us to get to where this meeting was being held. my nipples had long gone numb from having the clamps on them, the plug kept reminding me it was there keeping my hole open, and the cock ring and ball stretcher really stood out under the spandex. When we arrived i got a last good inhale of Master's crotch then the door was opened and out He stepped. He was warmly greeted by the five Men, hugs and handshakes all around.

"Alright Aaron, enough with the suspense. Where's tonight's entertainment?"

"Gentlemen I want to assure you that tonight is about making sure we all have a good time. Tonight I have brought you something a bit different. Unlike my previous visits this faggot is older and not as pretty. For a couple of you that'll work to your advantage. his experience level will also be an advantage to you but it'll also work in my advantage as well. faggot, get the fuck out here and meet the Men that will help me decide your fate."

With that i stepped out of the car, dressed like the faggot whore i'm supposed to be. In one quick moment i knew the role each of these Men would be playing tonight. It would be my job to make sure they got what they wanted and all while Master was watching. One of the two Men that i could tell would be into pain walked up to me and kneed me in the balls without saying anything. It took me by surprise and knocked the wind out of me for a moment.

"Thank You Sir. i look forward to working with You tonight Sir."

The other one walked over, spit in my face then slapped me and stood there glaring at me. As His spit ran down my nose and dripped onto my chin i opened my mouth and held out my tongue to catch it. "Thank You Sir. That tasted great and i look forward to more of it tonight."

"I can't get over how pathetic and disgusting you are queer. Letting these Men do things like this to you. Just how low and pathetic are you queer?"

"i suspect that's something we'll all find out tonight Sir."

Then the next guy walked up and pulled His hands from His pants. The back of His pants. As His hand came up to my mouth i could see the brown on His index finger. i opened my mouth before it got there and eagerly began to suck and lick on the finger in my mouth. When He pulled it out He looked at it and kind of smirked.

"I apologize for not getting under the nail Sir but i promise to do better later on."

When the last guy walked up to me i knew this was the submissive one. "Look you pathetic little man trying to hang with the Real Men. I know you wish they had done all that shit to you instead of to me, but who knows, maybe that do that on a regular basis. All I know is that when I get my turn with you nothing will hold me back from showing these Men was a lowly pathetic excuse of skin you really are. They will probably never look at you the same way again. For now I'll let you kneel and kiss the feet of the faggot that is going to Dominate you queer." Much to my surprise he did kneel and kiss my feet. This may be easier than I thought but time will tell.

"Alright gentlemen, let's go inside and have some fun! Oh and Aaron, this one might be the best you've brought us in a long time!"

That made Master smile and gave me hope of how things would go. As we went inside Master turned to me and gave me a passion, and tongue, filled kiss.

"Good luck faggot. I can't wait to watch this!" i knew that things could get rough but I also know that i'd be safe with Him there. i'd do the best i could and only hope that things worked out and that He was pleased.

Sorry for the delay in this chapter, had some family things to take care of. Hopefully you're still enjoying the story and things will get back to a sexual topic in the next one(s), haven't decided how to cover these guys and their different kinks. But I'm hopeful it'll be fun for all involved!

Next: Chapter 7

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