Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Jan 26, 2002



by Lil Boney Boy

"Angelic faces can have devilish desires."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.


That night, Billy Gilman laid in bed thinking about the wild fun that he had with Aaron Carter, The Prince Of Pop in the back of the limo. He tossed and turned thinking how extremely beautiful that blond spiked haired boy seemed to him. Aaron Carter was everything that Billy wished for. Everything about this All-American boy was just too perfect. He thought about Aaron Carter all night long hardly getting any sleep with all sorts of visions flashing through his mind of what Aaron's body looked like inside the limo. Those perfectly shaped soft colored nipples that peeked at him through the rips of his shirt, that thin under-developed patch of fuzzy pubics, those beautiful boyish balls, that gorgeous pinkish pre-teen cock!

The few times Billy managed to fall asleep were all filled with wonderful dreams of him and Aaron together. Billy had never felt this way about anybody before in his life. He could not wait until his eyes saw Aaron Carter again.

The next morning, Billy felt something flop upon him. His eyes opened to focus on a newspaper on top of him.

"Take a look," said his mother. "You and that boy made the front page."

Billy sat up looking to see a colored photo on the front page of the newspaper of him laying flat on the sidewalk with a shirtless Aaron Carter right on top of him with captions reading, "Little Prince Of Pop On Top With Country Boy" as instantly Billy's face turned to complete surprise.

"Pretty riskay photo to break a story of you boys teaming up together," spoke his mom.

Billy stared at the photo in complete awe as he turned to his mom, "Can I get a bunch of more copies of these?"

His mom was jolted from Billy's eagerness as the boy rushed out of bed to get dressed and begin his exciting day of rehearsing with Aaron Carter. He could barely even eat the breakfast his mom had ordered in to the suite. All he wanted to do was get to the rehearsal hall to be with Aaron. His mother just had to comment on Billy's eagerness, "I have never seen you this excited about working with someone before."

Billy wiped his mouth and rushed away from the table.

Soon, Billy Gilman arrived at the rehearsal hall early. Neither Aaron Carter nor Lil Bow Wow was there yet. People were going over with Billy as to which songs he would be singing as Billy kept looking around anticipating Aaron's arrival.

"Billy?" his manager asked, "Did you hear me?"

"Yea," Billy replied. "Do you know when Aaron's arriving?"

"Aaron?" his manager asked.

"Aaron Carter. They said he would be rehearsing with me today."

"I'm sorry but Aaron has another engagement today. He won't be joining us."

Billy's heart nearly dropped. He instantly rose from his stool in complete horror. "But I thought we were rehearsing a song together."

"I'm sorry but Aaron Carter is one extremely popular boy right now. You will be rehearsing with Lil Bow Wow. There is a song you three boys will be singing together at the very end of the concert."

Every word Billy had heard cut right into him like a knife and twisted itself inside him.

Then the rehearsal hall door behind the empty audience seats opened as Lil Bow Wow entered with his people. Billy turned around to see Lil Bow Wow entering with no Aaron Carter beside him. He could not believe that he was not going to get to even see Aaron at all that day. He felt his whole day was ruined. His entire world was crushed.

Lil Bow Wow's people more or less took over the hall. On stage, Billy Gilman tried hard to hold back the tears his eyes were trying to burst knowing that this was not going to be such a hot day after all. As Lil Bow Wow walked on one side of the stage to go to him, Billy Gilman left on the other. Lil Bow Wow saw Billy leaving off the other side of the stage thinking that he was leaving from not liking him much after the incidents in the limo the night before. Billy walked away through the auditorium seats upset about to burst into tears from the devastating news that he had received.

Then he heard Lil Bow Wow call out, "Yo Billy! Where you off to, dude?"

Billy heard Lil Bow Wow's voice and knew that there was no way he could endure his teasing right then. He continued in his path just wanting to run somewhere and cry his little broken heart out.

"I got a lil message for you," Lil Bow Wow yelled out.

Suddenly, Billy slowed down in his tracks when he heard what Lil Bow Wow yelled from the stage. Could the message he had be from.....?

"Yo, Billy Gilman! Git up here!" Lil Bow Wow called out. "I got a somethin to give you from Aaron Carter!"

Instantly, Billy froze in his tracks at the mere mention of Aaron's name. He knew that he had to get hold of himself quickly if he was going to deal with Lil Bow Wow. He quickly turned around facing toward Lil Bow Wow not even caring if cool little rapper saw his moist eyes. He had to know what that little tightly braided haired black boy had for him from Aaron. Billy found himself walking back to the stage toward Lil Bow Wow, who watched as Billy Gilman returned back to him.

"Come on dude, we gotta do dis song, man," Lil Bow Wow told Billy Gilman as he sat on the stool prepared for him on stage in front of his sheet music stand.

Billy rushed up to Lil Bow Wow anxious to hear the message he had to give to him from Aaron. "What is the message?" asked Billy eagerly.

"Huh?" asked Lil Bow Wow in a quick pretense of not knowing. "Oh, dis, " he said as he got up from his stool.

Lil Bow Wow took Billy Gilman by the hand leading him away. Just as the night before, Billy once again felt himself being led somewhere by the rough-seeming, dark-skinned hand of Lil Bow Wow. He took Billy to the side of the stage away from everyone and told him, "Aaron told me to give this note to you."

Billy looked in Lil Bow Wow's hand which held a folded note. "Oh my gosh," thought Billy. "Aaron Carter wrote me a note?"

Suddenly, Lil Bow Wow did not seem so scary. Billy reached forward to take the note out of his hand. The little black rapper watched as Billy Gilman turned away opening the note to read it. With his back toward Lil Bow Wow, Billy's mind completely focused on nothing except the note he held in his hands that Aaron Carter had written to him. As Billy read the note, he heard Aaron's voice in his mind reading the words just as if he was actually there speaking them to him.

"Hey Billy. I had so much fun last night and want to know if you will meet up with me again this time in my hotel suite. If you don't want to, that's okay. I will understand. If you do, I'm in room 815. Try to sneak over at midnight after everyone has gone to bed. Your pal, Aaron Carter."

Billy could not move. He seemed momentarily paralyzed with complete mesmerization from what he had just read.

Lil Bow Wow was looking to see Billy Gilman's reaction from having read the note.

Suddenly, Billy raised his hand in the air and pulled it down yelling, "Yes!" while lifting his leg up in a stance.

As Billy stood in his stance, he saw Lil Bow Wow looking at him from the side. Billy quickly tried to get a hold of himself.

"Hey, are we gonna sing dis song or wut?" asked Lil Bow Wow going forward back to their stools in center stage.

Billy tried to maintain himself and not act as excited as he felt inside, "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes," he told Lil Bow Wow as he went to follow.

Center stage, Lil Bow Wow sat on his stool in front of his sheet music stand as Billy rushed over to sit on his stool beside him. The two boys looked over the lyrics reading them lightly mumbling the words. Then in no time, feeling-really-good-inside, Billy stood up from his stool in front of his sheet music stand clearing his throat ready to sing his part of the song.

From the corner of his eye, Lil Bow Wow saw Billy Gilman about to sing thinking that he can not possibly be ready that fast.

Then Billy began singing the words to the song immediately catching the full attention of Lil Bow Wow. As Billy Gilman sang the words so strongly with his beautifully fine tuned voice, Lil Bow Wow was completely surprised at how good this boy sounded. Everyone in the rehearsal hall immediately stopped in their tracks at whatever they were doing as Billy Gilman's heavenly voice caught their complete attention. Billy belted the words out so strongly probably sounding even better than the song was originally written.

All an amazed Lil Bow Wow thought was how could someone so young have such a good singing voice. Even though, Lil Bow Wow was into rap, this had to be the best singing the little rapper ever heard in his life.

Soon, Billy Gilman was through singing. The entire auditorium was completely quiet for a few seconds with everyone blown away from the sounds they had just heard. Then suddenly, everybody busted into applaud clapping as an amazed Lil Bow Wow praised Billy, patting him on the back for singing so good, "Woah, dude! Where yo learn to sing like dat!"

Billy smiled brightly feeling good inside. "Thanks," he said, glad that everyone liked it.

Everyone praised Billy including many of Lil Bow Wow's black people saying they never heard anyone sing so good. Lil Bow Wow was developing a whole new outlook on this little Billy Gilman dude.

Billy looked over the sheet music more to see Aaron Carter's parts of the song as Lil Bow Wow watched everyone in rehearsal hall return back to what they were doing. He cleared his throat and lightly mumbled to Billy, "Yo Billy. You still remember about last night?"

Suddenly, Billy stopped reading, freezing from hearing Lil Bow Wow's question. Without even looking at him, he slightly nodded.

"You gonna meet up wit him?" Lil Bow asked.

Billy mumbled his answer, "I don't know."

Lil Bow Wow softly spoke in mumble where no one else could hear, "You know what he wants from you dont chew?"

Billy looked toward Lil Bow Wow and slightly nodded. Of course he knew what Aaron Carter wanted from him since it was the same exciting thing he also wanted from Aaron himself.

Then Lil Bow Wow shook his head. "Man, you a star, " he told Billy Gilman. "I hear you one of de biggess stars in country. You see how people treachew like you somebody special?"

Billy was surprised to hear Lil Bow Wow say this about him.

"You go to him tonight and all he wants is one ting," Lil Bow Wow told him. "Dat will be all he ever want from you."

Billy thought deeply about what Lil Bow Wow was saying. He then asked, "You wanted him, didn't you?"

Lil Bow Wow suddenly froze startled by Billy's question. He looked at the white boy, who seemed to be waiting for the answer.

Billy Gilman was curious as to what had occurred between Aaron Carter and Lil Bow Wow in the past.

Then Lil Bow shook his head a little jolted, "Man, you...." he searched for what to say back. "You don't know wut you talkin bout."

Then Billy asked him, "Why did you give me to him last night?"

Lil Bow Wow heard the question as he looked at Billy. "Whatchew mean?" he directly asked.

"You gave Aaron to me in the limo," said Billy as Lil Bow Wow listened staring, "when you wanted him really badly yourself."

Lil Bow Wow knew what Billy said was true and did not know how to respond back.

Billy felt a little uncomfortable at what he had just told Lil Bow Wow and turned to walk away.

Lil Bow Wow saw Billy leaving and softly spoke, "Look at me."

Billy stopped in his tracks and looked straight at Lil Bow Wow.

"What color do you see?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

Billy's face changed not knowing how to answer.

"Yo Lil Prince Of Pop thinks he's too good to do it wit a black boy," Lil Bow Wow told Billy seeming to hide the hurt he felt from the words.

Billy heard the black boy's emotional words feeling a little sorry for him.

Sitting on the stool in front of his sheet music, Lil Bow Wow tried hard to hide what he felt inside. Then Billy turned away leaving Lil Bow Wow alone on the stage. Lil Bow Wow wanted to say more but with all the people in the rehearsal hall, he just watched Billy Gilman walk away.

That night, laying in bed, Billy hugged his pillow in the dark. He looked at Aaron's note in his hand reading it for the hundredth time that day. His hands brought the note up to his nose to smell any scent of Aaron Carter from it that he could. Then Billy looked at the clock reading midnight. It was time for Billy to go to Aaron.

Billy laid confused not knowing what to do. A part of him wanted so badly to go to Aaron Carter as the note requested, but another part of him was scared to. He knew that what he desperately desired to do with Aaron was wrong. Boys just did not go around doing that sort of thing with each other. Billy had to resist. He just had to push the thoughts of the forbidden thing he wanted to do with Aaron Carter out of his mind. But no matter how hard he resisted, no matter how wrong it was, he knew that he wanted that gorgeous boy and his luscious body more than anything he had ever wanted in his entire life.

Billy Gilman laid in bed frustrated trying to sort out in his mind what he should do. His eyes began getting heavier and soon they closed. Billy fell fast asleep. His hand dropped to the side of the bed with Aaron's note falling out onto the floor. Billy's eyes were shut as his body lay lifelessly asleep. Instantly, he began dreaming about Aaron Carter inside the back of the limo: his succulent nipple, his underwear being pulled downward to reveal the boycock underneath, the little strands of blond peach-fuzz pubic hair surrounding Aaron's dick, about him sucking so vigorously hard on Aaron's dick until it shot strands of cream all over his face drenching him until he nearly drowned in it. He dreamed of Aaron's body falling on top of him on the sidewalk outside the hotel in a crowd full of people; Aaron's luscious smooth-skinned chest falling right into his face feeling it's puffy impact smushing him downward. Suddenly, Billy felt something jump on top of him in his bed whispering, "Hey Billy, wake up."

Billy's eyes opened to find a shirtless Aaron Carter on top of him in his bed wearing nothing but his underwear. Was the dream that he was having of shirtless Aaron Carter falling on top of him out on the sidewalk actually coming to life? Billy knew that this had to be another wondrous part of his dream. There was no way the fantasy of having Aaron Carter alone in a bed on top of him in nothing but his underwear could possibly be true.

With his impish grin, Aaron bent down toward Billy's face. Billy watched that blond spiked haired, smooth-skinned shirtless body once again come down toward him. "I waited for you, Billy," Aaron whispered in Billy's ear. "Howcome you didn't come to my room at midnight?"

"Aaron?" Billy softly asked waking from a near dead sleep. "Is that really you?"

Aaron cut a silent giggle at how much of a dead sleep Billy seemed to be coming out of.

"Or is this another dream?" asked Billy.

"Believe me, this is no dream dude," Aaron mumbled to Billy recalling all the hell he had to go through to get himself inside Billy's suite. "I snuck in here to see you."

Aaron knelt above Billy so that the bulge of his white underwear hung in Billy's face, "Remember how hot we were last night?" mumbled Aaron.

An awakening Billy could feel the tip of Aaron's dick through his briefs as it rested on his lips. When Aaron Carter wanted something, he wasted no time. Billy wanted so desperately to start sucking on Aaron's penis right through the cotton cloth of the underwear. With the dick touching his lip through the briefs, Billy looked up at Aaron. "My mom might hear us in the other room," he said as his lips gently rubbed against Aaron's clothed penis when he spoke.

Feeling the penis in his briefs rubbing against Billy's mouth when he talked, Aaron's dick began to get harder. "So we'll be quiet," whispered a horny Aaron. "No one will hear anything we're doing."

Billy watched as Aaron's fingers began to pull down the top of his underwear. The penis of Aaron Carter clothed in front of his face was about to be revealed to Billy Gilman all over again. He swallowed deep as he watched eager to see Aaron's genuine dick in front of him once again and not in one of his many previous dreams. Billy watched as Aaron's hand pulled the white cotton briefs downward finally revealing his luscious looking penis underneath. The boy felt his heart beating rapidly at the sight upon the wondrous looking dick before him.

Seeing Billy's eyes feasted upon his pre-teen cock, Aaron softly spoke, "Nobody has ever sucked me off as good as you did."

Billy's eyes was feasted on the most perfect looking boycock anyone could ever possibly imagine. He licked his lips breathing in lust hungry for the taste of that delicious fleshy stick wonder of Aaron Carter's once again.

A horny Aaron grinned knowing Billy Gilman wanted his boycock as it bobbled around in his face. The semi-erect pre-teen penis seemed to have a life of it's own swirling around to get erect like a worm squirming all around to get out of it's hole in the ground. Then Aaron rested his twirling boycock flat down on Billy's lips. He knew that there was no way the boy was going to be able to resist what he was doing to him.

With the semi-erect dick throbbing on top of his lips, Billy deeply feared what he was about to do to Aaron.

Then Billy suddenly turned his head the other way uttering the word, "No."

Aaron's face turned startled. His penis dropped to Billy's ear when the boy's head turned. Aaron Carter could not believe that Billy Gilman was actually rejecting him turning his head away from the body he was offering to him. Had he misread the signals? Nobody hardly ever rejected Aaron in anything. He just had a natural way with people in nearly everything he did.

With his head turned away from Aaron's crotch, Billy could not believe what he had just done. The boy whom Billy had dreamed about was naked in his bed offering himself to him completely and he was actually turning the godly creature of lust down.

Aaron Carter felt his dick go instantly limp. He knew that he could not have possibly been wrong about the way Billy Gilman felt about him. His instincts about the boy were just too strong. Remembering all that had occurred between them in the limo, outside on the sidewalk in front of a whole entire crowd, in the elevator in front of the elevator boy, Aaron knew that Billy Gilman must have wanted him. What went wrong? Why did Billy suddenly changed his mind about Aaron? Had somebody told him something since the day before? Or did Billy Gilman just really not like Aaron after all?

Before giving up, Aaron knew that he had to at least try to find out. He bent down to whisper, "Billy?"

Billy swallowed deep at the sound of Aaron Carter's voice. Despite what Lil Bow Wow had told him, Billy knew what Aaron was doing was going to be hard to resist.

Aaron was scared to say the words for fear of Billy rejecting him more but this was a boy who instantly conquered his fears and did the opposite. "That was the hottest I've ever felt in my whole entire life," whispered Aaron to Billy.

Billy heard the words thinking in his mind over and over, "I have to resist. I have to resist," even though he was rather drawn to Aaron Carter's uninhibited persistence. This was a boy who when he wanted something, he did not let anything stand in his way. And this was one of the things that seemed to turn Billy on about him.

Then with Billy's face turned away from him, Aaron went right up to Billy's ear and whispered, "I want you to suck on my dick all over again."

Billy felt the sensation of Aaron's breath on his ear as he spoke the words. He knew Aaron Carter need not ask him again. Fuck Lil Bow Wow. Billy Gilman was going to suck the dick of Aaron Carter all night long.

The boy could not help but feel scared as he turned his head back toward Aaron. With Aaron on top of him, the two boys were face to face of each other only inches apart. Billy could feel Aaron's soft warm breath breathing on his lips. Inside him, Aaron was scared as to what Billy's answer was going to be but on the outside, he tried not to show any fear in his effort to keep reflecting his all-boy composure.

This was the closest Billy had been to Aaron's flawless looking face as he quickly studied it's every perfection. Canvassed all around a heavenly looking frame of bleached blondish spiked hair was a youthful tone colored to perfection by the sun and carefully placed upon a beautifully boyish smooth skinned face. The thin ripples on his thick pinkish lips, the way his almost pug-seeming nose rounded on the sides as the shaft of the nose went up his face curving deeply inward, his gleaming brown eyes glistening as they looked upon you, the boyish brown eyebrows flawlessly fanning in all directions above them, and a half inch scar between his eyes slanting at what appeared to be an exact 45 degree angle were just all too irresistible. There was no way on earth Billy Gilman was going to be able to refuse this perfect creature of lust. He knew that he just had to give in to Aaron Carter's body or regret it forever.

Billy then softly whispered to Aaron so faintly that he was almost afraid to say the word, "Okay."

But Aaron heard the soft whisper loud and clear as a rush of relief instantly soared through him at the sound of the boy's answer. Aaron backed away from Billy's face.

Billy watched Aaron's magnificent face back away from his, wondering what incident could possibly have happened to scar something so gorgeous just barely missing those dazzling eyes......and what exciting danger was that body about to inflict upon his?

Aaron moved eagerly positioning himself to where his soft un-erect hanging dick hung exactly in the right place above the boy's lips. Billy looked at the delectable fleshy penis hanging above him. It's youthful skin had thin boyish wrinkles from having shriveled to it's softness over the past few minutes. Every inch of Aaron's dick, every slim fold of boyish skin it perfected, every thin crease all the way to the frenulum line leading to it's puffy head was made to complete perfection. Billy knew that no boy on earth could ever possess a dick more wondrous than this.

Then Billy noticed something on the hole of the penis that he had not noticed before. He focused in more closely on the dickhead hanging above him and saw a thick drop of clear liquid gel bobbling out from the tip of the penis hole. The clear liquid seemed way too thick to be a drop of pee dangling around as it hung. Billy wondered what this stuff was since it did not seem much like the white strands of cream Aaron had shot out all over his face the night before.

As Aaron's body moved, the clear gel on the hole of his dick began to thickly fall like an icicle right down toward Billy's lips underneath. Suddenly, Billy quickly thrusted out his tongue like a lizard grabbing it's prey. He licked upward at the oozing jism as his tongue caught hold of it stretching the strand outward as he pulled back.

Billy liked the way the thread of clear gel did not break and hung on his tongue right straight from the hole of Aaron's penis. He wanted to play with this strand some more. The boy let his tongue play with the thin cord of semen seeing more clear jism ooze out of the hole of Aaron's boycock. Billy quickly thrusted out another lick at the thick drop of falling clear gel causing two strands of different sizes to dangle outward stretching from the penis hole to his tongue. He then had two strings of gel dangling upon his tongue from Aaron's dickhole. Soon, the second strand fell into the first forming one.

Above, a grinning Aaron Cater was enjoying watching Billy Gilman let his tongue play with the chords of his jism below. Billy liked playing this new fun game and even liked the light salty taste of Aaron's clear gel. The boys were having fun both experiencing something new for their first time.

As one strand of jism would break, Billy's tongue immediately licked up for another pulling it outward. Aaron's gel was so thick that it was almost like Billy's tongue was playing a game of pull-and-stretch with thin clear nylon thread.

Aaron cut a soft giggle having fun watching Billy move his tongue all around down below playing with his semen. A strand from the penis hole would stretch outward on the tongue. Then Billy would start moving his head lightly in circles to make the thread of jism swaying like a thin clear jump rope turning in circles. At one time, Billy was dangling around three strands of semen all at once. This fun game of foreplay was getting Aaron aroused as his boycock grew slightly stiffer causing even more thicker gel to ooze out of his dickhole.

Billy could no longer resist. He had to have Aaron's luscious penis inside his mouth once again. He noticed a thick strand of gel oozing out of the erecting dick's hole. The droplet was so thick that Billy had to hurry and catch it before it fell down out of his mouth's grasp. Suddenly, Billy gobbled the erecting boycock right into his mouth as the strand of semen that he did not manage to catch went flying.

Aaron Carter watched Billy Gilman instantly suck his preteen dick into his mouth like a super sonic vacuum while Aaron rushed to catch the strand of flying jism. The thick strand flew into Aaron's fingers wrapping all around them.

Billy sucked away on Aaron's dick as he could not believe that he at last finally had this magical wand of flesh inside his mouth and that he was once again enjoying it's delicious candy-like taste. Only this time, Aaron's wondrous boycock tasted even more succulent than ever.

Aaron wondered what to do with the thick gel-gunk caught in his fingers. He looked at Billy sucking away on his dick below then grabbed hold of the blond hair on top of the boy's head with one hand and rubbed the semen off all over his face's sucking cheeks with the other.

Billy Gilman was so involved on sucking Aaron's dick that he never even noticed that his hair had been grabbed. He sucked vigorously on the boycock feeling it instantly grow harder inside his mouth. The boy shut his eyes while Aaron rubbed his jism from his fingers upon his cheeks. Billy loved savoring anything that would be so luscious to come out of any part of Aaron's body, yet alone the hole of his dick.

Aaron rubbed all of his clear thick boy-gel onto Billy's face while the boy sucked wildly on his dick. The boy could instantly feel the lustful moisture seeping through his skin as if Aaron Carter's juices was actually penetrating through him inside his entire body. Billy had this lustful young boygod's dick in his mouth and his semen-seed planted inside him.

Aaron could feel the sensation of Billy's intense sucking trying to take over his body. With this only being his second suck ever, Billy Gilman seemed already a pro. Aaron began gently pumping his boycock in and out of the boy's mouth fucking his face while he wildly sucked away on the dick like never before.

Sitting up in bed with Aaron knelt before him, Billy grabbed the back of Aaron's buttocks sucking hard on the erect preteen penis thrusting in and out of his mouth. Aaron grabbed hold of the back of Billy's head as he fucked his hard flesh-rod in and out of the boy's mouth vigorously nearly falling forward from pumping his face so hard. The two horny youngsters were out of control in complete erotic ecstasy as Aaron Carter wildly fucked his boycock as hard as he could in and out of the mouth of Billy Gilman.

Feeling the hard throbbing dick thrusting in and out his mouth as he sucked away on it, Billy was lost in too much sucking activity to wonder whether his braces might scrape the skin of Aaron's rock hard penis. If the braces were doing so, Aaron was lost in so much fucking activity to even feel the erotic pain.

Billy squeezed his hands into the hard all-boy muscles of Aaron's puffy buttocks. He could feel every butt muscle flex as it fucked in and out of his mouth. All Billy could think of was that this had to be the most perfect ass any boy had ever possessed as he squeezed the cheeks even tighter.

Aaron felt the thrill of the boy wildly squeezing the muscles of his buttocks as they flexed from fucking him causing a horny Aaron to fuck Billy's face even harder. The boy was sucking so wildly that he was almost completely lost in this new hot act of passion.

The two boys were fucking and sucking so hard that the whole bed was shaking. Billy had never played this rough with anyone before in his life. The harder Aaron pumped his dick in and out of Billy's mouth, the harder the boy sucked it. Aaron fucked and fucked Billy's face over and over until the two boys were nearly completely out of breath. Then tensing up, Aaron felt himself about to explode right inside Billy's mouth.

As he sucked on the throbbing boycock, Billy felt the dick get extremely tense inside his mouth just the way it did the night before when it shot off all of that cream. But Billy kept sucking away not even caring. Let Aaron Carter shoot off every drop of his creamy delights all inside Billy's mouth if he wanted. He didn't care if he choked on Aaron's delicious sperm---as long as it was Aaron Carter shooting it inside him.

Then suddenly, he felt Aaron pull his dick out of his mouth. For a second, Billy felt himself sucking on nothing but air. His delicious tasting lollipop was suddenly gone.

"No," thought Aaron, having just pulled his dick from Billy's mouth. It was way too soon for him to shoot his load. He wanted this fun game with Billy to last longer.

Billy wondered what was going on. Why did Aaron stop this pleasurable game they were playing with each other? He looked at Aaron to see what he was doing.

Aaron Carter grabbed hold of Billy Gilman's pajamas and pulled them down anxious to see the dick inside his crotch. Billy felt Aaron rape off his clothes. Then Aaron feasted his eyes on Billy Gilman's little boner. He was surprised to see not even a patch of hair anywhere near the boy's hard little dick. Just smooth silky skin everywhere.

"Oh my gosh," thought Billy. "He's looking at my dick!"

Billy had not expected Aaron Carter to be interested in what he looked like below but Aaron could not help his curiosity. He was completely amazed at Billy's angelic fleshy boy-package. So much pureness, so much innocence that Aaron was vastly losing with every passing day of puberty. He studied all of the ridged ripples covering Billy's ballsac which resembled two peanuts in a fleshy shell leading to the base of the penis shaft where not one strand of hair sprouted.

Billy Gilman watched wondering what Aaron thought of him down there. He was worried that he might not like his little under-developed boyish package since Aaron's pre-teen cock seemed to have been slightly ahead of him in puberty despite their same ages.

However, Aaron didn't seem to have any negative thoughts whatsoever about Billy's penis. He wanted to touch the soft angelic skin and dive right into it's pure innocence. He gently rubbed his fingers across the smooth flesh of Billy's groin.

Billy felt the tickle of Aaron's fingers feeling him off. He smiled feeling a little more laxed.

Then with his eyes feasted upon the two fleshy peanuts laying before him, Aaron's hand grabbed hold of Billy's sack of smooth skinned balls rubbing into them while his other hand played with his fleshy little boner.

Billy felt a jolt as his balls were grabbed upon, and another as his hard little dick was clutched. He knew that Aaron Carter was about to shift all of his gears.

Aaron's hand moved Billy's cock around like a stick-shift while his other hand played with the fleshy marbles inside the ballsac. Aaron found Billy to have an intriguing set of balls that seemed to dance around in their sack as he played with them. They almost seemed like peanuts sloshing around in a shell of flesh. Aaron grinned at the fun he was having watching the balls dance around while playing with them.

Feeling his erect little dick being clutched around in all directions, Billy felt the erotic delight of his balls being jiggled about.

Aaron moved on to Billy's penis, rubbing his index finger up the shaft's bottom line of the underside, toward the foreskin reaching the dick's frenulum line.

Just as soon as Aaron's finger touched the G-spot of the frenulum, Billy giggled outloud from the tickle.

Aaron grinned at Billy's reaction then playfully thumped the hard little boner as Billy immediately hunched in pain laughing as if it hurt and tickled at the same time.

"What are you doing?" asked Billy laughing.

"Shshhhhhhhhhh," replied Aaron softly, as he went to Billy's ear and whispered, "Just shut your eyes and let Aaron Carter surprise you."

Billy liked the idea a lot and did as Aaron asked. He closed his eyes anxious to let Aaron Carter do whatever he wanted to with his body. He thought that Aaron was going to start sucking on his dick but then suddenly Billy felt his legs go up in the air. What on earth was Aaron doing with him?

Aaron lifted Billy's butt up to a good fuck position. He stuck his hard erect semen tipped boycock up against the rippled hole of Billy's butt.

Laying with his eyes closed, Billy felt something moist touch his butthole slightly giggling from the tickle. Billy thought that whatever Aaron was doing to him sure felt good. Aaron slightly rubbed the tip of his dick on the ripples of Billy's butthole to let the semen seeping from his penis hole lubricate the ass before pushing it in. Billy giggled a little more from the tickle Aaron's dick was giving the hole of his butt.

"Shhh," whispered Aaron almost giggling himself as he pushed him crotch forward.

The tip of Aaron's erect dick opened up the ridged hole of the butt as it pushed it's way inside.

Billy felt something go inside his butt. "Oh my gosh," Billy thought. "What is Aaron doing to me?"

Aaron pushed his dick inside what seemed to be a very small tight ass, so tight that it hurt his hard erect penis as it pushed it's way through. He could not believe that the hole of a butt could be so tiny. He could not help but think that this tight ass is going to need some working. He slowly fucked his dick in and out of the boy's little butthole.

Billy felt the pain of his extremely tight hole being slowly fucked. All the boy could think of was how weird this new game felt but he did not care as long as it was Aaron Carter doing it to him.

Aaron slowly worked his dick in and out of Billy's tight ass picking up a bit more speed with each fuck he pumped.

Billy swallowed hard feeling the erotic pain this game was giving him. He knew that Aaron told him to keep his eyes closed but he did not care. The boy had to look and see exactly what Aaron Carter was doing to him. With his knees pressed in his face, Billy opened his moist eyes catching a glimpse of what seemed to be Aaron pumping his dick in and out of his butthole. No, he had to stop him. It hurt too much. The feeling was too much for the virginic boy to bear. Lost in the erotic painful pleasure this was giving him, without even thinking, Billy's hand went to push on Aaron to make him stop but Aaron quickly pushed Billy's hand away and continued fucking his tight little ass. Billy did not give the reflex another thought and just swallowed hard taking the fuck.

As Aaron's boycock thrusted in and out of the ripples of Billy's tight little hole, Aaron felt his dick getting sore with each pump. Feeling the soreness this was giving his dick, he knew it must be killing Billy's ass.

Billy breathed heavily from the painful lust of what Aaron was doing to his tight little butthole knowing that he had to stop him. "Please stop," whispered Billy swallowing hard.

Even though this was killing Aaron's dick, he did not want to stop. He wanted to rip the hole of Billy Gilman's ass wide open.

Then Billy swallowed hard and yelled louder, "Stop!"

Aaron knew that he had to do something quick. On the next outward thrust, Aaron pulled his boycock out of Billy's tight ass causing a loud pop from the suction the tightness had formed inside.

Billy could not help but feel relief that Aaron had stopped. His butthole was throbbing in pain. "I sorry," said Billy out of breath.

But Aaron was not finished with the boy yet. Suddenly, Billy felt his legs raise higher in the air, pushing him back further. What was going on now?

Aaron raised the boy's body upward to get his face closer to his throbbing butthole. He noticed the skin around Billy's tender asshole slightly bruised while the hole seemed to be gasping breaths opening and closing over and over on it's own. There was no doubt this was indeed one virgin who had never been fucked before. Aaron just knew that he had to be the first one ever to explode inside Billy's ass no matter how hard he rejected him.

Holding the boy's body upward, Aaron oozed spit out on his index finger. He brought his wet finger up to the rippled texture of Billy's butthole.

Billy laid with his body propped in the air not having any idea what Aaron was doing to him below. With his knees bent in his face, he was not exactly able to see what was going on.

Then Aaron touched his spit-tipped index finger on the rippled ridges of Billy's tender hole and lubricated it. The sore butthole breathed spasms wildly opening and closing on it's own while Aaron's finger massaged his spit all around.

Pinned upward with his knees in his face, Billy could feel something moist touching the throbbing hole of his butt. Whatever it was sure felt good.

Aaron ooozed out more spit from his mouth down toward the butthole to add more lubrication as he rubbed it's ridges. Billy felt the tickles and almost cut a giggle.

Then suddenly, Aaron poked his index finger inside the hole of the ass. Instantly, Billy felt something thin go inside his butthole. Only this time it did not feel so badly.

Aaron gently fingered in and out of Billy's asshole as if it be working it. Billy liked the erotic sensation the thrill was giving him. More spit oozed downward from Aaron's mouth right onto the ripples of the butt as he then pushed in a second finger---the middle one---into the hole right alongside of the index.

Billy suddenly felt something else enter his hole as he gasped feeling the erotic pain this gave him. He wanted to breathe heavily but held back from making a sound. He knew that he had to let Aaron do whatever it was he was doing to him.

Aaron probed his two fingers around in Billy's ass moving them all about while oozing more spit from his mouth hoping all of this was loosening up Billy's hole so he could once again fuck it.

Billy swallowed hard loving the exotic feeling this was giving him. The boy knew this was indeed playing nasty but he did not care. All he wanted was Aaron Carter to keep doing the pleasurable games he was doing to him all night long.

Aaron double-fingered Billy's butthole working them in and out the ridged ripples of the tight ass as two or three speckles of Billy's shit graced Aaron's fingers. But being all-boy who could care less about such trivials, Aaron never even saw the granules of Billy's poo. He noticed the virginic skin of the hole stretch outward as his fingers worked pushing their way in and out of the ass. The boy's fingers worked the stretches of tight skin over and over probing all inside Billy's butthole. He noticed the ass to become fully bruised from being worked out of it's virginic stage. Aaron knew this hole was ready to be fucked as he pulled his two slightly shit-smeared fingers out of the butt.

Suddenly, Billy felt the wonderful activity going on inside his ass come to a complete hault.

Aaron quickly brought his fingers up to his nose taking in a quick wiff as he smelled the shitty aroma from the butt they had just fingered. Ignoring the scent, Aaron positioned Billy's body for fucking.

Billy felt his knees leave his face as Aaron repositioned his body for whatever he wanted to do to it. He watched the slightly blurred vision of Aaron Carter's face while sticking his groin up to his ass. Billy knew that Aaron was about to ram his dick inside him again. All he could think of was how Aaron seemed to be so carefree with all of the forbidden activities he was doing to him. He liked the way Aaron handled himself by taking charge of whatever he wanted to do to his body and no matter what it was---always seemed pleasing to Billy. Aaron Carter was indeed one uninhibited boy.

Aaron stuck the tip of his erect dick right up against the ridges of Billy's bruised butthole.

Billy felt the puffy head of Aaron's dick touch the his sore hole as he took in a deep breath preparing himself for what was about to be done to him.

Then Aaron thrusted his body forward ramming his dick into the hole of Billy's raw ass.

Billy exhaled a gasp of air swallowing hard. His hand reached out desperate to grab hold of whatever he could while Aaron bent down on him trying to keep his dick inside the hole of his butt.

Aaron could see that Billy was in pain as he gently fucked him. He knew that he had to quickly do something or lose this fuck forever. He remembered something his brother Nick once tell him about and wanted to try it to make Billy feel more laxed. Leaning toward the boy as he fucked him, Aaron reached his hands forward to Billy's chest. His fingers went to play with Billy's nipples.

Billy felt the tickle sensation of Aaron's fingers touched his nipples. As tense as his body was from Aaron's fuck, he somehow knew to let him do whatever it was he wanted with his body.

Fucking his boycock in and out of Billy's tight ass, Aaron played with the boy's nipples trying to make them erect. The little speckles of Billy's shit on Aaron's fingers lightly smeared onto his nipples. Aaron noticed the boy getting off to his nipples being played with turning him on as he could see his eyes gleam with moisture from the pleasure.

Suddenly, Billy felt himself become more and more relaxed with erotic passion as he shut his eyes breathing heavier, enjoying the sensation of Aaron's fingers playing with his nipples while fucking his tight butthole adding a little more speed faster and even faster.

"Oh my gosh," thought Billy, as he breathed heavily in ecstasy. This was feeling good!

Aaron fucked his hard erect dick in and out of the boy's tight virgin ass harder and harder as he played away with the erecting little boy-buttons on Billy's chest. The preteen cock thrusted in and out of the tight rippled hole of the butt over and over as the tight skin of the ass stretched outward like elastic.

With the sound of his crotch slapping into the cheeks of the boy's ass while fucking him, Aaron heard another noise as he looked down below to see Billy's little boner flapping up and down against the skin of his torso like a wild peanut roasting on a hot grill. Aaron vigorously continued pumping his dick into Billy's hole harder and harder with his hairless ball-sack slapping against the valley of the ass. Between the sounds of Aaron's crotch slapping against the boy's buttcheeks and Billy's rock-hard little peanut flapping up and down, it was hard to tell which noise was louder.

Billy's boyish penis had never been this hard before in his entire life. As his fleshy little boner flapped up and down, to Billy it felt as if it was going to bust right out of it's skin. All that he could think of was that this new game was even more hotter than sucking could ever be. He wished that Aaron Carter could go on fucking the hole of his butt forever and ever. How could something so forbidden feel this good?

Aaron pumped his preteen dick in and out of the boy's ass as he continued playing with his erect nipples. He could feel the points of the boy's light skinned buttons fully erect through the tips of fingers as he heard Billy breathing heavier with every passing thrust of his fuck. The boy whom Aaron was screwing his hard boycock in and out of was indeed feeling ultimate erotic pleasure. Aaron Carter was giving Billy Gilman the fuck of his life.

Billy swallowed hard in deep erotic pleasure. He did not care about any right or wrong he had ever been taught before. He did not care if somebody else thought Aaron Carter was using him for pleasures of lust. What was being done to Billy's body was too erotic to resist. How could this nastiness he was doing with Aaron give him so much pleasure? So much exotic delight?

Aaron's balls slapped hard into the valley of Billy's ass as the marbles inside the hairless sack jiggled with every thrusting fuck.

Suddenly, Aaron felt himself grow tense knowing that this time he was not going to be able to hold his load back. His body was about to erupt with cum. He suddenly pumped his dick harder into Billy's ass to make the sensation soaring through him intensify.

Billy breathed heavy spasms from the complete erotic passion Aaron's little boner was fucking into his asshole.

Aaron could no longer take anymore. He quickly sat upward pulling his dick out of the tight hole of Billy's butt with the sound of another loud pop.

Billy let out a quick moan of erotic pain as he felt the dick be pulled out of his tight ass. He looked below to see Aaron stroking his dick above his crotch. He knew the boy was about to explode with that creamy stuff called cum. Billy eagerly watched desperately wanting to see Aaron Carter shoot his load.

Aaron jacked his boymeat vigorously feeling himself erotically exploding as he swallowed hard. Then strands of cream began shooting out of the hole of Aaron's preteen cock all over Billy's erect smooth skinned boyish dick.

Billy watched amazed as if it were moist strings of white yarn shooting upon him from Aaron's throbbing peepee hole.

Aaron was jacking away on his boycock shooting thin streams of cream all over Billy's erect little penis. Billy was amazed at how a young boy like Aaron could shoot so much sperm out of his dick. No doubt that he was indeed one healthy growing boy. Aaron shot his last wads of cum then collapsed in his own sperm falling right on top of Billy's body. Aaron Carter was completely exhausted.

With Aaron's naked body laid resting on top of him, Billy did not care how forbidden the things were that he and Aaron had just done. All that he wanted was for this lustful night to go on lasting forever and ever. He reached his hand upward to gently rub his fingers through Aaron's hair. This fucking game was indeed the hottest experience of the young boy's life. All he could think was that there was not anything in the world that could possibly top all the passion he had just felt from Aaron. Never had Billy Gilman before felt the sensational delights that Aaron Carter was giving him in these erotic games of lust.

The two nude boys laid in bed completely exhausted from the forbidden acts of pleasure they had just done with each other. Billy Gilman was indeed lost in Aaron Carter heaven with his naked body laying on top of him.

The hotel bedroom was dark and quiet as the two young boys drifted off to sleep without a stitch of clothing upon their young pubescent bodies.

Stay tuned for further chapters as the forbidden lust of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman takes the boys to more levels in their erotic boyhood adventures.

Next: Chapter 3

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