A Welcome Return

By Blue Skies

Published on Aug 26, 2011


The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story. I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

A Welcome Return. Part 2

We kept in touch by e-mail and the occasional discreet telephone call. The idea was to wait until September when I would normally be away but we decided we would meet earlier if possible. As the end of July approached, I floated the idea to my wife that I would like go away for a couple of days. She readily agreed and suggested that I contact Pete to see if I could stay with him rather than take the tent. I couldn't believe my luck and sent him an open message, so that my wife could read it, to ask if I could possibly stay for a couple of nights.

He replied, quite quickly, that he would be delighted to accommodate me and to let him know the day and the approximate time I would arrive. After agreeing with my wife, I replied giving him the day and the time and hoping I could stay for a couple of nights. He responded by saying that he would be delighted to see me, the times were okay and that he would prepare a room for me.

I planned my departure from home is in order that I would arrive at Pete's house by about six o'clock in evening. I felt it would make meeting again easier if perhaps we were to have a meal and just talk generally to reacquaint ourselves. However, the traffic was slow on the motorway with several delays and I had to phone ahead to say that I wouldn't arrive much before seven in the evening. He said it was fine and that he would wait to prepare a meal when I arrived.

He must have heard my car as he was standing in the doorway as I arrived. He seemed pleased to see me. He looked well; his hair was slightly longer than I'd remembered, but otherwise he looked much the same. He carried my case into the house and dropped it in the hall. He asked if I would like to freshen up before we had a drink and then eat a little later; I readily agreed.

I took a few things out of my case, just enough to wash with, and went into the shower room. I had a quick shower and changed into shorts and a light summer shirt. When I returned, he suggested that it was warm enough to eat outside. I couldn't have agreed more; it was a lovely evening and due a full moon. Already the light was beginning to go. He suggested that we took a bottle of cold white wine outside and sit at the table in his private garden. I gladly agreed, and followed him out down to the garden where a small table was placed at the end, overlooking the sea.

It was a good way to break the ice and we sat there talking about nothing in particular while gently working our way down two thirds of the bottle of wine. It was a lovely evening and we watched the start of the sun going down. We were relaxed by then and Pete suggested that he go and prepare a light dinner that we could bring out here to eat. I sat there for about 20 minutes until he returned with a tray and, I noticed, a second bottle of wine. He placed it all on the table, saying that he needed to go back and get a second tray with plates and cutlery. Whilst he did so, I poured us another glass of wine.

We spent nearly a couple hours over our meal, gradually relaxing as we talked about general things of little importance. The second bottle of wine was opened and we settled comfortably into our former familiarity. The sun had now set and the moon had risen and we could see each other clearly in light that it shed. We finished our meal and agreed that we would carry the trays back up to the house and return outside with a glass of brandy to finish the evening.

When I got to the house, Pete excused himself saying he needed to use bathroom. I cleared some of the stuff away whist he did so. When he returned he started to pour the brandies and I excused myself saying that now I needed to use the bathroom. He said that he would take the brandies to the table in the garden.

I switched off the house lights and walked down the garden. I could make out Pete's silhouette sitting on the bench at the end of the garden with his back to me and looking out to sea. As I approached, I realised that he was naked. He didn't turn around; I went and stood behind him and without saying anything reached down and rested my hand on his shoulder. He turned slightly and kissed my hand. I sat beside him, put my arm around him and pulled him lightly toward me; he raised his head slightly and we kissed.

It was a gentle kiss and lasted no more than a few seconds. I pulled away and looked down at him.

`It's been a long time David; I've thought of nothing else since we last met.' He said softly.

I said nothing, and lowered my head to kiss him again. He parted his lips slightly and I probed his mouth with my tongue; he responded by pulling me closer to him. As he did so, I slid my hand across his chest, down to his waist, paused there, and then moved across and down and took his hardening penis in my hand. His reaction surprised me; his free hand went behind my head pulling it fiercely against his and he forced his tongue between my lips and into my mouth breathing heavily through his nose as he did so. I gripped his penis firmly and pulled upon it, milking some precum and spreading it over the end of it with my thumb. He suddenly broke our kiss, grabbed my hand and pulled it from his cock.

Sorry David,' he gasped, I just know I'm going to cum. I'm sorry just wait for me to calm down a little.' He paused and took a couple of deep and slow breaths and then added, `Let me undress you.'

He reached up, and started to undo the buttons on my shirt. When he had undone the last one he reached up with both hands and pushed the shirt off my shoulders, letting it fall behind me onto the grass. He paused and looked at me for a short while and then ran his hands over my chest. He moved closer to me and took my right nipple between his lips and gently squeezed it. It is something that always been a turn on for me, and I held his head against me as he sucked my nipple. After a short while he let go of it and kissed his way across my chest to my left nipple. I lost myself momentarily to the feelings that ran from my chest to my penis. He stopped and pulled away from me.

`Stand up David.' He said softly.

I stood and faced him. He reached up and undid the belt on my shorts and then slowly unzipped the fly. He put his hands on my waist and pulled the shorts down, along with my briefs, over my hips, letting them fall to my feet. I stepped out of them and remained standing facing him, my cock now rigid.

`My God, you're beautiful.' He breathed, and in one movement took me fully into his mouth.

My senses momentarily overcame me as I leant back slightly, lost in the feeling of his warm mouth around me. This is what I had thought about so many times since we last met and this is what had drawn me back to him earlier than we had originally planned.

After a short while he let my cock fall from his mouth. He turned slightly and reached down and came back up the something in his hand.

`Lube.' He said.

I knew what he was about to do and I shifted my stance slightly, standing with my legs slightly apart. He spread a little lube on the middle finger of his right hand; he put the tube down on the table and then took my penis in his mouth. As he did so, I felt his finger with the cold lube press between the cheeks of my arse. He found my opening, lightly lubricated it and then gently inserted the full length of his finger inside of me. It was a lovely feeling and one I had been longing to feel again for some time. Again, I immersed myself in the sensation of his mouth sliding back and forth along the length of my cock as he gently moved his finger in and out of me in the same rhythm. After a minute or so, no more, I had to pull away from him.

`It's my turn to rest.' I said smiling.

I sat down on the bench. We looked at each other and, as if by some unspoken agreement, we kissed. It was a long, unhurried kiss as we explored each other's lips and mouths with our tongues. After a minute or so, I reached down and took his penis in my hand. Within a few seconds he pulled my hand away again.

`I'm just going to explode David, I know I am, I'm sorry.' He said.

From our last meeting, I knew that he liked to be directed.

`Sit on the table and face me Peter, with your legs either side of me on the bench.' I said firmly.

He stood, turned around, and sat on the table as I had directed. He sat facing me his erect penis almost level with my face. I looked up at him, looked down again, leaned forward and took him into my mouth. It felt good to have him in my mouth again and was as lovely as I remembered; the saltiness of his precum, the firmness of his penis, the taste of him and the sensual feeling as I pulled away from him, took him into my mouth again, pulled away and then back into my mouth. I knew exactly what I was doing and had no intention of stopping. Within seconds I heard him utter a strangled cry. His hips jerked, thrusting his penis fully into my mouth and he gripped my head as he came. He gasped as each spasm spurted warm cum into my mouth, which quickly filled and then leaked from the corners, down my chin and onto his balls. The spasms eventually slowed and he gave one final spurt with a great sobbing sound and then ceased, still and quiet.

I rolled his slowly softening penis around in my mouth as I swallowed the excess cum. He had let go of my head, and I milked the excess from him with a combination of moving my mouth and my hand along his diminishing length. During this time his breathing quietened and slowed down. I let him fall from my mouth and stood to face him. He went to speak but I curtailed it with a kiss. He returned my kiss hungrily as our lips slid across each others, lubricated by his cum, some of which was still in my mouth and that which had leaked from it earlier. When we had calmed down, our lips parted and I leaned back to look at him.

`I think we can both do with the brandy now.' He said, smiling mischievously.

`That sounds like a good idea to me.' I said.

We picked up our respective glasses, touched them together and took a generous swig. When we both placed our glasses back on the table, I picked them up again and put them on the bench beside the table. Peter looked at me quizzically.

Lay on the table whilst I get the lube Peter.' I half demanded.

Guided only by the moonlight, I found the lube. I walked to the end of the table where Peter lay. He had his arms behind his head and his lower legs hanging over the edge of the table. I applied a generous amount of the lube to my penis and then squeezed some onto my middle finger. Obediently, he raised his hips clear of the table and I lubricated the opening of his arse. Dropping the tube onto the grass, I stood at the end of the table, took hold of his legs and put one over each of my shoulders. Grabbing hold of his hips, I pulled his body firmly towards me so that I was pressing the end of my lubricated cock against his opening.

`I've waited a long time for this, David.'

`So have I Pete, so have I.'

As I pressed against him he surprised me slightly by pressing himself back against me. Our combined movements enabled me to enter him in one movement and I heard him take a sharp intake of breath.

I stayed still for a time while we both calmed a little. I looked up and across Pete and out to the sea beyond. It was a strange feeling watching the moonlight across the sea, the garden lit by the moon, the grass under my feet and the warmth of Peter's warm arse around my cock. After a short while I made a few gentle strokes and then pulled out of him. I reached down, retrieved the lube and re-lubricated myself and Pete. I then re-entered him, made a few more strokes, paused, applied more lube and entered him again. He moaned gently as I pushed myself as far into him as I was able.

In the almost surreal moonlight, we made love. Occasionally we spoke, followed by long silences. I would lean forward and he would raise himself slightly and we would kiss. I don't know how long we were joined; I'd lost sense of time passing a while ago now. Once when I pulled out of Pete to apply some more lubrication, he sat on the edge of the table and we kissed for a while before he lay back again, raising his legs and presenting his arse to me again and we continued our lovemaking. Occasionally, I stared into the far horizon in an attempt to distance myself from the feelings running through me.

I pulled out of him, and asked him to get off the table and stand leaning against it. I took hold of his hips and re-entered him from behind and moved in and out of him a little more deliberately than I have been previously doing. I picked up my pace and Peter must have sensed that I was near cumming as he enthusiastically pushed back to meet my thrusts. We moved like this for probably no more than two, perhaps three minutes when I abandoned any thoughts of holding back any longer. Once I'd made the decision in my mind, I felt my emotions run away from me and, just before the first spasm hit me, I rammed my cock fully into him.

I felt my cum rush from me, it was so pleasurable as to be almost painful. I bent forward slowly and pulled Pete toward me and clung to his back as the convulsions first intensified, levelled off and then faded before reducing to small tremors until I was fully spent. As I did so, I felt Pete push against me and give a short gasp as a small shudder ran through him. We remained joined for a while without speaking until my softening cock was gently squeezed out by Pete's arse muscles. I stepped back and he stood and turned to face me; we embraced, holding each other for a short while until Pete suggested that we sit down.

I sat down gratefully whilst Pete retrieved our respective brandies. He handed me mine and I took a gratifying swig and then another which finished it; he did the same and placed his glass on the table before him. He leaned sideways and put his head on my shoulder.

Look,' he said, peering down at his legs where a small trickle of cum lay on his thighs, I came a little too.'

`I hope I didn't hurt you.' I said.

`No you didn't, not at all. Indeed, I wouldn't have minded at all if you had.'

He was quiet for a while as if thinking. Then he broke the silence.

`David, I never thought that you would return. I thought you might come to your senses, being married, and decide that perhaps how we were at Easter was just a fling. I didn't dare hope that you would come back.'

I put my arm around him, pulled him closer and kissed the top of his head.

`There was never any doubt in my mind Pete. I've thought many times how we were at Easter and knew that I wanted to see you again and be as close as we have just now been.'

My words seemed to settle him. He suggested we go back to the house and I agreed. We picked up our empty glasses, our clothes and the lube and walked back up to the house. As he walked slightly ahead of me the moonlight caught a glistening trickle of cum from his arse and down his legs. I found it a most erotic sight.

Once in the cottage we drew the blinds and Pete put on a low light in the kitchen. He turned, and came back to me and embraced me. He looked up, and I kissed him gently. He opened his mouth slightly and I probed his lips and his mouth with my tongue. As I did so I slid my hand over his arse, pushing my fingers between his cheeks and gently massaging the leaking cum over them. After a while, we both agreed that we would need to shower.

Together in his wet room we cleaned ourselves up in general. We dried each other off and then headed to bed, picking up my suitcase on the way. There was no discussion, it was clearly agreed that I was going to sleep with him. We left his bedroom in darkness with the blinds pulled back as the room was softly lit by the light of the full moon. I climbed into the bed and he stood for a short while looking down at me. I spread one arm and he got into bed quite naturally and lay beside me, his head on my shoulder.

We lay for a while talking. I asked him if he often set out in the garden naked. He said that he did during the summer he found it private and peaceful and, like me, enjoyed being naked and being able to move around. I playfully asked him what other things he did when he was on his own. He went to answer and then hesitated.

I tell you some other time,' and, after a pause, added perhaps.'

We both drifted off to sleep. I awoke sometime later; he was asleep beside me. It was three o'clock in the morning. I extradited myself from his embrace and padded off down the stairs to the bathroom. Afterwards I went to the kitchen and had a glass of juice from the refrigerator. When I went back up he was laying on his back, his eyes half open.

`You look good.' He said.

I didn't reply, I just leant forward and pulled the sheet from him. I lay beside him, head to toe. I grasped his hips, pulled him down the bed and took his soft penis in my mouth; he responded by taking my penis into his. We lay like that for a while just rolling each other round in our mouths and enjoying the intimacy. As if by some mutual agreement we stopped and I lay beside him. My next conscious moment was at seven o'clock in the morning, and daylight streaming through the window.

I was alone in the bed, but I could hear Pete moving around downstairs. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling for a few minutes and I heard him ascend the stairs. As he did so, I rolled over onto my front and kicked the sheet away from me and lay on the bed with my legs slightly spread. I looked to the side as he came in; he was carrying a tray with a couple of cups of coffee and some juice. He didn't say anything; he just placed the tray on the table by the bed. I closed my eyes. The next sensation I felt was a movement on the bed followed by the weight of him upon me.

As he kissed the back of my neck I felt his penis grow hard against my arse. I pressed lightly back against him and I felt the end of his penis on my opening. He moved the head of his cock across my opening, lubricating it with his precum as he did so. I moved gently against him and then stopped as he found my opening; pushed firmly against it and then entered, slightly aided by the lubrication of his precum. He moved back and forth a couple of times getting slightly deeper into me until I met his thrust and took him fully inside me.

He was still for a while and then moved confidently back and forth into me. I responded by moving against him with each thrust. He waited for a while and then started to move again with smooth strokes. After a time, I stopped moving and let him dictate the pace. He continued for a while, paused, and then started to move again. After a minute or so he stopped again.

David,' he whispered, I can't hold off any longer.'

`It doesn't matter Peter.' I said.

He started to move again, this time with a little more urgency and after a few seconds he gave two short and hard thrusts; on the second one he stopped fully inside me. He gave a short gasp, and I felt his warm cum flood into me. He remained deep inside me as he emptied himself into my willing arse. When his spasms ceased, we lay still. When his penis had softened and slid from me; he rolled over and lay on his back beside me. I leaned over and kissed him. As we kissed I manoeuvred myself to lie on top of him, rubbing my hardening penis across his stomach. I broke the kiss and sat astride him.

`You look good from here David,' he said, smiling.

I didn't say anything; I just smiled down at him. I paused, and then started to stroke my hard cock. He reached to touch it with his hand but I brushed it aside and carried on stroking myself. I raised myself so that I was kneeling astride him and continued stroking. He lay still looking up at me rubbing my hard cock. He must have realised what I intended, as he rested his hands on my thighs as I picked up the pace. After a minute or so I passed the point of no return and a jet of cum left me and streaked across his chest, followed by another and then another. As I came I used some of it to lubricate my cock; the spasms intensified and then slowly died away. When they had ceased completely I lay on top of him and gently moved, spreading my cum between us.

`Did that feel as good as it looked?' he asked.

`It certainly did.' I said.

We stayed like that for a while and then Pete suggested we have the juice and the coffee. I rolled off him and passed first the glass and then the coffee which by now was cold. We drank in silence and I suggested that we shower. He agreed and we both headed downstairs to the wet room. We showered together, and then dried one another. As we towelled we talked about what to do with the day and agreed that we would take his car to the car park, where I had first seen him three months ago, and walk to the pub and have lunch there.

We left his house and drove to the village to get something to have for supper later. We bought enough to make a simple supper. As we left the shop we met a young man just about to enter.

`Hello Peter.' He said.

Peter hesitated and then replied. Hello Alan.' He turned to me. David, I would like you to meet Alan. Alan this is David, he's staying with me this weekend.'

I proffered my hand and Alan took it and returned a firm handshake. He was young, probably in his early 20s, quite good-looking and with a ready smile.

`I'm tutoring Alan over the summer vacation; he's trying to get his dissertation together for his degree.' Peter said.

`I'm sure you'll do well under Peter's guidance.' I said to Alan.

The three of us made small talk for a short while and then Alan entered the shop and we headed back to Peter's car. Peter was quiet as we walked and I felt he was slightly uncomfortable; but I said nothing. We loaded the stuff into the car and headed off for the car park on the hill.

Pete was silent as we made the journey and parked the car. However, when we started walking he was his usual self and we chatted about everything and nothing as we headed for the path that he'd shown me the last time I was here. I quickly lost track of time as we walked and was pleasantly surprised when the roof of the pub hove into view. We dropped the rucksack on the table in the garden and I went into the pub to buy two beers and to fetch a menu.

When I came out I noticed that Peter was lost in thought and I half startled him when I placed the beers on the table. He recovered quickly, and we touched glasses and drank a welcome draft of the cold beer. We perused the menu, made our choices and I went back in to order and pay. I returned to the table and sat down opposite Pete.

`Tell me about Alan.' I said softly.

He seemed surprised and hesitated before he spoke. He said that Alan had approached him about tutoring him over the summer with his university dissertation. Peter had been reluctant, remembering his past experience with a former student. However, Alan has been persuasive and Pete agreed that he would see him once a week at his house, not Alan's, so that he couldn't be seen by others to be imposing himself on Alan. He had only given him a couple of sessions so far but he said then that he still felt nervous about it. I asked him why. He said that he still felt unsure around a younger man. I said that surely there wasn't any need for him to feel like this as tutoring was a perfectly legitimate thing for a lecturer to do. I told him to relax about it but did add that I felt he was wise not to go to Alan's house.

Pete noticeably relaxed after that and became his usual self. The landlady brought out our food and I ordered another couple of beers. As we ate and drank, the sky started to cloud over slightly but the air stayed warm and humid. Pete remarked that it wasn't unusual for this kind of day to turn into rain or even a storm.

We finished our lunch and started back to the car. As we walked the sky darkened but the air stayed hot and humid. The return to the car took us longer than the walk from it as the track was mostly uphill. After about four hours, and as we approached the car, there was a distant rumble of thunder. Also, dark clouds started to roll in from the sea and the late afternoon quickly became quite dark. Pete remarked that we might just about get home before it started to rain.

His prediction was correct. As we pulled up outside his house there was the odd drop of rain but the air got even warmer and the humidity had climbed significantly. Pete suggested that we sit at the table at the end of the garden. I agreed; as we walked down the garden I pulled my shirt off over my head. When we got to the table I kicked off my walking boots and socks and dropped my shorts and sat down on the bench by the table wearing just my briefs. He looked at me and then did the same. We sat there for a while cooling off slightly as the sky darkened further. It started to rain a little harder and Pete wondered if we should go inside; by way of an answer I stood up, dropped my briefs and sat back down again.

Let's stay here a while,' I said, until it really rains.'

His response was much the same as mine. He dropped his briefs and we sat there naked. We didn't have to wait long for the rain as it came in off the sea; it was heavy and warm and it was a marvellous feeling as it rained down heavily upon us, soaking us in seconds. I lifted my face to it and opened my mouth, tasting the rain; it was better than any domestic shower to cool and cleanse us.

As the rain increased the sky darkened further; the thunder, which had been out to sea, crept closer inland. Suddenly, the heavens opened; the rain was so intense that I half closed my eyes as it poured over me. It was so powerful as to be almost painful. After a minute or so there was a distant flash of sheet lightning. I shouted across to Pete that we should go into the house as I had no desire to become a human lightning conductor. He readily agreed and we picked up our soaked clothing and ran up to the house. We stood just inside the door and water formed a puddle around our feet. Pete said he would get a couple of towels. He returned and we patted ourselves dry where we stood. It was quite dark in the house and the roar of the rain was quite loud, even inside. I went to find my bag and pulled on a dry T-shirt and a pair of trousers. Pete had followed me upstairs and did the same.

We went downstairs. Pete continued to the fridge and came back with a bottle of wine; he poured two glasses and we toasted each other and to a good day out. I offered to put the meal together for the evening and he agreed. He hesitated and then said that whilst I did so he would go and change. I didn't question why, even though he had just put on clean and dry clothes. He topped up both glasses and then headed for the stairs whilst I pulled out the provisions we'd bought earlier and started to prepare our evening meal.

As I put the meal together I poured yet another glass of wine at the same time thinking I'd better not have another as I was beginning to feel the effects already and that I should wait for Pete to come down. I was also conscious then that he'd been more than just a few minutes but thought no more about it. After another five minutes or so, I heard him descending the stairs. It was the sound of him walking on the stone floor of the hallway that made me turn around just as he arrived and stopped in the doorway.

`This is what else I do when I'm on my own David.' He said.

He didn't move from where he was standing and he said no more. I looked at him and said nothing, just taking in the sight of him.

`You look marvellous, Pete, absolutely bloody marvellous.'

And he did. He wore a very tight white T-shirt with long sleeves. At his neck was a simple silver chain; through his longer hair, I caught sight of hanging earrings. The short and close-fitting miniskirt gave way to his nylon clad legs. The sound he had made walking down the hall was caused by the high heeled shoes he was wearing.

At any other time, or in any other circumstance, I would have found this amusing. However whether it was the closeness of him or that we'd been close together, I found nothing comical in it at all. He looked superb. He walked towards me.

`I felt nervous about you seeing me like this.' He said.

`Your nervousness is misplaced Pete.'

I moved toward him, and pulled him to me and kissed him. He held me to him and we stayed joined like this for a minute or so. He pulled away slightly to look at me.

How about you pour me a drink?' He said. Shall we take them through to the sitting room?'

`I'll bring them in.' I said.

He turned and I watched him walk out of the room revelling in the noise of his heels on the stone floor. I poured another two drinks, took a swig of mine and then topped it up again. I was somewhat in shock. I took the drinks through into the sitting room where he was standing by the fireplace. I placed the drinks on the low table and sat down on the sofa. He picked up his drink and sat down in the chair opposite me. His movements were graceful but making no attempt at false feminism. He sat down and elegantly crossed his legs while looking at me. I noticed then that he was wearing hold-up stockings.

In any other situation I would have found the whole scene ludicrous, but I felt no such thing.

`You don't think this odd David?' He asked.

`No, not at all Pete. It bothers me not; you look great and, I have to say, highly desirable.'

Oh good.' He said. I felt this was rather a gamble.'

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes and then I said that I would go and set the table in the kitchen for our meal. As I did so I heard him coming along the hallway and into the kitchen, his empty glass in his hand. I asked if he would like another and he said he would and walked slowly towards me proffering the glass. He moved well and now with an obvious confidence. I topped up his glass, and mine, and he suggested opening a second bottle. I agreed and watched him as he turned, walked to the fridge, bent over to retrieve the bottle, close the fridge door and moved to open it at a nearby worktop. He turned, looked me and smiled.

`I see I'm having an effect.' He said with a smile, glancing at my erection, obvious through my trousers.

I was about to say something, I know not what, when there was an enormous clap of thunder followed quickly by an intense lightning flash. The lights went out and we stood in darkness for a few seconds and the lights came back on again, flickered, went off and then came back on again. Pete said it wasn't unusual in these parts and carried on unconcerned. I shrugged and carried on setting the table. Pete however did locate a candle, lit it and placed it on the table. I suggested we switched off the light and Pete agreed.

We sat down and spent a considerable time over a very pleasant candle-lit meal. We talked about many things and relaxed in each other's company, neither of us fazed by the situation in which we found ourselves. In retrospect I think my whole countenance was more tuned to being in female company, obviously triggered by Pete's appearance. Pete was his usual self but perhaps moving slightly more delicately; for example, I noticed that he picked up his glass and replaced it gently and rather precisely back in the same place and he sipped rather than drank his wine as I was doing, and as I had seen him do in the past. Other than this, nothing seemed particularly unusual.

We finished the second bottle of wine and agreed that we had both eaten and drank enough. We cleared away the supper things together chattering as we did so. The storm, which had abated during our meal, returned. It seemed closer now and the lightning more frequent. As we finished clearing up the supper things we seemed to silently and mutually agree that we were heading for bed.

I followed him up the stairs catching glimpses of the stocking tops as I did so. By the time we got to the bedroom my erection was almost painful. We didn't put the light on, there was little need. The occasional glimpses of the moon through the scudding clouds and the sheet lightning served to momentarily illuminate the room. The heat and humidity of the air remained however and Pete opened the window letting in the noise of the storm, but not the rain. I walked up and stood closely behind him as we both watched the storm through the open window. I pulled him closely to me and I felt him press his arse against my hard cock.

I pulled away slightly unclipped the waistband of his miniskirt and slid the zip down. I let it drop and he stepped out of it letting his shoes go as he did so.

`Keep your shoes on.' I said.

As I stepped back to let him pick the shoes up I noticed he was wearing a thong. I have to say, that it looked so good and it turned me on even further. He put his shoes back on and we stood for while looking at the storm saying nothing. I broke the silence by telling him to stay there. I turned and picked up the tube of lube from beside the bed. I pulled off my shirt and stepped out of my trousers. I put a generous amount of lube in the palm of my hand and walked back towards Pete stroking my penis as I did so, covering the full length of it with lube.

Pete leaned on the windowsill as if looking at the view down the garden. His legs clad in the hold-up stockings looked good, the length of them accentuated by the high heeled shoes. The sight of his arse with the thong cutting between the cheeks looked so inviting. I stood behind him, reached forward and pulled the thong to one side. I squeezed the lube directly onto the opening of his arse and worked it around the entrance with my finger, sliding it in a few times, feeling him move against it each time I did so.

Placing the tube to one side, I pressed the head of my cock against the lubricated opening of his arse. I pressed forward and he pressed back against me and I entered him in one smooth movement. I heard a sharp intake of breath from him and I gripped hold of his hips and pulled him hard back onto me. As I did, a huge flash of lightning lit the garden at the same time as the storm picked up its tempo.

I'm not sure if I was driven by the ferocity of the storm or his eager movements against my thrusts. What I am sure of however was that rather than making love to him, my movements were driven by pure lust as I drove hungrily into him. The storm I thought must have played some part; the intermittent moon, the thunder, the sporadic flashes of lightning and the sheer noise and smell of the rain as it roared down all seem to drive me back and forth vigorously into him. I heard him grunt occasionally and I slowed momentarily before picking up the pace again. I doubt it was more than five minutes that we were joined but I had no intention of slowing down or stopping before I reached the inevitable end. When that end came, I rammed into him as hard as I have ever rammed into anybody. I heard a strangled cry from him and felt the warmth of fluid splash on my legs and feet. Pete was cumming too.

We stayed joined until we reached our respective end. Whilst Pete had the support of the windowsill I had nothing but my trembling legs and I leaned to the side and pulled the wooden chair toward me and behind me. As I moved back to sit on it I held Pete to me so that we stayed joined, I sat down, bringing him with me. We sat still joined for a few minutes until my cock softened and fell from his arse. He stood up, turned around, looked at me as he peeled away and stepped out of his soaked thong. He then moved and sat astride me. He looked at me in a way that I could only describe as fondly; he said nothing, just looking into my face while brushing the hair away from my forehead. As the noise of the storm abated, he broke his silence.

`I think it can safely be said that I have just been thoroughly fucked.' He said softly, smiling at me.

`I have to say that I was none too gentle. I hope I didn't hurt you?' I said.

He shook his head. `No, not at all David, not at all. In fact, you hit my prostate and that's certainly a first for me'.

He moved slightly on my lap as he was talking and I was conscious that we were both slippery from each others cum. I pulled him toward me and we stayed for several minutes just holding each other as the storm blew itself out and we were left with just the sound of gentle rain.

I suggested we shower before going to bed and he agreed. We washed each other, just generally touching as we did so. We dried off and climbed the stairs to bed. I got into bed and Peter got in beside me and, as if by some unspoken signal, came toward me and I held him in my arms, his head on my shoulder. He went to speak and then obviously thought better of it and remained silent.

Go on,' I whispered, say what you were going to say.'

He seemed to gather his thoughts, took a breath as if to speak and then clearly changed his mind.

You don't have to be bothered about what I think or feel.' I said. At my age I'm quite unshockable and have no hang-ups whatsoever so feel free to speak openly.'

He took a deep breath and then paused.

`Am I allowed to fall in love with you?' He said; it came out in a querulous rush.

I hesitated and chose my words carefully. I can't stop you,' I said softly, but my personal situation won't change, nor do I want it to. Since meeting you I've had to readmit to myself that I'm bisexual, and I am comfortable with that. Those feelings have been repressed for a long time as you know, but in the meantime I have grown very fond of you and the way we are together. However, I still love and desire my wife. It's not that I don't feel anything towards you; I do in fact feel a great deal, but I do know that is not love.'

`I understand that David.'

We didn't talk again; we stayed silent holding each other until we both drifted off to sleep. He woke me a couple of times during the night turning and mumbling in his sleep but I didn't stay awake for long.

We awoke at much the same time quite early in the morning. We looked at each other silently and then I turned around and lay on my side; I pulled him toward me and took his penis in my mouth. He reacted by doing the same to me. By some unspoken mutual agreement we lay closely like that for some time sucking and stroking each other to solid erections and mutually accepting that we would stay like this until completion. Peter started to cum first and I followed quickly thereafter. I enjoyed the feeling of his warm cum jetting into my mouth and I kept moving him in and out of it, lubricated by his cum. At the same time, I was conscious of me emptying into him and he fondling my balls as I did so. When we had finished I rolled over on my back and he changed position and lay on top of me. We kissed; sliding our lips together and savouring the taste and intimacy of what we had just done.

Eventually, we got up and showered. Afterwards, as I packed my case, Peter made a simple breakfast of orange juice, toast and coffee. We sat opposite each other at the kitchen table saying a word or two whilst we ate our breakfast.

`Will you still come down in September as we originally arranged?' Peter asked.

`Yes, of course I will if you would really like that. It will probably be towards the end of the month if that suits you.' I replied.

I would really like that David.' There was a sound of relief in his voice. He hesitated, and then said, I just thought I might frighten you off by saying what I did last night.'

You didn't put me off at all,' I said, I just wanted to be clear about my feelings and about yours toward me.'

He visibly relaxed, and reached over and held my hand in his and smiled at me. He said nothing, he didn't need to; we had silently agreed that this is how it was to be.

I said it was time I should go and he looked slightly sad but nodded his acquiescence. I picked up my case and we moved toward the door; before he opened it he stopped and turned to face me. I put down my case and pulled him toward me; we hugged for a short while and then kissed. I said goodbye and he did the same. I noticed that his eyes were slightly moist but I said nothing. I walked to the car and threw my bag into the back, got into it, put my seatbelt on and started it. I dropped the window down and gave a small wave. He gave a short wave and a slight smile in return. I turned the car around, and with a final raising of my hand, drove away to my other life.

As I passed through the village, I saw Alan on the pavement and I raised my hand in greeting as I passed him. In my rear view mirror I saw him look at the car but he made no acknowledgement and I realised that of course he wouldn't recognise it.

The journey home was uneventful. I was slightly thankful that my wife was out when I arrived; it gave me time to compose myself while settling back in at home. When she arrived she was pleased to see me and said I looked well, saying it must be the sea air and exercise. She asked after Peter and I said he was well and that he sent his regards. She asked if I'd been comfortable in his house and was it a nice place to stay. I said it was, and we got on well and I'd had a very enjoyable time. I also said that it would still be nice to return again at the end of September and that Pete had offered me accommodation if I did. She remarked that he was a kind man and how she would like to meet him again and suggested that we ask him to visit us sometime later in the year. I gave a non-committal response, something along the lines of that it would be a good idea and left it at that.

I had returned once more to married life.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story. I apologise for any remaining undiscovered typos.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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