A Winter Story

By Scott Langford

Published on Mar 9, 2003



This is a collaborative work of two authors writing it together. Two minds that think alike.

A Winter Story

The wind was blowing a gale as the snow was driven from the Arctic to the great plains of the midwest. It was colder than I had every felt it be before, and the wind drove the chill straight through my flesh to my bones. I was frozen and was trying to get to the distant lights of the next town because my car was broke down and out of gas. Rather than freeze to death in my car, and not expecting any help to come along, I decided to at least try to get to town. After walking for what seemed like hours, my feet could barely move because they were so cold. But I must keep moving to keep from getting frost bitten and losing the use of my feet altogether.

I saw the lights of the town getting closer, but they were still at least 2 miles away. In this cold it would take me a long time to get there. My legs started giving out and I was beginning to stagger, when I saw headlights coming up behind me. I stopped, faced their direction, and moved closer to the middle of the highway hoping the driver would see me. In a matter of seconds a pickup truck with one man inside pulled up and told me to get in before I froze to death. He opened the right side door and I climbed into his hot cab and decided I would survive this night after all. Man was he cute! Even under all the winter clothes, his deep blue eyes were penetrating. He drove quite fast to town and asked me if i was hungry. I told him I was starving since I hadn't eaten since morning and it was now getting late at night.

We stopped at a gas station and diner, which was just about to close, and went inside. I sat in a booth where the heat was blowing on me so I could take off my heavy coat and get warmed up. The man who picked me up introduced himself as Troy, and I told him my name was Kyle. He brought me a cup of steaming hot coffee which warmed my stomach up instantly. Troy asked me if I had any money for food, and I told him I did. He ordered us both steak and eggs which really hit the spot. After we had finished eating we sat and had more coffee and talked. He asked me where I was going and I told him I came from North Dakota and was down there to start a new job about 15 miles further on, working on a dairy farm. I told him I was 24 years old and was trying to find a job so I could save enough money to go back to college and get my degree. I asked him how come he had been driving tonight and he told me he ran a snowplow for the state and was going home after plowing the road we had just driven here on. He asked why I was walking on such a nasty night and I told him my car broke down, probably something to do with the drive shaft since it was vibrating a lot, and I ran out of gas and decided after an hour of freezing to walk to the next town. He told me it was lucky he had come along because no one is ever out after 8 o'clock or so and I would have got to town after the diner had closed. He told me we could get my car in the morning and drive it into town and it didn't sound like it was anything to seriously wrong with it.

He looked like a young man so I asked him how old he was and he said he was 27 and working for the highway department was his first job and he loved it. Then he asked if I would like to stay at his place until morning so he could take me back to my car. I said I didn't want to impose on him but he said there wasn't any other place to go. So I said OK and we left to go to his place for the night. We drove only for a few minutes until we got to his house which was a big farmhouse with a big barn attached. He drove his truck into the barn, closed the door and we walked inside. We went in and were in his kitchen which was all modern with the latest conveniences. He put on a pot of coffee and asked me to make myself at home. I took off my coat and hat, which he hung in the closet, and then he helped me get my boots off. My feet were still extremely cold but there was no frostbite. He got a big bucket and filled it with warm water and told me to soak my feet until they got warmed up. He said he was going to take a shower and get comfortable while I soaked. I heard the water in the shower come on and it took him a really short time to get showered. When he came back into the kitchen he had just a towel wrapped around his waste and slippers on his feet. When he squatted down to check to see how my feet were warming up, I could see his package beneath his towel and started to get warmed all over. It wasn't the biggest but it sure looked good. He stood up and told me I should take a shower and get comfortable after and he would be waiting in the living room watching tv.

I took my shower and it felt really good. I got out, dried myself off, and wrapped the towel around my waist as he had done. He had put out a pair of slippers for me to put on, so in a towel and slippers I went into the living room. He was sitting on the sofa and beckoned to me to sit down beside him and watch tv. The movie was kind of boring so he asked if I wanted to watch a video. I said sure, it was ok with me. He aksed if there was anything in particular that I wanted to watch and I said anything was fine with me. Troy got up, walked to the tv and popped in a video. When it started i saw that it was an erotic gay video and when he turned to look at me, I had a big smile on my face which told him I was into porn too. He came back to the sofa, sat right next to me, and asked if the video was ok. Naturally, I said it was great and liked that kind of movie.

After a few minutes he got up, went to the kitchen and brought back two beers and sat beside me and passed me one. He asked me if I was getting warmed up and I told him I was really getting warm now. He stood up and let the towel drop from his waist and turned to face me. He stood looking at me completely nude except for his slippers. He beckoned to me to stand up and as soon as I did the towel dropped from my waist and revealed my erection. He reached over and pulled me to him and gave me a nice warm hug and kissed my cheek, then stroked my meat a few times and pulled me closer to himself. I reached down and fondled his soft cock which got hard in a few seconds.

It kept getting bigger and bigger in my hand, and when it was fully erect it was a nice, thick 7 inches. Mine is really thick but is only about 6 and a half inches. It wasn't long before my precum was oozing out and he spread it over the head of my cock and massaged it very sensuously. His was starting to get wet too so I did the same for him. We stood there kissing and hugging each other while we fondled each others cocks and balls. Finally he sat me back down on the sofa and rested his head on my leg just a few inches form my playground. And as he did that, I felt like I was floating on air. Here is this stud guy, near me, touching me, and interested in me. He has harry legs. So I slowly move my hands to rub through his thick blonde hair and move his head nearer my cock. I stopped it about an inch out, and my cock was beating with the beat of my heart. slowly moving with the beat of my heart. He sticks his tongue out and it reaches just below my head. He starts in on that, and it is driving me crazy. He next moves up on it and licks the head, the slit. All I could think of is "go for it" but he doesn't. he goes down on the base of it, and licks my balls. Then he takes one into his mouth and rolls it around. Next he takes the second with his hand and sucks it in. I am in extacy as he has both my balls in his mouth rolling his tongue over and over them again. I can hear his sucking in breath over them and his warm breath on my dick. He looks up to me for approval with is deep dark blue eyes. I just wink back and rest my head against the back of the couch loosing touch with reality. It feels so good. I wanna kiss him, but I can't move.

He let's my balls out with a sucking sound and moves his mouth on my navel and starts down again using his tongue to move the hairs on my blonde treasue trail. He get's my dick in his hand and it's slippery wet and starts to jerk me gently. I move my hips to meet his strokes. then he slips his mouth over my manhood. I am like "I am blessed". His tongue is swirling around the engorged head. I try to back into the couch his mouth is so electric. I can't escape it, I feel the cum building in my balls, as he continues. I'm like Troy, I'm about to cum. He takes his mouth off for a second and says "that's the idea" and gulps me down again. Just using a slow torture on my cock, he won't speed up, just steady, bringing me closer and closer, I'm stiff as a board all over my entire body, and I'm massaging my niples leaning my head back, eyes closed. Uh, can't hold it any more man here it comes... UUUUH! His mouth is still over it and filled with all my juice and it runs down his cheeks, and all he has is a smile on his face.

I'm like "Dude, that was fantastic! Fiesty! You got more tricks up your sleeve?" and he says, "Nope, just got a nice back side that is ready for your second round" and all I can do is smile back at him still in my crotch. I can see his dick is dripping. And all I can think of is, how I'm gonna return his favor. I caress his cheeks and lift his face to look at my face, and purse my lips and blow him a kiss. He moves up and sits beside me on the sofa and brushes his soft, sweet lips against my cheek, moves around to the front and we kiss warmly, deeply, and passionately. He stands up, takes my hands and pulls me to my feet, and holding hands we go back to his kitchen, completely nude except for slippers on our feet. I ask Troy what we should do now and he says he has a surprise for me and to wait for him in the kitchen. Troy goes out through what I thought was a cellar door, makes a little noise which piques my curiosity and returns to the warm kitchen in a few minutes. I asked him what he was doing in the cold and he asked me to wait a few minutes and I would find out. Troy opened the fridge door, took out a bottle of chilled wine and poured us both a glass. He put his arm around my shoulders and led me to a chair at his table. He sat down and motioned for me to have a seat beside him.

We sipped the wine, which tasted really good and began warming me from the inside out, and talked about nothing in particular and everything in general. After about 20 minutes he stood up and said, "Come with me, please." I stood up and followed him to the door and followed him inside. The room was dark with a slight amber glow and very hot. Troy said it was his sauna and asked me if I had ever been in a sauna. I told him only in locker rooms and he told me it would get us both relaxed and totally cleansed. He walked over to where the amber glow was coming from and dipped a small ladle into a bucket and sprinkled it over the hot rocks. The room filled with steam almost instantly and I began to perspire profusely and I could feel all the tension leaving my naked body.

Troy beckoned to me and I went and sat beside him on a cedar bench. The warm amber glow that filled the room and was filtered through the steam gave the room an almost eerie feeling, but it was very relaxing. We stayed in the sauna for about 15 minutes, Troy sprinkling water on the hot rocks often to keep the room filled with steam. The fire in the firebox was slowly going out and the room began to feel slightly cool. Troy stood up, took both my hands, and led me to another door. He told me to follow him and do what he did. When the door opened an icy cold blast of air hit us which shocked me at first but I followed Troy outdoors as we both rolled quickly in the snow. It was only a matter of seconds when we were both back on our feet and walking back into the sauna shivering, feeling so alive. With the door open to the cold air outside and the fire almost out the room was nearly as cold as the outdoors.

We went into the kitchen again nakid as the day we were born. I watched him walk in front of me as he lead the way, nice bubble ass swaying down the hallway. I just wanted to kiss it! He made us both a cup of hot cocoa which tasted very nice and brought heat back to our bodies. Troy took me by the hand and led me to his master bedroom which was dominated by a king size bed with a down mattress. He laid down on the bed face down, tossed me a tube of lube and beckoned me to join him on the bed. I made one jump and was on my knees behind him, lubing my erect cock and lubing his hole. I spread his legs wide and got on top of him and lightly pressed my cock against his hole. He groaned lightly with the pressure slowly invading him. I pushed harder and harder until I had completely penetrated him. He was moaning and biting his pillow as I thrust my hard cock in and out of him at a very fast speed. I slowed my pace some so I could last longer and fuck him for a longer time. I finally decided to pull completely out of him and rolled him on his back, spread his legs far apart and pulled his knees up.

I lay between his legs and pressed my throbbing cock against his hole and slipped into him completely. I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed him passionately as I made love to him. He wrapped his legs around my butt and pulled me in hard. I could feel his feet pulling me in closer as I gyrated and moved in and out of him until I felt my orgasm mounting and building pressure before the final release. In the last few seconds before I shot my hot load of cum, I thrust into him so hard I moved his body beneath me on the bed. As I had my orgasm I was completely inside of him and when I came it was like fireworks were going off in my head. My orgasm kept coming in wave after wave of erotic pleasure that left me completely limp and powerless to move. We kissed deeply as I filled him with my love juice and after I had spent my last drop, my body went completely limp and I could not move. We lay in bed with my soft cock still partly inside him as we kissed and hugged each other, entwining our legs together as we licked each others neck, face, and sucked each other's earlobes. We lay there in a passionate embrace for a long time and I finally got up and stood beside the bed. I reached over and took Troy's hands and stood him up beside me.

I led him to the shower, adjusted the water temp, and we showered and scrubbed each others bodies clean. We dried off and went back to bed and hugged, kissed, and cuddled until we fell asleep holding each other. Snow falling outside the window and it was illuminated by a full moonlit night as I glanced into the darkness outside.

I fell asleep holding his cock while he stroked and held mine. When we awoke it was to his phone ringing. It was well after noontime and Troy said that the call was from the weather service telling him that another snow storm, much larger than the previous one, was coming our way. He told me I should stay with him until the next storm passed and to join him in his snowplow as he cleared the highway.

We got dressed, and went to my car, which we called to have towed into town and to a garage. They looked the car over and told me I had a bad u-joint and that they could get it fixed for me in about an hour. Troy said we should go to the diner and get some breakfast, which sounded good to me. After we went back to the garage, paid for the service, filled it with gas and I followed him back to his place. He opened the barn door and told me to park it inside to keep the driveway clear and to the snow off my car. I drove the car in, shut it off and followed him back into the house. Never in my life could I have imagined a snow storm could be the best thing that ever happened to me.

Troy poured us both a drink, Finlandia on the rocks with a twist, and we sat in the living room and talked about the night before. I told him it was the best night I had ever had in my life. He said it was for him too and that I should consider staying on with him and get a job in town with the maintenance department. He asked if I had any office experience and I told him I had attended college for two years as an accounting major. He said that they needed someone to run the office and take care of the paper work and that if I thought I could handle the job that I should apply. I jumped at the chance and drove myself back to town and picked up an application. Troy said that I could stay with him for free, paying only for my gas and meals in town, until I got back on my feet. I said that was very generous of him and accepted his offer. Troy asked me if I was tired, which I was, and we decided to go back to bed---for sleep. We did some kissing, hugging, and cuddling and fell asleep and slept until after dark. The snow was now falling outside again.

After a light sleep, I felt his warmth and ran my hands over his bear chest, running my fingers lightly through the hair there. His eyes slowly opened and watched me. I put my mouth on his nipple and rotated my tongue. He moaned slightly "Kyle don't stop" and I jokingly said "are you sure?" he just resinged his head back and closed his eyes. I moved slowly down his torso, uncovering the blanket as I did. The blanket was moving with his hard cock, beating to his heart beat the closer I got. I used my hand on his erect cock slowly giving him pleasure. I glanced once more up to his deep blue eyes before I took him in my mouth. A slight groan from him as I took it all in, and fondling his balls as I used my mouth. He said, "wow!" and then his hands gently caressed my back as he ran his hands up and down over me. He cupped my head and forced me to take all of him.

He said "my turn" and we switched places. Now he was at my lips kissing me deeply, on top of me. Our cocks rubbed together, and he stopped and looked at me, and asked, "can I take you?" I said "sure", and it went in slow motion as he moved down sucking my cock ever so lightly, and then began to really speed it up. I was like "uh, yeah!" then he stopped and reached for lube in the nightstand, and greased his cock up. He lifted my legs around his shoulders and started to penetrate me. He teased my hole with his cock, sliding it up and down my crack before knocking at the door. I put my hands behind my head and felt him slip inside me. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but I loosened up and then felt him fully in me. My cock was rock hard as he glided in and out. He leaned forward deep kissing me. And he was like, "oh man, Kyle, you are making me hot, I can't hold it anymore!" And at that moment I felt his warm spunk explode in me as he groaned. He slowly pulled out, and brought his mouth to my cock. My hands still under my head. He worked me, bringing me off. I came in his mouth and he slurped up every bit.

I drifted off to sleep, more satisfied then I ever thought I could be. Both of us side by side, in each others arms. The snow falling outside, drifting in the wind....

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