Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Oct 18, 2002



by Lil Boney Boy

The Secret Adventures Of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman Nobody Knows About Continue

"Love can keep innocence clean from dirt for only so long."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.

NOTE: The following story contains strong explicit scenes of content that may be objectionable to some. If you think you may have a problem with such material, please do not continue any further.


Daylight was breaking with Aaron Carter, dressed shirtless and barefoot, only in shorts, and Billy Gilman, dressed barefooted in pajamas, rushing back to the hotel after both experienced the hottest night of their lives. The young boys were filthy with smudges of dirt and sand all over their bodies as they rushed into the lobby of the hotel. Two teenage bell-boys immediately caught eye of the skimpily dressed preteen pop-stars go into the elevator together.

As the two filthy boys entered inside, the same teenage elevator boy as before noticed their overly shabby, near nude appearance.

Watching the elevator door shut, one of the bellboys in the lobby looked at the other astonished, "Did you see who that was?"

"Yea," replied the other bellboy, having already seen the two boys earlier. "That's one of those Backstreet Boys right here in the flesh."

"No," corrected the other faggish seeming bellboy. "That's his hot little brother with that young country singer."

"Oh yea, the little spike-haired blond one begged me to let him into the other boy's room late last night."

The faggish bellboy gasped in shock. "I wonder exactly what they did in there," cutting a smirk look to the other. "I surely would not mind biting right into a piece of that little hottie body."

The other curiously looked at him asking, "Which one?"

Riding inside the elevator, Billy Gilman noticed Aaron Carter's shirtless body full of dried sand. Suddenly, Billy's mind became lost going into a deep stare at Aaron's sandy body. All he could think of was how he and Aaron Carter had just spent the most wildest night of their entire boyhoods. Never had Billy had so much fun with anyone in his life. The two young boys had both broken through walls of innocence, frolicking in the joys of their youth, stripping away all virginity and life would never be the same for either one of them again.

Staring in deep captivation upon Aaron's lustrous body, Billy slowly rose his index finger to his tongue to lick it.

Aaron noticed Billy's fascination from his eyes staring deeply at his chest as if the boy was hypnotized. He watched as Billy's moist finger slowly reached over toward his chest.

Billy's finger went to wipe some of the dried sand off Aaron's left nipple.

Aaron grinned letting Billy wipe the sand from his nipple feeling a tickling tingle from the finger tip's mere touch. He liked the feeling Billy's stroking his boy button gave him.

The teenage elevator boy saw how overly close the two near nude dirty boys seemed and thought, "Oh no. Here they go again."

Billy's moist finger slowly moved across Aaron's bare chest wiping a streak through the dried sand. He did not even notice that Aaron was watching him. All he knew was the lustrous sight of that beautiful smooth skinned chest before his very eyes.

Engrossed at the sight beside him, the elevator boy watched Aaron enjoy Billy wiping the sandy smudges from his body. The teen could feel his dick getting harder from the activity the boys were carelessly engaged in beside him. There was no doubt in his mind that these two superstar celebrity youngsters were in lust with each other and he wanted a piece of the them too.

The slim bodied teenager hit a button which immediately halted the elevator. Aaron and Billy felt their ride jerk to a sudden stop wondering what was going on?

"What happened?" asked Aaron.

The teenager put his hand on Billy's shoulder. "You two have got to be the horniest boys I've ever seen," starting to unbutton Billy's pajama top. "Come on, let me have just one time with you."

Aaron saw the teen caressing Billy's chest inside his pajama top. The teen boy took Billy's nipples between his thumb and fingers playing with them like they were buttons, Billy smiled from the tingles the sensation was giving him feeling his dick instantly begin to erect below.

Aaron watched getting jealous of the elevator boy touching what he felt was his exclusive property. Nobody was ever going to have Billy Gilman but Aaron Carter. No one was ever going to touch Billy Gilman's body but Aaron Carter. He stepped forward to the teen, "So you wanna do a lil teen star doncha?"

The teen eagerly looked at Billy while playing with his nipples, "Awe yea, I wanna do this little cutie."

Billy could tell Aaron was getting jealous and could not help but smile liking the attention.

"Well ya see, me and my Billy boy here, we got dis thing goin," said Aaron real cool, taking Billy by the shoulder. "See, everything on his body---is mine." Aaron held Billy very close to him by the shoulder. "He belongs to me and only me. Aaron Carter."

Billy felt good inside hearing Aaron's words. He loved everything Aaron said especially while holding him so close to his body. The teen elevator boy looked at Aaron a bit confused.

"So to do him, you gotta try and do me first," told Aaron.

A grin entered the elevator boy's face. "I gotta fuck you first?" he asked, feeling excited.

With his arm around Billy holding him snug, Aaron looked mischievous. "No," he replied. "You gotta try."

"Wokay!" said the teen immediately unbuckling his pants to pull down his trousers revealing his erecting big cock underneath. "You sure look like you'd be a real good hot little fuck."

Billy's face turned amazed at the size of the teen boy's huge dick. He could not help but think that his butthole would never survive having a dick that big inside it and wondered what Aaron was actually up to as he watched the little pro in action.

"Yea, dass it," teased Aaron. "Now come on and catch me."

Then the teen grinned going forward with his trousers pulled down, "Awe, I like playing games like this. Catch n Go Fuck!"

The teenager tripped on his trousers falling forward grabbing hold of Aaron. Billy watched the two fall backward on the floor. What was Aaron getting them into?

"Gotcha!" spoke the elevator boy.

Pretending to struggle, Aaron looked at the teen grinning. "Think so?" Aaron toyed. "I don't think you have the balls to even try and fuck into my ass, dude!"

"Oh, you are a feisty little twink aren't you?" spoke the teen yanking down Aaron's shorts.

Billy watched wondering what in the world Aaron was getting himself into. The teen boy grabbed hold of both Aaron's legs raising them upward. Little Aaron did not realize how much stronger than him the teen was. All the boy knew in this game was that there was no way he was letting the goofy teen jam that long dick into his little ass. Aaron Carter would indeed win this game as always. He struggled with the teen using every force of energy he had.

"Ooo, hot damn! You are one strong boy! What a turn-on!" he told Aaron..

Billy knew Aaron was showing off in front of him and was getting turned on by Aaron's energetic strength watching every muscle of his flex all over his body. He could not believe what a daredevil Aaron Carter seemed.

The teen grabbed hold of Aaron's spiked blond hair going right into the boy's face. "You know what little dude?" he spoke as Aaron instantly stopped his pretense struggle looking him straight in the face. "I bet the whole world wants a piece of your hot little body," raising Aaron's legs upward.

Suddenly, Aaron felt his legs raise upward in the air. The boy knew that if he was going to win this game of fuck-wrestle, he had to act quick. Aaron swallowed deeply reaching his hand all around below.

The teenager examined Aaron's pinkish butthole with an eager grin. He licked two of his fingers then rubbed the rippled hole of Aaron's butt. "Oh yea," he said, rimming his fingers all around Aaron's hole. "You got one nice pretty ripe little pink hole, perfect for fucking."

Aaron breathed heavily feeling his butthole being fingered as he reached all around below searching. For a moment, little Aaron could not help but think the sensation of the hole around his butt being softly rimmed felt good but all of his thoughts were focused on getting back together with Billy. He desperately wanted to show Billy that Aaron Carter could beat this older teenager.

The teenager stuck the tip of his dick up to the hole of Aaron's butt ready to ram his cock into the boy's ass.

Aaron desperately reached his hand all around below. "Was this it?" he thought. "Gosh no!"

With the tip of his dick pressed upon the moist rippled pink hole of Aaron's butt, the dickhead began to push the butthole open to begin it's pumping. The fuck action was about to begin.

Billy knew that Aaron Carter was about to lose this game of suspenseful danger. The teenage elevator boy was fixing to fuck his cock right into the hole of Aaron Carter.

Desperately reaching all around down below, Aaron felt the tip of the teen's dick open the hole of his ass. Aaron knew that he was about to be fucked. He had lost the game. The teenager was going to win and get to fuck both him and Billy.

Suddenly, Aaron's hand grasped on to a round sack. At last, he finally found what he was searching for. He quickly gripped it tightly and without a moment's hesitation, he squeezed as hard as he could.

Suddenly, the teenager belched in pain raising himself upward backing away from the boy's ass.

Billy was baffled at what was going on. He looked to find Aaron getting up from the floor while tightly holding onto the older teen's balls, "Yea," grinned Aaron. "Whose got who now, dude!"

Billy face turned completely amazed. He could not believe that Aaron Carter had somehow grabbed hold of the teenager's balls and now he was the one in full control.

"Uhhh, look, I-I-I just want to have some fun with you boys is all," stuttered the teenage elevator boy.

"Nahh, you just thought you could fuck ya two little teen stars but look at whose gotcha by de balls, dude. Aaron Carter!" spoke Aaron fully wanting Billy to see every piece of action he was doing to the older teen.

Billy Gilman could not believe what he was seeing. Little Aaron Carter was actually leading this teenager around the elevator by the balls in full control of his every action.

"Please, j-just don't hurt my balls," the teenager begged the young boy who was tightly holding his balls. "I changed my mind. I don't wanna fuck!"

"You see dat over dere?" Aaron pointed to Billy, wanting him to hear his words. "Dats mine," claimed Aaron. "Every inch on that body of his belongs to Aaron Carter and no one else."

An amazed Billy watched completely mesmerized by Aaron's claim on him.

"And nobody is ever going to have any piece on dat body of his but me," said Aaron.

A huge smile entered Billy's face. He loved absolutely everything Aaron said.

"Okay," he spoke desperately reaching across for the elevator button while Aaron held a tight squeeze on his balls. "Just don't squeeze my balls, please!"

The teen pressed the button causing the elevator to make a noise then began going upward.

Billy felt the elevator go up. He just could not get over how a fearless boy like Aaron Carter was controlling the an older teenager's every move simply by the grasp he had on his balls. At last, little Aaron Carter had won the game against the teenager coming out shining as bold as ever.

"Now give my Billy boy your pants."

The teenager looked at Aaron baffled, "Huh?" as Billy froze stiff.

All Billy could wonder was what was the magnificent Aaron Carter up to now?

Inside the hallway, the elevator door opened with a sandy Aaron Carter leading a dirty Billy Gilman out by the hand while carrying a set of pants. The boys walked down the hallway as in the background you could see the teenage elevator boy tied against the railing of the back wall half naked with no pants on yelling, "Uhhh---you boys can't leave me like this!"

Billy was completely amazed at what Aaron Carter had just done and tried hard not to bust out laughing. "Oh my Gosh," he whispered, turning to look behind as Aaron led him by the hand down the hallway.

"Please! I need my pants!" yelled the elevator boy, begging while the door closed ready to take off for the lobby floor.

Watching the elevator door shut, Billy could not help but laugh outloud as Aaron dropped the pants in a nearby trash can during their path down the hallway.

"Oh, gosh," laughed Billy. "I can not believe what you did. You were amazing!"

"I always win at every game I play," boasted Aaron to Billy.

Billy loved Aaron's bragging enthralled at his showing off all for him.

"Just remember," Aaron told Billy recalling what they told each other on the beach. "Nobody's ever gonna touch any part of your body but me."

Billy's heart was skipping so many beats that all he could utter was a faint, "I promise."

He wanted so much to belong to Aaron Carter --- and Aaron Carter only. He knew after the wild night he just had with him that his body, his heart, his soul all belonged to Aaron Carter and nobody else. Billy loved the way Aaron took charge of him leading him down the hallway by the hand.

"We'll clean up in my shower," Aaron told Billy, arriving at the door to his suite. "Then get you back over to your suite and nobody will know anything."

Billy nodded liking every decision Aaron made for him.

Aaron opened the door whispering to Billy, "Shh, Nick's probably sleeping."

The door inside the dim-lit suite opened as a shirtless Aaron Carter entered with Billy Gilman following closely behind. Walking through the dark room, Billy grabbed onto Aaron's hand a little scared. No matter what danger lurked in any shadows, Billy knew that he was completely safe with the dare-devil Aaron Carter for this was a boy who feared nothing.

Billy could see Nick Carter sleeping shirtless on the couch. Aaron led the boy to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Then, playfully, he pushed Billy into the running shower water with his dirty pajamas still on. Billy screamed laughing while Aaron quickly pulled the shorts off of his own dirt-smudged body then dashed into the shower playfully grabbing at the boy.

Billy laughed hard while Aaron pulled the pajamas off of his body popping out the boy's dick. He noticed Billy seeming to get excitedly erect from their amusing activity. The two naked youngsters played in the shower having fun while the water washed the dirty sand from their bodies.

The loud commotion the boys were making woke Nick up, who went to see what was going on.

While the shower water poured upon their nude smooth skinned bodies, Aaron playfully had a laughing Billy pinned up against the tiled wall. "You must want me to fuck dat sweet ass of yours some more doncha?"

"No," laughed Billy, lying. "I don't think my behind can take anymore," actually hoping that Aaron would fuck the living shit out of him right there on the shower floor.

Aaron immediately reacted. "Your what?" he asked with a big grin grabbing hold of both of Billy's nipples slightly twisting them.

"Oh no!" laughed Billy, realizing his mis-terminology while feeling the tickle of his nipples in between Aaron's fingertips.

Nick Carter entered the bathroom hearing his little brother tell someone, "You better say the right word for it or I'm a fuck de shit outta you again right here in dis shower."

Nick froze in his tracks at the words he just heard. Who the freakin hell was his little brother talking to?

Then a grinning Billy yelled loudly, "NO! PLEASE DON'T RAPE ME AGAIN! MY BUTTHOLE CAN NOT TAKE ANYMORE!"

Outside the shower door, Nick's face nearly dropped. He could not believe the things he was hearing. Who was this youngster whom his little brother had in shower playfully begging him not to fuck the hole of his butt again?

A nude rough-playing Aaron Carter had his arms wrapped around a naked Billy Gilman squeezing the boy tightly while pushing his head into the running shower water. "Say it or I'm split dat ass of yours wide open, Billy boy!" teased Aaron.

Getting drenched under the water, Billy laughed loudly liking the name Aaron called him, while also enjoying the preteen's cock pressed up against his buttocks while he was squeezing him.

Nick could not stand wondering anymore. He just had to find out who his little brother was playing with in the shower. He suddenly, rushed forward opening up the shower door to find Aaron butt naked in an armlock with who appeared to be a soaking wet country pop-star Billy Gilman, completely nude. Nick's face nearly dropped to the floor totally stunned at the site before him.

Butt-naked, Aaron looked at Nick a little stunned with his arms tightly clutched around a nude Billy Gilman. Billy quickly shook the dripping water from his soaking hair shocked to find Nick Carter standing there looking at them.

Nick's eyes looked over the two smooth skinned naked youngsters playing together in the shower surprised at who his little brother had with him.

"Him?" asked Nick, completely amazed.

A nude Billy froze stiff wrapped inside Aaron's arms. If one did not know better, as close as Aaron was clutched onto the back of Billy's body almost seemed as if he was fucking the boy in the ass.

Then Nick busted a chuckle, "You gotta be kiddin me, lil bro!"

Aaron released his hold on Billy's body and yelled ordering, "Get outta here!" slamming the shower door on Nick.

Nick Carter shook his head chuckling as he walked away out of the bathroom.

Billy looked at Aaron shocked, "Oh my gosh!"

"It's okay," consoled Aaron. "It's only my brother Nick."

"Yea, but he saw us together with no clothes on," spoke Billy. "What's he going to think?"

Billy could not help but worry about Nick Carter catching them naked together in the shower. Too many people were finding out about him and Aaron. Then carelessly, Aaron grabbed a bar of soap and started cleaning his body. "You never took baths with your brother?"

Billy watched Aaron rub the bar of soap into his hairless smooth-skinned armpit then massage the suds with his other hand. The boy watched mesmerized as Aaron rubbed the bar of soap across his pubescent chest while lifting up his other arm to bathe underneath.

Suddenly, Billy wanted to wash the other armpit for him. He reached forward grabbing hold of Aaron's hand and took the bar of soap from it.

With his arm raised upward, Aaron let Billy rub the bar of soap into his armpit. The boy rubbed the soapbar all inside the valley of the under-arm. Aaron felt the tickling sensation it was giving him but held back from giggling and just let Billy do his thing.

The boy gently rubbed his fingers into the suds of the hairless armpit massaging in a thick lather. This was really tickling Aaron but he did not want to do anything to stop Billy from enjoying the lustful activity he was having upon his body. Then Billy moved the bar of soap from Aaron's underarms down toward his nipple.

"Oh no," thought Aaron. "He knows what the nipple thing does to my dick."

Billy gently rubbed the bar of soap all upon the preteen's nipple causing it's tip to erect. Aaron noticed the tip of his nipple stick outward knowing that he was going to go right into a boner down below. He lightly swallowed, feeling the sensation of his boy button being stroked. He tiredly shut his eyes trying to avoid getting a boner. His dick had been through so much sucking and fucking that night that it was completely sore. There was no way it could take another hard-on.

Rubbing the bar of soap upon Aaron Carter's succulent nipple, Billy studied every centimeter his eyes could feast upon. Right in the middle of the preteen's smooth skinned chest muscle flatly sat a rounded tanned button, almost like a penny, with a flesh colored point that stood out like a thick pimple waiting to be popped. The tipped point bobbed fully erect as the bar of soap stroked it.

Aaron could feel his sore boycock rising below. Billy's fingertips massaged suds into the boy's chest button playing with it's pointed flesh colored tip. He liked stroking the hard firm pimple with the tips of his fingernails.

Feeling the sensation of the boy's fingers play with his erected nipple, Aaron felt his boycock raising upward to an instant boner. The rising dick rapidly grew stiff catching hold of Billy's penis along the way raising it up with it.

Billy looked below to see what caught hold of his dick noticing that he had given Aaron a full boner. Then he moved the bar of soap across Aaron's body closely examining every inch of the preteen's tight, slim, elastic seeming, smooth-skinned chest while Aaron flexed his pectoral muscles for the boy.

Billy rubbed the lathering bar of soap down Aaron's torso feeling his stomach muscles flexed tightly. Aaron Carter was one rough seeming boy which puberty was indeed blessing very nicely.

Then Billy made his way down to Aaron's crotch. Putting his little pre-pubescent dick up to Aaron's slightly bigger preteen boycock, Billy rubbed the penises together with the soapbar sudsing up a lather.

With his eyes shut, Aaron could feel himself getting even more aroused. Billy rubbed the suds on their dicks together causing his penis to also catch a boner alongside of Aaron's, although not as big. Then Billy stopped and let the shower water rinse off the soap from their penises. The boy liked his hard little dick rinsing off side by side with Aaron's slightly bigger one. He noticed Aaron was standing exhausted with his eyes shut and just had to take full advantage of washing his crotch from down below.

Billy Gilman sneakily knelt in front of Aaron Carter with water showering upon their bodies. He took the bar of soap and rubbed a sudsey lather into his hands. Then Billy reached his soapy hands toward the erect penis bobbing up and down in front of his face and gently rubbed into the peachfuzz crotch behind it. He rubbed his soapy finger tips into the light traces of peach fuzz around Aaron's boycock.

Aaron felt Billy's slippery hands massage into the skin around his hard preteen dick that bobbled up and down as his body moved. The boy stroked his soapy fingertips downward to the fleshy sack of balls underneath. Aaron Carter's eyes opened feeling Billy grab into his nuts.

The tips of Billy's fingers carefully rubbed the soap into the preteen ballsac studying their every pubescent feature. Aaron Carter must have possessed the most perfect set of smooth skin balls any boy could ever desire to have. The succulent sack of joy hung underneath the penis as if to contain two perfectly rounded rocks inside.

A relaxed Aaron felt the sensation of Billy playing with his balls. The boy massaged suds into the fleshy ballsac purposely making the two marbles slosh around inside exciting Aaron even more. With the stiff preteen dick dangling around in his face, Billy wanted so badly to put the luscious looking boycock into his mouth and suck away on it. But bathing Aaron Carter was the name of this game and Billy felt that he had to resist.

He reached further back behind Aaron cleaning his white buttocks so that his face could move closer toward his dick. Aaron purposely let his bobbing boner touch Billy's face right near the mouth teasing him to suck it but Billy resisted the temptation and cleaned the butt cheeks around the back of Aaron's body.

Then Aaron purposely swung his leg completely around Billy turning himself the other way. Suddenly, Billy found his face buried right underneath Aaron Carter's ass.

The boy looked upward instantly mesmerized by the beautiful butt staring him in the face. He wanted desperately to check out the inside hole of Aaron's ass. What did it look like? He knew that this would be a sight that nobody had probably ever seen before including Aaron himself. Billy could not help but think that Aaron must be really distraught from fatigue not realizing what he was doing to have his ass in his face but Billy did not care. He took full advantage of the opportunity before him.

Billy quickly rubbed his hands into the bar of soap as fast as he could eager to bathe into Aaron's buttocks. He rushed his soapy hands upward toward the butt rubbing them all over the white smooth skin of the cheeks. Billy felt the puffy cheeks of Aaron's butt massaging a lather upon them. Aaron's cheeks were slightly hard with boy muscles that slightly flexed with Aaron's every movement.

Did Aaron know what Billy was doing? Or was he lost in the delights Billy was doing upon him down below?

Temptation built inside Billy that was too hard to resist. The boy just had to take a peek at the hole inside Aaron's ass. What did it look like? Billy had never actually seen a butthole up close before and wanted Aaron Carter's to be his first one ever. He plunged his hands right onto the cracks of Aaron's buttcheeks ready to open them up. The worst Aaron could do was to stop him, telling him no.

Billy's eyes feasted upon the site he was about to view. Then his hands gently opened up the crack of Aaron's ass. He noticed the thin line of flesh leading from the balls toward the light brown glistening hole inside the valley of the butt. Aaron Carter had one moistly succulent shiny pink ass.

The boy licked his lips deeply intrigued almost feeling like he wanted to stick his tongue into the glowing hole to see what it tasted like. He studied the rippled creases soaring into Aaron's moist butthole resembling one carefully spun web shaped to perfection with the hole in the middle being it's spider.

Billy looked closer into the shiny ass noticing what appeared to be two specs dangling like tiny flies in the ridges of the rippled web. Curious, Billy buried his face deeper inside for a closer look. He saw one or two tiny specimens of what seemed to be pooh that Aaron might not have caught when last wiping the hole of his butt.

Billy could not resist. Aaron's dirty asshole needed cleaning. Holding the butt opened with one hand, Billy quickly rubbed the bar of soap inside Aaron's hole with the other.

Half distraught, Aaron felt a slight burning sensation inside the hole of his butt but he was too tired and exhausted to care if his ass was on fire or not. All that he knew was the massaging sensation inside his hole felt good.

Billy rubbed his fingers into the ridges of the pinkish hole gently picking out the two specs of pooh with his fingernails.

Aaron swallowed hard feeling the sensation of his butthole being fingered, only it strangely felt like a rub. What in the hell was Billy doing to him down there?

The specs of Aaron's pooh went lodged in between Billy's fingernails. Billy caught glimpse of the pooh inside his fingernails but did not care. He was too busy concentrating on the site of Aaron's succulent butthole before him.

Then as the shower water washed the suds away from Aaron's ass, Billy's eye caught glimpse of the Y-shaped frenulum line leading to the head of Aaron's dick. The boy froze staring over at this tiny web of skin liking the way Aaron's looked. For some reason, he felt that he just had to touch it. Billy reached his finger forward.

A completely exhausted Aaron suddenly felt the tip of Billy's finger touch his frenulum instantly waking him up. The boy had hit Aaron's G-spot. Now this time Billy Gilman would be in full control of Aaron Carter, for all the tired preteen could do was to let the boy do whatever he wanted to with his body.

Billy liked the web of skin he was touching as he gently played with it's tiny humped line exciting Aaron even more. The boy fastly rubbed his fingertip across the frenulum line erecting the throbbing dick even harder.

Aaron swallowed deep feeling the sensation the boy was giving him below. How could Billy know exactly what to do to please Aaron? Or was it the other way around? Was it really Aaron pleasing Billy?

Billy's fingertip rubbed faster on the frenulum making the erect dick throb even harder. Aaron wanted to open his eyes and make Billy stop but the sensation was giving him too much pleasure.

Suddenly, a fatigued Aaron Carter collapsed on the shower floor falling into the corner. The boy finally had enough. Instantly, Billy Gilman dove right into his dick wildly gobbling it inside his mouth.

Aaron's body laid lifeless in the shower. The young boy who was usually thriving with energy was too tired to even move while Billy laid in his lap pacifying upon his dick. Both boys were totally tuckered out. Their wild all-night exotic boyhood adventure had taken it's toll.

Time passed with the naked youngsters laying in the shower completely exhausted from the all-night activity they both experienced with each other. Billy Gilman laid sleeping in Aaron Carter's lap with the preteen's dick lodged inside his mouth.

Occasionally, the boy's mouth would pacify sucks onto the penis in his sleep. However, not one of Billy's sporadic pacifications on his dick ever phased Aaron. The usually energetic young preteen was passed out cold.

The naked bodies of both boys lay lifelessly dead to the world inside the running shower with one's pubescent penis firmly planted inside the other's mouth.

In the next room, Nick Carter lay asleep on the couch. Suddenly, there was a banging on the door as he jumped waking up. Half asleep, Nick went to the door not realizing he had no shirt on.

"Yea, who is it?" he asked.

"Hotel security!" spoke a deep stern voice. "Open up!"

Baffled, a shirtless Nick opened the door finding a woman standing there with two hotel security guards. She looked at Nick's near bare body astounded then asked, "Is my son here?"

Nick was confused. "Who?"

"Billy Gilman," she firmly replied. "Is he here?"

Suddenly, Nick turned stunned as everything began to hit him.

The security sternly asked, "Is the boy in this hotel suite or not?"

"Uhh, yea, hold on. I'll get him," replied a stunned Nick, quickly shutting the door.

Nick closed the door not having a clue as to what was going on. He rushed to find that his little brother was not in his bedroom. Then he remembered the shower. After all of this time, they could not possibly still be in there. He rushed to the bathroom hearing the shower water still running.

Nick opened up the shower door. He was instantly jolted by the sight before him. His little brother, Aaron was laying naked passed out on the shower floor with his dick lodged inside the mouth of a sleeping Billy Gilman. He could not believe that his little brother was actually being sucked off by this country superstar kid butt naked on the floor of the shower right in the boy's sleep.

"Oh shit!" said Nick as he quickly cut the water off, waking the boys up. "Hey! Wake up."

Pacifying on Aaron's dick in his sleep, Billy felt himself being shook. As Aaron's awakening body moved, his dick pulled it's way out of the boy's mouth.

Half asleep, Billy felt the penis sliding out of his mouth and instantly sucked harder grasping a tighter vacuum on it. His eyes opened finding himself still sucking upon Aaron's dick. Billy distraughtly got up with his suction on Aaron's dick stretching the penis outward.

Instantly, an awakening Aaron felt his sore dick being pulled out of Billy's mouth and let out a quick moan of pain.

"Hey, Lil bro, wake up," Nick Carter demanded. "Dat boys mother is here at the door with security."

Billy heard the words, feeling his heart nearly drop. "Oh my gosh," gasped Billy realizing that they had fell asleep in the shower.

Hearing what Nick said, Aaron quickly rushed to get up. "Did they say what they wanted?" he asked fully aware of the answer from the elevator incident.

"Yea his mom wants her son, dass wut," replied Nick.

"My mom is here?" Billy panicked, reaching for a towel while his body slid all over the slippery floor along the way.

The wet wrinkled feet on both boys were sliding all over the shower floor in their rush to get up. Billy tripped falling forward with his face landing right on top of Aaron's foot. Aaron froze knowing that if he moved his foot, Billy's head would bang onto the tiled floor below.

With his face laying pressed flat upon Aaron's magnificent looking foot on the shower room floor, Billy just wanted for all of time to stop so that he could enjoy every morsel of the succulent foot his eye was feasted upon. Even though it's skin was all shriveled from being wet for so long, Aaron Carter's foot still maintained a certain boy energy about it that showed with every flinch of the preteen's movement.

Billy could not believe that he did not take advantage of molesting this beautiful foot earlier when Aaron was sleeping. How could Billy have fallen asleep with this succulent wonder being right there in the shower for him feast his lustrous desires upon? He could have sucked away on Aaron's bare foot while he lay sleeping and he would have never even known.

Aaron watched above as Billy mindlessly turned his face into his toes and suddenly began licking them. Nick face seemed to drop at the sight he saw before him. "Oh, jeeze!" he replied, blown away by this. "This boy is obsessed over you, lil bro."

Aaron just smiled at Nick while lifting his foot upward with Billy rising with it, licking his tongue through the cracks of the toes. "Hee hee," smiled Aaron to Nick. "I like it."

Nick rolled his eyes shaking his head at how crazy the boys obsession with each other was. He could not get over how his little brother managed all of this --- and with little Billy Gilman of all people.

Aaron's raised leg held his foot upward with Billy licking through the cracks of the toes making it's way from the long index toe down to the little pinkie one. Even though his feet were clean, Billy could still taste a cheesy flavor from inside the cracks of the webbed skin between Aaron's toes. Billy had discovered another delicious tasty part of this boy wonder.

Aaron liked the tickling sensation the licking inside the crack of his pinkie toe was giving him. He squinted a smiling face to Nick, "It feels funny," having a hard time holding up his leg.

Nick told Aaron, "Lil bro, you better snap dat boy back to de real world or dey gonna bust down de door and see dis shit."

Then Billy slapped his butt down flat onto the shower floor, grabbed hold of Aaron's foot and went down underneath sucking the bottom sole.

"Woah!" blurted Aaron, feeling the sensation of the boy's mouth rub underneath the bottom of his foot.

Billy held a tight grasp onto the foot to assure his sucking pleasure. All he wanted to do was block out the entire world and suck upon the delicious thick skin at the bottom of Aaron's foot all day if he could. The boy could care less who found him naked with Aaron. He did not care what they found him doing to Aaron Carter's lustrous body. He just wanted to enjoy the desirable creature for every second of time. Sucking vigorously, Billy's mouth could feel how thick and rough the bottom sole of Aaron's foot was. This indeed was boy who played outside barefooted a lot.

Then suddenly, the boys jumped to a loud banging at the hotel door. Nick panicked, "Damn it, Aaron! Get him off."

"Okay, okay," grinned Aaron. "Billy?" spoke Aaron with his foot in the air.

Billy's mind ignored the words and continued rubbing his mouth all over the thick sole of Aaron's foot.

"Billy?" Aaron lightly spoke, pulling the boy upward away from his foot. "Your mom is here."

Being led upward, Billy watched the beautiful foot leave his face as Aaron planted it back onto the shower floor. "No," said Billy, turning to look at Aaron. "I don't want our night to end. Ever."

"Come on," consoled Aaron, leading a naked Billy out of the shower.

Nick dried Billy's shivering body with a towel then wrapped it around him while Aaron quickly dried himself off. Both Nick and Aaron looked at each other baffled at how much Billy was shaking when it was not even cold. Aaron took Billy by the hand and led him out of the bathroom.

With towels rapped around their wet bodies, Aaron led Billy toward his bedroom with the boy slightly limping as he walked still soar from his virgin ass being fucked so much that night. They quickly shut the bedroom door while Nick went to open the front door telling the impatient looking mother, "Uh, he'll be right out."

"What exactly is my son doing in there?" asked Billy's mom.

"Uhh, Aaron's cleaning him up," Nick nervously replied.

"Cleaning him up?" she asked.

Then security firmly spoke, "We'll give you two minutes then we're busting in for him."

Inside, the bedroom suite, a shivering Billy told Aaron, "I d-don't have any cl-clean cl-clothes."

"Here, you can wear some of mine," Aaron replied, searching through a dresser drawer.

Slightly shaking, Billy became excited that he was actually going to get to wear clothing of Aaron Carter's right on top of his body. With his teeth chattering, he could not help but wonder what Aaron would pick for him to wear.

Aaron found a long yellow nylon sports jersey, "Here, I got two of these left over from filming the Shaq video last week."

"Wow," thought Billy, intrigued.

Billy dropped his towel as Aaron stuck the jersey against Billy's naked body to see if it would fit. "It might be a little long though."

"That's ok-kay," stuttered Billy, grabbing the shirt from Aaron's hands in a rush to put it on.

Aaron took the towel off of his own nude body and quickly pulled on a pair of shorts without any underwear while, at the same time, watching Billy pull the shirt over his body seeing that it almost swallowed him going all the way down to the boy's knees. "You can have it if you want. I got two."

Billy loved the fact that the two boys would have a shirt exactly alike and that Aaron had given it to him, specifically himself.

Billy almost felt like a girl in a dress while a shirtless Aaron walked him into the other room, noticing the boy slightly limping and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm just a little sore in back," replied Billy walking across the dim-lit suite a little nervous as he passed by Nick Carter on the couch.

Nick watched the two boys walk by him and just had to cut a joke to tease Aaron. "Hey lil bro, didja get ya lil wee-wee ate on by a lil bitty shark in there?"

A slightly nervous Billy heard the comment, bothered that Nick knew what happened between him and Aaron. However, Aaron just carelessly threw a pillow at his older brother, then walked Billy to the door. "Don't listen to him."

Billy stopped at the door afraid to open it. "Oh my gosh, what do I tell her?"

"Just tell her I kidnapped'cha again," joked Aaron.

Little Billy Gilman swallowed hard building up his courage then opened the door to find his mother standing there with two security guards, the two hotel bellboys and the teenage elevator boy, who was now fully dressed. Billy's mom was surprised to find her son's hair all wet while dressed in nothing but a long yellow nylon sports jersey.

"What may I ask have you been doing in here?" she demanded to know.

The elevator boy peeked over everybody's shoulders feasting his eyes upon the indention of Billy's penis through the thin material of the shiny jersey knowing the boy must be nude underneath and gulped deeply enthralled. Damn, he wished he would have got a piece of that virgin dick.

Then Billy told his mom, "Did you have to bring security for me, mother?" and took off down the hallway.

She followed her son from behind with security following. "I thought you were kidnapped. Your bed looks like a tornado hit it."

Billy replied, "All I did was sneak out to have some fun with my friend."

From the doorway, a shirtless Aaron Carter watched Billy being led down the hallway.

The bellboys feasted their eyes upon a shirtless Aaron Carter watch Billy leave down the hallway. The teen bellboy could not believe he was actually looking at a shirtless Aaron Carter in the flesh. He had seen magazine photos of him without a shirt when he was younger from filming the music video `Surfin USA', but slightly a few years older Aaron Carter with messy spiked hair was now in the blissful youth of puberty and becoming quite a little turn-on.

"Hey, Billy" Aaron quickly called out.

Billy stopped in his tracks for one last look at his blond goddess down the hallway.

His eyes feasted upon Aaron Carter magnificently standing in the hall ever so bold with no shirt dressed in only shorts with the most prefect all-boy figure one could ever possibly hope to imagine.

"I'll see you today at rehearsal," said Aaron, in front of everyone watching.

Billy lightly smiled glad to hear Aaron's words. Despite all of the chaos going on around them, the illustrious sight of Aaron's barefooted, shirtless body standing in the hallway dressed only in a pair of shorts was like a ray of heavenly light to Billy. How could something so simple as a boy dressed only in a pair of shorts with no shirt on his body and no socks or shoes upon his bare feet look so splendid?

Billy wanted so badly to run forward to the creature of lust, dive into it's flesh and enjoy all of the body's pubescent wonders right there in front of everyone, not caring who saw.

"Alright," replied Billy, softly intrigued, speaking his very last words of their exciting night to the preteen boy-god who had just given him the best time he ever experienced. "Thank you so much, Aaron Carter for the most wonderful night of my entire life."

Everyone in the hallway heard Billy Gilman's words wondering all what the boys had done that night. Then a tired Billy turned around to leave down the hallway.

Watching Billy leave, Aaron then turned to go inside his suite.

As Aaron turned to walk, the teenage bellhop feasted his eyes directly upon the boy's crotch. The indention of the boy's semi-erect penis could easily be seen inside his shorts.

While going to shut the door to his suite, Aaron froze in his tracks seeing the hotel bellboys in the hallway staring at him. He noticed the teenage elevator boy had a different set of pants on.

The other faggish bellboy stepped forward deeply feasted upon Aaron Carter's shirtless body. "Wow," he enthrallingly spoke. "What a glorious sight we have here."

Standing in the doorway, Aaron could sense the feminine seeming bellboy's deep interest in him as the teenager went up to him looking down into the smaller boy's face. Little Aaron stood bold not flinching one ounce of intimidation.

"I heard someone almost got a piece of you in the elevator," the teen told Aaron aloud then went to softly mumble in Aaron's ear. "How long before I get my piece of your sweet young dick?"

Suddenly, Aaron felt the teen's hand grab hold of his crotch inside his shorts. He slightly blinked jolted from his having been grabbed upon below but immediately grew to liking the sensation of being felt off by the teenager. Feeling the teen's grasp on his boycock, Aaron did not realize he had grown so horny.

The teen stood there feeling the pop-star celebrity off while the other two teens crowded around to block the view from anyone else who might see, slightly chuckling at their friend in heat upon little pint-sized Aaron Carter.

Slightly limping down the hallway, Billy noticed a bundle of newspapers at his door.

"Do you mind telling me why you are limping?" asked his mother.

Billy immediately rushed toward the bundle of papers telling his mom, "Aaron came and got me last night for a ride on his dirtbike," noticing the front cover to be the one he specially ordered with a yellow envelope underneath, "and we went riding on his dirtbike. We got dirty and cleaned up at his place," anxiously grabbing the bundle of newspapers entering his suite.

"You are not suppose to go anywhere without telling someone," replied his mom.

Further down the hallway, Aaron stood completely still with a mischievous grin letting the teen get his feel of the boytoy package inside his shorts.

"Damn, Aaron Carter," the teen mumbled to the boy massaging his hands all over his crotch. "For such a young boy, you sure got one hot little cock."

Then Aaron grabbed hold of the bellboy's hand pulling it away from his crotch.

The teen lost his hold on Aaron's dick but liked Aaron's grasp upon his hand.

Little Aaron stood his barefeet upward, boldly raising his body directly into the taller teen's face.

"Before you even try to touch the piece of Aaron Carter you're dying to put inside yo mouth," Aaron boldly told the older teen, going right smack even closer into his face, "why doncha ask him how sore his balls are?"

The teen watched completely intrigued by Aaron's boldness as the little squirt lowered his feet back to the floor then boldly turned around to go inside his suite. The mesmerized bellboy watched the door shut upon him. The other two teens walked up behind him.

"Damn, is that kid ever so freaking hot."

Then the elevator boy spoke, "You should see his ass."

The teenage bellboy looked at the elevator boy.

The elevator boy continued, "He's got the shiniest pinkish hole you'd ever want to fuck."

The bellboy immediately asked, "And what about his dick?"

The elevator boy grinned. "Ooo, once you suck on the hard little dick I saw bouncing up and down, you'll never want it leave your mouth."

The bellboy smiled extremely intrigued. "Aaron Carter has to be the hottest kid on the face of this planet," he said. "And I just have to get him to let me suck him off one time before he checks out of this hotel."

The third friend just chuckled, "Yea, like that's gonna happen."

The bellboy looked at the other, "I promise you that I will have the dick of Aaron Carter not only in my mouth sucking upon it, but with him vigorously fucking it into my face---all by the end of the week."

The teenage bellboy walked off as the other two teens stood there wondering if he could actually pull it off.

"No way," one replied following behind.

Inside the suite, Nick Carter rushed up to shirtless Aaron going to his bedroom. "Bro, I can't believe you hammered lil Billy Gilman on the first day you met him."

"He liked me," gloated Aaron on the way to his hotel bedroom. "What can I say?" as if not to be bothered with anything Nick thought.

"Dude, he woke up with yo testicle inside his mouth," replied Nick following.

Aaron turned around in the doorway of his hotel bedroom. "And how many times have I woke up in the middle of the night with my testicle inside yo mouth?" Aaron boldly told Nick, going to slam the door on him.

Nick rushed forward, pushing the door open. Aaron pushed back on the door to keep Nick from entering but his older brother's force was too strong. Nick busted in as Aaron gave in and flopped backward on the bed.

Nick continued, "That kid's so hot on you dat he just sucked all over your entire foot!"

"Hey, we were together all night, dawg," Aaron carelessly replied. "I don't needja to tell me what we did in no shower."

"You were with dat lil dude de whole entire night?" asked Nick shocked. "Bro, do you know wus gonna happen if his mom finds out all the stuff you two done?"

"Who's gonna tell?" yawned Aaron, carelessly slapping the pecs of his chest with his hands. "Billy's not."

"He doesn't have to," said Nick throwing a newspaper at his little brother who stopped slapping his chest to see. "It's already all over the front page," leaving Aaron alone in the bedroom.

Laying in bed, Aaron looked at the newspaper on top of his shirtless body noticing the picture of him laying on top of Billy Gilman on the sidewalk. He lifted the newspaper up to read the headline "Little Prince Of Pop On Top With Country Boy" and cut a smile at the implication.

Billy Gilman rushed into his hotel bedroom with the bundle of newspapers and slammed the door. He quickly yanked out the yellow envelope, ripped it open and pulled out an 8x10 color photograph. The boy flopped on the messed up bed carefully studying the photo of a shirtless Aaron Carter laying on top of him outside on the sidewalk. At last, Billy had an actual photograph of when he first met Aaron Carter to hold in his possession forever remembering the best night of his entire life. All Billy could think of was how this godly boy had just given him the most beautiful night of his life.

Then Billy noticed the spec of pooh still lodged inside the tip of his fingernail. He quickly went to sniff it and smiled smelling the light trace of Aaron's pooh. Never had such a scent put a smile on Billy's face before but this was a piece of Aaron Carter and Billy wanted this particular spec of dirt to stay lodged inside his fingernail forever.

Laying in the bed of his hotel suite in only his white underwear, Aaron Carter hugged his pillow thinking about the long night he just had with Billy Gilman. In all the many fun escapades Aaron had ever done with any of his friends, never had he had so much fun as he did that night with Billy.

He could not understand the feeling he had about the boy. Why did he find Billy Gilman so fascinating? Was it the opposites attract thing? Or was it the way Billy was so enthralled over him? Was it the way Aaron seemed to have control over the boy's every whim, every action, every thought? Or was it all of the above and more?

A fatigued Aaron's eyes drifted off to sleep as the boy's tired body lifelessly collapsed dropping the pillow held upon his shirtless body. Visions soared all through the sleeping boy's mind one after the other: the sight of Billy's pre-pubescent penis turned into a boner all by the hand of Aaron; the vision of Billy's fleshy virgin asshole bruised by Aaron's thrusting fucks; Billy sucking away on his boycock in the bedroom; wrapping his legs tightly around Aaron from fucking him so hard on the beach; shooting his first wad of cum while Aaron's hand ejaculated him. With all of the visions of the fascinating activities he experienced with Billy Gilman that night shooting through his mind so fast, Aaron somberly drifted off into dreamland.

At last, the boy, usually so full of energy, lay completely tuckered asleep nearly naked in only his underwear briefs as his adventurous long night finally ended.

Laying in bed, Billy closely studied the photograph entranced looking upon every piece of flesh on Aaron's shirtless body that he could. He noticed the smooth texture of the preteen's skin and looked even harder to see one of Aaron's nipples. What? Billy had not noticed this before in the newspaper. He focused his tired eyes harder at the photo to make sure that it actually was one of Aaron's succulent nipples. Yes! It indeed was one of Aaron Carter's boy wonders! A beautiful photo of not only with Aaron shirtless but showing one of his marvelous boy buttons --- and best of all --- right on top of Billy's body! That glorious moment outside on the sidewalk was forever captured in a photograph that the boy could admire forever.

Billy hugged the photo tightly feeling like he was in heaven as he drifted off to sleep. At last, his night with Aaron Carter had come to a close.

Or had it really?

PREVIEWS OF UPCOMING CHAPTERS: ~~Aaron and Billy share some really wild dreams. ~~Aaron wakes up one morning to find a horny Nick inside his ass. ~~Lil Bow Wow gets his white boy, only which one will it be? ~~Aaron's control over Billy deepens betraying the boy severely.

Next: Chapter 5

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