Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Sep 9, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 5

Well Jimmy and Mike were totally wasted by the time their second day was done. I felt a lot better, that big cat had air conditioning. Even Sam felt better, he had been feeding the crusher all day. All I had done all day was rip up the rocky ground up behind the rock crusher. I'd find out how good it was tomorrow when I started to push rock to the crusher.

I got down to the Office about 5:30 and watched Jimmy load the last trucks. Mike had already shut down.

"You want a cold beer Mike?"

"Naw, can't we got a long way to drive and the State Troopers hate my truck."

"I thought you guys were from Monroe."

"No. We both live in Tyler."

"Jesus. Grandpa said you were students from Monroe, so I assumed you were from Monroe."

"Well, my Dad's a county foreman and wanted us to go to school in Monroe."

"So you guys are driving both ways everyday. That's like 2 hours driving both ways."

"Longer last night coz some asshole wrapped his car around a power pole."

"Look, I'll talk to my Grandpa and see if you guys can stay in the bunk house at the farm. That will save you guys driving and give you more time to relax. Two hours driving after working here is a bitch."

"Will it cost us to stay at the Farm?"

"Well Grandpa charges his hands about 50 a week to stay in the bunk house. It comes off your check and includes meals. Sam and I might charge something more if you two are interested."

Mike leered at me.

I looked around, but everyone was still busy. I walked close to Mike and groped him.

"Sam figures you have as much as him. I'm a bottom and would love this in my ass. Jimmy said you were a top. Sam's versatile and so is Jimmy, so we could have some real fun together if you're interested."

"Shit, now you got me all hot and bothered."

I looked around again. Jimmy still had two trucks to load. I saw the crusher was still working; gravel still fell from the conveyor belt.

"Come on." I said as I walked to the foreman's trailer.

He followed me into the trailer and as I closed the door, I pushed him back against it. I unsnapped his top button and ran the zipper down on his cut offs. As I pulled them down I went to my knees. Damn, he was not as long as Sam, but thicker and uncut. I just let it slide into my mouth.

"Oh fuck Aaron." He said and then put his hand on my head.

He started to fuck my face. Something I wasn't quite ready for and gagged on his cock. It felt nice even as I gagged each time he rammed it in. Mike was obviously very dominant.

"Oh fuck Aaron, Oh fuck, oh, oh, oh, oooo." His very salty cumm filled my throat and mouth.

He just held my head as four or five shots of his cumm shot out. I quickly swallowed. He finally just slumped against the door. I jacked his cock and licked off a couple of beads of cumm and stood up.

"Feeling better?" I giggled.

"Jesus Aaron, that was great. You suck a mean cock man."

"Well couldn't have you driving home with a hard on." I laughed.

"Well Jimmy would have probably taken care of it, but thanks anyway."

"Sam said you were as big as him and I wanted to find out. Sam and I are partners I guess, but we are both interested. I'll make sure I talk to Grandpa and you guys check with your parents to see if it's okay. If it is bring your stuff tomorrow."

"You sure your Grandpa will go for it?"

"Yeah, there's lots of room with out the big crews at the farm."

"Okay, I'll talk to my Dad and tell Jimmy."

We walked out of the office to find Sam and Jimmy talking. Sam gave me wicked smile and just said good bye to Jimmy. I was pretty sure Sam knew what I was up to. That was confirmed when we pulled out of the pit.

"Well is he bigger than me?" Sam smiled.

"Thicker, but not as long. He is also real salty." I laughed.

"Damn and I thought I'd get a blow job from you after work."

I just laughed and then pulled off the road into one of Grandpa's fields and stopped.

"Get them coveralls down black boy. Your white boy wants to suck your snake."

Ten seconds later Sam's coveralls were around his ankles and five seconds after that his very nice cock was sliding down my throat. I loved sucking Sam. He never forced it; just gently laid a hand on my head as I bobbed on his long cock.

"God you are good Aaron." He moaned.

I knew Sam was getting close when he put more pressure on my head.

"Ready Baby, here it comes." He moaned.

The first shot was on an up stroke and then I just swallowed Sam's cock as he unloaded. Damn he must have been horny. One of the biggest loads he had ever shot. I just sucked it all up and straight into my stomach.

Sam slumped back in the seat as he came down from the rush.

"Feeling better now love?" Sam pulled me into a deep kiss. I could have stayed right there all night.

Sam broke the kiss and pulled up his coveralls. I started the truck and we headed for the farm.

I parked at the carriage house and we headed for the cook shack. We ran into Ricky on our way.

"Hey Ricky, how's it hanging?" I said.

"Great Aaron. Thanks for putting me in the main bunk house."

I just smiled. I knew there were a few guys that would satisfy all Ricky's needs.

"God I haven't been screwed so many times in my life. No offense Sam, but you are small compared to some of the hands. Most of them will screw me, but only a couple like it both ways or will suck."

"Well I'm glad you're doing okay Ricky. Sorry about not getting together with you."

"Hey Sam, its cool. I know you and Aaron are a pair. Don't want to get between you unless you are into it." He laughed.

"Well we are usually too tired for even that shit." Sam said with a straight face.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Twelve hour days is a bitch. Your Grandpa's a real slave driver." He chuckled.

"So still grading county roads?"

"Got the first six miles done. Be working on the road from the farm to highway 26 next. He says he'll need that when they start hauling to McKenzie Road."

"So what are you two doing now?"

"Working the Stanton Pit."


We ate dinner and parted company. I was glad Ricky was getting enough so he didn't come after Sam. I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle that anymore. I would probably let Jimmy and Mike fuck me, but then Sam was interested too. But we would keep that part from Ricky. I didn't think it would be a problem. Ricky went home on weekends.

Besides, if Jimmy and Mike moved into the bunk house, I'm pretty sure Ricky would get both Jimmy and Mike in his ass.

After dinner Sam I and I retired to the carriage house. After a long shower we had a beer while we cuddled on the couch. Sam mentioned he was down to six beers so would ask his dad to buy some more. I told him not to bother, I'd ask Joshua for a flat in the morning.

We just had a good session of sucking before sleep. Both worn out from the day.

Grandpa was okay with Jimmy and Mike moving into the bunk house. Joshua just added them to his list of men at the farm. I asked Joshua if he could drop a flat of beer in the loft of the carriage house. He said it would come off my check. I guess it was a normal request.

I let Sam drive to pit this morning. Jimmy and Mike were waiting when we pulled in.

"My Dad and Jimmy's said it was cool if we stayed at the farm. They figured we would stay out of trouble then. Mike laughed.

"So what are the bunk houses like?" Jimmy asked.

"Well you guys will have a two bed room. The showers and laundry are in the center. There are only about 10 or 12 staying there now. Some are okay with playing around so you just have to play it by ear. Wake up is 5 AM, Breakfast from 5-6:30. You can grab lunches and water or juice from the cook shack for lunch. Dinners are 5 PM to whenever all the crews have eaten."

"Okay, sounds okay."

"I want you guys to switch today. Mike you can use the 988 and load gravel. Jimmy you use the smaller loader and feed the plant. Now if you have the plant up and running Jimmy you can help load trucks too. Next week one of you will be loading rough stone for McKenzie Road."

Mr. Simpson came up and told Sam he could feed the crusher.

We all headed for our jobs.

The heat wave continued that day too. I bet the temperature in the sun was close to 100 F. And with only light winds all three, Sam, Jimmy and Mike looked like they were swimming in sweat by noon. Jimmy and mike looked very hot; the sweat even showed there baskets better. I t wasn't lost on either Sam or I.

"How come you look so damned cool Aaron?"

"I got air conditioning in the new dozer." I giggled.

"Shit, must be nice to the bosses' number one boy." Mike laughed.

"Does have its compensations." Sam laughed.

At the end of the day I walked the dozer down to the fuel storage and filled it up. I parked it close to the shack before shutting it down. Soon after all three others were there too, all having to fuel.

The next few days were identical. Jimmy and Mike liked staying in the bunk house, but made no comment on weather they were getting any extras. No one commented on their choice of work wear, although I saw a few looks from some of the hands.

Grandpa had a lot of part time workers that worked the weekend. That was why Sam and I had week ends off. Now Mike and Jimmy would be off too.

On Friday morning Grandpa came out and handed out the pay checks for the week, which included Friday. Mike eyes got real big when he read the amount.

"I think you paid me too much Sir. You said ten bucks an hour."

"Changed my mind Son. You get the same as all equipment operators get to start. That's 40 hours regular time and 20 hours at time and half, less deductions for State and Federal taxes. At 15.00 dollars an hour that works out 1050 a week less deductions."

"Aaron gets more because he is lead hand."

"You guys also get weekends off. So you can go home or stick around the farm. It's up to you what you do on weekends."

"Thank you Sir."

"Call me Harold or Grandpa. This Sir shit is for the birds." He chuckled.

"So what do you and Mike have planned for the weekend Jimmy?"

"Well we need to hit the bank in Monroe and then head home and pick up a few things. Is it okay we come back tomorrow?"

"Sure, we can go swimming. Back of the property has a nice swimming hole."

"Okay, we will remember to bring suits."

"Don't really need them or those cutoffs will work." Sam said.

When we got to the pit, Mr. Simpson wanted to get both new guys trained to load the crusher. So Jimmy had to put on long pants. I took him in the foreman's shack to change. Damn he had a nice cock. Bigger than me, but about the same length. HE was startled when I reached out and gripped it.

"Shit Aaron. Might not get these on now that you got me hard."

"Well I wish I had time to take care of it. Maybe after Mr. Simpson takes off."

"He just leaves?"

"Yeah he only works half days, but stays if there are problems. I'm sort of foreman in the afternoon."


"We will be shutting down about three. Evening guys will work until midnight."

"I didn't know the pit worked double shifts."

"Not the pit, just the asphalt plant. They work until they stop paving at night. Sometimes they have to go 24 hours a day to keep up. That was real big contract Grandpa picked from the State."

I took Jimmy over to the rock crusher. Mr. Simpson showed him what to do. One of the main things was to make sure no real huge boulders went into the crusher. Other than that is was the same as loading the plant. I went back to ripping and pushing to the crusher.

Near noon I walked the cat close to the crusher and shut down. Jimmy shut down next to me and we walked to the shack for our lunches.

"I'll take care of your problem after lunch when we get back here."

"Cool." Jimmy smiled.

I was super surprised to see Sam in a pair of shorts. Mostly because it was hard to hide his dick. He looked real hot and I was very tempted to take him in the shack and blow him. Made me hard in my coveralls just looking at him.

Mr. Simpson came over and told us to take it easy in the afternoon. Just make sure the plant is always filled. He also said only a few trucks would be in for gravel and a couple for sand.

"Once they are all done you boys can relax until the night crew comes in. Just keep the plant running."

WE took a longer than usual lunch and only really went back to work when I truck pulled onto the scales. Sam took off to load and Mike headed to check the plant. Jimmy and I wandered back to the crusher.

I showed Jimmy how to start the crusher and then took him over to my Cat. I walked around behind into the shade. I stopped and turned around to face him. "Now about that problem you had." I reached out and groped his dick.

"Shit, you want to do it here?"

"Sure no one around but us chickens."

I unsnapped the button on his jeans and pushed them down. His underwear was soaked in sweat. As I kneeled to pull them down the odor of his sweat assailed my nose. I almost came in my coveralls just from smelling him.

When I pulled down his underwear, his cock slapped his stomach. I buried my nose in his blonde pubes.

"God Aaron. I must smell like a horse."

I leaned back.

"Best smelling horse I have ever got close too." Then pulled his cock down and let it slide into his mouth.

"Oh shit." He said and slammed forward driving his cock into my throat.

He was just like Mike. Very aggressive. He held my head as he fucked my throat. Not as thick as Mike, I only gagged the first time and then it was like Sam. I had no problem taking all his cock into my mouth and throat.

He only lasted about 3 minutes before he just held my head as his load blasted into my throat. I had to physically push him back so I could swallow. His load was a lot sweeter than Mikes and I loved it.

To think only a couple of weeks before I had never sucked a cock and now I could almost live on the sweet sperm.

"Damn Aaron, that was best blow job I have ever had." I stood up and looked at him.

"You want mine Jimmy?"

"Damn straight." He said and had my coveralls down in a second. He took my whole cock and really was like a vacuum cleaner as he sucked my cock.

I didn't need to force him, he swallowed my cock right to the pubes with every stroke. Like him I only lasted about 2 minutes.

"I'm cumming." I moaned. He sucked harder.

Well I must have blasted a big load coz he gagged once as I came. He just swallowed it all and then licked my cock and balls.

"Real nice Aaron. Even sweeter than Mike."

We got straightened out.

Guess we better do a little work before someone notices there's no gravel coming off the conveyor." I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess. Sure would like to fuck you Aaron."

"Guess that depends on when you guys get back to the farm. If you are back tonight come over to the carriage house for a beer before bed."

"It's a date Aaron." He kissed me on the cheek and headed for his loader.

I pretty much knew I was going to get fucked lots this weekend and was looking forward to it. I climbed on my Cat and went back to work for an hour or so.

I had just finished pushing a load down to the crusher and was backing up. I saw Sam standing off to one side. I stopped, lowered the blade and set the safety interlock. I opened the door and waved him over. He climbed up the track of the D8 Cat and climbed inside the cab.

"Fuck this is nice." He said.

Although the inside of the cab was huge compared to other cats I had operated, it wasn't really big enough for two to be comfortable. I still pulled Sam close and with the door to the cab closed his sweet musky odor assailed my nose and senses. I was immediately rock hard.

"Oh Sam, you smell so good." I buried my nose in his sweat stained t-shirt.

"More like a horse." He laughed.

"My horse Sam. And it still smells good," I slid my hand down into his shorts.

"Fuck, are you always horny?"

"Yeah, especially when I get close to you Sam. I wish you could fuck me right here."

"Later Baby. All night and all day tomorrow."

"Well we might have company tonight and will definitely have some tomorrow."

"So, been checking out what's available?"

"Well Jimmy's about the same as you. Sweet too and he sucks real good. I invited him and Mike over if they come back to the farm tonight."

"Yeah Mike I like too. Would love to fuck him but he says he's only a top, but I'm not sure. He sure sucks a mean cock."

We both laughed.

"You done loading?"

"Yeah I came up to get you."

"Okay, you go tell Jimmy to shut down and run his loader over and fuel up. I'll walk the Cat down. You can kill the crusher too."

"Sounds good white boy." He groped me.

After Sam climbed down and out of range of the Cat, I headed for the office. When I got there I saw one of the afternoon guys talking to Mike. I shut down and climbed down.

As I walked to where Mike and the afternoon guy was talking, I thought Grandpa sure knew how to pick good looking guys to work here. He was black, like Sam, but a whole lot bigger. Mike and him seemed to know each other. I walked up to them.

"Aaron, this is Peter. Your Grandpa hired him and Gary to work the afternoons. They both go to Monroe high too."

"Hi Aaron." He had a firm grip.

"You guys can take off anytime. Gary will be here shortly. Mike says the plants loaded for now and all the trucks have been and gone. So nothing for you guys to do."

"Thanks Peter." I headed for the pickup. Mike shook hands with Peter and then followed me.

I flipped open a cooler in the back of the truck and tossed Mike a cold beer.

"I guess one won't hurt." He said.

"Look Mike. If you need some cash, I can loan you some until you get your check cashed. There is nothing to spend it on at the farm. We could go to Callum tomorrow and you could cash your check. Stay at the farm to night."

He downed the beer.

"That sounds like a plan Aaron. Might as well give me another." He laughed.

Soon after we were all sitting in the shade sipping cold beer. Mike told Jimmy the new idea and he was all for it. They said they'd run home on Sunday and pick up some more clothes.

After finishing a couple of beers we drove back to the farm. Mike parked at their bunk house and said they would be over after a shower. Damn I thought. I would love to shower with either.

"Okay. See you in a bit."

Sam and I had a quick cool shower and just slipped on boxers. We went out and Sam grabbed two cold beers. Joshua had put two 24 packs in the fridge. Another 36 bucks off my check.

Mike and Jimmy showed up in shorts and T-shirts. Not as tight as the ones they wore at the pit, but both still showed a good basket. After giving them a beer we just talked. I found out a lot more about Peter and Gary. Both were line backers on the Monroe High Football Team. Mike was a defensive end and Jimmy a wide receiver.

"Peter looks like he hung like a horse." I said.

"They both are, but Peter is straight as an arrow. I'm not sure about Gary. He keeps pretty much to himself away from school. His dad works in the County Commissioners office. We never see him at any of the functions of the school. I'm really surprised he's working at the pit. I think his Dad keeps him on a short leash."

"I wonder why?" I said.

"Don't honestly know. I know his Mom and Dad are divorced, but I think his Dad is pretty loaded. He drives a brand new truck almost every year."

I saw a look in Sam's eye, like he knew something, but didn't say anything.

"So what do you guys do around here at night?" Jimmy asked.

"Well after dinner, we'll take you on a tour of the farm. I think something will come up."

"More than one thing." Sam laughed.

Sam stood up and dropped his boxers. Both Mike and Jimmy's mouths dropped open.

"Fuck, who needs dinner?" Jimmy said.

"Down big boy. You can have all you can handle later." Sam laughed as he pulled on shorts and a t-shirt.

I quickly changed and we headed down for dinner. Steak night, with all the trimmings. We were stuffed when we were done. Sam and I gave Mike and Jimmy a quick tour and then headed for the swimming hole at the back of the property. "Man this is nice." Mike said.

Sam and I just stripped and dove in. It didn't take long before both Mike and Jimmy joined us. We played grab ass and screwed around in the water for an hour before we all just walked out and slumped to the ground.

"Jimmy, although I never really told you, I am very versatile. I know when I fucked you the first time I said I was only a top but it's not really true. When Sam said he's like to fuck me, I was almost tempted, but figured I'd let you go first."

Well that's how it started. Jimmy screwed Mike doggy style, while Sam took me on my back. The Mike fucked me, while Sam screwed Jimmy. It was obvious both boys cleaned themselves out coz they both came out pretty clean. After Sam had screwed Jimmy, I rimmed him as Mike sucked his dick. After that Jimmy did me and Sam ended up rimming me. We were totally wasted by the time we were done. After a quick swim to clean up we headed back to the carriage house.

Well after only one beer it started all over again. I guess I was fucked at least 6 times that evening. I really was becoming a slut to cock. I woke up in the morning with Mike's sweet bush in my nose. His flaccid cock looked so inviting; I just slipped it into my mouth. Well I guess his morning reflex took over. My mouth was filled instantly with his salty pee.

Sam an I had done the same thing, but I wasn't all that keen on it, but could only swallow or me and the bed would have been soaked. He didn't have all that much and soon got real hard. I knew he was awake when he started to fuck my face.

He practically rolled on top of me as he screwed my face like the first time. He also didn't last long and I soon got a mouthful and more of his sweet cumm. After he was done he took my cock into his mouth and sucked me off.

Well that pretty much wasted me, but having to piss like a race horse, I just rolled out of bed and ran for the bathroom.

When I walked back into the bedroom, he was sitting on the side of the bed. His semi hard cock hanging between his muscular legs. He really turned me on.

"I'm really sorry I pissed in your mouth Aaron. It just happens every morning if someone sucks my dick. Jimmy doesn't mind and I guess I thought it was him."

"It's cool Mike. Sam and I have done it before, but I'm not all that into it."

"Well, thanks anyway. That was some night. Where did Jimmy and Sam end up?"

"Probably on the couch."

When we looked both were sprawled nude on the hide-a-bed.

"Fuck they look hot like that." Mike said.

I reached down between Mike's legs. His cock was rock hard.

"You want to fuck me again Mike?"

"Jesus. I wish you could fuck me. I really want to feel this cock inside me." He said as he gripped my cock.

"Sorry Mike." I said as I just turned and led him back into the bedroom with his cock.

"Let's clean up first. I should really clean out and clean you out too bud."

I grabbed Sam's enema bulb and headed for the bathroom. We spent half an hour cleaning each other out before climbing in the shower.

As soon as we were in the shower.

"Now I'll screw you." Mike said and pushed my head down.

HE just lined up his cock and rammed it in my ass. It wasn't exactly dry, but hurt like hell when he entered me.

"Fuck you got a nice ass Aaron. I wish you were my Bitch, I'd fuck you all the time."

It felt real good after he was inside. When I thought about what he said, I guess I was already all three guys bitch. I mean I loved to suck and loved even more to get screwed. I guess I could actually live on having all three use me anytime.

I felt his hot load fill my butt. He pulled out and turned me around and pushed me to my knees. I never even hesitated, just sucked his cock clean. When I stood up he just smiled and then washed himself. He stepped out of the shower and Sam stepped in.

"Fun night Aaron?"

"Yeah Sam and I wished it would never end."

"So you his bitch now?" Sam asked.

"His, yours and Jimmy's if you guys want. I'm sorry Sam, I just love cocks."

"I love you Aaron, but I guess I like the idea too." HE pushed me to the floor and shoved his soft cock into my mouth.

"Swallow bitch boy." He said.

He then pissed in my mouth. Well there was a lot more than I could handle and a lot leaked out and down over me.

"Keep sucking Aaron." He got hard real quick.

After he fucked me and blew inside, I cleaned him up and then did the same for Jimmy. Then I was able to finish showering. I also cleaned myself out again.

When I walked out into the living room all three were talking. I looked at the clock. Jesus, almost 11 am. I grabbed a beer and sat down.

"I'm sorry Sam. I guess you kind of awakened a monster inside me. I mean I really love to suck and love it even more when I get fucked. So I guess you can all use me any time you want."

Sam got up and walked over and sat beside me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"Damn Aaron. I really love you, but now I'm not sure it's because I can fuck you or have you suck my cock. I love how you taste too."

I didn't say anything. I really loved it when Sam held me like this. But did I love him for his cock or was a real love I felt. I just didn't know anymore.

"So how is this going to work? Only Sam and I can sleep up here during the week."

"Well lets grab a pack and some beers and we'll head for the swimming hole. We can talk about it and figure things out." Sam said.

Yeah and I can get all three cocks in my ass or mouth or both. I thought.

We all got dressed. I never bothered with underwear. I didn't figure I would even have shorts on for long. Sam filled a small cooler with beer. I stopped at the pick up and grabbed the cooler I used for our lunches and went to the cook shack and picked up several sandwiches and some fruit. I also grabbed several bottle of water.

"Going swimming?" Joshua said.

"Yeah looks like it will be another hot day."

"Have fun." He smiled. I was pretty sure he knew what was going on.

I led the way to the pool at the back of the property. I knew no one ever came here except me. Grandpa once hinted it was mine. When we finally got to the pool I was sweating. It was going to be another scorcher today. Sam had though the same thing brought along a tent fly. He quickly set it up as the rest just stripped. We all jumped in the pool to cool down, then climbed out and sat in the shade. Sam handed out beer to everyone. No one had said anything the whole time.

Mike finally broke the ice so to speak.

"I wish you were versatile like the rest of us Aaron. It would make things so much easier. I know Sam loves you and more than just because he took your cheery. Well I really loved it when Jimmy fucked me and even more when Sam did. I just wish you could fuck me too."

"I guess it really means you are going to get screwed a lot by all of us. Sam said you were okay to become our bitch."

"Why not? I get what I want and you guys get what you want."

"Well you have to sure Aaron. It means that anyone of us can use you anytime we want and you can't refuse. I know we got to sleep in the bunk house at night, but that leaves the evening or even mornings. Could you handle what happened first thing this morning when we were in bed?"

"You mean piss? Well I did all three of you this morning. It wasn't bad; it was mostly water from all the beer we drank."

"Well in the morning during the week, it's not going to be just water. Ask Jimmy, he knows it's real salty."

I saw jimmy smile and nod.

"Well I guess I will get used to it."

"Good, coz I got to piss right now."

He stood up and walked over to me.

"Get on your knees bitch and drain me."

Well it was so bitter and salty it almost made me sick. He pulled out before he was done and pissed on my face. Then he just sat down. Sam and Jimmy both got hard watching what Mike had done.

"See Aaron. You really got to be sure."

Seeing those two hard cocks evaporated any doubts I had.

"I'm sure, but you guys got to clean yourselves out everyday coz if I rim you and taste any shit the deals off."

Mike laughed.

"That you can be sure of Aaron." It wasn't long before Sam was fucking me as I sucked Jimmy. Jimmy was sucking Mike. Then they just traded places. We broke off once in while and ate and drank beer. We cooled in the pool once in a while, but I guess I did all three several times. I rimmed all three too and Sam rimmed me. I swallowed a shit load of piss and cumm.

During the whole afternoon not one of them sucked my cock and I had a real set of blue balls. They just sat and watched as I jacked off. That I would not get used to.

I didn't really have second thoughts. I could have gone on all night. We packed up and headed back about 4 PM. Mike and Jimmy went to shower before dinner. Sam and I did the same thing.

Sam and I sat and talked until dinner time.

"Aaron, I got to tell you a few things now that you are my bitch boy. Those twins I took, well they became more my white slave boys. They did everything I wanted. Sure I let them fuck me, but only because it made it easier for them to accept everything else. Now you will too, but sometimes I might not have had a load of cumm in my ass."

"Sam, I love you. I will do anything you want."

"Well you might hate me later Aaron."

"No Sam. I will never hate you."

"We'll see. Now let's get some dinner. You might need the energy for later." He laughed.

TBC Comments welcome suddar40@shaw.ca

Next: Chapter 6

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