Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Oct 1, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 13

When I got to the Hansen Property, it gave you a real good idea how big Grandpa's Farming Operations were. There were already two Harvesters working this section. There were also six hopper wagons pulled by tractors waiting to off load Harvesters. Add in the six bulk tractor trailer units and you could tell. And this was but one field. I knew Grandpa had other fields this size. Cotton, grains like oats and barley, were also grown. Then there were potatoes, carrots and leaf vegetables. Most of these needed specialized equipment and Grandpa had them all.

As soon as I pulled onto the field, John, Grandpa's field foreman stopped me. As he walked to the Harvester he looked like he was swimming in sweat. It was damned hot out. He climbed the ladder and opened the door to the cab. As soon as he got inside, I smelled the same thing as Sam smelled like and I got instantly hard and what's worse he knew it.

"Down Aaron." He laughed and swung the GPS control around.

He punched a bunch of numbers into the keyboard and swung it back.

"Okay Aaron. You can follow that number two Harvester after he makes his turn. You already know how this operates so I won't explain it to you."

"Yeah John. Thanks."

The way the GPS worked was pretty simple. In the four corners of the field were GPS beacons. On the Harvesters' was a GPS locator beacon. John put in the control number for the Harvester. All I had to do was line up on the rows of corn I wanted to harvest, punch a key, the locator beacon would pinpoint my location and automatically set the Harvester on course. I just hit the go button and harvester did everything else almost.

I still had to stop and unload my bin into a hopper wagon and turn it off to turn around at the end of a field, but everything else was done automatically. I didn't even need to steer. It was all pretty boring.

I did as John told me and off I went.

To me it was real easy. I got into a sort of slot. I'd watch the bin indicator. When it was full, I'd pause the Harvester and hit my Air Horn. A hopper would pull up and I'd unload. Forty five seconds later I'd be moving again. Time just went by.

When the photo electric eyes noted the light level had dropped so far the lights came on. I never once looked at my watch.

At a certain point in time John signaled a shut down. We all emptied our bins and then lined up and shut down. I was always stiff from just sitting all day. We had not even stopped for dinner.

I knew at night the maintenance crew would be out to check all the Harvesters so they would be ready the next day.

I walked stiffly over to the Johns Gator.

"How are you Aaron?" John asked.

"Stiff and sore. Never sat like that since last year."

"Well, a hot shower will help. You did good boys. See you tomorrow at 5 am."

I walked over to my Jeep and climbed in. Gary sat beside me.

"You look like you already had a shower love." I laughed.

"Fuck, I'm hot and tired. I must have sweated a couple of gallons."

"Hope you drank lots."

"Well I sure need a cold beer."

"Twenty minutes love." I took off for home.

Twenty minutes later we staggered into our apartment.

We just dropped all the stuff we had brought from Gary's place. We would unpack it later. After a long hot shower and a couple of beers we hit the bed. We had to up by four am so no playing tonight. Besides we were both bushed.

Four am does come early. I put the coffee on while we showered.

"No breakfast?" Gary asked.

"No. Joshua will have a chuck wagon at the field. We'll get breakfast before we start. I'm going to train you on the Harvester. I like the hoppers better, not so boring."

"You sure John will let you?"

"Oh sure. Another guy trained is always good."

Well breakfast was good and John and Grandpa showed up just as were ready to start.

"John, I want to teach Gary how to operate the Harvester. Then I'll jump on a hopper tractor."

"That's a great idea Aaron. Then I can put you on Ed's Harvester. I can get him on the Barley. We're real short of hands this year with everyone going to school in Monroe. I already checked and they won't let anyone out for harvest." Grandpa said.

"Well I can check at school and see if anyone wants to work weekends Grandpa."

"You do that Aaron. Tell anyone interested, I'll pay 10 an hour with time and a half after eight hours. They should make near 400 a weekend right through October."

"Okay Grandpa."

"Come on Gary, I'll get you working."

It only took one run down the field and Gary was okay. I called John to pick me up. WE went to Ed's machine. He stopped and climbed down. He was another of the full time hands at the farm. He was black too and I would love to have him fuck me, but he was married and had two little boys, so knew that was out of the question. They took off and I climbed aboard. Soon after it was just work. Boring work but work just the same. We stopped for 30 minutes for lunch and again for dinner. We also shut down at sundown. Grandpa always gave everyone extra time off on Sundays.

I had been thinking all day about how I could get some extra help for Grandpa. I had an idea but was sure Gary wouldn't go for it.

WE got home just before nine pm. After a shower and a beer in our hands we sat on the couch cuddling.

"So you going to talk to the Principal and see if you can ask guys to work?"

"Well I thought I might talk to Allan first."

"Why Allan?"

"Well he is Captain of the Football team and what guy would turn down 400 dollars cash every weekend. If all the guys came to work that would be near thirty extra hands for Grandpa."

"Is that all?"

"Well no. I was going to tell Allan he could anything he wanted to me and I would really be appreciative of the football team."

Gary laughed.

"I wouldn't do anything if you don't want me too Gary."

Gary pulled me closer and gave me a real nice kiss.

"Love, how many times do I have to say it? I love what you love. Hell I would love to have Allan's dick in my ass if he's as big as everyone says. I'd be on my knees to almost the whole football team at the drop of a hat. So if you can get Allan to screw you, he can screw me too."

"Well I guess you better fuck my brains out tonight. If I get Allan over tomorrow, I'll be a little looser." I giggled.

Well he really did ream my ass that night, but I loved every second. We just cuddled to sleep. I forgot to reset my alarm and it went off at 4 am. I never even looked at the clock, just got up and put the coffee pot on. I met Gary in the bathroom and we cleaned each other out before we showered. WE sat down for coffee and I started breakfast.

"Shit, do you know what time it is Aaron?"

"Oh fuck. I forgot to reset the Alarm. Well we are up now so might as well stay up."

We ate breakfast and the sat and I checked Gary's homework. He wasn't the smartest guy but I wanted to make sure he passed everything.

Well if it hadn't been for Sam's boyfriend Jimmy, I'd have fallen asleep in class. I was so wasted by the end of the day all I wanted was sleep. We both hit the sack at 8 pm. I did make sure I set the alarm right.

Well I had hoped to talk to Allan before school, but was intercepted by two juniors.

"Aaron the principal said we could talk to you."

"Sure, what's on your mind guys?"

"Can we sort of talk in Private?"

"Sure. Come on." I led them off the school grounds and over to one of the school bus shelters.

"Okay. What's up?"

"Well a couple of the Seniors on the football team have been hitting on us. Saying stuff like if we sucked them or bent over for them in the shower we could learn more from them. We know you are Gay and that's cool with us, but we aren't. Can you talk to them. We don't want to get them in trouble with the Principal, coz that would get them kicked out. We want to play football."

"Okay guys. Do you know their names?"

"No, but we know their numbers. Number 16 and 89."

Well I knew who they were. They were two of Allan's friends and had been there when I dropped Allan.

"Okay guys. I'll take care of it. They won't be hitting on you anymore."

"Thanks Aaron." They took off.

I looked at my watch. Thirty minutes before class. I might just have time to talk to the two bozos. I knew the football team always congregated near one entrance to the school. Yup, there they were both sitting on one of the benches by the field.

"What do you want fag boy?' one said as I walked up.

"I have been told you are hitting on a couple of juniors on the football team. I wonder what the Principal would do if he found out."

"That's bullshit. We never done anything to any junior."

"Well if I hear it happening again neither of you two will be playing footballs for a month."

"Really, how you going to manage that?"

"You'll both be in traction in hospital."

"You really think you can take us both?"

"Yeah with one hand behind my back. You saw what happened to Allan. I pulled my punch. If I hadn't he would need an ambulance too."

"So we agree, what's in it for us?"

I know both you guys don't have a lot of spare cash. So I can get you working on weekends for the next month and a half. You'd make near 400 a weekend."

"Doing what?"

"Working for my Grandpa. With Jackson schools shut down this year, he doesn't get kids out of school for two weeks in September. So he's short of hands to harvest."

"Yeah, I heard about that."

"Besides that, if you want to hit on someone, hit on me. I'll suck your dicks or bend over in the shower and you can fuck me. I am a fag as you guys know so I would love it to happen."

Both stood with their mouth open. I just laughed,

Let's go in the locker room. No one is there until after 10."

"We got to get to class."

"Don't worry about class. I can give you a pass so you don't get caned."

I headed for the locker room. I didn't even look to see if they followed. Both did.

"So now what? You really can give us a hall pass?"

I opened my briefcase. Pulled out a pad and wrote his name on the top. I wrote Student Counseling on it and signed my name. I gave it to him.

It had my name across the top. Saying Student Councilor.

"So you want a blow job?"

"Well no, not really. I was only kidding with those Juniors. It won't happen again and I won't say anything."

Then the bell for the first class went off.

"I got to go." He said and was out the door real quick.

I turned to the other guy.

"Well Gerry?" I really didn't need to ask. His dick was hard in his jeans.

"You better get them jeans down before you have an accident."

"If you don't say anything, I'll suck you at the same time Aaron."

"Fuck Gerry, I thought you were straight. I see you all the time with that black chick Teresa."

"Well I like it both ways. I have screwed her, but she don't suck and I been sucking since I was fourteen."

"Okay. Lets go in the shower."

Although not all black guys are big, Gerry had about a nine inch fairly thick cock. He was uncut too. I loved to suck any black dick and Gerry was no exception. It didn't take either of us long to get off. I wished it had lasted longer. Gerry cock felt real good. WE quickly dressed and I gave Gerry a pass for his class. "Love to get together again sometime Aaron."

"Me too Gerry. Next time you can fuck me too."

"That's a date then." He laughed and was out the door.

Well that was what six or seven of the team so far. This rate I'd have them all in no time. I really wondered about the Couch too. I headed for my second class. I had already missed most of my first.

I was waiting for the bell to ring outside my second class when the Principal walked up.

"I am presuming you have an excuse for being out here Aaron."

"Yeah, a couple of Juniors were having trouble with some seniors. I was taking care of the problem. Don't think there will any more problems."

"Good for you. I hear you are looking for extra help at the Farm. Can you tell me about it?"

"Yeah, my Grandpa will hire anyone over sixteen. They got to be at the main yard at 5 am Saturday morning. He pays 10 dollars an hour with time and half after eight. He also will feed them. Most days it will be from 12 to 15 hours. Some of the work will be driving machinery and some will be labor."

"Okay Aaron. I'll make an announcement. Keep up the good work."

"Okay Sir." He walked off.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. I did see Allan a couple of times but never got to speak to him. Back home I told Gary what had happened in the morning. He thought I was crazy doing anything in the locker room. "What if the coach had walked in on you?"

"Well I would have found out real quick if he was gay." I giggled.

"Well I wouldn't take that chance again Aaron."

"I won't. Look if Gerry goes both ways you might get to fuck his black ass."

"Maybe." Gary said.

Monroe was probably the exception to the rule, but most major towns and cities had a colored section of town. In Monroe that consisted of a couple of older apartment blocks and maybe 2 dozen older houses. There were also a few stores that catered to colored mostly. There were a lot of black kids from the area that went to Monroe High. Gerry was from this area.

In Monroe everyone was treated the same regardless of color. That was one reason I liked Monroe High. Colored guys and girls got along pretty good with each other. Of the consequences of not getting along at least at school was obvious.

The next two days were the same. Swimming on Wednesday was great now that I knew which guys would go for a suck or fuck. I watched Jimmy diving too and he really was good. I noticed the coach also paid a lot of attention to him. Professional interest I wasn't sure.

Thursday I finally got to talk to Allan. We went out by the Football field to talk in private.

"Look Aaron, I know what you want, but I have never had any sex with anyone. My Dad would kill me if I did."

"Why Allan? You are over sixteen and can move anytime. He can't stop you."

"Aaron my Dad controls everything in my life. He even has my college fund tied so I have to go to the college he picks. He wants me to go the Baptist College in Oregon. They don't even have a football team and I want to play football."

"Well I heard Penn State wants you. They would pay your way if you accepted."

"Yeah I know, but I have to say yes before Christmas. If I say yes to them, my Dad will boot me out. What do I do until I go to college?"

"Well you accept Penn States offer, but not tell your Dad until you have too. Then when he kicks you out, you move in with Gary and me. We got an extra bedroom. You work for my Grandpa for the next eight weekends, you will have near 2 grand. I think I can get you more work later if you want. Next summer you work full time until college. You'll have a good nest egg for college."

"Come on lets blow this pop stand. We'll go to my place and talk."

"Fuck I can't miss any school."

"Allan we are both honor students. Missing an afternoon won't make any difference to that. You don't have Football practice and I don't have swimming."

"Well I'm sure we will be in shit tomorrow."

"Well we have to go now before the first bell or we will be in shit."

"Fuck it. Lets go. We'll take my car. You can leave your Jeep for Gary."

"Cool. I'll call him when we get to my place."

Allan never spoke all the way to the Apartment. Walking to our Apartment he did.

"Man this is nice. Pool, and everything. Must cost a fortune."

"Yeah, there's a hot tub and sauna too. Gary's Dad and My Grandpa pay the rent. We got to cover utilities and food."

Once inside I debated weather I should undress.

"Allan, Gary and I like to be naked in our apartment. If you don't want to then I won't either."

"Aaron, lets be honest here. I know what you want and I can't say I'm not interested in the same thing. So you want to undress, I will too."

I couldn't believe I was shaking as I undressed.

"Fuck Aaron you are really in good shape. You got real nice swimmers build."

Allan pulled off his football jersey and took off his runners. He wasn't wearing socks. He undid his jeans and pushed them down. He had on a pair of white boxer briefs. Well what was still hidden was impressive.

When he dropped his underwear, I knew the huge part about him was the understatement of the century. He had I'm sure eight inches of almost beer can thick uncut meat hanging. I wasn't even sure I could swallow that monster. Let alone let him fuck me.

"Well am I like you thought?" He said.

"Fuck you are big Allan. Everyone said you had a big dick but man you are even bigger than they said."

"Look Aaron, no one has ever sucked me before. I want to know what it feels like. I won't suck you, at least this time. I want you to suck me off and I want to fuck you. You got to agree to both."

Even as he talked he got harder. He wasn't much thicker than Gary, but way longer. His dick was so heavy it didn't even stand out straight. Sucking I figured no problem, but getting all that in my ass might be very painful.

"Okay, I'll blow you but you got to promise to take it easy when you fuck me. I'm not as big as you and Gary. He always takes his time to start."

"Okay, I promise at least until I get it in."

"Well that's a given. Gary pretty pounds my ass after he is inside." I laughed.

He kind of shocked me when I walked up to him. He reached out and gripped my cock.

"Not bad for a guy your size Aaron. I will blow you sometime later, but now I want you on my cock."

I pushed him back onto the couch and dropped to my knees between his legs. I moved his hand off his cock and took a hold of it. I could feel the blood pumping into it. I just leaned over and let it slide into my mouth.

"OH FUCK AARON! He yelled.

I slowly bobbed on his cock, using my tongue lots. I figured if it was his first time he'd come pretty quick.

"Man your mouth is a lot better than cream and my hand."

Well maybe he wouldn't come so quickly, which was okay with me."

AS I bobbed deeper and deeper onto his thick cock, he kept up a steady flow of words.

"Oh fuck yeah man. You got hot mouth cocksucker. Suck that cock fag, suck it good. Daddies going to give you my load so suck harder."

He started to use his hands to push his cock deeper, even after I bottom out in my throat. He just didn't want to accept that I had all I could take. I was fast running out of breathe. He finally let me off for a bit before ramming my mouth back onto his cock. He was becoming real aggressive.

"SUCK BOY. Suck my dick fag. Suck it good and I'll give you my load."

"Here you are cumm eater."

I felt the head of his cock expand. The first big shot was I'm sure shot right into my stomach. He held me on his cock as he came. I tried what Jimmy did and swallowed.

"Oh God that feels so good." He moaned.

My nose was in his pubes as he just came and came. He finally let off the pressure and another stream of his cumm covered my tongue. He had a real tangy flavor but I liked it. I pulled off and jacked his cock a couple of times. I licked off all the stuff that oozed from his piss slit. I sat back.

"I have never felt something like that ever. What have I been missing?" He said as his cock slowly deflated.

"God Allan you got a big load of sweet cumm. Think I have had my dessert for lunch and dinner too." I giggled and he laughed.

"Well let me recover and I'll drop another load in your ass."

I got up and grabbed a couple of beer.

"Shit you guys got beer too. That's got to be nice."

I called Gary and left him a message to drive my Jeep home. I would see him there. I didn't say Allan was over.

"When you screw me, we'll do it in the bedroom."

"Aaron look. I'm not going to anything more to you without Gary's permission. If he got mad at me for screwing you he could kill me. He is the toughest guy on the football team."

"Allan I have to tell you that if you screwed me Gary would want you to screw him too. Once he knows I sucked you off he is going to want to suck you too. Gary and I are the same we love to suck and get fucked. That's why I love him so much. He enjoys everything I do."

"Well I guess I should tell you that I never think of girls when I jack and to be real honest all I have thought about is you from the first day when you knocked me down. I guess what I'm saying am I want to suck you like you did me. Can we do that until Gary gets home?"

"Well we are not going to spend the next three hours sucking. I'd be a wet noodle by then." I laughed.

"Well can I at least suck you off?"

"Yeah, but I'll suck you at the same time."

Well that's what we did on the bed. We sucked each other. I was surprised I didn't come as fast as I usually did. I lasted about twenty minutes. I warned Allan I was going to come but he just continued. When I blew in his mouth he came in mine. His load was near as big as the first time, but I had time to really savor it coz he never forced me the second time.

"Not bad Aaron. I could get used to doing that."

After we went in the bathroom and Allan helped me clean myself out. I knew I was going to get a couple of cocks in my ass before the day was over so wanted to be ready. Allan asked me to clean him out too, so I did. Then we showered and went out to the couch. I grabbed some more beer.

We sat without talking for a while. He had a far away look in his eyes, like he was in deep thought.

"Aaron." I knew what he wanted me to do with out saying it.

"No fucking way am I going to take your cherry tonight Allan. You would be in a world of hurt all day tomorrow and probably for a while. Besides you will hate me for sure. You got to get screwed lots before you get to enjoy it."

"Well if you did me and then Gary, I'd be okay."

"Jesus Allan. Gary's cock is almost as big as yours. You wouldn't be able to sit for a week."

"Well I still want it. If I screw you, you guys got to do me. That's only fair."

"No way Allan. I'm sorry I just don't want you hate me."

"Well can we talk about it later?"

"That we can do, but don't expect me to agree." I flipped on the TV and then grabbed some more beer. We sat and watched a movie. Sitting beside Allan he put his arm over my shoulder.

Gary came in swearing at the top of his voice. I don't even think he noticed Allan on the couch. He stripped and just tossed his clothes. Not like Gary at all. I wondered what had pissed him off so much.

He walked into the kitchen. I heard him open a beer and then he just chugged it down. I heard the can crunch in his hand. What ever had set him off must be bad. He came out with another beer and sat down.

"Hi Allan. Nice cock."

"What's happened Gary?' I asked.

"You happened. Remember why you didn't want a cell phone?"

"Yeah, I'd forget and leave it on. Oh shit, was it my message?"

"Yeah, I forgot to turn it off. When your voice mail came in, Old lady Jenkins went ballistic. She called the councilor and they agreed I had broke the rules. She told me to get up in front and drop my pants. I told her not her or anyone could make me drop my pants in front of class. They called the Principal. He gave me a two day suspension and told me if I didn't accept the rules and punishment in future I would no longer be a Student Councilor. So yeah you fucked me up."

"I'm real sorry Gary. I thought you wouldn't get the message until after school."

"Well I forgive you, besides gives me two days holiday from that prison."

"So what have you too been up to."

"Well we blew each other, but Allan wants us to take his cherry." "So you are a fag Allan. Gary figured you might be. I'll take your cherry. You won't be sitting for a couple of days but don't matter to me. A Black ass is a black ass."

My mouth dropped open and Allan's eyes got real big.

"I'll tell you what I am going to do. We'll go in the bedroom, tie your hands to the headboard, shove your shorts in your mouth. Normally, I'd loosen you a bit before I use my dick, but this time I think I'll just shove my dick in. After I take your cherry, Aaron can fuck you, then I'll fuck you again. I might fuck you four or five times tonight and because you will be no shape tomorrow, I'll fuck you all day. You should be used to it by then."

I was totally shocked by what Gary had said. This was not the Gary I knew. Allan was in shock I think. He was also shaking all over."

"GARY!" I said.

Gary just sat with a weird look on his face. Then he burst out laughing.

"Scared the shit out of you, didn't I? Well if someone said that to me, I'd be scared too. Allan there is no way we can take your cherry on a school night. You really would be in a lot of pain for a while. Aaron wasn't even a virgin when I did him the first time, but it still took three or four cocks in him before he liked it. We'll take your cherry if that is what you really want, but not tonight."

"I'll tell you what though. After I suck you off, I'll screw Gary and then you can. That will tell you more if you really want a dick in your butt."

Maybe sometime later we can loosen you up and Gary can take your cherry. He's smaller than me as you can see."

Allan still had not said anything. I reached over and gripped his cock. It started to get hard.

"I think he's interested." I giggled.

"I'd say so Babes. Fuck you got a nice cock Allan. If you stay the night, you can shove it in my ass too." Gary was already on his knees in front of Allan.

Like me, Gary couldn't take all of that foot long hot dog down his throat, but he did give Allan one hell of a blow job. Allan came a lot sooner than he had with me. Gary just swallowed all of his offering. He slumped almost faint when Gary came off his cock.

"Damn I can't believe you guys can take almost my whole cock."

"Well wait till you fuck me. You'll get it all in." Gary laughed.

Well watching Gary blow Allan did nothing for me except get me very hard.

"Come Gary, plug my butt. I really need it now."

"Kay babes." I just moved off the couch and onto my knees next to Allan.

Gary grabbed the lube off the coffee table.

"We need to buy this stuff by the gallon. This ones almost empty."

"There's two more tubes in my backpack."

"Figures, you'd take lube to school." Gary giggled.

"Well you never know." I said and then moaned as Gary slowly entered me. "Oh god. Fuck me love."

My mind became lost in a world of absolute pleasure. Feeling his cock fill my ass was the best thing in the world. Even when he started to really drive into me, it was nothing but pleasure.

Gary must have been pretty horny, he only took about ten minutes to cumm. He slowly pulled out. I felt so empty every time he stopped fucking me.

"Go a head Allan. Take him now. No need for lube, there's enough in him now."

When Allan entered me, it didn't feel all that different than Gary, even though I knew he was a bit thicker. Once he started I did feel some discomfort when he drove his cock deep. It felt like it was almost in my stomach, but knew he was going into my upper bowel. Gary had never got that far. After a few minutes even that pain was forgotten as Allan hammered my ass. Well after me sucking him off twice and Gary doing him once, he took a long time to cumm in my ass. Even then it was a pretty filling load and my ass was awash in cumm.

"Get something to hold the cumm in Gary. I don't want to get it on the carpet."

"I can fix that he said." Next second I felt his tongue on my hole.

That's all it took for me I came. Problem was I came all over the side of the couch and even onto the floor.

"Shit." I yelled.

Gary stopped and stood up laughing.

"Guess that's a lost cause." I just stood there. Cumm running down my thighs and my dick dripping on the floor. I just shook my head and headed for the bathroom. After getting most out of my ass and quick shower I walked back into the living room. Gary had cleaned up the mess. There were just a few wet spots on the carpet.

"Guess we better use the bedroom from now on. Sheets we can wash." Gary smiled.

Allan looked a little shook up.

"Well did you like it Allan?"

"Well yeah, but I couldn't believe you licked his ass like that. Weren't you worried you'd get shit in your mouth?"

"Well you cleaned him out earlier I figured. So no crap to get just mine and your cumm."

Allan just shook his head.

"So you want to screw my ass too Allan?" Gary asked.

"Yeah sure, I guess, but I need some time to recover. I feel like a wet noodle."

"Cool. We'll make some dinner and have another beer. You can stay tonight and maybe fuck us both again."

"You two really are a like."

"Yup." I laughed.

WE sat and talked as Gary made dinner. Allan said he really would like to lose his cherry and wanted us to do it. We agreed but not until we had a weekend free.

Later after I fucked Gary, Allan fucked him too. I knew it hurt Gary big time when Allan entered him. Gary had not had a cock as big as Allan in his butt for a long time. After Allan was in it was all pleasure. We all slept in the same bed.

Gary stayed in bed in the morning. He had two days off. I did my usual routine and helped Allan too. After a quick breakfast we both headed for school. Me in my Jeep and Allan in his car.

Nothing was said about Allan and I taking the afternoon off. What I did notice was a lot of students talking in groups. There were a lot of angry faces too. I went to swim practice and Allan football. I just went home after school. I did pick up Gary's assignments so he wouldn't fall behind.

After dinner I helped him with his homework. He told me he did a lot of swimming and got some time to sun bathe.

After fucking me we slept.

Gary did get up when I did and we showered together after cleaning me out. We had breakfast together.

I knew some thing was up as soon as I walked in the school. I found out four kids had been suspended yesterday for refusing to get caned. What Gary did was spreading like wild fire.

I saw one of girls crying in the hall and asked her if I could help.

"Jeez Aaron. I don't know. I was late for my first class and teacher wanted to cane me. Well I wouldn't mind being caned except not in front of everybody. I never even had my panties off for my Mom. I got a suspension, but know I am going to get it at home." She just broke down.

"What about the other guys and girls? Do they mind if they get caned?"

"Not really. It's just getting it in front of everyone."

"Come on we got to talk to the principal."

"I can't be late again. I have to finish my day."

"Don't worry. I'll get you a pass."


Next: Chapter 14

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