Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Sep 11, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 6

"Aaron, I got to tell you a few things about Mike."

"Okay Sam."

Sam got up and grabbed two beers and sat down close to me.

"I had a long talk with Mike yesterday afternoon. I mean like we only had two trucks in all afternoon so we sat and talked."

"While Jimmy and I were sucking each other." I laughed.

"Well you can't tell Jimmy. Mike got abused and raped by his neighbor's son when he was 13. He never told Jimmy and later he raped Jimmy. Well Jimmy loved it and has told Mike he loves him, but Mike only loves Jimmy coz he will do anything he says. Jimmy's been Mike's bitch boy since they were fourteen."

"Now he wants you to be his bitch boy too. Aaron, I'm really not happy with this idea. He already told me what he makes Jimmy do and even had a few guys he knows at Monroe High screwing Jimmy or sucking them. He might make it real difficult for us if anyone finds out we are boy friends. Mike said your Grandpa said we would be going to Monroe in the fall."

"Really, I wonder why Grandpa hasn't said anything to us." "Well maybe he's saving it as a surprise or something."

"You remember he mentioned that Gary doesn't do any of the school functions. Well I know all about what happened to Gary. He got into trouble when he was fifteen and ended up in a Juvenile detention Center in Atlanta. He got raped while he was in the Center. The boy that raped him got 15 years and Gary never really recovered. When Mike found out he tried to get Gary and Gary told his Dad. Now his Dad has a hold over Mike. It so strange, I'm going crazy just thinking about what we may have got ourselves into."

"Well we can just go back to the way it was. I'll tell Mike I don't want to be his bitch boy."

"Well that might work here, but what happens when we start school in Monroe. He could tell everyone you're gay and then what?"

"Big deal. So they find out I'm gay. Grandpa knows, hell probably everyone on the farm knows. I don't care Sam."

"Well there's going to be some guys that do care. If they find out we're boy friends it could be even harder. It may not be said openly but there is still a lot of racial prejudice in this State. You having a black boy for a boy friend could be real bad."

"I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

"I just don't want you to get hurt for me Aaron."

When I looked at Sam's face, he was almost in tears. I just pulled him down and kissed him.

"What ever happens Sam, I'll always love you."

We heard Mike and Jimmy coming up the stairs. I just stayed glued to Sam. Mike came in with a big smile.

"Come on bitch I need to piss," He said to me.

"Go use the toilet or use your other bitch. I'm not now or ever will be your bitch Mike."

"Oh yes you are going to be my bitch boy and you are going to do exactly as I say or the whole fucking county of Monroe will know you are a faggot."

"Big deal Mike. So I'm gay. There's no law against it. That's also a two way street. How would all your macho friends on the football team think when they find out you take it up the ass too? That should make things pretty equal. Maybe I should make you my bitch boy."

Well I though mike was going to have a heart attack. His face turned red and he started breathing real hard. I just laughed at him.

He made to attack me and Sam came out of the chair we were in like a shot. Mike stopped and looked at Sam and then stormed out of the loft. Jimmy slumped into one of chairs and started to cry.

"Why did you do that Aaron? Now he's just going to take it all out on me." He cried.

"Oh no he's not Jimmy. I'm going to fix this once and for all. You two wait here." I stormed down the steps and made a bee line for the main house.

I met Grandma in the hall as I walked in.

"Is Grandpa around?"

"He's in the den Aaron." "Thanks Grandma." I gave her a hug and headed for Grandpa's den.

He was working at his desk when I walked in. He took one look at me and sat back.

"You got a problem Son?"

"Yeah Grandpa and have no idea what to do."

He got up and walked over and shut the door to the den.

"You want a beer Aaron?"

"Thanks Grandpa." He grabbed two, handed me one and sat down.

I just sat and told him everything. I left out most of the sex parts, but I'm sure he could read between the lines. When I was done I was almost in tears. He just sat and looked at me.

"Where are Sam and Jimmy now?"

"In the carriage house I guess Grandpa."

He picked up the phone and dialed. Said a few words and hung up. About two minutes later Sam and Jimmy walked into the den.

"You boys grab yourselves a beer and sit down."

"Aaron has told me everything that has been going on around here in the last while. I know he cleaned it up for my benefit, although even I can imagine what four teen boys can get up to. What you don't know is that I was already aware of most of it. Aaron just filled a few blanks."

"Jimmy, I've known your family for a long time as well as Mike's family. Your Father and Mike's knew both you boys were gay along time ago and pretty much figured you two boys were boy friends. Considering you spent almost all your waking hours together it was pretty obvious."

"Because of how close our families have been I knew just about everything that was going on. However about three years ago, Mike's Dad saw a change in his Son. When rumors started to float around about Mike, he did some digging and found out that Mike tried to rape Gary. Well Gary of course went to his Dad and Mike and his dad were warned to leave Gary alone or else."

We thought that had ended it. Now Aaron tells me it's still going on and you Jimmy are Mikes, for want of a better word toy. Well that's going to end today."

"Up until now, I have been sitting on the sidelines in all that's been happening between you and Mike's families, because it is a family matter and really none of my business. However now someone I love very much has been threatened and that makes me part of this sordid affair."

"Any idea where Mike went?"

"No Grandpa."

He picked up the phone and dialed. Talked for few minutes and then made three more calls. He just sat for few minutes. The phone rang and he answered, grunted a couple of times and then a 'Thank you John' and hung up.

"Grab yourselves another beer boys, it's going to be a long night."

We sat not saying anything. I had no idea what was going on. Grandpa dialed again and I heard.

"Thanks Jeremy and keep it under your hat for now."

About fifteen minutes later a man walked in I didn't know.

"Hi Jed, glad you could make it. That's Aaron my Grandson and Sam his boy friend sitting together. You already know Jimmy."

Jimmy had a real scared look on his face.

"Hello Aaron, Sam. How are you tonight Jimmy?"

"I'm fine Sir." Jimmy said.

A few minutes later another man walked into the den. Jimmy was out of his chair like a bullet and into the mans arms. He was crying his head off.

"Easy son. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He guided his son to one of the couches and sat down.

Grandpa mixed all the men a drink and sat back down. Then he told them everything I had said and few other things that even I didn't know. They both sat silently even after Grandpa had finished.

Finally the man named Jed spoke up.

"I'm very, very sorry Aaron, Sam. I'm even more sorry for you Jimmy. I should have done what was really right when Gary accused him. At that time we decided, that is Gary's Dad and myself that we would cover it up. I told you Harold, but no one else. Marion, I'm also sorry I didn't bring you into this, but I thought Mike was in love with Jimmy. Now I know it was more a one way affair. Well it all ends tonight."

"Do any of you know where Mike is now?"

"Well he stormed out of the carriage house earlier." I said.

"He's not on the Farm and I asked Jeremy to check if he went home." "Well he wasn't home when I left earlier, but then I was in my office when you called Harold."

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"Prior to the incident with Gary, there had been rumors floating around Monroe county about a boy forcing other boys to his bidding. No names were mentioned but, now I know it was my Son Mike. I should have taken action when Gary accused him of trying to rape him. I'm going to turn him over for prosecution for attempted rape."

"In reality Mike is not really my Son. I adopted him when he was eight. Lately he's been following his own path and we really haven't spoken much since Gary accused him and I confronted him with the accusation. I thought that would end it then and there, but I see now he just totally ignored what I told him would happen if I heard about it again."

"Aaron you might think by just letting my Son go is pretty bad as his father, but there's a lot more to it than just that."

"Our Families go a long way back. Your Great Grandpa and I along with Marion and even governor grew up together. Your Great Grandpa actually set the border between our two counties, much to the displeasure of old man Jackson. But it didn't end there. Your Great Grandpa and even your Grandpa have always helped out everyone in this part of the State. You already know about the relationship between your Grandpa and the Governor, but now you should know without either of those two men Monroe County would never even have come about. We own your Grandpa a debt we can never repay. Now we can right a real wrong and I have no problem with turning in my own Son. He broke the law and just like anyone else should pay for that crime."

The den got a whole lot more crowded when another man walked in. I was out of my chair in a flash and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hi Uncle Jeremy." I said.

He wasn't really my Uncle. He was black, but I could remember him bouncing me on his knee when I was visiting the farm along time ago. I had seen him lots at the farm over the last few years.

"Damn boy. You get bigger every time I see you." He said as he rubbed my back.

"Uncle, this is my boy friend Sam." Sam stood up.

"You take good care of Aaron Sam or you will definitely hear from me." He shook Sam's hand.

"I will Sir. I love him."

"Jed, Mikes in jail. He was caught doing 120 on the interstate and blew 1.0. So we got him on a DUI. What else you want?"

"You can charge him with attempted rape of Gary Ferguson. I know it happened a while ago, but there's no statute of limitations even if he was a minor at the time."

"I know the circumstance and didn't agree at the time, but like you I thought he would change."

"Well he tried the same shit with Aaron and Sam and that was the last straw."

"Will you Aaron and Sam give me a statement?"

"Do we have to Grandpa?"

"No, there is still the signed statement from Gary Ferguson. That will be enough to convict him." "Grandpa, do you need us here anymore?"

"No Aaron, you boys can go."

"Can I go with them dad?" Jimmy asked.

"Sure Son." They hugged and Jimmy followed us out of the den.

Sam and I put our arms around Jimmy as we walked back to the loft. He was still sniffling.

Sam grabbed three beers from the fridge even though I didn't really need one. I was pretty tipsy already.

"You know I really did love Mike. But I guess it was really just one way." Jimmy said.

"And I guess I'm partly to blame too."

"Did you know Mike was raped by his neighbor Jimmy?"

"Really! No I didn't. When did that happen?"

Sam told Jimmy what Mike had told him.

"That's why he never told he liked to get fucked too. He was sure you wouldn't understand, especially considering he liked it."

"I guess that's why he did it to me too."

"Enough of this about Mike. I'm just glad it's over." I said.

We just sat not talking for a while. I finally slid my hand down inside Sam's shorts.

"Shit Aaron. Didn't you get enough already today?"

"I'll never get enough of you Sam and now I got Jimmy to please too. A three way is much better than four. Everybody gets something."

Sam laughed.

"Okay white boy, better get them shorts off."

"Oh yes Massa. White boy love your black snake."

Sam and Jimmy burst out laughing. I sure didn't take long to get naked.

"You know Aaron; I could probably show you how you could fuck too. I thought I was a bottom too until a guy that was fucking me showed me how to do it."

"Well I don't know Jimmy. I mean I get hard when I think about it but every time I get close to Sam's butt I go soft. I'm sure I'm just a bottom."

"Well its up to you, but we could try."

"Well later maybe. Now I want Sam's dick in my ass and yours in my mouth."

Jimmy didn't object and was naked just as fast as I was. I just kneeled between his legs and slid his cock into my mouth. I loved Jimmy's cock. It was perfect for sucking. Long enough to go right into my throat and thick enough to feel great. Sam just lined up and shoved his dick into me as I was sucking Jimmy's cock. Problem was he never used any lube and it hurt like hell when he entered me. I screamed around Jimmy's cock. Sam knew immediately what he had done and stopped.

I lifted off Jimmy's cock.

"Don't stop Sam. It's inside now." I went back on Jimmy's cock.

Sam started to fuck me. Next problem was, every time he entered me hard I was pushed onto Jimmy's cock. I gagged the first few times then it got into a rhythm. I loved it then.

Jimmy must have been real horny coz he came pretty quick. Problem for me was with Sam hammering my ass, I couldn't pull back to swallow, so when I did swallow Jimmy's dick was pulled deeper. My nose was mashed into his pubes as he came. Well Sam soon blew too, so I was filled from both ends.

Sam pulled out and I pulled off Jimmy's cock and turned. I took Sam's cock into my mouth.

"No Aaron." Sam said too late.

Well when I sucked on Sam's cock I knew why he had protested. It was covered in my shit and his come. I didn't care at that point just sucked away at Sam's cock. I stopped and pulled off.

"Come on Jimmy. Fuck me." I went back to sucking Sam's cock.

Sam didn't take long to get hard and jimmy was inside me pretty quick too. This time it would last longer and I could enjoy it more. Well Jimmy slammed my ass like Mike had done and I loved it. It also made me suck and swallow Sam's nice cock. I was damn near faint before Sam blew in my throat. Jimmy still fucked me for a while before he came. I did the same thing; I just sucked his cock clean.

I sat back against the couch and drained the now warm beer.

"God I love both of you now." I said after I had time to get my breathe back.

That got both of them beside me hugging me.

"Jimmy, I can share with you. I guess I love you like I love Aaron."

Jimmy just cried and I hugged him.

"Well come on my two loves. I need some sleep."

WE staggered into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I had Sam on one side and Jimmy on the other. Sleep came real easy.

When I woke up I was alone in bed. I looked at the clock. Damn missed breakfast again and then remembered it was Sunday and the cook shack had brunch from 8 till 1.

I rolled to a sitting position and wondered where Sam and Jimmy were. That was answered when they both came out of the bathroom nude.

"Come on love, we'll help you." Sam said.

They let me piss and then cleaned me out. I had a hard time concentrating on what they were doing. Both real nice cocks were right in front of my face. I could have sucked both right then and there.

When I reached for Sam's cock he backed off.

"Later Baby." He laughed.

Then they washed me in the shower. Well it was real crowded with three and I was rock hard when they were done.

"I'll take care of that in a minute love." Jimmy said.

Well after drying me they led me back to the bedroom. Jimmy dropped and sucked my cock. Well after not getting off last night and not knowing if I did during the night I came pretty quick. Jimmy just swallowed it all down.

"You are real sweet Aaron. I love it."

Sam tossed me a pair of boxer briefs and shorts. He was already in shorts and a t-shirt. I dressed as Jimmy did. I slipped on a t-shirt and we headed down for brunch.

Well until I got there I didn't know how hungry I was. Even Joshua commented on the amount of food I put away. We were just sitting drinking coffee when Grandpa showed up. He grabbed a coffee.

"How you boys doing this morning?"

"I'm fine Grandpa. I said and Sam said the same.

"I'm good Sir." Jimmy said.

"It's just Grandpa or Harold Jimmy. No one calls me Sir."

"I wish you were my Grandpa." Jimmy said and then broke down crying.

Grandpa was quick to wrap him in his arms.

"I'll be your Grandpa is you want Son."

Jimmy just bawled in Grandpa's arms. I guess everything he had been through and all the feeling came out at once. Grandpa just held him and let him cry it out.

I was pretty much feeling the same way and I saw a tear running down Sam's face. I just pulled him close to me.

It took about fifteen minutes before thing got back to normal. "Thanks Grandpa. I guess I really needed it." Jimmy said.

"Well like I told Aaron and Sam, you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm always available for you boys. You are all pretty special to me. So what do you have planned for today?"

"Well Jimmy wants to pick up some more clothes and get his check cashed. So I figured Aaron and I will run him over to Tyler and then hit Callum and get his check cashed."

"Well I can cash your check Jimmy. I do for the hands here too. Now if you guys plan on going to Tyler, you can't take that piece of junk farm truck. Better take my truck instead." He handed me the keys.

"Thanks Grandpa." I said.

"When you get back I got a surprise for you Aaron."

"You mean like going to high school in Monroe?"

"Well no. But keep that under your hats, it is not common knowledge yet what is going on. I explain it all later."

"Jimmy, you come with me and I'll cash your check. You boys come and see me when you get back. Drive carefully Aaron."

"For sure Grandpa."

Well driving Grandpa's truck was a dream and I wished I had one like it. We got to Jimmy's place without incident and he packed some clothes to stay at the farm. His Mom and Dad came home from church as we were helping Jimmy. He hugged both and then gave his 200 dollars.

"Can you give that to Jerry? He loaned me some money and I said I'd pay him back." "Sure Son. You boys drive careful."

Well I took the long way back to the farm coz I really loved to drive that truck. I wished I had my own now more than ever and figured if I saved all summer I might have enough to buy a good used truck. We parked at the house and after Jimmy dropped his stuff in the loft we went to see Grandpa.

"Is Grandpa around Grandma?"

"He's down at the machinery barn Aaron. He told me to tell you boys to see him there."

We walked down to the barn and inside. Grandpa and John were standing by an old Army Jeep. I could tell it was Army by the color. It didn't look like much, with a missing headlight and cracked windshield, but I liked it.

"Well, what do you think Aaron?"

"It's nice Grandpa. Who's is it?"

"Well it was bought by my Dad for me and I used it quite a bit when I was younger. I didn't really do much to it as you can see. If you want it, it's yours. All the new parts are under that canvas. You guys could fix it up when you have spare time on weekends. It would make I nice vehicle to get you to work and to school in the fall."

"Really Grandpa? You mean its mine now. Fanfuckingtastic!" I almost screamed and then thought about what I had said.

"Sorry Grandpa, I didn't mean to swear."

Both Grandpa and John laughed.

I gave Grandpa a hug and then put my arms around Sam and Jimmy. "What do you guys think? Think we could fix it up?"

"For sure love."

"Yeah, I'll help too." Jimmy said.

"Once you boys get it fixed up you can run it over to the body shop in Callum and they can fix the body works and paint it for you. I'll tell Blaine you will be coming."

"Okay Grandpa." Him and John left us alone in the barn.

We walked around and just looked at it. When Sam tried to start it we found it had a dead battery. We looked at all the parts and stuff Grandpa had for it. We saw it would take quite a few days to get it cleaned up and repaired. We spent an hour in the barn and headed up to the loft.

"So what do you guys want to do for the next three hours? Dinner will be a Family affair tonight as usual. So we got the rest of the afternoon."

"Well I got to move my stuff to the bunk house." Jimmy said.

"No you don't. Sam and I already talked about it and we want you here too. That way I can relax during the day. Having you both in bed with me at night means I'll get all I ever need. We told you we loved you Jimmy."

Jimmy got all teary eyed when I said that.

"I just figured you guys being boy friends would like some time alone."

"Not without you Jimmy." Sam said.

"Well lets grab some beer and we can head down to the swimming hole and I can work on my tan." I said.

"Fat chance Aaron." Sam laughed.

We quickly stripped to just shorts and runners. Sam grabbed the small cooler, put a half dozen beer in. We grabbed towels and headed for the swimming hole.

Well I did work on my tan coz Jimmy and Sam screwed each other. We didn't pee in each others mouth like we had been, but that didn't stop me from sucking the guys cock after they screwed. I guess I kind of like the taste, at least it didn't bother me. Sam thought it was gross until he tried it and I knew Jimmy had been doing a lot worse with Mike the asshole.

For the most part we just swam and lay in the sun. It was a nice relaxing afternoon.

We headed back and changed for Dinner. Grandpa always had everyone at Sunday Dinner and usually a few extras were there too. This night Jimmy's Mom and Dad and brother were there too along with Gary and his Dad. It was a great dinner and all the men folk just went and sat on the veranda after dinner.

Well all the older guys started talking about the county and farming asnd I really wasn't interested. I kind of nodded to Sam and we got up.

"We're going to the loft Grandpa and leave you guys to talk shop. Come on Gary, Jerry unless you guys want to hear all this stuff."

The five of us headed for the loft.

I was super surprised when Gary put his arms around me and hugged me.

"Thanks Aaron for what you did. Maybe now I can put all that behind me. I was so scared everyone would find out I was gay. Mike used raze me all the time."

"Oh shit Gary. I honestly thought you were straight, not that it would have made any difference."

"You got to promise you won't say anything to my Dad."

"Of course Gary. Everything said here is just for us. I mean Aaron and I are Gay and so is Jimmy. Aaron and I and I guess Jimmy now, we're boyfriends." Sam said.

"About fucking time you came out Bro." Jerry said.

"You mean you knew Jerry?"

"Hey Bro, its kind of hard not to know when you flaunt that big dick every time you got near Mike. Damn I wish I had known what that cocksucker was doing I'd of killed the Son of a Bitch."

"It's okay Jerry. It's over now."

"Well I guess I'll get to know you guys better now. I start day shift in the pit tomorrow." Gary said.

"Really. I didn't know that." I said.

But then again I never knew what grandpa was doing. He seemed to always do things so that he manipulated the way he wanted things to go.

"He said something about bringing in another cat to start working the old Stanton Farmstead."

"Guess he means his D6."

"Well that's cool coz I can run a D6 real good." Gary said.

"Well we'll find out tomorrow." Sam got up and grabbed five beers from his small fridge.

"Damn you guys got all comforts of home." Jerry laughed as he popped the can of beer.

We talked a while and I found out Gary drove almost as far as Mike and Jimmy had to get to and from work.

"Gary, I could check with Grandpa and see if I can get you into the bunk house. It would save you driving fifty miles every morning and night."

"Really, that would be great."

I wasn't really thinking about getting him closer for his convenience, it was more of me getting closer to him. I could tell he was hung pretty good in his shorts. I guess my mind was always on cock. I had barely had that thought in my head when the phone rand. Sam answered it and talked a minute and hung up.

"Grandpa says you can move into the bunk house anytime you want Gary."

"Damn he must be a mind reader too." I giggled.

"Aaron, your Grandpa is a very smart man. I know something is going on but have no idea what. He never does something just to do it. Everything he does has a purpose. I think what he did this time is add you Gary to his close Family. I mean he automatically accepted Sam and Jimmy. Now that you are in that circle you never need worry about anything. Threaten Aaron or any of his friends and all hell will fall on that person. So I guess he wants you guys to get closer."

"Don't take this the wrong way Gary, but I guess Aaron's Grandpa is getting all his eggs in one basket or in you guys case all the gays in one basket." He laughed.

"Well I for one am glad you are moving into the bunk house." I said and kissed Gary on the cheek.

"Jesus Aaron. You're always thinking with your dick." Sam laughed.

"Well is that a bad thing." I giggled.

That broke everyone up and we all laughed until it hurt.

"Well I got to get going. I got to head back to college in the morning." Jerry said.

He stood up and then pulled Jimmy up. He wrapped his arms around his brother.

"Take care Jimmy. I really love you Bro."

"You too Jerry. Come on I'll walk you out to your car."

Sam grabbed more beer.

"I don't think I should have anymore. I got a long way to drive tonight." Gary said.

"Hell, stay here. We can always find a place for you to sleep." Sam said.

"I don't have any work clothes with me."

"You are about my size. I can find you something." I said.

"Well okay." He took the beer. We finished our beer and I said we should hit the hay. I pulled out the hide-a-bed and made it up for Gary.

"Five AM wake up Gary."

"That's okay. See you guys in the morning."

Jimmy, Sam and I went in the bedroom. We all stripped for bed. I was pretty wasted from all the days' activities and just laid down. Sam snuggled up close on one side and Jimmy the other. This was contentment for me.

Well I tried to relax, but all the stuff that had gone on the last couple of days was running through my head.

"You just going to leave him out there all alone Aaron?" Sam said.

"What do you mean?"

"Aaron, I saw the look in his eyes when you kissed his cheek. I also saw the bulge in his shorts. He really needs something, so go give it to him."

"Go to him love." Jimmy said.

Well I knew what I wanted as soon as I climbed out between Jimmy and Sam. My dick had been soft when I was in bed, but now it stood straight out in the gloom of the bedroom. I tip toed out to the living room. I could make out Gary laying on his side facing away. I carefully lifted the comforter and lay beside him. As soon as I stopped moving he rolled over and wrapped his arms over me.

"God Aaron I was praying you would come."

"How did you know it would be me?"

"I just knew. I felt so right when we were sitting on the couch and all I wanted to do was grab you and hug you. I just didn't know what you would do." He snuggled up close and I could feel his hard cock pushing into my stomach.

I slide my hand down between us and gripped his cock. Damn thing feeled nice and real big.

"Careful Aaron, I might just blow."

"Well can't let it go to waste." I peeled back the comforter and scrunched around till I could get his cock in my mouth.

"Oh God! It's been so long." He almost screamed.

"Well move down so I can get more." He moved until we were corner to corner on the bed.

Well I slid more of his cock into my mouth. He really was thick. I could only get about 5 inches in before I gagged. His head was real small but the rest of him was like a beer can I thought. I just sucked what I could as he squirmed under my assault on his love organ.

Then I felt his hot mouth slide over my dick. I almost shot right then and almost just rammed it in. Instead I stopped myself and went back trying to get his massive dick deeper in my throat.

He came off my cock and screamed.

"God I'm going to cumm." I just sucked harder.

By reflex as he started to blow he rammed his cock into me. I felt a moment of hesitation and then it slammed into my throat. I chocked on it as his load blasted into my throat. I think the first shot went straight into my stomach. He pulled back and rammed again and each thrust deposited more of his salty cumm in my throat. I just swallowed.

His mouth became like a vacuum cleaner as he sucked me. I couldn't hold back and just pushed. My cock slid in right to my pubes as I unloaded.

His cock slowly deflated and I was able to get off it and breathe. Fuck what a load and what a cock. I looked at it in the gloom. Fuck he really was huge. I doubted I could ever get in my ass.

We turned back around.

"You want to fuck me Gary?"

"Aaron I know I would split you open. I'm way too big, but you can fuck me."

"Well I'm just a bottom Gary."

"I doubt that Aaron. There are not too many real bottoms. I know away for you to try it."

"Well Jimmy said the same thing, but I'd rather just cuddle if its okay."

"Yeah." He said and snuggled up close.

Sleep now came real easy.

Next: Chapter 7

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