Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Nov 26, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 20

"So why are we driving over to Jackson?"

"Grandpa picked up nine fields from Agricor. They are all supposed to be in hay. I want to check what state they are in and how soon we need to get on them."

"Nine, fuck we don't have equipment for that."

"Yeah. Brice is checking that problem right now."

I pulled over at one of the fields. It was in grass not alfalfa like our fields.

"Sam, you told your Dad that you are not going to tech school. You told him you wanted to stay on the farm and work."

"Yeah, so?"

"So I want you to take over as Forman of Hay Operations."

"What? I don't know shit about being a foreman."

"I don't know shit about being a Superintendant either, but Grandpa put me charge and now I am putting you in charge of haying. So black boy you better buck up." Sam hardly said a word as we checked the other fields. Three were in Alfalfa and the rest in grass. Alfalfa made better hay and you could get three cuts a year off most fields. Grass was good for only one sometimes or maybe two.

As I headed for Jackson, for a couple of beer and some late lunch, I drove by the big feedlot. I saw three huge hay barns. Two were empty and the other was about half full. On a whim I drove onto the feedlot and over to the empty barns. They looked like the ones being built at the farm and wanted to see what they actually looked like complete.

We walked inside one. They looked huge.

"Jesus I bet you could get 100,000 bales in one of these Aaron."

"They say about 75,000, but maybe more. We have five being built at the Farm."

"That's going to a long haul from those fields to the farm Aaron. Shit most trips will be fifteen miles or more each way. A long way for those pickers."

"Yeah I know. I wonder if we could lease one or two of these barns."

As we headed back to my Jeep, I saw a man walking across the yard toward us. Sam and I waited for him.

He introduced himself as Mike Ainsworth. I told him who I was.

"Damn Aaron you are all growed up. Last time I saw you, you were sitting on your Grandpa's knee." He laughed.

"Do you use all three hay barns?"

"Why do you ask?" "Well Grandpa picked up nine sections over here and they are all in hay. It's going to be a long haul from here to the farm, so I was looking for covered storage."

"Well I'll tell you the deal I had with Agricor. If you can match it, there yours to use."

"Fair enough."

"Well come over to the office and I'll show you the old contracts."

We all walked over to the feedlot office.

"The barns you get to use for free as long as you sell me Alfalfa hay at 4 dollars a bale."

Four dollars a bale was less than half of what Grandpa charged for Alfalfa hay. But with the barns free, it would cut our cost considerably. I quickly worked it out in my head.

"Will we be able to load flat beds for shipping?"

"Sure thing. I will even let you use my loader."

"You have got a deal. Write it up and I'll sign."

"Don't you need your Grandpa's okay?"

"Grandpa made me Superintendant. He does hold the purse strings, but this is a deal he will go for."

"Simple, we make money and you save money. Win, win proposition."

"You going to bid on some of their equipment too?"

"Actually, I didn't know it was up for auction."

"Well they got bailers, pickers, swathers and tractors and some odd equipment up for Auction in Fontana. Auctions next weekend."

"Guess we will have to drive over and register. Would definitely save us some money instead of buying new."

"Okay, I'll write this up and you can come over next week and sign."

"Thank you Mike. See you next week, Friday okay?"

"Friday would be fine Aaron. Nice doing business with you."

"Fuck you make decisions fast Aaron." Sam said as we drove into Jackson.

"Sam look at it this way. Those barns cost near 100,000 dollars each. Not only that if we had to build them, we would have to put them on land we own. Add in power and the cost could hit double that. We get two for nothing. Well we sell hay cheap. We also can have trucks come there to load hay for shipment."

"Now if we can pick up used equipment cheap too we are way ahead of the game."

After a good dinner at the Jackson Hotel, we drove back to the farm. I dropped Sam off telling him we would talk again in the morning. I doubted Sam was going to sleep alone. I headed for the field I had left the crew at.

When I got to the field they had shut down. The field was done and they would move to the next tomorrow. Everyone was standing talking near Ginger's truck. All had a beer in their hands. I never minded guys drinking after work. The six pack I had was warm.

"Any one got a cold one?" I asked as I walked up.

Ginger tossed me a cold beer.

"There you go Boss." He chuckled.

Ginger was forty and had been offered the position of Foreman by John. He had turned it down saying he preferred to just be a hand. He was married with a couple of kids, but had not turned down a chance to fuck me and I had sucked him off several times. He never returned the favor.

After that very bad party, when I had woken up with the hang over, I never wanted another party of any kind. It didn't stop me from having sex where ever I could get it, but it was always with the hands on the Farm. They all knew I was gay and all would never say anything about my extracurricular affairs. Of course my particular fetish was black cocks and I would never tire of them even though I loved Gary more than anything else. I also told him every time I had one of the hands. Gary was like me and would drop his pants in an instant for a good suck or fuck.

"Aaron, Sonny doesn't have a place to stay yet, so I invited him back to our place for tonight. I hope its okay."

"Good idea Tyler. Did you tell him about our apartment?"

"No." He giggled.

"I think he will fit in okay." I laughed.

I drove to the farm so Sonny could pick up his duffle bag. Then headed for home. We arrived the same time as Brice and Gary. This would be a first, all of us in the apartment dressed at the same time.

As we walked across the patio, Sonny commented on how nice it looked plus all the good looking guys near the pool. "I've had most of them." I said.

"What!" Sonny said.

Gary pulled me close and hugged me.

"Yeah Aaron likes black cocks. To be honest so do I. We have had some wild parties here in the past, but Aaron's only interested in the hands these days. He got burned badly at the last party and gave up on parties."

When we entered the apartment, Tyler just stripped.

"Sorry Sonny, but should have told we go nude in the apartment."

"That's cool man, but I really need a shower."

"Me too. Come on before the rest beat us." He dragged Sonny down the hall.

Gary and I headed for the bedroom. We both stripped and I hugged Gary.

I sucked him off today and he sucked me. Wants me to fuck him too."

"I think he is going to be scared of my monster." Gary laughed.

Well I'm sure he has had big black ones so maybe or maybe not."

From the laughter coming from the bathroom, I figured Tyler and Sonny were doing more than just showering. That was more or less confirmed when both walked out sporting hard cocks. Sonny stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Gary.

"Holy shit. I never seen a cock so big." He said.

Gary just laughed and headed for the kitchen to start dinner. I headed for the shower. Gary usually showered in the maintenance barn after work so he never needed one when he got home. Brice joined me in the shower.

"So how are you and Tyler doing Brice?"

"Aaron, I got to honest. I'm not ready for a long term relationship. Tyler's great in bed and I love his cock, but I guess I'm not any where near in love with him."

"Does he know how you feel Brice?"

"Oh sure. We talked about it lots. He's okay with it too."

I guess I'm more like you in many ways Aaron. I kind of prefer black cocks, the bigger the better." He giggled.

Well that gave me an idea. But I would not say anything. Let nature handle it.

We finished in the shower and wandered down to the living room. Sonny was sitting with the towel still over his crotch.

"How can you guys be so relaxed. I've been hard since I got here." Sonny moaned.

"You'll get used to it Sonny, but anyone here would take care of that for you."

"Yeah, Tyler already told me he would but I can't do it here."

I laughed, sat down and pulled Brice over to the couch. I just slipped his semi hard cock into my mouth. It didn't stay soft for long and Brice grabbed my head with both hands and started to fuck my face.

It didn't take Brice long to blow a sweet load in my mouth. He pulled out and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks Aaron, I really needed that."

I saw Tyler on his knees between Sonny's legs. He was leaning back enjoying Tyler's hot mouth.

"Guess we sort of broke the ice."

Everything quieted down until after dinner. We were all just sitting around talking. Sonny was sitting between Gary and me on the couch. Brice and Tyler were doing some pretty heavy necking. I figured they would be in bed shortly. They may not love each other, but I knew both loved to suck and fuck. I was sure Tyler could be on his back all day if he didn't have to work.

Sonny had my cock in one hand and Gary's in his other. I was playing with Sonny's cock. We were all hard.

"So Aaron tells me he was the first white dick you sucked. Want to suck mine now?" Gary said.

"Well maybe I'll suck you while Aaron screws me. I told him he could be the first white cock I take up my ass."

"Okay and after I'll fuck you too."

"Okay." Sonny smiled.

Well I didn't mind fucking Sonny, but would rather have his cock screwing me. I was versatile that way, but still preferred to bottom, especially if it was a black cock that was plowing my ass, with the exception of Gary. His I loved best of all coz I had never really found a cock bigger. A size queen I definitely was. "Sonny loved it when I fucked him hard and fast. Any doubts about Sonny were gone when he swallowed Gary's cock almost to his pubes. He also almost passed out in pleasure when Gary fucked his black ass. I shocked the shit out of him when I rimmed him after Gary came inside. "My kinky side coming out." I laughed when I was done.

We slept in a pile on the bed.

After quick showers and coffee we headed for the farm. We all ate in the big mess hall. Sam looked better this morning.

Sam stepped right into his new role as Haying Foreman. Tyler and Sonny he sent back to get the bailers and move them to number 3 hay field. Tyler had a drivers license so I gave him one of the old farm trucks to use.

"Sam, I want you and Brice to run over to the Auction site and register. Also check out what's available and see if there are any reserved bids."

"Can do Boss." He laughed.

"Brice you have signing authority, so you can give them a check for the registration. I'll go over the Co-op and see if Ricky's Dad can make it to the auction too. We might pick up more for the Co-op too."

"See you guys when you get back whenever that is."

"John, after you have your crews working could you meet me in the office. I have a few ideas I want to run past you."

"Sure see you in an hour."

I headed for the office. I saw work was going full blast across the road. Work was being done on the new scale. Well not new but they had to pour concrete for the old scale to moved. I also saw that the area where the hay barns were going was leveled and they were putting gravel down. They were sure going ahead fast.

I sat at my desk and marked exactly what those nine new sections were like. Noting three in Alfalfa and rest in grass. John came in and sat down.

John and I talked for almost two hours. He liked my ideas and said he's also talk to Grandpa and Mike.

"Aaron there is one thing we have not taken into consideration. If we had a fire anywhere here on the farm, it would be total loss before either Jackson or Monroe fire departments could get here. The pumps we have now pulling water from the creek would never keep up to demand if we had to use all the water to fight a fire."

"I take it you have a suggestion too."

"Yeah, we need a water tower."

"Jesus, one of those could cost us a half million dollars."

"Not really. I know of one that is no longer used by the town and is actually for sale. Might cost us 50 grand plus we would have to move it here and erect it, plus new pumps. So figure about 100 grand total."

"So where is this vacant water tower?"

"Mercerville, on the outskirts of Atlanta."

"Can you handle this or do we get someone else?"

"Actually Mike said he'd handle it. They have the trucks and trailers to move it here."

"You figured I would go for this?" "Yeah Boss, I did. All I need from you is a check."

I just shook my head as I signed a blank check and handed it to John.

"Lastly John. How many more hands we going to need?"

"Three at least for now. We might get a few migrants to stay on after picking season so that would cover the greenhouses. We do need at least two more now."

"Well Sonny said there were quite a few guys laid off when Agricor went under here in the County. I'll check the State Employment office in Jackson."

"Good might get some experienced hands for a change. By the way Tyler was a damned good hire. That boy just loves operating."

"Yeah, he's had a pretty tough life." I told John all about Tyler.

"That's a real shame to have to put up with that shit. Hope he is at least happier now."

I laughed on the inside. Yeah he was happy alright. All the cock and tail he could handle.

John took off and I sat thinking. I wondered how Brice and Sam were getting along. If I knew both, they were probably sitting in a bush someplace fucking each others brains out. Maybe that would work out too. Kill two birds with one stone. Sam finds a soul mate and Brice gets all the big cock he wants.

I took off for Callum.

I found out that Ricky had quit work and left for parts unknown. His Dad was not worried. The CO-OP was already registered to bid at the auction. So we would have both the farm and co-op picking up equipment. I headed for Jackson.

I took an instant dislike for the Agent in the State Employment office, especially when I said I wanted hand for Green Acres. He said he had no one that would work for Green Acres.

He laughed when I just walked out. I didn't want to drive the thirty five miles to Monroe so drove down to the pool hall. That I knew was where most of the guys from Jackson High used to hangout. I wondered if I might find someone there. All I could do was ask.

I almost regretted my decision to check the pool hall. When I walked in all I could see was black faces and they didn't look happy that a white guy had walked in on them. Then I saw a guy I had met first at Jackson High in grade 10.

"Harry, how are you?"

"Damn Aaron. Haven't seen you since end of grade 10. What have you been up to?"

Most of the guys in the pool hall relaxed when Harry and I started to talk.

"Well I'm working for my Grandpa over at Green Acres. Looking for a few hands. Employment office wasn't much help so figured I'd look here. I remembered this was hang out for guys from school."

"Well you are in luck there. A few of these guys got laid off from Agricor. That's where I was working. What's the pay and when could they start?"

"Pays based on experience but averages 15 an hour. Average day is fifteen hours, so that 8at regular and up to 7 at time and a half. Most hands clear near a thousand a week. AS for starting, I need three now and probably as many as six more later."

Harry was about to say something when a huge negro male bulled his way across the pool hall.

"What the fuck you talking to this white trash for Harry. You know we don't like no white boys in here. I'd suggest he leave before he gets himself in a heap of trouble."

"Easy Josh. This is a friend of mine. Besides I'd hate to see your black ass beaten around the pool hall."

"Beat me? Fuck I'll rip his fucking head off." He lunged for me.

I stepped into his attack and pile droved a shot into his solar plexus. Then hit him square in the throat. As he grabbed for his throat, I slipped a leg behind him and he slammed to the floor. I stepped back.

There was total silence in the pool hall.

When I looked at Josh on the floor he was gasping for air. I may have gone to far. I hadn't planned on crushing his throat, but his attack came too fast for me to think of anything but defense.

When I crouched over Josh, his eyes got real big and he looked scared.

"Harry, grab his hands."

Harry pulled Joshes hands away from his throat. I just wrapped one hand over his throat and gently squeezed. There was audible pop and Josh took a huge breath of air into his lungs. I rolled him onto his side and checked that he wasn't going to swallow his tongue. Then stood up.

"He'll live now." I said. "Holy fuck. I never even saw his hands move." One of the guys in the pool hall said.

"Well I warned Josh. I know Aaron is an expert in Martial Arts. Hell he's been taking it since he was twelve or so." Harry said.

It took a while but Josh was finally able to sit up against one of the pool tables.

"Can you stand?" I asked him.

When he tried to stand I put out my hand. He looked at for a moment. I think he was wondering if I was offering to pull him up just so I could knock him down again. Then he took my hand and I pulled him to his feet.

"Sorry Josh. I didn't mean to hurt you so bad, but you moved faster than I thought. Throat will be sore for a few days, but you'll be okay."

"No hard feelings I hope."

Josh shook his head as if to clear it.

"Guess not. Just never seen it coming."

I put out my hand.

"I'm Aaron." He shook my hand.

"I suppose my big mouth and actions kind of make it impossible to get a job now." Josh said.

"I got no problem with you coming to work. You need to remember there are a lot of white guys working at Green Acres. You start any of this white trash shit and I'll fire you faster than you can say white trash." "This is for everyone here. If you can make it out to the farm and put in an application, we can probably put most of you to work. No guarantees until harvest. Those that don't have transportation can be set up in a bunk house. The Farm supplies your meals at very reasonable cost as well as the bunk house. I need three now and more later. Green Acres is expanding greatly over the next few months and we will probably need quite a few hands. Experience is preferred, but no one will be turned down."

"Could I come back with you now?" Josh asked.

"Sure, why not. How about you Harry? You looking for work?"

"Aaron, I'll drive out tomorrow if its alright."

"Sure thing. Be there at 7 am."

Josh fallowed me out of the pool hall and got in the passenger side of my Jeep. He really was a big guy. I wondered if he was big all over.

It was something I decided I was going to find out sooner rather than later.

I drove to the hotel and went into the bar and bought six beers in a paper sack. I thought about where I could go and then decided the Stonemans place. It was abandoned and owned by my Grandpa. It was also on the way to the farm.

Josh never spoke all the way to Stonemans. When I pulled into the yard.

"What's this place?" He asked.

"Well my Grandpa owns it now. It was old man Stonemans house. I figured we'd stop here and talk. I want to clear the air about a few things." "Okay."

I parked in front, grabbed the beer and headed inside. I cracked two beers and handed him one.

"Well we are alone now and if you want a rematch, no witnesses here Josh."

"Forget it Aaron. I learned a valuable lesson today. I was so scared when you grabbed my throat. I thought I was dead for sure. Then you pop open my airwave and I can breath. Kind of blew my mind. Anyone else would have just left me to suffocate."

"Well like I said, you moved faster than I was ready for. Normally I would have just dropped you to the floor and then made it clear I could do a shit more damage if you continued to fight. I hate fighting man.

"Well if I had remembered grade 10, I would never have even thought about hitting on you."

"Now there is something else you will find out sooner or later. I'm Gay. Everyone on the Farm knows it and don't care."

"Well all you just did was confirm what everyone thought in school. I'm straight Aaron, so you won't have problems with me."

"Being straight, does that mean you don't want a white guy sucking your dick or shoving that dick into a white ass?"

Joshes eyes got real big as he thought about what I said.

"Hell I can always use a good blow job, but I'm real big so screwing a guy is out of the question."

"Don't be too sure about that Josh." "You want to suck my cock Aaron?"

"Yeah, I do. Right now."

"I never turn down a blow job." He got up and walked to the old couch. Turned, undid his jeans and pushed them and his shorts to his ankles. A soft, thick, uncut cock about eight inches long hung between his legs.

He sat down and spread his knees apart.

"You want it Aaron. Come and get it."

I set my beer down and walked over to the couch. Up close, his cock was covered in thick veins. I sank to my knees and leaned into his thick bush. His thick musky odor filled my nostrils and I was instantly hard. Why their smell turned me on so much was beyond. I moved back and gripped his flaccid cock. I could feel the blood pounding into it. I figured if I wanted to swallow his thick meat better do it before he got hard. I peeled back his foreskin and swallowed his cock right to his pubes.

"Damn that feels good Aaron. Oh yeah, suck it boy." Josh moaned.

On my third time down onto his cock it hardened so fast I thought my jaw was dislocated. I had to back off fast. When I tried to go down on him again my throat wasn't big enough to accommodate his thick meat. I grabbed the base of his cock and jacked him as I sucked. I felt his hand on my hard cock.

"Damn sucking really turns you on Aaron." He said.

It kind of put a lie to his words that he was straight, coz he continued to run his hand up and down my cock in my jeans.

I could actually feel the blood pumping in the thick veins of his cock. That just made me suck harder. "God boy, better get ready. I'm going to blow soon."

The first shot of his salty spunk came out like a cannon going off and filled my throat totally. I swallowed quickly coz it was followed by two more equally quick blasts. After it slowed to a dribble. I pulled off and jacked his cock and licked up the ooze from the end of his cock. He just slumped back on the couch.

I unzipped my jeans and pushed them down. I started to jack my cock. I needed to get off.

What totally blew me away was when he leaned forward and pushed me flat on my back. I watched in awe as his thick lips slid over my cock. That's all it took and I blew my load into his mouth. He sucked a bit longer and sat back.

"I'll be honest Aaron. I don't mind returning the blow job, but I still prefer chicks."

I reached forward and gripped his semi hard cock.

"Looking forward to having this in my ass too Josh."

"Well I'll fuck you, but don't expect me to bend over for you."

"I'm not Josh. Now lets finish our beers and I'll run you down and get you hired."

After getting him registered, I took him to the cook shack and Joshua assigned him a room in the bunk house. We walked over and I showed him his room plus all the facilities in the bunk house. He saw that he would have to share a room, but at the moment didn't have a bunk mate.

He called Harry and asked him to bring all his shit when he came the next day. "I've been staying with Harry since Agricor shut down. You'll probably like him, I've been screwing him since high school."

I took Josh on tour of the Farm. I stopped and we watched the bailers working.

"Josh I got to ask. You told me you were straight, yet you sucked me off. Now you say you have been screwing Harry for a couple of years. So what are you? Straight, Bi, or Gay. I don't care one way or the other, but some of the hands here are Gay and might not take no for an answer if you say you don't take a dick in your butt."

"I guess I have been less than honest with you Aaron. I'll admit I have had dicks in my ass. I lost my virginity to a couple of Home boys when I was thirteen. I never had a white cock in my ass and I'm not sure I could let one. I sucked a few white guys for cash, but never let any of them fuck me. Harry has done me a few times. I still like chicks."

"Well if you want it, I'm sure you will get more cocks here than you can handle and some of them are bigger than you. I know coz I have had just about every guy that works here."

"Well I never screwed a white guy either."

"Well you can fuck me right now if you want Josh."

"Shit, we can't do it here in the open."

"Well I would, but too much chance of someone coming along." I laughed.

I put the Jeep in gear and did a quick U turn. I drove right into the last barn at the farm. I saw it was almost full from those two fields. I drove around the back and parked.

"Come Josh. I want that monster inside me." I walked back to the place Sonny and I had had fun. I pulled off my t-shirt and pushed off my runners. Then shoved my jeans and underwear off.

"You like me on my knees or back Josh?"

"Knees I guess. You got lube?"

"Forget the lube, I'm sure I'll be well lubed shortly."

As Josh undressed I knew I might be in a lot pain shortly. He was maybe a little longer than Gary, but was definitely thicker. Not the thickest I had had inside me, but that had been a while ago at my last party.

Josh wasted no time. He spun my around and pushed me over one of the bales. I felt the head of his cock sliding up and down my crack. He found my hole and started to push. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming as he forced his monster into my hole.

"Fuck are you tight Aaron. We really should have some lube."

"Just ram it in," I said through gritted teeth.

I felt his hands on my hips and braced myself for the onslaught. When he thrust forward, I know I let out a short sharp scream of pain and then I buried my face in my jeans that I had used to cover the bale.

"Fuck I never knew a white ass could feel so good." Josh said and he started to fuck my ass.

I guess one part of me loved it, I felt myself blow while he was hammering my chute. That caused him to blow, but it never slowed him down. Soon all you could hear was my moans and his balls slapping my ass cheeks. It went on for a long time before he stopped and came inside me again. He collapsed on top of me.

He slowly stood up and pulled out. I turned and licked his cock clean. I could feel his cumm running out of my ass.

"Fuck that looked hot."

WE both jumped when we heard that. I turned and Gary was standing not five feet away. He had a big grin on his face and he was hard as a rock.

"Some one new Babe." He said.

Josh was trying to pull on his jeans. I just sat and laughed.

"Relax Josh. That's my boyfriend. He's just like me so don't worry.

"Gary this is Josh. I hired him today." Gary stepped forward and put out his hand.

Josh had to let go of his jeans. He was flabbergasted.

"Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't know Aaron had a boyfriend."

"Relax Josh. I don't mind Aaron getting it on. Hell maybe you fuck me while I fuck Aaron."

"Well I'm kind of used up. Maybe another time."

"Great Josh. I look forward to it." Gary smiled.

"Gary I better suck you off or you might mess up your jeans." I said.

"I'll do it as sort of payback for screwing your boyfriend." Josh said.

"Okay." Gary said and pushed his jeans down.

If Josh was shocked at how big Gary was, he never mentioned it. He was on his knees and on Gary's cock damned quick. He was also damned good and never had a problem with taking all of Gary's cock into his throat. It really made me wonder if Josh really was Gay through and through. I knew eventually I was going to screw his black ass too.

It didn't take Gary all that long to blow and Josh just swallowed it all.

I used my t-shirt to wipe up my ass and get most of the cumm off my legs. I'd grab a clean one from the office. Gary and Josh both dressed and then waited for me. Then Gary kissed me and told me he'd see me at the apartment. I took Josh and we headed for the office.

Sam's truck was parked at the loft, but Brice was not in the office. So maybe my planning was working. I knew would not be love at first, but could hope. Brice, like me loved big cocks, preferably big black cocks. Well he'd get on from Sam. I guess I'd really see if he came home tonight.

I talked to John and told him I had hired Josh. He would put him to work tomorrow after he got his work boots. I left then to check the hay field. I told Josh I would see him in the morning.

I wasn't surprised when Brice called later that night to say he was moving in with Sam. He said he'd pick up his stuff another day. That left Sonny and Tyler and me and Gary in the apartment. Now if Sonny and Tyler worked out, that would be just fine.


Next: Chapter 21

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