Aaa Modeling Agency

By Rafi Daud

Published on Jun 16, 2015


This story is a fantasy set in the real world. Obviously, any similarities between characters appearing in it and the real world are purely coincidental. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the ten chapters of this story are already written. I would, however, consider any suggestions in future stories.

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

AAA Modeling Agency

Chapter 5

Callum heard the loud clang behind him but, having got used to the slamming of the heavy metal door against the jamb in the past two weeks, he didn't even bother to look back. Instead, naked, like he'd been every day before, he carefully made his way across the roof, trying to keep his mind from dwelling on the fact that he was clearly visible to anyone who happened to be staring at the roof-top from the neighboring office buildings. Just like Mr. DeMarco had said, the area where the Agency's models stretched out to catch the sun's rays was out of view from those structures. The path to get there, however, was a different story as Callum had realized with a shock the first time Troy led him up there. Multiple floors of three different office buildings had an unrestricted vantage from which any onlooker would have a clear view of the naked model as he made his way across the roof.

Ahead of him, in the little alcove that did provide a small oasis of privacy, he could see the backs of Kerry's white legs spread wide apart. Obviously, the little faggot was working on his ass-crack again. Despite the fact that Callum had popped a load not more than five minutes earlier, he could feel his cock hardening in the warm air just visualizing Kerry's incredible butt. Callum wasn't queer but even he had to admit that the boy had a fucking beautiful ass - and a truly skilled mouth, too. He was as good as Troy and that faggot was an A-1 cocksucker, as Callum had discovered, much to his surprise.

As he got nearer to their tanning alcove, Kerry's ass came into view. As Callum had expected, the model's hands were stretched-out behind him, holding his pretty little butt-cheeks far apart to expose his ass-cleft to the noon-day sun. Even from ten feet away, Callum had a clear view of Kerry's anal rosette and he was surprised to see how battered and swollen it looked. Yesterday, when he had the exact same view of Kerry's ass, the puckered opening had appeared much differently, maybe a little stretched by the pull of Kerry's hands on his buttocks, but Callum was pretty sure his own asshole looked the same when he was tanning the area in between his buttocks. Today, it was obvious that Kerry had been fucked last night and fucked hard. 'Fucking faggots,' Callum thought, shaking his head, 'what type of guy would take it up the shitter from another dude. That's just sick.'

But, even as that thought crossed his mind, Callum had to admit that the boy had an ass that was made for fucking. If Kerry was a chick showing off a butt that inviting, Callum would have been hard put not to climb aboard and give the bitch the plowing she was so obviously asking for. As it was, he had to keep reminding himself that Kerry was a dude - a faggot, in fact - and therefore not the proper focus for a straight man's lust. But while Callum's mind was sure that he couldn't be turned on by another dude's ass, his body hadn't got the message. His big cock was now, once again, in full, aching erection.

Just as he stepped into the little alcove, Kerry turned his head. "Hey, Cal," the boy said, looking up at Callum from the towel he'd spread on the roof, "thought I heard you walking across the roof. Let me scoot over and give you some more room."

With that, the boy flipped over and got to his feet. He leaned back down to move his towel to the side affording Callum with a real close-up view of his butt. Even without his fingers pulling his butt-cheeks apart, the boy's hole gaped open a good inch. Callum could only wonder at the size of the cock that had done that much damage to Kerry's hole. And then a thought struck him. Maybe it wasn't the size of the cock that had done so much damage - maybe it was the number of cocks Kerry had taken since yesterday. Everyone knew that all faggots were super whores who thought nothing about letting a dozen guys have a go at them in a single session.

Unbidden, an image popped into Callum's consciousness, an image of Kerry on his belly, legs spread far apart, getting his ass plowed by a well-hung dude while a line of guys behind his fucker impatiently waited their turn at the boy. Callum had participated in more than one train fucking some bitch and had found it a real turn-on. He couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like to plow Kerry's ass after it had been warmed up by half-a-dozen hard dicks and lubed up by an equal number of steamy loads of man-cream. 'That might really be hot,' he thought. Then, shuddering as he realized what he'd been thinking, Callum forced his mind to focus on the present. Kerry had returned to the roof's deck and was now lying on his back smiling up at Callum.

Kerry allowed his eyes to drop to Callum's groin before he returned his gaze to Callum's face. "Why don't you pull up a towel, Cal," he said light-heartedly, "and I'll take care of that for you." Despite himself, Callum couldn't keep his dick from visibly throbbing at the prospect of taking Kerry up on his offer. He quickly spread his towel out right next to Kerry and got down on his back. He turned slightly towards Kerry so that his giant fuck-stick was pointed straight at the little fruit. "Have at it...boy," he sneered, just managing to swallow the 'fag' epithet he'd almost appended to 'boy.' Kerry seemed to be an even bigger pussy than Troy but Callum didn't want to say anything that might get back to Mr. DeMarco and get him in trouble.

As Callum lay back and let Kerry go to work on his aroused member, he couldn't help but recall that, as little as ten days ago, he would have gone ballistic if any faggot had offered to blow him. But that had all changed last week when Troy had sucked him off. Callum was sure he was going to hate it - hate having a fag mouth his straight cock, hate having to pop a load down a queerboy's throat. And Callum couldn't have been more wrong. Though he'd been shocked at first, he'd come to accept that what he had always assumed was bullshit was, in fact, true - no one could give head like a fucking faggot.

'Well, maybe there is something those perverts are good for,' Callum mused as he felt his juices beginning to rise in his turgid cunt-buster. A moment later he heard himself moaning out loud as his balls began to churn out yet another orgasm. Lately, it'd had seemed like his entire day was becoming just an endless sequence of boning up and popping off. Yesterday, he'd lost count at fifteen. 'Fifteen!' he thought. 'That's fucking unbelievable. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why the fuck am I horny all the time?' But, the question had no sooner formed in his brain than it was bruited aside by the animalistic pleasure of another violent eruption of searing boy-cum.

Kerry was working the cock in his mouth for all he was worth, his throat gulping down the hot scuzz that just seemed to shoot from Callum's cock in an endless geyser. Callum actually felt his entire body shaking in the grips of the monstrous ejaculation he was spewing out. Slowly, though, the spasms waned as the urgent flow began to abate and Kerry eased up on his ministrations.

The redhead would have liked to drag it out, to continue sucking on Callum's boner until he was writhing in discomfort like he'd seen Troy do that first time Kerry had joined Callum on the roof. But Kerry was under very specific instructions as to what he was supposed to do and what he was prohibited from doing. And what he was charged with doing was sucking Callum off every time he got hard and making sure the asshole enjoyed the experience. And what he was absolutely forbidden to do was to give the boy any hint as to what the AAA Modeling Agency was really all about - peddling hot, tight stud-pussy to wealthy clients.

As far as Kerry could tell, DeMarco had no cause to be concerned on the last score. He had never met anyone as fundamentally clueless as Callum. In the past month, Callum had been required to shave off all of his body hair and keep it off, been kept naked the whole time he was in the agency and paraded through the offices as if his unclothed condition was the most normal thing in the world, been forced to limit his clothing outside the office to a skimpy pair of running shorts, had his naked ass spanked - three times by the last count - while he was effectively being masturbated, and been required to submit to daily blow jobs from other males and, after all that, he still hadn't figured out that this wasn't the normal way a modeling agency was run. Fuck, he was so stupid that he was still downing the 'energy supplement' like it was water and wondering why he was so horny all of the time. If Callum wasn't such a total asshole, Kerry might have felt sorry for him, particularly since, starting tomorrow, Callum's situation was going to become so much more unpleasant.

But Callum was a total asshole and, in a sense, Kerry was grateful for that. It helped ease any guilt he might otherwise feel for helping DeMarco out in turning the other model into an unwilling straight boy-whore. In truth, Callum was such an unrelieved douche-bag that Kerry was actually looking forward to seeing him fucked and abused like some penny-ante street hustler who'd sleep with anyone just to get a roof over his head for the night. Hell, DeMarco had even promised Kerry that he'd get a go at Callum's ass once it'd been properly broken in. Truth be told, Kerry would normally prefer having a guy with a nice thick 9-inch dick fucking his own ass, but he was more than willing to make an exception in Callum's case, particularly knowing how much Callum, being the homophobe he was, would hate being fucked by a faggot. Yeah, for that asshole Callum, he'd be willing to play the stud and fuck his brains out - not that that would take too long.

Finished with servicing the dark-haired homophobe for the moment, though judging from past experience Kerry knew the fucker would be hard again in less than an hour, the redhead lay back down on his towel and enjoyed the sun. Of course, he wasn't getting any physical benefit from it - DeMarco was adamant that he didn't want Kerry's milky-white complexion marred by a tan, so Kerry was using a total sun-block whenever he was on the roof. You'd think that Callum might have noticed that even though Kerry had been tanning next to him for the last week the boy's skin was as pale and undarkened as it was when he started lying in the sun, but that prick was so self-absorbed that he never noticed anything that didn't impact him directly. Which was just as well, since Kerry would have been hard put to explain why he was spending three hours on the roof each afternoon. He could hardly tell him that he was there solely for the purpose of blowing Callum every time he got hard. Even a dolt as thick-headed as Callum might wonder about that.

As Kerry settled in on his towel, his mind went back to his own initial experiences with the agency, just a few months earlier. It was hard for him to believe it now, but when he first started with AAA Modeling Agency he thought of himself as straight. So, just like Callum, he was somewhat disconcerted by being ordered to shave off all of his body hair. But, once he'd shaved, he'd discovered that he kind of liked the way his body felt - all smooth and sleek.

He'd always been somewhat of an exhibitionist so he wasn't especially upset when DeMarco frequently insisted he remain naked in the office during their meetings, though it did make him wonder about the man's motives, particularly when DeMarco seemed to almost encourage Troy to take physical liberties with Kerry while he was dressing and posing him during photo-shoots. But, ultimately, it was the 'energy supplement' that clued Kerry in relatively quickly on just exactly what was going on at the agency.

Like any young dude, Kerry was horny a lot. But there's a difference between popping a couple bones during the day when properly stimulated and walking around with permanent wood between your legs. When he eventually worked it out that his heightened sexual sensitivity had pretty much started right after he began working with the agency, his mind immediately focused on the 'energy supplement' DeMarco was so insistent Kerry imbibe. So one night Kerry just skipped it. When he woke up the next morning, he realized that he had just had his first night's sleep in over a week that hadn't been interrupted by the overwhelming need to rub out a load or two.

From that point on, Kerry stopped drinking the supplement unless he had a scheduled meeting at the agency. On those days when he did have a session with DeMarco he made sure to down a good dose of the supplement before he set off for the office. He was not surprised when the old horniness returned and he found himself fully erect at the agency - just like DeMarco almost certainly wanted him to be.

Once having made that discovery, it wasn't hard to connect the dots. Obviously, the office nudity, the 'energy supplement,' the way Troy went out of his way to fondle and play with Kerry's naked body whenever given the remotest opportunity, were all designed to make Kerry receptive to sexual advances from other males. And there were only two possible reasons for that. Either DeMarco intended to exploit Kerry sexually for his own personal pleasure or he intended to market the boy for sex.

At first, after Kerry had worked things out, he was pretty conflicted. Being taken on as a model at the agency had given him his first real opportunity to make some decent money. Unlike Callum, Kerry had actually excelled at school work and he would have loved the opportunity to continue on to college. And he had the grades and the SAT scores that would have easily enabled him to do so. But his family's financial situation was even more perilous than Callum's.

Kerry had three younger sisters and a younger brother and a mother who busted her ass to provide for them. His father had died four years earlier after a long bout with cancer that had devastated the family, both emotionally and financially. And, though he was only sixteen when his dad finally succumbed, he had promised his father, literally on his death-bed, that he would look after the family. So, he turned down the scholarship that State had offered him and, once he graduated from high school, he went to work. Unfortunately, he quickly discovered that prospective employers seldom looked past the fact that he had only a high school diploma and this meant his job prospects were pretty much limited to janitorial and other menial work, none of which paid much more than the minimum wage. Being able to work as a model had held out the prospect of significantly increasing his income. If DeMarco's whole set-up was just a sham, just a way of getting Kerry into DeMarco's bed, then all his hopes were going to be dashed.

On the other hand, if all that was happening at the agency was designed to groom him for the sex trade, it might not be so bad. Kerry had long ago realized he was good-looking. Girls were hitting on him all the time and, not infrequently, guys too. While he had so far limited himself to sex with females, he had no intrinsic aversion to sex with fellow males. It was more that the guys who came on to him were not particularly attractive, at least to his tastes, whereas the girls were hot as hell. So he had never had cause to take a dip in the gay side of the swimming pool. But he had always promised himself that, given the right situation - a really hot dude - he'd give gay sex a try just to see what it was like.

Of course, he realized that if he got into the sex trade it was less than likely that his customers, regardless of their sex, would be really hot. Hot people tended to see no reason to part with money just to enjoy something they could get for free. But, as he'd heard a number of times, money was the best aphrodisiac and, if the money were right, Kerry was pretty sure he could accommodate any reasonable request regardless of the sex of his partner. So what Kerry resolved was that if the whole set-up at the agency was designed to ultimately market him as a sex object to paying customers, he'd give it a try and see how things worked out. If not, if the whole purpose of the agency charade was simply to get him into bed with DeMarco, well then he'd just bail.

So he went along with DeMarco's program: he spanked a naked Troy for some minor infraction and, a few days later, submitted to being spanked by Troy in his turn. He didn't particularly like the pain but he was surprised by the fact that both spanking another young guy and being spanked by one were somehow sexually arousing. A few days after that, having seen how readily Kerry was submitting to his demands, DeMarco simply suggested that Kerry let Troy suck him off to see if that might ameliorate his erection 'problem.' Kerry easily agreed and then surprised both DeMarco and Troy by reciprocating on Troy after the receptionist had blown him. It was time, Kerry had decided, to lay his cards on the table.

Right after he'd finished sucking Troy off, which he had to admit to himself he enjoyed almost as much as being sucked off by Troy, he stood up and confronted DeMarco. "Look, Mr. DeMarco," he began, "I'm not stupid. I know what's going on here and I know about the energy supplement you keep giving me. And I've played along up until now. But I'm not about to let you or Troy fuck me unless there's money on the line."

DeMarco was sitting behind his desk, obviously somewhat nonplussed by the boy's declaration. He eyed Kerry closely, clearly weighing his next move. "Are you suggesting that if we give you some money, you'll let us fuck you? Because, if you are, I have to tell you that it pretty much sounds like prostitution to me. Is that what you are, Kerry, a prostitute - a boy who'll sell his ass for money?"

"No," Kerry replied, letting himself smile. "I'm not a prostitute. Yet. But that's what I think you're trying to make me into. And," he continued, forestalling any interruption by DeMarco, "I just want you to know that if I'm right, if you are trying to turn me into a gay-for-pay male whore, that's fine with me - as long as the money is good. I'm not bothered by the prospect of selling my ass to other guys provided I'm making a decent amount of money while I'm doing it." He stopped and, still smiling, just stood there looking at DeMarco.

There was a long pause before DeMarco began to respond. "So, from what you've just told me, you view this entire agency as just a front for a sex peddling operation and that I've recruited you to become one of my 'working boys,' is that right?"

"Pretty much," Kerry agreed.

"Of course," DeMarco continued, his voice taking on a steely edge, "that would make me your 'pimp,' wouldn't that, Kerry?"

Kerry was unfazed. "I think we both would prefer the term 'agent,'" he replied. "But, yes, I think that you'll be acting as my 'agent' in procuring 'customers.' But," he hastened to add, "I'm fine with that, so long as I'm making a good amount of money for my entertainment 'services.'"

Dean DeMarco gave the boy a long stare, his eyes just boring into him. Then, suddenly, he laughed. "Welcome to AAA Modeling Agency, Kerry," he chuckled. "Pull up a chair and sit down. We need to have ourselves a good talk."

Dean filled Kerry in on the operations at the agency. Not that the man was completely forthcoming. While he admitted that the agency was primarily designed for the marketing of hot young guys to wealthy older men for the purpose of sex, it wasn't until a couple of weeks later, when Kerry had an 'entertainment' gig with both Taylor and Jackson that he learned from Taylor about the website and the office taping system. But, if anything, this new information confirmed Kerry's belief that he'd made the right choice in staying with the agency. It showed they actually were marketing him and, the more they advertized him, the more clients were likely to contract for his 'services.'

Since they were both laying their cards on the table, for his part Kerry was forced to admit that, while he had no objection to participating in gay sex, he also had no experience with it, either. Dean assured him that the agency would remedy that deficiency and make sure that Kerry was fully able to satisfy any customer's demands. Along those lines, Kerry was 'invited' to spend the next weekend at Dean's house.

By the time the following Monday morning rolled around, Kerry realized he was no longer even remotely inexperienced as far as gay sex was concerned. Dean and Troy, who Kerry was surprised to discover was Dean's son, had spent virtually every waking hour - and many of the sleeping hours, too - in giving Kerry a crash course in man-on-man sex. And Kerry, to his own considerable surprise, had discovered that he loved it.

Not everything, of course. He didn't like having his face slapped or being called 'bitch' and 'cunt' and similar derogatory terms. And he discovered that his nipples were super-sensitive and that tit-clamps really hurt - particularly when they were removed. But he also realized that this was nothing that he couldn't put up with so long as he was being paid for it.

What was really eye-opening for Kerry was how turned on he was when he was being fucked by another guy. Even when Dean was busting his cherry that first time, even when Troy was ravaging his ass at the end of a marathon eight hour butt-fucking session, Kerry was hot as a pistol. And, while he had shrieked in agony when Troy forced his big thick cock into Kerry's ass while Dean was already plugging away at his butt, by the time the two simultaneously spewed their loads inside of him Kerry was shooting his own massive load into the air and experiencing what had to be the most intense orgasm of his life. Kerry had always thought of himself as straight but all it took was that first weekend with Dean and Troy to convince him that he was, in fact, one-hundred-percent gay.

Kerry was pretty sure that this self-discovery had not gone unnoticed by Dean and Troy, though, for some reason he couldn't fathom, Dean DeMarco seemed somewhat disappointed by this turn of events. In any event, since it was now clear that Kerry knew precisely what was expected of him, his training at the agency was accelerated. The very next week he was sent out for his first 'modeling' interview.

Kerry wasn't surprised when the man interviewing him told him he needed to see the boy's body before he could make an informed decision as to his suitability for the job. Kerry immediately stripped down and soon found himself bent over the man's desk get his ass reamed out.

Dean had coached him on how to respond, so he moaned when he was first penetrated as if the man's dick was hurting him and later urged the man to fuck him harder as the butt-pounding dragged on. The hardest part was cumming at the end since the man was not even vaguely attractive and his smallish dick had not come close to replicating the violent pummeling of his prostate that Kerry had become used to at DeMarco's house. But he did manage to squeeze out a load at the last moment which clearly pleased the man.

The man allowed him to clean himself up in his bathroom - something DeMarco never did - and told him that he had done well. Kerry then shook his hand and left, glad to have finished his first 'servicing' assignment and happy that the man had seemed pleased with his performance. DeMarco had already made it clear to Kerry that all payments for his 'services' would be made directly to the agency, so he wasn't surprised that money wasn't even mentioned.

What did surprise him, however, was being informed when he got back to the office that he had got the job. Once he had figured out that the prime business of the agency was the marketing of young male ass he had pretty much assumed that the whole modeling thing was just a front. But, as he soon discovered, DeMarco actually did have a lot of contacts in the modeling business and there were real jobs to be had if you were young, good looking, and willing to do whatever it took to impress the hiring agent. And Kerry's tight ass had done just that - the man who'd interviewed him had been very impressed by Kerry's hole. Which was a good thing, since it was only then that DeMarco explained to Kerry that all 'services' performed during an interview were gratis and the only way Kerry would ever get compensated for letting a hiring agent fuck his ass was by actually getting the job, which gave an added incentive for any prospective hire to go out of his way to satisfy the agent.

DeMarco informed Kerry that he was being hired for a one-day swimwear shoot for which he would paid $3,000, half going to him and half to the agency. DeMarco made sure that Kerry understood that, in addition to posing in various items of swimwear, he would be expected to 'service' not only the casting agent again but, for this shoot, the photographer as well.

The shoot took place just a few days later. Kerry, having no experience with photo- modeling had assumed it would just take a couple of hours. In fact, it lasted almost ten hours and, by the time Kerry made his way home, the boy was dead tired. Of course, part of the reason for his exhaustion was that he'd been fucked up the ass five different times during the course of the day, three times by the casting agent and twice by the photographer. At least the photographer was relatively young and in good shape. Kerry actually enjoyed himself while the photographer was screwing his ass, though tweaking out a fifth orgasm at the end of the day had required quite an effort on Kerry's part. He was just grateful he'd brought along a couple bottles of the energy supplement, particularly since the photographer had made it clear that he wanted to see a visible bone inside the suit when Kerry was modeling the speedos.

The next Saturday, Kerry had his first 'entertainment' job, appearing at a private party as a waiter. When he showed up at the agency at 4:00 p.m., he was introduced to Taylor and Jackson who'd be working the party with him. He'd seen Taylor a couple times before, exiting DeMarco's office as he was coming in. and he'd been impressed by how hot the guy looked, with his longish brown hair providing a nice dark background to his startling amber eyes, giving him an almost wolfish look. On that Saturday, seeing Taylor just standing there, right in front of him, clad in a pair of Nikes, tans slacks and a tight Polo shirt that not only matched the coloring of his eyes but perfectly displayed what was obviously a completely ripped torso, Kerry could feel himself boning up. 'Fuck," he thought, 'I'd pay money to go to bed with this guy.' And then his gaze turned to Jackson and he almost popped his load right there.

The model, who looked to be a couple of years older than either Kerry or Taylor, was wearing a tight white Polo which, just like Taylor's, seemed almost painted onto his body and which provided a sharp contrast with his light chocolate skin. He towered over Kerry, who was 5'9", and was definitely a good two inches taller than Taylor who was at least six feet. A wicked smile lit up a flawless face beneath a cluster of short dreads, but it was his eyes that held Kerry mesmerized. Somehow, they seemed to have almost a silver glint to them and, as Kerry stared into them, he could seem them glimmer with amusement. "Like what you see, don't you boy?" the man said, not as a question but as a statement of obvious fact.

Kerry could feel himself beginning to blush but, when Jackson deliberately looked down at Kerry's crotch and then glanced back at his face openly smirking at him, Kerry's light pink quickly turned into a vibrant red. Following the model's gaze, Kerry was mortified to see a moist cum-stain rapidly spreading across his crotch. He hadn't actually shot a load, but the pre-cum was just flowing out of his incredibly hard dick. It had to be obvious to anyone who looked at him that Kerry was completely aroused by the black stud standing in front of him and having that reaction to a fellow model, given the business they were both in, seemed especially embarrassing.

It was Taylor who helped dissipate some of Kerry's embarrassment by putting his muscled arm around the boy's shoulder and telling him, "Don't worry kid, Jacks has that effect on everyone the first time they meet him. Hell, I've seen a blind man get a boner when he walks by. You'll get used to it. Besides," he added, leaning down so that his face was even with Kerry's, "you're a real hot little number yourself. They'll be lined up to do you, tonight. And, having seen your ass, I wouldn't blame them. Hell, I wouldn't mind trying it out myself."

Jackson's smirk broadened into a smile. "I've heard about that ass," he said. "Turn around boy and let me see for myself."

Self-consciously, Kerry eased himself from under Taylor's arm and turned around. He tried not to jump when Jackson reached out and took both globes in his hands. The black model fingered and squeezed Kerry's hard cheeks for a little while and then released them. "You were right, Tay," Kerry heard him tell the other model. "He's got an ass made for fucking. And, if it's halfway as tight as it looks to be, I may even enjoy this evening."

"Just go easy on him, Jacks," Taylor cautioned. "He's new and I know for a fact he's never had a dick as big as yours fucking him."

"Not too easy, though," Kerry heard DeMarco interrupt. "Roger's paying good money and he expects a good show. Now, I want your attention, boys." In his excitement at meeting Taylor and Jackson, Kerry had forgotten DeMarco was in the office. He turned to face the man as did the two other models.

"Okay, boys. I know I've already laid out what's going to happen tonight for Taylor and Jackson but now that Kerry's here I want to go over it one last time. Guests are scheduled to start arriving at 5:30 p.m. The three of you will be serving drinks. You'll be wearing g-strings, bow-ties and cuffs, which will be provided to you when you get there.

"Dinner will be served at roughly 7:00 p.m., and you'll be serving that as well. You'll lose the g-strings for dinner and remain naked for the rest of the evening. Don't worry too much about proper serving techniques - this isn't Downton Abbey - but at least try not to spill wine on any of the guests. As both Jackson and Taylor already know from past experience, you can expect to be pawed and fondled throughout the meal. Of course, that's just a foretaste of what you can expect for the rest of the evening.

"After dinner, the guests will move to the large entertainment room, where you, Jackson, and you, Kerry, will put on a show." At this point, DeMarco focused his attention on Kerry, Jackson having already been briefed. "It's really very simple, Kerry. You're a young business man heading home late at night after a hard day's work. Jackson is a street thug who thinks you're an easy mark. He comes up to you, demands your wallet and iPhone, you refuse and a struggle ensues. During the course of the struggle, which you eventually lose, Jackson rips open your shirt and, noticing how good looking you are, decides to have some fun."

"Now," DeMarco continued, once again addressing all three of them "Roger has told me he'd like this scene to go for about an hour and a half, which is pretty long, so, Jackson, that means you'll have to fuck Kerry at least twice. Try to draw out the first fuck as long as you can. That may be difficult since, I know from experience, Kerry has an incredible ass. After the first time, rest a little bit - but not too long - pull out, make Kerry clean your cock off with his mouth, and then fuck him again in a different position.

"This is a light S&M booking but I still want you to bat Kerry around a little and rough him up while you're nailing his butt. Make the rape scene realistic. And also make sure Kerry's ass is bright red by the time you're finished fucking him - it makes his ass even hotter looking. And, Kerry, you should struggle against Jackson the whole time he's 'raping' you. And don't be shy. You can scream and moan, beg him to stop, tell him you're straight and that he's really hurting you - you can even cry - just try to make the scene as realistic as possible. Keep in mind that it's supposed to be a rape and you don't want it to look like you're actually enjoying getting fucked, even if you are."

"And you, Taylor," DeMarco continued, turning to the third model, "will be serving drinks and performing other services for the guests while Jackson and Kerry are staging their little show. I'm sure you realize from your past experiences at Roger's parties, your mouth and ass will be getting quite a workout during the show.

"The show should end about 10:45 p.m. And then the real work begins. Kerry, you'll be bottoming exclusively. Jackson, you'll be topping. And you, Taylor, will get to play Mr. Versatile, doing whatever the guests want. But, Jackson, there's one thing I want to make clear to you. While you'll be topping any guests who want to get fucked by your giant whammer, Roger has made it clear to me that you're expected to bottom for him. So, be prepared. I know you don't like getting fucked but that's too bad. I expect you to bend over for Roger as many times as he wants you to - and give him a good ride, too."

A deep, growled, 'Fuck' escaped the black stud's lips. Kerry gave him a surreptitious, sidelong glance. Jackson was clearly not pleased and made no effort to hide his displeasure. But DeMarco was unperturbed by his model's reaction and simply went on with his little speech.

"You're all expected to be available for the guests' entertainment until 6:00 a.m., though things will probably begin to ease up around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. In any event, don't plan on leaving before 6:30 a.m. And when you are done, go home and get some rest; I'm sure you'll need it. You all have Sunday off, but I expect all three of you to be available for other assignments on Monday - I don't care how sore your cocks and pussies are.

"Kerry, you'll be making $3,000 for tonight's session; Taylor, you'll be making $4,000; and you, Jackson, will be getting $4,500. The extra $500, Jackson, is directly related to your well-known dislike of being fucked. Considering the fact that Roger is paying a premium price for the opportunity to fuck your boycunt, I want to reiterate that I expect you to show him a really good time when he's doing you. Do you understand?"

It was with obvious reluctance that Jackson agreed that he'd give Roger a good fuck whenever he wanted it, not particularly impressed that he was making an extra $500 for letting the guy bang his butt. But his verbal assent, unenthusiastic though it was, satisfied DeMarco. He looked at each of three models in turn and asked, "Any questions?"

Kerry surprised even himself by speaking up. "Yes, sir. I have a question."

"Well. What is it?" DeMarco responded with a note of impatience when Kerry didn't pose his question immediately.

"It's just..." Kerry began, somewhat self-consciously, wondering if he was getting himself in trouble by asking questions, "it's just I was wondering why I'm getting only $3000 while Taylor and Jackson are getting $4,000 and $4,500 apiece. Is it because I'm only bottoming?"

"The fact that you're bottoming has nothing to do with it, Kerry," DeMarco immediately responded. "It has to do with the fact that you're new. For an entertainment booking like tonight, the agency charges a premium when a client requests a specific model. Both Taylor and Jackson were specifically requested by Roger, based on their past performances. And Jackson gets a bonus when he bottoms because he's in a renewal contract and the terms of his contract provide for that. You were merely assigned by the agency as the third performer so we charge less for you. But if, after tonight's performance, some future client specifically requests you for a similar event, we'll charge a premium for you, too. So it's in your economic interest to do a good job tonight."

"So," Kerry replied, "anytime in the future that I go out on an assignment where the client has requested me, I'll be making $4,000?"

"No, that's not right." DeMarco immediately responded, this time obviously displeased by Kerry's continuing with his questions. "What the agency charges for your services, which determines what you receive, depends on the type of service you'd be expected to perform. The charges vary depending on whether it is an individual session, a duo, a multiple, or a group entertainment like tonight, whether its soft S&M or hard S&M or exotic, whether it's for one night, a weekend, or an entire week. There's a lot of variables that determine what we charge. But I don't have the time or the inclination right now to explain all the nuances to you. We can go over it sometime in the future during one of your office sessions or you can get Taylor or Jackson to fill you in on your way over to Roger's. But right now, the three of you need to get going."

"Yes, sir," Kerry responded, suitably chastened.

DeMarco reached into his pocket, fished out a set of car keys and tossed them to Taylor. "The office van's in the basement, fully gassed and stocked. And I expect it to be that way when you return it on Monday."

"Yes, sir," Taylor agreed. The three of them turned to head out.

"And, Taylor," DeMarco called after them. "I don't want Jackson driving the van. He got two speeding tickets the last time he did and I don't want my insurance rates going up. Do you understand?"

Taylor, who'd already passed through the door, called back a perfunctory 'yes, sir,' without even turning around.

When they got to the basement, Kerry followed Taylor and Jackson to a corner where a gray 2014 Honda Odyssey was parked. The rear area was completely packed with cardboard boxes and various other items. Taylor turned to Jackson. "You want to drive, man?" he asked with a smile.

"No, Tay. You go ahead. I had a rough night and I need a rest," he replied. He turned to Kerry, "Kid, you ride shotgun. I'm going to stretch out in the back and try to get some z's." He opened the passenger side door and crawled inside.

Kerry buckled himself into the front passenger seat as Taylor walked around and opened up the driver's side. In less than a minute they were pulling out of the parking space and on their way.

Mindful of Jackson's declaration, Kerry sat quietly in the front seat, his mind racing, wondering what awaited him tonight. After about five minutes, Taylor turned him. "You the quiet type, Kerry?" he asked.

"No. Not particularly," he responded in a whisper. "I just didn't want to disturb Jackson."

"Don't worry about him," Taylor laughed. "He's already out like a light and, as I know pretty well from my own experiences with him, once he's conked out, there's no way just some noise is going to wake him up. That boy could sleep through the Second Coming."

Kerry turned and glanced into the back seat. Sure enough, Jackson was stretched across the seat, obviously asleep. But even sleeping, Jackson didn't look like a 'boy' to him. He looked like one tough dude who could easily take care of himself. And he mentioned that to Taylor.

Taylor gave him a quick smile and then turned his eyes back onto the road. "Kid," he said, in his easy-going manner, "you've got a lot to learn. But don't sweat it. You will. It just takes time and experience. You've got the time and, the way you look, you're going to get plenty of experience."

He paused for a second, before continuing. "I'm sure if you ran into Jacks in a bar or at a club, you'd think he was one tough motherfucker and you'd mind your manners around him and wouldn't ever think of referring to him as a 'boy.' But, in this business, to all intents and purposes, he is a 'boy.' We're all 'boys.' That's not only what the clients call us; that's how they actually see us. And that's how they treat us, too. Like 'boys.' And you need to keep that in mind when you're dealing with a client. He doesn't see you as an equal; he sees you as a 'boy.' And a 'boy' does what he's told to do and likes it - or at least acts as if he likes it.

"Course there's also an element of truth in having the clients call us 'boys.' Chronologically, compared to most of them, we are all boys. Even Jacks. Even Cort, who's close to 35. But it's not because they're all older than us that they invariably refer to us as 'boys.' They do it to reinforce their status in the relationship. They are 'men' and in charge; we are 'boys' and there for their pleasure. And they expect us to know our place."

"So, whenever we go out on an assignment, we all refer to each other as 'boys,' just like the clients do. But there's no disrespect intended when we use the term. It's just what we are when we're working - we're 'boys.' And that's why those who do the job we do are called 'working boys' and not 'working men.' You're a 'boy,' I'm a 'boy,' and Jacks is a 'boy,' and the men at the party tonight are going to use us as 'boys' all night long. It just is what it is."

And then, once again taking his eyes off the road for a quick look at Kerry, he added, "But, I got to tell you Kerry, you are one hot looking 'boy' and I wouldn't mind doing you myself." He gave him a leering wink and then turned his attention back on to the road.

In just seconds, Kerry was completely flushed and totally boned up. The first time he saw Taylor, walking out of DeMarco's office a couple weeks ago, he'd been almost as intimidated by him as he was by Jackson. Taylor was, after all, a real stunner. The idea that a guy as drop-dead gorgeous as Taylor could be interested in him sexually was incredibly exhilarating. It actually made him quiver a little. The thought occurred to him, 'this must be what a girl feels like when a really hot guy comes on to her.'

He wondered what it would be like to have sex with a guy like Taylor - a guy he had the hots for, a guy who could literally get his juices flowing just by looking at him, as Kerry's leaking cock made clear. He had enjoyed sex with both Dean and Troy but, while they were both good-looking, he hadn't made any visceral connection with them - at least not the way he'd already felt he connected with Taylor. For a guy who just a week ago had thought of himself as straight it was hard for Kerry to process the emotions he was feeling. He had enjoyed fucking girls; enjoyed dating them, too. But no girl he had been with had ever elicited the physical and sexual response he was feeling just by being next to Taylor. And the fact that Taylor might be reciprocating his interest, that Taylor might actually want to fuck him, excited him in a way he had never felt before.

The problem for Kerry was that he had no experience being in this type of situation. He'd always had a relatively passive nature and it had always been the girls who had come on to him. Now, wanting to let Taylor know that he'd love to have sex with him but afraid that he might have read too much into the other boy's off-hand comment, he was uncertain how to proceed. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare him off by coming on too strong. So, even though he was dying to let Taylor know how strongly attracted to him he was, what he did was engage the boy in a discussion about how the agency operated.

So, for the next half-hour, Taylor filled him in. Almost immediately, Kerry found himself being disabused of an assumption he had made based on this first assignment. Taylor had mentioned, in a response to one of Kerry's questions; that he could expect three to four sessions with clients every week. "Really," Kerry exclaimed. "Are you telling me I can expect to make $9,000 to $12,000 every week?"

"No way, man," Taylor answered, favoring his with a bemused glance, "What makes you think that?"

"Well," Kerry explained, "I'm making $3,000 for tonight so I just multiplied that by three and four."

"But tonight's a soft S&M entertainment engagement," Taylor countered. "It's pretty much the highest paying job we get - other than a hard S&M entertainment or an exotic booking, and I don't think you'd want to try either of those for awhile. If you get two entertainment sessions a month you're doing real good. Most of the contract work are single assignments and the going rate for them is $1,000 - at least that's what the model makes. And auctions, after they're familiar with you, pay even less. You're lucky if you get $750 for those. Right now, in the average week I pull in between four and five thousand."

Seeing the disappointment in Kerry's face, Taylor laughed. "Kid. Think about it. At that rate I'm making between $200,000 and $250,000 a year. And that doesn't include any of the income I make from real modeling gigs."

Kerry was stunned. He sat there just staring at him, his out wide open. "Jesus," he said after a long pause. "That's a shit-pot full of money. How much do you think I'd make?"

"Well, seeing how you're a really hot little fucker and new to the market to boot, my guess is that you'll pull in something over $300,000 your first year."

"You got to be shittin' me," Kerry exclaimed.

"No, man. I'm serious," Taylor reassured him. "That's pretty much what I made my first year."

"Holy Fuck!" Kerry muttered. He sank back into the car seat, trying to comprehend how much money they were talking about and what he'd do with it if Taylor wasn't just yanking his chain. "I had no fucking idea," he said.

"I know," Taylor agreed, laughing softly. "It's a real shock for all of us the first time we realize how much money we can make by peddling our asses through the agency. Of course, that's why virtually all the models stick it out, even after they discover the real nature of the business the agency is involved in. There's just so goddamn much money to be made. And, the thing is, that's one thing Dean is really good about - he may screw all our pussies but he doesn't screw around with our money. He pays us what he promises."

Kerry just sat there for the next ten minutes, trying to absorb all the information Taylor had just provided. He had already made his peace with being a whore; now that he knew how much being a whore could bring in, he was more than happy with his choice. This was one job that he definitely intended to keep. And he figured he should learn everything he could about it, just to make sure he didn't screw things up. Taylor had mentioned 'auctions' and Kerry didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about. So he asked him and Taylor filled him in.

Kerry was surprised to hear about the website and shocked when Taylor explained that every session he'd had with DeMarco and Troy had not only been filmed but would soon be shown to thousands of subscribers.

"You mean all his subscribers are going to see me jerking off and getting spanked?" Kerry asked incredulously.

This question elicited another laugh from Taylor. "They're going to see a lot more than that, Kerry. You spent last weekend at DeMarco's, didn't you?" he asked.

"Yeah," Kerry replied, surprised that Taylor knew that.

"Well," he said, once again darting a quick glance at the boy, "we've all been there and we all know what goes on. I bet he and Troy gave your pussy a royal fucking."

Kerry could feel his face heating up. He wasn't sure what was more embarrassing - learning that Taylor knew he'd been already been fucked by Dean and his son or hearing Taylor refer to his ass as a 'pussy.' Either way, he was too chagrined to respond.

But Taylor wasn't about to drop it. "Come on, Kerry," he pressed. "They both fucked your pussy didn't they? And knowing those guys, I'm sure they did it multiple times. Well, his whole house is rigged with cameras and every fuck they threw at you boytwat is going to make it onto his website. You're just lucky they didn't double-dick you. Those sessions always seem to show up on the general internet where anyone can see them."

"Fuck, no," Kerry gasped. Surprised, Taylor turned back to look at the boy. A few seconds later, he was slowing the car down and pulling onto the shoulder. Once the car had come to a stop and he'd put it in park, Taylor turned his full attention on the boy next to him.

"Jeez, Kerry, they did double-fuck you, didn't they?" he softly asked, the sympathy clear in his tone. "I'm sorry. They usually don't do that on the first weekend."

Despite his best efforts to appear nonchalant, Kerry could tell that his face had turned scarlet just from how hot it felt. It was one thing to reconcile yourself with being a whore. But Kerry had never even considered the possibility that total strangers would see him getting fucked or that friends who didn't have the faintest idea that he was gay would see him taking dick up his ass. And, from what Taylor had just told him, both complete strangers and good friends would be able to see him taking not just one but two cocks up his ass at the same time. What would they think about him when they saw that? What did Taylor think about him now that he'd learned what a total whore Kerry was? He was sure to be disgusted now that he'd found that out.

"I'm sorry," Kerry began, looking straight ahead, too humiliated to even face Taylor. "I didn't ask them to. They just did it. Troy just stuck his dick up me while his dad was doing me before I even knew what was going on."

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Taylor asked.

Kerry just sat there staring straight ahead.

"Kerry," he heard Taylor say, in a much stronger tone, "look at me."

Reluctantly, Kerry turned to face the other boy, expecting to see a face suffused with contempt. Instead, he was surprised to see only confusion etched on the handsome features. "Why are you apologizing to me?" Taylor repeated.

Kerry really didn't have any ready answer to that question, at least not any answer he was willing to share with Taylor at that moment. He could scarcely confide that he'd been hoping that maybe the two of them could hook up and that Taylor's discovery of what a slut Kerry really was had almost certainly ended any possibility of that occurring. So, instead, he temporized and merely left it at, "I can't imagine what you must think of me - letting two guys fuck me at the same time."

"Why would I think any less of you, Kerry?" Taylor responded, obviously not comprehending why Kerry would be upset because he now knew that Kerry had been double-fucked by Dean and Troy. "You think I haven't had those two dicks reaming out my pussy at the same time? Is that it? Well, let me set you straight right here. I've been double-dicked by Dean and his son more times than I can count. And so has every boy who works for the agency. Including self-proclaimed 'straight' boys like Jacks who hate getting their pussies stuffed with even one cock."

"The only reason I was surprised was that Dean usually doesn't do that on the first weekend. He and Troy usually wait for the second weekend. But, after that first weekend, any guy who spends another weekend with those two can count on having to take both of their dicks at the same time at least once - and frequently more than once - during his stay."

"And, by the way," he added. "Spending a weekend at DeMarco's house is not voluntary - it's mandatory. Every boy who works for the agency is required to spend at least two weekends a year playing pussy for their cocks. DeMarco says it's so he can be sure that we're all still performing up to snuff, but we all know that's bullshit. He does it simply because he enjoys fucking us. Of course, it also provides him with fresh video of all of his boys getting fucked at least twice a year. He doesn't mention that, though, since none of us make a dime off his website and he doesn't want to have to start paying us of performing on his site. So he passes it off as part of our training which just happens to be shown on the site, as if there's a single model who buys that happy horseshit."

"But the bottom line, Kerry, is that every one of the models you'll be working with at the agency has endured double-penetration sex with those two multiple times. So don't think any of us are going to think any the less of you for doing what we've all done and what we're all going to be doing again."

Listening to Taylor, Kerry could feel his tension and embarrassment ebbing, but he was still worried about something that Taylor had said - that the video of him being double-fucked was going to show up on the internet where anybody could see it. But when he mentioned that concern, Taylor tried to ease his fears.

"I won't lie to you, Kerry. The video of you taking two dicks up your pussy is probably going to leak on to other sites. But when those sites post it, it's not like they're going to advertise it as 'Kerry O'Malley takes two cocks up his boytwat.' They're pirating the tape and they don't want to make it easy for the agency to ferret them out, so they'll just post it with some tag like 'Hot ginger boy gets double-fucked.' Besides, most viewers would believe that the name used on the site was phony anyway. Almost every porn site uses made-up names for their models. As far as I know, the agency is just about the only site that insists on marketing us using our real names."

"You mean, I'm going to be advertized as 'Kerry O'Malley' on the agency's website," Kerry queried, his tone clearly betraying his concern.

"Well, on the general subscriber's pages you'll just be listed as 'Kerry,' but, yes, on the premium subscriber's pages it'll be 'Kerry O'Malley,' just like I'm listed as 'Taylor Petersen.' So one of the things you're going to want to do is make sure your phone number is unlisted and get off any site on the internet where you're using your real name. I'm surprised Dean hasn't told you to do that already.'

"Well, he did," Kerry admitted. "But he didn't explain why I should do it."

"So," Taylor responded, "now you know." With that observation, he flipped the key in the ignition, turned the engine on and shifted into gear. "So, you okay now, Kerry?" he asked as he maneuvered the van back into traffic.

"Yeah. I guess so," Kerry said. He sat there just thinking about everything for a few minutes. Suddenly, his brow furrowed. "So, I've already been advertized on the agency website?" he asked Taylor.

"On the general website," the other boy responded. "They had a nice nude spread of you last week, including one close-up of your butt getting spanked. I've got to tell you, Kerry, your ass looked real hot in that photo. Of course," he added, once again not hiding his amusement, "judging from how red it looked, I'm sure it was real hot. I'm looking forward to seeing that session myself. They'll probably begin posting videos of your sessions next week. And, now that they're sure you're not going to bail, they'll probably start advertising your up-coming auction on the premium site at the same time. I'm sure your pussy's going to bring in major money that first time."

Taylor gave Kerry another quick glance just in time to see him grimace. "You okay, kid," he asked. "There's nothing really to be that concerned about. Auction gigs may not pull in the big bucks after the subscribers get used to you but you make good money the first three or four times your boy-hole's put up for bids. It's a big thing for the subscribers to be the first customer to get a go at your pussy, even though they won't be anywhere near the first john any of the agency's models services. Of course, they don't know that." Seeing Kerry grimace again, Taylor misinterpreted Kerry's response. "I thought you were okay with getting fucked, Kerry?"

"I am," Kerry countered. "I'm fine with that."

"Then, what's the problem?"

"It's that...It's that you keep referring to my asshole as a 'pussy.' I'm sorry, Taylor," Kerry quickly went on, "I don't mean to offend you, but it really bothers me when you talk about my 'pussy.' It's like you look at me like I'm some girl - like I'm not a man in your eyes. Not a real man, anyway. Not someone you respect."

Taylor slowly shook his head. Though he kept his primary focus on the road, he gave Kerry a quick glance. "First off, Kerry, I want you to know that I do respect you - as a man. But, remember our discussion about us being 'boys' in this job?" He looked over at the redhead and waited until Kerry shook his head 'yes' and then went on, "Well, it's the same thing. Boys who get fucked - boys like us - don't have assholes. As far as our clients are concerned, we have pussies, cunts, boytwats, snatch - you name it - between our legs just like we have tits or titties on our chests. Hell, some clients will even refer to your cock as your boy-clit and expect you to do the same. It's all part of the verbal dominance we have to submit to just like we submit to their physical demands. In their minds, we're not only their 'boys,' we're their bitches and whores and boysluts and they have the right to compel us to do anything that titillates them, including verbal self-abasement. And you have to get used to it."

"I'm sure that tonight," Taylor continued, "more than one guy is going to insist that you tell them how much you want them to fuck your 'pussy,' and they're going to insist you call it just that - your 'pussy' or your 'cunt' or your 'boytwat' or any other derogatory term that turns them on. For some of our clients, getting you to verbally submit to them is as big a turn-on, if not more of a turn-on, than forcing your physical submission. And it's something you're going to have to do if you intend to make it in this business."

"None of us like it at first. But, after a while, you realize that they're just words. It's only demeaning if you let the words get to you. So, what we all do is use the same words ourselves when we're talking to each other as a way of robbing them of their sting. So yeah, Kerry, you've got a pussy between your legs, just like I've got a leaking boytwat between my legs and a pair of erect titties on my chest and a boy-clit that's hard as iron just looking at you. And it doesn't bother me to say it."

Kerry could feel his entire body flushing as Taylor was finishing his explanation. It wasn't because he was still embarrassed about references to his asshole as a 'pussy.' Taylor had pretty much eased his self-consciousness about that. It was because Taylor had said that his 'boy-clit' was hard as iron just looking at Kerry. Just hearing that admission had had an electric effect on Kerry and his own hard cock - no, make that his own hard 'boy-clit.' Before he even knew what was happening, his 'boy-clit' had erupted with cum. He had spontaneously creamed himself without any manipulation and now, as he sat there, mortified beyond words, he could see the cum-stain spreading across the fabric of his crotch. Before he could even move a hand to try to cover his embarrassing orgasm, he heard Taylor exclaim, "Jesus Christ, Kerry. Did you just shoot a load?"

As Kerry sat there virtually immobilized in his embarrassment, Taylor stretched out a hand and firmly grasped Kerry's crotch. "You did, you horny little stud-puppy, didn't you?" Taylor said as his hand felt the damp cloth and Kerry's still hard cock under it. Kerry groaned aloud as Taylor continued to grope him, not believing how turned on was by being fondled by the dark-haired hunk. Unbelievably, he realized that despite having just shot a load, he was not that far away from being able to pop off another one.

He looked over at the boy next to him and was just about to let him know how much he wanted to have sex with him when he became aware of another voice demanding his attention.

"Kerry. Kerry. I said I need to shoot a load. Are you going to help me out or not?" With a start, Kerry was wrenched from his reminisces of the past to the demands of the present. Callum was lying next to him, his big hard dick pointing straight into the air. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, Kerry tried to focus. Callum was staring at him, clearly irritated. "Well, are you going to help me out or not," he asked, obviously perturbed.

"Sorry," Kerry muttered. "My mind was somewhere else."

"Well, that was pretty obvious," Callum rejoined, clearly not placated by Kerry's explanation. "I've been trying to get your attention for at least a minute." He turned on his side to make his cock easier for Kerry to mouth. "To tell you the truth, boy, I don't care where your mind is just so long as you get your fucking mouth on my dick and suck me off like you're supposed to do." "Fucking faggot," he added under his breath but loud enough for Kerry to hear.

Stifling a sharp retort of his own, Kerry leaned forward, opened his mouth, and swallowed all hard nine inches in one gulp. As he worked the hard tool in his throat, Kerry couldn't help feeling pleased with how good a cocksucker he'd become in the last few months, thanks not only to DeMarco's training but all the practice he was getting on the side with Tay's big dick. He could suck on Tay's juicy meat for hours at a time and Tay was more than happy to let him do just that. It was because of Tay that he'd come to look forward to sucking dick almost as much as getting his pussy fucked.

Callum had a truly impressive cock, even bigger than Tay's. And his spunk was surprisingly sweet. It was just too bad that it was attached to such an asshole, otherwise he might have actually enjoy his assignment as Callum's roof-top cocksucker. As it was, Kerry did what he always did when he was sucking Callum's cock - he imagined he was blowing Tay, something he'd actually be doing later that evening. He just hoped Dean and Troy didn't take too long fucking his pussy after Callum left so he could go home and shower before he headed over to Tay's condo. Not that Tay would mind if he had to come straight from the agency. He said it kind of turned him on when his 'boy' arrived all spunky and used. But, regardless of what Tay said, Kerry personally felt a lot better if he was squeaky clean when he and Tay started going at it - not that either of them would end up that way.

A sudden groan from Callum warned Kerry that the other boy was getting close so Kerry turned his attention back to the matter at hand. In just seconds, Callum's cock erupted in his throat and Kerry could feel the hot sperm spraying his gullet. He moved his head backwards to get the last few spurts in his mouth. Callum was a complete asshole but he did have really sweet cum and tasting it was pretty much the only enjoyable part of giving him a blowjob so Kerry wanted to get a good taste. After today, Kerry knew he wouldn't be getting as many opportunities to savor Callum's cum but that was fine with him. Particularly since, having been filled in by DeMarco as to what they had planned for Callum, he knew he was really going to enjoy what was coming next - even if Callum wouldn't.

Next: Chapter 6

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