Aaron and Amir

By S. K.

Published on Apr 14, 2007


We rested a few minutes, neither asleep nor awake, with my head on Amir's chest and his hand in my hair. It was during this quiet aftermath that we heard the sounds coming from the bathroom, saw the movement of a shadow under the door. The bathroom was dim, as the lights were off, but not so dark that the shadow didn't stand out clearly as it shifted then hit the doorknob by accident and let out a startled grunt. 1. Amir sprang up and yanked the lock open on the bathroom door. I got up on my knees. "Qasim!" There was no question about what had been going on. The shocked and guilty look on Amir's pretty brother's face was enough. "You little shit!" In seconds flat, an enraged Amir had dragged Qasim by the shirt over to his bed. With a tug, the boy's shorts were down around his thighs. Amir didn't bother to work his briefs off; instead, he yanked them roughly up into Qasim's crack, making him shriek and leaving only the cheeks bare. Then he pushed his slender body down over the bed and began scolding him for spying, telling him that if he ever even thought about telling, everyone would also know about last week's "spill", and the hard-ons he got whenever he was spanked. He punctuated this "lecture" with firm slaps all over his brother's round behind. The golden cheeks wiggled and flushed red as Qasim struggled to escape. Amir would tug on his hair and shirt and drag him back down onto the bed, while landing harder and faster slaps on his butt-cheeks. Qasim soon quit struggling, realizing just how angry his brother was. Finally, Amir stopped, reached down and turned Qasim's hip, lifting his bottom and revealing his rather full crotch. "You're hard, you little pervert," he snarled, though there was as much delight as anger in his eyes. "I knew you would be." And Qasim, who hadn't cried a drop during the spanking, burst into tears. I sat back on my sore ass, stunned. Qasim sobbed, and Amir slapped his behind six or seven more times before Qasim spat at him: "You're just like Rahman! Asshole! You hate me too." Amir stopped, his face immediately softening, his hand on his brother's ass. "No, I don't. And I sincerely doubt Rahman does." "You must. You think I'm a pervert. Exactly like Rahman." "Hey," Amir said, more kindly, "You were the one spying on us. That is pretty perverted." He gave his butt a not-so-gentle pat. "I don't hate you," he said, shifting to lay on his side next to the prone Qasim, who was hiding his face in the waterbed. "I just I was just pissed. And I'm afraid " "I won't tell, OK? If that's what you're afraid of." "It is," Amir turned Qasim's face toward him so they could look at each other, and smoothed some sweaty black hair out of his eyes. "I also want to know why you were watching us. I didn't even know you were home, you know." "I slept in. I was curious." Qasim sniffed. "I heard you when I went in the bathroom to wash my face. I looked through the keyhole and saw you kissing." "What did you think?' "That it was interesting." Qasim tried to hide his face again, but Amir wouldn't let him. "Interesting?" "Yeah. Interesting." "What about the rest of it? After the kissing." "That was interesting too, what you did to Aaron. The spanking and D-Does he do that to you?" "Fuck me? Yeah." "And you like it?" "Of course. Or I wouldn't let him." "I thought you hated each other." "We did. But then this started. I'll tell you about it, maybe, if Aaron says it's OK." Qasim glanced up at me, then back at Amir. "Are you gay?" "Well, I'm not straight." There was a long pause while Qasim thought that one over. "Do you think I'm... I don't know... cute?" "To be honest, I think you're absolutely beautiful." I was stunned at this admission. Not just "Yes, sure", "Yeah, you're cute", but "You're absolutely beautiful". My Amir was brave. "Really?" Qasim's face lit up. "Yes." "Then..." Qasim swallowed. "Why don't you kiss me like you do Aaron?" "Can I?" "Go ahead." I watched entranced as the two gorgeous brothers wiggled closer to one another, then embraced, then pressed their lips together in a tentative kiss. The mouths opened, and I imagined their tongues swirling softly against each other as they savored their first kiss. Amir ran his fingers through Qasim's glossy hair. The kiss lasted a long time, and both boys seemed to love it. Their bodies Qasim's a little slimmer, less muscular, Amir's better-developed pressed closer together. Qasim moaned into Amir's mouth as he felt his brother's fingers caress his tender ass and bare golden thighs. "I always loved it when you'd kiss me on the lips," Qasim sighed, when the boys finally came up for air. I guessed kisses on the lips of the chaste, close-lipped variety weren't unusual between the two. "Like last week, after you spanked me. I wished you'd put your tongue in." God, this was hot. My mouth got dry. I wanted to touch them both, but I wasn't sure Amir would want my filthy paws on his lovely brother, when he'd just now gotten him for himself. "Oh, Qas." Amir hugged his brother tight. "I always wanted to, too. I just never thought you'd let me. I felt so awful about it, you know? I thought I was sick." "Yeah. So did I. But I always got harder when you spanked me than when anyone else did it." Qasim smiled his sweet, rare, golden-boy smile. "I thought I felt yours too, last time. In fact, I was sure." "You could have felt it every time. The first time Dad said I should spank you remember, for the C in math, when he was away? I thought I'd cream my pants when you got over my lap." "Want to kiss me again?" Qasim asked. "It feels good." "Always." Their luscious pillow-cushion Arab-boy lips met in another beautiful kiss. This time their kiss was more comfortable; they savored each other without shame, nibbling lower lips gently, holding each other tight. I crawled over for a closer look, figuring they wouldn't mind. Apparently, they didn't. Amir gave me a sexy smile, before diving back in, suckling his brother's sweet golden-pink lips and pink tongue. Qasim closed his eyes and kissed back, eager, running his left hand up and down Amir's bare back. When this kiss broke, they pulled apart a bit and just looked at each other, both smiling. They looked so good together; I could see the brotherly resemblance in their handsome, even features. They had the same lush lips and bright black eyes, the same elegantly sharp noses. Qasim was lighter-skinned and his hair was straighter, but anyone would know they were close relatives. Still grinning, Qasim reached down and caressed Amir's erect cock for the first time. I felt a jump in my own, as if the beautiful boy had touched me too. "Ooohh, yes, Qas..." Amir whispered, closing his eyes, squirming his stiffy into his brother's stroking hand. "Please touch me... Feels so good.... Stroke it harder... That's it..." Qasim never stopped smiling his dreamily contented smile as he moved his closed fist up and down his brother's thrusting shaft. After a moment he leaned in and stage-whispered into Amir's lovely ear. "What are you thinking about? Hmmm? Thinking about spanking me?" "Yeah," Amir breathed, his eyes fluttering open. He smiled and sighed into a long slow caress. "Among other things..." His face twisted softly as Qasim's hand slid over the head of his cock. "Well, maybe you ought to," Qasim's grin widened. "My behavior has been pretty bad lately. Skipping school, spying on you... I don't think my ass is nearly red enough." "I'd love to," Amir said. Qasim still hadn't let up caressing him. "You know that." "Good." Qasim stopped and looked at him. "We'll make it like usual. You know, like you're really spanking me, for punishment. Only in the end you'll do what you've always wanted to do to me. It'll be like like a game, or something." A smirky glance my way. "And Aaron here can watch." Kinky bastard. I was beginning to really like Amir's little brother. I started to jerk off, moving my hand lazily, not wanting to come before the end of their show. Amir saw me and smiled again. The boys separated. Qasim stood and began getting dressed. "What are you doing?" "If it's going to be like a real spanking, you have to take my pants off for me, right?" Amir thought about it. "Of course. I guess I should get dressed too, then." "Just your pants will be fine,"Qasim said, eyeing his brother's smooth bare chest. "But you might want to put on a pair you don't mind messing up." He smiled a slanted smile. "Just in case." Wonderful, sexy boy. I slowed up a little more on jerking myself off. If Qasim was going to be talking like this, there was a very real danger of my shooting before his butt even get past the "rosy" stage. Amir found a pair of sweats in his top drawer and pulled them on while Qasim, already wearing his, watched. His appreciation for his older brother's good looks and exquisite body was more than obvious. His eyes shone with anticipation of all the delights the day would offer. Finally, Amir turned to Qasim with a stern look in his eyes. If it hadn't been for the bulge in his slightly-too-small sweats, I would have thought he was really angry with him. I settled back on Amir's pillow to watch and enjoy. The younger Khalili was the very picture of contrition with a hint of fear, his shining dark eyes lowered, his lush mouth trembling softly. He looked more alluring than ever like that. Amir took a step toward him. "You haven't been very good lately, have you, Qas?" Sulkily, "No, I g-guess not." "You know what you've done wrong?" "I-I spied on you and Aaron." Qasim almost slipped in his act, almost smiled, then recovered and became the guilty boy again. "And I m-messed up your pants the last time you had to spank me." "That's right. You know I'm going to have to spank your little ass again for your behavior, don't you?" Qasim made his eyes fill with apprehension. I almost thought he was going to cry. "Y-yes." Amir could barely contain an evil grin. "Go get me a hairbrush." Qasim clearly hadn't expected this. But he'd said "like usual", and even I knew the hairbrush was usual. He swallowed and went over to Amir's dresser, where he rummaged through the mess and located an oval-shaped wooden brush, which he presented to Amir. "Please," he said softly, reaching back and giving his bottom a rub. "Not too hard." Amir turned the brush over in his hand. "Of course I have to spank you hard. How else are you going to learn? If you don't want a sore, red butt, you shouldn't misbehave." Qasim spoke in a very small voice, his head lowered. "I know." Amir pulled out his desk chair and sat down, facing me. "Come on, Qasim. Put that butt where it needs to be." Qasim shuffled over to Amir and bent himself across his thighs. Amir shifted him so that his perky rump was the highest point on his body. Then he tapped him on his sit-spot and said to him, "You know what to do." Qasim whimpered a little and thrust his bottom up so that Amir could take his pants down. As soon as the pants and underwear were pulled to the middle of Qasim's golden thighs, Amir began to slowly rub the curves of his ass, telling him again how bad he had been. He rubbed each cheek gently with the back of the hairbrush, letting Qasim feel the implement that was about to redden his smooth flesh. He even ran the tip of the brush down Qasim's tender crack, making a visible shiver go up the boy's spine. "Now, let's see you stick that ass up. Stick it up high. Show me you know you deserve this spanking." Qasim arched his back, sticking his golden-brown behind out. The crowns of his cheeks were still a little pinked-up from his earlier spanking. He spread his thighs as well, showing Amir the duskier flesh of his crack, possibly even his pucker, though his butt-cheeks were quite full and round each a perfect globe and thus the cleft that ran between them was satisfyingly deep. I wondered how it would feel to bury my face in that soft dry warmth and feel him squirm as my tongue teased his little secret spot. Amir began to lightly slap Qasim's bottom, not hurting him, really, just enjoying the feel of the smooth bare buttocks under his palm. Even so, Qasim made a little show of bouncing and flinching his backside, saying "ow" every so often, and generally acting like a boy being spanked. "Keep that ass still," Amir warned him, administering a sharp smack to the underside of his left buttock. Qasim moaned and stuck his rear end out. It was blushing a bit from the spanks, as if it were mildly embarrassed. I crawled further forward and sat on the edge of the waterbed, the softness soothing on my ass. Amir gave me a slight smile and smacked Qasim extra hard. There was a soft moan, and the imprint of the brush showed up bright on Qasim's round golden cheek. Amir brought the brush down again. I heard Qasim's breath catch in his throat. He stuck his reddening buttocks up a bit higher, spreading his thighs, revealing more of that tantalizing dark crevice obviously on purpose, for Amir's benefit. Amir spanked him again; the cheeks flattened, rebounded, the sweet skin flushed red. Qasim squirmed. This time it was clear he was squirming his dripping hardness into Amir's thigh. His legs twitched. His moans and gasps grew louder. Amir slapped the brush down on his rear end with relentless vigor. Slaps on the full part of each cheek, or in the middle, or in the soft crack, or on the sit-spot where the two beautiful swells came together with the lean and well-sculpted thighs. This went on for several minutes, and the blows grew harder and louder, the brush smashing into the springy, yielding flesh. Qasim began to sniffle a little, but Amir paid no mind exactly as if this were for real. He aimed low now, focusing exclusively on the sweet spot. Qasim's butt twitched violently, and his body writhed, but Amir held him fast, pummeling his ass furiously. Perhaps he was taking out his long buildup of sexual frustration on the velvety flesh. When Qasim burst into soft, reluctant tears, Amir eased off a little a very little. He kept his hand on his brother's lower back as the boy resumed rubbing even as he sobbed against Amir's warm thigh, giving himself rough jolts of pleasure through the pain. Amir slapped him about a dozen more times, then set aside the brush. "There," he said, still playing the stern brother, "I hope that helps you learn." Qasim only cried quietly in response. There was a moment's pause, then Amir began to rub Qasim's back, just as if he really were soothing the wayward boy after his punishment. The tears subsided. And Amir let his hand drift, quite casually, down to the tops of Qasim's buns. Then over the curves themselves. Stroking, savoring. Qasim moaned and raised his ass. Amir's hand moved over the crimson cheeks a few more times, then paused on the crack, now moist with the sweat of exertion and discomfort. Qasim gave another, louder moan, spreading his thighs. Amir's hand shifted. Then his fingertips disappeared into Qasim's dusky crevice, and the boy's moan blossomed in his throat, becoming almost a shriek of pleasure as Amir's gentle fingers finally tickled his little rose. After a second, Amir lifted his fingers to his mouth and lathered the first two thoroughly with spit. With his other hand he stroked Qasim's red buttocks. He looked at me, smiled, then reached down and ran his spit-covered forefinger down his brother's crack. "Ahh !" Qasim's sleek golden back arched as Amir inserted the tip of his wet forefinger. He bucked his narrow hips, moaning, pushing that round red ass into Amir's hand. "Shh..." Amir said, stroking his back to push him down. "I have to go slowly." Qasim relaxed. He kept his legs spread wide as Amir's forefinger slid into his tight moist heat. I licked my dry lips watching Amir's lovely long finger disappear into that little dusky-gold orifice. I imagined the soft heat around my own finger, around my cock. I could see Qasim's straight silky hair sticking to his neck with sweat as he breathed hard, grappling with this strange new pleasure. Amir moved his finger inside the slick passage, causing the boy to make gurgling guttural sounds, to writhe and kick his lean legs. His body twitched as Amir caressed the little button inside him; he started to push his crotch into Amir's thigh again. I had stopped jerking off entirely, knowing that if I touched myself now, even with a fingertip, I would certainly come. Amir was smiling again, this time to himself. His eyes were lowered, focused on his brother's beautiful bare back and wriggling red behind. He still stroked Qasim steadily, even as he teased his prostate and moved his own body against Qasim's bucking, rolling hips. At last, Qasim clenched up

his rear end clamping around Amir's finger, a long groan issuing from his parched mouth and soaked the front of Amir's sweats with his hot pearly load. He lay there a moment, catching his breath, before Amir helped him up. He pulled him into a long, close embrace, kissing his neck before letting him go. The two brothers stared into each other's eyes, then Amir pulled Qasim toward him again. This time he kissed him, open-mouthed, soft. I imagined how each of them must feel; in my mind I was somewhere between the two pairs of luscious lips, between the two wet wandering tongues. They fell onto the bed, a foot away from me, their hands roaming all over each other, pinching, patting, caressing warm silken golden-brown flesh. Amir shirtless, his chest slick with sweat, Qasim pantless and burning red in back. His cock once again erect against Amir's leg as they pawed each other, lips locked together. My body was seething with lust, but my mind was a bit dazed, shocked, as though all this were in grave danger of turning out to be nothing more than a wonderful dream. But vivid little details the bounce of the waterbed; the little beads of sweat at the brothers' hairlines; the sucking-smooching sound as they frenziedly swapped saliva assured me that it was indeed real. Now they were stripping off the remainder of one another's clothing, desperate to get their hands on as much flesh as possible. How long had they wanted this, secretly, each thinking the other would scorn him if he knew? "You've got cum all over your stomach; I can feel it," I heard Amir growl at Qasim, lips close to his ear. He gave him a soft swat on the smooth side of his face. "Dirty boy we've got to clean you up." He sat up, laid Qasim on his back and spread his legs, crawled between them, and began tonguing his brother's belly and sparsely-haired inner thighs, where smears of translucent cream still glistened. Sometimes his tongue would catch the boy's balls or the base of his cock. Qasim would groan in frustration. At long last, Amir took the head of his brother's cock into his mouth, suckled it like the round bulb of a lollipop, then engulfed the shaft in one graceful motion. He had all of our experience behind him, I knew, but still it was amazing to watch. He gave Qasim expert head for the next minute or so, then took his mouth off and resumed lazily licking at his thighs. Qasim squeezed his big beautiful eyes shut and made frustrated noises, and once again Amir swallowed him whole, teased him, and withdrew. This time instead of going back to his thighs and belly, he lifted his legs and began to massage his sore cheeks. Qasim was swimming in sensation; you could see it in the languid look on his face, the way his moist lips hung open invitingly. Amir gave an evil grin which Qasim, who had his eyes shut, couldn't see. Amir's own eyes were focused downward. Looking directly at his brother's spread crack and hole. A second later, he wasn't just looking, but stroking with his thumbs. Qasim pushed his ass forward with a loud grunt of need, his handsome features twisting. Then Amir leaned down and placed his lush lips directly on his brother's golden-pink bud. Qasim's sweet mouth opened wide, but nothing came out. Amir went to work with gusto, using his tongue to coat the sides of Qasim's crack with spit, licking over the smooth reddened globes til they glistened, then attacking the bud itself, kissing and licking as Qasim writhed. I could hear the slurping sounds Amir's eager mouth made as he devoured his brother's virginal rose. I recommenced stroking myself, very slowly, making it last. Qasim squirmed, grinding his crack into Amir's lips. His lovely golden cock was prodding his small inny belly-button. He too reached down and began sliding his hand over his shaft. Amir's licking and slurping grew even more ardent, as if he were digging into a favorite desert after a long period of deprivation. All I could see now were his sweaty black curls bobbing up and down, a bit of his nose and closed eyes. I hoped when he finished I'd get a look at his brother's saliva-covered and well-eaten hole. Qasim began clutching the bedclothes with his free hand. His other one moved over his cock in a blur. When he came, his back arched up off the bed. White ropes hit his flat golden belly. He moaned at each spurt. Amir looked up, smiling at him. He crawled on top of him, smearing his cum all over his own chest and belly. Then he kissed the soft side of his neck, gathered him into his arms. Still catching his breath, Qasim shifted so they were lying beside each other, looking into one another's eyes. Another soft kiss on Qasim's neck. I guess Amir wasn't sure how Qasim would feel about being kissed on the mouth after he'd just eaten his ass. I came, making a low noise as I felt the surge through my body, the warmth on my fingers. Both boys looked over and smiled at me, then turned back to each other, absorbed. Amir said something into Qasim's perfect golden ear. Qasim replied, too low for me to hear, stroking his brother's curls as he did so. More Khalili-boy whispering. I wondered again what about. After a moment, they just lay against each other, relaxing. Amir's cock was still hard. He gave himself a few quick strokes. Soon, he had added his jizz to the smears cooling on Qasim's and his bodies. He held his brother close, mixing it together. They looked beautiful, the lean golden body and the slightly darker, slightly more developed one. My lovely Amir and his lovely younger brother, satisfied at last. They basked in that satisfaction, arms around each other. I wondered if they had dozed off, but a glance showed me that their eyes were open; they were studying each other with intent love. "We're ignoring poor Aaron," Qasim said, after a long time, a bit of unmistakable mischief in his voice. "We really shouldn't." "You're right we shouldn't." Amir looked up, winked at me. "Do you think Aaron wants to kiss me too?" Qasim asked. He glanced up at me with a playful smile. "I think he does. I want to kiss him. If you don't mind." "I don't mind. But I don't know if he does." Now I had two utterly delicious Arab boys smiling teasingly up at me, two sets of gorgeous gleaming black eyes, two rows of clean white teeth. One beauty golden-skinned, the other just a shade or two darker. One with glossy crests of thick straight hair, the other with short soft curls. Both faces beaming with inviting lust. "We should ask him." My cock began to harden again. "How about it?" Amir turned toward me. "Qasim here wants you to kiss him. Interested?" In answer I threw myself down beside Qasim and pulled the naked boy toward me. For just a second, I was hesitant, a little. Of course, I had never kissed a boy other than Amir. Amir was special to me, and I wanted him and the things we did together to stay that way. But lust quickly won over as Qasim's handsome face moved toward mine, his lush golden-pink lips pushed out just a little, his dark-lashed eyes sweetly shut. Who could resist that? I pressed my lips to his, felt him open to accept my tongue, and melted in his warm sweet mouth.

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