Aaron and Amir

By S. K.

Published on Feb 25, 2007


It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and my thoughts were on one of my favorite topics: Amir Khalili's ass. Specifically, on what I planned to do to that ass once I got it bent over his bed. I could almost hear the luscious, juicy smacks and feel the slight thrilling sting from the impact of my sweat- damp palm on those twin silken cheeks. I saw him squirming, heard his low moans of pleasure. After he was red and sore in back and hard and dripping in front, I would bend down and tongue his sweaty cleft.

And maybe, once I'd thoroughly bathed his sweet hole in spit, he'd let me slide my cock, once again, into his tight slick center. I fervently hoped he would; my cock thickened with anticipation as I tried not to speed on the way to his house.

The rest of his family were supposed to be gone for most of the day, but I was still anxious as I rang his doorbell, hoping Rahman wouldn't answer. I waited. Before long, the door creaked open. A face: handsome profile; glittering black eyes; sweet, soft, naughty smile.

I followed him inside. He shut the door, plunging the curtained hallway into dimness. He slipped his arms around me; I took his face in my hands, looked wordlessly into his eyes, kissed him hard, relishing the pressure of that soft mouth as he returned the kiss.

The relief of finally holding him was shocking. My cock began to fill again with blood as our bodies pressed against each other. I could feel his also, warm and hard. Our hips ground together. I pushed him against the wall, nibbled his lips. His hands slid down my back and cupped my buttocks.

After Wednesday's debate practice–which was awkward as all get-out, but hardly the horror I had expected–I had become even more anxious to see him alone. He'd gotten his hair trimmed Tuesday evening--still long enough to show some of the soft, loose curl, but it no longer required so much gel to keep out of his face. The neater cut accentuated his handsome features, making the eyes and lips appear larger and even softer, and drawing attention to the strong, fine bone structure. I noticed the way the hair was clipped short at the back. He wore a very white shirt, bringing out the dusky warmth of his skin. The shirt was a bit too big as well; he looked slight and adorably vulnerable. When practice started, we wisely sat at different tables and didn't speak to each other. But I caught him looking at me, and I certainly snuck glances his way when I could. Once, our eyes met, and his sweet mouth curved at the edge in a secret smile. My heart was pounding, afraid someone would see me looking at him.

And now I had him alone, at last. I nuzzled into the warmth of his soft brown neck, kissing and nipping it. He had the taste of clean skin and faint soap. I wanted to whisper to him, but I didn't know what to say without sounding silly. I wanted him to know I'd missed him, and that touching him again was the best feeling in the world.

We moved into the bedroom, shut and locked the door, our hands never leaving one another's bodies. He was giving my butt a lot of attention–more than usual--patting it and cupping his hands around its curve as we kissed. After a few minutes of intense kissing, he slid his hands around to my front and opened my fly. I reached for his, but he swatted my hands lightly. Feisty boy.

"Not yet," he murmured, pulling my khakis down to mid-thigh, exposing the erection which strained the blue briefs I was wearing.

He smirked. "Nice underwear today, Eisen. Turn around. Let me see what your ass looks like in those."

I turned, his hands on my back and shoulders. I knew what my butt looked like in those briefs, which was part of the reason I'd chosen them that morning. He ran his hands over me in firm circular motions, kneading my flesh, spreading the buns apart through the cloth and then smushing them back together. His breathing grew audibly harder while he did it. I felt cool air on the top of my crack and realized he was peeling the briefs down. He worked them to mid-thigh, then stopped to caress my now-bare ass. He rested one hands on my lower back while using the other to gently pry my buttocks apart. The hand on my lower back retreated, and his forefinger inched down into my crack. In my brief–and in hindsight unjustified–surprise, I pulled away from him. My ass flinched closed. He turned me around, kissing me, his finger returning to stroke my cleft.

"Remember what you promised me?" His lovely smile widened, showing sweet dimples. "I've decided to collect on that promise."

I remembered.

His hand continued its work and I began to relax in spite of myself, letting him stroke my pucker gently. Having Amir touch me anywhere couldn't be unpleasant for long.


"I'm not sure, Amir..."

"Why aren't you sure, Aaron? You made me a promise. As I recall, you also promised that there would be consequences should you fail to deliver." He took his hand out of my crack and swatted me on my left buttock.

Shit. I had, hadn't I?

"Consequences of my choosing." He tapped my butt a second time. God–Amir could really look mean sometimes.

His fingers began to crawl again into my crack. I tried to squirm away when I felt one of his blunt little nails gently tickle my pucker. I hesitated, tensed up. He shook his head, stroking me lightly where my buttocks met. Then he leaned in and placed his mouth against my left ear in a damp kiss.

"It's cute how nervous you are." His tongue snaked into my ear. "Very sexy too."

"You were the same way," I said, shivering from the sloppy velvet caress of his tongue on my ear, then down the side of my neck, stopping just before my collar, where he gave my skin a gentle nibble.

"Well."After a reflective moment, he moved back up to my moist and tingling ear, his warm breath sending more little shivers through me. "I got over it. Besides," –he tugged on my hair lightly– "this isn't about me. It's your turn now."

He leaned in and nipped my ear lightly between his teeth. Then he sucked the tender lobe into his mouth and gnawed softly. I gasped.

"God, you're sweet," he whispered, stroking some of my hair away from the ear. He deep-kissed my ear again for another long salacious moment. Those fingers again crept into my crack, ever so tenderly. He separated my cheeks with his thumb and forefinger, used the middle finger to prod my bud. I slipped out of his grasp and plopped down on the bed. My erect cock bounced as the water- filled mattress rocked beneath me. Amir gave an evil smirk and leapt forward, straddling me, pushing my chest down with one hand and grabbing my shaft with the other.

"I think you're a little more interested than you admit," he said. "At least, this is."

"That's pretty normal when you're around, Khalili."

"Well, it doesn't seem put off in the least by what I have in mind." He slowly thumbed the tiny slit in the pink mushroom head. A little clear trickle of pre-cum oozed out.

"See," he teased, a slanted smile dimpling his smooth-shaved cheek, "I think you want me to."

He took his legs off me, lay down beside me, and began kissing me again. With him pressed against me, his hands stroking my hair–and creeping down my back–I couldn't help but reciprocate with increasing enthusiasm, a feeling of relaxed lust again washing over me.

"Let's take off your clothes," he murmured, pulling the hem of my T-shirt up over my belly and chest. I lifted my arms, allowing him to bare my upper body. He moved his hands up my chest, captured the nipples between his fore- and middle- fingers. They were wrinkled up, bullet-hard. I was both aroused, no doubt, in spite of my apprehension. The look on his face was possessive, gloating, predatory. Even vengeful. He licked his lips. I could hear his hard breath going in and out. In a couple of clean, firm, movements, he had my pants and briefs off. Only my white socks remained–and he quickly took care of those too.

To my memory, I had never been completely naked while Amir was fully clothed. Not even the time he'd switched me. It was embarrassing, and I blushed, probably harder than I had even during that memorable interlude.

Amir pulled me to him and kissed me. "You're adorable," he said. "Do you know how red your face is?"

"No," I murmured, a little sulkily.

"Well, it's very red–and, do you know what I think? I think we need to make your sweet little ass match it. You don't want to let me inside; that's alright–for now. But you need to be punished for breaking your promise."

He had a point. I'd said it, there was no way around it. My hand went to my bare, cool buns, and I rubbed apprehensively

"You'll rub it plenty after," he said, "Or I'll do it for you." His full lips smirked as he reached for me. "Who knows? Maybe this will put you in a more compliant mood."

He patted his lap, indicating where he wanted me to place my butt. Sighing, I bent over his thighs, remembering the other time I'd been in this position, when he'd used the hairbrush. This led naturally to the lovely thought of Qasim writhing over Amir's knee, and then Amir over mine, naked except for his thin, white T-shirt. These memories, and the feel of his thigh beneath, gave my erection a sudden boost.

"Since this is for misbehavior, I really should use something other than my hand," Amir remarked, placing his palm where my buttocks met, then proceeding to massage my bare mounds. Without my thinking about it, I pushed my bottom to meet his caressing hand. "But I really want to feel your sweet creamy buns warming up. Even if I can't fuck you just yet."

That "just yet" hung in the air over me. I wondered, if I yielded now, would it get me out of punishment? I doubted it, and I didn't want to try.

The rub on my ass was, as always, maddeningly pleasurable. Til Amir, I had not been fully aware of just how sensitive my ass is. (Of course, neither of us were aware of quite a few things about our asses til we got together!) It made me grind my hard-on into Amir's soft khaki-clad thighs. Then I'd raise my behind and squirm as he fondled it, even let him dip his fingers in the crack, just gently.

His hand left my rump and I realized he was about to begin spanking me.

"Stick it up, Eisen."

So it was "Eisen" now. He meant business. I felt him tap my sit-spot lightly. As soon as my back arched, he brought his palm down hard, right in the middle. The impact sent a pulse through to my erection. I think he could tell, because he made an appreciative sound and lightly stroked the spot where he'd smacked me. Then he lifted his hand again and–smack!–landed it loudly on my lower left bun. He soon gave similar treatment to the right, then to the center again. After that, the firm smacks attained a very painful rhythm, the sound of an open palm striking a pair of round young cheeks rang out clearly in the room. These slaps were far harder than the warm-up ones I'd watched him give Qasim, harder even than the angry blows he'd delivered to the poor boy's formerly golden- skinned butt after catching him rubbing in the corner. Despite the fast-building pain and burn, my erection continued unabated, a fact I was, of course, unable to conceal from Amir, who was surely smirking at the feel of my hard bone against his khaki-clad thighs, not to mention the sight of my lean, pale, submissively-positioned body and my fast-reddening rear end.

"Raise it a little more."

SLAP! A good solid one, that. Right in the center of my butt-crease. I perked my ass up immediately.

"Good boy. You keep it up."

As I had the time Rahman had made us punish each other, I got the–rather arousing, to tell the truth–feeling that he was talking to me the way his father and/or older brother talked to him while he was being spanked. He was certainly speaking to me as he had to Qasim–same stern, admonishing tone, same embarrassing words.

My ass was now stinging pretty fiercely; I began to squirm against him, rubbing my cock on his thighs, feeling his own prominent hardness inside the khakis and the tight briefs. Ooh, the fabric on his legs felt smooth, with just a little bit of pleasurable friction. I expected him to swat my upper thigh and growl at me to keep my butt still, but he didn't. He simply continued slapping my hot, red orbs at a firm and consistent cadence. I don't know when I began moaning, but I suddenly noticed that I was--moaning and squirming and rubbing against him in undisguised pleasure. He continued to bring his palm down on my butt, making it bounce. He no longer seemed to care that I didn't keep it raised the whole time; I would rub my needy cock on his thigh and then stick my ass out to eagerly meet his hand.

Finally, he stopped and began to gently caress my burning rump while I squirmed my erection against him.

"It's so hot when you do that," he said, wiggling his hips so his erection rubbed mine through the cloth. "You like this, don't you?" A light slap on my left cheek. "Not much of a punishment, huh?" he snickered, continuing to rub me where he had burned me. "Get up; I want to see your face."

I got up. My glasses, damnable things, were a little askew, and I knew Amir was thinking how cute and vulnerable I looked like that, even as he reached to adjust them for me. I also knew my hair would be mussed, and my face red with embarrassment and exertion. My cock was pointed straight at the ceiling.

Amir looked steadily at me, his dark eyes alight, searing my defenseless body. Then he looked down at the front of his pants, where a clear spot of my pre-cum was visible. His wardrobe certainly seemed to be collecting a lot of boy-cum these days. He brushed his fingers over the spot and looked back up at me with a sexy devilish smile.

"Yeah, you really like this. I think if I'd kept you over my knee any longer you'd have done like Qasim."

If possible, my face got redder. I could feel it. I wanted to hide, but there was nothing I could do. I was stripped bare, red-assed, and wildly aroused under his delighted gaze.

"I want you to lie on the bed on your back and put your legs up."


"Now, Eisen."

Something in his tone made me want to obey, though I'll admit I had begun to plan the things I was going to do to him once I got out of this–ropes, I thought, ropes and maybe a flyswatter, that would be perfect for my evil Arab beauty. Such thoughts, along with the way he looked at me now, caused my erection to throb with new urgency. But I put off all ideas of salacious vengeance–for now--as I lay down in the center of the bed and pulled my legs up to expose my scarlet bottom, the cheeks spread so that he was staring directly at my perineum and much-desired pucker.

Watching me, Amir shucked his T-shirt and pants, kneeling in front of me on the bed in his tighty- whities and white undershirt. He rubbed his erection through the fabric, just looking at me in my humiliating position, my state of utter exposure.

He put out a hand to touch my perineum, then the open crack of my ass. That mischievous sexy smile still lighting up his face, he gave my tender crack a gentle slap. It felt so good I groaned with delight.

"Your ass is so sexy like that, Eisen, I just have to taste it." With that, Amir bent down and dove right in, licking me with wild enthusiasm, his tongue first traveling teasingly over my sore buns, coating them with spit, then delving into my crack. He lapped vigorously up and down the cleft, and I wiggled my ass into his face as he did it, my moans now filling the room. His naughty tongue and lips then found my hole and he concentrated ardent licks and gentle kisses on the orifice which he so longed to penetrate. When I saw him pull back to coat a finger with spit, I didn't even protest.

The finger burned at first, going in, but he was very patient and gentle, as I had tried–to the best of my admittedly limited ability--to be with him. He poked the tip in first, then waited for me to adjust before sliding it in to the first knuckle. I gasped–it was such a strange sensation. Not unpleasant, really. I relaxed and he moved his finger in all the way.

He began to pump the finger back and forth, slow and easy, while lightly caressing my erection. The whole time he kept his eyes locked on my face. His black eyes were half-lidded with lust, and his lips never lost their smile. The smile became softer, sweeter, as I began to push my ass against his finger.

"Feels good, right?"

"Uh-huh," I breathed, still moving my ass against him.

"Good. I'm glad. I'm going to try a second finger now. You let me know right away if it hurts you–if anything hurts you--and I'll ease up, okay? Do you maybe want some lotion?"

"I brought the lube I used on you before. In my backpack."

"Good thinking."

He removed his finger slowly, then patted the side of my ass and left the bed to fetch what he needed. When he returned, he slathered a generous amount of lube onto his first two fingers as I watched.

"Is this good?" He held up his fingers glistening with gel.


He dabbed a little of it on my hole as well. It felt nice–warm and moist.

"Okay, ready?"


He slid them in, again very gently, again pausing at the first finger joint to let me adjust. It was nowhere near as painful as I had feared. As he moved the fingers back and forth while stroking my randy cock, it even began to feel pretty good. With those fingers still inside me, he squirted more lube onto his third finger and–as tenderly and slowly as possible, added it in, looking into my eyes the whole time. His gaze was smoldering, his soft lips now open a little. I relaxed completely, as if he had me hypnotized.

"You can–if you want you can do it now, Amir."

"`If I want'." He smirked. "Of course I want. Let me add more lube."

He withdrew with the same calm gentleness as he had before, rubbed more lube on my hole and on his fingers, then inserted them again. After a few minutes of pumping them back and forth, playing with my cock, and wiggling the fingers to stretch me, he pulled out again.

His eyes stayed on mine as he took off his briefs and undershirt and lubed up his lovely cock. Then he crawled over to me and brushed the velvety head against my pucker. He caressed my thighs and leaned in to give me a long kiss.

"I think you'll like this, Aaron. I hope you do. I know I did." He smiled, kissed me a second time, a shorter kiss, just brushing my lips. "Don't be scared. And if it really hurts, say so."

"I will." I dropped my voice to a sultry whisper: "Now put it in me."

"If you insist."

He began to press, and the head slid inside. Then the first half-inch of the shaft. There was a slight burn again, and he must have seen the discomfort in my face because he stayed there for ten or fifteen seconds, fondling my penis and rubbing my chest and belly soothingly.

After I got used to it, he slid it in further. I looked down at the place where our bodies were now so intimately joined and saw that his was already halfway inside me. I could scarcely believe it. What's more, it felt... well, not wonderful, but certainly not unpleasant. He moved in another inch or so. I gasped.

"Shhh.." he said, resuming his caresses. "I won't hurt you. I love you."

He didn't move for another half minute, just let me relax around him and looked at me. Then, when I smiled, happy about what he had said, letting him know it was okay to go on, he slipped the rest of the way in. He began a very slow rolling motion, filling me completely then pulling back a little, pleasuring himself with my body. I don't know when it began to feel good exactly; I only know that I found myself moaning as I had when he tongued my ass. He was touching something, maybe my prostate, and soon I realized that what he was doing to me felt delicious. Dirty, sure, and incredibly intimate–I felt completely vulnerable–but delicious.

"You can–go a little harder–Amir–"

"Whatever you want, I'll do it," he gasped. The look on his face was pure ecstasy. And he did begin to move faster, and it felt still more delicious. I moved my body to meet his thrusts; he ran his hands over my torso, playing with my hard nips. As his thrusts increased in strength and his face began to tighten with excruciating pleasure, he started jerking my cock again, harder. I felt intense hot pleasure now in both my cock and ass. I groaned loud as I gazed up at my Amir, lost in his own sensation but still locking eyes with me.

After a minute more of the sweet thrust of his hips, he slid out–a bit too quickly–and his cock erupted, spraying three hot ropes of cum across my tingling ass. He actually held it and aimed his orgasm at me. Some hit me on my hole, but most got my reddened buttocks. The rest dribbled out onto Amir's hand.

Seemingly without a pause, he was down between my legs, cleaning his own jizz off my ass with his hot lapping tongue, then taking my cock deep into his mouth and sucking me lustily. It didn't take me long to reach orgasm, and what an orgasm it was. A true release, my toes and fingers curling and my cum shooting hard into Amir's beautiful mouth. He swallowed some; kissed me with the rest, letting us share the salty taste. He gathered me into his warm arms, and we lay beside each other, kissing hard at first, then with deep tenderness, our exhausted bodies clasped together.

Nuzzling even closer to me, he whispered into my ear. "I know you remember, from doing it to me, just how good that feels. And I want to say thank you."

I trailed my fingers down his bare back. "You know, it felt good for me too."



"Told ya so."

He held me so that my head rested in the hollow between his neck and shoulder. We laced our fingers together, and with his other hand he idly caressed my hair. It was starting to get long enough that some of the natural wave was showing. Maybe I was due for a trim too.

"Why didn't you cum inside me?" I asked suddenly, remembering how wonderful it had been to shoot my load deep inside him.

"Because I've wanted to squirt all over your lily-white ass since the day I saw it bent across Edgy's desk. I've wanted to cum all over you and then get down and lick it off your beautiful butt. Sort of a fantasy of mine."

"You never said so."

"I was saving it." He paused a moment, traced his finger over my lips. "You're really gorgeous, you know?"

"Just gorgeous?" I asked, nudging him playfully.

"And intelligent. A little pig-headed sometimes–"


"–but incredibly, awesomely smart," he finished, laughing a little as he overdid it on the adverbs. "Also, you've got a great dirty mind." Amir squeezed me hard. "I meant what I said before."

"About what?"

"I'm in love with you. When you first said it, I wasn't sure. Now I am."

"How come? `Cause I let you inside my ass?"

"Sorta. You showed you're willing to do everything for me that I do for you. Even if you were–uh–a trifle hesitant."

"Or, maybe, uncooperative?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Perhaps a little. But I know how to handle that, don't I?" Amir's smile was so adorably wicked I had to give him a quick kiss on his full lips.

"You certainly do." I rubbed my satisfyingly sore ass for emphasis.

"Of course, you'll have to pay me back, won't you?" he asked, the smile growing. He didn't bother at all to hide the joyful anticipation in his voice.

"With interest, my love." I laughed. "Still have that rope you used on me before?"

He laughed too, his eyes sparkling. "As a matter of fact I do. Whatever for?"

"Oh, you'll see."

Amir kissed me. "A perfect example of why I love you, you twisted boy." Another kiss, softer. "We'll have plenty of time for you revenge this weekend, don't you worry."

Next: Chapter 15

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