Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Jul 4, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 3

Getting out of bed at 5 AM had never bothered me before, I was always out of bed by then during the school year. But getting up on this Monday Morning was a real bitch. Maybe having a smooth body sleeping right next to me was the problem.

"Come on Sam, time to rise and shine." I said.

He just mumbled, so I reached over and grabbed his morning wood. That brought him awake instantly.

"Shit I got to piss first."

We both almost staggered to the bathroom to piss. It took us both awhile to drain our bloated bladders. We then just climbed into the shower.

Well showering together meant we were real close and it didn't help our cock stay soft. We were both rock hard when we got out to dry. I looked longingly at Sam's wonderful cock. I could have dropped to my knees right then and there.

Sam must have known what I was thinking. He quickly went out and pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. Resigned to no sex this morning I followed his lead. By the time I was almost dressed we were both soft again. Sam was checking out his t-shirts. I pulled two Braves t-shirts from my bag. Both were extra large. I tossed one to Sam.

"That should fit Sam. It's way too large for me."

Well mine hung almost to my knees, but Sam's actually fit pretty good.

WE both put on runners without socks and headed for the cook shack for breakfast. Everyone was already there including Grandpa.

"I was about to send someone to get you two moving." He said as we grabbed plates to fill up.

No one commented that Sam and I arrived together. I knew two of the hands were screwing each other and I'm pretty sure the rest knew it. They just carried on talking shop. I saw two transport drivers getting breakfast too. When I looked I saw a 'B-train' tractor trailer unit and a bulk carrier both sitting just inside the main gate. Just the start of a normal week at the farm.

After breakfast everyone just took off.

"I'll meet you two at my truck in five minutes." Grandpa said as he headed for the main house.

Sam and I walked down to Grandpa's battered 2000 ford 4x4. I knew it ran good, but looked like shit. Grandpa could afford to buy a new one every year, but like most farmers just drove trucks almost into the ground before they got a new one.

Grandpa came out a little while later, fired his briefcase into the back and climbed in the truck. After we were both in and seat belted, he turned and handed us both a hundred dollars. Be fore I could speak.

"Call that an advance Sam. You both will probably want to eat at the game. I'll pick you both up at the same place I drop you off."

"Thank you Grandpa." Sam said.

"So what's happening Grandpa?"

"Well I have a meeting with the Co-op and then need to make a quick stop in Monroe. You can show Sam the equipment while I'm at my meeting."


The road into Callum was a county road, but was terrible with pot holes everywhere. I could see Grandpa swearing under his breath. The county never graded roads until they were almost impassable. Another thing Grandpa hated about the County Commissioner.

Once we hit the town of Callum the roads were paved. That was until we were a hundred yards from the main county highway. Then there was a strip of a hundred yards that was not paved. After crossing the highway, there was another hundred yard strip of gravel before we were back on pavement. Grandpa turned into the equipment co-op.

"What's with the gravel?" Sam asked.

"That's county owned. County owns everything for a hundred yards on both sides of any paved highway. Grandpa offered to pave it if the county paid, but they said no, so its gravel."

Sam just shook his head.

"I'll be about an hour boys. Go look around."

Sam and I walked along the line of equipment. Huge Combines, Swathers, Bailers, wagons and tractors. There was probably twenty pieces of equipment lined up. We rounded the corner of one building. About fifty feet ahead of us was a guy washing one of the tractors. I recognized him immediately. His name was Ricky Townsend. His Dad was Manager of the Co-Op.

"Wow! He sure has a nice ass." Sam said.

Yeah he really did and I had many wet dreams thinking about him all school year.

"Tired of my ass already Sam?" I giggled.

"No, but he does."

"Yeah, I agree."

Ricky had on a very tight pair of cutoffs. He had his t-shirt off and he was real hot looking. I could feel my cock stirring as I looked at him. WE walked up to him before he noticed us. He stopped and turned.

My mouth dropped open. You could see his cock and balls both outlined in the cutoffs.

Ricky was about 5 foot 6 inches and weighed near 140. He had dark hair and deep blue eyes. He was really toned. Sam I both stopped and just gaped. Weather he knew what he was doing to us or not, he just smiled.

"Hi Aaron." He said.

It took a moment before I could answer,

"Hi Ricky. This is Sam. His Dad is the new Forman at the farm."

"Hi Sam. Damn you are one hot looking guy."

My mind went blank when he said that. Sam just spoke up.

"Well you look good enough to eat."

I must have been looking like a fish out of water, because Ricky laughed.

"Don't look so shocked Aaron. I've known I was gay for a while. I even dreamed about you. So you guys want to play around?"

"Well Aaron and I are sort of boyfriends, so it would be up to him." Sam said.

Well my cock was saying yes, but my mind was still in a turmoil. Sam just reached out and groped me.

"I'd say he was interested. Where do we go?"

"Come on." He turned and headed for one of the big barns.

Inside was hay bails stacked almost to the roof. He led the way around one side and then up on top of a stack. In the middle was a cleared space, with a blanket laid out.

"I come up here to jack off sometimes." He said.

"How much time have you got Aaron?" He asked.

"About an hour. Grandpa said he had a short meeting with the co-op."

"Well if its about what that cocksucker commissioner did it will be more than an hour."

He undid his cut offs and let them drop and stepped out of them. His very hard 7 inch cock slapped his stomach. My mouth just watered.

"So you guys like to suck or fuck? I like it both ways."

"Well Aaron's still a virgin." Sam said.

"Okay. Aaron, I'll suck you while you suck me and Sam can fuck me."

I just pulled off my t-shirt and dropped my shorts. Off came my briefs.

"Fuck you are real nice Aaron. This is a dream come true for me."

Before I could say anything he leaned down to one side and picked up a condom and tube of lube. He handed both to Sam.

"Lay down Aaron." I did as he said.

He straddled my body and took my cock into his mouth. When I looked up his cock was an inch from my mouth. I just pulled it down. It slipped in between my lips. I heard him moan. Like him this was dream come trued for me. I felt rather than saw Sam kneel behind Ricky's ass. I'm pretty sure Ricky was not quite ready for Sam's very thick cock. His muffled scream as Sam entered him told me as much. It told me Sam would have to go real slow when he fucked me the first time. I even felt Ricky's cock go down a bit in my mouth.

It didn't stay soft for long. As soon as Sam started to fuck him it got hard real fast. Even harder than it was before. Fucking and sucking this way was not the best. Even though Ricky was forced to take more of my cock as Sam screwed him, I had a lot of problem keeping Ricky's cock in my mouth. Every time Sam pushed I had to hold onto Ricky to keep his cock in my mouth.

With me sucking him and Sam fucking him, it didn't take him long to get off. His first shot was very thick and very large. I tasted his salty sweet load and that caused me to blow. I guess when Ricky came it caused Sam to blow in the condom, because he stopped.

What shocked me next was when I watched Sam pull out. There was no condom. Did it come off inside I wondered. Then when I saw Sam's cock covered in his own cum. As he pulled back I saw his cumm running from Ricky's butt. I wondered what it tasted like.

"You want to lick me Aaron?" Ricky asked.

Before I could answer he dropped his butt onto my face. I licked a bit of the cumm and as soon as I tasted Sam, I wanted more and dug in with my tongue. Ricky squirmed a bit and moaned real loud. I tasted more and then Ricky jumped off.

"Jesus I almost crapped in your mouth Aaron."

Before I could answer Sam dropped down and kissed me and then licked my face clean.

We all just sat back.

"Jeez, I wish I could do this more often." Ricky said.

"Well you could come out to the farm some time. We go swimming lots and we could do it there." I said.

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"Grandpa going to drop us off at the Braves game. I got a box ticket. Hey maybe you could come too."

"Guess I could ask my Dad, but I don't have a ticket." "Don't need one. My box ticket will cover all of us."

"How come you can afford a box ticket? They are real expensive."

"The Governor gave it to me for Christmas last year."

"Shit you that chummy with the governor?"

"No but my Grandpa is."

"Cool. Come on we'll go ask my Dad."

We got dressed and walked back to the office. They were just starting to come out from the meeting. There were not too many happy faces. I wondered what the County had done now.

Ricky talked to his Dad and he even gave him some cash. We all climbed into Grandpa's truck. We out onto the highway. When I looked we doing almost 80 mph. As we came up to Roger's Crossroad, Grandpa hardly slowed as he turned onto highway 146.

"Grandpa, what did the county do this time?"

"They passed a bylaw stopping all farm equipment from entering or driving inside any town in the county."

"Well that's not so bad. There are only two real towns in the County."

"Well they listed all the places the bylaw was in force, including every hamlet and village in the county. They also tacked a 500 dollar fine to the bylaw."

"Is that legal?" I asked.

"That's why I am going to the capital." "So why we going to Monroe?"

"I'll tell you later. Ricky, your Dad told me you can operate that grader we have at the co-op real good."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay, beginning tomorrow morning you are working for me. You can start by grading the county road from Callum to the Stanton Farm."

"That's like seven miles. What if the County tells me to stop?"

"Tell them to fuck off or do it themselves. If the county won't grade the side roads I will and screw them. Aaron you can show Sam how to operate one of the packers at the farm. After he is good, you both can run one of them and the D-6 down to the McKenzie swamp road. We are going to widen it enough to bypass Jackson."

I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked.

"Well the McKenzie swamp road used to be the main road. When Grandpa got the McKenzie Farm, the road was on his property. The County just built another road into Jackson and left the old road. Grandpa sued the county for not maintaining it and they gave it to him. If it is widened a little, all the farms around Jackson can use it instead of going through town."

"And screw their bylaw." Grandpa added.

"Ricky, you might as well sleep at the farm for the next week or so. If you like and your Dad agrees, I can put you to work all summer."

"That would be fantastic Sir." "Aaron can set you up with a place to sleep."

By this time we were entering Monroe. Grandpa drove to the Civic Center.

"I'm not sure how long I will be. There's a nice coffee shop about five or six blocks down the street. I'll meet you there." Grandpa said.

About an hour later, Grandpa pulled up to the coffee shop and came inside. After he got a coffee he sat down.

"Maybe it's time to get a new truck. I got stopped twice just driving five blocks."

I just chuckled. It wasn't the first time I had been with him when he had said the same thing.

"What's so funny Aaron?"

"Grandpa, you have said the same thing at least a dozen times since I have been here. You say it but you never do." I laughed.

He just grinned as he looked at me.

"Okay boys. We got about an hour and a half to get you to the stadium. Traffic in Atlanta is always bad so we better get going."

Now Grandpa had taken me to several Braves games the first summer I was with them, but we had never had reserved seats. Grandpa dropped us at the VIP gate.

"Just show your box ticket Aaron and they will escort you to your seats. I'll pick you up here when the game is over."

"Okay Grandpa." I hugged him and then we got out.

The guy at the VIP gate never said a word as we walked up to him. Almost like what the fuck do you three want. That changed when I showed him my box ticket.

"Yes Sir. How many in your party Sir?"


He turned to one of the ushers.

"Take these three young men to box number one."

The young mans eyebrows lifted a bit when he looked at us, but just said.

"Follow me please."

Sam whispered in my ear as we walked along the concourse.

"He's got a nice ass too." I just giggled.

We arrived at an elevator and a few minutes later entered a wide carpeted corridor. He walked to one door, used a key and we entered the box.

"There are refreshments in the fridge and the menu's are on the table. If you want anything just use the phone on the table or at the seats. Enjoy the game Sirs."

He then just stood waiting. Ricky laughed and then pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to him.

"Thank you Sir." He said and was gone.

We walked around the box just looking. It really was plush with soft cloth seats almost like airline seats. The glass was thick and you couldn't hear the crowds outside. There was a table that would seat probably six, cupboards with plates and cutlery. Sam opened one of the fridges.

"Holy fuck. You could have a real party here. There's beer, wine and even hard liquor. Even mix." He grabbed three beers and handed us each one.

We went and sat down looking out onto the field. We were dead center behind home plate about 10 rows up. Perfect view of the entire field. I found out later the glass was one way glass so you could see out, but not in. It was also armored glass. This box seat was the Governor of Georgia's box seat.

The game had not started yet and we watched both sides warming up.

"You guys hungry?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, lets get some hot dogs and fries and gravy. I love ballpark food."

Sam picked up the phone and ordered six hot dogs and three fries and gravy.

"They said five minutes." Sam said.

Almost to the second, a knock and then a black waiter rolled in a covered cart. We all got up to grab a hot dog. WE watched as he laid out three small plates and then loaded the table with every condiment you could think of. Even chili and hot cheese sauce. Then he uncovered three pans on the cart. In one were six smoky style hot dogs. The others contained hot buns and the chips. A small container of gravy was on the cart as well.

"Anything else you need Sir." The waited asked.

I just shook my head and pulled out the money Grandpa had given me.

"How much do I owe?"

"Ten dollars will do Sir."

"But this has to cost more than that."

"Sir all food service to the boxes is free. There is no charge for anything."

We all stood and just gaped at the waiter. He laughed and pulled a ten dollar bill from my wad.

"You could order anything on that menu. Also alcohol service is free and if you run out, just call and some more will be delivered."

"You could have a real party in here." Ricky said.

"Sir the governor has had some real large parties here during some of the Double headers." He laughed and left us.

Well we stuffed ourselves as we settled down to watch the game.

The game was real exciting even though there was no score right through seven innings. Both teams could get guys on but not home.

We kept our beer consumption down coz we didn't want grandpa to be mad if we got drunk.

If we had known the glass was one way, we could made out too, but played a little grab ass and talked dirty.

We also told Ricky he could sleep in the loft with us. There was a pull out bed in the living area. He was happy about that, figuring he might just get screwed again. It made me want to get fucked soon.

WE were so absorbed in the game I didn't even notice when two guys in dark suits walked in. The first time I saw one was when he stood behind Ricky. I must have jumped a foot.

"Relax son." He said.

I turned and looked as the second guy opened the door and the Governor walked in followed by Grandpa. Sam noticed me looking and bounded up when he saw the governor. Ricky wasn't far behind us.

"Relax boys. Enjoy the game." He said.

Well from the ninth inning onward the game was a real barn burner. The Yankees were up first in the tenth and first batter put one over the mid field wall. Yankees up by one. The Braves pitcher struck out three in a row.

The Braves first batter put a line drive down the third base line just over the head of the third baseman. A wild pitch got him to second. A single and a walk and the bases were loaded. A lazy hit over the head of the second baseman put one man home. The game was tied at one. The Yankees called time out.

They changed pitchers. Bang, just like that 3 outs in a row.

The Yankees got another run. Yankees up 2 to 1.

Well the first batter for the Braves always hit line drives along the base lines and the Yankees sort of lined up for it. The hit was a line drive, but directly at the pitcher. It was so hard it hit the pitcher in the shoulder and bounced at a weird angle. Braves had one on. The Yankees had to replace the pitcher.

When I looked out at the people in the Stadium, they were all on their feet cheering. A walk and another single again loaded the bases. There was absolute pandemonium in the Stadium. If there had not been glass all around us you couldn't have even heard your thoughts there was so much noise.

All of sudden there was total quiet in the stadium. Almost like everyone was holding their breath. He flied out to center field. The next batter was struck out. I just slumped in my seat, figuring this was going to 12 innings.

I'm sure I heard the 'CRACK' as the batter hit the first pitch. I was on my feet. We watched as it sailed over the center field wall and into about the tenth row up. The Braves won it. Grand slam homer. Before he even got around the bases the people were streaming onto the field.

All three of us boys were jumping up and down cheering.

After we settled down the Governor handed us each a beer. Wow, that was a surprise. I mean we were all just sixteen.

WE just sat and talked about the game. Then the Governor dropped another bomb shell.

"You boys want to meet the Braves?"

"OH WOW! For sure Sir." I said.

"Okay, we'll give them time to get to their dressing room." I saw one of the suited guys talking into a small mike on his lapel.

About 20 minutes later one of the suited guys said.

"Anytime you're ready Sir."

"Okay, lets go."

We walked out into the hallway and two more guys in suits escorted us down the hallway. An elevator was open and we walked in, followed by all four suited guys. I figured they were his body guards. We exited in a sub-basement hallway. This one was lined with State Police. The Governor just walked to a door. It had a Braves logo on it and the words No Entry. The Governor just opened the door and walked in.

Holy shit. There were about twenty guys and half were undressed or just in jock straps or towels wrapped around their waists. Some were really hung I could tell. He was obviously expected coz they made room for him in the middle of the dressing room.

"I brought three of your fans to meet. Real good game guys. They loved it. This is Aaron, Sam and Ricky."

Well I guess we shook about all twenty or thirty guys' hands. I had a hard time not staring at all the big dicks and nice butts I saw. Just before we left, the Manager handed us three Braves T-shirts signed by all the team. They also gave us hats. This had to be the best day of my life.

After an escort back to the VIP gate, we climbed into a stretch limo. Another first for me. Well with Police Escort it did not take long to get back to the Governors' Mansion. We all piled out. I went over to the Governor. I really wanted to give him a hug, but he said smiling.

"Hand shake will do Aaron. Come back to any home games. You are always welcome." I shook hisd hand and thanked him.

Sam and Ricky did too. I did hug Grandpa.

"Okay boys, we should get going." He turned and walked to a brand new ford 350 one ton 4x4 crewcab.

Holy crap. Grandpa had bought a new truck.

I climbed in front with Grandpa and Sam and Ricky got in back. Grandpa started it and turned on air conditioning. Wow, this was even better.

"Nice truck Sir." Ricky said.

"Yeah fantastic Grandpa, bet grandma going to love it too."

I was almost asleep by the time we got back to the farm.

"I suggest you boys get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow." Grandpa said.

"Yeah for sure. Thanks again Grandpa."

"You are very welcome Aaron. I'm glad you boys enjoyed it."

We headed for the carriage house.


Next: Chapter 4

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