Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Sep 24, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 10

Sunday morning we slept late. It was almost 9 when I crawled out of the sandwich of Gary and Mark. It had felt nice being between those two, but my bladder was screaming and my stomach growling.

After draining my swollen bladder, I went out and put the coffee pot on. Then had a shower. I just got out of the shower when Mark staggered into the bathroom. His semi hard piss hard on leading the way.

I was almost finished drying when Gary bulldozed his way into the bathroom, almost pushing Mark aside to get to the toilet. I left and finished drying in the hall, tossed my towel in the hamper by the bathroom and headed out to start breakfast.

It was nice being in an apartment, never ran out of hot water. I put out cups for coffee and pulled out bacon and eggs from the fridge. Mark walked out nude and sat down.

"Coffee Mark?"

"Sure thing, need to clean out the morning breathe." He laughed.

I walked over and kissed him running my tongue into his mouth.

"Hmm. Tastes like Gary." I giggled as I jumped away from his searching hand.

I put the bacon in a frying pan, then poured myself a cup of coffee. Gary came in and walked to me and gave me a morning kiss.

"Nice flavor." he said as he poured himself a coffee. Both sat as I prepared breakfast.

I learned something new about cooking in the nude when I flipped the bacon in the pan. It sizzled and splattered some hot grease on my dick. Fuck I went crazy, hopping around the kitchen swearing. Both guys sitting at the table broke up laughing.

"Not fucking funny. That hurt damn it."

"Well looked funny from our view love." Gary chuckled.

I checked my dick for burns and not seeing anything pulled out one of the aprons we had bought. We hadn't checked sizes when we bought them and this one barely covered my front and only came down to mid thigh. It left my butt in full view.

I didn't notice but heard Gary and Mark snickering.

"What?" I said.

Gary got up and walked up to me.

"Left the best part showing love." He said as he ran his hand down over my bare ass.

"Keep that up and you might have something else to take care of Love."

"Anytime baby." He patted my ass. "Make some toast." I said.

By the time and bacon and eggs were ready, Gary had toast. He pulled a jar of jam from the fridge. We sat down to eat.

"Nice Aaron. You can cook anytime." Mark laughed.

"If I'm doing all the cooking you guys are cleaning up."

"That's cool, but I think we share cooking and cleaning." Gary said.

"So what are you up to today Mark?"

"Well Hank said he come and pick me up. I got a few clothes at his place and then we were going to check out Monroe. In fact he said he'd be here about now."

He no sooner said it and our door bell rang. Mark jumped up to answer it.

Gary and I both stood to greet Hank.

I doubt he even noticed Mark was nude when he let him in coz his mouth dropped open when he walked in the living room and saw Gary and I nude.

"It's mandatory to be nude when you are in our apartment." I said with a straight face.

He closed his mouth, opened it again and then reached for his jeans.

"Aaron's only kidding Hank. Keep your pants on." Gary said.

"Well I don't mind but I'll be walking around with a hard on all the time."

"That's okay Hank. Some one will take care of it for you." Mark laughed.

He was right about that. I loved Hanks cock. It was great for sucking.

"Give me a few minutes Hank while I get dressed and we can take off." Mark headed for his bedroom.

I could see Hank was having a lot of problems with Gary and I sitting nude on the couch. I could see the outline of his cock in his jeans. Fuck it I thought. I got up walked to Hank and grabbed his crotch.

"Jesus Aaron." He said. But he didn't stop me when I unsnapped his jeans and pushed the zipper down.

As I sank to my knees I pulled his jeans down. He was commando. His cock slapped his stomach. I pulled it down and let it slide into my mouth. Why black dicks felt so silky I just didn't know, but it felt real nice as I let it slide into my throat.

Hank just held my head as I bobbed on his cock.

"Fuck, I'm going to cumm." He exclaimed.

He held my head as he pumped several shots of his sweet cumm into my mouth and throat. I slowly sat back.

"Fuck that was nice Aaron. I really owe you one."

"Told you someone would take care of it." Mark said.

I went over and sat down on Gary's lap. I kissed him and pushed some of Hank's cumm into his mouth. His eyes opened real wide and I also felt his cock start to get hard. We broke the kiss.

"Aaron's right Hank. You do taste good." Gary smiled.

I think if black guys could blush, Hank would have. He stammered a bit and the quickly pulled up his jeans, stuffing his uncut snake back inside.

"So what are you two up to today?" Mark asked.

"Well after Gary fucks my brains out, we need to pick up my Jeep. Sam and Jimmy said they would come over later."

"Okay, we'll see you later. Have fun." Mark laughed as they left.

"Come on Gary. I meant what I said."

"Okay love."

I pulled him up as I stood. He kissed me and headed for the bathroom, while I headed for out bedroom. I heard him swear. He walked in the bedroom.

"We forgot to buy lube."

"Don't matter love. I'm getting used to you going in without."

"Aaron. I know it hurts when I enter you dry. You can't hide it from me."

I dropped to my knees and sucked on his cock, getting it real wet. Then I just jumped on the bed and pulled my legs back.

He shook his head and climbed on the bed. He moved up close and as he pushed I pushed too. The head of his cock just slid inside.

"God yes Love. Fuck me." I screamed.

There is no doubt it hurt as his beer can cock slowly pushed into my ass, but I just lay still. It took a while until I felt him fully inside me. God forgive me I loved it. He started slow and I felt every part of his monster cock as it slid over the membranes inside my ass. This always drove me crazy with lust. I just wanted more and more of him. Except for my continued moans and his breathing, the only sound was his balls as they hit my ass cheeks. He speeded up until he was hammering my chute. I never ever wanted it to end. I really could live with a cock in my ass. Any cock, sure I loved Gary with everything inside me, but I guess I really was a slut for cocks in my ass or even in my mouth. Sam had started me on this, and I loved him for it, but now it really didn't matter whose cock it was.

Gary took along time to cumm and when he did my own cock shot off covering us both with my cumm. I felt his cock slowly relax inside me. He pulled it out to an audible pop.

"You okay Babe." He said with concern in his voice.

I didn't realize I was crying.

I pulled him down and really started to cry. How do I tell him what I was feeling? I didn't want to lose him, but I knew I had to tell him.

He finally pulled me up and then carried me to the bathroom. He sat me down and cleaned me out. I helped him clean out and then we had a shower. We went out to the living room. Gary sat me down and went and grabbed a couple of beers. It was only 10:30 am and we were starting the beer already.

After I took a sip he sat down beside me.

"Come love. Tell me what's wrong."

I just sat sipping on the beer.

"Aaron, I think I know what's wrong, so I am going to tell you something I never said to anyone. When that guy raped me in Juvvy, I was so mad I reported him. Well he got charged, but the truth is I asked him to fuck me. I didn't know it was going to hurt so much or that he was going to rip my butt open. He was an adult and I was just a dumb minor."

"Well after they took him away, the other guys really liked me coz I turned him in. I guess he'd done a bunch of the others too. Well I asked some of them to fuck me too. Well before I left Juvvy, I had sucked or been fucked by almost everyone. I loved a cocks in my ass and in my throat."

"If all the guys at Monroe High had not called me a fag and queer so much, I might have had a lot of guys from school too. Hell if Mike had been better than he was, I'd a let him screw me."

"I like cocks in my ass and I like to suck. Just like you love. I can't love you less because you like something I do too. Hell I really wanted Hanks dick in me this morning but you beat me to it."

"We're both cock sluts. Difference is I love you."

"Well I wish I had not drunk so much beer at the beach party coz I sure wanted more cocks in me." I said.

"Me too. I drank so many I couldn't get hard anymore. Mark really wanted me to fuck him, but I just couldn't get hard."

"Yeah, Marks got a real nice smooth ass inside."

"You sure liked that trooper Peter. He fucked you three times I think and that Jap did you twice."

"Guess we're a like in a lot of ways."

"Yup, and from now on we share." I said.

"Okay, let's dress and pick up your Jeep." There were a lot of guys using the pool as we walked through to where Gary's truck was parked. No one said anything even though Gary and I were holding hands as we walked by. I wondered how many guys living here might like to fuck or suck. There were a lot of good looking guys in the pool area.

We climbed in his truck and headed for the farm.

"There were sure a lot of hot looking guys in the pool."

"Yeah and some were really hung."

We looked at each other in the cab and burst out laughing. We even thought alike.

"Fuck we make a pair." Gary laughed.

"Best kind of pair."

When we got to the Farm, Jimmy's truck wasn't around.

"Come on, most of my stuff is in the house." Gary and I walked to the mansion.

We just got inside the door.

"Ah good. Just the two I was looking for." Grandpa said.

"Come in the den boys."

I wondered what I might have done wrong now.

I was even more worried when he closed the door. I relaxed a little when he gave us a beer. He sat behind the desk. It was not hard to notice that Gary and I were holding on to each other. "Relax boys. You are not in trouble."

"Gary, your Father is the happiest I have seen him since the divorce. He attributes that happiness to Aaron. Aaron he figured you are only a boy by age. He figures you are an adult in every sense of the word."

"I need to sort of clear the air about a lot of things. To begin with your Dad Gary, the Governor and myself went to law school together. We have been good friends ever since. Your Dad went into real Estate, The governor politics and me Farming. But that was not everything. We are all Lawyers at the Bar in Georgia. We all know the law, plus all the loop holes in those laws. That's not to say we use those loop holes for our own gain, but can use them when we feel something is wrong. That was why I took on Jackson. He screwed up when they wrote that bylaw about no farm equipment inside town limits."

"I knew he would try something else when I had that bylaw thrown out by the Circuit Court Judge. He tried to force a few farmers to his way of thinking by adding a surtax to their property. That brought State Justice into the picture."

I keep real good records of what I pay in taxes, I have to considering I pay taxes for almost everyone in the county. Those properties that I have assignment for pay me and I pay the county. Well when the Justice department looked at what Jackson paid the state versus what I paid him, they figured he was skimming money owed the State. Of course he wasn't claiming it to the IRS, so that brought Federal Justice down on him too.

You know the results."

"When your Father broached emancipation for Aaron, I wasn't to keen on the idea until he told me everything about you Gary. He said you had finally left that shell you built around yourself and that it was Aaron who had broken it. When I thought about that, I remembered what old man Simpson said to me. He said you Aaron acted and worked like someone twice your age. Men more than twice your age had no problems taking orders from you in the pit. I guess Son you really have grown up faster than I realized and I am very happy. Even happier that you have found someone you can really love."

"The apartment was a no brainer."

"Thanks Grandpa. I really love Gary and want him forever."

"Like I can't tell son." He got up from his desk, walked over and pulled Gary up.

"Welcome to my family Gary." He hugged Gary.

That brought tears to my eyes and I got up and hugged both.

After we settled down and got another beer. Grandpa obviously didn't mind if we drank beer.

"Now, do you both have dress clothes? I mean shirt and tie with nice slacks. Not blue jeans.

"Yes Sir." Gary said.

"Yes Grandpa." I said.

"Gary, its Grandpa from now on. Hell everybody else calls me that so as a part of our family you are entitled more than anyone."

"Okay Grandpa."

"I'm taking you both in to talk to the Judge that is handling your emancipation Aaron. He wants to talk to you both."

"But Gary's Dad said it would take months. How come so soon?" "Stan doesn't know how much clout I wield on Government hill. I talked to a friend in Justice and he talked to a friendly Judge. They will expedite your case as quickly as possible."

"Wow! What does that mean?" I asked.

"Boys, everyone thinks emancipation is a big deal. In reality it is all dependant on what the judge thinks. Most of the time is taken up by paper work registering you as an adult with both State and Federal Departments. It means your driver's license has to change plus passport. Anything that relates to you as a minor must be made to reflect you are now an adult. I figure that should all be done by Christmas."

I thought about what Grandpa said. If I became an adult at Christmas, Gary would be the minor living with me. I'd still have to move.

"Grandpa, I'm glad you can get it done so fast, but if I become an adult at Christmas I'll have to move coz Gary will still be a minor."

"I said the paperwork would all be done Son. You would still need to go before a State Judge or other official and declare your acceptance. You can pick a date for that."

"Now, don't you boys leave without talking to Grandma. I'll come over some time and see this new Apartment of yours."

"Thanks Grandpa." We left to pack my stuff.

Well we got everything packed and loaded except the big screen TV and Stereo system. Grandpa had given them to me, but I wasn't really sure they were mine. That became a moot point when Larry and Kelly, two of the permanent hands came in and started to dismantle them.

"Your Grandpa said you would need a hand with these."

I couldn't believe how much junk I had collected in the last two years of living with Grandpa and Grandma. Both Gary's truck and my jeep were stuffed.

We headed back inside when we were done. As soon as I neared the kitchen we both could smell fresh cookies. Grandma was baking again. I'd never get enough of her baked goods.

I walked right up to Grandma and hugged her.

"Aaron you don't have to bribe me with a hug to get some cookies. That's your Grandpa's favorite tactic."

"Grandma, I just wanted to show you I loved you."

"Land sakes Son, we both know that and we love you too. Now sit down and have some cookies. They are your favorites."

Oatmeal Raison, right out of the oven. Yup she sure knew the way to my stomach.

"Now you boys take those containers with you too. There's enough there you should be able to freeze them and have for your lunches. You just bring back the empty containers so I can fill them again."

It took us another hour to get away. We had to promise to be back for Sunday Dinner. WE could see Joshua and several ladies working to get everything ready.

"How come so many table and chairs Aaron?"

"That's coz Grandpa and Grandma feed everyone, all the hands plus the pickers and their families. They put a big store in having everyone together on the farm for Sunday Dinner."

"Must cost him a fortune."

"Gary you need to understand. Most of the pickers are migrant workers. They don't have a lot and if Grandpa could he would hire a lot more year round. Hell he even feeds them all the time they are here. That puts more money in their pockets when the pickings done.

"I got a few ideas I haven't talked to Grandpa yet about. I figure we should put up greenhouses so we could have fresh flowers and vegetables all year round. Then we could hire more people."

"See Aaron. That's what I love about you. You are thinking of others more than yourself. You really are older than you look."

"Money doesn't mean much to Grandpa and Grandma. They would rather spend it to help others."

We left the Farm with me leading. Back through Callum and then into Monroe. It took about thirty minutes. It would be less if we could use the haul road.

Three guys from the complex helped us unload our vehicles and we gave them a beer when we were done. A couple of them were real good looking. It was just after 2 pm when we were done. After the guys left I just stripped.

"You really want to be naked all the time Aaron. What if someone comes over?"

"You mean like Larry or Brice?"

Gary laughed.

"Jesus Aaron, checking out the neighbors already."

"Well Brice had a nice ass and Larry was I'm sure commando. He's got a real nice cock."

"He also looks to be about fifty."

"What's age got to do with it as long as he likes to fuck and suck."

Gary's cell phone rang and he had to look for his shorts to get it. He only talked for about a minute before hanging up.

"That was Sam. They won't be over today. They are helping set up Dinner. Reminded us that dinner is six sharp and Grandpa said not to be late."

"So we got three and a half hours to kill. Got any ideas?"

"Well let's set up the electronic first. Then if we have time we can suck each other off." I said.

I really liked being nude. The temperature was comfortable and the scenery great. We got right into setting everything up. WE were so both relaxed with nudity that it never even dawned on me to put something on when the door bell rang. I just opened the door.

"Oh shit. I think I am intruding." Larry said.

"Not really. We're just setting up our stereo and TV. Come in." I stepped to one side.

He hesitated and then stepped inside.

"I figured you boys couldn't buy beer, so I brought you six to replace what we drank."

"Well you might as well have one with us."

I shut the door and led him into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Gary nude on his knees with his butt in the air while he connected some wires to the Stereo.

"Ah, look, I better go."

"Why? I'm sure you have seen nude guys before and we don't mind that you are here."

"Look boys, I'm not sure this is right. I'm more than twice your age."

"Aaron figures age has nothing to do with it." Gary said as he stood up.

He was definitely commando and hard. I figured pretty close to seven inches.

"Why not get comfortable and have a beer with us Larry?"

Gary walked up to him, kissed him on the cheek and at the same time unsnapped his board shorts and then unzipped him. Larry just stood almost in shock. Gary took the beer from his hand and handed me one and then Larry before grabbing one himself.

"Sit down Larry. We don't bite unless you want us to."

Larry sort of half laughed, but allowed Gary to lead him to the couch.

With Larry sitting down I got a real good look at his cock. He was near 7 inches as I thought, but nice and thick. The thick veins running down his cock looked real good. The best part was his head. It was almost a perfect heart shape. My mouth watered as I looked at it.

I set my beer on the coffee table and dropped to my knees. I moved between his legs and let that cock slide into my mouth. I did it so fast Larry had no time to protest, even if he wanted too. "Oh Christ boy!" He said.

One hand came down on my head while he thrust up. His cock slid into my throat. I just started to slowly bob on his cock. I played with head of his cock too. His grunts and almost mewing just drove me suck harder at that pole. I reached between his legs and rolled his balls in my hand. That did it for him. Both hands came down on my head as his hip thrust up. One long thick stream of his cumm shot into my throat. As I came off his cock another stream of his very salty cumm shot across my tongue. Then a few dribbles.

"Nice Larry. Love how you taste."

"God it's been a long time." He said as he slumped back in the couch.

I noticed his cock was still rock hard.

"You want to fuck me Larry?" Gary said.

"You got condom's and lube?"

Gary dropped both on the coffee table.

Larry grabbed a condom, ripped it open and rolled it onto his cock.

"On your knees boy." Larry said as he picked up the lube.

Gary got on his knees over the couch. Larry lubed his cock, lined up and rammed it in. Gary just moaned at his entrance.

"Damn you got a hot ass boy." Larry said as he started to rabbit fuck Gary.

I just sat next to Gary smiling as Larry went to town on my boyfriends ass. He really dog fucked, going very fast. He stopped once and I figured he blew into the condom. After another five minutes he stopped again and then pulled out. He ripped the condom off.

"Suck me clean boy." He said to me. I did.

"Thanks for the beer and fuck guys." He just dressed.

"I figured you two were fags. Don't worry I won't say anything, but I'm sure most of the guys staying here already know. It was nice but once is enough for me. Have fun, but be careful." He just walked out.

"Fuck, that was fast and he didn't cumm much." Gary held up the condom.

"Yeah I probably got the biggest load but still only two thick shots and he's real salty."

I need something to wash the taste from my mouth." I pulled Gary to the carpet.

He needed no urging. He swallowed my cock as I swallowed his. We were both pretty horny after that short session with Larry, that we both came real fast. Never get enough of Gary's cumm in my mouth. We sat back on the couch cuddling.

"Fuck that took like 20 minutes altogether." Gary laughed.

"Yeah maybe we get another guest." I giggled.

No such luck. We were alone the rest of the day. We dressed for Dinner at the farm, not formal, but clean jeans and shirts. We took my Jeep and arrived at about 5:30. There had to near 200 people around the front of the mansion. I saw multiple tubs filled with ice and beer, soda pop and juice.

Dinner was a smorg as usual. Joshua and the ladies really out did them selves. All the ladies cleaned up after. The men mostly stood around and talked.

Most of Grandpa's migrant workforces were Mexicans. They came here on green cards to work from spring through fall and went home to Mexico in the winter. There were a lot of young guys and some real good looking ones too. I wouldn't even think about any of them being Gay. There probably were a few but I wasn't that interested. I knew we would find out from Sam and Jimmy at some date.

Gary, Mark and I left about 8:30. We were all worn out from the long day.

We figured to make it an early night with school starting the next day.

We were about halfway across the courtyard when I thought I heard Marks name being called. We all stopped and turned. When Mark saw who was yelling he took off running. When he got to the guy he almost jumped into his arms. They obviously knew each other real well. After a few minutes they started walking toward us. We just waited.

"These are two of my best Friends Kevin. This is Aaron and Gary."

Very nice to meet you." He said in a deep voice. His hand totally covered mine as he shook hands.

Talk about big. This guy was huge. His head was shaved bald and the tank top he had on showed huge muscles. And not just show type muscles, He was close to 6 foot 6 inches tall and I bet weighed near 220. He looked like a line backer for a football team.

"Kevin just got his degree in Civil Engineering and is going to work for Stanton General in their Engineering Department." Mark said.

"He's my cousin. I haven't seen him for over four years." "If its okay guys, I'm going to do some catching up with Kevin. Don't wait up. I'll see you guys in the morning." Mark said.

"That's cool Mark. Night Kevin, Mark." I said.

Mark was no small guy, but almost looked like a midget along side Kevin as they walked away. WE headed for our apartment.

As soon as we were inside I just stripped. I liked to be nude. It seemed more natural. Also didn't have to wait if we wanted to do something.

"Fuck was he ever big. I don't think I saw a guy so big. I wonder if he is big all over." I said.

"Yeah it was kind of hard to tell with those baggy sweat pants on." Gary said.

"We both thinking the same thing again love."

"Yeah and thinking about that I want you to fuck my brains out."

"Okay love." We grabbed a quick shower before bed.

I did screw Gary for a long time. I came quick the first time, but he just said keep it inside and do him again. It took longer the second time. Then we just cuddled together to sleep.

I had set the alarm for 6:30 AM, coz we didn't know how long it would take in the morning to get ready to leave. I jumped out of bed when it went off. Pissed and then put the coffee pot on. Gary cleaned me out and then I did him, although he didn't have much but my two loads. After showering we dressed. Had cereal for breakfast and then made lunches. Sure different from the Farm when lunches were made for me last year.

Mark had not come back, not that I had expected him. School started at 8:30, so we found we had about 45 minutes left.

When I grabbed the package of stuff the school had given me when I registered, Gary told me just bring my class list and electives list. The rest he said was garbage.

WE met Mark at my Jeep. He told us he would meet us later. He was going to ride in with Kevin. He always stopped at Mocha and More for coffee before work. That was only a couple of blocks from the high school.

When we got to the school and parked, I saw a shit load of expensive pick ups, 4 x4 trucks and high end cars in the student lot. Gary had told me lots of rich kids went to the high school. I did get a lot of nice compliments about my old jeep. Mostly I think coz it looked brand new.

The first morning was all about meeting teachers, getting book and supply lists, locker assignments etc. Really boring. Only one of my close friends was in my classes. Jimmy was on the same course structure as I was. We were both taking College entrance courses. The rest were on general diploma courses. The only class were both not in was Physical Education. Jimmy was on the football team, I was on the swimming and diving team.

Now what really worried me was that the coach said we needed white Speedos for swimming and diving. I had never wore Speedos before coz they showed everything I had and everyone else had. I figured I'd be hard all the time seeing those nice asses and dicks in wet Speedos.

We had a week to get them. That meant a trip to Atlanta. I doubted there was a store in Monroe, Callum or Jackson that had them.

We all met in the cafeteria for lunch. I saw you could get lunches if you wanted to pay five bucks. We sat together and compared notes.

It was pretty noisy, so after we ate we went outside. I noticed one thing though. There was a lot of interaction between whites and colored boys. That was something I never saw before in any school I went to here in Georgia. Usually white guys talked to white and colored talked to colored. When I commented to Gary he told me to wait until after the school meeting this afternoon. He said I would understand then.

WE all filed into the big auditorium after lunch. Every student had to attend and the place was packed.

The first surprise came when we all stood and sang the National Anthem.

Then aftewr we were all seated a very well built man walked up to the podium.

"My Name is Mr. Johnson your principal. You can all call me by my first Name Sir."

That got a few laughs.

"Monroe High School is unique in the State of Georgia. We are a ZERO tolerance High School. Most of you know what that means, but for those students here from Jackson county and others that just moved here I will explain in full later.

"Some people say that spare the rod spoil the child. Monroe High School does not spare the rod. Now this is for all you new students, the older ones already know. Every rule and regulation as well as punishment for breaking said rules and regulations have been vetted and approved by the State Education Department, State Justice Department and the Monroe board of Education. So id any of you after being caned bare assed in front of your entire class feels he wants to sue or charge your teacher with assault, it won't even pass at the Sherriff's office."

Holy fuck, I thought. You can get caned here?'

"Dress codes for all students. Jeans are acceptable on both males and females. Cutoffs are not. Tank tops for males is not acceptable. Females will wear bras even if they don't need them."

That brought a few laughs.

"There will be absolutely no sagging jeans. If I find some ones ass almost sticking out it will be some sore almost immediately."

Unless it is for a school function, Hats will not be worn by anyone in school."

"Shoes or runners are acceptable, flip flops are not. Shoes or runners will be tied properly."

"Now our Zero Tolerance policy."


Next: Chapter 11

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