Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Jan 26, 2002



by Lil Boney Boy

"Even skim milk can make thick cream."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.


Billy Gilman's eyes opened. He found Aaron Carter still asleep on top of him in the dark bedroom of his hotel suite.

"Oh, my gosh," thought Billy. "It really wasn't a dream!"

Aaron Carter really was asleep on top of his body stark naked. All Billy could hope was that his mother did not walk into his room. Thank goodness his little brother Colin stayed home this time. Billy could not believe all the lustful things he had done with Aaron. It felt so ultimately good that it just had to be bad. What if everybody he knew found out what he had done? His family would disown him. His fans would never like him again. Billy started to panic with all sorts of fears rushing inside him. Then he felt Aaron Carter's body move on top of his. He looked upward to see Aaron open his eyes.

Aaron noticed Billy Gilman's face underneath his body and smiled down at him. "Hot damn that was good," he lightly mumbled.

Billy nearly melted at the sight of Aaron's smile and the words he spoke. That was all Billy needed for his fears to instantly vanish.

Then Aaron rose himself upward. Billy felt the preteen boy's naked body press against his as he got up. Aaron Carter took Billy Gilman by the hand and whispered, "Come on."

"Where are we going?" asked Billy curious with wonder.

"I'm going to take you for the ride of your life," said Aaron leading him off.

Billy's adrenaline immediately began pumping from the words he heard.

Outside the hotel, a barefooted, shirtless Aaron Carter, dressed only in shorts and Billy Gilman, dressed barefooted in pajamas snuck out as Aaron's dirt-bike was waiting next to the limo. Billy had an astonished look on his face while Aaron got on the bike. He turned to Billy, "Get on."

"I can't," spoke Billy afraid.

Suddenly, Aaron Carter started the bike up with one of the loudest roaring noises Billy had ever heard in his life. "It's okay," comforted Aaron, holding his hand out for Billy. "You're perfectly safe anytime I pump you."

Billy heard Aaron's words knowing how true they were but this pumping seemed way more full of danger. Feeling scared, he took hold of Aaron's hand and got on the back of the bike. Aaron immediately took both of Billy's hands and wrapped them around his shirtless torso for the boy to hold onto.

"You'll have to hold onto my body tight, or you'll fall off," Aaron told him grinning.

Billy Gilman nodded squeezing a hugging grip tightly into Aaron Carter's shirtless waist. He loved the feeling of the boy's smooth skin. Pressing his face against Aaron's back, Billy could smell the scent of the preteen's flesh while feeling his stomach muscles flex with every move the creature of lust made. Billy Gilman loved every second that he was wrapped around Aaron Carter's all-boy body. He could stay pressed against Aaron's pubescent body forever and never let go.

Suddenly, a loud roaring sound flooded the hotel walkway as the dirt-bike took off with Aaron popping a huge wheelie. Billy screamed loudly in panic stricken fear feeling himself go straight up in the air desperately clutched tightly to Aaron Carter's body.

Aaron rode the wheelie for about 5 whole seconds across the sidewalk with a screaming Billy hugging his waist tightly for dear life from behind. Then Aaron dropped the front end of the bike to the pavement rushing out into the street. Billy was petrified that he was going to fall off of the bike.

In no time at all, Billy Gilman found himself safely riding through the streets clutched tightly onto Aaron Carter's shirtless body. They drove and drove with Billy feeling the wind rush through both Aaron and him loving every minute of his arms tightly clutched around the preteen's flexing smooth-skinned stomach muscles. He could not help the temptation of squeezing into the boy's scrumptious abs and got the feeling that somehow Aaron liked him doing it.

Aaron Carter drove the bike onto a nearby beach performing all sorts of skids and tricks in the sand with Billy screaming and laughing having fun the whole time. Then Aaron parked the bike in the sand as the boys got off.

"Come on, let's go swimming," yelled Aaron over the sound of the waves as he began to take off his shorts.

"Like this?" asked Billy in his pajamas.

Dropping his shorts in the sand, Aaron Carter was in his underwear as he rushed up to Billy. "No!" he yelled over the sound of the waves. "Like this!"

Aaron went to jerk down the boy's pajama bottoms as Billy laughed screaming falling back in the sand. Aaron took full advantage of pulling the pajama bottom & top off of Billy body with both boys playfully having fun. Then a laughing Billy found himself on the beach in nothing but his underwear.

Aaron Carter chased Billy Gilman into the water rushing into the soaring waves hitting their near naked bodies. The boys were very playful with each other. Aaron had Billy get on top of his shoulder. Then Billy girlishly jumped screaming holding his nose.

Afterward, Aaron got on top of Billy's shoulder to do his stunt. Billy could not help but cut a glance at Aaron Carter's perfect looking feet standing on top of him. His heart instantly pounded at the sight of the beautiful pair of all-boy feet that were moving around upon his shoulders while Aaron tried to maintain his balance to get a good dive going. All Billy wanted was for that instance of time to freeze so he could study the rugged lustful sight before him....but the boy's feet took off from Billy's shoulders jumping up high into the air.

Billy watched Aaron Carter's body soar upward. Smoothly, Aaron then went downward grabbing hold of one of his legs, landing in the water with a perfect nut cracker which popped a splash that went soaring high up in the air. Billy felt the huge splash shower all over his body. There was no doubt that Aaron Carter was a pro at this game as well. Billy was completely amazed at how good this boy seemed to be at everything he did.

Soon, Aaron Carter was chasing a laughing Billy Gilman on the sandy shore of the beach in nothing but their wet underwear. Both boys briefs were so soaked that you could see their bodies right through the thin cloth as they playfully ran. It was evident that Billy was not all that used to playing rough like Aaron. The two boys went tumbling down into the sand. Billy was laughing hard as Aaron's sandy body fell on top of him. All Billy could think of was that every boy in the whole world should have at least one night like this in their childhood.

The two boys rolled around playfully laughing as granules of sand stuck all over their wet bodies. Then Aaron stopped rolling, sitting on top of Billy. The boy stopped laughing as he looked at Aaron's sandy face on top of him.

"I need you to tell me that you're not ever going to let anyone else touch you but me," spoke Aaron as he took Billy's hand putting it into his briefs for the boy to feel his erecting dick.

"What?" asked Billy surprised by the request, feeling Aaron's penis erecting inside his underwear.

"I want your body to belong to me only," Aaron told Billy. "To Aaron Carter. And not anybody else."

Billy loved hearing those words while he felt Aaron's dick totally erect inside his briefs. He liked the idea of his body belonging to Aaron Carter only.

"Oh yes, Aaron Charles Carter," Billy seriously spoke as if he were taking vows, while Aaron quickly reacted to Billy knowing his middle name. "I won't ever let anyone touch me but you. This I solemnly promise forever and ever."

Aaron could not help but cut a giggle at how seriously Billy took his request. He then got up putting his sandy foot on top of the boy's chest then beat his fists into his own chest like an ape yelling, "I hereby declare Billy Gilman belongs to me and me only."

Billy laughed at Aaron's silliness. "What are you doing?" asked Billy taking notice to Aaron's sandy foot atop his chest.

Billy quickly tried to take a picture in his mind of that beautiful all-boy foot before it left his chest. He liked the way the index toe was a little longer than the thumb toe. The skin texture it possessed was a little rugged as if the boy played barefoot a lot. Billy noticed a thin line of dirt in the tips of every toenail almost inviting him to clean them out.

Then Aaron lifted his foot off of Billy's chest leaving a footprint of sand upon it. Billy laid staring at the sand print from Aaron's foot on his chest wishing it could somehow stay upon him forever.

Aaron laid in the sand next to Billy. He watched the mesmerized boy go down his body straight to his feet. For some reason, Aaron Carter was used to people liking his feet but never really understood why.

Billy studied the features of Aaron's boyfeet gently wiping the grains of sand off of them. Then closing his eyes, Billy went in for a wiff. He wanted to smell the scent of Aaron's beautiful looking boyfeet. Of what traces was left from having just been cleaned in the beach water, Billy could indeed smell Aaron's sweet all-boy foot aroma. Before leaving this succulent wonder, Billy wanted to kiss Aaron's foot or even his toes but thought this would be too weird and backed away.

Aaron Carter watched as Billy Gilman returned to him cuddling beneath his armpit. He quickly put Billy's hand back into his briefs to play with his erecting penis. The two young boys laid on the beach in their wet sandy underwear looking out at the waves hearing the sound as they hit the shore.

Laying in the valley of Aaron's armpit, Billy played with the boy's dick inside his dirty cotton briefs feeling it stiffen. All he wanted to do was just lay in Aaron's arms with his erect penis in his hands forever. Aaron like the gentle way Billy held on to his boycock for it was almost sore from all the previous activity that night.

Wrapped in Aaron's arms underneath his shoulder, Billy could smell the aroma of Aaron's pubescent arm pit. The body scent Billy lightly inhaled was "all-boy". Billy could not help but look upward to take a peek into the pits that held this wondrous boy-stink. Aaron's armpit was like one curved deep smooth skinned valley in which Billy dove his face right into taking a wiff.

Aaron Carter could not help cutting a giggle from the tickle of Billy Gilman smelling inside his armpit.

Billy inhaled the aroma of the preteen's hairless pit. Some may term the scent as body odor, but to Billy, if it was Aaron's, the scent was sweet. He took his face out of the boy's armpit noticing Aaron looking at him with a big grin.

Then Billy asked, "Why do you like me so much?"

Aaron heard the question as Billy noticed him go into thought for the answer, "I don't know. You're just cool to be with."

He suddenly felt Billy's hand let go of his penis, rushing out of his underwear to lightly slap him in the chest in a girlie-like way, "No, I'm not."

Aaron cut a chuckle accepting to Billy's slap on his chest.

"People make fun of me all the time saying I'm too sissified," spoke Billy. "You're the one who is cool."

"Well, there ya go," grinned Aaron. "My brother Nick says opposites attract."

Billy thought about this statement wondering as he looked into Aaron's face studying his lips, the shape of his nose, every eye brow on his forehead including the half inch scar between his eyebrows. Billy wanted to ask Aaron how he got the scar but was scared to.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aaron could feel Billy's stare. He cut a grin and looked at Billy, "So why do you like me?"

Billy was slightly jolted to hear this vision of beauty he deeply admired actually ask why he was liked. "I don't know," replied Billy. "I've never met anyone like you before."

"Well see, there you go," Aaron told him as he began to play with Billy's nipple. "I've never met anyone like you before either."

Billy felt the tickling sensation of his nipple being played with feeling his dick slightly tingle inside his underwear.

Then Aaron went to pull down Billy's briefs. "If you play with someone's nipple, it'll give em a boner," said Aaron.

Billy giggled seeing his penis getting a little erect. "I think it's working," laughed Billy.

Aaron played with the little buttons on the boys chest until his dick rose to a full boner. Billy was intrigued at how this worked. Aaron's fingertips lightly stroked the tips of the boy's little nipples until Billy's little boner was throbbing up and down.

Billy smiled proud at his bobbing dick. "Look at it," he said intrigued.

Then Aaron let go of Billy's nipples and took hold of his boner lightly stroking it. Billy watched curious. "What are you doing?"

Aaron played with the boy's fleshy little hard rod stroking it with his fingers. "Shh, just relax."

Billy watched a little worried. "You're not going to suck on it are you?"

Aaron jacked on the hard little dick not answering the boy's question.

"Because I don't think mine's ready yet for sucking," he told Aaron jacking on his dick. "It might not do everything the right way."

Aaron cut a quick chuckle then asked, "You've never even shot a wad, have you?"

Billy was hesitant to answer. He started to speak but Aaron stroked his dick even faster. The preteen boy was actually jacking the young boy off. Aaron built up the pace stroking the little boner up and down vigorously. Billy's little balls were jiggling back and forth with his two tiny marbles sloshing around all inside his balsac. This was indeed feeling good.

Aaron jacked and jacked the hard little dick faster and faster until his arms were getting tired. Billy felt tingling sensations soar through his body. He swallowed hard not knowing how much of this pleasure he was going to be able to take. He felt his body become instantly tense. Then suddenly, Aaron's arm could not take anymore and he stopped out of breath. Billy looked at Aaron alarmed, who went to lay in the sand next to him.

"I'm sorry," Billy told Aaron worried.

"It's okay," Aaron consoled Billy.

"My body's just not as developed as you are."

Then Aaron pointed downward to Billy's crotch, "Look."

Billy looked at his softening dick. As it was deflating, clear semen was forming on the tip of the hole. Billy became amazed. "Oh my gosh."

The boy reached his finger forward to touch the clear gel on the tip of his dick. He pulled his finger upward to stretch out it's strand. The thin thread quickly broke. He could not believe his dick produced that same clear gel stuff Aaron's had earlier that night.

Aaron reached his index finger forward and rubbed the clear droplet of gel on the dick's tip. Billy watched as Aaron brought his fingertip up to the tongue in his mouth and licked it. He was intrigued that Aaron Carter had just licked Billy's first drop of semen. "It's salty," said Aaron.

Suddenly, Billy felt eagerly ecstatic. "Now let me do yours," said Billy reaching over for Aaron's nipple.

Billy Gilman played with the nipple on Aaron Carter's chest while watching his preteen boycock rise into a woody. Aaron could feel himself getting horny. Billy liked the shape Aaron's pubescent penis took when it was fully erect. Too excited to wait for Aaron's semen, Billy desperately wanted that dick inside his ass fucking him once again.

The boy looked at Aaron and told him, "Rape me again."

Aaron immediately cut a chuckle at Billy's request.

"Please," begged Billy desperately. "I don't care if the whole wide world sees us here on this beach. Just rape me in the behind like you did before."

Aaron was trying hard not to cut a deeper laugh at Billy's naive terminology. "Okay," spoke Aaron. "But first ya gotta ask me to fuck your butthole instead."

Billy heard Aaron's request confused. "I thought I just did."

Aaron playfully went to rub both of Billy's nipples, "Naw, ya gotta say the words."

Billy giggled feeling the tickling sensations of both his boy-buttons being played with again. "I can't!" laughed Billy. "I never say nasty words."

Then Aaron stopped playing with Billy's nipples and pinned the boy down in the sand. "Wait, you just got through fucking," noted Aaron, "but you can't even say it?"

"Oh, no!" laughed Billy girlishly with Aaron on top of him. "You can't do this to me!"

"Say you want me to fuck your ass and I'll do it to you right here in the sand," said Aaron Carter grinning in Billy Gilman's face.

Billy knew how badly he wanted that to happen. He just had to give in. "Okay," he said. "I want you to...." Billy stopped.

Aaron grinned seeing it hard for Billy to say the words.

"....to....." stammered Billy.

"Come on, say you want me to fuck you, "grinned Aaron.

Then Billy finally blurted, "I want you to fuck me."

"Fuck your what?," asked Aaron grinning.

"I can't believe you are making say this," said Billy desperately wanting the fuck.

"Just say the words," replied Aaron.

Then Billy loudly shouted in Aaron's face, "I WANT YOU TO FUCK MY BUTTHOLE!"

Aaron was surprised that Billy yelled it so loudly. He went down the boy's body pulling his underwear completely off and sternly told him, "I'm gonna fuck the shit right outta yo ass!"

Tingling sensations soared through Billy completely intrigued by Aaron Carter's uninhibited choice of words. Even though the hole of his butt was already sore from before, he could not wait for the boy to hump him once again.

In the sand on the beach, Aaron Carter lifted Billy Gilman's legs upward to a good fuck position aiming his crotch toward the boy's ass. He immediately pushed himself in between Billy's raised legs and stuck the puffy head of his erect dick onto the brownish rippled hole of the butt. Then without a moment's hesitation, Aaron slid his boycock right into the boy's ass. Billy felt Aaron's dick enter the walls of his sore butthole.

Aaron rushed up to Billy's face as he gently pumped into his body. The two naked boys looked deep into each other's eyes with Aaron fucking his boyrod into him on the sandy shore of the beach.

Billy could feel the dick sliding in and out of the tender walls of his butthole slowly picking up speed. Without mercy, Aaron pumped the boy's tight ass harder. Billy felt both the pain and pleasure of his sore hole being fucked. The boy breathed in soft spasms and swallowed hard from this erotic torture. Suddenly, he threw his legs around Aaron's entire body wrapping them completely around him.

Aaron Carter fucked the boy's ass harder and harder with Billy's legs hugging his body tightly. Desperate to end his intense suffering, Billy folded his ankles together and squeezed as tight as he could slowing down Aaron's thrusts. The boy had found a way to end the exotic pain he was feeling inside his ass.

"Oh, shit," thought Aaron, not happy with his fucks being fucked with.

Then without a moment's hesitation, Aaron Carter stopped pumping, reached in back to break the legs behind him apart from each other, then start vigorously fucking the ass again all in a mere two to three seconds flat. He was not putting up with anybody trying to make him stop this fun pleasure. Billy Gilman was going to take his thrusting fuck even if it meant splitting his ass wide open. Aaron Carter was fully determined to fuck the shit right out of the boy no matter how badly it hurt him.

Billy's legs were wildly flying in all directions as Aaron fucked him harder and harder. The boy wanted to moan in the agony he was feeling but all that he could do was whimper high pitched breathing spasms. He wrapped his legs around Aaron's body again clutching his ankles together. If he could not stop the boy from fucking him, at least he could hug onto his body.

Aaron's boycock thrusted in and out of the tight hole of the ass. His balls slapped hard into the butt's cheeks. Once again, the boy was enjoying his second fuck of the night, only this time it was outside on the beach. With Billy's legs wrapped around him, Aaron watched every facial reaction the boy had to his fuck. He saw Billy Gilman's glossy eyes roll to the back of his head then shut tight from the exotic anguish he was feeling. Pressed tightly against Billy's body, Aaron could feel the young boy's boner throbbing to a full erection. He grabbed hold of Billy Gilman's erect pre-pubescent penis and jacked on it as he fucked him.

With his legs wrapped around Aaron's body, securely clasped at the ankles, Billy felt the preteen god take hold of his dick stroking it up and down. The toes on Billy's feet tight curled. Feeling his hard little dick jacked upon, Billy's mind was getting lost in complete ecstasy. The young boy losing his innocence was finding it hard to endure the erotic sensation of his butthole being fucked while his dick was being stroked at the same time.

Pumping his body into Billy's ass, Aaron liked jacking on the fleshy little boner in his hand. He wanked on Billy's pre-pubescent boycock as he rammed his own in and out of the boy's ass.

Billy's head swayed back and forth in an erotic trip heavily breathing in a deep anxiety attack then swallowed hard to make the panting stop but could not. His mind seemed almost completely lost. The boy tried hard not to swallow his tongue as he fell deeper into ecstasy being screwed by the preteen boy he had his legs wrapped around. Breathing heavily, Billy could feel the hard boyrod thrust in and out of his tight butthole while his hard little dick was wildly being jacked away.

Fucking and jacking the boy off, Aaron Carter liked the erotic control he had over Billy Gilman's mind and body. The two boys never seemed to get enough of each other. It was almost as if they could lust and lust upon each other's bodies again and again and still crave for more.

As Aaron fucked the boy hard while vigorously jacking on his dick, Billy's mind was completely lost in erotic pain. His tight little virgin ass had taken so much that night that it would be a wonder if the boy could walk the next day. But as long as Aaron Carter was fucking him, he did not care what he had to endure.

The preteen cock vigorously thrusted in and out of the bruised butthole with the fleshy balls slapping into cheeks. This was one virgin ass getting well broke in.

Billy's body was bucking back and forth like a wild little pony out of control. The exotic sensations soaring through his body from being both fucked and jacked on at the same time was just too much pleasure for an innocent boy to take on one of his very first experiences. His head was spinning out of control breathing deep orgasmic spasms. Aaron grabbed hold of Billy's hair to keep him still. The boy was lost in total ecstasy but Aaron kept pumping his ass as hard a he could never once letting up.

As his boycock went in and out of the hole of the ass, the marbles inside the fleshy ballsac jiggled giving Aaron an extra pleasure that he could not let go of. He just had to keep fucking Billy's ass harder to keep feeling this pleasurable delight going on inside his sack of balls. This caused Aaron to fuck Billy even harder, even faster than before causing a chain reaction to jack-off the boy's throbbing little boner even harder.

Feeling Aaron wildly fucking him even harder, Billy could not take anymore. He tried breaking the grasp Aaron had on his hair but it was too tight. The preteen had the boy pinned down good. Billy was completely in Aaron's erotic power. The boy could not even think straight. His mind seemed lost. If Aaron did not cum soon, Billy would go right out of his mind.

The hard little boycock was thrusting in and out of the butthole so vigorously that suddenly a thin stream of brown liquid oozed out. Billy's asshole was bleeding shit. At last, Aaron Carter was indeed fucking the shit right out of Billy Gilman's ass.

Aaron Carter fucked Billy Gilman's ass as hard as he possibly could. At the moment, he didn't care what pain he was inflicting. All that he knew was how good what he was doing felt. He did not care if he ripped the boy's ass wide open.

Billy could not take anymore of the exotic suffering he was enduring and softly whimpered, "Oh God."

Aaron heard the soft words as he kept ramming his fuck into Billy's ass as hard as he could.

Then feeling the warm stream of shit oozing down the valley of his ass, Billy felt his entire body tense. The toes from the feet clasped together on the legs wrapped around Aaron's body tightly curled as the boy yelled loudly, "OH MY FREAKING GOD!" busting into severe spasms of heavy breathing.

But Aaron Carter was not letting up on his jacks or his fucks. Seeing what he was doing to Billy Gilman turned him on even more as he kept fucking the boy harder while wildly jacking away on his dick. Then all of a sudden, Billy's hard little boycock shot out it's very first wad right through Aaron's fingers all the way up to his own belly button.

A fucking Aaron turned amazed and quickly let go of Billy's throbbing dick. "The little shit is shootin off!" thought Aaron.

Billy quickly looked below knowing that something unusual was going on. He suddenly saw the hole of his boycock shoot a second tiny strand of cream out onto his body right underneath the creamy line already shot below his belly button. He could not believe that he had just shot off for the very first time in his life. All from the precious hand of Aaron Carter.

Aaron's body tensed as he slowed down his fucks feeling himself about to erupt his own load. He quickly pulled his dick out of the shit-streaming hole of Billy's butt aiming it toward the boy's crotch and jacked away on it. Billy was instantly relieved for the dick to finally leave his sore ass.

Aaron wildly jacked on his boycock despite the traces of Billy's shit from it smearing into his fingers. Suddenly, the preteen boy shot his thin strands of cum all over Billy's penis and fleshy balls.

Billy felt the warmth of Aaron's juice hit his erect boycock and quickly rubbed his fingers in it mixing Aaron Carter's sperm into his.

Aaron jacked his dick off shooting out his boy-jism while Billy smeared their sperm all over his own cock. He wanted Aaron's scrumptious juices mixed with his seeping inside him. Billy rubbed the cum massaging it all over his boycock until it was completely absorbed into his own skin.

Then an exhausted Aaron Carter fell on top of Billy Gilman and just laid there.

"I can't believe I did it," Billy told Aaron amazed. "I shot my first sperm."

Collapsed on top of the boy, Aaron simply replied, "Cum."

The two boys were completely full of exhaustion. A naked Aaron Carter laid on top of Billy Gilman's nude body for quite a while completely drained while Billy gently stroked Aaron's spiked blonde hair. All Billy could think about was how great it felt to have Aaron Carter be the one who broke his virginity. His first suck, his first fuck, and now his first wad of cum.

Neither one of the boys could move after the energy they had just expelled. All they wanted to do was lay in the sand on top of each other's naked bodies until their minds returned.

Then suddenly, Billy noticed a jogger passing by on the beach. He quickly shook Aaron who was passed out on top of him. "Aaron, wake up."

Aaron Carter's nude body immediately rolled off of Billy Gilman into the sand as both boy's pubescent crotches were revealed upon their bare bodies. Aaron's eye caught glimpse of the jogger passing by.

A stark naked Billy Gilman looked ashamed as he quickly covered his face with his sandy hands hoping not to be recognized. The jogger saw the two young boys laying naked on the beach as he ran by. A nude Aaron Carter just laid in the sand coolly cutting a suave look back at the jogger as he trotted off not caring to be bothered by whatever mischief these boys were doing.

Billy was in total shock as he peeked through his sandy fingers at the jogger trotting away. He knew that the jogger saw them laying on top of each other naked in the sand since he was not even 10 feet away. Then Aaron began giggling at what had just occurred.

"Oh my gosh," spoke Billy worried. "What if he recognized us?"

Aaron laughed.

"I'm serious," said Billy. "He looks like the type who listens to country music."

Then Aaron laughed even harder falling back flat into the sand.

"It's not funny," spoke Billy to Aaron.

"Yea," laughed Aaron. "I bet he has your CD above his bed wackin off to all your songs every night!"

Billy gasped surprised as he went to slap Aaron, who immediately rolled his sandy body over causing Billy to miss him. Then suddenly, it hit Billy as he looked around, "Oh my gosh!" starting to jump up. "It's almost morning," said Billy reaching for his pajamas.

"Oh no, it is," realized Aaron as he saw Billy putting his sandy pajamas on his sandy body and giggled.

"Look at me," spoke Billy seeing Aaron laugh at him.

The two boys bodies were both completely full of sand, dried smears of sperm and other boyish smudges from all of their youthful adventures that night. Billy felt filthy but enjoyed every morsel of dirt on him since it all had come from Aaron.

Then Aaron took Billy by the hand leading him off, "Come on. Let's get outta here."

Hand in hand, the two boys ran toward Aaron's dirt-bike. Billy Gilman felt like he was in heaven as Aaron Carter's hand led him forward across the sand. The two boys rushed up to the dirt-bike while Aaron started it up with Billy climbing on back wrapping his arms around his waist.

Feeling the boy tightly clutching the pecs of his bare torso, Aaron knew that Billy was ready to go. Then Aaron took off peeling out in the sand. Billy screamed from all of the action going on as Aaron grinned at scaring Billy. The two dirty boys took off down the beach on the dirt-bike leaving behind the imprints of their wild boyhood adventure deep in the sand on the beach. Soon, the beach would be covered with people playing in the sand where Aaron Carter left his mark upon the once virginic Billy Gilman.

Stay tuned for further chapters as the forbidden lust of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman takes the boys to more levels in their erotic boyhood adventures.

Next: Chapter 4

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