Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jun 26, 2023


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Once room service had left i had informed Mr Masters that dinner was served. He got up from the desk and went to the table and just stood by the chair at the head of the table. Taking the hint i went over, pulled out His chair and then scooted it in as He sat down. i held the different dishes for Him as He filled His plate. i then poured Him a glass of wine, the water glass was already filled. As He started eating He simply told me to get under the table and get His cock in my mouth, just holding. i gladly did as instructed and as He ate i held that wonderful cock in my mouth. When He had finished eating He kicked me and told me to get things cleared up and leave them in the hall for room service to pick up. As i crawled out He got up and went to the common area and turned on the tv. Before i started clearing the table i asked if He wanted a cocktail and He replied that He did, same as earlier. i made His drink an took it out to Him, then returned to clear the table an take the cart to the hallway. As i did so i looked back on the evening so far and decided that it wasn't anything i couldn't handle for the rest of the week. After He'd finished His cocktail He went back to the desk to do a little more work, which lasted about an hour. He then announced that He would be getting ready for bed. Thinking that my time of service was done i walked into the bedroom with Him, pulled down the sheets and basically waited to tuck Him in. He let the robe drop to the floor and walked towards the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Um Sir, i was waiting for You to get into bed so that You could get some rest. i'll then get dressed and leave you for the night then return in the morning to continue serving You Sir." His hand came out so quickly that i didn't have time to move before He had slapped my face. Before i knew it the pain registered and i almost fell to the bed.

"Are you really that fucking stupid faggot. I told you that I'd hired you for the week. That means you stay with me 24/7. I may need you in the middle of the night or at 3am so you need to be here. When I told your boss this he was supposed to let you know that your life for the next week revolves around me. Do I make myself clear homo?"

"Yes Sir. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding Sir."

"Good. Now kneel the fuck down and suck my fucking dick." i quickly dropped the bedding, knelt and started sucking that amazing cock again. i felt it growing in my mouth and soon down my throat. His hands had moved from His hips to the back of my head. First just holding my head then taking over and using my head like a flesh light. i soon tasted His precum and knew He was enjoying this.

"Get up on the bed and hang your head over the side. I wanna fuck your throat good and deep." Again i moved as fast as possible to get into position for Him. Soon His balls were battering my eyelids as He fucked all the way down my throat. i'd take a quick breath on His out strokes and tried to relax but yet be responsive. After about twenty minutes like this He picked up the pace and with a final thrust down my throat, coated my tonsils with His last load of the evening. He pulled out and i licked the head clean. Then He pulled me off the bed and onto the floor.

"This is where you'll be sleeping tonight faggot. Set your phone alarm for 5am. Call room service and have my breakfast brought up at 7am. At 6am you will wake me with a nice blowjob. Once I cum you will drink my piss then get out of bed and start the shower. you will join me in the shower and bathe me. More than likely you'll blow me again. Once you've dried me off you'll make sure that breakfast is set up and ready for me. While i eat you will put on the clothes I have laid out for you and then you'll help me dress. We will then go downstairs to the car. From the time we leave this suite you will remain silent unless I speak directly to you. I will give you the rest of your instructions tomorrow. This is enough for now. I will allow you one pillow and a sheet. I suggest you sleep well and not jerk off." With that He turned off the lights and rearranged Himself on the bed above me. While tonight was hot i was looking forward to see what tomorrow would bring.

During the night He woke me up once during the night to use me as a urinal. The flow was strong as was the taste, but nothing i couldn't handle. my alarm went off at 5am as planned and i proceeded to get up, get cleaned up and ready for the day. i ordered His breakfast to be delivered at 7am as requested. By 6am i was ready to wake Him with the first blow job of the day. Crawling under the covers i was greeted by His scent an then moving up i found that awesome cock of His. i kissed the head and then the shaft. Licking and kissing my way around His crotch. After taking the head in my mouth i was rewarded with the taste of His pre-cum. i'd made a few deep strokes when i felt His hand on the back of my head, almost like He was palming a basketball. The pace picked up and then i got a nice mouthful of jizz, which tasted awesome. i licked Him clean and then went to get out of bed but He held me still and i knew i'd be getting more to drink. When He finished i went to start His shower while He finished waking up. In the shower He gave me more instructions.

"After you dry me off I will shave and finish getting ready for the day. you will make sure breakfast is ready. While i eat you'll be under the table holding my cock in your mouth. Just hold it, no suction or movement unless I direct otherwise. I will read the paper and listen to the news while I eat. I like to stay informed in regards as to what's going on in the world. After breakfast you'll dress in the clothes I have put out for you. Have the car ready for us at 8 and we'll go to the first meeting of the day. Once there you will function as an assistant to me, making sure to be out of the way, but ready to serve when directed. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, i understand." The rest of the morning went without incident and we were in the car when He next spoke to me.

"Take my dick out and slowly suck me. This isn't to get me off but to fluff me up. It's important that my cock be hard when we get out of the car. This customer views such things as a sign of confidence so I make sure my cock is always hard when meeting with him." i quickly knelt on the floor in front of Him, unzipped His pants and started to suck Him. Didn't take long for His cock to get hard so my main focus was keeping it hard without letting Him cum. Thankfully we were close to this first appointment so that wasn't a problem.

"you'll follow me inside and do exactly as I tell you. Nothing more and nothing less. Understand?"

"Yes Sir i understand." When we got to the appointment i followed Him in to meet with the CEO of the company. i somehow felt that i was being looked over by the CEO and tried to look my best for Him. i stood behind Him yet where i could still see whatever He had in front of Him. The CEO took a seat at the head of the table and the discussion began. Now i'm not real sure of everything they talked about but i noticed that Sir's water glass was half empty so i got the pitcher and refilled it. Then i noticed that the CEO's glass was almost empty and looked at Sir. With a slight nod of His head i moved to refill his glass as well.

"Pardon me for saying this Aaron, but this one seems a bit outside your normal requirements for a PA."

"No problem Bob, but you see, the one I had scheduled to come along on this trip canceled at the last minute. This on is actually the Head Concierge at the resort I'm currently at. He had all the qualifications I was looking for so I hired him for this week on a trial basis. if he works out I may offer him a permanent job."

"How are his oral skills? I have no doubt that if you brought him along with you to this meeting they must be decent at least"

"I'll let you decide for yourself Bob. faggot, Strip and crawl over to Mr Henderson and give him a blow job." i hesitate for just a moment before starting to strip. As i did so i could feel their eyes on me and i know i blushed. i could feel the heat of it covering my boy. When i was finally naked i crawled across the room to where Mr Henderson was seated. He had His legs crossed so i had no other option but to beg to suck Him off.

"Please Mr Henderson Sir. May this lowly faggot suck Your cock?"

"I'm not sure about that. Usually I get some hot little twink looking boy to use, not some pathetic old out of shape faggot like you."

"i understand Sir that i am not as visually appealing as the faggots my Master has brought along with Him but i promise You i can perform just as well as they can Sir. my only goal is to make You enjoy the pleasure of a warm wet mouth and throat engulfing Your awesome cock Sir."

"Haha....he sure talks a good game Aaron. Now lets see if he can live up to what he's promised me." With that He unzipped His pants and lowered them to His ankles, allowing His legs to part. i moved in and began by inhaling His scent, then licking His balls. As i worked my way around His crotch His cock began to grow. His cock wasn't as awesome as my Master's cock but it was still a real mouthful. i opened my mouth and began to swallow His cock and about half way down i felt His hands on the back of my head. He was soon thrusting up into my mouth and throat. Then with a grunt my mouth was filled with His jizz. i quickly swallowed twice before the stream of cum coming out of Him was reduced to a dribble. When He finished i pulled back and licked the shaft and head clean of any left over jizz, making sure to milk His cock from the base up.

"So Bob, what do you think? Did he do a good enough job?"

"Oh yes, he did quite well. Drained my balls nicely. So lets move on to business now shall we?"

"Of course Bob. And you boy, get dressed and take your place back in the corner."

"Yes Sir." i got up, got dressed and then took my place back in the corner. They began talking about whatever deal they were working on, which i tried to follow but got lost. As i stood there i noticed that their glasses were once again approaching empty so i refilled them again and then returned to my corner. This went on for another couple hours an then i could tell that things were winding down. Soon they both got up and started shaking hands so i watched for signs they were moving towards the door and had it open before they got there. i followed my Master down the hall and out to the car. Once we were in the car He had me strip and get between His legs again. This time instead of a nice slow blow job He held my head completely down on His cock. As we pulled into the resort He had me dress again so that we wouldn't make to big of a scene as we went to His suite. Once in the suite however He barked at me to get naked and was throwing His clothes off faster than i'd ever seen anyone strip. He walked over to me, punched me in the gut knocking the wind out of me and taking me to my knees. He took advantage of my situation, grabbed a handful of hair and began to fuck my face with almost an anger. As He was pummeling my throat He began to talk, but not to me.

"Take that you disgusting pile of shit. Swallow my fucking dick just like you swallow the bullshit I tell you. Make me think you're doing me a fucking favor by giving me a lower price on those parts. Fucking shit head knows he can't sell that shit to anyone else. Nobody wants his sub par crap and you know it. I'm doing you a fucking favor buying that shit from you." With every statement He punched my throat even harder. Suddenly He pulled me to my feet, spun me around and bent me over the couch. He shoved into me with one hard shove and He was balls deep inside me. He fucked me with anger and passion, bucking His hips to drive Himself even deeper into me. He reached around and grabbed onto my throat, pulled back an shoved in even deeper. He pounded me even harder as He kept talking down about Mr. Henderson and the deal they'd struck. With a roar He pulled my head back and shoved His awesome cock deep inside me. i could feel Him pumping His load way inside where nobody had been for a very long time. He pulled out and walked over to one of the chairs. His cock was softening and He just looked at me. i took the hint and went over, knelt between His legs and began to lick Him clean.

"Ah that's better. Damn that fucking old queer really burns my ass. Thinking anyone else will buy that poorly made crap he's selling. Just really burns me up that he doesn't think I know he's pawning his shit off to me. The last time I had to deal with him the boy I'd brought along had to go to the hospital he made me so fucking mad. But not you, you took everything I had and could have taken some more. There just might be a place for you yet. Go start the shower and I'll be in shortly."

"Yes Sir, right away Sir."

"Oh and faggot, we have a dinner to go to tonight. I've got something special for you to wear. At first I'm sure you'll like it but by the end of the night you'll hate it. But it's all about my pleasure now isn't it faggot."

"Yes Sir. i look forward to pleasing You Sir." And off i went to start the shower. i wondered what it could be but since i was a last minute replacement it was meant for the guy that canceled. i only hoped i'd continue to please Him. So far this wasn't such a bad assignment.

Next: Chapter 3

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