A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 28, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 13

The pain and panic seemed to go on for minutes, though it couldn't have actually lasted more than thirty seconds. When I opened my eyes again the trees seemed a bit taller. The colors of the forest seemed to be different and all of the smells of the woods were singular and identifiable. I looked down to see my hands had been replaced by paws. I felt a swishing sensation behind myself and noticed I had a tail that was idly swaying side to side. I was distracted suddenly by the sound of breathing in front of me. I turned to see what it was when Bryce's wolf form approached, causing me to freeze.

Bryce's wolf padded over, sniffing at my face before rubbing his body down one side and up the other as he walked around me. Moments later I felt him lay his head over my shoulders, rubbing himself against me more.

Scent. The thought and feeling inside of me welled up.

I inhaled deeply and immediately identified Bryce's aroma, more powerful and incredible than ever before. It felt like it was soaking into my fur, into my being.

Mate. My wolf let out a whine and nuzzled into Bryce's form.

Bryce let out a small chuff as his tail wagged side to side excitedly. He was nearly bouncing from foot to foot, clearly elated to see my wolf. His muzzle dropped open and his tongue darted out to swipe across my face. I could see the smile in his eyes and the set of his ears.

`Cocky bastard'. I thought.

He swiped a paw across my muzzle before darting off into the woods. My wolf immediately demanded we give chase. The desire was so strong I was still processing it when I realized I was already following at a full run.

I could hear Bryce ahead of me crashing through the forest loudly. His yips of happiness loud enough to hear as I continued my chase. After a few minutes I realized that I had no idea where the hell I was or how to get back to the car.

I could almost feel my wolf rolling his eyes inside my mind. I lifted my nose and followed our scents back the way we came and knew it would be nearly impossible to get lost ever again.

I had stopped running to get my bearings for a few moments when I noticed the forest had gone completely quiet and still. The fur on my back raised in alarm but I couldn't see, smell, or hear anything unusual. My lip was just starting to curl up over my teeth when a brown mass leapt through the trees at me, tackling me to the ground and pinning me. I panicked, struggling for a few moments to get out from under whatever the hell was on me. My wolf wanted to rip the attacker to shreds.

Bryce's scent overpowered my senses and I realized the bastard had been playing with me. Once I calmed down he laid down directly on top of me. Me on my side, his body over the top of mine. He looked incredibly content with himself. I snarled and gave him a nip on his neck for his trouble, which he completely ignored with what I took for a wolf chuckle.

He let me up, rubbing more of his scent into my fur. Suddenly he went very still and my ears perked up as I heard footsteps approaching from the way we came. We watched as two wolves approached, both of us on guard until their scent identified them as Justin and Alexi. Justin yipped in excitement and approached cautiously, sniffing at me and eyeing my shape and size.

My wolf was about five inches shorter than Bryce's at the shoulder. Whereas Bryce was nearly four feet at the shoulder, I was probably closer to three and a half. My fur was a very light golden brown with black markings. Each of my feet had white fur about one third the way up my legs.

Justin approached from directly in front of me, lightly nuzzling into my face in greeting. He backed away just as Alexi was moving up to do the same.

Before he could reach me, however, a dark form came flying out of the brush again and tackled me to the ground. I slid across the forest floor, scrambling to right myself as a snarling black wolf tried to pin me down.

This is getting old. I could feel my wolf thinking, snapping at the wolf who pounced me.

He snapped back and snarled, however, one of his fangs brushing the tip of my nose. The pain sobered me up a bit and I realized that I didn't recognize this wolf's scent from anywhere. As I was climbing back up I suddenly felt a weight land on my back, pushing me forward a bit as paws clamped around my thighs.

What the fuck? I thought as I turned to see a wolf on my back, trying to hump me.

Oh fuck no. I turned hard and latched onto one of his paws with my teeth at the same time that Bryce tackled the asshole. I heard a yelp as he hit the ground hard, Bryce's paws still on his chest. The wolf's fur and blood still partly in my mouth from his paw being ripped from my jaws. I could see his paw was bleeding now, deep gouges from my teeth slowly healing.

Bryce snapped his teeth right in the other wolf's face and the deepest and scariest fucking growl I had ever heard from him escaped his chest and muzzle. The black wolf's ears pinned back, his eyes trying to look anywhere but at Bryce who was staring right into his face now. Bryce took his neck into his jaws as everyone could only watch, still too stunned to react.

The black wolf audibly began to whine now, clearly terrified. The two wolves from the clearing slowly walked into the group, eyeing the situation with a knowing look at one another. One of them shifted back to human quickly.

"Alpha Bryce, please." The now tall wiry human who appeared to be in his forties spoke softly. "Matthew didn't know."

Bryce looked up at the man without taking his teeth from around the other wolf's neck. He snorted and looked like he was just ready to bite down harder and start shaking the black wolf's head off. Bryce growled and added just a little more pressure before dropping the wolf on his head with a thud. Bryce walked back over to me, circling and sniffing me several times before rubbing his scent up and down my body repeatedly. His tail brushed above and below my nose, causing me to roll my eyes. I nipped at his chin to tell him he was being ridiculous, but as soon as I had done it he pounced on me, pushing me over onto my back and standing over me. The weight of his wolf laying on top of me made it a little hard to breathe, but he didn't move. Bryce just huffed, content with himself.

`Big baby.' I thought, exasperated.

My wolf, however, was bouncing around in my head with joy at the show of possessiveness from his alpha.

Mate. Mate! MATE! The feelings seemed to say.

I huffed at him, pushing at him with my paws trying to get him to move, but he was nearly twice my size as a wolf and didn't budge an inch. Eventually I hadd tired myself out and just tried to relax.

The black wolf, Matthew apparently, finally picked himself up off the forest floor. He immediately shifted back to human, sat down where he shifted, and avoided looking our way.

"I'm sorry, Alpha." He said, his voice quivering a bit. "It was just... He smelled so good. I never thought anything could smell so good. It was intoxicating. It was like I had no control over my wolf. As soon as I caught his scent my wolf just started screaming in my head and practically took over. It wasn't until we were... Engaged... That I understood what was happening."

I looked towards the kid, only to realize he barely looked 18, maybe younger. Bryce just let out an unhappy huff, and pushed my face with his nose until I was looking the other way again.

Seriously?' I thought to my wolf. You like this man who's jealous of a child'

My wolf just ignored my inner dialog, finding it much more entertaining to direct my interests towards Bryce's alluring scent, which was now quite mingled with my own.

"Matthew." The wiry man said, grabbing everyone's attention. "Why don't you go back to the house. Tell Alpha Johnson what happened. You should have better control of your wolf by now, no matter how young you are."

From Bryce's grunt he seemed to agree. He stood up and shook himself off after Matthew had shifted back to his wolf form and ran off back towards the cabin.

"Again, my apologies Alpha." The wiry man said. "You know how the ones who were turned too young act sometimes. It's everything we can do to keep him from going feral sometimes. I'll ensure there are no further interruptions."

Bryce seemed to think it over for a moment before nodding and turning back towards me. While the man was speaking I had gotten up off the ground as well. My wolf instinctively shook out our coat.

Bryce gave me a nudge and began heading in the same direction we were previously running, though this time at a more cautious pace. After ten minutes we picked up the scent of a deer. Everyone in our group went still. Faint steps in the dried leaves could be heard in the distance, and we cautiously made our way through the forest. After a few minutes we had snuck up behind a small group of deer. My wolf seemed to know the plan of attack, even though no communication had passed between any of us.

My wolf was itching to chase one of the deer but I held back with every ounce of my willpower.

`I'm not a monster.' I repeated to my wolf, who just scoffed and seemed to fidget.

I stayed still as the other wolves fanned out, slowly encircling the group of deer. As one, they suddenly all shot out of the trees, causing the deer to startle and attempt to bolt. Bryce caught the largest one by his throat and bared it to the ground. He wrenched his head hard from side to side, cleanly breaking the deer's neck. Likewise, Justin had also picked a buck, cleanly dispatching it. The moment's hesitation both deer had made when it saw the other wolves in it's path had cost it as Bryce and Justin had taken their opportunities with lightning speed.

Bryce dragged the dead deer over to me and I backed away slightly, shaking my head. I'd just watched him kill this. I didn't watch them kill the cows before I ate my burger. Though the thought made me wonder if there'd be more vegetarians if they did make you watch.

Bryce huffed at me before quickly biting into the belly of the deer, easily ripping flesh and muscle from the carcass with his powerful jaws. He walked over to me slowly, as if afraid I'd bolt, and dropped the strip of meat he'd pulled at my feet. The scent of the bloody meat made my stomach growl and mouth water. I shuttered as I was overtaken by the urge to accept Bryce's `gift' and my wolf leaned down without my permission and scarfed down the warm, tender, delicious meat.

The taste was surprisingly satisfying. The blood more salty than coppery on my tongue and seemed to add flavor to the uncooked meat. I whimpered, but allowed my wolf to pad over to the deer and, seemingly knowing what do on his own, I allowed him to eat his fill.

My consciousness sat in the back of my mind, watching events unfold as if it were a movie. I allowed the wolf to have control, not wanting to be a part of this. I didn't feel the thrill of the chase or savor the gift Bryce had given us. Not like he clearly had.

Eventually we had all eaten our fill. I was surprised to see the bones were nearly picked clean when I looked up. Bryce seemed to be waiting for a reaction, but I was still not sure how I felt and allowed my wolf to maintain control. Eventually we began heading back towards the cabin. I seemed to arrive there as if on autopilot. It was like I woke up from my thoughts as we entered the clearing again.


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Next: Chapter 15

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