A Young Man in a New York Window

By Ww Ww

Published on Feb 28, 2024


This fictional story is about a man's infatuation with a younger neighbor and their eventual affair. The author retains all rights and privileges to this work. I welcome your comments and enjoy hearing from readers. I am WW at er14990606@gmail.com.

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A Young Man in a New York Window, Chapter Three

It was late August, and for the past weeks Daniel had withdrawn from his usual friends and routine. He just stayed at home obsessed with Sam until Jeremy called.

As Daniel picked up his phone and answered, Jeremy said, "You sound terrible. Are you sick? What's wrong? I haven't heard from you in weeks."

Daniel replied in the same pitiful voice, "Jeremy, I'm miserable. I'm in a mess. I am a pussyboy for my eighteen-year-old neighbor. When he is with me, I am the happiest person in the world, but when we are apart I can't stand it. I want to be with him all the time, but he rations his time with me. I know for a fact that he fucks three or four others."

"Holy Shit. This requires an intervention. I'm calling Elaine. You need a therapist. I'm coming to keep you company. I'll be there at 5:30."

As promised Jeremy was at the door at that hour holding a bag of food and a bottle of wine. "I've brought take-out for dinner." As he stepped inside, he added "But first, the martinis."

The next two hours was booze and babble with Jeremy keeping a running conversation to keep Daniel's mind off his obsession. It was 7:15 and Daniel was feeling the alcohol when Jeremy stood up and said he had to leave. He had an engagement he could not break and Elaine was out of town so he asked his friend, Greg, to come and spend the evening.

Daniel said, "Do you mean babysit?"

Jeremy replied, "No, he's a fun guy. I just want you to have some company. I'll tell Raphael to let him up when he comes."

At 7:30 there was a knock on the door. Daniel opened it, and it seemed that the entire door frame was filled with a massive human being. He was 6' 5" at least with wide shoulders, a barrel chest, wearing running shorts and a faded tee shirt that read "Michigan Football."

"Hi, I'm Greg, but everyone calls me Moose."

Daniel replied, "That sounds appropriate."

Daniel let his visitor into the room. He was still confused as to who Moose was, and he asked "Are you some sort of psychologist?"

Moose answered "No, I'm a bartender in the East Village."

Daniel gave a laugh and said "In that case, there's the bar. Fix us something good."

Moose stood at the bar and said, "Whiskey, Campari, and sweet vermouth, and we have a Boulevardier. One for you and one for me."

They drank and talked. About Michigan football, of course, and sports, and all the funny things that bartenders see in their line of work. After a while, Moose asked about the artwork on the walls.

Daniel stood up and Moose followed, and Daniel pointed out various items. Standing in front of a large painting over the couch, Daniel said, "Jeremy is my guide for what to buy. This one is new. Do you like this one?'

Moose came up behind Daniel and put his arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace. "I like this better," he said. The sensation of the embrace caused Daniel unexpected excitement. Moose was so large that his arms seemed to envelop him, making Daniel seem small, dependent, but oddly safe. Daniel said nothing back but put his hand on Moose's arm, indicating that he was not opposed to what was happening.

Moose's next move was so smooth that Daniel thought he must have done it many times before. With an easy glide of his arms, Moose released Daniel and with one hand slid under his tee shirt and up to his chest while at the same time Moose's other hand went down under the waistband of Daniel's running shorts and his underwear and took hold of Daniel's soft dick.

Moose began to gently pinch Daniel's nipple while Daniel's cock grew larger and hard in Moose's grasp. Moose said, "Obviously you have no problem with E.D." referring to the inability to obtain an erection. Moose began to lick the back of Daniel's neck.

Next Moose pulled off Daniel's shirt and pushed his shorts to the floor. Daniel turned around, and Moose had already removed his tee shirt. His shorts quickly followed, and the two of them stood there naked. Moose took Daniel's hands and placed them on the huge muscled pecs that spanned his chest. Moose's attention was focused on Daniel's dick, which he held in one hand as his other hand slowly messaged the balls below.

Moose next pulled their bodies together and he lowered his lips to Daniel's. The kiss was hard and passionate. Their mouths opened and their tongues touched. Like everything about Moose, his tongue was huge, and Daniel sucked on it as if it were a cock.

Next Moose dropped to his knees and took Daniel's cock into his mouth. His entire seven inches disappeared, and Daniel could feel Moose's lips around the base of his dick. The feeling was electric, and then there was more. As Moose held Daniel's dick in his mouth, Moose's tongue emerged and licked the top of his ball sac.

Daniel responded "What the fuck!" and grabbed Moose's head and cradled it in his arms.

Moose was a talented cocksucker, and he pleasured Daniel for several minutes before standing up. He took Daniel's hands and placed them on his own dick. Daniel had held other guy's cocks since he was thirteen years old. This one seemed bigger than any before. It was thick, at least two inches longer than his own, with a big head. It pointed upward and seemed as hard as a steel rod.

Daniel went to his knees, and with both hands holding it at the base, he put the tip between his lips. He stretched his mouth as wide as he could while still keeping his lips over his teeth and took Moose's magnificent manhood. He sucked what he could, stopped to lick the shaft and balls, and then returned to suck some more.

Moose ran his fingers affectionately through Daniel's hair before reaching down and holding Daniel's arms as Daniel in turn held Moose's hips. The two lingered there while Daniel admired and explored Moose's equipment. Moose then pulled Daniel to his feet. Moose leaned over and picked up his running shorts and then put his arms behind Daniel's knees and lifted him up.

He carried Daniel to the bedroom cradled in his arms as a husband would carry a new bride to the wedding chamber. After being placed on the bed, Moose lay atop Daniel. Daniel was excited and aroused as this mass of muscle and bone pressed him into the mattress. It made him feel small and secure and submissive.

They kissed, and then Moose licked his way down Daniel's body to his cock to where he was kneeling between Daniel's spread legs. There he lovingly sucked Daniel's dick as he gently massaged Daniel's ball sac. Then with ease Moose put his hands behind Daniel's knees and raised his body. The back of Daniel's shoulders was on the mattress but the rest of his body was held vertically bringing his ass to Moose's mouth. With Daniel's legs hooked over Moose's shoulders, Moose buried his face in Daniel's crack, using his big tongue to tease and poke at Daniel's hole. It was like being fucked by Moose's tongue, and Daniel uttered gasps and groans.

Next Moose lowered Daniel's body to the mattress and took lubricant from his shorts he brought from the other room. Moose's tongue had made Daniel hungry to be fucked. But he was filled with both desire and trepidation. Moose sensed his concern by the tone in his voice when Daniel said to Moose, "You're so big."

Moose responded "You'll be fine. We are on a trip to paradise, and we are going there together."

Daniel felt the coldness of the lube as Moose rubbed it on his hole. He then watched Moose liberally coat his big cock. Moose put his dick head at Daniel's hole and said, "Push out like you are doing number two."

Daniel followed Moose's instructions as Moose pushed on Daniel's door. Initially there was brief pain as Daniel opened. Next was a surprising mixture of both discomfort and pleasure as Moose's dick stretched Daniel wide as it began its advance up his tunnel. Finally, it was a feeling of pleasurable wonder as Moose's huge member filled Daniel as he had never been filled before.

Moose's balls sat against Daniel's bottom, and he licked the side of his neck before whispering in Daniel's ear, "I'm there. You did good." And then he kissed Daniel again, and Daniel responded by embracing Moose, his arms across Moose's muscular back.

Moose paused to allow Daniel to adjust. Then Daniel detected it, the slighted movement, so small and gentle. It seemed to go on for minutes before Daniel realized the movement was growing. As the movement increased incrementally, so did the pleasure. Daniel's desire grew and soon surpassed Moose's slow and deliberate love making. Daniel wanted more and he conveyed it to Moose with his own soft moans of approval. Moose was attune to Daniel's body, and he carried him forward, the pleasure building, until Moose's cock was traveling back and forth in Daniel's tunnel at a steady pace.

At first Daniel jacked his cock to augment the pleasure coming from his bottom, but soon he focused on the body above him, so strong and masculine. The body that sought pleasure and satisfaction from Daniel's body. He put his hands on Moose's chest, he squeezed his biceps, he reached for his shoulders.

Daniel's soft moans soon turned to "yes." It was a plea for Moose to continue, to which he willingly complied. Daniel was carried along faster than he had ever gone before. It surprised him, and he said to Moose, "I'm close. I'm gonna cum."

Moose said "No" and grabbed the head of Daniel's cock. "Not yet." Moose squeezed, Daniel softened, and the feeling passed. "We're not finished yet," said Moose and he stopped his movement. Moose withdrew, and Daniel gasped. He suddenly felt so empty, so lost without Moose's cock inside him.

Moose, like before, moved Daniel into a new position. Moose was on his back and Daniel's knees were on each side of him. Moose had Daniel rise up. He positioned his huge piece of meat at Daniel's hole, and held Daniel's hips, and lowered him. Daniel was impaled once again. His dick was hard and his hole was hungry.

Moose told Daniel, "Fuck yourself."

Daniel rode Moose's cock, going up and down, rocking back and forth. It was like the many times that Daniel topped someone, Daniel was in charge, Daniel did the movement, Daniel decided how deep to go, how fast to fuck. Yet it was different because Daniel's bottom was filled with a monster cock. Moose's large fingers pulled on Daniel's dick.

After a while, Moose put his hands on Daniel's bottom and raised him up. With his strength, he held Daniel maybe six inches in the air. In this position, Moose had freedom of movement, and he resumed the fucking. He pumped his hips, and his dick resembled a piston, pounding at Daniel's hole. Daniel responded with a long and sustained "Ahhhhhhhhh."

Moose changed their position once again. They lay on their sides with Daniel in front and Moose behind him. They spooned. Legs against legs. Moose's chest against Daniel's back. Moose's arm across Daniel's chest, holding him close. Moose's cock was again buried deep inside Daniel, and Moose's long fingers were holding Daniel's dick.

The new position, with their flesh pressed together, only heightened the passion. They began to fuck again. Moose's thrusts were faster and harder, which pushed Daniel to the point of delirium. Daniel lost all sense of time and space. His whole body was full of sexual energy. And then the explosion came. It was as if Moose had choreographed it all. From them both rose a chorus of cries and moans that filled the room and a geyser of cum erupted from Daniel's dick at the same time that Moose's monster hosed the insides of Daniel's body.

The two men, exhausted but content and satisfied, laid silently in each other's arms. Finally, Moose spoke softly into Daniel's ear, "You're so sexy. You're wonderful. It was magical."

Daniel replied, "Yes, it was magic. I could stay like this all night long," and then his heavy eyelids closed. Daniel woke hours later. He was alone. Moose's arms had been replaced by a sheet as Daniel slept.

Jeremy called the next morning, asking how Daniel was doing. He said, "I've had some return of sanity. Moose was good company. I fell asleep last night, and he was gone this morning."

Jeremy replied, "That's great to hear, and you sound like your old self today."

Daniel asked, "Just who is Moose again? He claimed he's a bartender."

Jeremy responded. "He is. At a bar in the East Village. But he moonlights, claiming he is a sex therapist, but he is really a high-priced hooker."

Daniel said, "Well, I got your money's worth." and Jeremy said he was pleased. There was a pause, and Daniel asked, "Have you seen the size of his cock?"

Jeremy said, "Oh, yes," and he laughed. "I have indeed."

It was mid-October, and Daniel and Jeremy met for lunch at The Carlyle Hotel. Afterwards they parted and Daniel strolled up E. 76th Street, turned right and continued up 5th Avenue enjoying the fall weather. He found himself at the Metropolitan Museum and on a whim went in to look at the "Greek Youth" statue that had so moved him earlier in the summer.

Sam had long since left for California, and Daniel had recovered from his August episodes of anguish and ecstasy. It was in Daniel's nature to remember the good and let the bad fade in his memory. He was over his infatuation with his next door neighbor. The evening with Moose broke the fever and good sex since then helped with the cure. Some of it was with Jeremy, and a whole week of it was with a married man from Atlanta in New York for business who could not get fucked enough by Daniel's cock, which he called "A gift to mankind."

Consequently, as Daniel stood before the sculpture, his mind was only on the pleasure of Sam's body and his company, the time they spent together in bed and sitting around the apartment talking.

After several minutes of standing there silently, Daniel heard a deep baritone voice behind his left shoulder speak to him. "What a remarkable sculpture. I don't think any human being, Greek or otherwise, ever looked so beautiful."

Daniel answered without looking backward, "Not true. There is someone as beautiful as this. I knew him briefly."

A response came. "You speak in past tense. That's unfortunate."

Daniel realized he was talking to a disembodied voice about his personal life, so to change the subject, he asked "Are you an authority on ancient Greek art?"

The voice replied "I'm not an authority on anything, but ...."

While he listened, Daniel turned his head to see who was talking. The stranger wasn't looking at the sculpture at all, but staring at Daniel. Their eyes locked, and the stranger continued "I know what I like, when I see it."

A jolt surged through Daniel's body. There stood not a boy but a man. Not beautiful but handsome. Over six feet, perhaps thirty years old, with a broad forehead over strong cheekbones, a square jaw, and a cleft chin. His brown eyes seemed to sparkle. He had a wide smile with full lips that called out to be kissed.

The stranger's body matched his face. He was trim in a white dress shirt, open with no tie, and sleeves rolled up to the elbows. The shirt, possibly tailored, clearly showed the muscles in his shoulders and arms.

Daniel was in a fluster. He wanted to say "I want you. Let's go to bed" but he heard echoes of Elaine's advice to be cautious and move slowly with personal relations. All he could utter was meaningless sounds like "err, ah."

Finally, he blurted out "Lunch, would you like to go to lunch?" Then realizing it was 4:00 in the afternoon, he shut his eyes and shook his head left and right in embarrassment and said "I mean tomorrow."

The stranger found Daniel's awkward reaction to his attention adorable and said in a calm voice "Lunch tomorrow would be fine. But what about now? How about a drink? I live close by and make an outstanding cocktail."

Daniel sighed, relaxed and replied "Yes, that would be great" as the cock in his pants began to lengthen and thicken.


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