Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on May 8, 2004



by Lil Boney Boy

The Secret Adventures Of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman Nobody Knows About Continue

"Youth has no morals until we strip away it's innocence."

"Sex is only dirty if it is done right."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein.

The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.


The following story contains strong explicit scenes of content involving sex with minor's that may be objectionable to some. If you think you may have a problem with such material, please do not continue any further.


At the press conference, a crowd of reporters were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the three huge little stars. For such young tykes, the preteen boys, Aaron Carter, Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow were already becoming superstars even with the media. Soon, Aaron Carter arrived alongside of his brother Nick and several security guards with the press clapping and cameras snapping away at them. Walking through the crowd with his security guard's protection, little spike haired preteen Aaron Carter looked around with all of the camera flashes going off in his eyes to see if there was any sign of Billy Gilman yet. Security escorted Aaron and Nick Carter to their seats which had their names tagged. Nick mumbled to his little brother, "No sign of your little suck-buddy bein here yet." Usually, Aaron would have pushed his older brother away teasingly with a "Shut up," but instead he only wondered if Billy would even show up after all the fighting had occurred between them earlier that day. Nick and Aaron Carter sat in their marked seats in front of several microphones leaving two empty chairs next to Aaron with the names Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow tagged upon them. "But you can cheer up, lil bro," Nick told Aaron. "Looks like your little sex-rompin playmate is gonna be sittin right next to ya." Aaron noticed the seat next to him tagged with the name Billy Gilman. This thrilled Aaron up a bit inside for Billy would have no choice but to sit next to him. Then the arrival of Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow was announced as reporters swarmed to the doorway with an array of camera flashes going off. Aaron turned to look through the media crowd to catch a glimpse of the other two youngsters. Escorted by security guards, Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow had their arms around each other's shoulders like they were close buddies with the press clapping and snapping photos of the two boys galore. Nick told Aaron, "Hey, you didn't tell me dey were close palsies, lil bro." Nick Carter's eyes focused in upon the little black rapper boy with long braided hair completely intrigued at what he was seeing. Never had he seen such a beautiful little dark skinned boy with such a perfect husky masculine bubble butted preteen body in all of his life. He watched the boy's every movement as Lil Bow Wow walked with his arm around Billy's shoulder through the hungry media crowd. "Damn, yo Billy boy been gettin a piece of dat spicy lookin dark meat?" asked an intrigued Nick. Aaron knew that Billy was pretending to be close pals with Lil Bow Wow on purpose to make him jealous. He knew Billy was trying to strike back at him for what had occurred that afternoon. Billy Gilman looked around the crowd of flashing cameras to see if Aaron Carter was around to notice his reaction of seeing him with Lil Bow Wow arm and arm. He spotted Aaron seated at the table while both he and Lil Bow were led by security to their seats at the press table next to Aaron and Nick Carter. While Nick's eyes was about to pop out of his head from staring so hard at the little black rapper, Aaron turned his head to try and pretend not to notice the two buddies walking up arm and arm as the three boys names were announced for the press conference to begin. Billy Gilman noticed his seat was tagged right next to Aaron Carter's and became a bit nervous trying to take Lil Bow Wow's seat instead. Through the corner of his eye, Aaron noticed Billy purposely choosing not to sit next to him. He tried to ignore Billy's actions while one of the security guards quickly corrected Billy making him sit in his assigned seat right next to Aaron Carter. Aaron looked the other way acting like he did not see Billy's attempt to avoid him while Nick could not help but bend back to take a good long look at the little rapper's nicely round ass as Lil Bow Wow took the seat on the other side of Billy Gilman. Nick's eyes focused in on the boy's bubble butt thinking how perfect it must be for the most wildest tight fuck ever wondering what it looked like underneath those clothes the boy wore. "Damn, what de hell you want dat country boy for, bro, wit a prime piece of meat like dat other one on de side?" Nick mumbled to Aaron. Aaron playfully pushed his brother away for the crowd to see their brotherly love flowing. The press aimed their mikes in the boy's faces asking questions. "Aaron Carter, how does it feel to be working as a team with two other boys your age as compared to usually working alone?" Then Aaron cut an impish grin and replied, "I almost feel like my Backstreet brother--- minus two," in his usual perky personality throwing his arms around Nick's shoulders with brotherly love, bringing him out of his deep stare upon Lil Bow Wow's bod. The press chuckled loving Aaron Carter's answer as Billy tried pretending he had not noticed his strong wit. Cameras hurriedly snapped away at Aaron and Nick Carter's brotherly hug with the two making sure to stop a moment for the pose to be captured. Both Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow noticed Aaron being his usual chipper self with mikes turning next toward Billy. "Billy Gilman, you are used to singing country music. How does it feel to suddenly have rap added to a song you are doing and did you feel you fit in to the culture?" Billy grinned with a quick reply, "Well, first I have to say that I think they picked the absolute best rapper in the entire music business," as he grabbed hold of Lil Bow Wow putting his arm around him to copy what Aaron just did. "And Lil Bow Wow and I are getting along just great as new best friends," smiled Billy brightly hugging Lil Bow Wow for the cameras. Aaron watched Lil Bow Wow immediately put his arm back around Billy like the two were close buddies. The press immediately snapped away at the two boys posing in an arm around shoulder buddy-like pose with big vibrant smiles. Nick Carter quickly looked also wanting to catch a glimpse at how close the little black rapper with the tightly braided hair seemed toward Billy. He could not understand why on earth his little brother Aaron was intrigued by someone like little innocent Billy Gilman when that mini-hunkster well-hung looking rapper was around. Nick could feel tingles in his dick just looking at Lil Bow Wow. Oh what he would give to just be able to fuck the boy just once. Aaron knew that Billy was trying hard to make him jealous and caught Billy's glance through the corner of his eye to see if he was looking. Then Lil Bow Wow spoke up trying to act cool, "Yea, see me and my new lil brotha here Billy Gilman. We tight, man. We real tight." Nick mumbled to his little brother, "Yea, I bet dat ass of his is even tighter." Aaron just smirked fully well knowing exactly how tight Billy's ass was remembering how sore his dick was from fucking it so much. Nick's eyes stayed feasted upon the little rapper completely intrigued by his every move desperately wanting a piece of the boy. How Nick Carter deeply yearned to be able to stick his dick inside the ass of that dark mysterious boy just one single time. Then the press turned to Aaron and Billy, "Aaron Carter, Billy Gilman..." Both Aaron and Billy heard their names mentioned in the same sentence together. This question was going to be entirely theirs for both to have to answer. "Did you two become as close friends as Billy seems to be with Lil Bow?" Aaron did not know what to say. Neither did Billy. Both boys were speechless nervously looking at each other wondering who was going to answer the question and what the other would say. Billy started to answer the question when suddenly he felt his wrist grabbed underneath the table. The boy was a bit startled as Aaron quickly brought Billy's hand all the way across to his crotch. "Oh my gosh," silently thought an alarmed Billy. "What on earth is he doing?" Billy had no clue how but all within the next two seconds his fingertips was touching the head of Aaron's penis underneath the table right in front of the entire crowd of unsuspecting media reporters who were hungry for a juicy story. Pint-sized Aaron Carter actually had the hand of Billy Gilman feeling him off underneath the table. Billy's face was completely stunned. What if somebody caught glimpse of what Aaron was doing with Billy's hand? What if someone in the press saw Billy Gilman's hand on Aaron Carter's penis? Billy could not believe what little daredevil Aaron Carter was doing right in front of the entire media. A stunned Billy looked at Aaron alarmed. Aaron looked back at Billy cutting a mischievous grin to the boy almost seeming to be slightly aroused at Billy's touch and the mischief he was inflicting. Underneath the table, Billy could feel Aaron's erect penis throb even harder from his mere touch. He knew that if he jerked his hand away from Aaron's grasp, the crowd of reporters would pick up on what was going on between them. He had no choice but to let Aaron do whatever he wanted to with his hand. The reporter's waited for an answer to their question. Lil Bow Wow wondered what was going on between Billy and Aaron. Why weren't they answering their question? Billy swallowed deep not knowing what to do or say. Underneath the table, Aaron ran Billy's hand all across his rock hard boycock enjoying the thrill it was giving him. The more his hand stroked Aaron's penis, the more Billy liked playing with Aaron's dick beneath the table but he surely did not want Aaron to know how much he enjoyed it. All Billy could hope was that his mother or anyone else in the crowd would not see what was actually going on. Aaron Carter loved the mischievous game he was playing with Billy and to have full control over the boy right in front of the crowd of reporters without them even suspecting made the danger even more exciting for the little daredevil. Young Billy Gilman found himself becoming a little intrigued secretly fondling the dick that he desperately yearned for. He could not help but wrap his hand completely around Aaron's hard boycock. Aaron Carter felt Billy's grasp take his dick into his hands. He grinned knowing that his little mischievous game with Billy was working and right in front of dozens of unsuspecting reporters still waiting for an answer to their question. But Aaron did not care. He was working Billy Gilman the Aaron Carter way. And he was succeeding. Nick Carter watched from his seat wondering what was going on. Knowing his daring little brother, he knew not to bring any attention to whatever it was he was doing. Underneath the table, Aaron Carter's boycock was throbbing right in the grasp of Billy Gilman's hand as he lightly stroked it. Billy could not help but squeeze a little on Aaron's dick to feel the depth of his erection. He wanted so badly to take the penis he was holding onto, put it in his mouth and begin sucking away on the dick right there in front of everyone. Who cares who sees? As long as the dick of Aaron Carter was where it belonged. In Billy's mouth. Then Aaron began making Billy's hand stroke his boycock up and down even harder as if to be actually jacking him off. Billy looked at Aaron alarmed. He could not believe that underneath the table, Aaron was having Billy jerk him off right there in front of everyone. "Could we have an answer to the question, please?" asked a reporter. With Aaron stroking Billy's hand up and down his erect cock, the boy was a bit nervous wondering if anyone knew what was actually going on under the table. "The two of you are nearly in the same culture of music," continued the reporters. "Did the two of you feel any sort of tension at all between each other when working together this week?" Glossy-eyed Aaron began feeling a bit of an orgasm completely ignoring the question. Billy was nervous completely speechless as his hand was being made to stroke Aaron's dick. Nick wondered what was going on as did Lil Bow Wow. Suddenly, Aaron swallowed deep. "Oh fucking shit," he thought, letting out a deep breath. All in an instant, a stunned Billy felt Aaron's cock shoot off all over his hand underneath the table. The little fucker was actually cumming shooting sperm all over Billy's hand right there in front of all of the unsuspecting reporters. Then a shocked Billy felt Aaron let go of his hand. He could feel his hand full of warm sperm under the table. "Could we please have an answer?" demanded a reporter. Billy was in shock completely speechless as he drew up his hand from underneath the table seeing his hand completely full of Aaron's cum. Lil Bow Wow's face turned to pure shock catching glimpse of Billy's hand covered with streams of sperm. Aaron grinned seeing strands of his cream all over Billy's hand feeling proud at sexually branding the boy once again. Billy quickly tried to wipe the sperm from his hands before anyone else could see but it was too late. "You fuckin mutha" yelled Lil Bow Wow, as he leaped forward over Billy's body to tear into Aaron Carter. A fight began between the two as security rushed forward to break Lil Bow Wow and Aaron Carter apart. "I see wutcha did, you fucka!" yelled Lil Bow Wow attacking Aaron. "Hey, get off me, dawg!" yelled Aaron, as security tried pulling the little rapper off him. Billy Gilman could not believe all that was going on. The fight going on practically on top of him, his hand full of Aaron's cum was all too much for little Billy to take. Billy covered his cum filled hand with his other hand to hide it from the reporters then amongst all the fighting pushed his chair out to leave rushing off through the frenzy crowd upset. Security guards pulled Lil Bow Wow off of Aaron Carter causing the little rapper boy to fall backward right into Nick Carter's lap. "Woah, fuck!" yelled Lil Bow Wow, catching his balance as he looked directly upward at Nick. Suddenly, the boy found that Aaron's older brother had a firm grasp upon his arm with a horny hungry look for his body. Lil Bow Wow could feel Nick Carter had a huge erection inside his pants knowing exactly what the older dude wanted from him. The little black rapper with the tightly braided hair watched the Backstreet Boy rise upward taking the hard bodied lil tyke and pushing him against the table pulling down his pants. "Man, wutcha doin fuckin me right here in front of everyone?" asked the little black rapper boy. "You just don't know how badly I wanted dis," Nick replied. "Your ass is all mine!" Pushing the little black boy against the table, Nick Carter did not see much resistance from the little rapper suspecting full well that he wanted his enlarged tool straight up his ass. Nick pulled his pants down with one hand while his other felt off the cheek of Lil Bow Wow's hard rock ass. Quickly, Nick spit on his middle finger then shoved it straight up into Lil Bow Wow's little black hole. Lil Bow Wow squinched as he felt Nick's finger go into the hole of his butt thinking it was his dick. "Awe man, is dat skinny lil thing you call a dick?" Lil Bow Wow insultingly replied. Then Nick pulled his finger out of Lil Bow Wow's hole, aimed his erect dick up to the crack of his butt and pushed his cock inside Lil Bow Wow's butthole. Instantly, the kid belched out a quick moan feeling the pain, "Ahh, shit!" yelled the boy. "Dat fuckin hurts!" Nick grinned, "Ahh, man, I just knew you had one tight ass!" as he immediately began pumping inside Lil Bow Wow's ass nearly killing the boy. Lil Bow Wow yelled straining in pain, "Woaaahhh fuckin crap!" Nick Carter had no mercy on the young boy pumping his crotch in and out of the little rappers ass as fast as he could. The huge white dick went in and out of the tiny little black butthole. Lil Bow Wow strained feeling the hole of his ass throbbing as the huge cock tore into the rippled walls of his butt. "I mean it!" the boy yelled. "You git your mutha fuckin piece of shitty dick outta my ass, dawg!" The boy's braids were flying around like crazy as Nick Carter wildly pumped the boy's ass right in front of everyone all completely frozen with shock. Lil Bow Wow felt Nick grab hold of his braids while fucking him. He did not want to let on but he was really getting off to what Nick was doing to him and what was even more of a thrill was that it was right there in front of everyone not caring who saw. What a fucking uninhibited thrill the boy was having. All Lil Bow Wow had to do to keep his cool with everyone was to act like he did not like it when his erecting dick showed otherwise. As he pounded into Lil Bow Wow's ass, Nick Carter could hear the boy's erect penis flapping up and down against the belly on the other side. Then right in the middle of fucking him, Nick reached in front and grabbed hold of the boy's hard dick jacking it while he fucked him from behind. "Awe, fuck!" yelled the boy. "Not dat!" Lil Bow Wow knew as horny as he was that he was going to be cumming in no time right in front of everyone. A grinning Nick jacked the little rapper's hard black boycock while he fucked him. Lil Bow Wow could not resist the ecstasy being done to him while being both fucked and jacked upon all at the same time. "Yea, I knew you were gettin off to dis, lil puppy dawg," Nick mumbled to the boy while jacking his hard black boycock in front and pumping his ass from behind. Lil Bow Wow erotically strained while being fucked and jacked on at the same time. "I know you betta git dat sawry dick of yours outta my ass now dawg," he replied in between ecstatic breaths. "And I know you got de biggest dick I ever felt on a black boy befoe," Nick told the boy as he pumped in and out of his ass. Lil Bow Wow swallowed hard knowing he was about to shoot. "Oh fuckin jeesh," whimpered the boy trying hard to maintain his cool but somehow managed to say between breaths, "You juss lucky yo too big foe me to push away." "From de feel of ya throbbin dick, you aint got de balls to wanna push me away," Nick told the boy as he began jacking on his dick a lot faster while fucking him even harder. "You like me fuckin ya, doncha." "AWE FUCK!!!!" yelled Lil Bow Wow, being wildly pumped into. "I'm a cum!" He whimpered. Nick Carter pumped the boy harder. "I mean it," yelled Lil Bow Wow to his fucker. "I'm fixin to shoot off all ova de place!" Nick vigorously screwed the boy even harder. The crowd could not believe the activity going on right before their very eyes while cameras flashed all over. Blinded by all of the cameras flashing in his eyes, Lil Bow Wow screamed wildly feeling his entire body tense up. "Awe FUCKIN SHIT!" yelled the boy. Suddenly his dark skinned dick began shooting off thick white cream all over Nick Carter's white skinned hand. Photographers took pictures like crazy as Lil Bow Wow's dark skinned penis shot off white creamy cum in all directions. As the boy continued yelling, Nick's face was blinded by all of the flashes. "Oh, crap," thought Nick, ending his thrusts into the boy's ass. "What the freakin hell have I done to this boy right in front of everyone?" Lil Bow felt the fucks suddenly stop a bit stunned by what had just occurred. As cameras flashed everywhere, Nick Carter looked down at Lil Bow Wow, who was sitting in his lap looking up at him. Through the psychedelic flashing chaos, Nick was a bit puzzled. "Dude, lemme go!" demanded Lil Bow Wow, struggling from Nick's grasp. Nick found that the little black rapper was still sitting in his lap from his fall. He had never actually fucked the boy. What the fuck? He realized that he had only been fantasizing about doing so and quickly let go of Lil Bow Wow, who quickly got up from his lap. Lil Bow pointed his finger to Aaron's face yelling, "You betta leave Billy alone, dude!" as security held him back away from Aaron. "Hey, can I help it if I got something Billy wants more dan you?" boasted Aaron playfully. Security led Lil Bow Wow away while an upset Billy rushed through the crowd going to his mom telling her to take over as he darted toward the doorway to leave. "Geesh, gosh," said Aaron to the reporters, "Sing the dude's solo one time and he goes wacko on me." The reporters chuckled at Aaron's joke. Through the crowd, Aaron caught glimpse of Billy leaving through the doorway passed the faggish bellhop out of the banquet room with Lil Bow Wow following behind. Aaron quickly took off. Nick Carter tried catching hold of his thoughts after the wild orgy he just had with Lil Bow Wow in a quick five and a half second fantasy, then followed after his brother. As Lil Bow Wow reached the doorway to leave, he cut a look to the bellhop as a cue for their plan they had discussed in the elevator earlier to begin. The bellhop caught Lil Bow Wow's cue as the little rapper with his dangling braids ran out of the room after Billy. Amidst all of the crowd, the faggish bellhop quickly recalled Lil Bow Wow's plan of action inside the elevator earlier that day quickly flashing through his mind. ------------------------------------------------------------ "Damn, what I'd give for just five minutes with Aaron Carter," the faggish bellhop told Lil Bow Wow inside the elevator. A shirtless Lil Bow Wow looked upward seeing the elevator digits above approaching the first floor then turned to the teenaged bellhop and told him, "You wanna suck on de goldenboy's dick?" "Aaron Carter's? Yea," replied the bellhop eagerly. "Here's what chew do," Lil Bow told the bellhop. "Tonight we got a banquet ting goin down. I'm a leave wit Billy. Aaron's goin to follow tryin everyting he can to get Billy to make up wit him." "Yea," replied the listening bellhop. "You show de golden boy you got de key to let him into Billy's suite again." The bellhop listened. "And dat if he wants de key, here`s what he`s gotta do." The bellhop listened closely. As the elevator door opened to let Lil Bow Wow out, the bellhop was in complete awe. The teen could not believe his sexual fantasy with the famous Aaron Carter was going to finally come true ----------------------------------------------------- The bellhop's flashback ended as he noticed Aaron Carter rushing toward him pushing his way through the media crowd to follow after Billy. The bellhop swallowed hard watching little spike haired Aaron Carter push his way through the wild crowd, which was not easy for the young boy. All of the press wanted a piece of the famous pint-sized pop-star. A comment, an autograph, a photo, an interview, anything. Little Aaron was indeed a crowd pleaser especially with the media. It was evident that this boy was a hot commodity and was going to be even hotter in the upcoming years. The teen bellhop intriguely watched the blond boy goddess push through the crowd noticing his every move. What a freaking turn on the young boy was. His every move excited the teen bellhop. Every glitch Aaron made, every facial expression he cut. All the teen bellhop could think was how this little creature of perfection was about to be all his. Little Aaron Carter made his way to the door rushing past the bellhop, whose eyes were feasted directly upon the little spike haired goddess the entire time. Aaron ran out of the conference room into the hallway. The bellhop turned to follow. At last, the plan was in motion. Aaron quickly looked down the hallway seeing the elevator door shut with Billy and Lil Bow Wow inside together. "Ahh, shit, "thought Aaron, as he rushed forward. Aaron ran down the hallway toward the elevator then turned left to the door of the stairway shaft and rushed out. He just had to catch Billy no matter what it took. Aaron ran as fast as he could up the flight of stairs. Never had his little energetic body ran so hard. Inside the elevator, Lil Bow Wow asked, "Dude, you wanna tell me wut just went down in dere?" "Look!" Billy showed Lil Bow Wow his hand. Lil Bow Wow took hold of Billy's hand noticing drying sperm all over it. "Dude, dat looks like..." "Aaron's," said Billy. "He had me masturbating him underneath the table right there in front of everyone." "Woah!" said an amazed Lil Bow Wow. "Fo real?" Then looking at the drying sperm upon him, Billy could not help bring his hand up to his nose to slightly take in a wiff. Lil Bow Wow noticed Billy begin to breathe in deeply. Billy wanted to breathe in the aroma scent of Aaron's sperm. Never had Billy smelled anything so sweet almost to the point of making Billy want to actually lick the cum right off his hand. Suddenly, the elevator door opened. In the stairwell, Aaron ran as fast as he could up the stairs desperate to catch Billy. All he knew was that he had to make up with Billy before the boy ended up doing something really crazy with Lil Bow Wow. Would he actually make it in time? Or would he walk in to find the two naked on the floor with Lil Bow Wow screwing Billy Gilman's brains out. Finally, he made it to his and Billy's floor. He opened the stairwell door entering the hallway seeing the elevator door shutting. Where was Billy? Aaron looked down the hallway to see Billy and Lil Bow Wow enter Billy's suite. "Billy!" yelled Aaron but it was too late for the door shut. Aaron took off walking down the hallway breathing deeply while little beads of sweat poured from his pores from the exhaustion of having just ran up the flight of stairs. All he knew was that Billy's was his and nobody else was doing him, no way, no how. As he walked down the hall toward Billy's suite, all Aaron could picture in his mind was entering Billy's suite to find Lil Bow Wow fucking him with the little rapper's tightly muscled torso pumping his dark skinned cock into the boy's snow-white ass. He envisioned a naked Lil Bow Wow turning to him and gloating while he rhythmically fucked away into the butthole of an ecstatic Billy, completely lost in ecstasy. And worst of all, Billy enjoying the fuck of Lil Bow Wow way more than he ever did Aaron's. He knew it was only a matter of time before Lil Bow Wow made his way into Billy's pants to get his white-boy thrill. And the hurt and anger Billy felt toward Aaron, now would be the perfect time for the boy to weaken to Lil Bow Wow's advances. Aaron knew that he could not let that happen. Nobody had ever made Aaron Carter feel the way little Billy Gilman did. No matter how many other's thought at times Billy was a bit girlish, Aaron saw a spark of fire in the boy he wanted nobody else to experience but him. The spark of little Billy Gilman glowed inside Aaron and no one else was going to have that flame but Aaron. No matter what it took, this time Aaron Carter was going to make Billy see the truth of how he really felt about him. Aaron was going to rekindle what he and Billy had together even if it meant actually fucking Billy right in front of Lil Bow Wow on the floor of his hotel suite. He knew that Billy did not have the power inside to resist him and what better way to show Lil Bow Wow once and for all who little Billy Gilman really belonged to. Aaron arrived at Billy's hotel suite door banging loudly on the door, "Billy!" Inside the suite, Billy jumped alarmed. "Open up, Billy!" yelled Aaron. Billy could not believe that Aaron was actually at his door. "This is Aaron. Open the door now, Billy!" Inside the suite, Billy looked at Lil Bow Wow scared, "Oh my gosh." "Shh," said Lil bow Wow. "Doncha say anytin," as he went to listen at the door. Out in the hall, Aaron banged on the door, "Damn it Billy, open the fuckin door now!" With Aaron yelling curse words, Billy knew he meant business. "What do we do?" a scared Billy asked Lil Bow Wow. Lil Bow Wow rushed to the door. "Shh, just hold on," he told Billy pressing his ear to the door to listen. On the other side of the door, Aaron was growing fierce by the second. "DAMN YOU, BILLY!!!!!!!!" he yelled upset banging on the door. Inside the suite, Lil Bow Wow jumped at Aaron`s banging while Billy was nearly in tears scared. Out in the hall, Aaron stopped banging. "Let me in now, Billy." Then Aaron heard a voice beside him, "Want the key to get inside?" Aaron looked in front of his face to see a key dangling. He quickly turned around to find the hotel bellhop waving a key in front of Aaron's face, "I got the key to Billy Gilman's suite." Aaron looked at the key dangling in front of his face. "And you want it, don't you?" baited the faggish bellhop. Aaron slightly nodded staring deeply at the key dangling in front of his face. Inside Billy's suite, Lil Bow Wow let out a smile as he listened, "The plan is in motion." Billy was a bit confused. Out in the hallway, the teen waved a key in front of Aaron's face. "All I want is five minutes with you inside the closet," the teen told Aaron. Aaron froze stiff at the sound of hearing the bellhop's proposal. Inside the suite, Billy noticed Lil Bow Wow listening at the door, "What's happening out there?" Lil Bow Wow cut a grin as he listened, "Just wut I thawt would happen, bro." Pint-sized Aaron Carter knew exactly what the bellhop wanted before the words were even spoken. He quickly grabbed outward for the key but the bellhop jerked it back not letting Aaron have it. He, teasingly, waved the key back in front of Aaron's face, "You want the key to get Billy Gilman?" Aaron watched the key dangle in front of his face as the teen walked backward toward the door of a nearby linen closet. "All I want is just five little minutes alone with you and Billy Gilman is all yours," the teen told Aaron as he opened the door. All the Little Prince of Pop could think of was what Billy had told him inside the hallway earlier on how everyone seemed to want Aaron strictly for one thing which was certainly not for his singing. "Oh well," thought Aaron. Maybe that really was all he was actually good for. A young alluring sex appeal. But if that was what the boy possessed, then he might as well use it to his advantage. Aaron Carter walked toward the linen closet door being held open by the teenaged bellhop. Was it finally going to happen? Was he actually going to have the dick of Aaron Carter right there inside the linen closet? Once again, Aaron reached out for the key only this time the bellhop quickly tossed it inside his crotch, pushed little Aaron inside the closet and quickly rushed inside shutting the door. Before Aaron knew it, he found the himself inside the closed linen closet with the bellhop eagerly ripping into the boy's shirt. "Oh my gosh, I can`t believe this is finally happening" said he teen raping into Aaron's body, "I've bought every single teen magazine you've ever been in." "Hey, calm down," Aaron told the teenaged fag. "You'll getcha piece of Airboy." "You can not begin to know how long I have waited for this," said the eager teen taking Aaron's shirt completely off of his body. Aaron was used to hearing that line constantly from admiring fans but usually they were simply meeting him, not ripping his clothes off to get into his crotch. Yet he could not help but be a little flattered at the older teen`s desperation for him. After pulling the pop star boy's shirt completely off his body, the teen desperately felt the pecs of Aaron's chest. "Flex, please," asked the bellhop. Aaron chuckled at the teen's request as he flexed his little chest muscles. The teen pressed his fingers deeply squeezing into Aaron's chest feeling all around it's smooth skin. "Damn, what a nice developing body you have," commented the faggish teen. "Developing? Hey now!" said Aaron as he started to push the older teen off him. "Oh please," begged the teen, unzipping Aaron`s pants. "Just 5 minutes is all I ask for. You don't even have to do a thing but sit here. I'll do all the work." Aaron lightly pushed on the teen trying to calm down the teen's desperation, "Dude, I just had to push my brother off of me diggin into my ass just last night," replied Aaron, letting the teen rape into his crotch. "Who Nick?" asked the bellhop, a bit intrigued. "Nick Carter is gay?" "Nahh," replied Aaron. "He just likes to fuck really tight holes." "Well, all I want to do is to suck you off," pulling Aaron's jeans down to his underwear. The bellhop's eyes feasted upon the indention of Aaron's erecting penis inside his white underwear anxious to pull them down. Then Aaron took hold of the bellhop's hands stopping him. The bellhop was a bit surprised at little Aaron's strong grip upon his wrists as he looked at him. "Dude, ya gotta swear you'll never tell anyone I let you suck me," Aaron told the teen. The teen was quite impressed at Aaron's hold upon his wrists, a bit turned on by his forcefulness. "Nobody?" Aaron told the teen, "You can not tell one person you even saw my dick." The bellhop thought for a moment then said, "Okay, okay, I wont. I promise," said the bellhop eagerly anxious. "Alright. Just five minutes and not a second longer," Aaron sternly told him. "Here," the teen handed Aaron his watch. Aaron took the watch and went to lay back on the edge of something to relax. If he had to do this to get the key to Billy's suite, then he might as well enjoy the boner he was already getting. The teen bellhop bent down to take a wiff of Aaron's undies knowing the boycock he yearned for was just underneath. He breathed in the sweet aroma of Aaron's briefs smelling the slight scent of urine perhaps leaked out of the hole of Aaron's penis sometime after pissing that evening. Then he hurriedly ripped into the little superstar's crotch, pulling down his white jockies causing Aaron to giggle. "Hee hee, slow down some dude," toyed Aaron. "You gonna getcha piece of Airboy." The teen froze with intrigue at the luscious sight before him. Of all the cock's the gay teen had ever sucked, never had one erected penis looked so succulently delicious as the one his eyes were feasted upon. The irresistible tight pinkish skin, so elastically tight that it looked as if the bone inside the hard little boycock was going to bust right out. He knew time was ticking and he desperately wanted the little celebrity's penis fully boned inside his mouth. Then he heard Aaron's words watching the time, "Thirty seconds." The teenaged bellhop need not hear anymore. He quickly opened his mouth going downward and took in Aaron's luscious boycock. Aaron watched feeling his dick go right into the mouth of the older teen, who immediately began to suck away on him. The young boy felt the sensation of his penis being sucked upon take over. If his dick was going to be sucked, he might as well get the thrill out of it was going to give him. The teen wildly sucked away on Aaron's rock hard little boycock. For a young boy, the teen thought little spike haired Aaron Carter had one mighty hung penis. Aaron stared down at the top of the head of the brown haired teen sucking upon him inside the hotel linen closet. Having no idea who this admirer of his was, the boy could not help but wonder for a moment during the lust he was experiencing, was this what it was like to be the world's youngest superstar? Having fans secretly wanting to suck him off in all their wildest fantasies? Wildly sucking upon Aaron's dick, the teen could not believe that he actually had the growing dick of pop-star Aaron Carter inside his mouth while sucking away to his every desirable pleasure. The teenager had eagerly waited a long time for this moment that he thought would only occur in his wildest dreams. He sucked and sucked away on Aaron Carter's boned-up penis with his lips going up and down it's hard rod, occasionally licking it's puffy head with his tongue. The activity upon his dick was indeed feeling good to young little Aaron. It was obvious, the older teen was a pro at sucking cock knowing all the right moves to make him feel erotically good. Occasionally, mischievous Aaron would toy with the teen pulling his dick out of his mouth. The teen would then take a quick swallow of the juices he had of Aaron's inside his mouth while taking a quick stare at the boy's ever so luscious cock standing up straight in front of him, then rush back on to sucking the dick even harder. Aaron especially liked the way he was in full control of the older teen. The boy stroked the brown hair of the teen bellhop wildly sucking away on the Little Prince Of Pop's boycock, "Yea, you like de taste of Aaron's dick, doncha?" The faggish bellhop nodded while sucking away on the young boy's hard little dick, "Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm!" All the bellhop could wonder was if he would be able to make Aaron shoot off cum all within the five minute time period he was allowed. Surely the boy was old enough to shoot off by now but could he do it in the little bit of time remaining? The teen continued sucking away on Aaron's dick moving his hand up the boy's body. Aaron felt the teen's fingers crawl up his body straight to his right and left nipples and immediately begin stroking them. "Oh, shit," thought Aaron. "Not the nipples." The teenaged bellhop most definitely knew his shit. Wildly stroking Aaron's nipples the teen vigorously sucked away on the boy's cock. Aaron swallowed hard. The erotic pleasures being done to his pubescent body was becoming a bit hard for the young boy to take. Aaron shut his eyes as erotic pleasures began to take him over. His arm collapsed as the watch fell onto the floor. He swallowed hard feeling too good to even move and pick it up. Sucking away on Aaron Carter's boycock, the teen saw the watch hit the floor. He knew he was taking full control over Aaron's desires and the young boy's body was all his. The teen who sucked away on the boy's cock below was in full control of Aaron Carter's every desire. The boy was practically paralyzed with ecstasy as his moist glossy eyes shut. A tear rolled out of Aaron's eye as he breathed in deep. "Suck me," whimpered Aaron in a soft shaky voice. "S-suck m-me harder." His dick was a full boner wildly throbbing inside the teen's sucking mouth. In another few seconds, his boycock would be erupting it's creamy lava. The teen felt Aaron's dick stiffen tight inside his mouth practically throbbing inside him like crazy. The time could only have possibly been about four minutes tops and he already had young little Aaron Carter about to shoot his load inside his mouth. Aaron swallowed hard, "Oh f-fuck," whimpered Aaron. "I'm a cum." Seeing the world famous boy pop-star loosing himself in lust, the older teen was struck with an idea. He wanted Aaron Carter a bit longer. He desired to see just how far he could go with the pint-sized Little Prince Of Pop. Aaron knew he was about to shoot off his load. He took in a deep breath feeling the sensation build inside him. These feelings were practically uncontrollable for a young boy amidst the stages of puberty. Aaron esthatically tried to speak but could only softly whimper. "I'm a c-cumin," he softly spoke with his head falling lifelessly down in erotic ecstasy. He could feel his load build all throughout the inside his body and about to erupt. The teen felt the boy's dick's longest throb knowing it was about to shoot. Suddenly, he pulled his mouth off the cock. Nearly lost in an erotic trance, Aaron felt air hit his moist dick. He no longer felt the warm mouth sucking upon him. What was going on? The teenager watched Aaron's dick throbbing up and down bobbing all around before him wondering if he had waited too long. Would the boy's cream shoot out of the penis hole? This was a boy in the strong stage of puberty and premature ejaculations was not uncommon. Aaron opened his eyes in wonder. Why wasn't his dick being sucked upon? His watery eyes looked down below. As the boy's cock bounced up and down before him, the teen noticed a drop of gel ooze out of Aaron's penis hole. The teen reached his tongue out to grab the jism as it leaked out of the dick. Aaron esthatically watched the teen lick at his dickhead wondering why he wasn't sucking it. "Suck it," whispered Aaron. The teenager heard the whisper but continued playing with the boy's oozing jism gel with the tip of his tongue. "Suck my dick," demanded Aaron in a more stern tone. The teenager could not help but be a bit thrilled at the words he was hearing. The world famous Aaron Carter begging for the teen to suck his dick, "I said suck me, damn you." Then the teen told Aaron, "I believe the five minutes is up." Aaron froze for a moment. He quickly grabbed the watch looking at the time. Time was most definitely up...but Aaron Carter was horny as hell. The boy fiercely looked at the teen demanding, "I told you to suck my cock right now." The bellhop was thrilled to hear that young pop-star Aaron Carter was desperately begging for him to suck on his weenie. "You suck me, damn you," ordered Aaron Carter to the teen. "Now!" The teen need not hear another word. Just as a thick wad of gel oozed out of Aaron's penis hole, the teen gobbled up the boy's hard little cock even swallowing the jism oozing down it`s head. Aaron Carter's cock tasted deliciously salty as the teen sucked away on the throbbing cock. Aaron swallowed hard feeling the sensation take over his body all over again. The teen wildly sucked the dick inside his mouth going up and down the little bony rod like crazy, tonguing the head, then sucking up and down the base. Aaron swallowed hard feeling the erotic ecstasy taking him over. He then felt the teen suck deeply inward with an extremely strong vacuum. "Oh fuck," thought Aaron. "He is sucking the cum right out of me." The boy breathed in heavily feeling as if his mind was leaving his body. Studying Aaron's face to see the effect his vacuum lock had on the boy, the teen let up but continued sucking all over the rock hard cock. He vigorously sucked up and down the dick's hard rod, wildly tonguing the puffy head of Aaron's hard little dick, pointing his tongue outward to open up the hole of the penis to go as deep inside the tip as it allowed. Then suddenly, he mouthed the entire dickhead again forming a strong vacuum sucking inward. "Oh fucking jeeze," thought Aaron. The young boy could not take anymore. He began breathing intensely. This time the teen was not letting up. He continued to suck his vacuum inward on the head of Aaron's dick as if to be sucking the cum right out of his little body through the penis. "Oh my f-fucking g-god," whimpered Aaron trying to push on the teen's head, knowing he was about to blow. But the teen was not about to let himself lose the priceless prize inside his mouth. The intense vacuum being sucked upon the penis was giving Aaron's dick the fullest erection the cock could possibly produce. Then the teen decided to add more to the thrill and began stroking Aaron's nipple again with his finger tips, only this time Aaron's nipples were fully erect. With his hands cupped upon each side of the teen's head, Aaron's mind was out of his own control as the boy slightly shook his head in erotic convulsions. "Oh fuck," Aaron whimpered lightly. "I`m a cum." Only the teen decided to add even more to the boy's state of ecstasy. With his mouth pulling in a strong vacuum on the head of the young boy's dick, and his fingers of one hand playing away with tips of Aaron's erect nipple, the teenager's other hand took hold of Aaron's fleshy sack of balls and wildly began to massage the nuts inside them. This was more eroticism than young little Aaron could possibly handle. The boy was breathing heavily with the biggest hard-on he ever had in his entire life. While his nipple was being stroked, his balls being wildly massaged, sensations were being sucked right out of him like a strong vacuum. His hands dropped lifelessly downward from the sides of the teen's head as the boy felt the intensity build inside him about to have his volcanic load shoot right through his body at any moment. The teen rather liked playing with Aaron's fleshy sack of balls. His fingers jiggled the nuts inside the ball-sack all around. Aaron breathed heavy spasms of ecstasy feeling the erotic pleasures of his nut-sac being played with. How much more lust could a young boy in puberty take? Stroking wildly on Aaron's erect nipple while playing with his fleshy sack of balls, the teen wildly sucked away on the boy`s vigorously throbbing boycock. The wild activity was far beyond young Aaron's endurance. Then suddenly, the teen's hand let go of Aaron's fleshy sack of balls traveling downward. Aaron swallowed deep orgasmic breaths when all of a sudden he felt a finger go straight up the hole of his ass Suddenly, he yelled loudly, "Awe my fucking mutha!" The teen was jamming his finger in and out of the Aaron's butt hole fucking the shit out of it while sucking his dick at the same time as playing with Aaron's nipple. All of this erotic activity was something Aaron Carter had not even thought of happening when he agreed to go into the closet. But now the boy was nearly lost in total ecstasy. "Oh fuck," the boy lightly whispered, as the boy's tiny hole took in the teen's wide finger. The teen rammed his finger in and out of the boy's asshole completely ignoring the few tiny specs of Aaron's pooh he'd got from it. To the teen, any bodily substance that came from inside Aaron Carter was priceless. He wildly sucked away on the boy's cock while playing with his nipple and wildly fucking his butthole with his finger. "Oh god," whimpered Aaron, amongst his breathing spasm, "Oh, fucking god, jees!" The boy could not take anymore. He felt his toes curl inside his sneakers feeling himself about to erupt. Feeling Aaron's dick throb at the hardest ever wildly pulsating like crazy inside his mouth, the teen did not let up on his activity. While finger fucking the boy's ass, the teen performed his strong vacuum suction ever watching Aaron's face to see the wild effect it had on the little pop-star's mind. Then suddenly, glossy eyed Aaron felt the strongest wad he had ever shot, shoot out of his dick-hole deep into the teen's mouth hitting the back of his throat so hard that it went straight down his throat right passed his tonsils before he could even swallow it. Even though the teen almost choked he quickly sucked in Aaron's erupting dick as it shot off all inside his mouth. Young little Aaron Carter was helplessly lost in paralyzing ecstasy feeling himself wildly shooting off. The boy was shooting so much cum inside the teen's mouth that the teen had to keep swallowing over and over during the creamy eruption determined to savor every drop of sperm little Aaron could possibly shoot into him. Not even one single droplet of Aaron Carter's cum would escape him. Swallowing in all the cum he could, the teen could not help but wonder, "Damn, how much sperm can this wild little boy keep shooting?" Aaron's head was turning around in circles of deep lust feeling his last shots of cum shoot out of his dick. The teen was swallowing like crazy as he felt the last of Aaron's splurts. For a while, neither one could move. Aaron laid lifelessly paralyzed while the teen's mouth never let loose of Aaron's dick. He kept the boy's penis in his mouth the whole entire time feeling it soften inside him. Soon, Aaron Carter's penis was back to it's normal softie self still inside the teen's mouth. Then hearing some sort of laughter pass by out in the hallway that made him think of Billy, Aaron's mind quickly began working again. "What all the fuck just happened?" he thought. He looked downward to see his dick inside the teen's mouth. He could not help but wonder why his weenie was still inside the teen's mouth when all of the action was over with. Aaron grabbed both sides of the teen's head and pulled him upward. The teen kept his mouth tightly sucked upon Aaron's dick to where when he was pulled up, it caused Aaron's penis to stretch out. Aaron watched his weenie stretch like elastic as he pulled the teen off him causing a loud pop when the dick popped out of the teen's mouth. Aaron Carter looked down at his dick a bit confused. His penis was completely dry. He looked at the teen. "Where's all the cum I shot?" The teen just kind of bit his lip not knowing what to say. Aaron sat up moving his hands all around his penis and his balls searching any trace of his sperm. "I know I shot some, didn't I?" he asked the teen. Then the teen softly replied, "I swallowed it." Aaron instantly turned a bit stunned. "All of it?" The teen nodded. "Every single droplet." Aaron was flabbergasted and grinned, "You swallowed every drop of cum I shot?" "Yep," nodded the teen. Aaron was totally amazed. "Dude, I shot more cum than I've ever shot before." Then the teen smiled, reached in his crotch, then handed Aaron the key to Billy Gilman's hotel suite. "And you well deserve the key you earned." Aaron looked at the key to Billy's room forgetting that was what the whole sexual escapade was suppose to be all about. He, then, grabbed the key, quickly getting up, pulling up his undies and pants yelling, "Billy!" as he darted for the door to leave the closet. "Wait!" yelled the teen holding out Aaron's shirt. A shirtless Aaron Carter rushed out of the closet bumping right into the elevator boy outside in the hallway who happened to be passing by. Aaron turned back to look in the closet seeing the teen bellhop holding out his shirt. He rushed back in the linen closet to get his shirt telling the teen, "Well, I hate to run so quick but I gotta say...out of all the bellhops in the whole world, you sure give one hellava suck job." The teen could not believe Aaron Carter's compliment as the boy grabbed his shirt and ran off past the elevator boy who could not believe what he had just heard. Inside the closet, the bellhop was in complete awe at what Aaron Carter had just told him. Out of all the cock's the gay teen would ever have, he knew none would ever compare to the Little Prince Of Pop. Even at such a young age, he could not help but wonder how delicious Aaron's cock would be when fully ripe. All he could think was that Billy Gilman surely was one lucky boy to have someone like Aaron wanting him that badly. The elevator boy was stunned to have seen Aaron Carter run out of a linen closet nearly half naked then to look inside and find his teen friend, the bellhop. Inside the closet, the teen bellhop got up straightening his uniform bragging to the elevator boy, "I told you I would get a piece of that hot little Aaron Carter cock by the time he left here." The elevator boy could not believe what he was hearing. The bellhop looked at his pal. "Did you hear what he told me? The one and only Aaron Carter said I gave him the best blow job any bellhop has ever given him in the whole wide world." The elevator boy looked at the bellhop and replied, "Dude, I think he meant you were the only bellhop who has ever given him one." "Well, he said I was the best cocksucker ever," the fag gloated. The elevator boy patted the bellhop's back telling him, "You are one." Down the hallway, a shirtless Aaron rushed to the door of Billy's suite, dropping his shirt on the floor to quickly push the key through the hole in the doorknob and turn it. The key fit opening the door. Aaron Carter rushed inside Billy's suite. "Billy!" he yelled. Aaron knew that Billy and Lil Bow Wow had to be in the bedroom together. "Billy!" yelled Aaron rushing to the doorway of Billy's hotel bedroom but finding it empty. Billy and Lil Bow Wow were nowhere in sight. Then Aaron heard a voice. "If you are looking for Billy, he left with that little black boy." Suddenly, it hit Aaron, that the laughter he heard outside the linen closet earlier really was Billy`s. Aaron turned round seeing the elevator boy in the doorway. "When?" asked Aaron, turning a bit upset. "Just a few minutes ago," replied the elevator boy. Thoughts began rushing inside Aaron causing him to begin breathing a little more heavily in anger. The teen bellhop knew all along! Aaron grew angry feeling completely betrayed as he took off forward. He rushed past the elevator boy out into the hallway fiercely looking down toward the elevator. He saw the teen bellhop enter the elevator then turn around inside it. "YOU KNEW!" yelled Aaron, fiercely taking off down the hallway toward the elevator. The teen bellhop became stunned to see how angry Aaron was as the boy charged toward him. He quickly pressed a button as a fierce Aaron ran toward him with upset tearful eyes yelling, "You tricked me!" Just as the elevator door started closing, little Aaron pushed his way through the closing cracks of the door rushing inside tackling the older teen as they went tumbling onto the elevator floor with the teen screaming faggishly, "Ahhhh, pleeeeeeasssse, don`t hurt me!" "You took me into that closet knowing that Billy was going to leave with Lil Bow Wow just so you could get a piece of the famous Aaron Carter." "Please Aaron," the teen bellhop cried. "I am so sorry," . "You knew Billy would not be in his room after we were through!" "Oh my gosh, no. I swear I didn't know. I promise you." "You're lying!" little Aaron slightly slugged into the older fag. "No, please don't beat me! I swear I didn`t know," cried the teen bellhop to the young boy. "You were at the doorway of the banquet then all of within 5 minutes you were at Billy's door dangling the key in my face luring me into the linen closet." "Yes, alright!" told the crying teen. "I was told you would be at Billy's door and that you would want the key to get inside." Little Aaron slightly shook the older teen slightly slugging him, "So you used me for a freakin fuck!" "No," cried the bellhop, "I mean yes...." Aaron quickly reacted ruff handling the bellhop. "...but it wasn't the way you think. He told me that you'd want Billy's key and what I should do to make my dream fantasy come true. That was all he said. He didn't say anything else about them leaving together." Deep down inside the teen bellhop could not help but feel a bit turned on by all of young little shirtless Aaron's ruff handling of him. Just seeing all of his little chest muscles flex every time the boy moved was a complete turn on. He was indeed more than just all-boy and even though he may have been the smallest runt between the two, Aaron Carter was most definitely the strongest, even being that young. "Who?" demanded Aaron. "Who told you to do this?" "The ubb," the teen bellhop didn't know exactly how to answer, "you know." Little Aaron ruff handled the bellhop demanding an answer, "who?" "The black boy," replied the bellhop. "Lil Wow Wow." Aaron suddenly let go of the teen bellhop as the elevator door opened behind them. He looked to see that they were now on the floor of the lobby and took off forward. "I'm sorry, Aaron," said the bellhop desperately grabbing hold of the pants of Aaron's shirtless body as he walked out of the elevator, "I would have never betrayed you, you must know that." People were watching baffled as little Aaron Carter walked across the lobby with the teen bellhop clutched onto the shirtless boy's leg desperately begging, "I adored you, I worshipped you! All I wanted was your body just one time, that`s all! I never meant to hurt you, I swear it! Please you gotta believe me!" All Aaron could think was that he knew exactly where Billy Gilman was even after he had begged him not to go there. The only thing his mind focused on was getting to Billy as fast as he possibly could before it was too late. Everyone watched stunned at the scene of the older teen hanging on to the leg of a young shirtless boy begging as he was carried across the lobby floor. Soon, Aaron reached the doorway to leave outside where the bellhop let go of the boy's leg while crying on the pavement as he watched Aaron Carter walk away. The teen cried knowing deep down inside that Aaron would never get that good of a blow job from any other bellhop in the entire world. As he cried with his hands in his face, he smelled a scent. He then began sniffing his index finger realizing he still had traces of Aaron's shit upon him. He smelled the finger deeply enjoying the aroma. All he knew was that would be one finger that would never be washed. The finger that fucked the hole of Aaron Carter. He breathed in the shitty scent of Aaron's pooh upon his finger thoroughly enjoying it's aroma. Never would he have another moment with anyone as famous as the Little Prince of Pop. Aaron Carter may have been gone but the teen had something of the boy to remember him by for however long the smell lasted. Then someone who seemed to be a reporter from the media leaving from the earlier banquet picked the bellhop up off the pavement out of pity. The upset bellhop just looked at him and said, "I just sucked off the famous Aaron Carter." "Yea, sure you did, dude," spoke the reporter helping the bellhop back inside the building. "And right after you fucked his Backstreet brother." "No, it's true. Smell my finger," told the teen putting his finger in the reporter's nose. The reporter made a disgusting face, "Jeesh!" then turned away sighing, "What some people won't tell the press to get their name in the paper." ~TO BE CONTINUED~ Coming up Next: CHAPTER 9 AARON CATCHES BILLY -or- BILLY DOING THE DAWG!

Coming up in the final last chapter of Aaron & Billy:

Will Aaron reach Billy in time or will something stop him on the way?

Who will have the last fuck? Aaron, Billy or Lil Bow Wow?

Where will this take them all?

Will Lil Bow Wow finally get his white boy, fo real?

Out in the street, Aaron is approached by a paparazzi who will not take no for an answer.

Young Billy gets a facial of cream.

The teen bellhop gets another trip inside the linen closet.

Losing his shoes to an obsessed fan, the feet of Aaron Carter is fetishly attacked.

The aroma of Aaron is hard for some to resist.

Will Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman finally end up together?

Read the very last chapter of the story with some unexpected surprises to be announced.

------------------------------------------------------------ Stay tuned as further chapters of the untold secretive stories of AARON CARTER and BILLY GILMAN takes the boys to more levels in their erotic boyhood adventures. -------------------------------------------------

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