Aaron and Billy

By Jesse McCartney

Published on Jan 26, 2002



by Lil Boney Boy

"Looks of innocence can be deceiving."

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction not meant to imply the sexuality or activities of any one of it's characters. If there should actually be celebrities existing with the same names, please do not confuse them to the incidents involved therein. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the story content remains in full original tact.


The outside of the hotel was crowded with young eager fans screaming, swarming all around a long black limo that drove up. Security was holding back screaming young teen-aged fans as the limo door opened with pop-sensation Aaron Carter being pulled out by security guards. Excitement was all over the place as fans grabbed at the young boy eager to just touch his young pubescent body as they yanked and tugged on his blue denim jacket. Aaron rushed through the crowd being led by security. It was a rare sight to see fans go so crazy over such a young preteen boy but Aaron Carter already had popularity built up from over the past few years since his first CD hit the charts two years prior at age ten. However, with his second CD rising up the charts, Aaron sported a new sexier look with his bleach blond spiked hair and all the boyish charm anyone could muster. Aaron was led by security through the frenzied crowd inside the hotel lobby where fans were blocked from going inside. The boy was quickly led to the elevator then rushed inside as the door quickly closed.

Inside the elevator, Aaron was told, "Alright, you will be going up to a press conference where you'll meet Lil Bow Wow, who is already there..."

Aaron interrupted, "I've already met him."

"Okay, good," as the man continued, "Then shortly you guys will both be joined by country singer Billy Gilman."

"Cool," replied Aaron.

"Have you ever met him?" wondered the man.

"No, I haven't," answered Aaron.

Soon the elevator door opened and Aaron followed the men down the hall to a room full of media reporters with microphones. He noticed Lil Bow Wow across the room surrounded by his people. Aaron immediately walked over to Lil Bow Wow as they both shared their, "Wussup"s and cool hand shakes.

Aaron replied, "Dude, man it was crazy out there! I almost lost my jacket."

Lil Bow Wow asked Aaron, "Hey man, you know anyt'ing about dis dude we s'pose to be meetin up wit?"

"Oh, Billy Gilman?" replied Aaron. "No, I just know he sings country."

Then a bunch of people in suits entered as Aaron and Lil Bow Wow looked to see a very young Billy Gilman walk in to the room wearing a black suit and bow tie. They saw Billy notice them out of the corner of his eye. Billy eyed Aaron Carter across the room. He had seen him in all of the teen magazines since his CD `Aaron's Party (Come Get It)' hit the charts and was looking forward to meeting him however he seemed a little intimidated by the rough looking preteen black boy with the tightly braided hair dressed in all sorts of silky colorful clothes standing next to him

"Dat's him?" asked Lil Bow Wow seeing how Billy seemed even younger than both him and Aaron.

"Dat's him," Aaron immediately answered.

Lil Bow Wow was about to say more when they noticed a suited man bend down toward Billy Gilman and point in Aaron and Lil Bow Wow's direction. The man led Billy toward them as his eyes focused directly in on Aaron Carter with anticipation. As Billy walked toward him, he could see Aaron with his bleachy blond spiked hair dressed in the exact same blue denim clothes as the cover of his CD sporting the same tiny diamond-like ear ring. Aaron looked just as heavenly as he did on the CD cover almost as if no time had passed. To Billy, the CD cover he had looked at admiringly so often had came to life right before his very eyes was actually moving around looking at him as he approached the heavenly envisionment.

"Oh my God," thought Billy to himself. "Aaron Carter is one gorgeous boy."

Aaron and Lil Bow Wow watched a suited Billy Gilman politely walk up to them smiling reaching out to shake Aaron's hand, "Hi, I'm Billy Gilman."

Lil Bow Wow watched as Aaron Carter grabbed hold of Billy Gilman's hand in a cool-like hand shake saying, "I'm Aaron Carter."

Billy immediately caught glimpse of Aaron's hand grabbing hold of his. He was deeply enthralled to actually be shaking the hand of Aaron Carter but tried hard not to let it show. The three most popular youngest boys in the singing business were together for the first time.

"This is my buddy Lil Bow Wow," Aaron told Billy.

Billy turned toward Lil Bow Wow reaching out to shake his hand catching glimpse of the huge shiny Mickey Mouse necklace hanging down his chest when suddenly the little rapper grabbed Billy's hand leading him off, "Man, I about had enough of dis."

Aaron Carter saw Lil Bow Wow lead Billy off by the hand through the crowd thinking this to be funny as he went forward wondering where they were going. Billy was sort of nervous of what Lil Bow Wow was doing with him as he was led through the crowd of media reporters with Aaron Carter following behind. Billy wondered what was going on as Lil Bow Wow led him out the banquet room door and out into the hallway as Aaron followed.

Billy was a little scared as he asked, "Where are we going?"

One of the security saw the boys leaving and quickly spoke on a walkee talkee.

"Uhh, guys. I don't think we are suppose to be doing this," spoke Billy as Lil Bow Wow pulled his arm down the hallway.

"Awe man, will you chill out," replied Lil Bow Wow tugging his arm down the hallway as Aaron thought this was hilarious as he followed behind. "I do dis all the time," spoke Lil Bow Wow, as he rushed up to the elevator door and pressed a button as the door to immediately opened.

"But they're going to think I'm being kidnapped or something," replied Billy scared.

Lil Bow Wow pulled Billy into the elevator, "You are!"

The elevator door began shutting as Aaron rushed inside as they could see security rushing down the hallway toward them.

Scared, Billy begged Lil Bow Wow, "No, don't do this!"

Lil Bow Wow beat hard on the "Door Close" elevator button over and over until the door completely shut on the approaching security.

Inside the elevator, Billy was upset as Lil Bow Wow released his tight grasp of Billy's hand telling Aaron, "Call yo limo."

Aaron immediately took hold of his cel phone and dialed on it.

"Seriously, "spoke an upset Billy. "I've already had several kidnap threats made on me. If I don't get back soon..."

"Awe man, listen at yo country boy in his cute lil suit and tie," interrupted Lil Bow Wow thumping Billy's bow-tie as Billy immediately shut up. "He had a threat on him."

Billy became more upset at Lil Bow Wow diss him.

"What?" continued Lil Bow Wow. "Some hard-up pedo want a piece of yo ass!"

Billy did not like the way Lil Bow Wow talked to him.

"You know if you'd tough up some instead of goin round like you all scared-like."

Tears were trying to enter a hurt Billy's eyes as he tried hard to hold them back so that Aaron Carter would not see. This did not seem like the type of crowd that Billy was used to being with.

Aaron hung up his cel phone, "He's pullin up front now."

Suddenly the elevator door opened, as Lil Bow Wow grabbed hold of Billy's hand jerking him away out of the elevator as an upset Billy spoke out, "It was more than one threat!"

Aaron thought Billy's spunky remark thrown back to Lil Bow Wow was funny as the boys rushed out of the elevator, through the lobby crowd toward the front hotel door. Security being told what was going on through their walkee talkees rushed toward the boys.

Lil Bow Wow saw security coming at them and rushed outside of the hotel pulling Billy Gilman with him as suddenly fans outside immediately screamed at the site of the three famous boys. The fans wildly began attacking the young pop-stars, tugging at Aaron's blue denim jacket as they pulled it right off his body, then began tearing at the shirt remaining. Little Aaron was fighting off the fans as best he could as he seemed to be the main star they were after the most. The boys ran to the limo pulling up as fans attacked Aaron hard ripping at his shirt in their lustful frenzy to see his tight little pre-pubescent body inside.

The limo door opened as Lil Bow Wow pushed Billy inside. Screaming fans were grabbing at the boys as Lil Bow Wow and Aaron rushed inside the limo with Aaron's shirt being nearly torn off his body as they shut the limo door.

Suddenly, the limo took off as some fans were on top of the car still screaming for the boys. Billy quickly looked his suit over for any damage as he could not believe how wild the fans were as they jumped off the limo with it approached more speed. Then Aaron & Lil Bow Wow's cel phones began ringing.

"Turn em off," ordered Lil Bow Wow as they turned off their cel phones.

Billy was amazed at all of the commotion that was going on with the fans. "Gosh my fans are never this wild!"

Aaron looked over the torn shirt on his body replying, "Dude they got my jacket!"

Billy looked at a tattered Aaron completely surprised, "Oh my gosh!"

Even Lil Bow Wow was surprised. "For real, man?"

Little Aaron looked over the torn shirt on his body. "Man, I got to where I don't wear shirts I like anymore. They just get all ripped up."

Billy looked at Aaron noticing the tanned skin of his body through his ripped shirt. "Oh gosh!" laughed Billy outloud, "They really got you good!"

Then Lil Bow Wow asked Billy, "You don't get dat where you go?"

Billy suddenly stopped smiling as he noticed the right nipple peeking through Aaron's ripped white cotton shirt not even hearing the question asked of him. Both Lil Bow Wow and Aaron saw Billy staring deeply at Aaron's body through his ripped up shirt.

All the way from the limo seat in front of Aaron, Billy could see the slight rippled texture around Aaron's nipple as it's tip pointed outward. Aaron could feel Billy's stare feasted right upon his nipple. Billy slightly felt himself tingle down below as he stared at Aaron's tight pre-pubescent body.

Lil Bow Wow chuckled toward Aaron, "Look at him. He like wut he sees."

Suddenly Billy snapped out of his daze catching himself as Lil Bow Wow moved toward him, "Yea, I knew you were homeboy soon as I looked atcha."

"I'm sorry," spoke Billy, catching hold of himself.

"Naw man," jived Lil Bow Wow. "Don't be sawry. You want dat white meat donchew?"

Billy did not understand. "What?" he asked alarmed.

"Naw, don't pretend wit me," teased Lil Bow Wow. "We saw you checkin him out."

"No, I wasn't," replied Billy as he looked at Aaron with concerned worry. "I promise."

Aaron kind of chuckled at Billy trying to protect himself. Then Lil Bow Wow went right up to Billy's ear mumbling, "You ever done it?"

Billy hesitantly asked, "Done what?"

Aaron slightly cut a giggle at Billy's question but tried to act cool while being the subject of sex talk.

"Go down on someone dude," replied Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron busted a laugh as Billy noticed. He looked at Lil Bow Wow, "I'm sorry but I don't know what that is."

Suddenly, Aaron and Lil Bow Wow looked at each other amazed as they could not believe what they heard.

"Awe man, dis dude's a virgin!" said Lil Bow Wow as Billy shrieked at being dissed. "We got us here a lil country boy virgin."

Billy did not like that comment especially in front of Aaron, "I am not."

Then Lil Bow Wow went up to him, "Yea, who you done?"

"What?" asked Billy.

"Who you ever done?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

Aaron immediately turned his attention over to Billy wanting to hear the answer. A sort of nervous Billy glanced at Aaron looking at him as if to be waiting for his reply. Then Billy answered, "I kissed someone before."

Aaron was surprised to hear such a innocent reply. It was evident that this virginic boy had not been around.

"Oh man, yo hear dat?" spoke Lil Bow Wow to Aaron, who couldn't help but cut a chuckle. "He kissed someone befoe."

Billy saw Aaron laugh at him and became upset. "Well, I have," Billy told Lil Bow Wow.

"Who, yo mommy when she tuck you in yo jammys at night?" replied Lil Bow Wow.

Suddenly, Aaron busted a laugh at Lil Bow Wow's comment as Billy noticed. Tears began fill Billy's eyes, as he saw Aaron laugh at him. He didn't really care that much what Lil Bow Wow thought but he wanted so much for Aaron to like him.

Then an upset Billy blurted, "Just leave me alone!" as he tearfully pushed himself away from Lil Bow Wow.

Suddenly, Aaron stopped laughing when he saw how hurt Billy was becoming. Lil Bow Wow could see that Billy was really hurt as he sat in tears facing the other direction. "Awe man, you not gone cry on us are you?" asked Lil Bow Wow.

"You two aren't very nice boys," Billy tearfully replied upset. "Just take me back to the hotel."

Aaron did not feel to good inside about upsetting Billy. The boy might come off to some as seeming rather sissified but truthfully Aaron rather liked the way that Billy maintained a little spunk in everything he said not caring whether his mannerism seemed slightly feminine to people or not.

"You sure yo want dat?" asked Lil Bow Wow as he moved in the limo toward Aaron.

"Yes," cried Billy as he looked directly at Lil Bow Wow. "I don't like you."

Suddenly, Aaron hoped that this was not the way Billy felt about him as well. For some strange reason, Aaron wanted Billy to like him. However, Lil Bow Wow did not care what Billy thought as he teased him more. "Naw man, I don't think yo want dat," said Lil Bow Wow as his hand reach over to the crotch of Aaron's blue denim jeans to unzip them.

Aaron Carter froze a little surprised to see what Lil Bow Wow was doing.

Billy's eye immediately caught glimpse of Lil Bow Wow unzipping Aaron's jeans. Suddenly, he felt the beat of his heart pound as he watched Lil Bow Wow's hand unzip Aaron's crotch.

"I tink you want dis," spoke Lil Bow Wow as he opened up Aaron's crotch.

Aaron sat there letting his crotch be opened. For some reason, he wanted to play this game of Peek-At-My-Cock with Billy.

Billy was stunned as his eyes grew bigger watching Lil Bow Wow pull down Aaron's jeans. His eyes totally feasted upon Aaron's white underwear briefs as his jeans were pulled down to his knees. Then Lil Bow Wow patted the crotch of Aaron's underwear looking at Billy. "Doncha want some of wus unda here?"

Billy just stared with his eyes completely feasted at Aaron's white undies wondering what he looked like underneath. Then he noticed Lil Bow Wow's hand grab hold of the top elastic on Aaron's briefs and start to pull it down. Billy watched with his full attention drawn to anticipating the glorious site that was about to be unveiled before his very eyes. What did Aaron Carter look like underneath that underwear?

Aaron could tell that Billy was eager to see his boycock. Normally, he would have Lil Bow Wow stop but deep down inside Aaron wanted Billy to see his boy package as much as Billy wanted to see it.

Billy watched Lil Bow Wow's dark skinned hand pull down the top of Aaron's briefs. Billy swallowed licking his mouth thirsting to see what Aaron Carter looked like inside as suddenly the penis was at last revealed. Billy's eyes was in total awe as they automatically zoomed inward to study the dick's every feature from afar.

The pre-teen penis hung downward a few inches and a half un-erect with a thin, barely-visible line of it's dorsal vein leading down it's flesh colored thick-skinned shaft to the patch of foreskin surrounding the spongy rounded shaped corona ring of the slightly pinkish head. This was indeed one beautiful looking boy-dick.

Billy swallowed deeply hypnotized over Aaron's penis as he had never seen anything look so luscious. Aaron cut a slight grin at Billy's mesmerized interest in his dick then moved to sit back in a more laxed position. As Aaron moved, Billy stared deeply entranced seeing the dick fall backward onto Aaron's body revealing it's luscious underside. Suddenly, Billy felt his interest to get closer to this inviting wonder multiply by the thousands for the bottom side of Aaron's dick was even more gorgeous than the top. It was clear to him that even though Aaron appeared to be near the same age as he was, nature had blessed this boy with puberty so gracefully. Aaron Carter was indeed a boy emerging into one irresistible delight.

His dick seemed as deliciously inviting to Billy as a piece of candy that he desperately wanted. Billy's heart beat like never before as tingles rushed all through him. He just had to get closer and examine every inch of this glorious looking wand of Aaron's boy-stick.

Aaron liked seeing how deep Billy's interest in his boycock seemed to be. He watched the boy stare deeply at his dick which was becoming slightly erect in the position the little letter 'r' makes. In other words, curved slightly to the right---or Aaron's left.

Billy thought Aaron's penis was the most delectable thing he had ever laid eyes upon. In all of the teen magazine pictures that Billy had ever seen of Aaron Carter, the best part of his body seemed to have been omitted.

Then Lil Bow Wow went right up to Billy's ear whispering, "You want dat dick of his, donchoo?"

Billy did not move or flinch as he stared deeply hypnotized by Aaron's appealing penis hearing only Lil Bow Wow's soft mumbling voice, "Just look at dat sweet fleshy candy stick tween dat white boys legs."

Billy's appetite for Aaron was immensely increasing with every beat of his pounding heart.

Aaron could see how much Billy seemed to be wanting the dick he was staring at. He knew that all Billy needed was to be nudged toward it and for some reason, Aaron felt himself really wanting Billy to go for it.

Lil Bow Wow whispered more into Billy's ear, "Go and make dat Prince Of Pop pop his stars."

Billy swallowed hard as he stared at Aaron's semi-erect penis. He wanted so badly to get closer to it and examine it's every luscious inch. He looked at Aaron wondering if Aaron thought it was okay.

"Go ahead," Aaron cutely spoke, hoping that Billy would give in as he tried maintaining his level of coolness in front of Lil Bow Wow. "If you want to cum to Aaron's party, come get it."

Hearing Aaron Carter actually say the words to the song Billy had heard him sing on a CD over and over was all he needed to hear. Suddenly, Billy went forward as his suit wrinkled with every movement he made.

Aaron quickly opened his legs as wide as his jeans would let him as an excitedly thrilled Lil Bow Wow led Billy right up to Aaron's boycock, "Yea dat's it. You go get some of dat sweet dick, dude."

Billy's face went right up to Aaron's slightly erect boycock. As he breathed with both anticipation and fear, Billy could smell the sweet aroma of Aaron's genitals. Billy had never been this close to anyone's crotch ever before and to finally be so close up to Aaron Carter's most private parts few had ever saw, Billy wanted to study it's every inch of the gorgeous fleshy rod laying semi-erect in front of his face. He was in complete awe as he looked at every inch of skin he could noticing Aaron's very thin patch of tiny fine blond pubic hairs all around his penis. Then Billy felt Lil Bow Wow take hold of his hand and bring Billy's fingers over to gently rub the little strands of Aaron's thin pre-teen pubics. Billy smiled feeling the tickles on his finger tips as he rubbed on Aaron's barely visible blond peach fuzz. This fuzzy fun seemed new to Billy as he liked rubbing it.

Aaron watched Lil Bow Wow get innocent little Billy started but knew that the boy who was mesmerized by what he saw just needed a little nudging to dive into the main course.

Finally, Lil Bow Wow let go of Billy's hand. The boy was now on his own. Aaron watched as Billy's fingers continued to rub his thin patch of pre-teen pubics as if the boy was completely amazed by everything he saw. As his finger tips rubbed the fuzzy little hairs around the base of Aaron's cock, Billy was enthralled at the tiny blond hair's silky smoothness. He could not believe that his hands were actually rubbing on the pubic hairs of the ever-so-famous Aaron Carter. Billy's eyes studied all of Aaron's smooth skin surrounding the pubics as he rubbed his fingers all over the flesh of Aaron's crotch.

Aaron was becoming aroused by Billy's fingertips rubbing the nearly hairless skin all around his cock. Then Billy noticed his dick seeming to sort of grow. With his face right upon Aaron's growing boycock, Billy's eyes moved up the pre-teen dick's flesh colored shaft to it's thick ridge crest line of light brownish foreskin, up to it's Y-shaped, web-like frenulum little lump-line in the middle of the crevice curving upward to the spongy head. The puffy corona ring surrounding the puffy pinkish head was made to perfection as it curved upward to the hole of the penis, which seemed to have little tiny lips desiring to be kissed. Every ridge of skin, every blessed fold going up the shaft, every tiny little goosebump pimpled upon it, every light blue vein sheathed underneath the thick flesh of skin made this boyhood wand seemed so magical.

As badly as he wanted to, Billy was scared to even touch this boyish wonder for fear of tampering with any of the beauty nature had blessed it with.

Then Lil Bow Wow whispered, "Go on," in Billy's ear. "Put dat dick of his inside yo mouth........and suck hard on it."

Suddenly, Billy froze as his heart nearly dropped when he heard the words. There was no way that he could do what he was just told. People just did not go around doing those sort of forbidden things to each other. Did they?

What seemed strange to Billy was that the more he looked at Aaron's erect dick now bobbling around in his face, the more he actually wanted it inside his mouth. But could he do it? Could he actually put Aaron Carter's penis in his mouth and start sucking on it? Would Aaron even actually let him do this unspeakable act of lust?

Aaron heard what Lil Bow Wow had told Billy. He tried to seem relaxed and carefree but was actually worried thinking, "Please don't back away, Billy. Please don't back away," yearning inside his mind for Billy to suck him.

Billy swallowed hard, scared as he breathed with fear staring deep at Aaron's boy-boner as it bobbled around in front of him as if it had a life of it's own. Yes, he wanted that gorgeous flesh-stick of Aaron's inside his mouth more than anything. But people just did not go around sucking the dicks of other boys---yet alone from the most popular pop-star in the world. He looked up at a horny Aaron, who was desperately hoping Billy would give in but was scared to pressure him. If Billy wanted his dick, it had to be his decision.

Billy was scared not knowing what to do. This was the first time Billy had ever done anything like this or even wanted to and leave it to these nasty boys to get him started. All that he could think of was what if he did something wrong? What if Aaron ended up not liking him?

Aaron and Lil Bow Wow wondered if Billy was going to go through with actually sucking the boycock or backing away.

Then Lil Bow Wow cut his final and last whispering lure into Billy's ear, "Go make Aaron Carter your first suck ever."

That was all Billy needed to hear. There was no way he could resist the forbidden temptation he was being led into. Aaron Carter and his luscious dick was just too irresistible.

Billy prepared himself to dive right in to Aaron's boycock. He closed his eyes. Suddenly, the wonderful sight of that beautiful bobbling dick in front of his face faded to black as he opened his mouth wide going forward.

Aaron turned completely stunned as he watched below. He could not believe that Billy was at last giving in. Aaron quickly moved positioning his body to aim his dick at Billy's mouth.

With his eyes shut, Billy felt Aaron's dick go right his mouth as he immediately began to suck away on it. All that he could hope was that he was doing this forbidden act of lust to Aaron the right way.

Aaron's eyes shut instantly feeling an erotic stimulation take hold of his dick as it was being sucked upon. Billy sucked the boycock just as if it were a sweet tasting lollipop. Only knowing that it was a piece of Aaron Carter seemed to make the flesh-candy taste even sweeter. Suddenly, he could feel Aaron's dick seeming to grow stiffer inside his mouth as Billy opened his eyes.

"Oh my gosh," Billy thought as he sucked away on the penis. "I am actually sucking his dick!"

Aaron felt his boycock growing harder as it was being sucked on vigorously below.

Lil Bow Wow could not believe how good Billy was sucking on Aaron's dick. The hard-core action Billy Gilman was giving Aaron Carter was getting him horny as well as he backed away to the opposite side of the limo reaching his hand inside his own crotch to play with himself as he watched.

Billy sucked away on the hard little fleshy boner, with his face right smack up to the traces of blond peach fuzz all around Aaron's crotch. All that Billy knew was that nothing had ever tasted this good to him before in his entire life. He suddenly did not care whether or not he was sucking Aaron right---just that he was enjoying what he was sucking upon. All he knew was that he wanted those boy-legs to stay spread open so he could suck on Aaron Carter's hard-rock penis all night long.

As he sucked away on the delicious dick in his mouth, Billy looked up to see Aaron's angelic face wondering what he must be thinking of him enjoying the taste of his penis so much. He saw that Aaron seemed to be in some sort of relaxed entranced fantasy trip.

All Aaron's mind could think of was that the few times his dick had been sucked on by his brother Nick, it had never been sucked on as good as this. Billy Gilman's erotic sucking was sending Aaron's body through almost a paralyzed state of ecstasy so much that he could not even open his watering eyes. All Aaron knew was that suddenly he could not move a muscle of his entire overly-active boy body from this ultimate sensation Billy was giving him below.

Billy sucked away on Aaron's piece of little hard boy-meat. He sucked the dick's pinkish head, rubbing his mouth up and down it's shaft then back to it's head. Even though it was his first time to ever suck one, something inside Billy just took him over as his desires led his actions. He didn't care whether he was doing it right---just as long as he was doing it.

Little Aaron swallowed hard as he took in deep breaths from the erotic sensations soaring from his crotch throughout his entire body. Hot damn, how could something feel so good?

Billy could hear Aaron's breath softly whimpering thinking he must like what he was doing to him. Wanting to give Aaron's body whatever pleasure he could while enjoying the lust of the boy's body himself, Billy sucked away on the dick as if it was one of the red cherry Blow-Pop suckers he loved sucking on so much. Only this fleshy piece of hard candy tasted so much better.

Aaron breathed harder almost trembling from the exotism running throughout his entire body as Billy sucked away harder than ever on his little rock-hard dick. Almost completely lost in ecstasy, all Aaron could think was that Billy must really like that boycock between his legs to be sucking on it so good.

From across the limo, Lil Bow Wow stroked himself as he watched Billy wildly getting off on Aaron's dick. He could not believe that little fucking country singer Billy Gilman was actually sucking on the dick of pop-star Aaron Carter while riding around the streets inside a dark limo.

As Billy wildly sucked away on the throbbing boycock, a tear of complete joyful ecstasy rolled out of one of Aaron's moist eyes, down his cheek. The angelic boy knew that he was being sent soaring straight to heaven as he had never been sucked on like this before and probably never would be again. As he breathed in soft erotic whimpering convulsions feeling intense exotic sensations rush throughout his entire body, he felt his hard little boner grow even harder inside Billy's mouth. Suddenly, his body began to tense up. Aaron knew that he was about to explode with cum. Billy was sucking on him so good that there was no possible way of holding back the load he was about to bust.

Billy felt the hard boycock he was sucking on in his mouth tense up throbbing even harder than it already was wondering how this boy's dick could possibly even get any harder. He sucked and sucked away completely unaware of what was about to explode inside his mouth. All that Billy knew was that Aaron's dick tasted even better to him with each passing moment.

Breathing even more heavily than before, suddenly Aaron's body tensed up entering a completely paralyzing state of intense delight. The boy swallowed hard trying with all of his might to get control of the soft convulsions his breathing had been sent into as he felt eroticism take over his entire body.

As Billy vigorously sucked away on Aaron's dick, he saw the boyish fingers on Aaron's pre-pubescent hand clasp together. Aaron's body was tensing up in complete ultimate ecstasy about to explode it's volcanic eruption.

From across the limo, Lil Bow Wow stroked himself faster and faster as he knew from Aaron's actions that he was about to shoot off right inside Billy Gilman's mouth.

As Billy sucked away on the rock-hard little boner pulsating inside his mouth, Aaron swallowed hard as he could not take anymore. The boy let out a soft gentle moan as he gritted his teeth feeling himself explode below.

Suddenly, Billy felt something warm shoot through his mouth hitting the back of his tonsils. Billy instantly stopped sucking the throbbing dick wondering what was going on inside his mouth.

Then, he felt another gush of Aaron's warm boy-juice shoot deep into his throat as Billy nearly choked in horror thinking, "He's peeing in my mouth!" as he quickly slid Aaron's erupting dick out of his cum dripping mouth.

A stunned Billy watched the tiny hole of the pulsating little boner shoot off a thin white strand of cream into his face hitting him directly in the nose. Billy wondered what was going on as another thread of cream shot out of Aaron's penis hole landing in one of Billy's eyelids.

Aaron's mind seemed to be almost completely lost in ecstasy as his boycock shot it's last wad of cream right smack onto Billy's lips.

The ultimate pleasure of seeing Aaron Carter drenching Billy Gilman's face with cum caused a jacking off Lil Bow Wow's load to shoot his thin strands of creamy jism all over his own black skinned torso.

With his face full of Aaron's thin strands of boy-cream, Billy coughed gagging from the cum that had shot in his throat as he swallowed some of it making a face with no idea of what had just occurred. He looked up at Aaron to see his watered eyes still completely lost in ecstasy. He did not understand what Aaron had just done to him or why, and did not even know if Aaron knew it.

Across the limo, Lil Bow Wow quickly pulled up his pants and rushed forward to see Aaron's penis still oozing cum. He looked at Billy's face dripping with cream as he could not believe a white boy this young could possibly shoot so much sperm. "Woah!" replied an amazed Lil Bow Wow, thinking Aaron must really be one healthy white boy.

Then an exhausted Aaron opened his moist eyes and looked down. He could see a blurred image of both Lil Bow Wow and Billy Gilman looking straight at his dick studying the sperm still oozing out of the hole.

Not even knowing what this creamy stuff was oozing out of Aaron's dick, Billy was still in shock as he could not believe what had just happened.

Lil Bow Wow looked at Billy's cum-filled face slightly shaking his head amazed, "Awe, man! He drenched chew!"

A stunned Billy Gilman licked his tongue around his mouth tasting the cream on his lips as he made a yucky face. He tried swallowing a deep breath so he could talk. His voice whimpered as he spoke, "What..." he swallowed trying not to ingest whatever remains of that juice was inside his throat, "...happened?" he asked.

Aaron quickly wiped his moist eyes to clearly focus below. The boy saw strands of his cum dripping all over Billy's face, "Awe, man!" giggled a laxed Aaron.

Lil Bow Wow asked Billy, "Man, you don't know wut dat is all over yo face?"

"No," replied Billy, as he reached to carefully wipe a strand of the cream upon his face with his fingertip as it stretched outward.

The strand of Aaron Carter's boy-cream was so thinly thick that it stretched like elastic as Billy pulled it away from his face. Suddenly, the thin strand of cum broke wrapping around Billy's finger as he looked at it then went to taste it. "It's salty," replied Billy making a face.

"Don't eat it," Lil Bow Wow told Billy pulling his finger from his mouth.

"Gosh," spoke an amazed Aaron. "I aint never shot off that much before ever!"

With a cum-drenched face, Billy cut a slight look of anger to Aaron like "look at what you did to me".

Aaron could see that Billy was not happy with what he did to him, "Awe man, you got drenched in it."

Billy did not know what to think of Aaron now. He had thought that Aaron liked him.

Feeling for Billy, Aaron quickly went to wipe some of it off of Billy's face. "Here," Aaron went to wipe the cum from Billy's face.

Billy watched as Aaron's hands stroked his face wiping off the strands of cream that he had shot upon him. He looked at Aaron carelessly wipe the sperm off his hands onto his underwear. Billy shut his eyes as Aaron wiped his eyelids. Billy liked the way Aaron was handling him and was even turned on at Aaron's mere touch. Suddenly, he was no longer so hurt by what Aaron had done to him. Then he heard Aaron giggle as he wiped him, "Awe man, I think some of it's already dried onto your face."

Billy's eyes opened a little alarmed, "This stuff dries?"

Lil Bow Wow couldn't resist. "Oooo yea man. Sometimes dat stuff dries like glue."

Then Billy saw Aaron wet his fingers with his tongue and then rub Billy's face with them. Billy was deeply enthralled at Aaron rubbing some of the moisture that had come from his mouth onto his face. All Billy could think of was how he wished these moments with Aaron could go on forever.

"I think that's all of it," spoke Aaron closely studying over Billy's face.

"It didn't get on my suit, did it?" asked Billy.

Both Aaron and Billy looked over his suit as Aaron replied, "Naw, man. I didn't shoot any on it."

Billy heard Aaron's word, "shoot," not knowing exactly what it meant.

Then Lil Bow Wow patted Billy on the back, "So how was dat?" as he led Billy back to the other seat in front of Aaron.

Billy swallowed hard, not really knowing what to think as he watched Aaron pull up his wet underwear, not even seeming to care that they were now wet with cum. "I still don't understand what happened," replied Billy.

"It's called a blow job dude!" spoke Lil Bow Wow. "Aintcha never heard of one?"

Billy watched Aaron pull up his blue jeans wondering if his wet underwear was going to moisten his crotch even though it did not even seem to phase Aaron whether it would or not. "But what was all that creamy stuff?" Billy asked.

"Cum, dude," spoke Lil Bow Wow. "Sperm."

Aaron could not help but feel a little guilty about what he had done to Billy. He just lost all control when Billy was giving him the most ultimate pleasure anyone had ever given him in his life. Aaron went forward leaning to Billy sincerely telling him, "Hey Billy, let me tell you that was the best suck job I've ever had," as he kissed Billy's forehead.

Billy's eyes shut as he felt Aaron's lips smack against his forehead and kiss him. "Oh my God," thought Billy as his heart nearly dropped.

A surprised Lil Bow Wow looked at Aaron Carter having just kissed Billy Gilman. Aaron caught glimpse Lil Bow Wow's stare and then sort of shrugged his shoulders like "cut him some slack".

Billy's eyes opened as he looked at Aaron smiling brightly, "So then you really liked it?"

"Awe, dude, yea," replied Aaron, seriously meaning it. "You did great. I aint never been sucked on that good before."

Billy was a little jolted to hear that Aaron had done this before. "You mean you've done this thing before?"

Lil Bow Wow slightly smirked as Aaron saw. "Once or twice," grinned Aaron, in his usual boy-charm.

Then Billy asked, "Have the two of you ever sucked together before?"

Lil Bow Wow reacted with a little anger to the question as Aaron immediately blurted, "Naw! Not us two."

Then Lil Bow Wow spoke, "He won't let no black boy touch dat white meat of his.."

Suddenly, Billy sensed anger when Lil Bow Wow said the words. Billy just softly replied, "Oh."

Lil Bow Wow looked off to the side replying, "Naw, man, I aint never had any white boy befoe."

Billy quickly asked with a big smile, "Do you want to?"

Lil Bow Wow immediately looked at Billy surprised at his eagerness to know. Aaron also noticed Billy's anticipation to know the answer.

Then Lil Bow Wow asked Billy, "You got someone in mind?"

Aaron felt himself becoming jealous at what he was hearing.

Billy replied, "I don't know," spoke Billy. "I might could possib...."

Then suddenly little Aaron Carter purposely interrupted Billy Gilman's sentence. "Hey, dawg," he told Lil Bow Wow, "hit de window button."

Lil Bow Wow looked at Aaron annoyed knowing that he had purposely interrupted what Billy was about to say to him. He cut Aaron a look of anger, who cut a smirky look right back at him. Billy noticed the two boys seemed to be getting jealous over him. Then Lil Bow Wow hit the button for the window to the limo driver up front.

As the dark tinted window rolled down, Aaron went forward telling the limo driver, "Okay, were ready to go back."

Aaron hit the button to roll the window back up as suddenly Billy turned alarmed realizing something. An astonished Billy asked Aaron, "That driver doesn't know what happened inside here, does he?"

"Awe man, don't worry about him any," consoled Aaron real cool-like. "He gets paid to do whatever I tell him."

Billy couldn't help but wonder. "Even if you wanted a blow-off?"

Lil Bow Wow smirked a quick chuckle at Billy's comment looking the other way still seeming to be mad at something.

Grinning from Billy's inexperienced terminology, Aaron explained to Billy, "Naw man. See the windows are solid black. He can't see through them."

Then Billy turned horrified with fear as he looked at both Aaron and Lil Bow Wow asking, "You guys aren't going to tell anybody about any of this, are you?"

Aaron immediately sought to console Billy's fear. "Naw, it's cool," said Aaron. "You don't have anything to worry about."

Billy looked at Lil Bow Wow, "Because if anyone ever found what I did in here, my singing career would be ruined."

Lil Bow Wow just smirked. As he stared out of the darkly tinted limo window, he wanted to say something back but was mad at something.

Aaron could see that Billy was extremely worried over Lil Bow Wow telling on him. "He's not going to tell."

"Please don't," Billy begged Lil Bow Wow.

Lil Bow Wow said nothing as Billy could sense his despondency.

"What's wrong?" Billy asked him.

Lil Bow Wow just sat there looking out the window ignoring the question. Billy looked at Aaron, who was looking at Lil Bow Wow as if he knew what was the matter from an incident that occurred in their past. But then when Aaron saw Billy look in his direction, he turned the other way pretending not to know.

Billy knew that something heavy was going on between the two seemingly `cool' boys but he didn't know what.

Soon the limo was back at the hotel as a crowd of fans rushed up screaming trying to look inside. Preparing to exit the limo, Aaron was holding onto the door about to open it, "Ready?"

Billy anxiously waited for the wild commotion to begin as Aaron suddenly opened the limo door. The three boys rushed out of the limo as the fans went wild attacking them. The boys tried making their way through the screaming fans as Aaron's tattered shirt was ripped completely off of his body. Fans were even grabbing at Billy's suit as photographers were flashing photos.

The fans were so wild that they pushed a shirtless Aaron Carter forward as he went tumbling down on top of Billy Gilman. Billy looked up as he saw Aaron's shirtless chest fall flat right into his face. Billy could feel the puffy pre-pubescent flexed boyish muscles of Aaron's smooth-skin chest press against his face as the fans screamed at what they had done. Photographers were snapping pictures like crazy as the two boys laid on top of each other out on the pavement of the sidewalk.

Inside the hotel lobby, Lil Bow Wow was pulled to one of the elevators being griped out by his black managers as he could see the fans outside attacking a shirtless Aaron Carter on top of a suited Billy Gilman.

Out on the sidewalk of screaming fans, Aaron felt his chest pushed flat against Billy's face as he began to try and get up but couldn't. Billy was down flat on the sidewalk with Aaron's puffy chest pressed smack into his face. All that Billy could hope was that his teeth and braces didn't cut into Aaron's skin.

In the wild frenzy, Aaron noticed Billy did not really seem to be bothered much with his chest pressed into his face. Aaron cut a grin as he could not help but mischievously push his chest over so that his nipple went right over Billy's mouth.

Billy felt Aaron's nipple was suddenly pressed right onto his lips. "Oh my gosh!" thought Billy. What if his teeth actually bit into Aaron's nipple?

Billy tried pushing the nipple away with his tongue hoping not to bite into the forbidden tasty fruit.

Aaron grinned even more feeling the tip of the moist tongue touch his nipple as his bare skinned chest laid pressed against Billy's face. Nobody in the frenzied crowd could see the hidden activity going on between the two boys, but it seemed to Aaron that Billy was playfully tonguing his nipple right there in front of everyone. "Damn, this was one hot boy," thought Aaron.

Billy could feel the erect tip of Aaron's nipple with his tongue. All that he could hope was that Aaron laid pressed into his face for a few moments longer.

Suddenly, security grabbed hold of Aaron's arm through the frenzied crowd pulling the boys apart from each other. Billy felt Aaron's puffy chest leave his face. He watched feasting his eyes on the smooth skinned chest raising upward above him. God, how he wanted that luscious boy-chest of Aaron's back on top of him with his face buried right in it's pillowy puffiness.

Then, Billy felt someone grab his arm pulled him upward. Photographers continued snapping pictures as the boys were led inside the lobby where the wild fans were blocked from entering. Billy Gilman, in his ruffled up suit and a shirtless Aaron Carter were quickly led through the hotel lobby straight to the elevators. A security guard ordered the teenaged elevator boy, "You take these boys up there and do not let them out of your sight!"

The elevator door shut as suddenly everything was quiet. The boys felt the elevator move upward. Billy did not really know what to think about everything that had occurred that night. Throughout all of his touring, Billy Gilman had never had this much excitement happen to him before. Everything was completely silent in the elevator as all Billy could concentrate on was that gorgeous shirtless pre-pubescent body of Aaron's right on top of his face outside on the sidewalk. He could not resist taking a peek at Aaron's shirtless smooth skinned body out of the corner of his eye. Aaron, who had been waiting for Billy's glance, smiled as he saw Billy staring deeply at his body seeming to be completely mesmerized just as he was in the limo. Billy noticed the moisture still on Aaron's nipple from when Billy had licked on it outside.

"Oh no," thought Billy. He just had to wipe off the moisture so nobody would know that he licked it.

Billy's hand reached upward. Aaron's face cut a grin as he watched Billy's hand reach forward to touch his nipple. Billy was in a daze completely entranced as his thumb gently wiped the moisture from Aaron's erect nipple.

The teen-aged elevator boy was stunned at the site beside him. This little boy pop star was playing with the other little boy pop star's nipple right inside his elevator.

After wiping the moisture off the nipple, Billy's fingertip gently played with the erected tipped point. Aaron was grinning from the tickling sensation it was giving him as the elevator boy was getting an eyeful.

Knowing his night with Aaron Carter was about to end forever, Billy looked deep into the boy's sun-tanned face. Along with that bleach blond spiked hair, Aaron had to be the most gorgeous boy Billy had ever saw in his life.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened as people were waiting to gripe the boys out.

"Are you boys crazy?" they yelled.

Aaron walked out of the elevator on his own ignoring all of the gripes from his managers.

As Billy was led out of the elevator, his mother was waiting to verbally scold him. Billy ignored her as he eyed a departing Aaron going down the hallway also seeming to ignore the people griping at him.

A teenaged hotel bell-boy baffled at all of the commotion entered the elevator. "What's going on?" he asked.

The elevator boy quickly shut the door telling him, "Dude, you are not gonna believe what I just saw!" as he prepared to tell him all about the kinky thing that Billy Gilman did to Aaron Carter in the elevator.

Through all of the griping commotion, Billy closely watched down the hallway desperately trying to see which hotel suite Aaron was going into. Then Billy and his mother stopped at their suite door as she entered while Billy waited in the hallway eyeing Aaron down the corridor. Suddenly, Billy's mom pulled him inside as he did not get to see which room Aaron had went in to.

Inside the suite, Billy watched as his mother locked the door. "Now where on earth did you run off to with those two boys?"

Billy's face suddenly changed as everything he had done with the boys instantly flashed through his mind: playing with Aaron's pubics, sucking on the boy's dick, all the strands of cream shooting in his face. Billy felt his eyes nearly water in complete utter horror as he did not know how to even begin to answer the question. All of the bad things that he did that night finally hit him as he turned away completely despondent. He rushed off to his bed room suite and shut the door.

"Oh my gosh," he thought as he leaned against the door in horror. "What did I do? How could I possibly do all of those stupid things in that limo?"

Billy went forward flopping on his hotel bed upset. "I can not believe what I've done, " he thought in fear. "What if they tell everyone on me?"

The thoughts that rushed inside Billy's mind. "I don't think that Bow Wow boy likes me. What if he tells everyone the bad things I did to Aaron?"

Then suddenly, his mom opened the door as Billy jumped startled. "You do realize that you have a concert coming up with those other two boys?"

Billy reacted alarmed to what his mom told him, "What?"

"That's what tonight's press conference was all about," she replied as Billy listened. "There is going to be a benefit concert this weekend with you boys combining the three different cultures of music that you three sing."

Billy rose out of the bed as his heart suddenly began pounding harder with anticipation. "So I'll be seeing Aaron Carter again?"

Billy's mom heard her son's excited question. "Not only are you going to be seeing him, but you are going to be rehearsing and singing a new song with him all week long."

Excitement ran throughout Billy's body as he heard the words. Suddenly, Billy flopped back down on the bed yelling, "Woo Hoo!"

Billy Gilman could not believe that he was actually going to be with Aaron Carter all over again---for the rest of the entire week.

Stay tuned for further chapters as the forbidden lust of Aaron Carter and Billy Gilman takes the boys to more levels in their erotic boyhood adventures.

Next: Chapter 2

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