Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Oct 10, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 16

When I woke up I was covered in sweat, but felt a 1000 percent better. When I sat up I saw a lot more guys than when I went to sleep. I saw Sam sitting on his blanket drying himself off. I needed to crap so headed his way. The pit we dug was down the beach further.

"Hi Sam. How you doing?"

"Great, had lots of fun. You need this?" He held up his enema bulb.

"Fuck yes. Thanks Sam." I grabbed the bulb and headed for the shit pit. After crapping and pissing headed down the beach a ways. Didn't want to clean myself out near where the guys might swim.

The salt water, although cold felt good inside my ass. After I was done I found I could get two fingers in my butt. I stopped though coz it was making me hard. I let the sun dry me as I walked back. Dropped his bulb on his blanket, went and grabbed a beer and joined Gary and Henry on a log by the fire.

Feeling better love?" Gary asked.

"Yeah much better. Ready for another night of fun at the beach." I giggled.

"You're going to get a bad rep Aaron if you keep this up." Henry said in that Australian twang.

I probably already have a bad rep, but I don't care what people think of me. I doubt anyone's going to talk about what happened last night or might happen tonight. They'll just get the same rep as me."

"Maybe." He said.

Saturday night was almost a carbon copy of Friday. I did suck a lot of guys, but didn't get as many cocks in my ass. Gary and I sacked out about 2 am.

All the guys helped us clean up the beach and by two in the afternoon all that was left were Allan, Henry, Sam, Jimmy, Gary and I. WE just sat and talked about this party. All agreed it was the best beach party they had ever been too and agreed we would have another in the spring. Maybe during spring Break.

They all took off and left Gary and me. We just necked for a while, not saying much. WE had to be back for Sunday Dinner at the Farm.

We dropped the hampers at the back of the cook shack and thanked Joshua. After parking in front we grabbed our first beer of the day and sat down near Sam and Jimmy.

Grandpa and Grandma came up and I gave Grandma a hug and got a kiss on the cheek back. I shook Grandpa's hand.

"How was the party boys?"

"Great Grandpa and no one got into trouble either."

"That I am glad to hear Son. Aaron that judge was very impressed with both you boys. He was even more impressed when he heard what you did during the hurricane. He's going to grant you your emancipation. All you need do is pick a date so we can set up an appointment with the Governor."

"Well I already know that date Grandpa. It will be on Gary's birthday. Then we will be both Adults at the same time."

Gary teared up when I said that and I just hugged him.

Grandpa told us to keep quiet about it, but we were going to awarded the Presidential Award for Lifesaving. He said it would be announced some time before Christmas and probably be awarded to us at the White House sometime in the New Year.

Well the next weeks and months were pretty much the same. Gary and I agreed to keep our extracurricular fun away from school. All that meant was we almost always had one or two guys over every night. I also got screwed along with Gary by the National guard Sergeant. HE said he was bi, but I wasn't so sure, although he fucked us both wouldn't suck.

Allan came out to his Father and his Father kicked him out. He even took away his car. Henry bought Allan another car identical to what he had had. That told me both guys were really in love and I was very happy for both. They took off for the Thanksgiving long Weekend and when they came back Allan said they flew to Canada where they got married. That kind of blew my mind.

Maybe Gary and I could do the same thing.

I kind of figured Henry was well off financially coz he never worried about money. I didn't ask.

What really worried me was the Grade twelve mid term exams. If I didn't do good on them I wouldn't be able to do grade twelve courses anymore and would still need another year to graduate. Well Allan and a couple of other students were over every night during December to help me out.

Some nights some of those guys stayed all night.

It was real weird hearing my name on National Television. The President announced our awards during his Christmas Speech to the Nation.

Well I aced my Grade Eleven Mid term exams. I didn't do so well on my Grade Twelve Mid Terms. I did have a high enough score to continue taking grade twelve courses but was told I'd have to do a lot better on my STAT finals.

That kind of decided my nights during the school week. Study, study, study.

Weekends we worked at the farm and with spring coming we had to prepare fields for planting. We took both our vehicles to work coz we never knew where we would be. I knew Grandpa had one of the biggest farming operations in the State, but didn't really know how big until that late winter and spring.

I was working one of the section size fields doing disking with one of Grandpa's brand new John Deere Tractors. I was almost to the far end of the field when it just stopped. Everything on these tractors was automatic, I was almost dozing. It stopping brought me wide awake. I couldn't see anything wrong with the dials, but it just wouldn't move.

I called into Grandpa on the radio and told him. He said he'd send a maintenance guy out. About 15 minutes later I saw Kevin come roaring across the field. Seeing it was Kevin coming, I thought about his nine inch dick and how much I had enjoyed our three days of forced isolation at the Buckley place. That made me get hard.

"So fucked up one of Your Grandpa's new tractors. I'll bet he is pleased." I didn't do anything. It just stopped."

Kevin did all the checks I did and a few more listed in the manual. Nothing worked. It ran good but just wouldn't move.

Kevin walked back to his truck, opened the tailgate, grabbed two beers from the cooler there and leaned back against the tailgate. He dialed a number on his cell and talked for a few minutes. Standing next to him I could smell his musky smell and it just turned me on more. He hung up his phone and chucked it on the tailgate.

"Larry, the John Deere guy is coming out from the Equipment coop. He'll be here in half an hour."

"Well it gives us time if you want a blow job." I said.

Kevin burst out laughing.

Are you always horny Aaron?"

"Yup, especially when I get close to guys like you."

"Okay bud, go for it. Maybe you can get Larry to fuck you after he gets you mobile."

Is he into guys?"

"Hell, he's into anything. Girl, guy, don't matter to him. He's been screwing Ricky I know."

"Well Ricky will bend over for anyone." I said.

"Well from some of the stories from that beach party, so will you."

I was on my knees almost ready to suck Kevin when he said that. I stopped and looked up at him. I guess I looked scared coz he said.

"Relax Aaron. Quite a few of those guys that were at the beach party work here. More than a few of them will drop there pants for a fuck or suck. You need not worry what you did will get around."

I knew that was true. Quite a few of the Football team came over on week nights and I got to fuck or suck most of them. All of them worked here at the farm.

I stopped thinking as Kevin slid his cock into my mouth. Always so smooth and silky. I just bobbed on his cock, enjoying the feeling of the cock sliding in and out of my throat.

"You are one hell of a cocksucker Aaron. You always do it so good."

About ten minutes later he blew his sweet/salty load down my throat. I jacked him a couple of times and licked him clean. Right after he zipped up and I stood Larry's Service truck pulled onto field. He didn't drive it like Kevin did. He took his time across the rough field.

Larry spent a lot of time under the tractor. HE figured it was transmission but after checking everything came to the conclusion it was a main shop repair. He spent a lot of time on his phone.

"Okay, this one will have to go to Atlanta for repairs. Normally you would be out of luck until its done, but considering your Grandpa owns about ten million in John Deere equipment they are going to send out a loner until this one is ready. Bad news is it won't be here until tomorrow."

I thought about asking Larry to fuck me, but called Grandpa and gave him the news. He said to come to the farm and meet him in the equipment barn. Kevin drove me to my Jeep.

Grandpa met me as I entered the barn. The only thing inside the barn was a combine in pieces. He led me into a room off to one side. I stopped dead as I walked in. I had been in this barn probably a hundred times in the last two years and had never seen this room. Grandpa laughed when he saw my face.

"Relax Aaron. This room didn't exist until about 3 months ago."

On two walls of the room were maps. One was of Georgia and the other Jackson/Monroe County, as the two were now called. Both had pins of different colors sticking in them. A big radio transceiver sat on a desk on one side and two computer terminals were on other desks. Another big map was on a table in the middle of the room.

A huge colored guy walked out of an office at the end of the room. He could be a carbon copy of Henry, Allan's lover.

"Mike, this is my Grandson and heir. Aaron this is Mike Standish. He's superintendant for Stanton General Construction."

Mike seemed to glide across the office. His size and sheer bulk made everyone step aside. His smile was real friendly. His hand totally enveloped mine when he shook my hand.

"I am very glad to finally meet you Aaron and I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Huh?" is all I said.

I guess my expression was funny coz everyone in the room laughed.

"Aaron effective immediately you are Superintendant of Operations for Green Acre Farms Inc."

"What? Grandpa I don't know anything about running a Farm. Sure I know how to operate some equipment, but I can't do what you do Grandpa."

"I imagine over the next four years you will learn all you need to know. Besides I'm not going to just drop it in your lap, at least not yet. I'll be here to help along with everyone here."

"That young man there is Brice. He'll be your assistant and learn along side you."

"Hi." I said as I shook his hand. It was a firm shake even though he looked to be about my height and weight. He was also a red head with freckles. He was kind of cute, I guess.

"Brice is the man who set up our GPS system. So anything you need to know about that he can explain it."

"Cool. That really works well."

"Thanks." He said but seemed to turn a little redder.

I spent the rest of the day as Grandpa showed me exactly what Green Acres Farms did and had. The Farm owned twenty six sections of land and leased 7 more. It cultivated everything under the sun I thought. Although the two main crops were Corn and Potatoes. Others were the Vegetable farm, with leaf and tubers. Then there were flowers and berries. Add in cotton, oats, barley, wheat, hay and then bales of Straw and seed crops. There was almost more than I could comprehend.

Then there were the others things that Green Acres owned. The Equipment Co-op. All of the land in Callum. The seed cleaning plant in Callum. Plus half of Stanton General Construction. Green Acres was the largest farm operation in Jackson/Monroe County and the third largest in the State. My mind was full of all this as I sat at the table.

By the time I got home I had a headache from all the information I had absorbed. I also had a briefcase filled with things Grandpa had to decide on. He had asked me to look at them and write an opinion on what he should do. I told Gary about my day.

I even told Gary about blowing Kevin and what I had heard about Larry, the guy from John Deere.

"Well I already knew about Larry. He offered his ass to me one day when he did a maintenance check on the seeder I was using."

"You mean you didn't take him up on it? That's unusual for you Babe."

"Well I was hot and tired. I heard he's as bad as Ricky and will almost bend over for anyone."

WE continued to talk while he made dinner. I told him what Grandpa had done.

"So now you are my boss and lover. That's even better babe."

It was getting close to spring break and we were planning our next beach party. It was already warm enough to wear shorts to school and most of the time at work. Even the nights were warm.

Gary was going to be a heavy Duty Mechanic. He would be apprenticing with Kevin at the farm. That made it even more easy for us coz while I was taking my degree he would be learning to be a mechanic. We'd both graduate about the same time.

WE had to postpone our beach party for three days coz we had to fly to Washington. Gary and me, along with Henry and Allan and Kevin, all flew to Washington with Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed at the Washington Biltmore Hotel. Us guys had two double suites. Each suite had two king size beds. Made for lots of fun at night. It kind of put a damper on our activities when we found out we were being watched by the Secret Service. I guess they didn't trust a bunch of Farm boys or maybe they knew we were all fags. I figured they knew everything, but nothing was ever said to us.

WE arrived in Washington a day before the presentation and were going to stay a day longer after. None of us had been to Washington DC before so we wanted to see some of the sights. We did see all the war memorials including that real scary one the Viet Nam Memorial. It felt real eerie walking along that wall with all names of the guys killed over there. It was almost like there were ghosts watching us.

On the day of the Ceremony we were picked up by two limos and driven to the White House. The Ceremony was for 1 PM, so I wondered why so early. Well we got a complete tour of the White House. It was real nice with Marines in Dress Blues and the ever present Secret Service walking around.

About 1 pm we were ushered out to the west lawn of the White House. There was about sixty people seated and about a zillion cameras and reporters. WE were seated in the front row. There were a lot of guys in uniform and even one guy in a wheel chair in uniform.

WE all stood when the President came out. After we were seated again the guy in the wheelchair was called up. He got a Congressional Medal of Honor. I couldn't believe all the stuff he did in Afghanistan and some of it after he had lost his leg. Made what we did look like Childs play.

After he presented a lot more medals and decorations. I saw we were the only ones in civilian clothes. I guess civilian stuff is less important than Military stuff. After all the uniformed guys got decorated, we were called up. I was shaking like a leaf.

I guess the President noticed that I was scared and shaking coz he leaned down and told me to relax. Well his hand on my shoulder helped a lot. Well all the stuff he read out that we did to me was no real big deal, but he made it sound like we were National Heroes or something. What I didn't know was that 348 people lost their lives in that storm or that there was almost 15 billion dollars in damage.

"To each of these four young men I now present you with the Presidential Citizens Medal." He pinned the medal to our breast pocket.

I figured it was done so we could leave, but he put his hand back on my shoulder.

"What is even more remarkable about what these four young men did was that the one in charge of these four young men was Aaron Buckley, just sixteen years of age. His leadership in leading these four young men into the teeth of the storm and saving over 60 men, women and children, makes him stand out above all the others. His leadership, and steadfast devotion to do as he had been tasked makes him a real Hero in my eyes and that of all Americans."

"To you Aaron Buckley, I am awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

He put this sash thing over my head and then shook my hand.

All I could mumble was 'Thank you Mr. President.'

"Actually Aaron, I thank you."

Then we were ushered inside for refreshments. I got to shake a lot of hands and even my Grandma and Grandpa met the President. I made it a point to shake the hand of the guy who won the Medal of Honor, coz I thought he was the real Hero.

I also told him if he ever needed work to come to Green Acres and we could put him to work.

He laughed and said he'd think about it.

WE headed home on Sunday. Now it was back to normal studying for my finals. We ended up cancelling the beach party coz it rained almost the whole of Spring Break.

Planting season was in full swing at the Farm, but all I did was sit in that office making sure everything ran right. The GPS system was used for planting too and Brice and I went out quite often to check it or to set up other fields near ready for planting. It made sure every row was straight and used the entire field.

Brice was an unknown to me. He never talked about his home life or history. Now I did see him checking me out sometimes but we were almost never alone except when we went to check the GPS system. We were pretty close to the end of the planting season and it was particularly hot day. We did have air conditioning in the office, but we were seldom there except in the morning.

One of the Corn planters said he was having trouble with the fertilizer injection system. We used Andros ammonia mostly as fertilizer. No w this was a gas and very poisonous if someone breathed it. Kevin took off to the field. Brice and I had nothing to do so I suggested we drive out and see if we could help.

I was wearing a pair of my very tight cutoffs. When I sat down they showed everything. Brice always wore long board shorts that were real loose so I could never see what he had. When I sat in the jeep, Brice's eyes got real big when he saw my dick and balls standing out in my cutoffs.

Fuck it I thought to myself. I was going to find out what Brice had come hell or high water. I started the jeep and drove it into the shade next to the barn. I shut it sown and climbed out.

"What are we doing?"

"Screw the planter. Kevin can worry about it. We can cool off."

He just shrugged and followed me. I went inside the barn and grabbed two towels from the big shower room. Then I went to the cook shack and grabbed a six pack of beer.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a swimming hole in the creek at the back of the property. I figure we could go there and cool off. Most of the work is done so we got time for a swim."

"Okay." Was all he said.

WE were both sweating like pigs by the time we got to the pool. I spread the two towels and then kicked off my runners. I pulled my t-shirt off and then stopped. As usual I wasn't wearing underwear. I didn't want to scare him off, so just pulled out my wallet and dropped it on my towel.

"This is nice Aaron, but I don't have trunks."

"Well you could swim in your underwear or go nude. No one comes here so you would be safe."

I also knew he could swim in his board shorts, but didn't say it.

He never said anything so I just took a quick run and dove in the water in my cutoffs.

I stopped and turned back to him. He had kicked off his running shoes and took off his t-shirt. He had his hands on his board shorts. He stood a moment and then shrugged and pushed off his board shorts. He had white boxer briefs on. I couldn't see much from this distance, but knew once they were wet I'd get a good look. He ran and dived in.

We swam around for a while and he appeared to relax more he was in the water.

"How about a beer in the shade Brice?"


I walked out, grabbed the beer and sat on one of the towels. Brice walked out and right up to me. He never tried to hide his junk. He walked right up to me and I handed him a beer. He stood still for perhaps 30 seconds. It gave me a chance to really check him out.

HE was definitely a red head top and bottom. The White underwear was almost translucent wet. He had about 6 inches and was cut. Couldn't see much else. He sat down on the towel.

Seeing his cock did nothing for me except get me harder. The damn cutoffs started to hurt as my dick was squeezed by the wet material.

"I guess fair is fair Aaron. You told me you were Gay along time ago I was just wondering about you."

"Well wonder no more." I stood up, unsnapped my cutoff and pushed them off.

I sighed in relief. He turned beet red.

"Look all you want Brice. I don't mind. I just wish you didn't wear those damn board shorts, I'd been able to check you out sooner."

"Well I don't own any cutoffs." He giggled.

"Well you said fair is fair so you have seen what I got. How about showing me what you got?"

He looked at me a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. He lifted his ass and pushed off his underwear. Hot damn he had a nice looking cock.

Without even thinking about what I was doing I reached over and gripped his shaft. HE took in a quick breathe, but never stopped me. I slowly jacked him and he moaned. He got hard real fast. Now nearly 7 inches but real thick and the head was looked like a perfect heart. I knew I was going to suck his dick.

"You can stop me if you want Brice, but I just got to do this." I leaned over and let his cock slide into my mouth.

I heard his sharp intake of Breath and then his hips, I think instinctively thrust up. That pushed his dick into my throat and I moaned. Brice's cock was perfect for sucking.

He started to squirm as I bobbed on his cock. I figured if this was his first time he'd come quick.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHH! GOOOOD! Aaron!" His whole body shook.

I felt his cock expand and then throb like something alive. Two thick streams of salty/sweet cumm shot across my tongue. His cock continued to throb, but not much came out. I knew guys got real sensitive after cumming but never came off his cock.

"AHHHHHH!" HE screamed and another longer stream of cumm shot into my mouth. He just collapsed on the towel then. I lifted off his cock and jacked it a couple of times. A large bead of cumm dribbled out of his dick so I licked it off and sat back.

He looked like a wet rag. His eyes were glazed and it looked like he was almost out cold.

"Nice Brice. You taste good."

He just lay back on the towel not saying anything. After a bit he sat up and took a sip of beer.

"Why did you do that Aaron?"

"Well every time I see a nice cock I just got to suck it. You got a real nice cock Brice."

"No ones ever done that before. I mean I guess I was hoping, but I'm not sure. I mean when you told me you were gay, I kind of knew what gay guys did but just didn't think it might happen to me. Can I feel you cock Aaron?"

"Sure." I was so horny I might just blow as soon as he did.

He leaned over as I had done. His face was about 6 inches from the end of my cock. If I did blow he was going to get a face full of cumm. HE gripped it lightly and then jacked a couple of times. I saw a bead of precumm stream out of my cock. He licked his lips and then licked it off. Well that almost did it. I felt a bolt of electricity shoot through my dick. He licked his lips and then shrugged. He opened his mouth and took my cock into it. Well I did what he had done and my hips just by their own volition thrust up. My dick was forced down his throat. He gagged and backed off.

"Sorry Brice." I said.

He put one hand lightly around the base of my cock and then sucked my cock again. Well that's all it took. Seeing those ruby red lips on my cock caused me to cumm. I did as I did with everyone that sucked my dick. I put both hands on his head as I came. He gagged instantly and tried to pull off my cock.

"Just swallow Brice. Swallow."

He did and it felt good. I let off the pressure on his head and he lifted off my cock.

"Jack my dick and get the rest Brice." I ordered him.

He did as I said and sat back.

"It didn't taste like I thought it would." He said as he licked his lips.

Then his face changed abruptly. Tears streamed from his eyes.

"Oh no. Now I'm a fag." He cried.

I sat up and pulled him into my arms.

"No, no Brice. No you are not a fag."

But you sucked me and then I did you. That makes me a fag coz I sucked your cock."

"Brice all we were doing is two guys helping each other out. That does not make you a fag."

He sat back. He stopped crying but tears still streamed down his face. It made him look even cuter if that was possible.

"Brice, you got a real nice cock and I'll suck you anytime you want, but you never have to suck me again."

"Well that wouldn't really be fair. So if you suck me, I'll suck you." Maybe Brice really was a fag. Well that was something I could explore later. Now I really wanted to suck him off again.

I was about to ask when.

"Figured this was where you were when I found your Jeep." Gary said as he walked out of the bush.

Brice turned beet red and tried to cover himself. Gary just pushed off his runners, dropped his cutoffs and pulled off his t-shirt.

"Really need this." He said and made a running jump into the water.

Brice was covering himself and trying to pull his underwear on.

"Relax Brice. He won't be mad."

"But he's your boyfriend?"

"Yeah well Gary likes the same thing I do, so he'll probably ask to suck you off too." I chuckled.

"Yeah, but he's real big and I don't think I could suck him."

"Would you want to Brice?"

"Well it would only be fair. I didn't mind sucking your cock, so I guess if Gary was sucking me, I'd want to suck him."

Gary walked out of the water and Brice's eyes got real big. Gary just grabbed the small cooler he had brought along, spread out his towel and flopped onto it.

"Hey Babe." He said and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Relax Brice. I'm not mad at you or Aaron. Hell I was hoping I'd find out what you had hidden in them loose board shorts before Aaron. You got a great looking cock Brice. Want a blow job?"

Brice looked at me and then Gary. He licked his lips.

"Well as I told Aaron, if he was going to suck me again I would suck him the same time. I guess you can suck me, but I'm going to suck you too."

"Whoa Brice. I just figured you needed it. You don't need to do that for me."

"Well fair is fair Gary."

"Can we just slow down here a bit." I said.

Both Gary and Brice looked at me.

"Brice, when you sucked me off you were worried you might now be gay. Well if you are now willing to suck us when we suck you, maybe you really are a fag."

Brice looked down at his hands.

"I guess I need to tell you guys something. I promised I'd never say anything, so you guys got to promise you will never say anything either."

Brice you needn't say anything if you are breaking a promise."

"Well you might understand better if I tell you."

Gary cracked a couple of beers and handed them to Brice and me. Then he got one himself. Brice took a sip.

"I don't know who my real Mom and Dad are. I heard later that they were killed in a car crash just after I was born. I was adopted by a real nice Man and woman. I'll tell you their names later."

Well I guess everything was fine until I was about six. Then I became a real hellion. So much so that my adoptive parents couldn't handle me. Well they didn't want to just get rid of me so they sent me to a Special School for kids like me. Eventually I got over my anger problems, but stayed at the school until I graduated. I guess I was pretty smart coz they sent me to MIT. I got my degree in Electronic Engineering."

"Now I hadn't seen my adoptive parents for over 12 years, but they still continued to support me in everything. They even got me a job with Northrop Aviation. Well about a year after I was working at Northrop, I was on holiday in California. I got drunk one night and ended up getting raped by some guys at a club. I guess I was more than willing coz I ended up staying California. Of course I lost my job that my Parents had got me."

"Well I also lost my security clearance with the US Government coz they considered me a fag. Well after that I got into drugs. One night I overdosed and ended up in hospital. Well the cops had found me with lots of drugs and charged me with possession for the purpose of trafficking. I figured I was heading for a long time in jail."

I was kept in a police ward at the hospital until I was fit to stand trial. But then one night without explanation, I was transferred to a sanatorium. It was a very exclusive Rehab Center. My parents had come back into my life.

While I was in the rehab center I came to believe everything that had happened to me was just a bad dream. Like sucking dick and getting fucked was just a figment of my imagination. The Doctors told me drugs could make me think things that never really happened."

"After nearly six months my system was clear of any drugs and I didn't dream of stuff anymore. I was also eating and exercising. I was set for release. I just didn't know what I was going to do. I had no job, no money, nothing."

On the day of my release a man in a dark suit came to see me. He had two big suitcases. He said there were new clothes in the suit cases. He told me pick what I wanted to wear and change. He left me while I changed. Man they were the best clothes I had ever seen. I changed and he came in picked up the bags and we left. He put my bags in the back of a long black limo with dark windows. He put me in back and drove off. He hadn't said another word.

I just sat in back and looked out the windows. I couldn't even see the driver, there was a screen of some kind blocking me. I figured we were heading for the airport coz I saw the signs, but we drove right by. He then turned in a road that had a tall fence with barbed wire on top. At first I thought it was some kind of prison, but when he drove through the gate, I saw Armed Guards so knew it was a military base. But why were they bringing me here?"

He just drove around a hanger and along a line of fighter jets and a couple of big Transports. He pulled up to a pure white Jet and stopped.

He got out opened the door for me. I saw my bags being carried on the jet.

"It was very nice to meet you Brice. Have a nice flight and good luck." The driver put out his hand and I shook it. I didn't even know his name.

Another guy in uniform walked up to me.

"This way Sir." He led me to the steps.

I saw Untied States of America in blue along the fuselage and the Seal of The United States on the nose. That just confused me even more. He led me inside and into a deep leather seat. He showed me how to buckle up and left. A few minutes later, I heard the engines start and we were moving. I just watched out the cabin window. It wasn't long before I got pushed into my seat as he took off.

A little while after take off, the same guy that had shown me onto the jet came out.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink Sir?"

Well I was hungry and thirsty.

"Maybe some sandwiches. Could I have a beer?"

"Sandwiches and an Ice Cold Beer coming right up Sir."

A few minutes later he brought out an iced bottle of beer and a big plate of Sandwiches.

"You need anything else Sir, just use the handset on the wall. There are Newspapers and magazines there Sir or you can watch TV. The controller is on the table."

"Thank you." I said, even more confused.

Well after I drank the beer and had a few Sandwiches I got real tired. I just leaned back in that comfortable chair. My eyes snapped open when I heard the seatbelt sign come on. The same guy came out and checked my seatbelt and then disappeared. Very quickly we landed at another Air Force Base coz I saw a lot more fighters lined up. WE taxied along for a ways and stopped. When I looked out there were three dark Suburban's waiting."

A guy in a dark suit walked into the cabin.

"Whenever you are ready Sir." He said.

I just got up. He lead the way off the aircraft. There were two more guys in suits at the stairs and several more between the aircraft and the Suburban's. I knew what they were but didn't understand why the Secret Service was watching out for me. They led me to the center Suburban. When I climbed in saw I wasn't alone and knew immediately who he was. He was the Attorney General of the United States.

"Welcome to Washington Brice." He shook my hand.

"Can you tell me what's happening Sir?"

"All in good time Brice. Okay let's go."

Well the trip to wherever was pretty fast. I knew now these Secret Service guys were here to protect the Attorney General, not me. We pulled up to a high rise Apartment block and The Service guys led us all inside. We got on an elevator and were taken to the 23rd floor. He used a key to open and suite and we went in. One of the Secret Service guys dropped my bags inside and then left.

He walked to a well equipped bar.

"Beer Brice?"

"Thank you Sir." He cracked two and came over and sat down.

"Sit down Brice. You might as well be comfortable."

He pulled a very thick file from his briefcase.

"This is you Brice, From the day you were born to the day you were released from Rehab. I'll be very honest with you Brice. If I had had my way in California, you would have been arraigned in Federal court and would now be serving 20 years to life in a Federal Prison."

"I know Sir and I don't understand why I am not."

"I know why and although I am not really in agreement, I know which side of my bread is buttered on. In other words, I am not prepared to against your Father in anything."

My mouth must have dropped open coz he laughed.

"Brice there are only two people that can walk into the Presidents Office unannounced. His wife is one and your Father is the other. Where that power comes from and how he got it, I don't honestly care. When my President tells me to do something, I do it and don't care who ordered it. You Father had a long talk with the President and he had a short talk with me and now you are here."

This condo we are in is in your name and paid for in full. The condo fees have also been paid for the next year. This is the key to a Jeep YJ, parked in the underground parkade. This is your bank card at Washington National Bank. The pin number is on the back. You can change it anytime you like. I have a Visa and MasterCard with no limit spending on either. They are in your name."

"This card is your security Clearance. You now have a job in the Research and Development Division of the Interior Department. A mans or women's lifestyle will no longer prevent them from getting a security Clearance. That is one law I am glad I changed myself."

"Too many very talented young men and women were barred from Federal Service because their lifestyle was different than others.

He gave me a map to show me how to get to the research labs.

"You are due to start next Monday." He finished his beer and stood up.

"Good luck Brice. Make your Mom and Dad proud of you."

"I promise Sir." I shook his hand and he left.

Well the job was real good and I became almost a workaholic. I stayed late and got in early. I didn't go to bars or anywhere. I stayed home.

Well I helped develop the GPS System used by Farmers. We tested on a small experimental Farm outside Langley. What I knew was we really needed to test it on a full sized farm with big fields.

Well my Mom and Dad had given me everything and I had never gave any back except trouble for them. I decided coz I knew my Dad had a farm that this was something I could do for them. It would help them have a better farm and make them more money. I told my boss what I wanted to do. I guess he knew who my Dad was coz he gave me a year leave of absence. He told me I could come back anytime."

Brice reached for his Board shorts. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out all his cards. He handed them to me. I read the name on the card and was instantly crying. The Name was Brice Buckley.


Next: Chapter 17

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