Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Apr 13, 2003



by Lil Boney Boy

The Secret Adventures Of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman Nobody Knows About Continue

"Even the smallest of hearts can ignite the biggest flame inside others."

"A young prick stands bold with no conscience."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein.

The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.

NOTE: The following story contains strong explicit scenes of content involving sex with minor's that may be objectionable to some. If you think you may have a problem with such material, please do not continue any further.

CHAPTER 7 PISSING OFF AARON -or- PISSING ON AARON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inside the rehearsal hall, Aaron Carter was thumping his fingers nervously back and forth on his sheet music's podium wonder what was taking Billy Gilman and Lil Bow Wow so long for lunch. The two boys were nowhere in sight. What could they possibly be doing together? All Aaron knew was that Lil Bow Wow better not lay one hand on touching his boy Billy or there would be trouble.

Across the stage, the director also waited with his eyes feasted upon the lustrous sight of Aaron Carter's smooth skin chest showing through the boy's buttonless shirt. He wondered how a young boy with such a beautiful smooth-skinned body could wear a shirt casually open so carefree and natural?

The director knew he had to get in control of his lusts. All he could think of was being backstage where nobody else could see, feasting his desires all over the young boy's smooth chest, rubbing his face down his creamy skin torso feeling Aaron's boyish pecs, then rimming his tongue inside the boy's tiny little belly button, eventually reaching the zipper on the kid's jeans that suddenly opened to reveal the wondrous youthful boycock packaged inside slightly surrounded by all of it's thin blond fuzz of pubics.

Never had the director seen such a beautiful boycock on any young lad before. He gently licked his lips wishing to god he could simply have one little taste of the sweet boycock before him.

Aaron looked down at the director. "You been wantin my dick since the first day I saw you checkin out my ass."

The director looked up nodding at Aaron, "Even before," swallowing deep in desperation.

"Go, on," little Aaron boldly told them man. "Put Aaron Carter's tasty dick in yo mouth and suck on it."

The director looked at the sweet looking pinkish erecting boycock in front of him. It was squirming around bobbing as if it had a life of it's own just yearning to be sucked upon. There was no possible way the horny man could resist such lustrous temptation. The dick was beyond irresistible.

Aaron Carter indeed had a gorgeous boycock anyone who laid sight upon would desperately want to suck. There was only a matter of seconds from the time one's eyes laid upon the lustrous weenie until the time it entered their mouth for the boy was amidst the strong stages of puberty and easily aroused.

The director debated whether he should or not. He was a professional and if word got around that he was sucking off the boy stars he directed, his career would be ruined. He had already done one of the Hanson boys but Aaron Carter was a little bit younger.

Then he felt his head being pushed downward by Aaron's hand.

"Go on, I toldja," Aaron told the man. "Suck on my weenie."

Aaron lightly pushed the director's head onto his boycock.

"Damn," thought the director, seeing Aaron's erecting dick move closer to his eyesight as his head was pushed downward by the boy's very own hands. "He's most definitely more persistent than little Zac Hanson was."

The push toward Aaron's penis was all needed for the man to open his mouth and instantly gobble Aaron's dick inside. He immediately began sucking on Aaron's erecting boycock feeling it grow inside his mouth. This boy was indeed hung and despite his young age, had evidently been sucked on at least a few times before because he knew the drill well and thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Yea, that's it," grinned Aaron relaxing. "Suck Aaron's weenie good."

In all his days, the director had never tasted a cock so good before. It was almost like having a pink sweet tasting sucker, only you could feel the puffy soft pillowy head on top. The more the man sucked upon Aaron's dick, the more the dick throbbed inside his mouth. Then suddenly out of nowhere Aaron grabbed hold of the man's head by the hair, lifted him off his dick and shot out his wad right in the man's face.

"Holy fuck!" thought the director. "The horny little boy is already shooting off in my face!"

Aaron purposely held the man up near the head of his dick so he could not leave it while he shot him right in the face with his erupting creamy boy-lava.

The man felt a wad of Aaron's sperm hit him in the eye, the mouth, the nose, the cheek. The boy seemed to gloriously shoot off wads like crazy as if they were never going to end.

Then the director heard Aaron`s words, "You want me to go look for them?"

The man was instantly jolted right out of his daydream. He looked at Aaron Carter across the stage startled.

"Huh?" he asked the boy, a bit confused.

"Billy," Aaron replied. "You want me to go see where they are?"

Suddenly, the director realized his wonderful moment of lustful activity with Aaron Carter was only a daydream fantasy.

"No!" ordered the director. "You keep that cute little round butt of yours right there in front of me."

Aaron heard the comment a bit curious realizing the fag director must have checked out his ass earlier but this was something the boy was already used to.

"I don't want to lose you too," the director added.

The man tried hard to get a hold of himself still quite turned on by Aaron's existence before him with every passing moment. What was it about this boy that was such a turn-on? All he had to do was simply exist before your eyes and you wanted him.

The director's eye caught glimpse of Aaron's torso across the stage peeking out of Aaron's open shirt.

"Damn, can't that boy stop being so fucking hot?" thought the director, silently to himself. "He is about driving me into an orgasm right here on this stage!"

Then the auditorium door opened loudly as Billy came running inside laughing hard with Lil Bow Wow chasing him.

Up on stage, Aaron noticed the two seeming really playful with each other only this time Billy was wearing a shiny black nylon sports jersey and Lil Bow Wow was wearing Aaron's yellow jersey he had given to Billy.

"Well, there are my other two little jewels," spoke the director.

Billy Gilman And Lil Bow Wow rushed on to the stage laughing only this time both were arm in arm like buddies. Aaron had never seen Lil Bow Wow seeming this close to anyone, almost to the point of seeming fruity to him and usually he finds Lil Bow Wow going out of his way to seem cool.

Aaron could not help but wonder how the two boys managed to go as far as to switch shirts with each other? At some point, there had to be some undressing involved. Then Aaron noticed something different about Lil Bow Wow. All of his braids were completely combed out.

"Did Billy do that?" he silently wondered.

Aaron watched the two boys as they approached their stools, hearing Lil Bow Wow tell Billy , "So didja like dat thing I showed ya in my dawg house?"

"Yea!" replied Billy, excitedly. "Gosh, I really liked the smooth skin tone you had a whole lot. One of the best I've ever seen."

"Skin tone?" thought Aaron.

He could not help but wonder what Lil Bow Wow had showed Billy inside that dog house, then asked, "Where'd you two go?"

He was hoping Billy would answer him but the boy just ignored Aaron and went to sit on his stool while Lil Bow Wow replied, "I took lil Billy here inside my dawg house."

Aaron turned surprised as his face clearly showed it. Billy was deeply hoping that this bothered Aaron but did not dare look to see.

"You took him inside?" asked Aaron, a bit bothered.

Lil Bow Wow shrugged his shoulders as he sat on his stool, "Yea," showing off each of their jerseys. "And now he is wearing my jersey----not yours."

Aaron looked over at Billy seeing him seem to proudly wear the black jersey as Lil Bow Wow continued.

"An he gave me de one he had befoe," prancing the yellow jersey on his body to Aaron.

Aaron looked at the yellow jersey on Lil Bow Wow. He was silent a little hurt by the words he was hearing but tried really hard not to show any emotion. He could not believe that Billy had given Lil Bow Wow the yellow jersey Aaron had given him just like it meant nothing to him. The same very jersey Aaron filmed music videos with, the same very jersey that capped off Aaron and Billy's wondrous night of passion with each other suddenly lost all meaning to Billy. How could Billy suddenly hate Aaron so much? If only Aaron would not have said all of those things to Lil Bow Wow earlier. If only Aaron could take them all back so Billy would not have heard him bragging in an effort to seem cool.

Billy kept facing away from Aaron not even cutting one single glimpse in his direction.

All of this was really hurting Aaron inside as he tried hard not to let it show. Aaron was a boy who was rarely ever seen crying in front of anyone but he was hurting that he was no longer the number one person in Billy's life. It seemed like Billy did not even care to have anything at all whatsoever to do with him.

"Alright places everyone," called the director.

Aaron could not believe that Billy actually went inside Lil Bow Wow's dawg house and did no telling what. He almost had tears in his eyes just thinking about it. He wanted sweet little Billy Gilman to be all his own and not ever be with Lil Bow Wow at all. Aaron was hurting deep. How could Billy let anyone but Aaron ever touch him?

Then Billy noticed buttons on the floor near him. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked over to see all of the buttons popped off of Aaron's opened shirt with his body peeking out at him underneath.

"Oh no," shrieked Billy, silently, turning his head away from Aaron.

This was not going to be easy for him. How would Billy get through the entire day with the body he lusted upon the night before staring him right in the face? Billy swallowed hard. He had to be strong. No matter how hard this was going to be.

Once when the director turned his back to do something, Billy purposely bent over to Lil Bow Wow mumbling so Aaron could hear, "Are you going let me come inside your dog house again tonight?"

Aaron heard Billy's whispered question.

Lil Bow Wow was a little surprised at Billy's question considering what actually occurred there before, wondering if the boy was suddenly ready for him.

"Sho can," Lil Bow Wow told Billy. "After tastin dat creamy skin of yo's, you can sho nuff cum right inside my dawg house anytime yo want," having a different version of "come" in mind than Billy had.

That was all Aaron Carter needed to hear knowing exactly what Lil Bow Wow meant. Having heard enough, he suddenly pushed the podium forward as his sheet music went flying everywhere.

"You keep your hands off Billy!" yelled Aaron attacking into Lil Bow Wow.

He pushed Lil Bow Wow back. Billy Gilman jumped off his stool shrieking in fright as Lil Bow Wow and Aaron went tumbling on to the floor.

"What are you trying to do, huh?" yelled Aaron. "Take him away from me for your whiteboy thrill?"

"Man! Git off me!" yelled Lil Bow Wow.

The director rushed forward pulling Aaron off Lil Bow Wow with Billy in tears.

The man pulled Aaron back, "Aaron, calm down."

"You stay the hell away from Billy!" Aaron yelled at Lil Bow Wow. "You're just using him is all!"

"Awe man, wutchu talkin bout usin wit wut all you did last night? Sayin you done him in the sand, done him on de beach,"

Billy felt a little nervous looking at the director knowing that he heard Lil Bow Wow's words.

Aaron looked over at Billy's reaction bothered that he heard all that Aaron had actually told Lil Bow Wow earlier that morning.

"An how you couldn't wait to rip into dat piece of raw virgin white meat all over agin!" continued Lil Bow Wow.

Suddenly Aaron charged at Lil Bow Wow again. "You shut up!" yelled Aaron as the two boys fought.

He pushed Lil Bow Wow to the floor.

"You stay the friggin hell away from Billy," as he wiped the blood oozing from his lip.

Then suddenly an angry and mad Billy Gilman ran up to Aaron lightly pushing him, "No! You stay away from us! Do you hear me, Aaron Carter?"

Bleeding from the lip, Aaron watched Billy angrily tear into him yelling right in his face.

"You think you can own everybody there is," Billy told Aaron. "Well, let me tell you something and you hear these words good."

Aaron watched Billy yelling in his face.

"You do not own me!"

Aaron watched Billy turn around to help Lil Bow Wow on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Billy asked Lil Bow Wow, helping him up.

Lil Bow Wow felt like punching right into Aaron Carter but instead let Billy help him off the floor.

"Man, dat dudes crazy."

"I know he is," said Billy leading Lil Bow Wow away. "Sure we'll go inside your dawg house," as Billy Gilman angrily looked at Aaron watching them, "only THIS time, we can do what I said no to before."

Aaron Carter heard Billy's words. His face suddenly changed realizing Billy and Lil Bow Wow may not have done anything yet with each other after all.

"Fo real?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"Yes," replied Billy taking hold of Lil Bow Wow's shirt. "For real this time."

Aaron watched Billy take the yellow jersey off of Lil Bow Wow's muscular dark-skinned body.

"Here," Billy threw the yellow jersey at Aaron.

Aaron caught hold of the jersey completely stunned that Billy no longer wanted it.

"I do not ever want anything from you again, Mister Aaron Almighty Carter."

Aaron watched as Billy Gilman put his arm around a shirtless Lil Bow Wow neck leading him away. Aaron felt really hurt inside as he watched the two leave the stage together arm and arm like buddies.

"Wow," spoke the director walking up behind Aaron. "Sounds like the show on the beach last night would sell more tickets than this benefit concert ever could."

Aaron was almost in tears asking, "Man, why is he doing this?"

He could not believe that Billy Gilman was being so cold hearted to him.

"We had the night of our lives last night. And now it`s like it never happened."

The director spoke, "I must admit after seeing that shirt come right off that body just now I might even go inside his dog house if I was shaded just a little bit darker."

Aaron ignored the director, continuing, "Doesn't he feel anything after all the things we did together?"

"You know, it's going to be kinda hard for you boys to sing a song nobody even knows the words too," spoke the director leaving quickly to go relieve himself in the nearest bathroom before he found himself crawling all over the little spike-haired singer right on stage of the empty rehearsal hall.

Aaron Carter sat alone in the near dark empty concert hall nearly completely crushed. How could Billy Gilman be so mean to him after their hot erotic night together? He knew Billy had to like him better than Lil Bow Wow. There is no way Billy could possibly like Lil Bow Wow better than Aaron. No Way.

Then Aaron heard noises above him in the dark rafters. He looked upward to see who or what was above him. Then suddenly a stream of water drizzled down into his face. Aaron was being pissed on from someone above in the rafters. Feeling the water hit his face, Aaron backed away but the stream of piss followed him not allowing him to see who was doing this above. He realized the water hitting him smelled like piss and was coming from someone above him in the rafters but he was getting so drenched that he could not tell who.

The warm piss drenched Aaron in the face so hard that Aaron actually fell back from his stool onto the floor where the piss drowned him even more. Aaron did not think the piss would ever stop. There was no way the director could possibly be pissing this much. It had to be two different people.

Finally the piss stopped as Aaron heard a shuffle above from someone leaving that surely sounded to be more than one person. Aaron quickly tried wiping his face to catch a glimpse of who was rushing off above him. He wiped his eyes burning from the urine leaked inside them. Damn it, if he could only see who the pissers were.

Soon everything was completely quiet in the theater as Aaron tried focusing his eyesight on the dark quiet rehearsal hall. Whoever did this to him was gone. Aaron knew the pissers had to be both Lil Bow Wow and Billy Gilman together.

But there was no way Billy would ever do something that cold hearted to Aaron. Not Aaron's sweet little Billy.

"Unless Lil Bow Wow talked him into it," though Aaron, fuming.

Aaron looked at himself soaked with piss. He was deeply hurt trying hard to hold back from bursting into tears. The wet boy got up from the stage floor and quickly left hurt and angry.

Lil Bow Wow and Billy Gilman had gotten the best of him. Aaron Carter was completely crushed inside. By the time Aaron exited the auditorium, he was in tears crying as he left.

Inside his hotel suite, Billy Gilman's mother was doctoring a shirtless Lil Bow Wow's chest, "Gosh I can't believe that Carter boy would be that much of a tyrant. He seemed like a nice boy when I met his family."

"Believe me mom, Aaron Charles Carter is nothing but a user and I don't want to ever see his face again."

"Well your agent called saying there is a huge press conference tonight over this benefit song. They want all three of you boys there."

"What?!" shrieked Billy. He pleaded to mom, "Can I cancel out of it, please?"

"Cancel?" asked Lil Bow Wow shocked. "Naw, Billy . We gonna go there togetha bro. So we can show Aaron we pals."

"I don't care what he thinks anymore," protested Billy. "I hate him and do not want to see his face or even hear the name Aaron Carter ever again for the rest of my entire life," he said almost in tears.

Lil Bow Wow could see that Billy meant what he said.

"I am not going," Billy sternly added.

A bit tattered in torn once wet with piss clothes, Aaron Carter entered his hotel suite slamming the front door yelling to Nick, "Dude, I hate freakin Billy Gilman!" with the sides of his open shirt flying about as he moved about.

Nick finished up his phone call. "He just walked in. I'll tell him to be there tonight," hanging up the phone.

A stunned Nick looked at a demolished Aaron, with torn clothes, stinking the foul scent of dried piss.

"What the hell happened to you, bro?" asked Nick

An angry Aaron cut a look at Nick as he walked toward his bedroom. "Just don't ever mention the name Bratty Gilman to me again."

Nick noticed how tattered Aaron looked with his cut lip and traces of blood on his white shirt.

Nick smirked, "Well, surely dat lil kid didn't do dis to ya."

Aaron turned to Nick almost completely teary eyed. "He pissed on me, Nick!"

Nick was stunned, "What?"

"Both him and that..." Aaron was so hurt about to burst out crying again that he could not even finish his sentence but just turned around to hide his tears from his older brother, rushing into his bedroom slamming the door.

Nick could not believe what he was hearing. He had rarely ever seen his little brother in a state of mind like this. He rushed forward opening the door to Aaron's hotel bedroom finding his bare-chested little brother examining his body in front of the mirror.

"Dude, I swear I hate him, Nick," Aaron angrily replied looking over the scrapes on his chest in the mirror.

There was one scrape pretty close Aaron's left nipple Nick caught the boy checking over in worry.

Nick was stunned. "Are we talkin bout de same lil dude I saw pacifyin all on yo dick in de showa dis morning?"

"He's nothing but a spoiled brat," Aaron replied grabbing a basketball as he flopped on the bed to toss it up and down to himself.

"Dude, he sucked on yo foot attached to it like a leech," Nick told Aaron.

"Yea, well now he's sucking on someone else," Aaron told Nick, throwing the ball up in the air and catching it as it falls.

Then Nick grabbed a cut newspaper clipping smiling as he held it in both hands showing Aaron, "Dat aint wut the front page of de papers say."

Aaron tried grabbing the clipping from Nick like it was his but Nick pulled it back.

"Tell me bro," teased Nick, "How was dat sweet virgin ass of his?"

Aaron made a face. "Shut up!" throwing the basketball at him as Nick dodged it.

"I bet his little hole was really tight," teased Nick going up to Aaron in the bed, "ripe perfect for fucking."

Aaron looked slightly bold replying, "I aint tellin you nuttin, bro," laying back in bed slapping his hands on the pecks of his chest.

"I bet dat tight virgin ass of his put blisters all on yo dick?" grinned Nick, noticing Aaron slapping his hands upon his chest despite all it's scrapes like the pain of the slaps did not even phase the little tuffie.

Becoming slightly aroused with the way Nick was wording things, Aaron just kept slapping his bare chest with his hands and asked, "Did Brian Littrel's tight hole put dose blisters I saw on yos?"

Nick cut a look at Aaron, who cut a impish grin back. Aaron knew Nick had told him not to ever talk about any of his Backstreet Boys adventures with the other members but anytime Aaron needed something to throw back in Nick's face, he at least had the weapon.

"Dude, that boy was obsessed over you and you loved everything about it wanting even more," Nick told his little brother. "That's why you're so mad."

Aaron heard Nick's words knowing they were true.

"I don't know what is going on between you two right now but whatever it takes, you gotta fight to get him back.."

Aaron smirked like "Yea, right.".

"And if you weaken, lil bro," Nick told his little brother, "you lose."

Aaron thought for a second then said, "I don't want the whiny little wuss," starting to slap his hand on his barechest again knowing himself that he was lying.

Nick heard Aaron's words, knowing they were not true. "Well you better make up your mind before tonight," said Nick leaving the room. "Your agent called." Nick turned around in the doorway to add, "The three off you got a huge press conference tonight down in the banquet room."

Suddenly, Aaron's hand stopped flapping on his chest curious, "Billy too?"

"Right now, you three boys are hot stuff, lil bro," Nick told Aaron then shook his head. "If only the world knew the whole true story between you two."

About a thousand thoughts suddenly rushed through Aaron's head at once.

"The hot secret adventures nobody is suppose to ever know," said Nick shutting the bedroom door as he left.

Aaron laid in bed with his shirt unbuttoned looking at the clipping of him and Billy on the pavement of the sidewalk.

Instances from the night before flashed through Aaron`s mind: Billy wildly sucking Aaron's dick in his hotel suite. Aaron fucking away into Billy's ass on the beach.

He remembered asking Billy in the sand, "So why do you like me?"

"I don't know," replied Billy. "I've never met anyone like you before."

Aaron began to play with Billy's nipple. "I've never met anyone like you before either."

Billy felt the tickling sensation of his nipple being played with feeling his dick slightly tingle inside his underwear.

Aaron pulled down Billy's briefs. "If you play with someone's nipple, it'll give em a boner," Aaron told Billy.

Billy giggled watching his penis begin to erect. "I think it's working," laughed Billy.

Aaron played with Billy's nipples until the boy's dick rose to a full boner throbbing up and down. Billy was intrigued at how this worked smiling proud at his bobbing dick. "Look at it," he said intrigued.

Then coming out of his flashback, a bold thought struck Aaron. Nobody was going to take away what he and Billy had together. Aaron was a little fighter and no matter what he had to do, he was going to get Billy Gilman back. This was one game Aaron would not lose no matter what. He thought for a moment on what to do then hopped out of bed.

"Man, you gotta go dere tonight, Billy," pleaded a shirtless Lil Bow Wow.

"Look, I hate Aaron Carter more than you can possibly ever know," told Billy. "I just do not ever want to see him after what happened today."

"So you can hang dere wit me," replied Lil Bow Wow. "Makin him feel outta place."

Billy froze in complete silence rather liking that idea. "No, I just do not want to even see his face right now. I want all of this trip to hurry up and be over with."

Lil Bow Wow heard Billy's words wondering if he meant him as well.

Billy heard a knock at the door.

"Den go dere to be wit me," begged Lil Bow Wow, "Showin everyone we buddies, man."

Billy watched his mom open the door wondering who could be there knocking. He moved to look closer seeing the vision of Aaron Carter standing at his doorway. Billy's heart nearly dropped suddenly pounding with fear.

"Is Billy here?" asked Aaron with a cut lip.

Billy was shocked that Aaron Carter was at his door asking for him.

His mom turned to him. "Billy, do you want to see anyone right now?"

Billy looked at Lil Bow Wow not knowing what he should do.

Then a shirtless Lil Bow Wow went forward, "I'll tell him," toward the door.

Aaron waited in the hallway wondering what exactly was going on when suddenly a shirtless Lil Bow Wow opened the half shut door with his silver Mickey Mouse necklace bouncing as he moved around.

"Look, my bro don't want to see no one right now!" going up into Aaron's face.

Aaron's facial expression changed a bit surprised, not realizing that Lil Bow Wow was inside Billy's hotel suite and seemingly half naked.

He looked at Lil Bow, who was practically inside his face, "What're you doin here?"

"Wut do you think I'm here for?" Lil Bow Wow spoke in Aaron's face. "Billy in me are pals, dawg. An he don't want to see you no moe."

Aaron did not care what Lil Bow Wow had to say.

"Got it?" added Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron hoped the part about Billy not wanting to see him was not true.

"I just want to tell him something is all," pleaded Aaron.

From inside the suite, Billy heard Aaron's words.

"Look! What part of "don't wanna see you no moe" don't you get, dawg?" shouted Lil Bow Wow in Aaron's face.

Annoyed at Lil Bow Wow being in his face, Aaron went to push him away. He put his hands on Lil Bow Wow's chest to push him hard ready for the fight seeming to be inflicted upon him when suddenly, the door opened with Billy softly saying the words, "It's okay, I'll see him."

Aaron Carter froze in his tracks.

Lil Bow Wow was a bit jolted turning to Billy baffled, "You sure, bro?"

"Yea, just wait inside, okay?" Billy told Lil Bow Wow, then looked at Aaron firmly saying the words, "This will not even take one single solitary minute."

"Okay," Lil Bow Wow told Billy as he cut a look to Aaron. "You lucky he open de doe and stop you," he said going inside.

Aaron cut a slightly sour face to Lil Bow Wow's comment then looked at Billy as Lil Bow Wow went inside.

Billy noticed Aaron seemed to have just showered and was dressed in different clothes with a white shirt unbuttoned completely open all the way down. His eyes immediately feasted on the golden tanned body underneath.. Billy swallowed hard liking the bod his eye caught glimpse of underneath trying hard to pretend it had no phase on him.

Aaron noticed Billy checking out his bod just as he had hoped and gently smiled at Billy, "I can't believe you're finally agreein to speak to me."

"What do you want?" asked Billy with a strong tone.

Aaron smiled at Billy trying to be as cute and appealing to Billy as he possibly could. "Can I talk to you just for just a second?"

Billy took in an a breather as if to be annoyed going out in the hallway even more shutting the door to the suite behind him.

Aaron was relieved glad that Billy was finally going to talk to him alone.

Billy clasped his arms together looking straight at Aaron completely emotionless. "Anything to get you to leave us alone."

Aaron noticed Billy's stern looking position with his arms clasped. "Us?"

"Yea, me and Lil Bow Wow," told Billy. "He's my new friend now."

Aaron did not like hearing those words. "The one who likes going around pissing on people when they're not looking?"

Billy looked at Aaron seeming a bit confused, "Excuse me?"

Aaron looked at Billy. "How could you let him do that to me?"

Billy thought for a second then asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Uhh, what the two of you just did to me in the auditorium," said Aaron.

"Well, don't you think you deserved all of that?" asked Billy, referring to the scenes they had with each other.

Then Aaron shrugged off the subject knowing Billy was just going to lie about pissing on him. "Remember last night when you told me that you'd never be with anybody but me?"

"You made me say all of that," replied Billy.

"I just...I thought we had something special together."

"Did you think that when you were blabbing to him all what we did like I was nothing but a bruised piece of meat for you to slap your sack of rocks into?"

"Look, I'm sorry, Billy," pleaded Aaron. "I shouldn't have said all of that to him."

"What are you doing here?" asked Billy. "You are Aaron Carter. This big pop star. You can have anyone you want. With the snap of a finger."

Aaron was still for a second, then raised his finger and snapped it at Billy. "See." spoke Aaron. "It doesn't work."

"Look you and I were just suppose to meet and sing a song together and that's it," said Billy, starting to walk away to go back inside. "So let's just sing it, get it over with and then forget about each other, okay?"

"Are you going to the press party tonight?" asked Aaron, before Billy went inside.

"I don't know," Billy turned to Aaron. "But if I do, it would be with my new best friend. Not you."

Aaron froze stiff.

Billy angrily continued, "And we do not plan on associating with you there."

Aaron heard Billy's words.

"All I want is to forget that you ever existed."

Aaron did not like hearing this at all.

"I do not ever want to hear the name Aaron Carter, or even think about you ever again. Do you hear that?"

Aaron stood there hurt at the words he heard Billy tell him.

"From now on, the night we had together is a distant memory I want to forget."

That was it. Aaron Carter had enough. It was time for him to push the panic button and overpower his opponent before he lost the game completely.

Suddenly, he rushed forward grabbing hold of Billy Gilman.

Billy felt Aaron's clutch grab hold of him and throw him down on to the carpeted floor. His heart pounded fast as he looked up seeing the magnificent sight of Aaron's bare-skin chest fall down upon him.

The sides of Aaron's shirt buried Billy's face inside Aaron's body. Billy watched Aaron's slightly bruised smooth skinned chest press against his face right upon the hallway floor of the hotel.

"You might think piss can wash away what we had but no matter what, you can never forget about me, Billy Gilman," Aaron spoke purposely rubbing the flesh of his chest against Billy's face. "After all what we did last night, we belong together."

Billy found it hard to resist the smooth skinned body pressing against his face.

"You and me ignited a spark neither one of us can ever resist," Aaron told Billy, moving his chest over to rub his nipple on Billy's lips.

Laying flat on the floor of the hallway with Aaron on top of him, Billy felt the erect tip of the nipple touch his lips actually liking what Aaron was doing. His eyes looked up watching Aaron's sensuous lips move as they spoke words to him.

"Now, me and you will always be a part of each other, Billy, no matter what."

Billy could not help but wonder----how could his lips be so perfect with every movement they spoke?

Aaron teasingly rubbed his pointed erect nipple upon Billy's lips.

"For the rest of our lives, no matter how many years pass, you will always remember our night together," grinning at Billy's not rejecting him rub his nipple upon his lips. "You know you can never forget it."

How could this boy know the exact words Billy yearned to hear? Aaron Carter was indeed good and knew this erotic game well.

Aaron quickly moved the other side of his body to where the left nipple stroked upon Billy's lips.

"You can try as hard as you want but you will never forget Aaron Carter," Aaron told Billy, rubbing his nipple all across Billy's face. "No matter how hard you wanna try."

Billy laid on the floor with his heart pounding while the tips of Aaron's nipple rubbed upon his lips. Even the roughness of the dried blood of the sore right next to the nipple felt good to Billy just because it was all apart of Aaron. All he could hope was that nobody opened his hotel room door to see what was going on.

Suddenly, Billy wanted to do Aaron right there on the hallway floor of the hotel. The boy did not care if the entire world saw them sucking and fucking each other in the middle of the hotel's hallway floor.

Aaron Carter knew the exact words, the exact thing to do to get Billy to want him again. Even Billy could not believe how it was actually working to the point of almost sending tears to his eyes.

"Tell me you want it again Billy," spoke Aaron, working his effect on Billy.

Billy's tongue could not help but come out for one touch of the erect nipple tip rubbing against the lips. Billy's tongue gently rubbed the tip of Aaron's nipple even tasting some of the dried blood on the sore next to it. Everything about Aaron Carter was delicious to Billy Gilman.

Aaron noticed Billy lightly tonguing his nipple and grinned. His technique was working just as he knew it would. Aaron actually had the boy tonguing his nipple right there on the hallway floor of the hotel for anyone to see.

"Now tell me," asked Aaron, letting Billy tongue his nipple. "Which skin do you want more?"

Billy heard the question and froze with the tip of his tongue on the tip of Aaron's nipple.

"Mine? Or his?"

Suddenly, Billy's eyes shut upset over what he had just done. "Get off," he softly told Aaron.

"You sure about that?" as Aaron purposely grabbed hold of Billy's hand.

"I hate you more than I have ever hated anyone in my entire life," Billy told Aaron feeling him move his hand downward straight on to Aaron's crotch.

Billy wanted to push Aaron off of him...but wait. Where was Aaron taking Billy's hand? Perhaps he should wait another second or so.

Aaron put Billy's hand on his crotch watching Billy's reaction. Then Aaron felt the boy's hand grab hold of his erecting bulge on his own with him no longer guiding him. He grinned knowing Billy could not resist him no matter how hard it was.

Speechless, Billy could not help but gently squeeze the bulge inside Aaron's pants. He could feel Aaron's dick erecting right through his jeans.

Then Aaron whispered inside Billy's ear, "You want this dick of mine you are squeezing right here on the floor of this hallway, don't you?"

The boy felt Aaron's breath inside his earlobe as the spike haired goddess spoke into him. He hated what he was feeling inside but kept wanting to feel it more and more with every passing second.

He wanted to rip open Aaron Carter's jeans and tear right into his crotch sucking away on that luscious testicle of Aaron's not even caring if it was right there on the floor of the hotel hallway, no matter who saw, just as long as Aaron's dick was inside his mouth once again where it belonged just like before.

"Remember how much you loved sucking on my dick, Billy?" whispered Aaron.

Billy breathed a bit heavier well remembering the incident.

"Do it."

Billy's hands felt Aaron's dick erecting right through his jeans. Aaron Carter was boning up right there in Billy Gilman's hands. The boy swallowed hard knowing that Aaron was making this temptation way too hard to resist.

"Suck my dick again, Billy," Aaron whispered to him. "Right here on the floor in the hallway."

That was all Billy needed to hear. The boy's hand quickly unbuttoned Aaron's jeans.

Fuck it, if his mother opened the door and saw.

Screw it, if reporters in the hallway snapped pictures of it for the cover story of their newspaper.

Billy Gilman wanted Aaron Carter's body again and he was going to have it right there on the floor of the hallway for the entire world to see.

Aaron was thrilled Billy was once again tearing into his body for lust. He felt Billy's hands desperately unzipping his pants.

Aaron knew that it would only be a matter of seconds and he would have Billy sucking him off again right there on the floor in the hotel hallway.

Ripping into Aaron's crotch, Billy knew it would only be a short moment and he would have Aaron's dick inside his mouth sucking away on it all over again.

Billy ripped into Aaron's jeans digging inside. Aaron had no underwear on. Only jeans, making his crotch easy for Billy to get to. Suddenly, the boy froze at the magnificent sight of Aaron's erect boycock all ready fully boned, ready for Billy to gobble.

Aaron grinned at Billy's amazement over his dick. Clearly, the boy was once again enthralled.

Now it was time for Aaron Carter to give Billy Gilman his dick all over again no matter if the entire world saw. These two boys belonged together and deep down inside each one of them knew it. Aaron moved his crotch closer toward Billy's face to offer it to the boy.

Billy's hand took hold of Aaron's erect dick. He could not wait another second. The boy wanted Aaron's dick inside his mouth no matter what had occurred earlier that day. With his hand holding the erect dick, Billy opened his mouth.

Aaron brought his crotch forward toward the boy`s lips.

Billy watched the glorious sight of Aaron's dick approach his mouth noticing the bobbling bubble of clear semen on the tip. In another second or so, the boy would be once again sucking on the boycock he loved more than anything in the whole world.

The puffy head of Aaron's erect semen tipped dick touched Billy's lips.

Aaron Carter watched from above knowing that in another second, he would at last have Billy Gilman sucking upon him all over again.

Breathing with lust, Billy's lips felt the moist head of Aaron's dick upon his lips. As Billy breathed, the tip of Aaron's penis would slightly pull away from his mouth stretching out the thick strand of clear gel lightly oozing from the dick hole.

Aaron was indeed horny and anxious for Billy to begin sucking him.

The boy could not wait any longer and suddenly gobbled Aaron's boycock right into his mouth like a vacuum.

Immediately, Aaron began pumping his crotch into the boy's mouth fucking his face.

Billy wildly sucked Aaron's dick swallowing down all of the salty tasting semen that once oozed out of the dick`s pipe. At last, he had Aaron Carter's dick inside his mouth all over again. He sucked and sucked on Aaron's delicious boycock feeling it grow even bigger inside his mouth.

Aaron swallowed hard beginning to breathe more heavily from Billy's erotic sucking. Damn, could Billy Gilman ever suck a mean cock! There was nobody in the world who could make Aaron feel the passion Billy gave him when the boy was sucking away on his dick.

The two boys ignited sparks upon each other that was beyond uncontrollable.

As Aaron fucked his cock in and out of the boy's mouth on the hallway floor, Billy sloshed his tongue all over the puffy head of the dick. He loved every sweet taste of Aaron's penis and wanted to suck the dick all night long not even caring if his mom opened the door and saw. Let the whole world know the dick of Aaron Carter's was once again Billy Gilman's.

Both young boys were in wild heat with Aaron pumping his cock in and out of Billy's face fucking him like crazy while the boy was sucking all over the dick thrusting in and out of his mouth. Once again, the erotic sparks between Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman were ignited. And neither boy wanted them diffused.

On the floor of the hallway, Aaron vigorously pumped his cock in and out of Billy's face.

Billy wildly sucked upon Aaron's dick as it fucked him in the mouth.

Then suddenly down the hallway, the elevator door opened as someone came out.

Aaron heard the noise and immediately froze stiff.

With his eyes shut, Billy felt Aaron suddenly stop pumping his face. The boy opened his eyes wondering what was going on. Was his mom approaching about to see the activity going on between them?

Neither boy moved a muscle as they heard footsteps coming down the carpeted hallway.

With his dick still inside Billy's mouth, it was evident what was going on between the two boys and there was no way to suddenly hide the activity they were heavily involved in. All Aaron could do was keep his face hidden downward so the person could not see who he was since Billy's face was already buried inside his crotch.

As the person walked toward them down the hallway, neither boy knew what to do.

Billy felt Aaron's dick suddenly deflate right inside his mouth. Within seconds Aaron's rock-hard penis was completely soft but never left the mouth of Billy Gilman.

Aaron was a bit scared as he could see the shoes of the person walking directly toward them.

"Oh fuck," whispered Aaron.

Buried inside Aaron's crotch, Billy heard Aaron's reaction and was scared. What was going on out there?

Aaron Carter did not dare look upward at the person and kept his soft dick inside Billy Gilman's mouth to protect both their faces from being seen. For if this person recognized either two boys, could storm a frenzy of headlines ruining both boy's sky-rocketing careers.

Billy could see the shadow of someone approaching them in the hallway and shrieked, "Oh my gosh," nearly choking on Aaron's dick.

"Shh," Aaron told Billy. "Don't move or they'll see who we are," whispered Aaron, with the sides of his shirt burying Billy's face.

Billy's heart pounded with fear. He knew this was the end of his career. How could he be so stupid? If this was the press, the photographer was going to snap their photo at any moment & every tabloid in the country would have pictures far more erotic than the last headlines ever read.

Then the footsteps stopped right beside Aaron and Billy. It was evident the person saw the two boys involved in sexual activity. There was no way to hide it for Aaron Carter's dick was right inside the mouth of Billy Gilman.

Petrified, Billy swallowed deep with fear which at the same time took in all of the salty semen leaking out of the hole of Aaron's deflated dick nearly choking the boy. Billy suddenly coughed choking on the semen as he quickly pushed Aaron's crotch away from him.

Suddenly, Aaron Carter went tumbling sideward right on top of the person's shoes. All Aaron Carter could do was look up and grin cutely as his moist dick hung out his pants below.

To keep his face from being seen, Billy quickly grabbed the side of Aaron's white shirt and hid his face behind the cloth.

"Well, well, lookey here," spoke the teenaged bellhop, standing above Aaron Carter with hotel towels in hand, checking out Aaron's dick hanging out of his pants.

Suddenly Aaron realized who the person was and made a sour face.

"Too bad there's not a newspaper around to snap a picture of this one," pointing to Aaron's moist dick.

Aaron quickly began refastening his pants. "It's okay, Billy," as he rose upward. "It's only the fag bellboy," throwing a barb out to the teen.

Ignoring Aaron's comment, the bellhop noticed Billy Gilman come out from underneath Aaron's shirt.

"And lookey who he's got underneath. Country superstar Billy Gilman."

Aaron helped an upset Billy off of the floor. "So are you going to the party with me?"

Billy tried catching hold of all the wits that had just been scared out of him. He swallowed hard to try and speak. "I don't know," he told Aaron, shuffling his clothes back in tact. "I already told Lil Bow Wow I was going there with him."

The teen bellboy found this whole scene interesting watching how close the two boy superstars interacted. How the teen wished he could stop time, freeze the world and tear right into the opened crotch he just saw of Aaron Carter's right there in the hallway. He quickly licked his chops succulating with anticipation.

Aaron blinked a little jolted by Billy's comment after the moment of passion the two boys just had with each other on the floor. He could not believe that Billy would turn him down for Lil Bow Wow. Aaron knew that he was going to have to come on stronger.

"Alright," Aaron told Billy. "Then just remember one thing."

Billy looked at Aaron.

"You put one piece of that dawg inside your mouth," spoke Aaron, "and you can forget about having what you just felt with me ever again," as Aaron suddenly turned walking away as if to fully mean the words he just told Billy.

Billy Gilman could not believe what Aaron Carter had just told him. His face watched Aaron boldly walk away from him down the hallway jolted by the audacity of what he had just heard.

The teenage bellboy watched a bit stunned wondering what was going to happen next.

"How dare you !" yelled Billy as he followed behind.

Aaron walked onward down the hallway as Billy Gilman took off behind him following.

"Who do you think you are telling people who they can and can't be with, huh?!" yelled Billy following Aaron in the hallway.

Aaron was boldly walking away. Billy was so angry at Aaron seeming to ignore him that he was shaking.

"You think you can just come along whenever you want to get your sack off and I will melt all over you?" Billy told Aaron.

Aaron boldly continued walking down the hallway a bit intrigued at the fire he created inside Billy.

"You must think your penis is the most precious thing in the whole wide world and that everybody wants it!"

While walking away, Aaron cutely cut a look to Billy with a heavy grin full of pride like it sure seemed to work on Billy.

All Billy could think was how he was so stupid to be fooled on that floor like that. Why didn't he reject Aaron like he should have done? How could he allow himself to have wanted Aaron Carter so badly? Howcome Billy could not resist Aaron like he so desperately wanted to? Tears filled Billy's eyes as Aaron's image down the hallway became nothing but a blurred image in the distance.

Then Billy loudly blurted, "What does it feel like Aaron Carter?"

Aaron continued walking acting as if not even to be phased by whatever Billy was yelling at him.

"To know the only way you can get people to like you is to throw sex appeal at them by tempting them with that body of yours because you surely can not sing!"

Suddenly Aaron Carter stopped dead in his tracks.

Billy noticed Aaron's sudden halt.

Even the bellhop could not believe what Billy Gilman had just told Aaron Carter.

The angered tears in Billy's eyes suddenly dried enough to see Aaron turn around to look at him.

Aaron then cut a grin at Billy in his cute mannerism then coolly said, "Showing off my bod works like a charm with some people, don't it."

Billy heard Aaron's words.

"Simply flash it to em and in two seconds flat, they're crawling all over it," grinned Aaron to Billy as he turned around to continue walking away. "Suckin away on the lollipop in the middle."

Billy Gilman grew extremely furious inside as a rage of anger took over just seeing Aaron`s bold charm when he spoke those words so confidently.

"Oooooooo!" yelled Billy Gilman fuming with anger as he turned around walking up the hallway toward his suite furious.

Walking down the hallway toward his own suite, Aaron grinned hearing Billy's fuming response. It worked. Aaron lightly chuckled.

How could Aaron Carter know exactly what to say to get to Billy no matter what words Billy tried throwing at him?

The bellhop watched intrigued at the scene he just witnessed while desperately trying to check out Aaron ass walk from down the hallway. "Man oh man, I just gotta get a piece of that."

Then he looked directly at Billy Gilman walking toward him and asked, "Is that dick of his really as good as it looks?"

Billy nervously did not know how to answer the question continuing to walk pass the bellhop to the door of his suite.

The bellhop watched Billy walk right passed him shaking his head, lightly speaking, "Damn, what I'd give to be that little kid right now."

As Billy entered the suite of his hotel, Lil Bow Wow quickly pushed away from listening at the door. Billy slammed the door furious walking straight to his bedroom.

From the way Billy had stormed passed him slamming the door, Lil Bow Wow knew something strong was heated between Billy Gilman and Aaron Carter out in that hallway.

Lil Bow Wow went toward the bedroom door as it was suddenly slammed in front of him. He knew that Billy was furious at Aaron.

"Yo Billy boy, you in dere?" asked Lil Bow Wow, hesitant to enter.

Then he heard a tearful, "Go away!"

Lil Bow Wow could not help but feel a bit hurt inside after having waited for Billy for so long.

"You sure bout dat, Billy?"

Lil Bow Wow waited for a response then heard a gentle tearful, "Yes, please."

A shirtless Lil Bow Wow backed away from the door, "Okay den," and then left feeling a bit bewildered.

Lil Bow Wow walked out of Billy`s suite still shirtless. He could not understand what was going on inside Billy's head. Did he really like him or what?

Coming out of the hallway linen closet, the teenaged bellhop saw a shirtless Lil Bow Wow walk right passed him from Billy Gilman's hotel suite. He could not help but be intrigued by the young boy's tight muscular shirtless bod with a chest that seemed to glow from the huge shiny silver Mickey Mouse necklace he wore around his neck.

The elevator opened for Lil Bow Wow as the bellhop rushed to catch it with him. A shirtless Lil Bow Wow turned to see the bellhop rush inside.

"Thanks," the bellhop told him.

The elevator door shut then took off downward.

The bellhop knew he had to pump the little young rapper fast.

"So you know Billy Gilman?" he asked.

Lil Bow Wow looked at the bellhop a bit alarmed at his speaking to him so casually.

"Huh?" he replied almost startled, then continued, "Oh, yea. Me n Billy. We tight. Really tight."

"Did you know he just got through sucking the dick of Aaron Carter right there on the hallway floor?"

Lil Bow Wow looked at the bellhop a bit stunned, "Nuh uh?"

"Uhh huh," replied the bellhop.

"You saw?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

The bellhop boldly bragged, "Aaron Carter was fucking his dick in the face of Billy Gilman right there on the floor in front of me."

Lil Bow Wow was completely amazed. He could not get over how Aaron could maneuver such a feat with Billy so fast especially as mad as the boy was at him. How could Aaron Carter have possibly charmed Billy Gilman into having sex right there on the hallway floor for anyone, including this fag to see?

Lil Bow Wow noticed the dude checking out his shirtless bod.

"Damn, what I'd give for just five minutes with Aaron Carter," the bellhop told Lil Bow Wow.

Lil Bow Wow looked upward seeing the elevator digits above approaching the first floor.

Then he turned to the teenaged bellhop and told him, "You wanna suck on de goldenboy's dick?"

"Aaron Carter's? Yea," replied the bellhop eagerly.

"Here's what chew do," Lil Bow told the bellhop what to do as the elevator door opened to let him out.

The teenaged bellhop could not believe that he was finally going to have the dick of Aaron Carter even if just for one instance.

Lil Bow Wow left the hotel as the teenage bellhop went bragging to his other buddies, "Dude, I am so fixing to sooo suck on the dick of Aaron Carter inside my mouth----tonight."

"Yea, right. And I'm a fuck everyone of his Backstretch brothers," replied the other elevator boy, moronically.

Lil Bow Wow went home to his dawg house before going to meet with his people. He just had to think a little longer trying to figure Billy Gilman out. There had to be some way to get the boy to finally give in to him. Lil Bow Wow knew once Billy Gilman had his growing cock, there was no way he would ever want Aaron Carter's puny little penis ever again.

Was it even possible for a cool black rapper like Lil Bow Wow to get through to an innocent country white boy like Billy Gilman? Would he finally have his white boy or was he just stringing Lil Bow Wow along for nothing?

Little Billy Gilman did not seem like the type who could do a cool dark skinned rapper like Lil Bow Wow.

Maybe Lil Bow Wow was stripping himself from "all-cool" attempting to get Billy Gilman for nothing. Perhaps there was no room in the country boy's world for someone like Lil Bow Wow.

Then his cel phone rang alarming Lil Bow Wow nearly out of his wits. He rushed to answer it knowing his people were calling wondering where the hell he's been.

"Yo, what?" answered Lil Bow Wow.

He heard silence on the phone line then a voice, "Alright."

Lil Bow Wow froze at the sound of Billy Gilman's voice.

"I'll go to the party with you on one condition," Billy told him.

Lil Bow Wow rose upward with anticipation.

"Anyting you want," Lil Bow Wow told Billy. "Juss name it and you got it."

Billy had the phone to his face sitting alone in his dark bedroom suite. "After the party, I want you to take me inside your doghouse..."

Lil Bow Wow heard Billy's words.

"...and fuck my brains out."

Lil Bow Wow could not believe the words he was hearing coming from, of all people, little Billy Gilman.

"You sho bout dat bro?" asked Lil Bow Wow, a bit stunned.

"I promise I will not back out this time," said Billy.

Then Lil Bow Wow heard a click. Little Billy Gilman had hung up. Suddenly Lil Bow Wow jumped up from the floor of his doghouse excitedly yelling. He rushed off to go to meet with his people to get ready for his exciting night. At last he was finally getting his white boy---and best of all it was going to be the sweet young and innocent Billy Gilman.


Coming up in the next few Chapters of AARON AND BILLY: -------------------------------------------------- ~Billy Gilman and Aaron Carter face the end of their adventures--or perhaps it is only the beginning. ~Aaron learns who mysteriously drowned him in piss. ~Billy feasts incestuous lusts upon his younger brother Colin. ~Lil Bow Wow finally gets his white boy. ~Aaron's body gets toured in wild orgies by a horny boyband 5some. ~When Billy calls Aaron on his cel in the middle of the night, a boy celebrity named Jesse answers.

Next: Chapter 8

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