A Wet Reunion

By Cactus Ren

Published on Jun 29, 2001



This is an erotic story about man-to-man sexual activities. If you are offended by such material, too young to read such, or it is illegal in your community, stop here and find something that won't get you in trouble. Otherwise, please enjoy! If you do, please drop me a note at cactus_ren@hotmail.com. Thanks!


The computer screen flickered to life as I sank into my chair. I didn't feel like working, but it was already past 11 in the morning and I'd done nothing but watch TV and drink coffee since I dragged myself out of bed a little after 8. There were definite disadvantages to working at home when you lacked motivation.

And I had none these days, not since Brian, my boyfriend of four years, packed up and left a few weeks ago. I'd been in a funk ever since. I hadn't gone out and I was avoiding assignments, taking only those I needed to keep the lights on and the bank at bay. Pretty pathetic, really.

I clicked on my e-mail and watched about 40 messages drop into the in folder. Lots of spam. A couple of notes from an editor who wanted to know where the hell I was hiding. And one with a return address I didn't recognize. The subject line read: "Is that you, Blondie?"

That got my attention. No one had used that nickname since college, when I girl I knew talked me into adding a few highlights to my hair. Turns out she didn't really know what she was doing and I wound up with a head full of platinum locks, earning the nickname from my basketball buddies at the fieldhouse.

And that's exactly who the note was from: Ray Trask, one of the few noontime teammates I'd become friendly with off the court as well. We used to hang out at the off-campus bars and we were regulars at the art movie house as well. It wasn't a deep enough friendship to keep in touch for more than a year or two, though.

I read the note. Turned out he'd seen one of my free-lance magazine pieces and got to wondering if I was the same Michael "Blondie" Scully he'd gone to school with. He wasn't sure how to find me, so he called the magazine and badgered some poor secretary into spilling my e-mail address. I made a mental note to rat her out, whoever she was.

The upshot was that he'd recently moved back to Phoenix after selling an Internet start-up at just the right time. He would soon begin work on a new venture, but for now was settling into a new home in Paradise Valley, a very tony part of the city.

It wasn't the first time someone had tracked me down via e-mail. I usually dashed off a quick note to say hi, thanks for writing and it usually ends there. I wrote just such a note and then, as an afterthought, because he was here, I included my phone number, a polite addition and one I figured he'd never use. Ten years was a long time, after all.

I finished my e-mail, made a few feeble attempts to nail down a phone interview, then finished a short piece that was due for an airline magazine. By two, I was depressed again. I scarfed down a sandwich and a diet Coke and grabbed a book. I sprawled out on the couch to read and was asleep inside of 10 minutes.

The phone woke me up. I fumbled for it and managed a slurred, "Hello?"

"Hey, Blondie! It's me! The Traskman!"

Omigawd. Ray had seen the message and was already calling. "Hey there, Trasker, is that really you?"

"None other, buddy! Hey, thanks for the note back. I knew that was you. So you're a big-time writer, are you, all famous and everything?"

"Neither one, if you want to know the truth. I do OK, though. It sounds like you're the one who's cashed in," I said.

"Yeah, well, you know, I got lucky. I can't believe I back in Phoenix again. Been awhile since we were at ASU, huh?"

"Like 10 years," I replied.

"Wow. So we should get together and catch up. How's about lunch tomorrow? I got a meeting with an investor tonight."

I was surprised that he wanted to get together and I nearly turned him down. I really wasn't in the mood for human contact these days. Then I figured at least I wouldn't have to stare at my unwritten work for a while, so I agreed and we set a time and a place.

When I arrived the next day, Ray was there already. There was no mistaking him. He looked a lot the same as he had 10 years ago: 6-1 or so, maybe 190, naturally blonde hair, bracing blue eyes and gawd, he was still built like the proverbial brick shithouse.

He was dressed in a form-fitting, scoop-necked shirt that displayed his pecs nicely. It wasn't going to be easy keeping my eyes off him, but as far as I knew, he didn't know I turned out gay and if this was going to be a one-shot reunion, I figured I wouldn't use that as an icebreaker.

Ray spotted me as I stood there stupidly staring. He waved me over and when I got to table, he stood and grabbed me into a big bearhug.

"Hey, buddy, it's great to see you! Thanks for coming by!"

"It's good to see you, too, Ray. You haven't changed hardly at all." I tried not to draw in his scent -- a clean smell with only the slightest hint of a cologne.

He did an aw-shucks and said, "Thank ya, ma'am," then laughed and sat down. We made small talk, ordered sandwiches and beer, and then tried to figure out which of our friends we'd heard from or about over the years.

We were on our fourth round of beers when the food was cleared away. Ray looked at me and said, very seriously, "So how are you doing, Mike? You seem a little off today."

I was shocked that he noticed, especially considering he hadn't seen me in so long. I hesitated, then spoke carefully. "Aw, I'm a little down. I'm back alone again after a long while. Got dumped big time a few weeks ago."

"Damn, that sucks. Was it another guy?"

I blanched. Could he have known? "Wha-what?" I stammered.

"That she left you for? Another guy?"

OK. "Um, yeah, there was another guy involved," I said slowly, which was true. Brian ran off with some twink caterer's assistant named Carey. I could feel the clouds covering my face again.

"I'm sorry. Gawd, I shouldn't have brought it up. Hey, listen, you got some time today? Cuz I'm dying to show off my new digs. I hate to brag, but it's a great house up in PV, real secluded, a pool and a basketball court ... maybe we could shoot a couple of hoops and get your mind off your ex-."

Again, I nearly said no, but the beer had softened my resistance and I agreed. We paid the tab and walked out to the parking lot. He was driving a Lexus, naturally, and gave me directions so I could follow him in my Camry.

He was right about the house. It was set into a hillside and had a long, sloping drive way. By the time we parked, the hill and the landscaping created a private little enclave. Ray gave me the grand tour -- no much furniture in yet, but some beautiful rooms, a good view and a fabulous pool out back.

My view was even better -- the olive chinos he wore framed a sculpted ass that moved seductively as he walked.

Finally, we walked over to the back of the garage, where the previous owner had built a nice full-size basketball court.

"Didn't I tell you it was great, buddy? Remember those noontimes in the Fieldhouse? Here, let me get the ball, let's shoot a few," he said.

I looked at my polo shirt and Dockers. "I'm not dressed for for it, really," I said.

"That's OK, we can just shoot around. I've had too many beers to run you anyway. Speaking of which ... "

He disappeared into the garage and emerged again with the ball and a six-pack of Coronas. He handed me one and took one for himself.

We shot around for a while, talked a little more about old times, cleaned out a couple of beers. I wasn't feeling much pain by that point.

"This is boring," Ray said suddenly. "Let's at least make it interesting. How about a round of HORSE?"

I laughed. "That's supposed to be be less boring?" "OK, wise guy," Ray said. "We'll make it real interesting. Ever play strip HORSE?"

"No," I said. "I heard some of the frat guys used to play it after hours at the Fieldhouse, but ... "

"Cool, strip HORSE it is. Rule's're the same, 'cept instead of getting a letter when you miss my shot, you lose a piece of clothing. Shoes count as one, socks as one ... you got a belt, so that'll count as one. Let's see who has the balls for this one." He laughed and tossed me the ball.

Fuck, I though, what the hell had I got myself into? I'd been half-hard all afternoon staring at Ray, wondering if still looked as good naked as he did in the lockerroom 10 years ago. I was worried my interest would show. And I was getting too drunk to shoot straight.

"C'mon, Blondie, whatsamatter? You chicken? You let yourself go a little? That it?" He teased me.

That I couldn't let go. I thought I looked as good as I did then. I worked out religiously and kept my 5-foot-11, 175-pound frame hard and taut. I dribbled the ball and chose my spot. And missed.

And I kept missing. A lot. I was losing miserably. Half an hour and the rest of the six-pack later, I stood on Ray's court in my boxer briefs. He had lost his shoes and socks and had finally lost his shirt, which revealed that, gawd, he still looked good enough to eat, chiseled and hairless as he always was. My half hard-on had deflated as we played, but I could feel it starting to perk up again.

"This is it, bare-boy!" Ray said, cackling. "You miss this shot, your ass is mine!"

He threw me the ball and I nearly dropped it. I stood there. I looked up. This shouldn't be too difficult. I missed. Ray howled. I was crushed and I guess he saw it.

"Hey, it's OK, Mike, we're kinda old to be playing this anyway. You don't have to go all the way. Let's call it quits and go for a swim."

I looked at him and smiled weakly. "What the fuck!" I said. "I've lost everything else lately. I may as well lost my dignity." And with that, I dropped my boxer shorts and gave them a good toss upward. They hit the basket and stuck there. My luck.

Ray was surprised, to say the least, and suddenly I was embarrassed. I searched for my clothes and swore when I didn't see them right away. Ray rushed over just in time to see my eyes tear up. The past few weeks were tumbling down on me and I stood there trying not to lose it, trying even harder to cover my growing erection with my hands.

I nearly jumped through the hoop myself when he took me in his arms and hugged me. "Aw, shit, I knew I shouldn't have goaded you into this. You were in rougher shape than I thought."

I tried to laugh, but it sounded weak and on the edge of a sob. "Yeah, and now I'm standing out on a basketball court naked. I need to find my clothes." I didn't want to break the embrace -- he smelled so musky and I could feel the sweat from his chest mix with mine. But I had to get away quickly because my cock was growing every second I was in his arms.

Ray laughed. "Oh, is that all? You feel funny being naked? Well, let's fix that." And he proceeded to drop his slacks and his boxer briefs. He held his arms out wide. "There! See? Now we're both naked as coupla dumb jaybirds." He laughed and I did too, trying not to focus on Ray's cock, which looked to be about half-mast itself, on its way to what he always bragged was an 8-inch hard-on.

I guess he noticed me looking and I panicked and started to look for my pants again. "Hold on, there, Blondie," he said. "Are you staring at my dick? Because you look like you're getting a major woody there."

I swallowed. "Well, it looks like you are too."

He stared. "Ya big homo," he said with mock gruffness.

"Ya fruit," I replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"I knew it all the time," he said.

"Me too," I said. "Except I never even suspected."

"Me neither, Mike, me neither. Oh my god, you're really gay?"

"As the day is long."

"So you got dumped by a boyfriend?"

"Yup. What about you? Are you single."

Ray paused. "For about a year now. We were together a long time. I know exactly how you feel."

There was a long silence as we realized we were still bare-ass. I could feel the tension build. "Hey, how 'bout that swim?" I suggested.

"Damn fine idea," Ray said. He led the way. "Guess we don't really need to worry about swim suits, huh?" He laughed and leaped into the pool. I followed quickly, enjoying the rush of water on my sweaty skin. We both did a couple of laps, then wound up along one edge. I stood there catching my breath.

Ray moved closer and put one hand on my shoulder, running it down the length of my arm. He took my hand in his and suddenly pulled me close to him again in an embrace. I looked into his eyes. Neither of us said a word as we kissed, deeply. Our lips parted and I felt his tongue in my mouth. I pushed back and chewed sucked on his lip a little.

Meanwhile, our hands were exploring every inch of our bodies. I felt his rugged back, his strong shoulders and he pulled me closer. I could feel our hardening cocks against each other and I pushed, drawing a moan from Ray. I could feel our hearts beating as we kissed and embraced and writhed against one another.

Finally, we came up for air. "Shit, man, you're a great kisser. I was missing a lot in college!" he said. "And has anyone ever told you have that deepest blue eyes ever?"

He kissed me playfully and up on the edge of the pool. Before he could pull me out, I pushed between his legs and found his cock. I licked the head and traced my tongue down its side. He wasn't exaggerating about the length. I lapped at his balls, which tasted of chlorine, then returned to his cock, which I took into my mouth with one gulp.

Ray leaned back and groaned as I sucked. He grabbed my head and ran his fingers through my short, blonde hair, helping me keep a rhythm as I sucked him. I gripped his strong thighs and bobbed my head on his hard shaft, sucking as hard as I could, taking him as deeply as my throat would allow.

Finally, he pushed my head back. "Not so quick, Mike, I got other ideas about where I want to shoot."

"What makes you think it's where I want you to shoot, big shot?" I asked, trying to sound butch.

"I'll shoot where I want to, you big homo," he said.

"Try it, you fairy," I said and we both erupted in laughter again. He helped me out of the pool and we embraced again, kissing hungrily, grinding our hard cocks against each other. He dropped to his knees and found my dick, engulfing it quickly. He began to suck it with a power that got me harder and hotter than I had been in a long time.

"Gawd, I love the way you suck my cock, Ray," I said. He grunted and picked up the pace. This time, I stopped him and pulled him up, thrusting my tongue in his mouth again. We mock resisted each other, pushing and pulling until we both went sailing back into the pool again.

We surfaced laughing again. His eyes took on a manic gleam and he lunged at me, wrapping his body around mine, pushing his cock against my ass, thrusting it against my cheeks. He reached around and grabbed my cock and gave it a tug.

"Get out," he said. "I got to have this." I pushed him away and leaped out myself, standing there with my cock sticking straight out.

"Come and get it," I said, and raced across the patio toward what I thought was the side yard. Except it wasn't and I found myself against a wall. He laughed.

"Don't move," he said, turning around and ducking into one of the patio doors. He came out a minute later with a handful of foil packets and a tube.

"Slick my dick," he said playfully, handing me a rubber. I took it and opened the packet with my teeth -- I tried anyway. It didn't work. We laughed and I tore it open. I knelt down and used my lips to guide it on to his throbbing dick. I gave his ass a slap as I stood up.

"So let's see if you know how to use that, computer boy," I taunted.

I held his gaze as he opened the tube and squirted some on his cock, then some more on his fingers. He turned me around. I put my hands up against the wall and spread my legs a little. I felt the cold lube against my hole and then felt his finger push it in. I moaned as he wiggled it around inside.

Finally, he grabbed my hips and guided his cock into my ass. I groaned as he pushed it in, inch by inch. I heard the slurp as it finally sunk deep into me. He began to fuck me, slowly at first, but with a firm thrust. He wrapped his arms around my chest, using my shoulders for leverage, and pumped.

"How's this feel, Blondie?" he said between thrusts.

"Gawd, I can't believe how hot your cock feels inside me." I moaned a little more.

He fucked faster and faster, reaching down with one hand to stroke my hard cock. I could feel him tense up all of a sudden and, with one last thrust, he let out a cry. A moment later, my cock spurted long strings of cum onto the wall in front of us.

Ray pulled out and turned me around, pulling me close. We kissed again, deeply and with passion. Finally, he led me over to what looked like a cabana, where a shower awaited on one side. He turned the water on and we both stood beneath the spray, still engulfed in each other's body.

"That's some prize for winning a game of horse," I said finally.

"Whaddya mean, prize?" he said with an evil glint in his eye. "That was your penance for losing. I haven't even begun to collect my winnings."

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