A Young Man in a New York Window

By Ww Ww

Published on Feb 25, 2024


This fictional story is about a man's infatuation and eventual affair with his younger neighbor next door. The author retains all rights and privileges to this work. I welcome your comments and enjoy hearing from readers. I am WW at er14990606@gmail.com.

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A Young Man in a New York Window, Chapter One

Daniel sat at a table in Katz's deli, having just finished the story of the breakup with his latest boyfriend. He waited for the familiar lecture from his best friend.

Elaine was silent until she finished her corned beef sandwich. She began calmly. " I never liked that guy. He is a passive aggressive narcissist." Elaine was a psychology major in college and always used medical terms to describe Daniel's friends whether it made sense or not.

Then the lecture began. She raised her hand and pointed her finger toward Daniel and said, "You've gotta quit thinking with your dick. You meet someone, immediately jump in bed, and give away your heart. Take some time. Go to lunch, for God's sake. If they are intelligent, go to a concert. If they are a jock, go to a baseball game."

Her tone mellowed as she said, "I want you to be happy. Like Will. He has been married for five years now."

Will was Elaine's brother. Daniel and Will used to date. The relationship did not last, but his friendship with Elaine endured.

Daniel responded light-heartedly, "It's not my brain. It's my eyes. I am charmed by a handsome face. I get weak in the knees seeing a cute ass."

"Well, your eyes are sending the signals the wrong direction. Not up to your brain but down below."

The two friends ended their lunch on the sidewalk with a hug. Elaine went back to work, and Daniel caught a subway uptown. Elaine was right that Daniel dated the wrong people, but Daniel was never in the need for someone to date. There were few who could resist him.

Daniel was 33, standing 6' 1" and 165 pounds, with brown hair and green eyes. He had a twinkle in his eye and a killer smile. His body was lean but muscular, first developed in high school where he ran the hurdles and pole vaulted. He maintained his good shape with time in the gym and running daily in Central Park.

Daniel was a handsome and gay New Yorker. He grew up on Long Island and went to college at Columbia University. He had a double major in economics and computer science. After graduation, he spent two years with an investment bank in the city before joining two other friends in starting their own company, offering specialized computer services to the financial industry. Last year they sold it, making Daniel wealthy. He wasn't rich by New York standards, but he was comfortable and able to take time off to decide his next endeavor.

With money in his pocket, he bought himself an apartment overlooking Central Park. It was built before 1940, "pre-war" as the real estate agents say. The building had a doorman. The original space had been subdivided years ago but Daniel's portion was more than adequate. The most pressing need was the kitchen which was last updated in the 1970's.

While renovating the kitchen, the workmen removed a china cabinet. Behind it they found a door to an unknown room. It had been a maid's bedroom in the 1940's, but had not been used for years and had been forgotten. Daniel decided to use it for storage.

After returning from lunch with Elaine, Daniel found himself in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee and admiring the renovation. He stepped into the darkened mystery room and with no thought in mind he lifted a slat of the closed venetian blind with his finger.

His body jolted in surprise. Between Daniel's building and the apartment house next door was a service drive that led to the back of the buildings. It was perhaps 25 feet wide. Through the raised slat of blind, Daniel saw a window in the next building with no drape or blind. Through the window he saw a naked young man on his back on a bed with his legs spread, jacking his cock. Daniel said under his breath, "Fuck, he's gorgeous."

Daniel opened the blinds slowly so as to not attract attention. There was risk to this, but if the room remained dark, it likely wouldn't be noticed. To make his viewing even better, he went quickly to his office and returned with his binoculars.

The boy next door was a teenager, maybe 17 or 18, with a beautiful boyish face. He had nice legs and defined pecs across his chest. More importantly he had an impressive dick. It was mostly covered by the boy's closed hand, but was long enough to extend several inches above the fist. The boy's strokes were slow. He was enjoying pleasuring his body. With his other hand, he caressed his thighs before rubbing his palms across his stomach and up to his chest. His hand lingered there, fingering his nipples. Then his hand moved down and held his ball sack before moving below it. The boy raised his knees slightly so he could reach his ass. It didn't look like he inserted his finger but rather rubbed and teased his closed hole.

As Daniel's eyes roamed over the body in the window, Daniel's dick swelled in his pants. The boy began to jack faster. Daniel freed his cock and began his own masturbation. The boy raised his hips off the bed. His head was back and his mouth was open. Then Daniel saw three streams of cum flying from the cock and landing on the boy's chest and stomach. It was an impressive climax. Daniel himself came quickly, and cum splattered on the floor. Daniel stood there as his cock softened, still entranced by his unknown neighbor. Then the boy took his finger and fed himself the cum from his stomach. Daniel smiled and sucked his own cum off his fingers.

The boy left the bed and moved to the left, out of view from Daniel's position. Daniel guessed there was a bathroom at the other end of the room. After several minutes when the boy did not return, Daniel left the room, washed his hands, and returned to the room with a paper towel to clean up his mess he had left on the floor.

The boy was back, standing in the middle of the room in clear view of Daniel. The boy was rubbing his head with a towel. Apparently, he had taken a quick shower and was drying off. As he stood there, Daniel feasted his eyes on the youthful body through the window and confirmed what he had seen before. His skin was smooth and blemish free. The muscles of his shoulders, arms, and chest were noticeable, appearing as a gift of nature and not from the gym. His short bush was above a soft cock perfectly proportioned between length and girth that hung several inches below his ball sac.

The boy tossed the towel over a chair and walked to the window. Daniel stepped backward, fearful of being seen. It was unwarranted. The boy stood at the window, bent his head, and looked upward, seemingly to check the sky and the weather. Then he turned around and stood in front of the dresser on the far wall and brushed his hair, giving Daniel a perfect view of his beautiful round ass.

Again, the boy stepped to the left out of view. Daniel was frozen, unable to leave in hopes of seeing the boy again. He reappeared, dressed in a blue gown, beneath which Daniel saw a white shirt and a tie. Daniel realized it was June, and the end of the school year. The gown solved the question of the boy's age. He must be eighteen and graduating from high school. The boy left the room and turned out the light.

The next morning, Daniel crawled out of bed, walked into the kitchen and pushed the button on the coffee pot. Next he went to the maid's room and looked out the window. The boy was asleep. The sheet had been pushed aside during the night, and Daniel saw that he slept shirtless with boxer briefs covering what Daniel wanted most to see. Nevertheless, he was gorgeous. His back was to the window. Daniel saw his shoulders, the curve of his back, and then a small round bottom. Daniel was hard as a rock.

Daniel left, telling himself that his fascination with the young boy next door was silly, childish even. He devoted the day to paperwork in his home office, clearing out his email account, and then his daily run in the park. Despite Daniel's early morning lecture to himself, as he fixed lunch in the kitchen, he went again to the window to spy on his unnamed obsession. The boy was finally up and partially dressed. He had obviously celebrated his graduation late into the night and used this morning to catch up on his sleep. Daniel nicknamed the boy "Jack" for obvious reasons.

It was 4:00 pm when Daniel looked out the window again. The room was empty. Daniel was about to leave when "Jack" entered followed by another younger looking boy. Daniel's eyes widened as he saw them begin to undress. They were going to have sex. Daniel felt like he had won the lottery.

The binoculars gave Daniel a clear view of what was happening. "Jack" laid naked on the bed, his legs spread, waiting for his friend. The other boy was cute, thin to the point of skinny, with a dick that seemed too large for his body. To Daniel, the boy was a perfect example of a twink.

Jack's friend crawled between his legs and licked Jack's cock as it lay on his flat stomach. Then he raised it with his hand, looked up into Jack's eyes, and then stared at Jack as he took it into his mouth. He took most of it. Then he settled into an enthusiastic blow job.

Daniel intended to enjoy the show with more than just his eyes. Daniel pushed down his pants and pulled on his cock with one hand as he held the binoculars with the other.

Daniel watched Jack put his hand on his friend's head as if he was guiding him up and down his shaft. Then he pulled the boy's head off and pulled him upward. The boy knew what Jack wanted, and he went to his nipples which he licked and sucked on each in turn. Daniel was not surprised, for he remembered the attention Jack paid to his nipples when he jerked himself off previously.

The dynamic between these two was clear to Daniel. Jack was in control and his needs were foremost. The friend was subservient, eager to please and pleasure Jack. After the nipple play, Jack pushed the boy's head lower, and he resumed sucking Jack's dick. After a few minutes, Jack raised his knees to his chest, which raised his bottom and Jack pushed his friend's face down into his crack to get his hole tongued.

After a while, both Jack and his friend got off the bed. Jack disappeared to the left for just a quick moment and returned. He spread a towel on the bed. His friend crawled back on the bed, got on his knees with his face on the bed, ready to be fucked. Jack took lube from the nightstand drawer, put it on his cock, and got in position.

Daniel watched as Jack's cock disappeared into the boy's hole. Jack took hold of the boy's hips and began to fuck. At this point, Daniel put down the binoculars in order to give full attention to his own dick as the boy across the drive pounded the hole of the twink's bottom.

There were three guys working to get off. Jack was using his friend's hole. His friend was working his own cock with his fist. Daniel was pulling on his own piece of manhood as he watched the porn show in the window. Daniel announced his climax with an unheard cry of "Ahhh." Daniel saw Jack jerk his head back while he delivered three powerful hunches to his friend's ass. Finally, Daniel saw the twink spurt cum onto the towel on the bed. The towel kept the bed linens from being soiled, indicating that these two guys had done this all before.

All three seemed to pause for a few minutes in their post-climax bliss. Finally, the two boys got up and dressed. Before they left the room Jack was standing beside the twink, put his hand on the other boy's shoulder, and said something. Whatever was said, the boy was pleased, and he looked up at Jack with a big smile. It was clear that he was charmed by Jack. Then they left the room. Daniel cleaned his mess off the floor and returned to the kitchen.

The next morning Daniel crawled out of bed with a need for coffee and with a curiosity to see what was happening next door. For a while he sat in the darkened room by the window, sipping his coffee and watching his neighbor sleep. He was surprised to see the door open and a young man, probably the same age as Jack, enter. What happened next all played out in silence, but Daniel could understand by gestures and occasional reading of lips.

The new boy exclaimed, "Get up, sleepyhead." His friend woke him up for the intention of playing in the park. The new arrival was dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. He was taller and larger with a full chest and muscled arms, all the appearance of a jock. His tee shirt had the name of a nearby private school with "Athletics" written under it. On the back was his last name. One might think he was a football player, but that school offered the usual prep school sports which didn't include football. Nevertheless, the new boy had a football under his arm.

Jack got out of bed and went out of view, only to return with a toothbrush in his mouth and then disappear again back into the bathroom. The new boy had flopped on Jack's unmade bed and was tossing the football into the air as his mouth moved in conversation. Jack returned and in full view of his friend attempted to shed the underwear he slept in and dress for playing in the park.

Jack dropped his drawers and stood naked. Jack picked up a jock strap, but before he could put it on, his friend threw him the football. Jack dropped the jock and caught the ball, throwing it back to his laughing friend. Jack attempted it again, only to drop his jock to catch the ball. This time, Jack dropped the ball to the floor, picked up his jockstrap, tucked his nice looking soft dick in the pouch, then pulled on his shorts.

As they prepared to leave, Jack's friend punched him on the arm and then put his hand on Jack's shoulder as they exited the room. Daniel knew male behavior both gay and straight. It was obvious to him that the teasing and roughhousing of Jack's friend was an expression of affection.

Daniel had no use for internet porn. His life was exciting enough. But the young neighbor's sexy body gripped his mind. The two sex sessions he had witnessed only made it worse. Daniel lectured himself over his reaction to the boy next door, but it didn't stop him from wanting to go back into the room in hopes of seeing the next-door neighbor again.

Daniel had a dilemma. He couldn't continue walking in and out of the storeroom to the detriment of other things that needed to be done. Even if he did monitor the window all day, it's very possible he might miss Jack's next sexual escapade. A solution came to him, and he spent the evening installing a camera in the window with a recording device. He would tape whatever happened and review it all when he was available.

Saturday morning Daniel called his longtime friend Jeremy, who was the artistic director for a national magazine and lived in SoHo, a neighborhood south of Houston Street. Before Daniel could say a word, Jeremy blurted out, "Elaine told me all about it."

Daniel said, "I need some company. Come spend the weekend." A few hours later Jeremy was at the door wearing a backpack holding a change of clothes.

The weather was great, and they spent the day in Central Park, eating lunch at the Boathouse restaurant. For dinner Daniel fixed salad and pasta. The simple menu was sufficient, for the two friends were more focused on the wine.

Daniel and Jeremy were fuck buddies. Their initial infatuation years ago evolved into present-day affection but no commitment. They frequently went out together as a couple, but they also slept with other men. Daniel would say he is versatile but he preferred being a top, which was perfect for Jeremy, a self-professed hungry bottom.

This evening the two friends began their familiar lovemaking. Daniel laid on the bed with Jeremy on top. They kissed with their hard cocks together. Then Jeremy began a journey with his lips and tongue, moving to Daniel's chest and then down his stomach to Daniel's rigid and ready dick. Jeremy licked it from base to tip and then sucked it into his mouth. He sucked and licked cock and balls before Daniel pulled him off and they switched positions.

It was then Daniel's turn to pleasure his friend. Daniel focused on Jeremy's cock, sucking it a long time before moving to the balls. Then he lifted Jeremy's legs and buried his face in Jeremy's crack, licking it and tonguing the closed pink hole.

Finally, came the penetration that Jeremy craved. With Jeremy's legs on Daniel's shoulders, Daniel pushed his cock head against Jeremy's hole. Daniel's saliva aided entry and a hard dick was buried deep inside of Jeremy. To Jeremy it was a thing of beauty and wonder. It was seven inches, thick and straight, topped by a large head. They knew each other well, and they paced themselves so that when the end came, they were together, both spurting cum and moaning.

Daniel was glad for the distraction. It kept him out of the maid's room, but he also knew that he was missing nothing because it was all on tape. On Sunday Jeremy wanted to go to the Metropolitan Museum to see a temporary exhibit on the French Romantic painter, Eugene Delacroix. The two friends also used their time there to see some of their favorite works in the Museum's permanent collection.

The museum's Greek and Roman section is to the right as one exits to 5th Avenue, and Jeremy suggested that they stroll through it before they leave. It was there when lightning struck Daniel yet again. On a square pedestal stood a white marble statue entitled "Greek Youth." It was a misnomer for it was a male body in transition. It was a man emerging from a youth's body, and it was the perfect depiction of Daniel's neighbor, the boy next door. It was the same body, the same face. The genitals were different, with a flaccid uncut penis instead of the engorged cock with a prominent head that Daniel saw through the window, but everything else was the same.

Jeremy was clueless to what had happened in the museum, but he benefited from it when they returned to Daniel's apartment. Daniel unlocked the door of his apartment, and Jeremy walked in. After a few steps he turned around to see Daniel standing there with his pants to his ankles and a full erection in his fist.

"Wow! Something has gotten into you,'' was Jeremy's response as he lowered himself to his knees. Daniel put his hand behind Jeremy's head and pushed his cock into his friend's mouth.

After a minute Daniel said, "You are so good at this." Jeremy could only accept the compliment with a hum since he had seven inches of cock down his throat. They never got out of the living room. Daniel gave Jeremy a long and powerful fuck on the couch.

The following week Daniel was away from his place. He went to Long Island for his father's birthday and spent several nights there. He spent the rest of the week on Fire Island, the beach playground for New York gays. Accessible by ferry, it had no automobiles, no streets, just paths and boardwalks. Daniel's wild times at Cherry Grove and the Pines were behind him now, and he had a house in the much quieter community of Saltaire.

He had intended to have a house guest, but his latest boyfriend was history, so he took his sister and her two children. Daniel liked children, and the four of them enjoyed the beach, played games, and cooked out on the deck. On the second day, Daniel and the two children spent the afternoon making sand castles. Nearby was a cute young man sunbathing. Every time Daniel looked his way, the young man seemed to be looking back. Daniel always diverted his eyes and gave the young man no encouragement.

After dinner that night, Daniel realized the house was out of coffee for the next morning, so he left his sister and the children and walked to the small store on the north side of the narrow island. As he walked in, he was surprised to see the young man from the beach, who asked if he could help him.

Daniel said he was there for coffee, and the young man called his co-worker and said, "I'm helping this customer, Watch the register."

Daniel followed the young man, and they went into a room in the back. It was obviously a storeroom. The young man turned around, grabbed Daniel's crotch and said "I'm glad you came to see me. I like married men."

With Daniel's cock growing hard in the man's grip, Daniel said nothing to correct the misunderstanding. The young man dropped to his knees, unbuckled Daniel's belt, and lowered his pants. There was Daniel's dick, hard and straining against his undershorts. The young man mouthed the cock through the cloth. Next he slowly lowered the shorts until the cock he so desired was free.

Daniel shaves his crotch and balls, and when the young man saw it, he said, "Wow. I never expected this, but I like it. I'm going to enjoy sucking this baby maker," as he enclosed Daniel's dick with his mouth.

The man was a great cocksucker, and Daniel needed it after nearly a week without relief. Daniel remained quiet, but knew that time was short and focused on what was being done to his cock. He didn't take long and when his dick swelled in the man's mouth, the man knew that Daniel was close. When the climax came, the man hummed with satisfaction as cum filled his mouth. He held Daniel in his mouth as the cock softened, hoping to get any last dribble.

Finally, Daniel said "I need to get back to the kids," continuing the illusion that he was a married father.

The young man smiled and said, "That was great. You know where I am."

Daniel certainly did know where to find the young man. The next afternoon, the young man was again in the storeroom. This time he was bent at the waist with his arms braced against the wall whimpering as Daniel plowed his hole with long hard strokes. Daniel unloaded his balls deep inside a young cute bottom while the young man sprayed the storeroom floor with his own cum.

Daniel enjoyed his week from the city, and the store clerk was an unexpected treat, but as he headed back to Manhattan, Daniel's mind was again focused on his young neighbor next door. He wondered what sexual adventures of his horny teenage neighbor he captured on his spy cam.

Not only did he video a week of video recordings. With the equipment, he could also monitor real activities in Jack's room on his phone wherever he might be in the apartment.

Between the video tapes and his own live observations, Daniel learned that Jack was a regular masturbator, either on his back on the bed or at his desk watching porn on his laptop. At the desk he would sit naked pulling slowly on his dick as he watched the action on the screen. When the time came, he would lean back in his chair, stick out his legs, and coat his stomach and chest with jizz. Often tasting it.

The most frequent visitor to Jack's room on the videotape was his jock friend. The two of them did not stay long in the room. They were off to the park across the street to ride bikes, play ball, or run. Daniel was expecting to see the twink again, but he didn't show up on the video tape.

Daniel was fast forwarding through the last of the video when the words "What tha' fuck" echoed through his apartment. He slowed the tape, and it confirmed what he initially saw. There was a naked man on the bed. He was perhaps 50 years old, clean shaven with a sprinkling of gray among his hard hair. He was in bondage. His arms were extended over his head and tied with a rope to the headboard. More Ropes at his knees pulled his legs up and back. Jack was braced over him, fucking away.

Daniel had seen Jack in action before. To Daniel, Jack's movements were graceful. His body seemed to move in a wave from his shoulders to his legs and in the middle of that wave, Jack's beautiful ass cheeks flexed as he pushed his dick inward.

It was all there again, but Jack seemed to be rougher this time, pounding the man's bottom harder and faster. The man underneath him was clearly calling out to Jack, "Fuck me, fuck me." Then Daniel saw the man's cock jerk upward, lifting off his belly, and shooting three streams of cum onto his chest. It was hands free. Jack had fucked him to climax.

Jack was not far behind. He threw his head back. His mouth was open. Jack pounded the man's bottom with three powerful thrusts before slowing his movements and finally stopping. When finished, Jack withdrew, untied the ropes, and laid on the bed on his stomach beside the man. Jack's face was toward the window. The older man lay there for a few minutes more before getting up to dress. Jack was asleep and didn't move.

The man reappeared in a dark suit, white shirt, and tie. To Daniel he looked like a lawyer. The man stood by the nightstand. He coiled up the rope and put it in the drawer, ready for its use in the future. Then the man picked up his watch and put it on. Finally, he picked up his wedding ring and slipped it on his finger. Then he took money out of his wallet and put it in the pocket of Jack's jeans that laid on the back of the desk chair. He then walked to the bed, stared at the beautiful naked boy, and left the room.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Jack's eyes opened and he got up from the bed. He hadn't been asleep. Daniel realized that he was playing a game. Perhaps the man was playing the same game. Money exchanged between hands was crass, indicative of a commercial endeavor, a payment for services. On the other hand, leaving money in Jack's pocket evokes a gift, something left as an expression of affection.

Daniel realized that there was far more to his next door neighbor than he ever imagined. Beyond good looks, he had a personality that could charm, perhaps manipulate. He also obviously had a talented cock for he seemed to easily please both his twink friend and this unknown older man. Daniel wondered if he bedded others, perhaps elsewhere. Other guys? Maybe a girl his own age?

Jack seemed to be sex-crazed. There was another man, in real life, the next day. Daniel was in his office and checked the video monitor with his phone. He quickly went to the secret room to watch. The new man was maybe 35 years old. Nice looking and fit, he was taller than Jack, and when they embraced and kissed, Jack's head was turned upward to meet the lips of his friend.

After the kiss, the man took Jack's arms, raised them above his head, and then buried his face into each of Jack's armpits. Next he licked Jack's nipples before dropping to his knees and taking Jack's erection in his mouth. The man liked to suck and worked on Jock's cock eagerly.

Next they went to bed. The man put his chest on the mattress and his legs on the floor, leaving them spread widely and ready for Jack to stand and fuck. Jack positioned his dick, put his hands on the man's hips, pushed, and found a home deep inside the man's hole. As Jack began to slowly move back and forth, Daniel hurried undid his pants and pushed them to his knees. He was going to enjoy the show in the far window as he jerked his own cock to climax.

Daniel had seen Jack fuck before. He was graceful in his movements, gradually gathering speed, until he was rapidly pounding his friend's hole as the man moaned and gripped the sheet with his two hands. Jack climaxed and quickly withdrew. The man flipped over, and Jack grabbed the man's cock, jerked it four times before it squirted cum over the man's stomach. Then Jack took his palm and spread the cum over the man's chest. He rubbed his cum covered hand across each of the man's cheeks, and then had the man suck the remaining cum off his fingers. It seemed that it was a scene they had performed before. In the room across the alley, Daniel sat in the dark, licking the cum off his own fingers.

Next: Chapter 2

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