Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jun 30, 2023


As always, if You are not of age (18 or 21 depending on where you are) to read content of a sexual nature, do please come back when You are legal! Thank you for reading the ramblings of an older guy and I do hope you enjoy what I write. Comments are welcome at odannyboy@aol.com. This chapter contains very little sex, but does involve pain and submission. I try to write so each chapter stands on its own, but at the same time builds on what went before, so if you want to skp this due to the subject it should work when the next one comes out. I still hope you enjoy and look forward to any and all feedback.

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As i stood outside the shower waiting on Mr Masters i played over events from my first meeting as Mr Masters PA and had to wonder about some things. From the start i understood that i am not what He usually brings along to these meetings, yet He seems pleased with how things are going. So that must be a plus for me, at least i hadn't been told that my services were no longer needed. While Mr Henderson hadn't been rough or taken all that long to satisfy i did wonder if he lasted longer or was rougher with the usual type of boy that Mr Masters brought along.

"Stop day dreaming faggot and get in the fucking shower." Damn, i didn't even hear Him come into the room. He stepped into the shower and i followed Him in. As He stood under the falling water i went about shampooing His hair, then cleaning His body. As i knelt to wash His feet and legs i could feel His cock brushing against the back of my head. Soon i felt His hand on my head, turning me towards Him. As i opened my mouth to take in His cock He told me to just hold His cock in my mouth. That told me i'd be getting His piss and not blowing Him, at least not yet. Sure enough that's how it went. When He finished He turned around and i cleaned His back from the neck down. When i got to His ass i was amazed at how firm and solid His cheeks felt under my hands. As i soaped Him up He leaned forward and i parted those firm cheeks and leaned in and kissed His hole. The slight moan i heard told me i had done the right thing so i leaned in and spent a little more time there. Soon my tongue was swirling around His hole and pushing into it.

"That's it faggot. Make Me feel good. Make tongue love to my fucking shit hole. Lower yourself and lick it out. Let me feel your tongue inside me homo. Show me how much you want to please me. That's it queer, tongue out my hole." So that's what i did, i fucked His tight asshole with my tongue. Darting in and out, sucking the hole, biting the tight little ring, loving the taste and wanting more. Wanting to bring Him pleasure beyond measure. Suddenly He turned around and i was smacked in the cheek with His erection. When i opened my mouth He shoved in and began fucking my throat right away. Even though i choked and gagged He kept fucking. The water running down off His abs blinded me and His cock kept punching down my throat, but still i knelt there, taking it all. Then He grabbed the back of my head, held me tight, His cock lodged deep in my throat, and with a mighty roar once again came down my throat. There was so much cum but all i could do was feel His shaft throb and know that ropes of His cum was shooting directly into my stomach. He relaxed His grip and leaned back against the shower wall. As His cock softened i pulled back to get some air, but then set about licking Him clean. When i'd gotten all the cum licked up i used the soap to make sure He was once again clean. He turned off the water and as i got up to dry Him off my knees popped, rather loud and unexpectedly.

"Gotta remember you're aren't as young as what I'm used to. I'll try not to keep you in positions like that as much." He said this with a laugh and almost joking with me.

"While i appreciate that Sir, i am here to please You Sir. my comfort level is not something You need to consider Sir. i am happy to serve however You desire Sir."

"That's what I wanted to hear faggot." With that He stepped into the robe i held open and then walked out into the living area of the suite. Remembering the rules i followed Him, naked as He'd instructed.

"Now tonight we will be going to dinner. This dinner is being held at the home of a very wealthy client. If tonight is to follow previous dinners there will be six to eight Men there and you will be the only "boy" present. Now there will be his usual household staff, but you are the only service boy." He walked over to the closet and came back with a box. When He opened the box i was a little scared by what i saw. There was a cock cage and a butt plug. Now i'd worn both before but always in play. What scared me was that i also saw a remote and a place on the cage for batteries, which told me that either just the cage or more likely, both of these toys were remote controlled.

"I see you've figured out some of this, so let me explain all of it. Both of these toys are remote controlled. They can either vibrate or produce an electrical shock, depending on the settings on the remote. We have four hours before we need to get ready for dinner and in that time we are going to explore your pain and pleasure levels. you'll notice that the cage has a sound attached to it. While it'll still conduct electricity it is hollow so if needed you can piss, if you are given permission that is. The plug is made of metal and conducts electricity very well, and it has a weight to it so you'll need to make sure you keep it in. Expelling the plug will bring a swift and severe punishment with it, and you don't want that to happen. For the next three hours we will run through all that these two toys can do. Before we leave you'll replace all the batteries so they are nice and fresh. Luckily these batteries are rechargeable and we'll take the extra set along as well, just in case they are needed. Now put them on and in and we'll get started faggot."

i took the butt plug out of the box and felt the weight of it. This would be a minor struggle to keep in just by the weight. i also noticed that it was wider than anything i'd put inside me so that will be a struggle as well. i opted to lick the plug instead of using any lube to help prevent it from slipping or being pushed out. Either way it was going to be a struggle getting it in and out. The case on the other hand was also a struggle. i've not used a sound before but was interested in them so this i did put lube on before shoving it up inside my cock i found the correct ring, got my balls thru and began to slide the cage on, Just this act threatened to get me hard so i tried thinking of other things. Soon i had the cage on, the sound fully inserted and capped and the cage locked on tight. i gave the key to Him when i presented myself for inspection. He gave the cage a shake to make sure it stayed on and the plug a slight tug. Yeah, that was going to be a challenge, keeping that thing inside me. When He was satisfied He took a seat and had me stand in the center of the room.

"Now we are going to test how you react to these toys." With that He picked up the remote, made a couple adjustments and hit a button. All at once my ass was on fire and i felt like a red hot poker had been shoved into my dick. i yelped a little and my hands went to front and back and tried to pull things off, but of course that wasn't going to happen. The sensations stopped but i stood there panting in front of Him.

"That was both pathetic and funny as hell faggot. I had put this on the lowest setting just to see how you'd react and I have to say, I'm really disappointed."

"Permission to speak Sir?"

"Granted faggot."

"Thank You Sir. By order of excuse/reason for my reaction is that i never have experienced this before Sir and was caught by surprise. i have no doubt that by the time we leave for dinner i will be better prepared and will not disappoint or embarrass you in front of the dinner guests Sir."

"That's good to hear faggot. Now, let's move on and give you a nice little work out." For the next hour He alternated between the plug and the cage, shocking me in combination. After an hour He gave me a break from the constant shocks and torments. During this break He shared some more information with me.

"Tonight at dinner these devices will be linked to everyone's cell phone by an app developed just for these toys. For a price they will be able to adjust which toy they want to control, the intensity and the duration. A mild shock to your cock for ten seconds will cost ten dollars. The more intense the more the cost. The longer the shock the more the cost. There will be a goal for you to reach, monetarily that is. The better you do, the closer you get to that total, the better it is for me. See, I'll have to cover the difference. When you've had enough and can't take another jolt, all you have to do is beg for mercy. Once you do that the other guys will stop but I have the final say. I may continue to shock you until I feel you've had enough or I may agree and also stop. That'll be my decision. For the next twenty minutes I will use both of these toys on you so you don't yell in surprise again. Then for the next twenty minute I'll raise it to the mid range and for the last twenty minutes we'll mainly be at full power. I'll warn you know, a couple of the guys will try to make you pass out from pain by doing this. If you pass out the game is over and we tally up what you've made. The usual goal is five thousand dollars. The app displays who owes what and how much is left. When you are quiet they will increase the intensity and duration to try to get you to scream. The less you scream the more you make as well. At the party you will be tied to a St Andrews cross while this is done, but here you will be tied down to the floor. Once our hour here is up we will discuss your performance, what I want you to focus on, how to do better and make more money quicker. There will also be some after care, which I find is very important for both of us. Now, do you agree to this and we'll get started or do you want to withdrawal from not only this but the rest of the week as well?"

"Sir, You've given me a lot of information, and i do appreciate that. I've not done anything like this before but i'm willing to try it to please You Sir. i appreciate You giving me this practice so that i can do a better job for You and hopefully don't embarrass You tonight Sir."

"Very good then faggot. Let's start so we can have some fun!" With that He began to work through the various settings on the toys. First one, then the other, then a combination of the two. Never have i ever felt such pain in my life. Several times He pushed me to the brink of begging for mercy but i held back. By the end of the hour i was exhausted. i didn't realize suffering like that could tire you out so much. When He stopped my body still jerked from the residual built up of muscle spasms. When i finally settled down He'd already untied me and was looking down as i slowly realized He was done.

"Come faggot, let's lay on the bed for a while." As He helped me up i was impressed by His kindness, His tenderness and that made me want to be better for Him, to please Him. As we laid on the bed He held me and gently ran a hand up and down my torso.

"For a new faggot you did very well. I'm impressed by your determination and ability to take pain. In our brief introduction here you would have raised almost three thousand dollars. I have every confidence that you'll be able to raise the five thousand in less than two hours. For now I want you to rest, I know you're exhausted. Sleep and when it's time I'll wake you. Something I rarely say, well done faggot. I'll recharge the batteries and by the time we leave you'll be all set."

i didn't realize how worn out i was but the next thing i knew He was waking me up. He had me shower to get rid of the sweat stink and then we dressed, went downstairs and the car took us to the estate of the Man hosting tonight's dinner. One the way over i stripped and put on the leather harness and shorts He had brought along for me to wear. When we got there i followed Him up to the door, which was opened by one of Mr Henderson's household servants. He smirked as i walked past him and we were escorted into the main part of the house. I was taken into another room and there i was put on a St Andrews cross after i had been stripped. This cross was mobile and was soon moved into the main room. A round of applause came from the assembled Men.

"Aaron, what is this? Why are we looking at some fat old out of shape faggot when you usually bring us such pretty boys to watch suffer? What's going on here? Is this some sort of joke and the real boy is waiting to be brought in?"

"No Jason, this is my slave for this trip. As Bob knows I had a last minute cancelation and this slug works at the resort I'm staying at. he may not be the pretty boy we are all used to but his desire to please is well worth his disgusting appearance. And Bob can vouch for his oral abilities, can't you Bob?"

"Oh yes, yes I can. Not only can you fuck it's throat with abandon but he can take a full load without problems."

"So, with that said, shall we get started?" A chorus of yeses revealed how much they were looking forward to causing someone pain. That kind of scared me, but i knew i'd do my best to make my Master proud of me while at the same time raising the required amount of money.

"The standard rules apply. If the victim begs for mercy all activity will cease, except that from his Owner. Three hours are on the clock to raise the required five thousand dollars. Any amount over that will be given to the victim as compensation. Anything less than that amount will need to be paid by me. Does everyone agree?" Again, a chorus of yeses came from all the Men around the table. "Then let us begin. Have fun!"

With that i felt the first jolt run down my cock joined by a jolt in the ass. Thankfully they started out gently and slowly and things built in both intensity and duration. The sweat started to cover my body and soon i was moaning in pain. Then suddenly the harsh jolt in my ass turned to a soothing purr and i calmed down. But then the intensity increased down the length of my cock causing me to lose focus. Then it seemed that both were full power and i admit it, i screamed, but who wouldn't. As i looked down i saw a scowl over my Master's face and vowed to keep my mouth shut. Long, painful story short, it took me two hours and fifteen minutes to reach the goal, but they kept going. With fifteen minutes left to go my Master called out for the others to stop and to let Him end this session. I couldn't really comprehend what He meant but both toys were put to full power and within two minutes i had passed out. i was barely away of being let down from the cross and falling into His arms. i do remember being carried out to the car but not getting back to His suite. When i did awake several hours later i was in the second bedroom of His suite,curtains closed and covered up. i got up and carefully looked at my cock, which had a little redness to it, but nothing permanent. As i stumbled out into the main areas of the suite i was the light from the tv, then saw Him sitting on the couch with a drink.

"There he is. How's my pain slut doing?"

"Still a little groggy and pretty sore Sir. May i ask how the evening went?"

"As I expected you were able to raise the required five thousand dollars, and then some. In total you raised five thousand four hundred and thirty dollars. Which means you earned four hundred and thirty dollars for yourself. Very good faggot. Most of the boys I bring to these dinners cost me money, you actually saved me money and made a nice tip for yourself. What you do with that money is entirely up to you."

"Well i'd like you to have it Sir. Just as i belong to You so does anything i have."

"Are you sure boy? This is money you earned by suffering."

"Of course i'm sure Sir."

"Good boy then. None of the other boys I've brought along would ever have considered that option. I do think that I may have a more permanent place for you after all."

"Thank You for that Sir. i am honored for that consideration Sir." Where in the hell did that come from? i had just spent almost three hours getting the fuck shocked out of me. Now am i actually considering serving this Man full time? To leave my job and submit to Him, to be controlled by Him each and every moment. This was only the third day of His five day stay. What could the next two days hold? What kind of decision would i make, if given a choice?

Next: Chapter 4

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