A Wrong Turn Lesbian/Authoritarin


Published on Aug 24, 2005



This story contains graphic sexual acts between consenting adults. It is a work of fiction and only intended for your enjoyment. I plan to add at least one more chapter to it but I already have about 3 or 4 series started that I would like to continue. Once again many thanks for all your support and emails, please keep them coming.

A Wrong Turn

I thought it was bad enough that I had taken a wrong turn and ended up lost in a totally black section of town but then I looked at my gas gage and realized the friend who had borrowed my car had neglected to put any gas in it and the arrow pointed firmly to empty. Every turn I made only seem to lead me deeper into the black section instead of out. There were several people on the street but I hesitate to stop and ask anyone directions, but if I kept on this route I would surely run totally out of gas. Worse was the fact I really needed to go to the bathroom. Finally I turned on to a street fairly well lit up and saw a gas station, feeling I had no choice I stopped. When I pulled up I saw the bathrooms on the side and decided to get gas then pull over there and go use them. I felt in luck when I noticed the tank took credit cards and got my out, slide it in and pumped the gas with no incident. Several people came and went but over all the place was rather quiet.

I got back in the car and pulled around to park and use the rest room, once again I felt my luck improving as no one was in there and it was tidy and as clean as a public bathroom could be. As I was finishing in the stall I heard the door open. Fine I thought I am almost out of here. Then I heard a female voice saying my name, it sounded like they were reading off something. I came on out of the stall and there stood a tall black girl, holding something in her hand. She appeared more big bone than fat, at least 5' 9 if not taller, she was medium dark with a tom boyish face, wearing a sweat shirt, jeans and sneakers. She looked down at what she was holding and once again read off my name, damn it was my credit card, in the haste to get to the bathroom I must of dropped it.

"Oh, I must of dropped it, thank you . . ." I started to say with my hand extended to take it back.

But she jerked it back.

"Not so fast white lady, is there a reward for its return?" She asked and as she did I noticed she was looking me up and down.

"Certainly", I said and tried to open my purse, thinking a twenty dollar bill might end all this, I was mistaken.

"Fuck bitch, if I wanted money I could just take the damn credit card." Her tone was strong and even and her words confused me.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand," the words came out in a stutter.

She moved closer to me, I stepped back but she continued to come closer. She slide the card into her jeans pocket.

"I want me some white pussy, that's right bitch, ever been with a woman?"

"Yes," I answered surprising my self at my honesty.

"Well fuck that is cool, so I won't have to teach you how to eat pussy, but tell me white lady, you ever ate any black pussy?" She had continued to walk toward me, I felt the room close in and soon felt the wall against my back. I didn't answer her, assuming a answer wasn't what she wanted either.

"Tell you what, I just wanna look at it, let me look at it and we will be square, get your card back and head on. Whatcha' say? And I know, to make it easier on you, just turn around, you won't even have to look at me, just lift that skirt up and slide your drawers down. I'll check out your ass and then squat down and look around at that pussy, what'd say?"

Although I was scared, I wasn't panicky and thought perhaps it would be best, give her this, get my card and then get the hell out of there. I already had my car keys in my hand. I hated to admit the fact but I was more captivated by the whole situation than scared. I had enjoyed my share of same sex play in my time, showing what I had to one more woman wouldn't make that big of a difference, would it?

"Okay", I said, "but you promise all you will do is look and then I get the card and I can leave?"

"You got it, shit I got all the pussy I want at home, so go on honey turn around and show me that lily white ass."

I did it, I turned from her, and as I went to pull my skirt up she thrust herself against me and I slammed up against the wall, pinned. Before I could protest she had grabbed my hands and pulled them behind me, I felt something cold then a click and realized she had cuffed my wrist behind my back.

I began to cry in protest.

"No, please don't, take the card, take my purse, please don't hurt me." I begged my black tormentor.

She turned me around and as she did so she took the keys from my hand. She laid her body against mine.

"Tell you what, you do as I say, and I promise you'll get your card, your car and you life back, piss me off and trust me white bitch, you'll be sorry, very sorry, now do we have an understanding?" She had me pinned to the wall, her body pressing hard against mine, I could feel her breath on my cheek as she spoke quietly but firmly into my ear.

"Y-e-es-ss," I stammered. She didn't move away but spoke again.

"Okay Mizz Whitey, we going outside and get into your car, then we going some where nice and private, see I like gurls, never had a white one so you just give me what I want and then you can be on your way."

"What do you want?" I boldly asked.

She jerked me around and pushed me toward the door, we were out of it before I could think or react, I saw no one outside to cry out to and before I could scream anyway she had the door open and had shoved me into the passenger side of my car, she reached in and buckled me up. The cuffs pressed into my back and my shoulders ached from having my arms pulled behind me. Quickly she was in the driver's seat, looking around, she started the car and we pulled out, no one seemed to notice.

After a few turns she pulled onto the freeway and we were headed away from the city, I took a chance and asked where we were headed.

"Don't worry it isn't much further, just relax baby, your gonna have one hell of a good time tonight, Mizz Niema will see to it. So tell me miss high and mighty, you like eatin' pussy, you a lesbian or an equal opportunity bitch?"

"Bisexual", I answered, "I've only had a couple experiences with a woman." I decided to play it a little more innocent than I truly was.

"Oh yeah, well then this here is your lucky night. Any those experiences with a black woman?"

"No", I answered feebly. I had in fact never entertained the idea of a woman or for that matter a man of color.

"Good, I like the idea you is a virgin. Bad for you though cause my girls know I don't put up with no bitch that can't eat my pussy good. Ever had that lily white ass of yours beat?"

The words stunned me and I quickly turned to look at her. I was sure I sported a look of terror on my face for she broke out into a loud laugh.

"Oh fuck yeah, virgin to black pussy and never got a good ass beatin'. Damn bitch I'm gonna have me a good old time with you. Don't you worry none, all my girls love having their ass beat. It gets all nice and red and hot. So tell ya what, even if you are the best muff diver in the world I'll still treat your ass to nice whippin'."

Fear seem to overwhelm me and I started to cry and beg her to please reconsider. I had been with a woman before so eating her pussy wouldn't be the end of the world but then having this rough black woman actually beating my ass was more than I could deal with. Before I could blink she swung her arm up and back handed me across the face.

"Shut up cunt, this ain't about what you want. This shit is all about me and trust me Ms Whitey I always get what I want. So the more you cry the more I want to beat that lily white ass of yours. Hell I might just beat you all over. And that means your nasty white pussy and them saggy tits too. I can't believe in your whole fucking life nobody ever beat that snotty ass of yours. So slut is that right, not even as a kid."

I tried to compose myself, although fear still had a firm grip on me.

"My grandmother", I mumbled barely audible.

"See, even an uppity white slut gets an ass beating. So tell me about it."

"What?" I felt appalled at her request.

"Tell me about your grandmother beating your ass, dressed? Naked? Just your ass? What did she use? And be quick about it or I will start bitch slapping you till you get through the whole story."

"She lived on a farm and I would spend long weekends with her. She never spanked me till after my grandfather passed and she really turned into a very mean spirited woman."

"Yeah, some women don't like for their men to leave them, get on with it slut!"

I picked my story back up realizing that talking helped to calm me even if the memory wasn't one of my most pleasant.

"She would get mad about nothing and start hollering at me. I knew as soon as she started that I would soon be led to the wood shed. She would make me go into the woods and cut a switch for her to use on me."

"What happen if you brought her back one that didn't please her?" Niema asked.

"That actually happen once. She used it on me, then drug me into the woods and pointed out branches for me to cut and beat me with those too. A total of five different switches."

"Damn, she was a nasty bitch, so your ass does know what a beating it?"

"Yes, I suppose it does. When we got to the shed she would always make me strip all my clothes off. While I was undressing she would make nasty remarks about my body. She had a cane and would poke me with it as she lead me out into the woods to find a switch. If I didn't move fast enough she would strike me across the ass with the cane. Once the switch was found I would have to strip the leaves off of it and then present it to her and tell her how sorry I was for what ever it was that I had done and ask her to punish me."

"Shit slut your grandma was a Mistress. I bet she use to whip your granddaddy ass the same way."

I stopped to consider her words, flashbacks ran through my mind and I suddenly suspected Niema was probably right.

"Okay ho get on with the beating. What position did she make you take?"

"It varied, sometimes I had to bend over and grab my ankles, other times she tied my wrist to the bottom rung of the fence, often she held my upper arm and switched my legs, she said she like watching me dance around to avoid the blows. If I didn't do the little dance then the punishment would get worse."

"Damn ho, this is nothing but hot. Hell I can't wait to have your ass bent over in front of me. Go on, worse how?"

"After she switched me outside in the woods we would return to the wood shed and she would make me get up on the work table and spread my arms and legs, which she tied to the legs of the table."

"No fucking way, shit whore tell me the truth and if you don't I'll beat that ass for hours. During all this beating she was doing, your pussy got wet, didn't it slut? Fucking yes, your nasty slutty ass got off on having your grandmother whip your ass."

I felt so ashamed I started crying again. I had never told anyone about my grandmother's beatings, not even my parents and I certainly hadn't told anyone that while she was beating me my pussy got all juicy.

"Shut the fuck up crying slut, it wasn't all your fault, shit the old lady knew what she was doing. I am surprised she didn't end up making you eat out her pussy, or did she?"

"No, no", I quickly responded, "but she did lash my pussy and tit's a couple times and afterwards she would rub her hands all over me then leave me there tied up for at least an hour. Once when she came back to untie me she noticed juices had spilled out of my pussy. She started calling me a whore and ranting and raving. Telling me I was a nasty slut to get off on having my ass beat. She untied me but took a riding crop and beat me from head to toe all the way back to the house. The whole time she was berating me and continue once we were in the house. Then she made me bend over the back of a chair and spread my legs. She threatened to beat me twice as long if I didn't keep my legs spread wide. I don't know how I did it but I managed to keep my legs spread while she beat my ass and cunt with a leather strap. When she finally stopped I thought I would collapse."

"Oh yeah that was one mean grandma you had, I am surprised she didn't make you eat that old ass pussy of hers. So did she let you up from the chair?" Niema asked.

"Yes, but she made get some Crocker sacks from the barn and spread them out on the kitchen table. I had no idea why till she told me to get on the table and lay on my back. She grabbed one of my arms and then the other and secured them to the table legs. Then she pulled my legs roughly apart and tied them to the other legs. She left me there all night. The roughness of the sacks tore at my beaten ass. She would come in the kitchen and poke me with her cane to make me twist my ass across them. The second time she came in she took one of the sacks and rammed it between my legs. Don't want anymore spilled pussy juice, do we slut, she asked me as she roughly rubbed the sack all over my swollen cunt then pushed it deep within me and left."

"So what happen after that?" Niema asked me.

"She got me up the next morning and told me to get ready for church, where she hoped I would pray for forgiveness for my sins. But after that she never beat me again."

"So slut did that make you glad or sad?"

"At the time I was glad but I will admit there were moments when I jilled off to the memory of one of her spankings." I twisted in my seat as I felt the cuffs press into my back. I had been so engrossed by the memories of my grandmother I had almost forgotten about them.

We were still headed along the interstate and I began to wonder just where we were headed and just what Niema had planned for me. I was still nervous but reliving the memories of long ago times had warmed me up some what.

Niema reached over and rammed her hand up my skirt.

"Come on bitch spread those lily white legs and let me see if memories of grandma have gotten you all hot and sticky."

I felt her fingers stabbing at my swollen pussy lips, she pulled my panties to the side and swiftly her fingers were sliding into my cunt and moving around. I shifted in my seat.

"Hell ya' your slutty ass is all wet. I knew you got off on telling that story. Don't worry whore, soon enough I will be spanking that ass for you and this time you can enjoy it. Now here lick my fingers clean."

I really didn't have much of a choice so I opened my mouth as she feed me her fingers, she returned to my cunt three more times and feed me more of my own juices. She tucked the hem of my skirt into the waist band and told me to leave my legs spread.

"After tonight cunt you are going to want to be my personal whore. Don't worry if you are any good or I think your ass can be trained right, then we will see what we can work out. Fuck it will be way cool to have a white whore servicing me. And don't worry I have ways to make you do whatever I want, shit I can have you begging me to beat that ass and willing to do whatever I want just to taste this pussy. Don't worry about losing contact with me after tonight, I got all your information off your driving license. I know right where you live."

That thought sent a new surge of fear through me. But relief suddenly overcame me as I saw blue lights flashing behind us.

"Okay, no problems, you just tell him you're my woman and we are going for a ride. Don't forget I know where you live. I will hunt your cunt ass down and fuck you up so bad you will be begging me just to spank you."

"Please pull my skirt down", I pleaded with her.

"Fuck no whore, I like looking at my woman while we ride."

The policeman appeared at the door and when he bent down I noticed he wasn't a policeman at all but a policewoman. A very tall, very large black policewoman. Niema broke into a chilling laugh.

"Rosie, what's up girlfriend?" Niema said to the policewoman. Well friend or not she was a policewoman and I knew she would take Niema in, release me and this would all be over.

"So Miss Niema what you got there, a white bitch, damn woman I ain't never known you to go white."

"Found the whore over in our neighborhood. Went in the bathroom at the Pump N' Save and she was in there half naked. You ought to of hear her begging me to let her taste some black candy, ain't that right slut?" she asked turning to me.

"No", I blurted out, "look I am handcuffed, she forced me into the car, please help me."

"Okay girly, I'll help you out, provided Niema here cuts me in on some of the action, I get off in 15 minutes, we can take her to my place."

"Oh, fuck that would be great, how lucky can one white bitch be, two black pussies to eat."

"Shit more than that," Rosie said, "I want Ms Lily White here on her knees behind me with her face buried in between my ass cheeks. You ever licked a woman's shit hole girly?"

"Please no, let me go, there are people who will be missing me and looking for me. You're a cop for christ sake, you have to do your job, NOW! I was so upset I was shaking.

Without a word Rosie came to my side of the car and yanked the door open. Roughly she grabbed at my panties and slide them off of me. Balling them up she stuffed them into my mouth before I knew what was going on. Then flipping out her cell phone she punched in some numbers.

"Yes, Ma'am, this is the police, we found your friend, not to worry she is fine, said her cell went dead. Told her no problem I would be glad to call and let you know she is fine. Said things were running later than she thought and to tell you not to worry she might spend the night in the city and will call you in the morning. Real glad every thing worked out okay."

I was struggling to spit my panties out of my mouth and yell but Rosie had reached down and pushed them back in every time I got them worked part way out. After a couple more minutes and words of reassurance she flipped her cell shut. Leaning down she stuck her face right up to mine.

"Well now slut, looks like you are all set for a night of black magic fun."

She flipped Niema her keys.

"Go ahead and take her to my place, pull around to the back and you can go right in with no one seeing you. I'll be there in about 20 minutes. Niema I know you are tough but you know I am tougher, don't think about starting without me, or I'll run your ass in right after I beat your ass."

Rosie went back to her car and Niema and I pulled back onto the interstate. Niema had scared me but Rosie took fear to an all new level.

"Well not what I had planned for the night but better than a night in jail. But damn whore if your night didn't get a whole lot worse. Yeah, I am one mean bitch but Rosie, that woman ain't nobody to play with, hell I'd kiss her ass instead of the pain she can put on your ass. Some advice Ms Whitey, whatever she says, no matter how nasty, just do it. I saw her whip a whore one night till her ass and tits were bleeding and you don't want to know what she did to her pussy."

I swallowed hard and tears ran down my face as Niema pulled over the interstate, made a couple turns and pulled in behind a small brick house. I didn't even know for sure where we were.

***Hopefully to be continued . . .

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