Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Oct 14, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 17

I just sat there on the towel and cried. I didn't know what to say. Brice was I guess my Uncle, but how come Grandpa had made me his Heir if he had a another son. Thing just didn't add up.

"What's wrong Babe?" Gary asked as he hugged me.

I handed him the cards Brice had given me. It took a few seconds before what he read sunk in.

"Holy shit. Like WOW!"

Brice just sat looking at me.

I finally did what I knew I wanted. I moved over to him and put my arms around him.

"I guess you are my Uncle Brice. Well I'm glad." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I'm not sure that is right Aaron. I know technically I guess you are my nephew, but I'm not sure. My Dad never mentioned you until the day he said you were going to be Superintendant. I thought you must be his number one Son."

"I wonder why Grandma and Grandpa adopted you? And now I wonder if my Dad was adopted. I just don't know anymore what is right or who is who. But as far as I'm concerned you are my Uncle from now on. You are older by 6 years than me so that's got to be right."

I guess if we have sex now its incest." I giggled.

"I suppose, but we are not really blood relatives."

Gary all this time had been just sitting looking at us.

"You okay Gary?"

"I guess, but I just can't understand some of the things Brice said. I mean if your Grandpa can tell the President what to do, then he must be some kind of dictator."

"I think my Grandpa maybe a big contributor to the President. So the President helps him out. That's all."

"No. That's not what Brice said. He said the Attorney General knew which side his bread is buttered on and that no ever gets on the wrong side of your grandpa. That means your Grandpa wields a lot of power in Washington. More power than even the President."

What Gary said made some thing else come into my mind. When it was announced that Monroe and Jackson would hold a plebiscite to join together they said the Governor had invoked a very seldom used law. Well when I looked it up, I found it had never been used since the end of the Civil War. Then it had been used to force the big landowners into Counties. Before that the County lines had been defined by property lines. I wondered if Grandpa had ordered it that way.

Then there the mysterious trips Grandpa and Grandma had gone on. He said he was going to Atlanta to do some business, but were they really going to Atlanta.

Then there was that Private Jet Grandpa had used to take us to Florida. Who had it belonged to? I never gave it much thought at the time, but now I wondered.

"I guess there are some things we don't have answers for. We are going to have to talk to Grandpa."

"Aaron you promised not to say anything. Please just leave it alone."

Brice looked like he was about to break down.

"Brice if you really are my Uncle, I have to know. I never really knew my parents either, at least they made it seem that way. They divorced and to top it off my Grandpa took me in and made himself my guardian. I love my Grandpa and Grandma more than anything else. So now I have an Uncle too, well I just got to know for sure."

"I just don't want to hurt my Mom and Dad more. I already been bad enough." He cried.

"Well my Grandpa and Grandma must love you very much Brice or they wouldn't have taken care of you all this time. Even when you screwed up in California they were looking out for you. If everything you say is true and I believe you, then My Grandpa may have used up all his power just to help you. That means they really do love you."

"Well all this talk and now I'm all sweaty. Lets cool off in the water." I said.

Pretty quick we were all laughing and playing in the cool water. We finally walked out and we were all hard.

"Well incest or not, I want to suck your dick again Brice," I said.

"Well okay, but I want to suck Gary too." Brice said.

"Looks like I am going to be sucking you Babe, which is good coz I love your cock."

WE got into a daisy chain. I sucked Brice's cock, Brice sucked Gary's cock and Gary sucked me.

I ended up sucking Brice off three times as he got Gary's stuff and Gary got mine. We had to cool off again before we dressed to make it back in time for Dinner.

Brice didn't bother with his boxer briefs.

"Great Brice, commando. Makes it easier for me later." Gary laughed.

Gary, Brice and I sat together and talked all during Dinner. I guess Grandpa knew something was up with us coz before dinner was over, he asked us all to see him in his den after dinner.

"Grab yourselves a beer boys and sit down. Then he called my Grandma into the den too. When she saw us all together.

"Oh, oh Harold. Looks like the cat is out of the bag."

"Yes, so it would seem dear."

"I need to go back several years here boys. First off Alice and I can't have children. Why I am not now or then sure. So we decided to adopt. Aaron, your Father we adopted first. He was eight at the time and we loved him like he was our own. He did very well in school and we figured he would go a long way."

Well having done so well with one boy we decided to adopt another. That was you Brice. You were just a baby at the time, but Stanley, your Father Aaron hated young Brice. Why I am not really sure. We treated you both equally, gave you everything you ever wanted."

"When you first started to have problems in school and at home, we thought it might be Stanley's doing. But after an examination we learned you had an anger management problem. It was suggested that we send you to a Special School that helped boys similar to you with their problems. We also agreed to let you grow on your own without interference from us. That was the hardest part for us Brice, because Alice and I loved you very much and still do."

"Well you learned very quickly to control your outbursts of fear and anger and excelled academically in school. So much so you graduated with honors in grade twelve. We also found out what had been causing you all the problems before. I'll go into that in a while Son."

"You had always shown an aptitude for Electronics, so I pulled a few strings and got you into MIT."

"Now Aaron, your Father was eight years older than Brice. WE were very happy when he married and at first we thought everything was fine. Your Father was President of a small brokerage House and they had everything they could ever want in life. Then you came along. Well when they thought about abortion. I warned them I would cut both out of my will if they went through with it. You were born a bouncing 8 pound 4 once boy."

"Well that started problems for them. You were as far as they were concerned an accident that was not supposed to happen. That incensed me and your Grandma Aaron. That was why you started to spend your summers here at the Farm. When they finally decided on Divorce and then couldn't agree who would look after you, I stepped in."

I told them I would take over as your Guardian if they signed an agreement to never lay any claim on my Estate. I wrote them out of my will and put you on it along side Brice.

"Well last year when you came to stay here more or less permanently Aaron, Brice went on holiday to California. You know what happened to him in California. In a fit of Anger, I signed Brice out of my will. That was a mistake that I will correct shortly. For now, you Aaron are my sole heir.

"At that Sanatorium, drugs were used to suppress any bad memories you had. Obviously something recently has triggered your memories."

I knew what that was but didn't say anything.

"Now as to why you had problem when you were young and again in California Brice. You have a small benign tumor in your brain. It some how effects your memories. When you were first diagnosed, an operation to remove it would have left you in a vegetable State. So I wouldn't allow it. The self training and drugs suppressed the memories so you could function in a normal way. Maybe it was mistake on my part to disallow the operation, but your Mother and I agreed we would take that chance. I am very glad Son that we did."

Brice got up and ran around the desk. He was in his dads arms immediately. I was very happy for Brice. I hugged Gary as Brice and his Mom and dad hugged.

"Grandpa, does that make Brice my Uncle?"

"Well I suppose technically, but I consider you both my Son's so brothers would be more appropriate."

"Cool. I have always wanted an older brother."

Brice came back over to Gary and me. He put his arms around me and hugged me. He didn't need to say anything. We both felt the same way.

Grandpa, can I ask you something else?"

"Sure Aaron. Ask me anything you like."

"How come you can walk into the White House and tell the President what to do?"

Grandpa and Grandma burst out laughing.

"Well I can't actually tell the President what to do. I am just another citizen like anyone else."

"But the Attorney General told Brice you talked to the President and then the President talked to him and Brice was brought from California."

"What he should have said is I have the ear of the President. I can't just walk in on him like most believe. I have to ask to see him. Granted nine times out of ten he will see me, but I can't really tell him what to do."

"Well where did that come from?"

"Well that goes back to your great, great, great, great Grandpa. During the Revolutionary war with Britain, George Washington and the Continental Army was losing badly. The British had been fighting colonial wars for almost a hundred years and the Continental Army was nothing much more than trained farmers.

The only real hope for the Fledgling United States was invention from the French. Problem was the French were already involved with the British in a war of their own and were not interested in getting into another colonial war. That Ancestor said he could guarantee French help.

Your Ancestor and Washington signed an agreement that any Buckley head of the Family could speak with any sitting President for the next 300 years. Washington and the continental Congress were so strapped for help they agreed to sign. They figured once the war was won they could just tear up the agreement."

Well your Ancestor was also a very large land owner and also had a fleet of Merchant ships. Some so well armed that they could take on British war ships. They were able to defeat the British blockade and bring a very large amount of rifles, ammunition, powder and field guns. That made your ancestor very powerful and the agreement was never torn up.

"I have since changed that agreement. It will run out upon my death. So you see there it is."

"Now I know you have school tomorrow Aaron. You too Gary so you boys better head home. Brice I am sure Aaron wouldn't mind if you moved into his old bedroom."

"Oh for sure Brice." I said.

"Dad is it okay if I go home with Aaron tonight. I mean I didn't really know I had a brother and really want to talk."

"Sure Son. Take your Jeep so you can get here for work tomorrow. You are after all the Superintendant when Aaron is away."

Gary and I gave Grandma and Grandpa a hug before we left. I still had a lot unanswered questions, but figured in time they would be answered.

Brice followed us home in his Jeep. Once we were inside our apartment, I figured I had better clue Brice into some of the things that happened.

"Brice, Gary and I do a few things you might not want to do. First we are never dressed in our apartment. We have a camera on the door bell so if anyone comes we don't know can put shorts on before we let them in."

"That's cool with me. Like I have already seen what you got."

Gary and I giggled and then just undressed. Very quickly Brice was nude too.

Gary walked into the kitchen and grabbed three beers.

"Brice during the week, I have some seniors over that help me with my Grade twelve. I kind of thank them after."

"How do you do that?"

"Well either I or Gary suck them off or let them fuck us. You're my Brother so I'll suck you anytime you want and you can fuck me or Gary anytime too."

When I said that Brice's mouth dropped open. He also got instantly hard.

"I'll be honest. I don't remember if I ever fucked a guy. But like I said fair is fair so if I fuck you guys, you got to fuck me too. I know I have been screwed before lots, but it has been a while since the last time."

"Can you tell me why you were worried about being a fag? You just said you screwed lots so you really were one."

"Well I didn't really know what you were and was worried you would hate me coz I was Gay."

"Well that would have never happened." I laughed.

"Well I think maybe coz you haven't been screwed for a while, that you and Gary fuck me tonight. We can pick a rainy day when we have more time to loosen you up before we screw you. Don't want to hurt you Bro."

"Well I think we better get cleaned out first." Gary said.

I knew what he was thinking. He'd get to rim me after and get both himself and Brice. I just wished I could taste what he did.

Brice was super surprised when we shoved a tube into his ass and washed him out. Boy it was faster than the bulb we used to use. After were all clean we showered. After drying just headed for the bedroom.

Brice climbed on the bed between my legs and I pulled them back.

"Wow you shave Aaron. That's so cool."

"Well Gary shaves me; he doesn't like hairs in his mouth when he rims me."


Well for guy who wasn't sure if he had ever screwed a guy, Brice really knew what he was doing. He came real quick the first time but lasted a good 15 minutes the second. After cumming twice he pulled out. Gary was real quick get to between my legs. I wanted to suck Brice but never had the chance.

Well this was my little part of heaven when Gary slowing slid in his beer can thick cock. I'd never, ever get enough of him fucking me. Although he went real slow the first time, I guess like me he was real horny. He came quick and I almost blew without touching myself when I felt his hot spunk fill my ass. Gary always went for two's.

The second he had finished blowing he started to speed up until he pounding my ass so hard the bed was shaking. He was also hitting my love button on about every stroke which was driving me closer and closer to blowing.

"GOD I'm going to cummmmm." I moaned.

Brice jumped onto my cock. Well it had been a while since someone had sucked me while I was being fucked and it drove me over the top. The feelings of my cumm shooting into Brice's mouth while Gary hammered my ass was almost more than I could bear. I think I shot the biggest load of my life.

My cumming clamped my ass on Gary's cock and he blew almost at the same time.

I slumped onto the bed totally wasted.

It didn't end there. Gary still held my legs back and when he pulled out he dropped and ran his tongue up my crack to my hole. That blew my mind. After rimming me for a bit he sat back.

"Want some Brice?" He said.

Brice never hesitated a second. He pushed his face into my crack. Then he did something neither of us expected. He rolled me over so I was sitting on his face. Well that probing tongue of his just made me let go. He sure got a lot of the stuff from my butt. He finally rolled me off him and sat up. His face was covered in cumm, his and Gary's. I saw him lick his lips and then smile. Before I could react he dropped onto my face and kissed me. When I opened my mouth to kiss him he pushed some of the mixture in his mouth into mine.

Everything that had happened in the last few minutes flooded my brain. I guess I blew again but wasn't sure. What I was sure of Brice shared all he got from my butt with me. That was another dream come true.

When he sat back Gary handed us a towel to clean out faces. Then I gave Brice another kiss and pulled Gary down for one two.

"You guys just blew my mind. I love you both."

WE just all cuddled together to sleep.

School for the next week was the same. Guys over to help me with my grade Twelve Finals and with Brice there as well it usually ended up in an orgy of cocks and asses. Brice loved to suck or fuck as much or maybe more than Gary and I. I figured he was making up for lost time.

Finals started next week. Now I knew I could be in big trouble. Grade Eleven finals were held in the Auditorium in the morning and then Grade Twelve Exams in the afternoon. So I had to write two exams a day for the next eight days. It might have been easier if the same subject was done in the same day, but that was not how it worked out. By the end of exams my mind was so fucked I wasn't sure which way was up and I had no idea how well I had done and wouldn't for at least 3 weeks.

I talked to my Grandpa and told him I needed a few days to unwind. He gave me a week off.

I was so screwed up I didn't even feel like sucking or fucking. Both Brice and Gary knew I was a wreck.

I laying half awake on the couch, a beer in one hand. The Stereo was on and I was just vegetating. Gary and Brice walked in. Both quickly stripped. Neither said anything to me and to be honest it didn't bother me at all. They seemed to disappear for a while and I thought they might be getting it on in the bedroom. No problem I thought. I guess I dozed off, but came awake instantly when Gary tossed a pair of cutoff's on me.

"Come on love. You've been inside for a couple of days. Need to get out and get some fresh air."

Well, he was right and I knew he was trying to get me out of my doldrums. I pulled them on as well as a T-shirt. I slipped on my runners and followed him across the patio.

Brice was sitting in the drivers seat of my Jeep. I got in the passenger seat and Gary squeezed himself in back. I looked over at Brice. He had on a pair of very snug cutoffs. I don't know why some guys in cutoffs turn me on more than seeing a real cock and balls, but they did and Brice was one of those.

"Nice cutoffs Bro. didn't know you had any."

"Well I didn't but Gary cut up my best pair of Jeans. Damn things feel good but are so damned tight."

"Look good too." I said and groped him.

"Hey Bro, cut it out. I'll have an accident." He yelped.

"Looks like you are coming out of your slump Babe."

I looked at Gary in the back. The bulge he showed was even bigger.

"Well can't play with my Bro's so I guess I got to have yours love."

I reached my hand back and he stopped me.

"Not a chance Babe. It took me long enough to get these on. You start playing and I might bust out of them." "Well that might be fun if we get stopped by a Trooper." I giggled.

This was exactly what I needed. Just to get out and away.

"Where are we going?" I asked,

"You'll see. Brice take a left at the next intersection and then straight."

Well I knew real soon where we were going. We passed a sign that said State Park Entrance one mile.

Brice pulled up to the barricade and stopped. A Ranger walked out of the shack and then walked around the Jeep. He walked up and leaned inside.

"Nice Jeep. Hi Gary. How you boys doing?"

"Good Eddy. Busy today?"

"Nope. Just a couple of guys up at the North end fishing. Make sure you close the gate."

"WE will Eddy thanks."

After he lifted the barricade, Brice drove into the park.

"Take a left at the fork Bro." Gary said.

With ten mile an hour speed limit we just idled through the park. It was real quiet and it was exactly what I needed to recharge. No people, no noise. WE came to a gate with a big rusted sign.


Gary climbed out and opened the gate. I climbed in back. Brice drove through and Gary closed the gate. "Just follow the road Brice."

WE had to stop and clear some dead falls but it wasn't long before we pulled up at the Mine House.

"Wow! That is so cool. How did you find it?" Brice said.

"Long Story. Let's get this shit inside." Gary said.

Well Gary must have packed everything including the kitchen sink in that Hamper. It weighed a frigging ton. After we moved the Jeep into the mine entrance.

WE got three chairs from inside and set them on the veranda. Gary grabbed beers and we sat down.

"This real nice Gary." Brice said.

"Yeah and nobody within four miles. We can do what we want here."

"Great, coz you guys can screw me then." Brice smiled.

When he said that I knew it was time I came clean with him and Gary.

"Brice, I love you more than just as my Brother. I love you as much as I love Gary. I don't want us to ever be apart again."

"Well I already told Gary I loved you. I also love Gary. I just wasn't sure how you would take it."

"Well I guess confessions all around love. I love Brice as much as I love you."

"Guess we are three then." I giggled.

"Going to put a damper on our idea of getting married after we graduate."

"You can't get married. It's illegal for two guys to marry in this State."

"Well it's not in Canada. I figured I would borrow Grandpa's jet and fly up there after University."

"He's got a jet?"

"Yeah I think so. He used one to fly us to Florida for holidays'. I know Grandpa and Grandma take off sometimes so I figure they are using it."

"I am pretty sure Grandpa didn't tell us everything."

"Yeah, I got that feeling too." Gary said.

"Well anyways. Now that we are three, you guys got to tag team my butt. Then we will really be three."

Well I really did want to fuck him. I knew by any law it was incest, even if we weren't brothers by blood. He had screwed me probably thirty times and we had sucked each other more times than that. So I didn't care about any stupid laws. I just didn't want to hurt him.

"Okay, but we got to go slow coz I don't want to hurt you Bro."

"Not that slow." He laughed.

He stood up and pulled off his cutoffs. His cock slapped his abs. Seeing his cock got me instantly hard and I undressed. Gary hadn't waited. Brice got up and ran into the cabin. He came out with his back pack.

First he pulled out a big bottle of Lube. Then a 7 inch and 9 inch rubber dildo. My eyes got real big when I saw them.

"I've been using these in the hay barn whenever I could find time at the farm. I figure I'm loose enough that I can handle the real thing."

Gary just laughed and got up. He went into the cabin and came out with a six pack and an air mattress.

"Cool, even better out in the open." Brice said.

"So how do you want to do this Bro?"

"Well I think Aaron can do me doggy style. Then I can suck Gary. Maybe get more of his dick in my mouth."

I knew he's get a lot more that way.

"I just got to watch my teeth. I remember that colored guy from school with the big cock. He didn't like teeth on his cock."

"Well don't worry about teeth on my cock. I don't mind, right Babe?"

Yeah I knew what he meant. It was impossible not to get your teeth in the way with that beer can cock in your mouth. Brice should worry more about Gary dislocating his jaw.

Gary sat down on the end of the air mattress and Brice kneeled between his legs. I lubed my cock and then Brice's butt.

I decided I was still going to go slow coz those dildo weren't all that thick. I lined up my dick on his hole and applied a little pressure. Fuck I was surprised when I went balls deep into his ass.

"Oh God Aaron that feels so good. Fuck me Aaron. Fuck me." Brice moaned.

Brice was real warm inside and very snug. I could feel the muscles squeezing on my cock. Well fuck him I did. This was not love. This was more like rutting. I hammered his hole as hard and as fast as I could. I stopped once and blew inside. Then just continued. The second time came as much a surprise to me as Brice and I just stopped. I had to really pull back coz Brice's ass seemed to hold my dick.

When I sat back, Brice sat back and turned to me. His face was covered in cumm so I figured Gary had got off. He had a big smiled and he moved over and kissed me. I got some of Gary's sperm, which was nice.

He then turned.

"Your turn Gary."

Gary and I switched positions. Brice wouldn't need lube on his butt, my cumm was oozing out.

As Brice leaned down to suck my cock I looked down. Oh shit we hadn't cleaned ourselves out. My dick was covered in cumm and crap. Before I could stop Brice he was sucking my cock. That kind of blew me away, coz I hated shit in my mouth, yet it never bothered Brice.

"Go easy Gary, you got that beer can."

Gary just nodded as he lined up on Brice's leaking hole.

The head of his monster slipped in easy. Well it always slipped in easy for me too. But what was coming next, even after screwing me hundreds of time still hurt when Gary went into me, I knew would really hurt Brice.

Brice came off my cock and groaned as Gary applied a little pressure.

"Go slow Babe." I said,

Well Gary applied pressure, but his dick never moved. It was like he was trying to put a big stopper into a small bottle. Brice yelled and then took in a big breathe. As he blew it out I watched his body relax. My mouth dropped open in surprise as Gary's cock just slid into Brice's hole. Gary was so surprised he just stopped.

"Oh Fuck Yeah." Brice moaned.

Nothing was said for a moment. I was still shocked at what had happened and Gary looked like he was dazed.

"Fuck me Gary. Fuck me hard. Make me your bitch." Brice yelled then dropped onto my cock.

Where the fuck did that come from I thought.

Well Brice's mouth on my cock was like a vacuum cleaner. Boy could he suck good. Gary of course started to fuck Brice with long slow strokes.

Brice lifted off my cock.

"Fuck me Gary. Harder, faster. Bitch fuck me Erin."

Gary stopped.

"Please, please, I need it so bad. Fuck me man." Brice pleaded.

Gary shrugged his shoulders and started to really fuck Brice. Brice just moaned with reach stroke. It didn't take Gary long to blow and he pulled out immediately. He moved away from Brice.

Gary sat up on one of the chairs and cleaned his cock. He just looked at Brice.

I had no more interest in getting sucked and my dick wilted. Brice looked at me funny and sat back

"I never want you to be my bitch Brice and who is Erin?"

Well when Gary said that, Brice's face changed abruptly. It was like night and day. One moment he was smiling and happy the next was like he'd just watched his best friends die before his eyes. He jumped up and ran into the cabin crying.

I went to go after him, but Gary stopped me.

"Give him some time love. Something from his past came out. You have to give him time to sort it out."

"I don't want him to hurt himself."

"He won't love. He just needs a little space."

I wasn't sure about that but grabbed a beer and sat next to Gary.

WE just sat, not talking for about fifteen minutes. Brice finally came out and sat down. His eyes were red rimmed from crying.

Gary cracked a beer and handed it to him. He took a sip.

"I'm sorry Gary I said that. Something just happened. I love you both so much and now I might have lost you coz of my past."

"Not a chance Bro. You are stuck with me for ever." I said.

"For sure Brice. We're not going anywhere without you."

"Thanks, but I'm not sure you would really want me. I done some awful things in my past. The Doctor's told me I might have memories come back. He said some of the drugs I had used could cause flashbacks. I guess that is what happened.

"Can you talk about it Brice? Maybe it would help. WE love you Bro, so you need not worry that we will stop loving just coz you did some bad shit."

We have all done things we are not proud of Brice. Even Gary and I."

"Well you might not after you hear."

"Come on Brice tell us." Gary said gently.

Brice just sat for a while, I guess trying to put thing in order.

"Well the Erin was the name of the guy that had me. I really was his bitch. Well I guess a better word would be his Slave. He was my Master.

When I flew to Sam Francisco, it was for just a 10 day holiday. I went out a few nights just exploring and having a few drinks. Well I went to this adult club and watched strippers. It kind of made me real horny. I was walking back to my hotel when I saw what I thought was a hooker. She was real hot looking with big tits and a nice ass.

"Want to party? She asked me.

"Well I was real horny so I said yes. I was also pretty drunk. She said we'd get a drink and then head for her place. I was okay with that and she led me to this bar in an alley. I guess if I had been sober, I would have known something was wrong when we walked in coz there was more guys than girls."

WE were up at the bar and guy walked up and kissed the girl.

"Found some fresh meat eh Girl." Then I felt a hand run over my butt. I thought it was her. The bar tender brought two shooters and I just downed one. Next thing I remember is dancing, but kept feeling hands running over my butt. We sat down in a booth and I felt her hand on my dick. Well I was real fucked by then. She unzipped me and then told me to lift my butt. Someone pulled off my jeans and I felt a hot mouth on my cock. I knew it wasn't her coz she was beside me. They kept bringing me drinks and I was so fucked I just drank.

She said we should move someplace more private and I figured I was going to get to screw her. I was so fucked, I didn't even notice all I had on was my t-shirt.

Well the room was pitch dark.

"Get on your knees on the bed baby." She said.

I felt something cool on my ass and hole.

"You are really going to love this baby. It will hurt for a while, but I'm sure you will love it like I do." She said.

Well I sobered up real quick when she/he started to push his dick into my ass. I opened my mouth to scream and someone else shoved a dick in my mouth. From then one it was long pain as I think I did 10 or more guys.

When I woke up the light was on and I was alone. I could not remember much, my mind seemed to kind of fuddled.

A guy walked in.

"Finally a wake eh." He helped me sit up.

"Here, drink this. It will help clear your mind."

I did and it really woke me up fast. Didn't do anything for my mind though and couldn't remember what had happened.

He helped me shower and clean up and gave me my jeans. After he took me out and handed me to two real big guys. They took me out and put in the back of a van. I had to sit on the floor.

I didn't know it at the time but I was now a sex slave to a biker gang.

After a pretty long drive the van stopped. I was taken out and down some stairs and into a pretty big room. A steel pole was dead center. The guy walked up to me and told me to take my jeans off. When I hesitated he slapped me so hard I fell on the floor.

"You do exactly what I say every time boy or you will be in a world of hurt. Now get those fucking jeans off." He yelled.

I was shaking but removed my jeans. I covered myself up and all he did was chuckle. The other guy brought over a long chain attached to a collar. He put it around my neck and locked it on.

"Okay Bitch. Listen and listen good. Your life depends on it."

That chain will reach every where down here. There is a bathroom in the corner and that bed over there is yours to use, although I doubt you will ever be alone in it. You will do anything anyone asked you or you will be whipped. You got a nice looking body so I wouldn't want to see it all scarred up. Refuse and you will be whipped. Do as your told and everything will be fine. We'll feed you so need not worry. Also when we are done you will clean this room. Make no mistake, you fuck up and you will be punished. Do you understand Bitch?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, now get on your knees, pull out my cock and suck it." When I hesitated, I saw him tense up. I just resigned myself and kneeled at his feet. I pulled out his huge cock and sucked. After he came he ruffled my hair.

"Not bad Bitch. You got a hot mouth. Bet your ass is even better."

They both left me and I just sat down and cried.

I don't remember how long I was there. I did everything for them, even drink their piss and suck their dirty cocks after they fucked me. They always were feeding me drugs. Sometimes it was just pot or hashish. Some times pills. I never refused.

Well one night after I had been screwed I don't know how many times and drank gallons of piss and cumm, I was so sick I could hardly move. I staggered into the bathroom and puked. Then I shit. I felt so dirty all over even inside. I think I was in the shower for over two hours trying to get myself clean. Every time I looked at myself all I saw was there cumm and piss on me.

I went out to the playroom as they called it. I had another name. I saw an unfinished drink on the table and just downed it. It made me feel better. Then I saw a bag of pills on the table. Without even thinking about it I just grabbed a handful and swallowed them. Next thing I remember was the hospital room with a detective telling me I was under arrest for possession for purpose of trafficking.

You guys know the rest.

Brice just sat with tears streaming down his face. I got up, walked up to him and pulled him up. I wrapped my arms around him and soon crying with him. I felt so sorry, I had no words. Pretty quick Gary had his arms around us both.

WE all settled down.

"Brice, you are my brother and a brother I never knew I had. There is nothing now or in the past that would make me stop loving you. I want you and Gary in my life forever."

"That goes double for me Brice." Gary said.

I grabbed some more beer and Gary built a small fire. We grilled burgers for supper. We didn't talk much for the rest of the night and just cuddled to together to sleep. My brother on one side and my lover on the other.


Next: Chapter 18

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