A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Dec 24, 2022


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 18

After nearly an hour of driving Bryce pulled into a residential neighborhood and I woke from my ruminating over ways to kill Seth. Looking up, I was confused as to what we were doing in a neighborhood and hadn't ended up at the gun store.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking around.

"You can't imagine a normal dealer is going to sell us enough weapons to supply a small army without questions being asked, right?" Bryce laughed out with a smirk. "You were out of it for a while."

"Yeah..." I commented dryly. "Was thinking about how I'd handle Seth."

"I'll be the one... Handling... Seth." Bryce said hotly.

"Ok, Alpha." I just said sarcastically with a smile while stroking his hand with my thumb. Our hands hadn't left each other since we left the den.

He rumbled contently. "I do love it when you call me that. Even when you're an ass about it."

He pulled up to a fenced yard with a gate, rolled down the window, and pressed a button that emitted a buzzing sound.

"Yeah?" A voice called out of the speakerbox a few seconds later.

"Hargrave." Bryce said simply.

The speakerbox belted out a much louder buzzing noise, and the gate slowly swung open.

"Who's Hargrave?" I asked as Bryce began to pull forward.

"Not sure it's a who." Bryce said. "Something from Justin's past I think."

I shrugged and looked around the inside of the small yard as Bryce pulled around to the back of the house and backed the car up to the doors of a small shed. A hard looking man came out of the shed and crossed his arms, eyes narrowed as we got out of the car.

"Where's Justin?" He asked accusingly.

Bryce laughed. "He said you wouldn't be happy. He said you'd want to call him."

The man rolled his eyes and grunted, pulling out his phone, and dialed.

"I've got two strange men in my yard using your code." He said before pausing. "What the hell could be more important than seeing an old friend?"

The man's eyes flick from Bryce to myself while he listened to whatever Justin said.

"Neither of these boys look like they could handle half of what I'm giving out." He said, eyes decidedly on me this time.

"Is that right?" He asked Justin, eyebrows now raised as if whatever Justin said was a shock. "Alright alright I'll give it to them. As long as they brought the cash."

At that, Bryce opened the back door and held up a backpack, shaking it to show that it was not empty.

"Great. Talk to you later Justin." He said before closing the phone.

"He said you're cool." The man said waving towards the main house.

It was only then that I noticed someone on the second floor standing up, rifle in hand before turning the other way and leaving the window.

"Nice." Was all I said to him in return.

"Come on then, get inside." He said waving us towards the shed.

Bryce and I entered the small shed which immediately led down to a well-lit underground area. I was surprised at the amount of space. The area appeared to be made from old shipping containers. The area felt long enough that it must have taken up most of the back yard of the house. The man led us down a hallway filled with weapons.

"I already got everything Justin asked for packed up over here." He said, gesturing towards several bags.

He opened a couple duffle bags revealing long objects wrapped in thin cloth. I pulled out the top item from each bag. On the left, I unwrapped a Colt M4 LE. I quickly pulled all the quick release pins to disassemble the upper and lower receivers. I looked through the inside of the weapon to make sure it was in good shape before putting it back together and pulling the charging handle back to check the bolt, locking it in place and looking down the barrel from the front and back with a pen light. The serial numbers were all filed off but that didn't matter to us.

I looked up to the man who's name we still did not know and nodded once. His eyes showed he was surprised at my quick and through inspection.

"Justin said you'd know what you were looking at." He said. "Gotta say I'm still surprised."

I wrapped the weapon up and quickly inspected the pistols in the other bag, choosing one this time that was not on top. They were the HK USP 45 Tacticals I had wanted. I grinned a little while inspecting the beauty.

"Suppressors are in that bag as well." He said nodding towards the bag I was rooting around inside.

Further back on the table I noticed two more wrapped guns and one hardcase.

"Those too?" I asked him.

"The wrapped ones are the custom AR-47s Justin asked for. I imagine one is for you and one for him, now." The man nodded. "The case was a special request he asked for."

I quickly inspected the custom built rifles. They each had a flip to side scope in front of a holosight, side folding stock for close quarters, and milled magwell for faster loading. Under the barrel there was a light/laser sight attached to a under barrel second grip. These two rifles were chambered in the larger 7.62x39mm round that could do more damage to the enemy than the smaller rounds of the other rifles. I knew that Justin and I were probably the only two who could handle the recoil enough to stay accurate, however.

He pulled the hard case in front of me when I wrapped the rifles back up and placed them in a bag.

"This is the one for Justin." He said, anticipation clear on his face.

I opened the foam padded case to reveal a massive Barrett M82A1 chambered in 416 Barrett instead of 50 caliber. As discussed, the sight on the weapon was the newest civilian available thermal scope with computer-enhanced target acquisition. The stock was another custom job replacing the standard with a recoil buffer that would allow more rapid firing without losing the target.

"Holy fuck." I let out a low gasp at the sight of the beast, lightly running my fingers across the frame.

"You boys must have one hell of a pest problem." The guy said wryly.

"Predator problem." I quipped. "But I think this will do."

While looking at Justin's custom request I had a thought of my own.

"Say..." I said, looking towards the man, then Bryce. "You think you could do another custom job for me. No rush on this one?"

Bryce just gave me a nod and I looked back at the mysterious gunsmith.

"Sure." He chuckled. "Seeing Justin's special request make you want one for yourself?"

"Not exactly the same, no." I said, thinking about something I had seen online once.

"I once saw a system online that would allow you to line up a shot at a distance, hold the trigger, and it wouldn't fire until you moved the weapon into the correct position to hit the target. It also had target tracking and very good range." I said attempting to remember the name.

"I know what you're talking about." The man nodded to me. "Can't say anyone has ever asked for one before though."

"I'm never going to be an expert sniper." I said, thinking aloud. "But you don't have to be with that setup. I'd like to also have thermal on it as well. Same setup with the recoil buffers."

"I'll see what I can do." He nodded to me. "Won't be quick though. Don't know anyone off hand who can get one."

I nodded back and nodded to Bryce that we were good to go.

Bryce handed the man the bag of cash. He inspected it for a few moments before setting it aside and helping us grab the weapons then load them into the car.

"Tell Justin I'll see him around, yeah?" The man said as we were getting back into Bryce's car.

"Will do." Bryce said before closing the door.

We pulled away, the gate opening as we approached. I noticed Bryce was much more careful on the way home, never going over the speed limit.

"Don't want to get pulled over with an armory's worth of weapons in the back?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah... I don't think we'd be out of jail by the full moon no matter how good of a lawyer we had. That wouldn't be pretty." He said with a laugh.

"Well, now everyone has a full auto assault rifle, pistol, Justin and I have our higher caliber close combat assault rifles, and Justin has his Big Fucking Gun." I said with a smile.

"Hopefully we won't need to use them before the rest of us can get a bit more practice at the range." Bryce said softly.

I nodded. "We can rent some time with a similar full auto rifle at the range next time we go so the guys can get familiar with how they fire."

"Why do that when we have our own now?" He asked.

I looked at him like he was insane.

"We can't just walk into a range with those things. Not only are the serial numbers filed off, but you also have to have a tax stamp to even be in possession of a full auto rifle, and all of the serial numbers have to match the stamp. We'd be in deep shit if people knew we had these." I said with wide eyes.

"Right. Ok." He said simply before turning his eyes back to the road.

Justin was waiting for us when we pulled back into the garage an hour later. Bryce backed in and closed the door before we got out.

"How did it go?" Justin asked.

"Yeah Yeah it went fine." I said snarkily, amusement clear on my face. "You just want your BFG."

"He got it in time!?" Justin asked excitedly. "Awesome!"

"You didn't know?" I laughed. "We were going to pay for something you didn't even know we were going to get?"

"He owed me a favor." Justin said. "That one wasn't even included in the two hundred grand you guys spent. Would have probably cost fifteen or twenty on it's own with all the custom work he put into it."

"Let's get everything inside." Bryce moved us along, opening the trunk and pulling bags out.

"Don't break it." I handed Justin the large hardcase and smiled.

"I can reach out and touch targets with this beauty at over a mile. I'm not breaking her." He said reverently.

"Alright then." I laughed.

We carried everything down into the basement where at some point someone had added several massive gun safes.

"These are new." I said, eyeing the large cases bolted into the concrete floor.

"I had them added when we were cleaning up." Bryce said softly.

I just nodded at that, not wanting to go back into the whys related to the cleanup.

"Get everything unpacked and I'll see you upstairs." Bryce ordered as he turned and headed back to the kitchen.

Justin was unwrapping and looking at each of the guns like a kid opening Christmas presents. His large eyes were brimming with joy.

"Thanks for getting him to come around on this." Justin said to me softly. "Even with what happened, I wasn't sure he was going to commit."

I just nodded and helped him load each weapon into the safes.

"We should train." Justin said, eyeing me after we locked the safes back up. "We haven't trained since your first shift and we should see what you can do."

I nodded and decided to strip down to my boxers, not wanting to ruin my clothes in the process of fighting. Justin followed suit and also stripped down to his own underwear. We walked over to the center of the room, once more between the two sets of cages.

"Show me what you've got." Justin said, squaring himself up and putting up his fists.

Instead of waiting like I had while training before my first shift, I went straight at him, my first punch barely brushing his chin with the outside of my fist as he turned his head at the last moment. I brought up a knee towards his stomach which he blocked with his right arm. My left quickly fist swung back towards his face and he circled away before I could hit.

"Damn you're so much faster now." Justin said, shaking his head and body to loosen up as I followed.

I feinted kicking his knee but instead lunged with an elbow and caught him in the jaw, following it up with a blow to the solar plexus while he was stunned. He stumbled backwards and I ran after him to tackle and pummel his face, but before I even knew what was happening my feet were over my head and I was slammed onto my back with the wind knocked out of me.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked wheezing, looking back at Justin from the floor.

"You thought I taught you all my tricks?" He asked, laughing. "Fucking nice shot though. You may be as fast as Bryce."

I decided to go for showy and tried a move I had only seen in the movies. I attempted to launch myself up onto my feet from my position on my back. I just slammed back to the ground like a rock.

"Maybe practice that a bit more before you try it in a fight." Justin laughed at me.

"Yeah..." I coughed out while slowly picking myself up.

For the next hour Justin showed me how to follow up in quick rapid strikes. He showed me how to force an advantage once a target is stunned, using the time to incapacitate them or render them defenseless by breaking an arm or wrist.

"I want to try something." He said cautiously after an hour of trading blows. "But you have to remember not to kill me."

I laughed, pretty sure that was the impossible for me to do even now with my increased strength and speed.

"I'm serious." He said hotly, using his `this is serious shit' face I'd seen a few times.

"OK, OK." I said placatingly, my hands up, palm out to assuage his anger.

"Remember I'm your friend. And remember we're not actually trying to kill each other. OK?" He said again, eyes flicking around the room for half a second as if unsure he really wanted to do this.

"Yeah, ok, I understand." I responded, unsure what he was up to.

"Imagine that Seth is here. You can smell his scent here still. He's coming to take your pack. He's coming to hurt Zeke. Coming to hurt you. He's here to kill your mate." Justin said in a deep voice.

Each word he spoke after he said Seth's name made my vision turn more and more red. Without knowing it I sprouted fur on my hands, nails turning into claws, and my teeth turned into razor sharp killing instruments.

The second he said `kill your mate' I roared, instantly shifting fully into my were form, and charged him. I picked Justin up with one hand. His wide eyes were glued to my face as he slowly began to shift into his own were shape. Before he had even completed half his shift I was on him, lifting him up with one hand and slamming his head into the concrete floor repeatedly. His shift finished and he clawed at my arms but could not get me to release him. One of the times I lifted him up to slam him into the floor he attempted to bite my face but succeeded in only angering me further. Holding him down with my right hand, I slammed my left into his stomach, literally clawing my way through his belly and reaching up for his heart. There had been voices in the room earlier during our sparring but now there was a roar that matched my own, causing me to pause.

I looked up to see Bryce slowly approaching, looking between Justin and myself. As soon as he reached me he put a hand on my shoulder and I realized what I was doing; realized who I was doing it to. The fog of rage that had enveloped me instantly lifted from my mind. I pulled my left hand back, hoping I hadn't killed my friend, my hand coming out of his stomach with a sick slurping sound. I backed away and immediately fell out of my shift, collapsing on the floor once again human. Bryce's massive were now towered over us and he placed his hand on Justin's wound. I watched in fascination as the hole my hand had ripped into his stomach began to close slowly. After a few moments blood was no longer flowing free, but what was left was already flowing towards the drain in the middle of the room.

Justin shifted back to human and gasped as he came to, coughing for air as he attempted to fill his lungs.

"Holy... Holy.... Holy shit..." He stammered and still coughing after a few minutes attempting to catch his breath.

I puked on the floor where I lay, realizing that I had nearly killed one of my only friends. Someone who was trying to help me learn, a packmate.

"Fuck Justin... I'm so sorry." I said after spitting out what was left in my mouth. "I didn't mean to... Fuck. I'm sorry."

"I should have known what I was doing." He replied, still laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling, his breathing finally under control. His voice was still weak, though. "I did know what I was doing. I knew what could happen. I thought I was completely prepared."

Justin turned his head and eyed Bryce who was still standing over him looking solemnly at Justin. Justin just nodded his head once, some unspoken conversation going on between them through their eyes.

"You two wash up down here and I'll see you in the kitchen when you're done. We'll need to have a pack meeting." Bryce said.

It was only as I watched him walk away that I noticed that the rest of the pack was standing on the stairs leading down to the basement watching us. Most had the look of shock on their faces, as if they had just seen the impossible. I noticed that Zeke, however, just nodded as if something had been confirmed for him, before he turned and went back the way he came.


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Encouragement from readers goes a very long way towards giving me the energy to continue writing the next chapter.

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Next: Chapter 20

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