Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jun 25, 2023


I work for a large, high end, hotel/resort in a very popular vacation area. The property that I work at often hosts high ranking officers of their respective companies. It is my job to make sure all goes smoothly with their stay. Most of these executives require little in the way of special needs, but some will request a local girl once in a while. Sometimes there are special food or drinks requested, but nothing I couldn't handle.

When I got to work I picked up my assignment sheet and saw that Mr. Aaron Masters would be the only VIP coming in today. Our private limo would get him at the airport and bring him to the hotel. This way I knew when to be ready for him. Per his advanced instructions I had made sure that there was fresh fruit and a meat and cheese plate ready for his arrival in his suite. At the signal from the limo driver I went outside the private entrance to greet Mr. Masters. The car pulled up and i opened the door, expecting an older gentleman only because he is VP of Operations for a very large company. Instead out stepped this young man, mid to late 30's I would guess. And I say young only because of his position, not like he's some twenty year old or anything.

"Greetings Mr Masters. I am Daniel and am at your service. If at any time you need anything don't hesitate to let me know." While saying this I handed him my business card and was walking him inside. By being one of our VIP's he is taken into the hotel thru a private entrance. Once inside we step into the private elevator that only services the upper four floors where the VIP's stay. We like to think that this extra service sets us above the rest of the area hotels. On the way up to the sixteenth floor I explain the amenities the hotel provides, nearby restaurants, just general information. All the while Mr Masters is silent and I soon become silent myself, taking my cue from him. I lead him to his suite, open the door, and follow him in. As I walk him thru the suite his luggage arrives so that's taken care of.

"As I say Mr Masters, I am at your service 24/7. Anything you need to make your stay more enjoyable, just let me know Sir. If there's nothing else I will leave you to relax from your flight."

"There is one thing." This is the first time he's spoken and the sound of his voice is amazing. Strong, commanding, soft, almost like he'd taken his hand and put it to the side of my face. I'd never met a man like this and wasn't sure how to react. I'm sure that I blushed but tried to remain professional.

"Yes Sir, what might that be?"

"I usually travel with a personal servant. Someone that services my every need, but mostly my sexual needs. I am a very highly sexual Man with a very high sex drive. Now usually I have a sub that travels with me but at the last minute he canceled on me. So now I'm left without a way to safely release and it's going to affect my work. Therefore I need have someone to take his place."

"I will admit Mr Masters, this is a new request for me, but I will do my best to find what you are looking for. Can you tell me a bit more about what this servant needs to do, what you look for and desire in your, um, for lack of better phrasing, "sex slave" needs to be?"

"The main thing, especially at this late time, is that he be submissive, able to follow orders, be open to new experiences, and have a high desire to please me."

"Sounds simple enough. What about age range Sir?"

"To be honest, most of my previous subs have been younger than me but I'm now considering someone older."

"Body type I take it should be slim, athletic and defined muscles."

"There again, that's what I usually require, but as I say, I'm now considering an older sub. I understand that his body won't be what gets my attention, but it's more his attitude, his desire to please me, his ability to follow orders."

"I'm sorry Sir, but I'm getting a little confused as to what you are looking for." As soon as I said that Mr Masters looked directly into my eyes. I felt that he was looking deeper into me, trying to look into my soul.

"Kneel boy" Keeping eye contact I slowly knelt. Why was I doing this? What was going on? All I knew is that I needed to please Him, to follow His instructions. He took a couple steps forward until my head was titled all the way back so that i could maintain eye contact with Him. Soon He was standing right against me, He had kicked my legs open so that He could get closer. His hand went to the back of my head and pushed my face into His crotch.

"Inhale faggot. Take in my scent. Let it wrap around your weak little mind. Get lost in the aroma of the Man that now owns you." And i did, everything that He just said. i inhaled deeply with my face in His crotch. i could feel His cock growing inside His pants. The smell seeping thru those pants was intoxicating, drawing me in deeper.

"Without using your hands pull My zipper down queer." Now i'm no activist but even still, being called faggot and queer by a Man i'd just met, even though i'm on my knees inhaling the smell from His crotch, those words would have offended me. But coming from Him they seemed normal, expected. He wasn't saying them with disgust but using them as He would have used my name, and oddly, i was alright with that. my tongue came out to lift the tab of His zipper and then my teeth latched on and slowly pulled the zipper down. As it go to the bottom of the line my nose was actually going into His pants. The smell was amazing. Pure Alpha mixed with sweat and primal animal sex. i heard Him chuckle above me and felt His hand push my nose in further.

"That's it homo. Smell the Man that owns you. Soon that's how you'll want all of the air you inhale to smell. Tell me danny, how would you like to be my, as you called it, sex slave, for the duration of my stay here?"

"i....i...um...appreciate the offer Sir, but i have my job here at the resort. i won't be able to supply You with the service You deserve Sir."

"What if I speak to management. Tell them how important this is to me. That if it doesn't happen my company may take their business elsewhere. Do you think that would motivate them to allow you to serve me 24/7?" i have to admit, i was lost in His scent. It had invaded my mind. All i could think of was how can i get a steady supply of this Man's scent?

"It may Sir. At least it's worth a try."

"Give me the name and number of who to contact and by the end of your shift I'll have everything arranged. For now, take one deep breath then get up and leave. Go back downstairs and wait for confirmation that you'll be my slave for the duration of my stay." i inhaled as He directed, then slowly got up, went to the desk and wrote down the contact information He'd requested, turned and left His suite. Within an hour the owner of the resort was standing in my office.

"Daniel, I have a special assignment for you. It seems that Mr. Masters has been taken by you. I'm not really clear as to what's going on but he's requested that you be his personal assistant during his stay with us. That means you'll be going to with him to his business meetings, and you'll also be given special permission to be in the resort in your off hours and even in guest spaces as required by Mr Masters. I want you to cater to his every whim, no matter how strange it may be. His company provides us with a lot of business so do whatever it takes to please him. Do I make myself clear Daniel?"

"Yes Sir."

"I'm counting on you to do your very best Daniel. His company gives us a lot of business. Mr Masters expects you at his suite within the hour. Finish up what you have going on here, leave notes for your assistant, then get your ass up there. I have confidence that you'll do all you can to please him Daniel."

"Thank you sir for that. I'll do my best not to let you, or Mr Masters, down Sir." With that he left my office and I proceeded to tie up some loose ends, fill my assistant in on what was going on, who was expected this week, the usual business stuff. Then I locked up a few things and headed up to His suite. On the elevator ride i started to get hard thinking of what lay ahead of me this week. Remembering His scent made my cock throb. Finally the elevator stopped and i walked up to His suite. i knocked on the door and waited. Finally He opened the door. He had changed out of His suite and was now in nothing but the white robe provided by the hotel. He'd left it slightly open exposing a well defined chest, lightly tanned, smooth, barefoot with long legs and strong looking thighs. Thighs that i longed to kneel between.

"From now on you will use your key to open this door. I shouldn't have to do something this basic for you of all people. Now, get in here danny."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir." He was already moving back into the suite as i closed and locked the door. i followed Him and found Him on the couch in the sitting area. Some light jazz music was softly playing and i could tell that He'd been looking out the sliding glass doors that opened to the balcony. This room of His suite looked out over the city and at night looked good with all the lights. But that's not what He was interested in at the moment.

"Strip" That was all He said. A command so simple yet filled me with fear and anxiety. "Why the hesitation boy?"

"Sir, in all honesty i'm not what You usually have serving You Sir. i'm out of shape, probably twice the age of the guys You usually have in this position. Frankly Sir, i'm intimidated by all of this."

"Do you want to serve me?"

"Yes Sir, very much Sir."

"Then that's all you need to worry about. Stop over thinking things and just serve. Do as you're fucking told, nothing more and nothing less. Understand?"

"Yes Sir"

"Good. Strip." This time i didn't hesitate and began to take my clothes off. When i was finally naked before Him He instructed me to turn around, slowly. i felt even more naked than just taking my clothes off as i turned my fat, old out of shape body before this incredibly hot Man. He could have anyone He wanted, male or female, top or bottom, yet for some reason He decided on me. When i got back to facing Him i was surprised to see that He had fully opened His robe and was slowly stroking one of the most beautiful cocks i'd ever seen. i know i gave a little gasp because He gave a small chuckle.

"Most people have that reaction when they see my hard cock. I expected nothing less from you faggot. Now, come kneel between my legs and put your nose to my balls. Just sit there and inhale and listen to me." Didn't have to tell me twice! i was kneeling between His legs in a heart beat, nose to the balls just like He said. As i sat there inhaling His scent once again He laid out the general expectations for the week.

"you will be spending a lot of time with my cock in your mouth boy. Sometimes sucking and other times just holding. Sometimes you'll be used as a urinal. Sometimes I'll be kind to you and at other times I will hurt you. All depends on how my day has been going. There will also be times when you accompany me to meetings. During those times you may be required to get under the table and blow the Men there, while other times you may get spanked and then sent to the corner. Depends on what the clients prefer. Most days on the ride back here you will be between my legs blowing me, but stopping before I cum. That will be reserved for up here most days. While in the suite you will be naked at all times, even if room service brings a meal in. I don't give a fuck that you work with these people. Right now, for this week, you work for me and do as I tell you. Any questions faggot?"

"Sir i understand that i will be Yours to command and basically control. my goal this week is to provide You with service beyond excellence so that You may consider using me again Sir."

"If you do a good enough job I may consider hiring you full time, but that's a discussion for later in the week. Right now I want you to swallow my entire cock and hold it down for a count of fifteen faggot." With that said i swallowed His entire cock to the balls. The groan He let out let me know i'd done the right thing. Over the next hour i orally edged Him until He was beyond control. When He finally blasted the back of my throat i could have sworn there'd be a hole there. As He came down i softly licked His cock and balls clean. Then He told me to just take the head of His cock in my mouth and i knew what that meant. i was soon swallowing the first of many piss loads from this Man. Strong and powerful, just like Him. He pushed me away and closed His robe.

"Order me some dinner boy. you know what is good in this place so I'm counting on you to get me the best meal possible. Also a nice bottle of wine to go with the meal. I will allow you to have a chicken caesar salad and a bottle of water. I may allow you to have my left overs depending on what you order me. I'll be doing some paperwork to get ready for tomorrow. You will answer the door naked and escort room service to the dining area where you will set the table. Add a ten percent gratuity and be aware that it comes out of your pay." He turned and walked out of the room to the desk area. i got busy, called room service and waited for them to arrive. What had i gotten myself in to? Was this a "career" move i would even consider? That night as He fucked me i had all the answers i needed.

Next: Chapter 2

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