Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Dec 27, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 22

"What's it like? I mean sucking. My Dad was always down on gays, but I know he had a blow job. He told me, he loves girls sucking him. What's it like when a guy does it. Is it different?"

"Well I like to think that guys know better what guys like. So guys do a better job of sucking. Want me to suck your cock Hank? No strings. Doesn't mean I want you to suck my cock."

"Well I guess, but not here. Gary should be coming pretty soon and I don't want him to know."

I looked at the clock on the fireplace. Yeah Gary should be home by now.

"Hank, Gary and I are more than just roommates. He's my boyfriend and I tell him every time I do someone else. He doesn't mind and will probably ask to suck you off too."

"Really! Oh wow! I didn't know that. Tyler just said you were room mates."

I was about to answer him when the front door slammed shut and I heard a lot of cussing. Gary walked in looking like a drowned rat. He kicked off his boots.

"Fucking rain. I was dry until I got home." "Hi Babe. Hi Hank. Wow Hank you are some cute." He said quickly and headed for the bathroom, dripping water as he walked.

Hank had covered himself with his hands, but definitely turned a little darker.

"See, he likes you already." I chuckled.

I put my hand again under his and gripped his cock. It got instantly hard again. He moved his hands out of the way and sort of relaxed.

"If you are sure he wouldn't mind. I guess its okay."

I took that as a yes and leaned over and let his cock slide into my mouth.


His whole body tensed up.

I let his cock slide right down my throat. I could smell the slight sweat mixed with soap in his sparse pubes. That just turned me on more and I started to suck and bob on his cock. He started to shake and his moans got louder. The first time is always quick and Hank was no exception. I felt the head of his cock swell and he yelped as he shot his load. Damn he was sweet, and three quick shots filled my mouth. I made sure I got him all and lifted off. I jacked his cock a couple of times and as I licked the head of his cock he jumped. He then slumped back into the couch. A real big smile on his face.

"God I have never felt anything like that before."

He was still hard and I was tempted to go down on him again.

"Is that how it feels when someone does it to you Aaron?"


Without even saying a word he leaned over and took my cock into his mouth. He tried to do as I did, but chocked. He backed off and tried again only to choke again.

"Easy Hank. Do what you can handle. It takes time to learn to deep throat a cock."

He only sucked for about 3 minutes and then sat back. He had tears in his eyes.

"You okay Hank? I told you didn't have to it to me."

"Well I wanted to see what it was like. It wasn't bad like my Dad said. I guess I want to do it more."

He went to lean over again and I stopped him.

"Why Aaron? I want to get you off too. It's only fair."

"It takes a lot longer Hank to get me off. Besides we got lots of time."

"Okay, but you got to promise to let me try."

"No problem Hank. I promise."

Hank picked up his beer and sat back. His cock was back to normal.

"Aaron, I really need to say something. I never had a girl friend or even looked at girls. I kind of think I am Gay, but that's the first time anyone ever even touched my dick let alone suck it. Well I liked it a lot and want to do it more. I want to suck you and even Gary I guess. I want to learn to do everything."

"Well stick around here and you will get your dick sucked lots at least from me. AS to other things, you really need to want it. Getting fucked the first time is real painful Hank. We couldn't do it here coz the whole Apartment complex would know what is happening. You would be screaming your heart out and probably hate my guts afterward."

"I'd never hate you for something I wanted Aaron."

"Hank, that small hole of yours is an exit. It doesn't like things going the other way. You definitely would hate me, because once I start, I don't stop. Besides that after I screw you Gary would too. Gary is three times my size."

"What's three times your size Babe?" Gary said as he walked out into the living room.

"You are." Gary was almost as big soft as Hank was hard.

"Well maybe double." He said as he lifted his cock and looked at it.

"Fuck are you big." Hank said.

Gary liked to intimidate people and he did the same thing he had done with Allan.

"Think I'm big now. Well boy, get over here and suck my dick. Then I'll ram it in your ass and you will really know how big I am."

Hank started to cry.

"Shut the fuck up Gary. You do that every fucking time."

The flip side of the coin for Gary was he was as gentle as a lamb. He walked over and pulled Hank up and wrapped his arms around him.

"Sorry Hank. Just my alter ego coming out. I was only kidding Babe."

He lifted Hanks face to him and licked off the tears and then kissed him on the lips.

"If I said that to Aaron, he would have been on his knees instantly. Really sorry Hank. I just get carried away sometimes. I really didn't mean what I said."

I knew that was a real lie. Gary would fuck his brains out at the drop of a hat, but Hank would have to ask.

Gary stood back. His cock was at full mast.

"Wow, you really are big." Hank said as he wrapped his hand around it.

"I can't even suck Aaron, so this might be even harder."

"Well everything takes time Hank and I suspect you will be here for a long time if Aaron has anything to do with it."

"Why would you say that Gary?"

"Aaron, be honest. I've said the same thing to a lot of other guys who we have had here and you just laughed. This time you almost jump down my throat. Add into the fact that you are looking at Hank the same way you look at me tells me you probably love him already. So I have to share. It won't be the first or the last. Doesn't mean I don't love you Babe. Just means I love you more."

Gary had always been able to read me lie a book. When I looked at Hank, I knew I was in love with him. Why I wasn't sure, but would love him as I did Gary for as long as he wanted.

I stood up and kissed Gary. A deep loving kiss. Then turned and kissed Hank. When I ran my tongue over his lips he opened his mouth and I kissed him the same way. His eyes got very big and then he just melted into my arms.

Gary wrapped us both in his long arms and just held us as one.

He stood back, gave us both a quick kiss.

"Guess we need some supper." He headed for the kitchen.

I sat Hank down on the couch.

"Well Hank. Do you want to be my boyfriend too?"

"God more than anything." He just melted into my side.

After split apart I picked up my beer and finished it.

"HEY BOY!" Bring us some more beer." I yelled

"Oh yes Massa, dis boy bring Massa anything you want." Gary said as he dropped two more beers on the table.

Hank burst out laughing.

"Fuck you Gary." I laughed.

"Well I hope Massa fuck me." He laughed as he headed back to the kitchen.

"I guess I want my exit to be an entrance too Aaron."

"In time Hank. No hurray."

As long as it is not too much time. I want to be able to love you all ways and I want you both to love me the same."

So what are you taking at AG. I'm on an agriculture Engineering course."

"Economics and Accounting. I want to be able to help Farmers run efficient operations."

"You would fit right in here at the farm."

"Right now my Grandpa handles the Accounting, but eventually I'll need someone to do it full time. The Farm is changing so much that we will need a full time Accountant."

"Someday Green Acres is going to be the biggest farming operation in the State. If you want to be part of it, I'll want you even more. We can both travel to the AG College together and come home together. Save you expense of dorms or meals and work on the Farm on weekends and holidays."

"Wow that would be cool."

After dinner we watched the weather channel for a bit. The rain was expected to stick around for a couple of days. That would shut down a lot of the field operations, but everything else would be working including me. All the hands would still get paid as usual and some would be doing maintenance. Gary would be working and I would take Hank in and show him how the Farm worked and what was changing in the near future.

Later we tried a daisy chain of sucking. I sucked Hank, he sucked Gary and Gary sucked me. Hank got off twice and he did suck off Gary. I got a good blow job from Gary.

Hank said Gary tasted weird but it was okay. Hank tasted sweet as honey to me. Sleep was easy with me in the middle between my now two lovers.

It wasn't raining as hard when we left in the morning, but we all donned rain gear. I was tempted to use Gary's truck today, but something was bound to come up and I would need my Jeep.

I parked my Jeep inside the Maintenance Barn. Kevin walked out of the tool crib.

"Park your jeep outside like everyone else." He yelled.

"Fuck you." I yelled back.

"Anytime Boss, anytime at all." He laughed and went to work.

Brice was running the payroll program when we walked in.

"Brice, this is Hank. He's taking Economics and Accounting at AG, so I want to show him what we have going here and some of the changes."

"Cool. Hi Hank. Aaron there are two more flatbeds here for hay, but they'll get pretty wet loading outside, plus the mud up by the barns is pretty bad."

"Have the trailer back into the Barn. Walt can load them inside."

"Never thought of that." He laughed.

He got up, put on his rain gear and boots.

"Oh yeah. Guy phoned from Jackson. Said the contract is ready and you can come over anytime."

"Well if it turns out a quiet day, I'll run over this afternoon."

Rain or shine the Farm worked. No field work, but all the equipment could be serviced. That would keep almost half of the staff working. Gary and Kevin would be kept hoping all day. The rest could either take off for the day or relax. Construction across the road was also at a standstill.

I knew the rain would not slow the pit down and both concrete and asphalt plants would be working. I figured I might take Hank over and show him the pit operations. Then we could head for Jackson and have lunch in Jackson. That would kill half a day at least.

I showed Hank our Farming Operation. He was very impressed.

I pretty much had Brice figured out and also knew what he would be doing later. To be honest I would not have minded Walt's cock fucking my face again, but figured Brice would be. That brought another thought into my head.

"Grab a coffee Hank and lets talk." He grabbed a cup and I led him out into the Barn. I walked over by the big doors. The heavy rain was back and you could hardly see 20 feet.

I stood looking out at the rain.

"So what did you want to talk about Aaron?"

"Well we can go for a drive and I can show you some of the Operations. Then head for Jackson and sign a contract for Hay Storage. Later we might have time to play around or even do what you want."

"Oh Wow! Really? Sure, I want to be like you and Gary."

"Okay, grab our rain coats. I got to grab something from the tool crib."

We had cleaned Hank out when we showered this morning. He had thought it felt real funny when we put the hose into his butt. I walked to the tool crib and grabbed a roll of duct tape. Hank saw what I had in my hand.

"Hmmm, going to tie me down too?" He giggled.

"Well might need it so you don't scare everyone with ten miles away." I laughed.

I put it in my backpack. I already had everything in my backpack that I would need. In fact I always was ready for anything.

WE jumped in my Jeep. I put it in four wheel drive. The track up to the North Gate was already torn up by Kevin and Gary, plus the two tractor trailers. It was a slippery ride to that gate. Once on the old Haul Road is was easy running.

WE talked about everything except what was on both our minds. Hank knew he was going to lose his virginity today. Weather he was looking forward to it or not he never said. I knew he wanted to, but was also sure he'd hate me after the first time. There was just no way to make it easy.

After showing him the pit operations, I drove to Jackson and signed our hay storage contract. We stopped and had lunch at the Jackson Hotel. There were a lot of farmers in town. Rainy days meant getting caught up with all the other business.

I saw the big Deputy and his Asian Partner and stopped and said hello. I introduced Hank. I didn't mention what they did with Gary. That was their business. I wondered where they did it. I knew it was not the Stonemans place.

After a great lunch washed down with a cold beer, I picked up a six pack in a sack and we headed out.

"How come you can buy beer? I thought you were only seventeen?" "I got emancipated by the State and Federal Government. So now I am an adult."

"Didn't know you could get that."

"It's really going to hurt when you fuck me? Isn't it Aaron?"

"Yeah it is. There's not much I can do to stop the pain Hank, but I will be as gentle as I can."

"That's why you brought the duct tape. So you can tie me down and gag me."

"Well I don't think I will tie you down, but will gag you Hank. You just might scream loud enough to be heard in Callum."

"You can really do anything Aaron. I trust you."

"Thanks love. I promise to go slow."

I parked inside Stonemans garage this time. I took my backpack and the six beers and headed inside. It was quite chilly inside.

"Why don't you see if we can get a fire going in the fireplace. Warm this place up a bit."

While he did that, I cleaned up the empty beer cans from my last visit and tidied the table. Then I went up stairs. Damn no linen or any bedding, not that I expected it. It was a four poster queen size bed. Well if I wanted to tie him up I could.

Well maybe we could do it on the couch by the fire. Be a damn sight warmer.

Hank had a roaring fire going and it warmed the lower level quickly. I popped the tops off two beers and sat on the couch. I was having second thoughts about this.

"Hank, I'm not sure I can do this. The first time I got screwed by Sam, it hurt so much I thought I was going to die."

"Please Aaron. I really want you to try."

"Well I could start to loosen you up today. I can use a finger or two. If it's not too bad then I might try my dick."

"Okay. What do I do?"

"Well we got to get undressed." I laughed.

"Oh fuck yeah." He giggled.

We both quickly undressed. Hank was rock hard. That would change quickly I knew. I grabbed the lube from my back pack. I knew I didn't have anything and if Hank was a virgin he wouldn't either so never bothered with the condoms.

WE pulled the cushions off the couch and lay them close to the fire.

"Okay on your back and pull your knees back babe."

I lubed up his tight pucker and then my finger.

"Okay Hank, you really got to try to relax. When I tell you, I want you to push like you want to shit."

"Okay." He smiled.

I rubbed my finger over his hole a few times. That always relaxed me and seemed to do the same for Hank.

"Okay push Hank. Push hard." I pushed my finger at his hole.

God he was tight, far tighter than I ever expected. My finger did go in but Hank let out a piercing scream. I pulled my finger out and his screams dropped to a whimper.

"I think I better gag you babe."

"Yeah." Hank said.

I got the tape. Before I put it on I leaned down and kissed Hank. He wrapped his arms around me and just held on. His body was shaking. I just held him until he started to relax again.

"Better now Love?"

"Yeah, let's try again."

I tore off a strip of tape.

"You sure about this Hank?" He nodded his head.

I put the tape over his mouth. He then reached down and pulled his legs back. I started to get ready again.

"Okay, push again Hank. Push hard." I pushed my finger into him again as far as the second knuckle. His hole clamped down on my finger so hard it hurt. His muffled screams were still loud even with the gag on. His whole body shuddered and he let go of his legs and tried to move up.

I wondered how he even shit, his hole was so tight. I just couldn't do it anymore and pulled out. His body slumped on the cushions. He was covered in sweat. I leaned over and held him as he cried.

I peeled off the tape and kissed him.

"I can't do this Hank. You are so tight I wonder even how you shit."

After a bit we moved the cushions back on the couch. I grabbed two more beers and we sat cuddling.

"I'm sorry Aaron, but it hurt more than I could believe."

"Hank, don't take this the wrong way, but do you have problems when you take a crap?"

"Yeah, sometimes it hurts real bad, but I always thought it was coz my shit was hard." HE giggled.

"Hank you might have a problem back there. I think you should get it checked by a Doctor."

"No way Aaron. I'm not letting some old geezer near my ass."

"Well the Doctor I have in mind isn't an old geezer. My Grandpa told me about him. He's young and he's gay. We could talk to him and see what he thinks."

"Well I suppose I could talk to him, but I want you there too."

You want to go now?"

"You mean he could see us today? I guess so."

WE dressed and finished our beer. The drive to Stephenville was very quiet. Both of us thinking our own thoughts. The office in Stephenville was really quite small. A small P-Flag adorned the door. Most people wouldn't know what that meant, but Gays would.

The name on the door was Jerry Pratt, Family physician.

WE walked into the small office. A lady behind a counter looked up and smiled.

"Hello boys. Can I help you?"

"We want to see the Doctor."

"Okay, what is the name of the one that wants to see Doctor Pratt?"

"Well we both do. I'm Aaron and this is Hank."

"Okay Aaron and Hank. Can you tell me why you want to see the Doctor?"

"Well its kind of private."

"I see." She had a kind of smile on her face.

"I'll see if he will see you two."

She walked down the hall and into an office. A few minutes later she stepped out of the office.

"Come along boys. The Doctor will talk to you."

WE walked down the short corridor and into an examination room. Told to sit down and that the Doctor would be with us shortly.

WE sat and waited. About ten minutes later, a very young to my mind anyway, man walked in.

"Hi. I'm Jerry Pratt. What can I do for you boys?"

He sat down and looked at us.

WE never said anything.

"Unless you tell me your problem, I can't help you."

"You tell him Aaron." Hank said to me.

I really have a hard time talking about me, let alone someone else but Hank trusted me so.

"Well me and Hank are boy friends. I'm not a virgin, I mean I have had other guys, but Hank never has, so we wanted to do it today. Hank is so tight he even said he has trouble taking a crap. So I figured something might be wrong so we came here to find out." I rattle it off real fast.

"I see. Have you always had problems when you want to defecate Hank?"

"What?" Hank said.

"Have you always had problems when you want to take a crap?"

"Well I guess so. It hurts sometimes, but I just thought my shit was hard."

"I see. Aaron could you wait out in the waiting room while I examine Hank."

"No way. I want Aaron here. I'm not letting anyone see without Aaron." Hank said.

"Okay Son. Undress please. Everything. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Hank was shaking as he slowly undressed. I stood up and hugged him.

"I'll be right here Hank. It will be okay."

My problem was when hank undressed I got hard. Hank stood covering himself with his hands as we waited.

The Doctor came in, in a lab coat wheeling a small table.

"Lay on the examination table on your stomach Son."

Hank climbed on the table. He was shaking. I moved my chair over and took his hand. It calmed him a little.

The Doctor showed us both a small probe.

"What I am going to do first is have a look inside. This probe has a small camera attached. It will tell me if the problem is inside. It shouldn't hurt too much son."

Hank never even grunted as the doctor did his thing. After several minutes he stood back.

"Well I don't see any problems inside. Everything looks normal. Aaron did you drive here?"

"Yes Sir. I got my Jeep."

"Hank, the only way I can examine the muscles of your hole is if I put you to sleep. You will be well out of it for a few hours and need a ride home."

"I'm living with Aaron, so it would be okay."

The doctor got to work. He swabbed a place on Hanks Arm and gave him a shot. Soon Hank was in dreamland. I didn't watch what the Doctor was doing. I know he used an instrument to open hand up but wanted no part of what he was doing.

After almost an hour the Doctor sat down and wrote a lot of stuff in a folder.

He finally sat back.

"Aaron, I need you to be totally honest with me."

"Doctor I never lie about anything. My Grandpa always told me to tell the truth even if it might hurt me or others. He said the truth is always the best thing to do."

"You have never had anal intercourse with Hank."

"Doctor up until a few days ago Hank told me no one had ever even touched his dick. All I did to day was try a finger, but he was so tight I thought he would cut my finger off."

"Well from what I could see, it looks like Hank has had anal intercourse before, probably forced. His muscles look like they were torn very badly and have not healed properly. It's no wonder it hurts when he wants to defecate."

He told me no one has ever been inside him. I believe him. I mean he would know, wouldn't he?"

"Well it might have been such a traumatic event that his mind has totally blanked it out. I really need to find out this boys history. If it happened to him, then the person who did it has probably done it to others. He has to be caught and stopped."

"I guess I got to talk to my Grandpa."

"Who is your grandpa?"

"Harold Buckley. I'm Aaron Buckley."

"Well I think you should call him and ask him to come over. He told me about you already Aaron, so you need not worry much."

I pulled out my cell and called Grandpa. I told him where I was and that the Doctor wanted to talk to him. He said he'd be about 15 minutes so I knew he was not at the Farm.

"He's on the way."

"While I have Hank sedated, I am going to repair the damage. He's going to be a very sore young man for several days and will need almost constant care. Can you supply that Aaron?"

"I think so, but I'm sure Grandpa will help too."

"Okay, I need you to wait outside. I'm not sure even you could handle what I need to do."

Grandpa arrived almost dead on time and I took him outside to explain what the Doctor told me. I told Grandpa everything I knew about Hank.

"Well I think we should move him to your old room at the Farm. Then if you are not around your Grandma could help too. I'll see what I can find out about his family."

WE went back in to wait. It was almost an hour before the doctor came out.

He took us into his office and sat us both down. "Okay, I explain everything so you may understand better. From the damage I found it happen a few years ago, possibly when he was much younger. It's very hard to tell. Now I have repaired the damage, but it will be a few weeks before he is back to normal at least physically. He will need constant care, he will have no control over his bowels for at least a week. That mean he has to be cleaned inside and out daily or more. He'll be more like a new born baby than a young man."

"Do you know how old Hank is Aaron?"

"He's seventeen almost eighteen."

"That means he is still a minor and I have to report his rape to the authorities. Because he doesn't remember the rape, interviewing him could be very traumatic to the young man."

"Doctor, I have several friends in the State Government so I could report it. I could make sure that his interviews were more controlled. In the mean time I will find out all I can." Grandpa said.

"That would be good enough. Your reputation precedes you Harold."

"Now moving him is going to be the next problem."

"Call an ambulance. I'll make sure he is good hands."

He handed me two slips of paper.

"One of those is for pain killers, the other for antibiotics. Follow the instructions on the bottles. Once he is awake he'll need pain killers for sure. In a week I'll come out and check on him."

About 10 minutes later the Ambulance arrived. WE got him inside and Grandpa said he would lead the Ambulance to the farm. I followed in my jeep, but stopped and filled both prescriptions. By the time I got to farm Hank was already up in my old room. When I walked in Grandma was already there. I gave her a big hug and said I would stay so when Hank woke up he would know I was close.

After I had been with him for a while Grandpa brought in a coupe of packages of adult diapers. He helped put some on Hank.

Hank cried a lot the first week. No so much because of the pain, but because he no control over his bowels. I didn't care I just helped him change, making sure I got him cleaned out inside and out. HE told me he felt like a baby and was so sorry he was causing so much trouble.

To me he wasn't trouble, but one of the boys I loved totally.

I kind of figured the Grandma and Grandpa knew I loved Hank but never said anything.


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