Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Dec 7, 2002



by Lil Boney Boy The Secret Adventures Of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman Nobody Knows About Continue

"A young little human can outbeast the wildest animal."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.

NOTE: The following story contains strong explicit scenes of content that may be objectionable to some. If you think you may have a problem with such material, please do not continue any further.


After focusing his mind from having been woke up right in the middle of an intense erotic dream about Aaron Carter, Billy Gilman suddenly realized that he was going to actually be spending the entire day with the spike-haired goddess. He quickly rushed out of bed as his mom was leaving the room. Suddenly, the photograph of him and Aaron went flying through the air. Billy quickly rushed after the photo to keep his mom from seeing it when suddenly Billy stopped dead in his tracks yelling in a painful moan.

His mother turned around in the door wondering what was going on.

Billy was frozen stiff standing in his pajamas on the side of the bed moaning in pain. The boy's virginic ass was completely sore from being fucked so much the night before. The butthole which was once pure with total innocence would never be the same again.

"What is the matter?" asked his mother.

"Nothing," replied to Billy trying to slowly move. "I got out of bed too fast."

His mother noticed the photo on the floor as Billy slowly went to retrieve it.

"I'll be there in a minute," Billy told his mother, picking up the photo to keep his mom from seeing it.

His mother walked out shutting the door as Billy went to sit on the edge of the bed completely sore. He could not believe how sore he was in the hole of his butt. Billy feared a horrifying thought. What if somebody figured it all out from the way he was limping? Since he and Aaron Carter were together all night long, they'd know for sure that Aaron had fucked him bowlegged. What would he do if the world found out that he was fucked all night long by the Prince Of Pop Aaron Carter? And that no matter how sore or deep the pain was inside his hole, he could not wait to be fucked by Aaron again even more than ever.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Billy stared at the photograph of Aaron on top of him outside on the sidewalk. He studied every inch of Aaron's gorgeous smooth skinned body that he could. Then Billy noticed his fingernail.

Curious, Billy brought his index finger close up to his face noticing the spec of Aaron's pooh still lodged in between the tip of his fingernail from when he had cleaned the hole of Aaron's butthole in the shower just hours before. Billy slightly cut a smile then brought his finger to his nose to smell any scent he could of Aaron. He could not smell anything. He brought the index finger closer in his nostril and sniffed harder but smelt no scent. Billy looked at the finger again. The spec of pooh was gone. Billy realized that he must have sniffed it inside his nostril.

Then Billy looked across the room seeing the yellow sports jersey that Aaron gave him to wear earlier. The boy lightly smiled then got up to begin his day limping in pain everywhere he went.

"Billy, you are limping way too badly," said his concerned mom, picking up the phone. "I am calling off rehearsal for you today."

"No!!!!!!" shrieked Billy in complete devastating horror.

His mom looked at him a bit startled from his terrified reaction.

Realizing he yelled too loudly, he quickly thought of what else to add to make things lighter. "I'm just a little sore back there from Aaron pumping me so much last night."

Billy's mother looked at him funny.

Suddenly, Billy caught his mom's look then spoke, "That thing of his was really really hard and made me completely sore back there."

Then his mom had to ask, "Pumping you? What thing?"

Then suddenly Billy caught on to the words he had used.

"The seat on his dirt bike was really hard when he pumped me on the back of it," making a face while rubbing his back end. "Geesh, gosh, mom. What did you think I meant?"

Billy rushed off to leave for rehearsal before he roused up any more suspicions with wrong words. All he had on his mind was seeing the glorious envisionment of one lustful person. He rushed to rehearsal hall as fast as he possibly could.

Soon, Billy arrived at the rehearsal hall finding a mob of screaming fans with signs idolizing Aaron Carter reading: "I WANT YOU AARON!" "AARON CARTER = HOTTIE!", etc.

Billy was anxious knowing that Aaron Carter must be inside. Suddenly fans noticed the famous Billy Gilman, "Oh my gosh! Look who it is!"

Billy was stunned to find fans swarming toward him.

"Oh my gosh! He's so little! Look how cute!" yelled fans.

Little Billy Gilman rushed out of the vehicle running into the rehearsal hall where fans were blocked from entering. Glad that the soreness was nearly gone from his limping, Billy was led through the building toward the rehearsal hall looking to see if Aaron Carter was anywhere around. Reporters with microphones aimed at Billy's mouth were rushing up to the boy asking questions about their charity song which he answered anxious to go into the rehearsal hall auditorium. However, one question startled Billy almost dead in his tracks..

"Is it true that Aaron Carter did not show up for rehearsal yesterday and that he has been dropped from the song?"

Billy's heart nearly dropped. "Uhh, no. I was told that Aaron was suppose to be here rehearsing today."

Oh my gosh, was it true? Was Aaron Carter actually dropped from the song without Billy having been told anything? Horrifying thoughts rushed through Billy's mind as he quickly walked through the crowd of reporters anxious to get inside the auditorium.

"Are you and the Prince Of Pop getting along pretty good?" asked a reporter.

"Yes we are," replied Billy. "I actually sucked his beautiful ever-so-gorgeous penis really good last night and I can not wait for him to have sex in my rear end again."

Suddenly, Billy stopped in his tracks shocked. He could not believe what he had just told the press. Or did he actually say what he was thinking? Billy was confused and not for sure.

The next question was thrown at him as if nothing was unusual so perhaps Billy did not actually say the words, only thought them. Unsure, Billy walked onward. His mind was in panic. Had Aaron really been dropped from the song? What if Aaron Carter did not even show up and Billy's adventure with the Prince Of Pop was completely over with forever?

No, it just could not be true. How would Billy and Aaron ever see each other again? Both of their careers were rising in popularity and the chance of their seeing each other again would be very slim.

In a state of frantic wonder, Billy had to get inside the auditorium to see. He rushed through the crowd led to the door of the auditorium anxious to enter.

Finally, the door opened for him and he entered with security blocking out the crowd of reporters only to let Billy Gilman enter.

Inside the auditorium, Billy looked ahead through the aisle of seats, directly onto the stage as his eyes feasted directly upon the lustrous vision of Aaron Carter on stage talking with Lil Bow Wow.

Billy's heart immediately began pounding with joy, anticipation, and a million other good feelings. At last, his eyes were feasted directly upon the beautiful sight he had anticipated all day. What was Aaron wearing? What was his hair like? Was he wearing a left ear ring? What would Aaron's first words of the day be to him?

Billy was so excited. He would finally be spending an entire day of rehearsing with the person he wanted to be with more than anyone else in the whole entire world. He walked toward the stage in which Aaron and Lil Bow Wow were on.

"Man, dat lil dude can sing," Lil Bow Wow told Aaron.

"Yea?" spoke Aaron as Billy could barely hear them while walking down the auditorium aisle.

"You shoulda heard him sing yestaday." said Lil Bow Wow. "He sho got a voice, man."

Aaron grinned. "That aint all he's got," he said moving closer to Lil Bow Wow.

Billy stopped in his tracks hearing Aaron's words.

"Last night, I nailed that virgin ass of his de whole freakin night," said Aaron.

Billy listened to Aaron's words cut right through him like a sharp knife.

"I bet I fucked that little Billy boy so hard he's walkin bowlegged today," joked Aaron, cooly moving his hands side to side like a rapper in tune.

Suddenly, Billy's heart dropped right to the floor. He could not believe what he was hearing.

"Fo real?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"Dude, I fucked the livin shit outta that ass rippin that tiny little butthole of his wide open," boasted Aaron, with his arms in rap gesture.

Billy stood in complete utter shock from the words Aaron told about him with his eyes moistening with tears from the pain tearing into him.

"I pumped on that piece of virgin meat of his black and blue," Aaron continued to Lil Bow Wow, who caught sight of Billy behind Aaron. "I fucked that lil twink's tight tiny hole so silly my dick STILL has blisters on it."

Lil Bow Wow turned a little stunned to see Billy standing behind Aaron. He tried to stop Aaron from boasting but the boy was too much on a roll to stop.

"And can dat little slut-boy EVER suck a mean dick," Aaron cooly bragged.

Billy listened horrified.

"Man, he was on my cock so much last night dat I woke up dis morning in the shower with my dick still inside his mouth with him just suckin away on it like it was a Cherry tastin Blow-Pop."

Billy's moist eyes filled completely with tears from the pain he felt hearing Aaron talk about their wonderful night together just like it meant nothing to him but a cheap thrill.

Lil Bow Wow slightly signaled to Aaron, that someone was listening behind him.

Aaron turned around and saw Billy Gilman standing a few feet away. Aaron's face suddenly turned a little surprised to find the boy standing behind him on the floor just below the stage.

"Oh, hey Billy," replied Aaron, immediately reaching upward to scratch the back of his head trying to act innocent.

Aaron noticed that Billy was wearing the nylon yellow jersey that he had given him the night before.

Upset, Billy felt himself breathing more heavily. How could Aaron do this to him? How? Billy was lost for words. He could not speak knowing he would burst in tears.

Lil Bow Wow could see that Billy heard what Aaron said and was becoming upset. He tried to ease Billy's tension, "Hey Billy. I heard all about last night. Sounds pertty hot. Way to go lil dude."

Bringing his hand down from innocently scratching the back of his head, Aaron realized Billy was upset.

Then a tearful Billy spoke, upset. "You told him?"

"Huh?" asked Aaron a little stunned that Billy heard.

"You told him all what we did last night?" asked Billy, in tears below the stage.

Aaron stood on stage knowing he was in trouble.

"Oh, man," uttered Lil Bow Wow to Aaron knowing he screwed up.

Aaron did not know what to say. He stepped forward. "It's just Lil Bow Wow."

Billy could not believe what he was hearing as suddenly he did not feel so good inside.

Aaron walked to the edge of the stage talking down in the auditorium toward Billy. "It's not like he hasn't seen us do it before," said Aaron as Billy did not know what to think.

Billy tried to catch his breath, upset in tears trying hard not to cry but it was not working. The hurt was hitting to deep inside the heart.

"Remember he's the one who hooked us up together," moving his hands back and forth like a rap gesture.

Billy could not believe the words he was hearing from the mouth of the person he idolized more than anybody in the world. Suddenly, Aaron Carter was not the sensitive boy he knew the night before. Billy Gilman quickly turned around causing the tears in his eyes to fall down his cheeks. How could Aaron have betrayed him this way? How could he talk about their wonderful night to someone like it meant nothing to him?

Then the director walked up to the boys, "Alright! I see all 3 of my boys are here today. So let's get together and sing this song."

Billy stood below the stage in the auditorium quickly wiping his tears not knowing what to think while Aaron stood on the edge of the stage looking across at Billy. He knew that Billy was really upset with him.

The director could tell something seriously heavy was going on and softly spoke out, "Billy?" holding out his hand.

A teary eyed Billy Gilman stood below the stage wiping off his wet cheeks to keep everyone from seeing him cry although everybody knew.

Aaron watched him from up on the stage just knowing that Billy was going to dash out of the auditorium crying upset. Lil Bow Wow could not believe what had just happened. Aaron knew that he had screwed up. If only he had known that Billy was standing behind him.

"Come on, sweetie," spoke the feminine sounding male director, holding out his hand for Billy.

Billy Gilman knew that he had to pull himself together and be as professional as possible. After wiping the tears from his moist eyes, Billy reached upward to grab hold of the director's hand who pulled up on the stage.

Aaron was relieved to see that Billy was not leaving. He watched Billy walk toward him on the stage as the director led Billy to his stool.

"Thatta boy," spoke the director, sitting Billy on his stool then walking away.

Aaron went to sit at the stool next to Billy eyeing him the whole entire time. He could tell that Billy was really upset and was not even looking at him the whole time Aaron stared.

The director gave the boys directions on how they were going to sing their song together. "Billy, you begin with verse 1."

Billy Gilman was so lost by what had just occurred that he was not even paying attention knowing that Aaron Carter was looking directly at him waiting for him to acknowledge his existence but Billy did not dare.

Lil Bow Wow watched the two boys wondering what was going to happen next.

All Billy could feel inside was that he had been ultimately betrayed by the one he loved more than anyone.

"Billy?" spoke the director.

Suddenly Billy broke out of his deep thought looking over at the director.

"Did you hear what I said?"

Aaron noticed that Billy was not paying attention.

"No, I'm sorry," Billy apologized in a tearful tone

"Look, you guys are going to be singing this song on stage in front of a crowd of people. You need to know the words and where your cues are."

Aaron spoke up in Billy's defense, grinning, "It's okay. I think he just slipped off a few seconds."

Then Billy snapped loudly at Aaron, "Look I don't need anyone taking up for me, Mister almighty great Aaron Carter!"

The grin on Aaron's face quickly disappeared with him a bit stunned at Billy's deep anger, even amazing Lil Bow Wow.

"Woah, chill out, Billy," replied Aaron, reaching out to Billy. "I just meant that..."

Billy immediately pulled away from Aaron's clutch interrupting him yelling furiously, "You just leave me the HELL alone!"

Lil Bow Wow was shocked at what he heard from little Billy Gilman's mouth. Any curse word spoken was out of the ordinary for Billy. Aaron could see the anger in Billy's eyes as he yelled at him. He knew that Billy must be more furious than he had ever been in his entire life.

The director looked like this was going to be one hell of a rehearsal.

"Woah, just chill down, ok, Billy?" pleaded Aaron.

Then Billy turned right in Aaron's face yelling, "You think you are so tuff and so great because you are some big pop star prince named Aaron Carter and that everybody in this whole wide world wants you!"

Aaron felt the anger from Billy tear right into him.

"Well, let me tell you something right here and now, Aaron Charles Carter," Billy yelled. "They don't!" Billy snapped then ran off leaving Aaron completely flabbergasted.

Even Lil Bow Wow could not believe how strongly little Billy Gilman tore in to Aaron. The director's mouth practically hung opened at the scene he had just witnessed as Billy Gilman rushed right passed him off of the stage.

Aaron Carter was jolted. He never knew Billy had this much fire in his anger. He looked at Lil Bow Wow who did not know what to say. Aaron saw the director looking at him. He knew that he better do something quick to get Billy under control.

Aaron quickly replied, "I'll go see what's wrong."

Aaron Carter rushed off to follow Billy, who was walking through the auditorium aisle of seats toward the door still upset. From the stage, Lil Bow Wow could see Aaron approaching Billy, who stopped walking to yell loudly at him, "I said for you to leave me alone!"

"Will you just listen to me?" asked Aaron begging.

"No!" yelled Billy. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say now or ever!"

"I didn't know you were standing behind me."

"You told him everything we did last night like I was nothing but a piece of meat for you to get your precious rocks off with," yelled Billy, crying more heavily the more he spoke.

Aaron grabbed hold of Billy, "Just listen to me, Billy...," but Billy immediately slapped Aaron clear across the face.

Aaron immediately felt the sting of Billy's slap hit into his face and froze stiff letting go of the boy.

"Don't ever touch me again," Billy sternly told Aaron.

From the stage, Lil Bow Wow watched the two boys stunned by the heated tif occurring between the two boys.

Billy immediately took off running off toward the auditorium door. Aaron could not believe that Billy actually hauled off and slapped him in the face and pretty hard too.

Lil Bow Wow was completely blown away by what had just occurred.

The doors busted open with Billy running out of the auditorium while Aaron stood in the aisle jolted feeling the tingles of the slap leave his face. He could not believe how little Billy Gilman could possibly get so angry to haul off and slap him so hard.

The director who had just witnessed what occurred mumbled, "Well, this is just great," and walked away to go backstage. "I'm directing a bunch of overly dramatic 12 year olds rapped up in their own soap opera in puberty!"

Down the aisle, Aaron stood alone still, completely jolted by the scene he just had with Billy. Never did he see anyone so mad at him before. Then he turned around walking toward Lil Bow Wow on the stage, "Man, I don't know why he's so mad."

On stage, Lil Bow Wow was surprised at how what seemed to be such a sissy type kid had so much energy when he was mad. He watched Aaron return on stage, "Man dat lil kid can fool ya, huh?"

Aaron was a bit upset returning to his music stand as Lil Bow Wow continued.

"He's feisty, aint he?" spoke Lil Bow Wow.

Then Aaron busted out to Lil Bow Wow, "Man, why'd you wait so long before letting me know he was behind me?"

"Huh?" asked Lil Bow Wow, confused.

"You just stood there not saying anything knowing he was listening to everything I said."

Then Lil Bow Wow told Aaron, "Hey don't choo blame me for dis!"

"Now how are we going to do this song in front of everybody on stage like this?" blurted an upset Aaron.

Then Lil Bow Wow replied, "Hey, you de one who just had to do him soon as you dudes met each other. Not me."

Aaron turned looking around to see if anybody heard what Lil Bow Wow said then told him. "Just shut up, okay."

He could feel the little black rapper's stare from the corner of his eye. Lil Bow Wow just shook his head, "Man, you so full o yo-self."

Then fooling with his sheet music, Aaron lightly mumbled, "You're just still mad because I wouldn't let you suck on my white weenie a while back."

Lil Bow Wow heard what Aaron had said. "What?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"You heard me," said Aaron as he pretended to casually look over his sheet music.

The adrenaline soared through Lil Bow Wow. He could not believe Aaron was bringing this up. "Awe dude, is dat wutchew think?"

"Hey, you're the one who begged and begged for my dick sayin you wanted a white boy and now your still mad cause I wouldn't let you have any of me," said Aaron to Lil Bow Wow.

The little rapper quickly grew angry from Aaron's words.

"Awe, man," yelled Lil Bow Wow pissed. "I can't believe you!"

Aaron just sat there playing with his sheet music.

"Whachew think you got some goldenboy dick dat everyone in de wurld want to suck on?" yelled Lil Bow Wow.

Then Aaron turned to Lil Bow Wow, "Don't act like you don't remember what I'm talking about the first night we ever met backstage at that award show with you beggin to suck de dick of a white-boy."

"Awe man, dat's it!" Lil Bow Wow hopped off his stool which went flying backward as he dove forward right into Aaron Carter.

Lil Bow Wow tore into Aaron as the two boys went tumbling onto the floor. Lil Bow Wow pinned Aaron down to the floor, "Man, you better know whatchew sayin dude!"

"Look at you wantin my dick right now, dawg!" yelled Aaron.

"I'm a kill you!" yelled Lil Bow, attacking into Aaron.

All of a sudden, they heard the loud noises of the door across the auditorium open. With Lil Bow Wow on top of Aaron Carter, both looked to see Billy Gilman returning with the door closing loudly behind him.

Lil Bow Wow could not help but look back down at Aaron shaking his head, "Man, you so freakin full of yourself," and got off of him walking away angry.

"Hey, just so you know, you never gettin holda dis white dick, " spoke Aaron getting off of the floor.

"I don't want yo albino lookin prick, so shut up," Lil Bow Wow told Aaron, turning to walk away.

Then Aaron Carter noticed Lil Bow Wow walk toward Billy Gilman. Aaron's face changed noticing what he was doing.

Lil Bow Wow met up with Billy Gilman on stage putting his hand on his shoulders like they was buddies, "Yo Billy boy. Man we been missin ya, my lil buddy."

Billy Gilman was surprised by Lil Bow Wow's strong greeting. "You have?"

Aaron saw Lil Bow Wow take hold of Billy with his arm around the boy like they were close buddies.

"Dude, you got such a killer voice we need for dis song," spoke Lil Bow Wow, leading Billy across the stage.

"You think so?" chuckled Billy accepting to Lil Bow Wow's buddyness.

"Yea, man. When I heard you sing yesterday, I was standing there like Woah! Can this lil dude sing," returning toward the music stands.

"Thanks," smiled Billy.

Lil Bow Wow purposely cut Aaron a look, who was indeed becoming jealous while getting off of the floor.

Then they heard, "Well there he is," said the director, entering from backstage to take his place in front of the boys. "Now that's my talented threesome."

Billy sat on the stool next to Aaron's, who took his seat in the middle of the three boys. Aaron was glad that Billy was going to sit next to him on the three stools.

Billy looked directly at the director real sincerely, "Listen I want to apologize for what happened earlier. I am really sorry sir and I promise it wont ever happen again during the entire production of this song."

On the stool next to Billy's, Aaron just stared watching him, wondering if he was forgiven.

"Awe that is sweet," spoke the director. "I thank you for your apology, Billy."

Aaron watched Billy, who began thumbing through his sheet music feeling Aaron's eyes feasted right upon him from the side. Lil Bow Wow picked up his stool placing it back next to the side of Aaron.

Then the director began to speak, "Okay let's begin rehearsing the song boys."

Aaron decided to test the waters with Billy and whispered to him, "Hey Billy."

Billy immediately heard Aaron whispering to him trying to ignore it.

"I'm glad your back," whispered Aaron to Billy.

Billy pretended not to hear what Aaron was saying to him.

"Billy?" asked Aaron, wondering if he even heard him.

Then suddenly Billy got up from his stool and spoke to the director, "Would it be alright if I moved my stool over there?" pointing on the other side of Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron's face changed as he could not believe Billy was doing this.

"Sure, "spoke the director. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"No," whispered Aaron. "Don't."

Billy heard Aaron's soft whisper but ignored it as he took his stool and gathered his sheet music to move.

"Yea, man" spoke Lil Bow Wow, "Come on over here wit Lil Bow Wow, my lil buddy," spoke Lil Bow Wow to Billy as the boy moved his stool, podium and sheet music next to Lil Bow Wow away from Aaron Carter.

Aaron could not believe that Billy was doing this to him. Aaron Carter was used to people wanting to swarm all around him wherever he went. Hardly anyone ever desired to avoid his presence.

As the boys rehearsed the song, Aaron noticed Billy purposely acting like he was really close to Lil Bow Wow like they were close friends. At one time, Billy even spoke up in reference to changing some of the song, "You know what I think? This part of the song should go with him rapping this line then me singing my line with a country music style right after and that should go back and forth changing the song from rap to country for about 5 or 6 lines back to back."

The director liked this idea, "You know that is such a good idea!"

Even Lil Bow Wow praised Billy for the idea, "My man, Billy!"

Then trying to act cool, Billy said, "You mean your Billy boy, doncha?" laughed Billy playfully leaning over to Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron knew exactly what Billy meant from his having called him that a few times the night before. All he could think of was the way Billy acted toward Lil Bow Wow seemed as if he most definitely did not fit in with him but seemed to think that he did.

Then Aaron spoke in reference to his addition to the verse, "Yea, and then I could pop in there singing one of my pop-tune lines."

Things were quiet for a moment as Aaron waited for a response. Then he heard Billy say to the director, "No, I don't think that would work very well on that verse."

Aaron was a bit jolted at hearing Billy's words.

"Nahh," said Lil Bow Wow, but only because he was agreeing with anything Billy said negative about Aaron. "Wouldn't work dat good."

Billy Gilman told the director, "I don't think that would mix well here because rap and country are like opposites and pop just wont fit in right with what this particular verse is trying to do."

Feeling ousted, Aaron spoke back to Billy and then to the director, "Yea, but pop goes right in between rap and country so it can make the smooth transition between the lines in the verse of the song."

Then the director spoke, "No, I think Billy's right. We want to go with opposite cultures on that one particular verse."

"Yea, that's what I think, " Aaron heard Billy tell the director as Lil Bow Wow spoke, "Yea me too," spoke Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron sat on his stool feeling completely left out, frustrated at what the other two boys seemed to be doing to him. He shook his head. "I can't believe you are doing this," Aaron mumbled to Billy, who continued to ignore him. "After everything we did together last night."

Billy froze at the sound of Aaron's words. He paused in deep thought for a moment remembering instances from the previous night then suddenly turned to whisper something in Lil Bow Wow's ear.

Aaron Carter watched Billy Gilman seeming like he was suddenly best friends with the cool little black rapper whispering in his ear.

Then Lil Bow Wow turned to Aaron, "He say dere was no last night."

Aaron's heart nearly dropped. He could not have possibly heard the words right. Then Billy whispered more to Lil Bow Wow.

"He say it wuz all a bad dream he wants to foeget ever happened," Lil Bow Wow told Aaron.

Aaron Carter could not believe the words he had just heard. He looked at Billy thumb through his sheet music completely ignoring Aaron's presence. If Billy was trying to hurt Aaron, he was succeeding really well. Aaron felt like he was just stabbed right in the heart with the knife twisting all inside him. Something he was not used to having done to him.

The most splendid night of both the boys lives suddenly had no meaning to Billy whatsoever.

Then the director praised the boys for such good work and dismissed them for lunch.

Billy Glman got up from his stool and whispered in Lil Bow Wow's ear. Aaron watched wondering what he was telling him this time.

Then Lil Bow Wow turned to Aaron, "Dude, he wants to know how you got in his room last night."

Aaron froze not knowing what to say.

"Huh?" asked Aaron a bit dazed at someone knowing he secretly snuck into Billy's hotel room.

"His room," Lil Bow Wow told Aaron. "He say how'd you get in his room last night?"

Aaron looked at Billy indeed hurting for telling that secret to Lil Bow Wow.

Billy could feel Aaron's look upon him and dared not cut a look back. Instead, he continued to straighten up all of the sheet music on his podium ignoring Aaron's presence.

Aaron hesitantly answered lightly, "I paid one of the bellhops who worked there to let me in."

Billy Gilman froze still when he heard what Aaron said. He stood in thought for a few seconds a little amazed at how Aaron Carter maneuvered such a feat.

Lil Bow Wow turned to Billy, "He say he pay one of de...." but Billy immediately turned back to Lil Bow Wow, whispering in his ear

Feeling a bit hurt, Aaron watched at how Billy seemed to be trying to become really close to Lil Bow and did not like the way the little rapper seemed to be enjoying it so much.

Then Billy walked away from Lil Bow Wow, who turned to Aaron and said, "He say donchoo be expectin to get back in his room dat way again."

Aaron could not believe this. Last night, Billy loved Aaron's mysterious arrival. Now suddenly, it had no meaning to the boy. Their whole entire erotic night together meant absolutely nothing. Aaron watched Lil Bow Wow rush off to Billy putting his arm around his shoulder like they were buddies.

"Hey, Billy boy. Dat was great singing," Lil Bow Wow told Billy, walking with his arm around him like they were buddies. "Man I got something BIG to show you aint never seen befoe or ever will agin!"

Aaron Carter heard this comment and suddenly got up from his stool as it flew backwards. Aaron rushed up to them, "Hey where you two goin?"

With his arm around Billy's shoulder, Lil Bow Wow turned to look at Aaron, "Man, we be back later dude."

Aaron watched Lil Bow Wow walk off with his arm around his new little buddy. He quickly spoke up, "Hey Billy."

The two boys stopped in their tracks. Billy turned facing Aaron but kept his eyes away from his presence while Lil Bow Wow had his arm tightly wrapped around the boys shoulder.

Aaron noticed Billy looking away from him but asked anyway, "Don't you wanna go and eat lunch with me somewhere?"

Billy stood there silent, not answering, not even cutting a look in the direction of Aaron's face.

Aaron noticed Billy purposely ignoring him.

"Please," added Aaron, practically begging the boy as deep as he could.

Billy could tell from the tone of his pleaful voice that Aaron Carter was indeed hurting.

Then Lil Bow Wow spoke for him, "Naw man, he want to come eat wit me."

Aaron heard Lil Bow Wow's words.

Lil Bow Wow continued, "What I got taste a lot better."

Aaron tried ignoring Lil Bow Wow's comment.

The two started to turn around to leave when Aaron spoke up, "Billy?" Aaron asked, wanting a response directly from Billy and not Lil Bow Wow.

Billy stood there trying hard not to look at Aaron while even Lil Bow Wow wondered if he was even going to answer Aaron.

"Please, Billy," begged Aaron pleading with the boy, as the director walked up behind Aaron noticing the scene going on between all of the boys.

Billy was a little surprised that Aaron was begging so hard but instead just looked at Lil Bow Wow and softly said, "Lets go. I want to see what you have to show me."

Lil Bow Wow smiled leading Billy Gilman away making sure to cut a smirky grin at Aaron for winning lunch with Billy. "Awe dude, you gonna love dis ting I got juss foe you!"

Aaron watched the two boys walk away leaving him alone on the stage feeling hurt. He could not believe what was happening to him and Billy. Their whole world suddenly crashed down. He was thrown at how Billy Gilman could be so mean to him.

Then Aaron heard a voice. "Is there something heavy going on between you boys?"

Aaron turned around startled to find the director behind him, not realizing he was being watched.

He then quickly put his sheets of music together as the director continued, "Because I was once a boy too, you know."

No," replied Aaron. "Why would you think that?" as he turned to walk away.

Walking across the stage, Aaron then clearly heard, "Because I saw the front page of yesterday's newspaper," replied the director as Aaron froze in his tracks.

On the stage, Aaron Carter stood still remembering himself shirtless on top of Billy Gilman on the sidewalk.

The director walked behind Aaron continuing, "Pretty hot stuff going on for two young boys."

The director went right up to the back of Aaron's neck. Aaron felt the breath of the director lightly touch his neck.

"Off the record, I can certainly see where a young impressionable boy like Billy Gilman might fall for an all American boy like Aaron Carter."

Aaron looked at the director, who seemed totally serious with his words.

"From the looks of that newspaper," the director continued, "Aaron plays rough and I'm sure it turned a boy like Billy on."

Aaron confidently cut a quick blink then said, "We were out partying and fans ripped my shirt off, just like this."

Aaron took hold of the bottom of his shirt and ripped it open. Buttons flew in the air as the director's eyes feasted upon the lustrous sight of the boy's torso revealed underneath. Aaron ripped open his shirt knowing he was fully turning the director on with every inch of his body being revealed underneath.

The director watched the buttons pop off the shirt being ripped open by the boy's hands down from the torso all the way up to his smooth-skin chest.

Soon Aaron Carter was standing before the director with his buttonless shirt wide opened complete with two of his nipples staring the young man in the face. The director was completely enthralled at the sight before him. He desperately wanted to dive right into the boy's flesh and lust all upon it's smooth hairless skin.

Then Aaron turned around to leave. Suddenly, the envisionment of delightful boy wonder was gone from the director's sight. He watched Aaron walk away with his eyes immediately feasted upon Aaron's hot looking boy-ass. He could not help but think at how he would love to rip the boy's shirt completely off and feel every tiny tight little muscle in Aaron Carter's hot little chest -if only- he wasn't such a professional director.

During lunch, Aaron went to the studio cafeteria looking all around for Lil Bow Wow and Billy but didn't see them anywhere. As he ate, a few excited fans would come up to Aaron asking him to sign something and he would oblige. He wondered where Lil Bow Wow had talken Billy off to. As Aaron nit-picked at the food on his plate wanting to eat it he could not believe how a little sissy seeming kid like Billy Gilman was making him feel so crazy. He just had to get Billy out of his head and not let him get to him this way.

Outside, Lil Bow Wow had a curious Billy Gilman's eyes covered leading him somewhere.

"Where are you takin me?" asked Billy.

"Just come on."

Finally they arrived at Lil Bow Wow's dog house. Billy was amazed looking at the large club-like house in the shape of a dog house. Billy rushed forward to see what was inside it.

Inside, Lil Bow Wow led Billy to a poster on the wall of himself as he turned it around to reveal a shirtless pose of himself wearing only his shiny silver Mickey Mouse necklace from the waist up.

"Wow," uttered Billy, mesmerized at the poster.

"Yea, dat's one they couldn't put in the teen mags," joked Lil Bow Wow.

"They really asked you to take your shirt off?"

"Man, photographers ask me almost anything," said Lil Bow Wow laying back on a back bean bag seat on the floor.

Lil Bow Wow watched Billy walk closer to the shirtless poster of him looking closer at the smooth skin tones on Lil Bow Wow's dark body, "So what did he tell you we did?"

"Huh?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"Aaron," replied Billy, looking closely at the poster trying to act casual as he desperately wanted an answer to his question.

"Oh dat," replied Lil Bow Wow. "He just say you and he got together last night and how he laid into your virgin a...." Lil Bow Wow stopped in the middle of his sentence, realizing it might upset Billy again.

Billy just stood there still a little bewildered to hear the words of Aaron repeated.

Then Lil Bow quickly got up from the bean bag seat, took off his shirt and stood next to his shirtless poster trying to pose the same for Billy Gilman as the poster shows, "So wut chew tink?"

Billy grinned looking at a shirtless Lil Bow Wow posing next to his poster wearing the exact necklace.

"Could a white boy like you mix in wit a black boy like me?"

Suddenly Billy's face changed surprisingly stunned, "Huh?"

Lil Bow Wow saw Billy's shocked reaction. "You know, hook up?"

Billy was quickly thrown for a loop. "Oh no," Billy nervously spoke starting to prepare to quickly leave. "I'm so sorry. I just can't."

"Not even after hookin you up wit, Aaron?" Lil Bow Wow nervously pleaded.

"Oh I really do thank you so much for that," told Billy. "You gave me the most wonderful nights of my entire life with him. But I just now did it for the first time ever and this morning I could barely even walk."

Lil Bow Wow could not help but cut a giggle.

Then Billy quickly added, "But don't tell Aaron. It's bad enough he's seen me all day wearing his jersey."

"It's not because I'm black, is it?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"Oh no," Billy quickly replied.

"Because I can turn de lights out if it is, den you won't even see de skin. Juss feel it."

Billy thought for a moment as he looked at Lil Bow Wow's shirtless body.

"All I wants a white boy, juss one time is all."

Even though the two boys were different colors of skin, Billy could not help but be a little turned on by Lil Bow Wow's slightly muscular body. "You know what?" said Billy going forward. "You ever let you hair down?"

"Huh?" asked Lil Bow Wow as Billy went right up to him touching his braids.

"The braids," said Billy undoing some of them.

"Oh doze?" examining Billy's smooth white skin while the boy undid his braids.

Normally, Lil Bow Wow would have stopped anyone who came near his braids, but all he could do was sniff into Billy's aroma wanting to see how the white boy smelled.

Even as close up as he was to Lil Bow Wow, Billy knew his neck was being smelled into but continued unbraiding his hair. Lil Bow Wow breathed in the sweet smell of Billy's fleshy aroma knowing the boy must be noticing while unbraiding his hair but did not seem to care.

Soon, Billy was through and stroked his fingers through Lil Bow Wow's hair combing out all of the braids.

The sweet creamy aroma of Billy's neck caused Lil Bow Wow to vigorously begin kissing into the white boy's neck.

Billy swallowed hard finding the kissing of his neck hard to resist. Lil Bow Wow was indeed an operator and his charm was working on Billy. He could feel his own little dick begin to grow inside his pants as he continued rubbing his fingers in Lil Bow Wow's thick hair. Lil Bow Wow was indeed one hot turn on.

A shirtless Lil Bow Wow took off Billy Gilman's shirt gently pushing the boy back onto the floor kissing all into his neck.

Billy could not help but rub his hands all into Lil Bow Wow's dark chest which seemed to be flexed harder than a rock. The black rapper had a body much harder and toned than Aaron's.

Lil Bow Wow feasted his eyes all over Billy's white creamy skin as he lusted his mouth all over Billy's soft chest. The white boy's body was full of baby fat but this did not seem to bother Lil Bow Wow. He was finally getting his white boy he desperately wanted and his skin never tasted so creamy. He took Billy's hand and brought it to his own dick inside his boxers.

Billy was a bit stunned by the feel of Lil Bow Wow's growing cock. The little black rapper had one big dick.

As the two boys lusted upon each others bodies, Billy could feel Lil Bow Wow's dick erecting even harder inside his hands. There was no way the boy's huge dick could ever fit into the hole of Billy's butt without actually ripping it wide open. Billy breathed heavily with passion feeling Lil Bow Wow kiss all upon him.

Lil Bow Wow started undoing Billy's pants desperately wanting the boy's white meat inside and eagerly dug his paws in to get it like a dog after a buried bone. He wondered what the pure white dick would taste like once he finally got it inside his mouth and begun sucking away on it.

Then suddenly, reality hit Billy while feeling Lil Bow Wow tear into his pants to get to his bone.

Billy panicked scared and quickly pushed himself away.

Lil Bow Wow watched Billy pull himself away from him. He never even got as far as seeing the boy's white penis.

Completely shirtless, Billy cried out, "I'm sorry," and ran out of the doghouse upset.

Lil Bow Wow quickly pulled up his boxers, grabbed both of their shirts and ran after Billy.

He found Billy standing right outside his doghouse with his arms around his body almost shivering. Shirtless, Lil Bow went up to Billy knowing that he seemed to feel naked without his shirt on "Yo, Billy. I'm sorry lil dude. I didn't mean to..."

"No, it's okay," tremored Billy. "It's not you."

Lil Bow Wow held out Billy's shirt for him to take asking, "Den what?" asked Lil Bow Wow. "You don't like what I was doing?"

Billy looked at the deeply concerned long haired shirtless black boy standing in front of him. "That's just it," Billy spoke. "I think I liked it way more than I thought I ever would."

Billy grabbed Lil Bow Wow's black jersey instead and went forward leaving Lil Bow Wow completely jolted, not knowing what to think. A bit confused, he watched Billy Gilman walk away from him then looked in his own hand seeing the yellow jersey. He quickly looked over to find Billy putting on Lil Bow Wow's black jersey while walking off. Lil Bow Wow knew that was going to really piss Aaron off. He shook his head with wonder. How could this uncool little boy be having so much of an effect on him? He was just a little white boy country singer. Yet all he knew was that he wanted this little Billy Gilman kid even more than he ever wanted Aaron whats-his-name. He managed to get the boy to warm up to him and with a little more effort, he could finally have his white boy.

Lil Bow Wow rushed forward.

"Yo Billy, you know how long it took to do dis hair you juss undid, man?"

Lil Bow Wow caught up with the side of Billy puttin his arm around him walking like buddies again.

"4 hours dude," he told Billy, walking with him. "4 freakin hours."

"I'm sorry," Billy told Lil Bow Wow as the two boys walked away together.

Coming up in the next few Chapters of AARON AND BILLY: -------------------------------------------------- Lil Bow Wow told Aaron, "I took lil Billy inside my dawg house." Aaron turned surprised as his face clearly showed it. "And now he is wearing my jersey---not yours." Suddenly, Aaron pushed Lil Bow Wow back. Billy Gilman jumped off his stool shrieking in fright as Lil Bow Wow and Aaron went tumbling on to the floor. -------------------------------------------------- A bit tattered in torn clothes, Aaron Carter entered his hotel suite slamming the front door yelling to Nick, "Dude, I hate freakin Billy Gilman!" "What the hell happened to you, bro?" asked Nick -------------------------------------------------- The hotel bellhop waved his keys in front of Aaron Carter's face, "I got the key to Billy Gilman's room." Aaron looked at the set of keys dangling in front of his face. "And you want it, don't you?" baited the faggish bellhop. Aaron slightly nodded staring deeply at the key dangling in front of his face. "All I want is 5 minutes with you inside the closet," the teen told Aaron. -------------------------------------------------- Billy angrily told Aaron, "All I want is to forget that you ever existed." Suddenly, Aaron grabbed hold of Billy. "You can't ever forget about me, Billy Gilman," Aaron told Billy, moving his chest over to rub his nipple on the boy's lips. "Now tell me, Billy. Which skin do you want more?" Billy froze with the tip of his tongue on the tip of Aaron's nipple. "Mine?" asked Aaron. "Or his?" Billy found it hard to resist the smooth skinned body pressing against his face. -------------------------------------------------- Inside the closet, Aaron stroked the hair of the teen bellhop wildly sucking away on the Little Prince Of Pop's dick, "You like de taste of Aaron's dick, doncha?" The faggish bellhop nodded while sucking away on the young boy's hard little dick, "Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm!" -------------------------------------------------- Aaron told Billy, "If you let that dark skin of his ever touch the pure white flesh of yours..." Billy tearfully yelled at Aaron following him down the hallway, "Who do you think you are telling people who they can and cant be with, huh?!" ------------------------------------------------------------ Aaron rushed inside Lil Bow Wow's dog house. He was stunned to find Billy sucking all over the dark skinned dick of Lil Bow Wow while it's white creamy jism shot all inside the boy's face. Lil Bow Wow cut a look over to a shocked Aaron Carter like who's got your Billy boy now. ------------------------------------------------------------ With a face covered in drying sperm, Billy rushed after an angry Aaron. "Please Aaron! I'm sorry!" begged Billy. "I told you if you ever let him touch you it was over between us!" yelled Aaron, hopping on his dirt bike ramming up the engine. "Please Aaron, I'm begging," Billy cried to Aaron. Aaron turned to Billy, "Take one last look at my face, Billy." Billy looked at Aaron cutting a fierce look of anger directly at him. "Because you will never lay eyes upon it again." Aaron took off on his dirtbike throwing a tearful Billy onto the ground screaming, "NOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------ Stay tuned as further chapters of the untold secretive stories of AARON CARTER and BILLY GILMAN takes the boys to more levels in their erotic boyhood adventures. -------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 7

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