A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2

After nearly an hour of watching cartoon animals try to kill each other I grew bored and decided to walk outside again. Immediately upon walking outside I noticed a car parked at the corner of the street. It was a car that didn't belong to any of our neighbors. I stared at it for a bit, getting a strange feeling like I was being watched. I decided to check the mail while trying to get a closer look at the car. It was a two door Honda Accord. The windows had very dark tint and I couldn't really see anyone inside beyond the fact that there was someone indeed in the driver's seat.

As I turned my back to walk back to the house with mail in hand, I heard the car crank up. It drove off, heading away from me. I shook off the odd feeling and went back inside and booted up my laptop. As I waited for my laptop to boot my mind drifted, thinking about the attack, staring off into space. Though I had claimed not to remember while in the hospital, I had a very clear mental image of what the creature looked like in my mind.

I felt certain that it really was a werewolf and decided to do a Google image search for werewolf. After all, if I saw it then it must be real, and if it's real then it must be on the internet! Hell, even fake stuff is on the internet! I laughed to myself at the silliness of my thought process.

I looked through the results, doubting I would find anything even remotely similar to what I actually saw that perilous night. To my surprise, there, right in the top of the list was a drawing of a creature that looked remarkably close to the image in my memory.

I decided that obviously, there must be SOME truth to the stories, and that I was at least not crazy like I was beginning to wonder. Well, not completely crazy I suppose...

I clicked the image, and pulled up the page it was linked to. The page opened to an internet message board for conspiracy theorists. The post with the drawing was made by a person who claimed to have seen the animal, from a distance and drew it to see if anyone else had seen it. Several people claimed it was a mutant wolf, or that the guy was high when he `saw' the creature. One person made the point that if he had actually seen it, why not take a picture.

"Because he was probably running for his life." I laughed to myself grimly.

Seeing that I wasn't going to get any extra information out of that post, I went to the top level of the message board to see what else was posted.

"Yep. I'm nuts." I said to myself as soon as I saw some of the topics people were posting.

These people were all over the place with their crazy. Aliens, government conspiracies, mutant animals in Chernobyl, Loch Ness Monster sightings, bigfoot, even guides on how to use pyramid power to get rich quick. Clearly this site would be no help, and if I started posting or talking about my experience I'd likely look as crazy as the rest of these people.

I decided to keep the experience to myself, and just try and forget it ever happened.

The next day was Friday and I decided to play hookey. taking time off from work to get over my 'accident' as my parents were beginning to refer to it as. I'll tell you, it was no accident! I had to remind myself to let it go and remember to forget the experience. If such a thing is possible.

I drove my Toyota pickup to the mall to burn some time. I must have spaced out along the way, and un-zoned when I was pulling into a parking spot. I was surprised that I was there, as I didn't really remember driving all that far, even though it's an hour's drive from my house.

I entered the mall through the Books & More entrance and aimlessly started walking through the mall. I came across a Hollister and went in. I always love looking at the hot guys on the walls of Hollister and Abercrombie. After browsing through the shirts and jackets and smelling some overpoweringly strong cologne I left the store.

As soon as I was back outside I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around, but did not see anyone, and just chalked it up to my latent paranoia. I continued further into the mall to Abercrombie and looked through their boxer brief selection, as well as their 'stylish' jeans. After buying some new cologne and boxer briefs (I had gotten blood on my favorite pair during the attack) I left the store and started walking again.

I browsed various stores looking for any new cool tech gear, gag gifts, computers, games and other small things that pass the time. All the while, I had been feeling like I was being watched, and couldn't shake the feeling. I had even taken to ducking in and out of random stores at one point to see if I could see rather or not I was being followed.

I was walking out of my quick glance through a grunge shop when I quite literally ran into someone I DID recognize.

"OH! Hi Thomas, sorry about that." He mentioned casually.

I knew I had seen him at the hospital, and that he was my nurse, but couldn't remember his name.

He obviously recognized that fact and introduced himself.

"I'm Bryce." He said, sticking out his hand.

"Cool... Uh hi. Nurse Bryce." I said as I shook his hand with a slight smirk.

"So what are you doing here today, Thomas? Aren't you supposed to be resting? You lost a lot of blood." He mentioned laughing a little, and then added "Enough about that though."

"I just got tired of being cooped up, needed to get out." I said.

"Yeah I bet you were going a little stir crazy." He mentioned looking bored himself, focused on something over my shoulder. "Hey you wanna go get some food? I'm kinda hungry." His eyes found mine again.

I took this moment to look him over. He was about 5'10", muscled, but not overly so, dark brown hair, but kept pretty short. I figured he was probably twenty-four or twenty-five. He had a great tan, and moderately hairy arms and legs...

"I do love hairy guys." I thought to myself as I eyed him.

"Sure. What ya got in mind?" I asked aloud.

"Let's find something in the food court." He said, so we started walking in that direction.

"So what ya got there?" He motioned towards my bag as we walked.

"Oh, just some boxer briefs and cologne... can never go wrong with either choice." I responded. He laughed and agreed.

"So what are you doing here today, Bryce?" I asked. "You don't have any bags or anything. I'm not cramping any plans am I? I can go if you're just trying to be nice."

"No dude, it's cool. I was just bored and came to walk around the mall. Today's my day off." He said.

We ended up not wanting anything from the fast food restaurants, so we headed to Ruby Tuesday instead. We both ordered burgers, with cheddar cheese. I ordered mine medium well, and he ordered his medium rare. I always have loved red meat.

While eating we chatted about our hobbies, gaming, movies, guns, TV, computers, and work. I was surprised by how many things we had in common. After we finished eating he mentioned that a new movie was out, a new James Bond film, and he asked me if I wanted to go see it. Having nothing else to do for the day, I agreed. We paid separately at the restaurant and went upstairs to the theatre.

We bought our tickets and passed the entrance gates. Having just eaten we didn't get any snacks or food, however, I did want a coke. Bryce offered to pay for my coke, but I wasn't a charity case and had my reputation to look after, so turned down his offer. After buying our overpriced tickets and my drink we were ready to see the movie and hopefully get our money's worth.

As we went into the actual theatre to view the movie, I was checking out Bryce's ass when I noticed that he was scanning the room, like he was looking for someone.

"Let's go sit over here." He pointed off to the back near the middle. Guess my paranoia is working full blast again.

We sat down and the movie began. After the previews and other lame filler, the beginning action scene started. About mid-way between the blasting and shooting Bryce pushed his right leg up against my left. I had barely noticed except we were both wearing shorts and I could feel his hairy legs pushing up against my legs. I enjoyed the feeling. I knew I shouldn't be doing this since I was in a relationship, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. The contact just felt too good, and Bryce was damn sexy. I was sure I wouldn't get the opportunity to touch a guy this hot ever again.

We were connected like that the entire movie. He'd either have his leg pushed up against mine, or his arm pushed up against mine on the arm rest. He never put his arm on top of mine, or his foot on top of mine, just against. Just enough contact to be explained away as accidental. As the movie was coming to a close, and the villain died we began to separate. At the end of the movie we walked back downstairs into the mall as if nothing had happened.

"Well dude, I had a great time hanging out with you today. We should do it again sometime." Bryce said.

"Yeah it was definitely nice." I responded with a smile.

"So.. Could I get your number then?" He asked with a good bit of confidence.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." I responded a little nervously. I gave him my phone number and he entered it into his phone.

He also gave me his and finished up by saying "If you EVER need ANYTHING at all, give me a call. I'll be there no matter what." I doubted his meaning of `anything,' but I accepted the offer anyway.

As we parted ways, even though I was alone, I did not have the feeling of being watched or followed. I felt safe.

I drove home, as it was about six in the evening by that time. My parents had some food waiting that they had already eaten. I wasn't too hungry so only got a little bit of the chicken soup my mom had made. I put some crackers in it and ate while watching whatever happened to be on the television in the living room at the time.

I went to my room and locked myself in as always. I hate people barging into my bedroom. I unlocked my computer and checked my messages. James had just logged on himself. I talked to him for about 30 minutes via IM. Pretty much the usual stuff, how is your day, how are you doing, I love yous etc.

He let me know that I wouldn't be able to see him for another couple days. He had too much school work to finish, and his grandparents were coming into town from California.

I decided to burn some by going to the shooting range. It would also help me get out some of my aggression over the fact that I wouldn't see James for a few days. I put my HK USP 40 on my open carry holster. I packed my Subcompact Springfield XD9 in my gun bag with 100 rounds of 9mm ammo and 100 rounds of 40 caliber ammo. I verified that my eye and hearing protection were in my bag and hopped in my truck.

The fifteen-minute drive to the range flashed past. Once I got to the range, I checked in, signed the silly form that says if I shoot myself it's my own fault, and went into the actual range area.

I ejected the magazine with my hollow point ammo from the gun, and racked the slide to remove the round that was in the chamber. I put the paper target up and sent it down range. I loaded my gun with the FMJ ammo and began firing. I thought to myself that the range's ventilation system must be broken, because usually it doesn't smell so strongly of gunpowder and burnt paper. I went through about 50 rounds on my 40 caliber gun, and put up a new target. All of my rounds hit the kill zone of the target at 20 feet. I fired again at the target from 40 feet and did nearly as well. After shooting all of those rounds, I decided to mess around with my 9mm. After shooting my .40 for so long shooting the 9mm, even though it's a subcompact, is like shooting a pellet gun. I tried shooting with one hand, shooting with my right and left, and shooting while leaning against the wall. After I burnt through 200 rounds of ammo in about an hour and a half I decided it was time to head home. It was probably about 9pm now, well into dark since it was winter. It was beginning to get cold.

I had reloaded my .40 that was on my hip while inside, and had re-holstered it. I was glad for that because as soon as I got back outside I had a chill run through my body. It then felt like pin pricks were covering my entire body. On the hood of my truck sat a very creepy looking man, just the sight of him made me want to run. Upon seeing me, he stood up and spoke.

"Hello Thomas." He said with absolutely no emotion.

"Who are you?" I questioned, with my hand on my gun.

"That won't do you any good." He said nodding towards my gun. "You have no hope of hurting me, mutt."

"We'll see about that, won't we?" I said trying not to be intimidated by this guy that likely rivaled Jack the ripper in scariness.

"Now, I'm just going to make this as quick and painless of a death as possible. It's a mercy killing really, considering what you are." He said, while walking toward me.

I drew my USP. "Don't fuck with me man, I'm serious I will shoot you. Get the fuck back." I said as bravely as possible.

He kept walking forward, and began drawing some sort of knife. Or as I noticed as it kept coming, a sword. Before he could get it completely out I started firing. I shot 3 rounds into his chest. He stopped and looked down and smirked at me, and finished drawing his sword. It was a small sword like what I would attribute to a ninja. My next 8 rounds went in his head. There were bits of blood and guts everywhere. Just as I was ejecting the magazine to reload I was hit from behind, slamming my head on the asphalt. I blacked out just as I felt a hand on the back of my neck.


PLEASE send feedback to gaco200608@gmail.com! Feedback is the only way I know if you like the story, hate it, or want it to change.

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Next: Chapter 4

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