A Workout To Remember

By ben tover

Published on Dec 9, 2022



A Workout To Remember By: Krissy Beta

Hi. I'm Krissy, a sissy boi in my mid-20s. I live in a medium-sized town and was out for a run last Friday night. I was wearing running shoes, pink socks, baby blue running shorts (that might be a little too small), and a cropped sweatshirt. I looked pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

I was about a mile into my run when a truck drove by. It was one of those big, "I'm-compensating-for-something" trucks that men drive. A minute later the truck drove back by and then stopped about 50' in front of me. I was running past when the driver leaned out and said something. I took out my ear buds which paused my T-Swift to hear him.

"Hey there sweetie." he said.

"Hey" i replied.

"It's a nice evening for a run. I was just heading back to my place to lift. I have a full gym at my place if you'd want to join for a work out."

I thought about it for a minute. Girly bois like me have to be careful sometimes. But it was pretty cold out and I was feeling adventurous so I agreed to join him. He leaned over and opened up his truck door. I climbed up and closed the door.

We chatted for a few minutes while we drove to his place. He didn't live far away, and it was a neighborhood that I was pretty familiar with. His name was Cameron. He was probably in his late 30's, about 6'4 and a little on the heavy side. I'd say he had 6" and 80lbs on me, easy. He was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt and what looked like work boots. He asked me a lot of questions and made a few sly compliments about my running outfit. I answered and thanked him, but mostly stayed quiet.

When we got to his place, he showed me into his garage where he had a fully built out gym. I mean, mirrors on the walls, padded floor, multiple machines, weight racks - it was impressive. He told me he was going to go change and that I could use whatever I wanted to. I wanted to continue my run so I hopped on the treadmill and got to work.

Cameron came back a few minutes later wearing a tank top, athletic shorts, and some workout shoes. He picked up a few weights and started to do various lifts. I'm a total novice with weight lifting, but he certainly was not. Cameron wasn't toned, but it was clear that he was strong. He lifted those things like he was made for it. I watched him in the mirror as I ran and could feel my little cock start to stand up a little. I reached down to hide it and he looked over at me and I started to blush.

After a few miles I could feel the sweat starting to run down the arch of my back. I closed my eyes and kep pushing until I felt Cameron's hand on my shoulder. "You need some water?" he asked

"yes sir." i answered without thinking.

He gave me a bottle of water and I stepped off the machine to take a sip.

"You're quite the runner." he said. He was staring at my legs and stomach as he said that. I gulped. "Thanks."

"Do you always shave your legs and body?" he asked.


"I like it."


"Come over here and do some weights with me." he didn't ask me, it was clear that he was telling me.

I followed him over to a leg press machine and he sat me down. When he did, my face was right as his crotch, and I swear I could see his cock through his shorts. "Gulp." He put some weight on the machine and asked if I was ready. I was, and I did 5-6 reps. While I was pushing my already-too-small shorts rode completely up my legs. Cameron was just starting down at my long, smooth, glistening legs as he put on some more weight.

"Wait. I can't do that." i said.

"Yes you can, Krissy. Just try."

I let go and pushed with all my might, and I did it! I got 3 reps and nearly died, but I did it! "Nice job, now you need to stretch those legs after all of that." He took my hand and stood me up. My hand felt so small in his. This got me turned on again. I was ready for a different kind of workout. When I fully stood up I grabbed his bicep with my other hand. I looked up at him and he smiled. I bit my lip.

"Wow, baby. You are huge!" I was genuinely shocked by how thick his arm was. I moved my hand from his arm to his chest. His chest was so broad that his tank top barely covered him. He just stood there looking down at me while my hand melted on his chest.

Finally, he said "You like that?" His voice was deep yet comforting, like distant thunder on a hot summer afternoon. "Mhmm." i murmured. My heart was starting to race and I could feel Cameron's warmth standing so close to him. I looked up at him and closed my eyes as he leaned down to kiss me. He was gentle but firm as our lips gently opened. Soon his tongue was in my mouth, dancing slowly with my tongue as I let out a soft moan. My moan made something snap - he reached down and put two hands around my ass and lifted me into the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he held me tight against him. Our kissing grew more manic, and soon he was kissing and licking my neck as I threw my head back. After a few minutes he dropped me to the ground. I landed on my feet and got up on my tippytoes for another hot kiss. He gave me a little peck, but clearly wanted something else.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked me.

I appreciated his request of consent, "yes sir!" i eagerly attested.

He aggressively pulled off my top. My smooth, slender body suddenly felt so exposed - I think I gasped. But he wasn't done. He bent over and ripped off my shoes and pealed off my socks. He stood up and smiled. My toes were painted pink and I think he liked that. Then, without warming, he spun me around and pulled down my shorts. I was suddenly aware of the windows in the garage that faced out to the street. I stood there completely naked in front of him. He spun me around to face him. All 6" of clean shaven little cock was sticking straight up. He let out a little laugh when he saw my little clitty. But he clearly liked what he saw, he bent down and started to suck and bite my nipples. Back and forth between my tits and mouth, his tongue explored my upper body.

I reached for his cock. When I did, Cameron stopped licking my nipple and stood up. "You want that?" he said looking down at his cock. I didn't say anything, but must have conveyed that I did. "Then you need to ask, slut."

"Can I have some cock, Daddy?" i asked - very aware of how feminine and high-pitched my voice was.

"Get on your knees, faggot." he demanded - all the previous tenderness out of his voice. I eagerly dropped to my knees and looked up at him. My ass cheeks rested on my heels, I bat my eyes staring up at him. "Go ahead." he growled.

I could already see his bulging cock pushing against the tight shorts. I was salivating as I grabbed the sides of his shorts and slowly pulled them down. His bush was nicely trimmed, and when I got to the base of his cock I was amazed by how thick it was. I slowly pulled his shorts down further, revealing his shaft. Further, further, further until his full, massive cock sprung slightly up into my face. He wasn't fully erect yet when I got his shorts completely off. His cock was heavy and thick, with low-hanging bull balls underneath. He was easily twice as thick as me and over 9" long. I was in genuine shock.

I looked up at him. "Can I suck your cock, sir?"

"Sure slut. Go ahead."

I wrapped both hands around his thick shaft and lifted his cock so that it was horizontal. I looked up at him and we made eye contact as my tongue found his hairy, manly balls. I licked his balls as he watched me slowly stroke his stiffening cock. I filled my mouth with his balls, slurping and massaging them. Cameron placed his beefy hand on the back of my head and pushed me under, past his balls. I moaned at the manly smell of his taint. He held my head between his legs as I started to lick his taint. He groaned a deep, manly groan as my tongue found his ass. After a minute he wrapped his fingers in my hair and pulled me out from his ass. I took a breath and went back to work on his low-hanging balls. I worked my way up his thick shaft, my smooth tongue lubricating the underside of his dick. I got to his fat cock head and licked it like a lollipop. I dropped my hands and Cameron's cock stayed completely erect. I was astonished by how big it was, but was eager to prove that I was up to the task. I filled my mouth with his cock head. He closed his eyes and put his head back as I took inch after inch into my mouth. I got about halfway down his shaft when his cock head hit the back of my throat. I started to pump on his fat cock, my jaw almost as wide as it could go. I looked up at him with some tears in my eyes as I gagged on his thick cock head.

I relaxed and tried to open my throat. Another inch pushed into my throat. Cameron started to get impatient. He put his hands on the back of my head.

"All the way down, faggot. I want you to lick my balls with my cock in your throat."

He thrust his cock in harder. I gagged. He pulled his cock out and looked down at me. I gasped for air and looked up at him. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue.

"Good slut."

He shoved back into my throat. This time he went balls deep. He held my head on his 9+ inches while I pushed him and gagged.

"Relax, slut. Accept your place."

I dropped my hands and felt my throat relax. I moved my tongue out and found his balls and gave them a little lick.

"That's my slutty little bitch. Now let Daddy have his way."

He kept both massive hands on the back of my head and started to pump into my mouth pussy. Slow, long thrusts at first. My spit dripped down his balls and splattered off my chin when his balls slapped against it. Then faster. I felt my throat tighten but tried to just let go. Cameron was in charge, and I felt safe. Before long, he was fully fucking my throat. Long, deep thrusts timed with his moans. He moved one hand to my chin so he could get a better angle.

After a minute he pulled out. I gasped for air and wiped the spit from my chin. I looked up at him in disbelief. He bent down and picked me up off the floor. He led me over to a bench and told me to lay on my back. I followed his orders. He pulled me so my head was hanging off the end of the bench and grabbed the back of my head. I looked up as his cock dropped into my mouth. He pushed into my throat until his balls were resting on my face. Then he just stood there, cock in my throat, balls on my face. I think he was just taking in the sight of my small, feminine body. He reached down and slapped my little cock and balls a few times. He laughed again, and then slid me back so my head was on the bench. His cock stayed deep in my throat and I worked to breathe through my nose despite being smothered by his balls.

I felt his hands spread my smooth, milky thighs as he rolled my taint and ass pussy up toward him. He locked his hands behind my knees and I felt his tongue hit my taint. I must have whimpered because he knew how much I liked it. His tongue hit my eager hole soon after. I could feel his cock swelling in my throat as he ate my boy puss. His tongue filling my hole as he ate his fill. I was in heaven.

He sat up a minute later and slowly pulled his cock out of my throat. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back up at him and playfully licked his cock tip. He liked that so he slapped his cock around on my face for a minute. It was rock hard and made a heavy sound on my face.

He walked around to the other side of the bench and stepped over to straddle it. He grabbed both of my ankles with one hand and lifted them high into the air. He used his other hand to rub his cock head around my eager hole. I arched my back in anticipation. Soon I felt his huge cock head penetrate my hole. It hurt so bad that I winced. I tried to slow my breathing and take it. He waited for my ass to calm down and then began to feed inch by inch into my hole. Still holding my ankles with his left hand, finally he was deep enough inside me to drop his right hand from his massive cock. He let my ankles rest on his left shoulder and positioned his hands on the bench besides my head. He rolled me up on my back a little and started to pump. Slowly at first, and then faster. I was folded in half while his balls slapped against my ass with each thrust.

"Fuck yea baby." He grunted.

"Oh my god." I kept repeating as my ass stretched wider and wider.

He sat up and pulled out. He flipped me over and I lay on my stomach. My legs together on the skinny bench. He stood above me and reached down to spread my ass apart. Then he dropped his rock hard cock into my hole. He straddled my ass and filled me with 9" of thick manly cock. My ass bounced against him as he drilled me into the bench. Harder and harder.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me harder."

"Fuck yea, slut. Take that fat dick. Fuck yea."

He got up and threw me down onto the ground. Then he pulled my ass so it was sticking up in the air. He shoved his tongue into my hole and I screamed with excitement.

"I want that huge cock, Daddy! Fuck me!"

"Such an eager slut." He remarked as he sat up behind me. Without warning, he shoved balls deep into my cunt. I collapsed into the floor, completely giving up my pussy. That's when he knew I was his. He slapped my ass hard before grabbing my hips with both hands. I rode his cock as best I could, but it was clear that he was in control. He thrust harder and harder until I just went limp. This seemed to turn him on even more. He grabbed the back of my hair and brought me up for a kiss. His tongue filled my mouth as he fucked me. He pinched my nipples as we kissed, but he never stopped thrusting -- 9" in and out like a jackhammer.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum." I gasped as we kissed.

Cameron just grunted and fucked harder.

"Oh my god."

I hadn't touched myself all night, and now shot after shot of cummies dripped out of my little cock and onto the floor. My hole tightened and this got Cameron fucking harder. He was gonna plow every ounce of cum out of me.

After a while longer I heard a low grumble. Cameron thrust one last time and then stood up, grasping his thick cock at the base. I lept to my knees in front of him. He shoved his cock into my mouth. The taste of my ass was amazing. He pumped three times into my mouth and then shot a huge lob of spunk into my throat. He grunted and shook. In shock, I ejected his cock from my mouth just as he shot his next volley onto my face. I took his cock with both hands and greedily milked shot after shot onto my face and tongue. I was covered in his thick, manly spunk. Sweat dripped off his body as he shuddered and groaned. I licked cum and sweat off his cock and balls. I swallowed every ounce I could get as he stared down at me. I opened my mouth to show him how I swallowed.

"That's a good little slut.," he said. Feeling proud of myself, I took his full cock in my mouth again and sucked it clean.

After a minute he took his cock in his own hands and rubbed it around my face.

"Thank you, Daddy." I said as his cock bounced on my face.

I giggled a little as I continued to gently lick and stroke his cock. I couldn't have asked for a better workout than what Cameron just gave me. However, one thing was for certain, this one was going to leave me sore for a while.

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