Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Aug 29, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 4

I woke up when I heard the shower start. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Jesus, it was only 4:15 am. Oh well, I was awake so got up and headed for the bathroom. My morning wood leading the way. I saw Sam in the shower, so just pissed and then climbed in behind him. He turned and wrapped his arms around me.

"Morning Babes." He said as he kissed me.

"Mmmm. Nice."

He stood back.

"Your Grandpa was over to get Ricky. So I just decided to get up."

"Well gives us some time." I giggled.

"Not that much time Love."

"Yeah I suppose, but you owe me then."

"Well I love to owe you so that's no problem, but I'm not sure I want Ricky around. He's got the hots for you."

"Jealous Sam?"

"No, but I want you all to myself."

"Well I was going to set him up in the bunk house if he's working here all summer."

"Okay cool."

We finished showering and dried off. I didn't have my work coveralls in the loft.

"I got to run and get my coveralls from the house. Better wear long pants. Working around machinery in shorts isn't such a good idea."

"Okay, meet you for breakfast."

I slipped on shorts and t-shirt and headed for the main house. Changed into coveralls, without underwear, that would shock Sam, I thought and giggled. Grabbed a hat and put on my old runners. No use screwing up the new ones Grandma had bought me.

I met Grandma as I headed down stairs.

"Good morning Grandma."

"Well Good morning Aaron. You're up early?"

"Yeah Grandpa wants me to teach Sam how to run a packer and then run a cat over to McKenzie Farm."

"I think that's changed again Aaron, but Grandpa will see you at Breakfast."

I gave Grandma a kiss and headed over for breakfast. I wasn't I saw the last to arrive. Sam was already digging into a big plate of pancakes and eggs. I grabbed my usual Ham and eggs with toast and sat beside him.

Sam put a lot more away than I did. Guess trying to replace energy. Maybe him and Ricky got it on again after we got back. Guess that kind of pissed me off, but I wouldn't say anything.

We both finished together and sat sipping coffee. John, Sam's dad was giving out the morning assignments. Most of it was regular farm work. Some guys were going out to repair fences and others to finish yesterdays work. As he was talking Grandpa came up and grabbed a coffee.

He sat down across from us.

"Sam, do you have a driver's license?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, you can drive Aaron and yourself over to the Stanton Pit. They picked up two new contracts for gravel and asphalt. Aaron you can feed the plant and load any trucks that come for gravel. Sam, your Dad will be over to explain what you will be going. Basically you will be learning the whole operation."

"Don't worry Aaron; I'll get you into Monroe sometime this week so you can get your regular license."

"Okay Grandpa." That was not why I was frowning.

The real reason I was frowning was if the same guy was in charge this summer as last, I knew he would be after me again. Last year he as much as told me he wanted to suck my cock and wanted me to blow him. If he found out I was Gay and Sam was my boyfriend, he's never stop trying. I hated the guy.

After we finished I took Sam over to the equipment barn. The old Chevy was sitting dust covered in the barn. Like most of the old pick ups around the farm, it looked like shit, but I knew it ran good.

I took a hose and washed the dust off.

"You mean it actually runs?" Sam laughed.

"Yeah runs good, just looks like shit."

It started okay and we went back to the cook shack and grabbed lunches and a couple of thermoses of coffee and some water bottles. If things were the same, it would as hot as hell working the pit.

It only took about 15 minutes to drive to the Stanton Farm. The pit was near the back of the property. It was kind of funny, most of the land in Jackson County was farm land, but just in this one corner was the ground hard, rocky and sandy. Old man Stanton started the pit operation and never bothered to try farming.

When we arrived at the pit, Ed Moron, I always thought that name fitted him perfectly, he was a moron, was waiting.

"About fucking time you got here boy. Suggest you get your ass on that loader. You come with me boy."

"My name is Sam."

I waited for his reaction.

"Fine. Sam you come with me." They headed off toward the crusher.

I walked over to the 988 loader and started to check it over. All the fluids were up so I started and sat while it warmed up. I saw three tractor trailer gravel trucks already waiting to load. I figured this was going to be a busy day.

I worked straight through coffee. An unending line of trucks were always waiting. I had to feed the Asphalt Plant too and that just added to the work. At noon I stopped, signaled the drivers I was stopping for some lunch. They took it as normal. I drove over to our pickup and shut down.

I was barely on the ground when Moron walked up.

"What the fuck are you doing boy? We work through lunch when we're this busy."

I looked around the pit. Everything had shut down for lunch.

"You want to work through lunch, go ahead. I'm having something to eat and drink."

"Look boy. When you work for me, you do as I say."

"I don't work for you. I work for my Grandpa. So do you." I just turned and walked away.

"Come on Sam, let's sit in the shade."

"Fuck he is something else." Sam said.

"Has he started hitting on you yet?"

"No why?"

"He will, just give him time. He was hitting on me all last summer when I worked here. He likes to hit on the young guys. He's a real faggot." "Well he does it to me; he'll end up with a knuckle sandwich."

No sooner had Sam said it when Moron walked around the corner.

"Well, well. Aren't you two cozy. I knew you was fag Aaron and I guess this is your fag boyfriend. That makes it real easy for you to suck me off. Maybe later your boyfriend will let me fuck his black ass."

Sam bristled.

"Fuck you Moron." I said.

"Well that's never going to happen, I'm a top. Now get on your knees boy and suck me."

"I wonder what my Grandpa would think about you hitting on his Grandson and the Farm Foreman's Son."

When I said that Moron's face changed abruptly.

"Hey man I was only kidding."

"Sure didn't sound like you were kidding to me."

Moron made a hasty retreat.

"You sure put the fear of God in him." Sam laughed.

"Yeah." I said and then thought about what I had said. I pulled out my cell phone.

"You're not going to tell him are you?"

"Why not? Grandpa knows we are both Gay. Hell you even told your Dad you were, so at least Grandpa might fire the prick so that we don't have to put up with him all summer."

I called Grandpa and told him what happened. He said he would be over later. We went back to work. I didn't see Moron all day or anyone else for that matter. All I saw was an unending line of trucks. Just after 6:15 I loaded the last truck. I drove to the fuel storage and fueled the loader. I left it there and walked back to the shack. Sam was sitting in the shade.

He looked more like a drowned rat. Sweat covered his face and his t-shirt was soaked right through.

"Fuck am I tired. I didn't know driving a loader could be so hot." He said.

"What were you doing?"

"Feeding the crusher."

"Well I think we need to get you some coveralls. Their a lot cooler than blue jeans."


We were just about to leave when Grandpa drove in with a State Police car following him. They pulled up beside us.

"How you boys doing." He asked us.

"We're okay Grandpa. Just tired and hot."

"The State Police want a Statement from you two. Just tell them what Moron said to you."

We went into the office and sat down. One trooper came in and set up a lap top and small printer. We both told him what Moron and said to us. Also that we had not seen him after the incident. He printed off both Statements and we signed them.

"Okay boys, this is enough to get him charged with invitation to sexual touching. Considering you are both minors, it won't go easy on him in this State."

"Grandpa, I'm going to take Sam into Monroe and get him some coveralls and steel toed boots. I need steel toes too."

"You got enough money Aaron?"

"Yeah Grandpa. We hardly used any of the hundred you gave us yesterday morning."

"Okay, I'll make sure they hold some dinner for you."

An hour later we were sitting eating our late dinner. A short while later we were standing under a cool shower. After cooling down I quickly dried and went out and sat on the edge of the bed. I was already hard.

"Well I guess I know what you want?" Sam said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Well you owe me."

"Aaron, I really want to do something else besides. I'm just so scared you will hate me after."

Thinking about Sam fucking me, made me harder.

"I really want it Sam. Please." I almost begged.

Sam came over and sat beside me.

"Aaron, I want to be real honest with you. When I did the twins, I had to have the other twin hold his brother down and he screamed so much, that I thought they would hear it town. When I did the other twin, I tied him down and gagged him. It still took almost four times before he started to like it. Aaron I don't want to hurt you."

"Well I guess we better wait until we don't have to work the next day."

We lay down and sucked each other off before going to sleep. The next day, we found than Mr. Simpson was in charge at the pit. He put me on loading and trucks with gravel, while Sam fed the crusher with the smaller loader. We were both wasted at the end of the day. Neither of us was used to twelve hour days.

A couple of nights we were so tired we just cuddled together. God I was glad when Friday was over. Grandpa said we could have weekends off.

I figured out during the week that Sam couldn't take my cherry at the farm, coz if as he said I started to yell and scream, everyone would know what's going on. I knew of a place we could go, but had to make sure none of the other hands would be there. It was fishing shack down in the South East corner of Grandpa's property. It bordered on a swamp. Problem was it was also known to have gators. Grandpa had never let me go alone before.

First thing I found out was we were only guys off for the weekend. So that meant no one else was going to be fishing. Well all I could do was ask.

I talked to Sam and he was all for going fishing. He had no idea what I really wanted was his dick in my ass and this shack was way down in the boondocks. No one else lived within miles of the shack, so I could scream all I wanted.

Grandpa never batted an eye when I asked him.

"You guys be careful and take a shotgun with you."

"Okay Grandpa, we'll be back Sunday."

"Bring some fish home." He laughed.

Maybe he did know what was going on.

Saturday morning we packed to go. Grandma made up a big hamper to take with us. I grabbed all the gear from the tack room. Sleeping bags, fishing gear and one of the twelve gauge pump shotguns with some buck shot shells. Nothing short of buck shot would stop one of them big gators.

We loaded everything in the old Chevy 4X4. Grandpa had taken me to Monroe and I got my license.

Grandma and Grandpa just waved as we drove out the gate.

Sam didn't know I had packed condoms and lube in my pack. That was going to be my surprise.

The shack was just inside Grandpa's property line. South of the shack was all Marion County. But the only road in was over Grandpa's property unless you came by boat.

The place on the outside looked real spooky. There was a wide landing in front that Grandpa had shown me how to fish for catfish from. The trees all had moss and stuff hanging from them. You'd think you were back in 1800's if the truck wasn't there.

Inside the Shack was pretty nice. A small fire place, wood stove, a big bed, and a table and a couple of chairs. We blew up our air mattresses and put them on the bed. We hooked both sleeping bags together. Then we grabbed a couple of beer and set our poles to catch fish.

"This is so nice and quiet Aaron. You wouldn't think you in the 21st Century here."

Yeah and it's a long way from anyone. Closest neighbor is over 8 miles away." I smiled.

Sam looked at with a grin on his face.

"What makes me think you want to do a little more than fishing?"

"Well I really do want to catch a big one." I laughed.

"Aaron, you really have to be sure about this."

"Sam. I have been sure since the day I met you. I wasn't at the time you screwed Ricky, but later I was so jealous of him. You could fuck him and not me. Now I planned this all week and damn it you are going to fuck me."

I guess I was shaking and tears were streaming down my face when I was done. Sam pulled me into his arms.

"Okay love. Okay."

I downed the beer I had in my hand and then pulled the lines out of the water. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Now Aaron?"

"Yes now, before I change my mind." I pulled him into the shack.

I grabbed the lube and condoms from my back pack. My hands were shaking as I pulled off my t-shirt. They were shaking so much; I had trouble undoing my shorts. Sam came over and grabbed my hands.

"Relax Aaron. Let me do it." He undid my shorts and they just dropped. I wasn't wearing underwear.

He quickly stripped and then led me to the bed. We lay down and he smothered my face in kisses. He leaned back a bit.

"I'm going to go real slow Aaron. I want you to feel less pain, so I'm not going to just ram it in like I did the twins."

"I don't care how you do it Sam. I just want you inside me now."

It's funny once I said it then I relaxed. Even Sam sat back.

"Okay Baby." He said after seeing my resolve.

My dick was rock hard and I watched almost detached as he reached over and grabbed the lube. He moved down between my legs and then lifted them to his shoulders. He shuffled forward. I just watched as he squirted lube onto his cock. Then I felt a finger on my hole and then it just slid inside.

"I'm lubing up your inside Aaron. I'm going to try a couple or three fingers first."

I never said a word, just lay and watched him. I felt two fingers sliding inside me. It felt just as good as when I used to use a couple of fingers myself. I guess I moaned.

"You like my fingers." He said.

Then he started in with three fingers. Well it hurt and I clamped my ass shut on his fingers.

"Aaron you really need to relax. Try pushing like you want to crap."

Well I did as he said and I felt three big fingers go into my hole. It hurt like hell and I yelped.

"Okay, I got three fingers inside. I'm just going to leave them there for a few so you can get used to them."

He used his other hand to rub my chest and then jacked my cock a couple of times. Then I felt his fingers moving inside me. It still hurt, but not as much.

"I'm going to twist them inside you Aaron, to try and loosen your rings some more."

Well he must have touched something, coz all of a sudden I felt real good and I moaned.

"Ah Baby, found your love button." He touched it again and my cock jumped. I moaned again.

"That feels nice Sam."

I continued to moan as he played with my prostrate.

"You keep that up and I'm going to cumm." I said.

"Can't have that yet love." I felt his finger slowing moving in and out of my hole.

He shuffled a little closer. He suddenly pulled those fingers out and I felt something else slide in. It didn't hurt hardly at all. "Well I got the head of my dick inside you Aaron, but its way smaller than the rest of me."

"You mean you got your dick inside me?"

"No Aaron, just the head. The rest is what's going to hurt."

"Well just do it Sam." I said.

He leaned over me, which pushed my legs back further. He looked directly into my eyes.

"Sorry Aaron." He said.

All of a sudden I felt the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. It was so much, when I opened my mouth to scream nothing came out. The next shot of pain I felt I did scream blue murder. I knew what he was doing. He was rocking back and forth. Each time his cock was going deeper into my ass. My screams just rent the shack. It got to the point that I was hoarse from screaming and could only blubber as I cried. He finally stopped.

"You got about 7 inches inside you Aaron. You have to tell me if you want me to continue. I know I have hurt you real bad."

Well it felt like my hole was on fire. He never moved, just sat with his dick buried in my very sore hole. My eyes were totally out of focus and it took a while before I could look at him.

The pain I saw in his eyes I think mirrored my own. It looked like he was going to stop. How do I get through to him?"

Before I could even think, I blurted out.

"Come on you nigger cocksucker. You got your nigger cock inside me, so rape me like you always wanted to." "You want it white boy. Well now you get it. You wanted to catch a big one well I'm going to show really how big I am."

Well it became one long drawn out pain. It never seemed to stop. I knew I was taking all of Sam's cock, I could feel his balls when they hit my ass. I know he came at least once. He pulled out once and then grabbed my hair and dragged my mouth onto his cock.

"Suck it white boy. Suck it so I can get hard and fuck you again."

Well then he flipped me onto my knees and fucked me doggy style. I'm not sure how many times he fucked me. I guess at one point I passed out.

When I opened my eyes he was sitting just looking at me.

I didn't feel anything. There was no pain, no nothing. I wasn't even sure I was alive.

When I looked down at myself, my stomach was covered in cumm. My limp cock just lay dormant.

I looked at Sam.

"I'm sorry I called you a nigger cocksucker Sam."

"Well white boy, you sure are one hot boy inside. I couldn't believe it when you came the third time I fucked you. I'm glad you are my white boy. I love you Aaron."

I love you too Sam. It still feels like I got a baseball bat up my ass." I giggled.

Then I looked at Sam.

"Make love to me Sam." "Okay Baby."

From then on I loved every minute. Feeling his cock inside me was like it was always meant to be there. He used slow easy strokes as he slid in and out of my tender butt. No pain just the exquisite feelings of his thick cock sliding inside. I never wanted it to end.

"Do want me to cumm inside this time Aaron or do you want to suck me off?"

"I want to taste you love."

He pumped a couple of more times and pulled out. I never hesitated a second. I dove onto his slimy cock. It never even occurred to me where it had just been. That was the best tasting cock I had ever had in my mouth. His load wasn't big when he came, but to me it was the elixir of life. I just sucked it all up. Then I licked his cock clean.

"Thanks Sam. I will love you forever now."

"I'll always love you Aaron."

Well I couldn't believe we had been at for over four hours. I was walking a little funny as we went out and had a beer on the veranda. We never bothered to fish. I had got the big one I wanted. And I would get it lots more if I had anything to say about it.

Well Sam was addicted to my ass as much as I was addicted to having his cock in my mouth or ass. He screwed me twice more Saturday night and again Sunday morning. He sucked me off both times he fucked me. We did catch a couple of catfish. We were fucking on veranda when the bell rang on our line. Sam pulled the catfish in even without missing a stroke in my ass.

"Aaron, I could fuck you day in day out." "Sam you can fuck me anytime. I love your cock inside me more than anything else. I mean I still love your load too, but it tastes so much better after you have been inside. Guess I really am perverted."

"No more than me love."

We drove back to the farm about 4 PM. We had the two catfish and we gave them to Joshua. He said he'd cook them up for Monday dinner. After dropping off the empty hampers and unloading the truck we went to see Grandpa and Grandma.

"So how was the fishing? Get any big ones?" Grandpa asked.

"Yeah Grandpa, we got everything we wanted." I said.

"No doubt." He smiled.

"Okay, you guys are back at the pit for the next week at least. I hired two high school students from Monroe. You guys can teach them to operate the loaders this week. Next week we'll have you down on McKenzie Road working."

"Okay Grandpa." We left happy.

When we got back to the loft and I took off my shorts, I saw a big wet spot on the ass of them.

"Oh shit. I hope Grandpa didn't notice." I said.

"Aaron, I'm pretty sure Grandpa knew what we were doing."

"Yeah maybe, but I'd just rather no one did."

We used his enema bulb and cleaned each other out. I couldn't believe how much cumm he washed from my ass. I figured we had better be careful from now on and do it in the morning if he screwed me at night.

Sam had no problem with that, but said if I sucked him off instead of cumming inside, I wouldn't be leaking much. Well sucking him off when he fucked me was no problem for me.

I guess I was getting addicted to his big dick inside me, that's all I wanted after work.

Jimmy Tallinn and Mike Clayish were both grade 11 students in Monroe. Both were pretty hot looking too. Jimmy was a real blonde. He looked like he worked out too. Mike was smaller and darker; I think he might have been Mexican. He was pretty hot too and showed a pretty big basket in his tight Jeans. Jimmy I taught the big 988 to. He had to sit almost on top of me as I showed him how to operate the big loader. He was a quick study and by coffee was loading trucks.

Sam and I left both of to it after coffee. We just watched.

"Fuck is Mike ever hung. Bet he has near what I got." Sam said.

"Yeah well Jimmy's pretty hot too. I think he might be gay too. He sure looked at my dick a lot."

"Well we got a week to find out." Sam laughed.

After work that first day both boys were sweating like crazy.

"Look guys, you need to find something cooler to wear. Jeans are way to hot."

"Is there any problem in wearing shorts?" Jimmy asked.

"No, as long as all you're doing is loading trucks. If you start to work around the crusher you got to have long pants. Steel toed boots and a hardhat is all you need on the loader."

"You mean we could go nude?" Mike laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how much work would get done if you two were nude." I laughed along with Sam.

Neither said anything at my remark. I told them 6 AM tomorrow. They jumped in Mike's truck and were gone.

Sam and I drove back to the farm, both lost in our own thoughts. Mine were about both guys wondering if they were gay. Sam told me later that was all he could think about too. He really reamed my ass that night. He came twice, once inside and once in my mouth.

I guess my hole was getting used to his cock. I didn't leak anything that night in bed. A good crap in the morning pretty much cleaned me out.

When we walked over or breakfast, I saw huge dozer on a flatbed sitting inside the gate. I had never seen one so big.

"Wow Grandpa that's a big one. Did you buy it?"

"No, just leased it for the summer. That gravel contract will probably last all winter too, so Simpson said we should start ripping some more land for the crusher. Think you can handle it?"

"Well if its like the other dozer I guess so."

"Well you can show the driver where the pit is and he'll give you a heqds up on it. How are those two that started yesterday?"

"There okay Grandpa. Both were loading trucks and the plant yesterday." "If its okay with you two, I want to keep you at the pit the rest of the summer. Simpson likes you two, says you are real good workers."

"What ever you want Grandpa."

Well the driver followed us over to the pit. He unloaded the Bull Dozer then showed me the controls. Everything was the same except for a joy stick for the ripper and blade. I figured I could get used to it. Mr. Simpson signed for the dozer. He said he'd show me where to start once he got the plant up and running.

I headed over to check on Jimmy in the 988. There were no trucks waiting so he was sitting with a bucket full right where he wanted the next truck. I climbed up into the cab and almost came in my coveralls. I got instantly hard.

Jimmy had on a very tight and very short pair of cutoffs. The bulge of his cock and balls stuck out. My eyes were instantly drawn to them.

"Mike and I figured you two were interested yesterday so we decided to find out. I guess this thing means you are." He said as he ran his hand over my coveralls.

When he grabbed my dick I almost fell off the loader. I took a better grip.

He looked around the pit and then lifted his butt a bit and pulled down his cutoffs. An 8 inch uncut cock slapped his stomach. He was not as long as Sam but every inch as thick.

"Oh fuck man, that's nice I said."

"So you want it. I like to suck and fuck. Mike's a top only but I like it both ways."

"Yeah, I guess, but we'll wait until after work." "Cool. Mike said he's talk to Sam. Bet Sam's interested too."

"Yeah Sam's my lover. We talked about you guys yesterday."

"Will he be okay with it?"

"Yup." I laughed.

"Well time to get to work. Looks like your first truck is here."

I climbed down, quickly adjusted myself and headed for the big dozer. After work looked like it might be fun and we were going to be working here all summer. This could be great.


Next: Chapter 5

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