Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Nov 24, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 19

When I woke up I had a splitting headache. God I never got hangovers, but this was so bad I couldn't even think straight. I had to piss like a race horse so staggered into the bathroom. I wasn't sure I could stand to even piss so I sat on the toilet. Well my ass let loose and I couldn't believe how much stuff other than crap came out of my ass. After pissing I managed to clean myself out. I real hot shower in the morning always woke me up, but this time all it did was make my head pound harder.

After drying off I headed for the kitchen. Coffee would wake me up. I made my usual coffee, with cream and plenty of sugar. Took a sip and my stomach rebelled. I had to run down the hall to the bathroom and barely made to the bowl before everything came up. I must have puked a gallon of shit out of my stomach.

"You okay Babe?' Gary said at me ear.

"Feel like shit." I mumbled.

"What the fuck were you drinking last night?"

"Beer I thought. Just never felt so bad with beer before."

Gary handed me a glass of water to rinse my mouth out and I then I sat back against the tub. He washed my face.

He handed me a couple of Aspirin and a glass of water.

"Should help if you got a headache."

"I need to lay down."

He helped me up and into the bedroom. I just dropped onto the bed. I bet I was out faster than light going off.

When I came awake the second time, my headache was gone, but it felt like my belly button was rubbing my backbone my stomach was so empty. When I opened my eyes, I was looking into the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

How are you feeling Aaron? Gary said I should keep an eye on you."

"I'm okay Tyler. Just hungry."

I made some sandwiches and got milk too. Want me to bring you something?"

"No buddy, I'll get up." I rolled to the side of the bed. Tyler jumped up and stood beside me. His four inch soft cock pushed forward by his balls were almost in my face.

"Nice view to wake up to Tyler."

"You must be feeling better." He giggled.

I got up and walked to the bathroom and pissed. After washing up headed for the kitchen. Tyler had a plate of Sandwiches on the table. Along with fresh milk and a bowl of fruit. He just sat and watched me as I pounded down several sandwiches and two glasses of milk.

"That's better. Now at least I feel alive. Where are Gary and Brice?"

"Gary said he needed to do some shopping for groceries. He asked me to stay and make sure you were okay."

"So how was last night Tyler?"

"Well okay I guess. I mean I got fucked by a few colored guys, but all they are into is getting sucked or fucking. Most never even thanked me or anything. It was like I was just a piece for them to get their rocks off. I thought they would be friendlier."

"Well that's all they treat me as too, but after last night, I don't think I am going to doing much with anyone but very close friends."

"I never get sick after a party, but boy was I sick this morning and a bitch of a headache too."

"Gary said he figured those Native boys might be feeding you shine."

"That would explain the hangover. I never drink hard stuff."

"What's shine?" Tyler asked.

"Moonshine, corn whiskey, illegal booze made in the bush. Some of that stuff can make you go blind."

"Well I think you are seeing okay." Tyler giggled again.

"At least close up." I laughed.

WE walked out to the living room and sat down. Tyler had the stereo on with some light classical stuff.

"You like this music Tyler?"

"Yeah, its kind of nice. Not so blaring as Rock stuff. Figured you wouldn't want something too loud."

"Yeah, it good. Can you grab that packet of shit on the desk. Grandpa wanted me to make suggestions on some of the stuff and I haven't even looked at it.

Well most of the stuff was real stupid and I figured Grandpa was testing me. Only one item made any sense, but I had no idea what to do. He wanted to increase hay production due to possible contracts for hay up north. I knew we had three fields in Alfalfa that we baled for Cattle ranches in Texas. If we added more fields, we would have to change some of the other crops.

Well it was something to think about.

Gary and Brice came in with several bags of groceries. WE unpacked them and then sat around.

"That's it for me guys. No more pool parties, beach parties or anonymous sex. Last night learned me a lesson. I never even knew who was doing what last night." I said.

"Well there was a real parade in and out of twelve last night. I figured you knew what you were doing so never stopped by." Gary said.

I was on my knees the whole night."

"Well be glad you got out with just getting screwed. I heard one of the guys say this morning that those Native boys were going to fist fuck you. That's probably why they were feeding you Shine. You would have been so drunk you might not of even noticed."

The rest of the afternoon and evening we just talked, some about the farm and other stuff. I wasn't even in the mood for sex. Tyler did get screwed by Brice and he fucked Gary, but I had no interest.

In the morning we dressed up to see the Governor. I had to wear my Medals and Tyler was real impressed. We took him with us when we left. Grandpa let me drive with Tyler in the front with us and Grandma, Gary and Brice in back.

I introduced Tyler and Grandpa welcomed him just like he was one of the family. Even told him to call him Grandpa like everyone else did.

"I wish you were my real Grandpa." Tyler said and started to cry."

Grandpa without a thought pulled Tyler close and hugged him.

"I'll be your Grandpa if you want son." He said.

"You wouldn't want me if you knew all about me."

"You are very wrong Son. If you are a friend of Aaron, Gary and Brice, then you are a friend of mine. All my Friends call me Grandpa. So you can too."

I'd tell Grandpa about Tyler later.

The brief ceremony with Governor was set for Eleven and after it was over we had lunch. Very soon after that we headed for the farm. Grandpa and Grandma put on a big party for us. Everyone was there from the farm and a few from Stanton General construction. They even had a huge cake. I stuck with just a couple of beer all night.

I noticed Tyler and Brice together a lot and hoped that it would work out with those two. WE were home by 9 PM and in bed shortly after. Brice and Tyler slept in the second Bedroom. Gary and I slept alone for the first time in ages. We sucked each other before we just slept.

Back to work at the Farm the next day. I let one of the hands take Tyler to teach him how to operate one of the tractors. I was just standing outside thinking.

I was looking at the old dugout across from the main farm. It had been used as a water source for the farm before Grandpa had taped into the creek at the back of the farm. Now it was just a dry hole except when it rained, then it was nothing more than a swamp.

An idea came into my head.

Grandpa had said he wanted to increase hay production, but the two old barns would never handle any increase. A lot of hay was put under tarps in the fields coz we didn't have covered storage for it now.

I started to work on my plan.

I spent a lot of time online checking stuff and knew my idea was going to cost some big bucks. When Mike walked in and into his office I followed him.

"Something on you mind Aaron?"

"Yeah I need some cost figures."

"Okay shoot."

After I gave him the list of stuff I wanted done he just sat looking at me.

"Your Grandpa going to go for all this Aaron?" "I don't know, but I need to make sure I got all the figures before I ask him."

"Give me a week Aaron."

"Don't say anything please."

"No problem Aaron. Just you and I will know."

About two weeks later I had everything set up the best I could. All I needed was Grandpa's okay. I wondered what he would say when I wanted to spend a half a million dollars.

It was a Friday afternoon and Grandpa brought in the checks for all the staff.

"Grandpa, can I talk to you. I got some ideas."

"Sure son. What's on your mind?"

Mike came in and sat down.

"I think you should sit down Grandpa. This will take a while.

He sat down with a smile on his face.

"Well first, I want to fill in the dugout across the road. I want to also move the fence about 100 yards west and south. Then after the ground has been leveled, Stanton General can put in six inches of pavement. I contacted a company in Chicago that will build three hay barns. They'll do everything including the pads for the barns. That will give us storage for about 160,000 small bales or about 100,000 large or round bales. You said you wanted to increase production of hay so we would need more storage. The hay we leave stacked in the fields we lose about 10 percent to rot or the rats. With everything under cover and on concrete we shouldn't lose that much."

"You always use the same company to move our hay so they could park several trailers there as well and we could just load them as we need them. We could move the scale there too."

That's it Aaron?"

"No Grandpa."


"Well I heard you saying for years that you need to pave the yard and now with the new mess hall, it would save lots of work if everyone wasn't traipsing in mud every time it rains. Mike said they could do it at cost."

"Good idea. Anything else?"

"Well I think we should raze all three barns including this one. Here we could put in a new maintenance building specially built as a maintenance barn. We could build offices along side the new barn.

After those two hay barns are gone, the ground could be leveled and an outfit from Atlanta could put up 8 greenhouses. Then we could raise our own bedding plants and other flowers all year round. You said you wanted hire more migrant workers full time, so this would work."

"You've really been thinking haven't you Son?"

"Well you know how Grandma is always working in her flower beds, so I figured we could raise flowers for her too. We could call the greenhouses, Grandma's Green Acre Greenhouses. Maybe even sell flowers all year round."

"I see. Have you figured out what all this will cost?"

This was the part that scared me.

"Well Mike figured out all the paving and stuff, but I got prices from the other stuff. I know I probably missed some things, but about 523,000 dollars."

I waited for the blast from Grandpa.

"I'll think about it Aaron. I presume you would want to keep the greenhouses secret from Grandma?"

"Well it would be nice Grandpa, but I don't think it will work."

"You leave that part to me."

Is that all your figures Son?"

"Yes Grandpa."

"Okay, I'll take them and let you know."

Have a good weekend. See you Monday."

He walked out the door smiling.

"Forgone conclusion Aaron. Your Grandpa will go for it, especially when you added the Greenhouses."

I hoped so. I had no idea where all the hay would come from.

We took off with Brice and Tyler to Gary's secret place for the weekend. We spent almost every weekend there. Brice and Tyler were pretty much a pair now although we all fucked and sucked each other. I never did talk to Grandpa about Tyler's past. He was turning out to be good hand at the Farm. He learned real quick.

Grandpa and Granma took off on Sunday to go someplace and didn't come back for four days. They never told me or Brice where they went or what they were doing. Grandpa still had secrets he hadn't told us. He did spend a lot of time with Mike in his office, but again never said what they talked about. Some times it was frustrating not knowing what was going on. I mean I was supposed to be superintendant of the Farm yet I was the last to know what he was doing.

Ten days after I gave Grandpa all the plans and figures I had, I saw a backhoe working across the road from the Farm.

When I asked Mike what was going on.

"Aaron he called me Sunday morning after you gave him the plans and approved everything."

"How come he never told me?"

"You better sit down. I'm going to tell you what's going on around here and some things you may not know. He told me I could tell you if you asked. Get Brice in here too."

Brice came in and sat down.

"Okay, first off if you had said it would cost a million he would still have approved it. Adding the Greenhouses sort of sold him right off. AS far as he's concerned you run Green Acres now. He's not just going to see if you sink or swim, but over the next four years he wants you to run everything. That includes crop rotation, construction, purchasing and staff acquisition. That except for the purse strings is everything. If you want something, he's going to approve it as long as you know and he knows its good for the farm. The hay barns was a no brainer. You missed the extra culverts needed and a few things like power and water."

While he was away last week, he signed purchase orders for five hay barns and the greenhouses."

"Five! Where's all the hay coming from. We got only three sections in hay."

"Jesus Aaron. Don't you read newspapers or watch TV News?"

"Not very often."

"Well your old nemesis's Agricor was indicted under RICO laws and almost 24 sections they owned here in Jackson County was seized as property obtained from Crime. Your Grandpa picked up nine of those sections. All are in hay."

That put my mind into overdrive. I had a list of equipment in my head and I knew we had only three bailers. They all worked one section at a time. The four bail pickers just barely kept up. An average of ten bails per acre meant right now we took about 20,000 bails per cut and we got three cuts a year most times if the rains came right. Add in the 20,000 bails of straw we bailed meant near 100,000 bails a year.

If Grandpa added 9 sections in hay that could work out to near 200,000 more bails of hay, but we didn't have the equipment.

Five Barns, hell we might need more. Then figured we would be shipping hay so we'd be okay, at least in the winter months.

"We don't have the equipment to harvest nine sections in hay."

"I don't know shit about farming. Guess that's your problem."

Brice and I went back to the main office.

"Brice can you find out if Grandpa buys or leases equipment. I know we own a lot, but we are going to need several bailers and pickers."

"Sure Aaron. I'll get right on it."

If I knew Grandpa, I know he would have picked sections as close to the farm as he could. I looked at the map showing all the property in the old Jackson County. Some close to Jackson was owned by the only cattle farmer in Jackson/Monroe County. He had three sections very close to his feed lot on the outskirts of Jackson. No matter how close Grandpa had picked up the land, it would still be a long haul for the bail pickers. Sometimes almost 15 miles each way. What I really needed was some place to store hay closer to those fields.

John, Green Acres Senior Forman came in the office.

"Hi John. Don't see you often unless there is a problem."

"Well no problems with the farm, but can you talk to Sam."

"Sure. He have a problem?"

"Well you are going hear pretty quick, so I'll tell you. He and Jimmy split up."

"Say what? Why for heavens sake?"

"Well from what I have been able to learn, apparently Jimmy was not as Gay as everyone thought. He changed Universities so he could live with a chick he met in School. He told Sam yesterday and Sam took off. I honestly don't know where he is."

"Jesus Christ. That Son of a bitch." "I'll find him and talk to him John."

"Thanks Aaron. I just wish it had worked out between you two."

"Well I honestly thought Jimmy and Sam were going to be a permanent pair."

"If I'm not back today Brice, I'll see you at home."

Finding Sam was the easy part. His truck was parked next to the loft. When I went up stairs it was obvious he had been there. There were beer cans scattered everywhere. When I check the fridge there were still six, so he must have drank until he passed out.

When I looked in the bedroom he was sprawled across the bed in his dirty underwear, his snores were shaking the loft.

From the looks of things he had been drinking in bed too.

I knew exactly what I was going to do and almost burst out laughing. I grabbed the small bucket from behind the bathroom door. I filled it half full of water. Went out to the fridge and dumped all the ice into the bucket. I stirred the water until the ice had cooled off.

I walked into the bedroom and stood at the end of the bed.

I just threw the bucket of ice water over him. It only took a moment until he was scrambling out of bed. He swung around and looked at my grin.

"You fucking cocksucker. I'll kill you." He yelled.

"Not a chance you fucking drunk. What the fuck you doing drinking on my time?"

"Big fucking deal. Jimmy found something better to fuck than your ass. So he cheated on you. How many times did you cheat on him? How many white boys did you have on the side?"

"Now get your black ass in that shower and sober up. If Grandpa saw you in your present condition you would be off this farm so fast your head would spin. I'll be waiting in my Jeep. You got ten minutes then I really will kick your sorry ass." I stomped out of his bedroom.

I grabbed the last six pack from the fridge.

Sam came down about eight minutes later. He had shorts and a t-shirt on with his work boots. I just drove off as soon as he was on board. I stopped at the office and picked up the map of the farm with the nine new sections penciled in. Then headed out.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Got to check on something and then over to Jackson."

I figured the crew would be working the second hay field today and they were but weren't. The pickers were sitting idle and the two bailers were sitting way down the field. I couldn't see the truck the Indian guys were driving anywhere. I drove onto the field and up to pickers. All three operators were just sitting.

"Problems with the bailer's guys?"

"Don't think so. Those two took off at lunch. Said John had something for them to do. Said they would be back in couple of hours."

That was unusual. John normally didn't change crews mid day. I went back to my Jeep and called him on the radio.

"What's up Aaron?" "Did you pull my two operators from the bailers?"

"Not me. They not on the number two?"

"No, they took off at lunch, said you wanted them and needed them for two hours."

Two hour lunches. I bet I knew where they were.

"John, how close are you to Callum?"

"About five minutes."

"Can you check and see if those two assholes are in the bar in Callum. If they are they are fired."

"Got you boss."

"Sam, can you jump on one of those bailers and get working. I'll get Tyler down here from summer fallowing."

"Sure Aaron." He took off.

I drove two fields over. Tyler was at the far end of the field and had just made the turn back. I sat and waited for him. He must be in heaven driving the largest tractor Grandpa had. When he got close I stopped him.

"What's up Aaron? Am I doing it right?"

"You are doing just fine Tyler, but I need you elsewhere. Grab your stuff and jump in."

I took Tyler down to the other field and up to the bailer. They were self propelled. I walked him around the machine explaining how they worked. I showed him how to change a reel of twine. "There's an indicator in the cab that tells you when you are running short of twine. You just flip the switch to the second reels. With four full reels you will have enough to finish this field."

In the cab were just two tiller bars. I showed him how they worked and how to start and stop the pickup. I also told him to run at full power all the time. Speed and steering was done with the tiller bars.

I had him sit in the operators seat and buckle in.

"Okay, when you are ready, just push both tiller bars forward."

He started off with jerks and a little swerving back and forth.

"It's pretty easy once you get the hand of it."

Okay when you want to turn just ease off on the tiller on the side you want to turn."

When he did it the bailer did an abrupt 180 instantly.

"Shit that's fast." He tried again and got the bailer lined up on the next wind row.

"Now just straight down the row bud."

"Every once in while Tyler look back and check the bails are coming off okay."

I just stood beside him as he made two rows and had him stop by my Jeep. Then left him on his own.

Farm work is pretty repetitive. Bailing hay can become extremely boring, but everything I gave Tyler to do he just loved coz for him it was all new. That was made him such an excellent hand. With two bailers working it wouldn't take long for them to get ahead of the pickers.

My plans to go to Jackson were kind of screwed. I just sat in my jeep and watched the guys work.

"You there Aaron?" Came over the radio.

"Yup, what's up John?"

"Got a new hire waiting at the office. Could you pick him up and put him to work?"

"Can do John. I'll get him on the other bailer here."

I took off for the main farm.

When I walked in the office a black male that looked about the same height as me but heavier was talking to Brice. He had his back to me and he showed a nice butt. He turned when I came in and my eyes as always went first to his crotch and then his face. I'm sure he saw where my eyes went first, but for me it was normal.

"Hi, I'm Aaron. You the new hire?"

"Yes Sir. I'm Sonny, Sonny Marshall."

"It's just Aaron Sonny. Forget the Sir shit."

"You ever work on a farm before?"

"Well I worked for Agricor until they went tits up. I worked out of the Jackson Office. They said you might have opening here."

"WE do and you can start right now. I fired two assholes today for drinking on the job."

He had on a pair of jeans that were cut off just below the knees and a dark green t-shirt. Worn but good Steel toed boots were on his feet.

"You ever drove a bailer?"

"Yeah, that's what I was doing for Agricor mostly. Also pickers."

"Perfect, lets go."

"You mean now. I don't even have a place to stay yet."

"I'll set you up later. For now I need you on a bailer."

"You get him set up Brice?"

"Sure thing he's on payroll as of today."

I grabbed several bottles of water and led Sonny out to my Jeep. When he climbed in and sat down, the bulge in his jeans was very prominent. I couldn't help but stare. I put the Jeep in gear and drove up to the back gate and stopped.

"Sonny, I like to upfront and honest most of the time. So I'll tell you I'm Gay. You know I checked you out when you got in the Jeep and I know I'd enjoy that cock."

"Aaron, I already know you are Gay. Hell just about all the guys at Jackson High figured you might be, but no one wanted to get their ass kicked by a little white guy, so no one ever said anything. I never had a white guy before, but I guess I would not have mined fucking you if I had the chance."

"Well that goes both ways Sonny. I'm versatile and like to fuck too."

I reached over and gripped his cock in his jeans. He yelped.

"Jesus, not here. Some one might see us."

"You're right Sonny." I dropped the Jeep in gear and drove to the last hay barn. I drove right inside and along one wall and stopped and shut off the Jeep.

"Come on." I said and got out.

He followed me around behind the stack of bales. I pulled two down and sat on one. When he walked up to me I reached out and unsnapped his jeans and pulled them down. His very hard 7 inch thick cock slapped his abs.

"Nice Sonny." I pulled him closer and leaned in and buried my nose in his sweaty bush.

"God I must smell like a horse. I haven't had a shower in two days."

"You smell just fine to me Sonny."

I pulled back and using one hand pulled his cock down and let it slide into my mouth. Always loved black cocks. They were almost like silk. I could suck on them forever. As his cock slid down my throat, he pumped forward almost by instinct. His hand came down on my head and he started to fuck my face. His moans were quite loud.

"Fuck I'm not going to last long. Been a while." He moaned.

He didn't last long and I felt the head of his cock swell. Four shots of salty cumm shot into my throat. I just swallowed. I slid off his cock and jacked him a couple of times licking off the stream of cumm. Then sat back.

He sank to his ass on one of the bales. I stood up and dropped my shorts. I stood in front of him. He knew what I wanted, but wasn't going to force him. He reached out and jacked my cock.

"If you want you can suck me. Later I definitely want that cock of yours in my ass."

"I guess there's a first time for everything." He said and took my cock into his mouth.

Well he said he had never done a white guy, but must have done lots of blacks coz he sure knew how to suck. I warned him when I was about to cumm, but he just sucked harder. After I blew, he held it in his mouth for a bit before swallowing. He did the same thing I had. Jacked my cock and licked off the few drops that appeared. He sat back.

"For a white guy Aaron. You taste pretty good. Guess I'm going to have to feel what a white cock feels in my butt too."

"Well we can discuss that later. Now we need to get to work."

We quickly dressed and soon after we were on the way to the field.

WE passed one of the pickers on the way. Might have been interesting if he had arrived at the hay barn while we were sucking. I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Just thinking about what might have happened if Eddy had caught sucking in the hay barn."

"Oh Shit." Sonny said. "Relax Sonny. He'd have been on his knees faster than I was."


"Sonny, three quarters of the crew on the farm here are black. Some are gay, but all don't mind getting a blow job or even fucking my ass on occasion. All know I'm Gay and I make sure people know that first thing. There are less conflicts then."

The crew was stopped for coffee when we arrived and I introduced Sonny. I could tell Tyler was interested right off, just by how he looked at Sonny. I think it was mutual too.

I put Sonny on the bailer Sam was on. They went back to work. I figured they would finish this field today. Sam and I headed for Jackson.

"He's a pretty hot looking guy Aaron."

"Yeah and he tastes good too."

"What! You mean you sucked him off already?"

"Yeah and he sucked me off. Said I was the first white guy he had ever done. Also wants me to fuck him too. He doesn't have a place to stay yet, so figured I'd invite him to my place tonight."

"Jesus Aaron. You are fucking crazy."

"Yup and I enjoy every second of it." I laughed.

TBC. Comments welcome suddar40@shaw.ca

Next: Chapter 20

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