A Welcome Return

By Blue Skies

Published on Jul 21, 2011


The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

I caught sight of him from some distance away. He was about half a mile distant and slightly ahead of us but on a converging path. As we approached the brow of the hill and the car park came into view, I saw that he was heading for what I assumed to be his car in that it was the only one there. As my wife and I reached the brow, he was removing his walking gear; we exchanged pleasantries and walked on. The village we were heading for was about five miles distant and visible through the heat haze. It was a great day to be walking in Wales.

We moved into the side of the road as a car slowed behind; as it pulled out to pass, it stopped beside us.

`Would you two like a lift?'

I hesitated for about half a second.

`Yes please.' I replied for us both. The cold beer I'd promised myself had just got an hour nearer.

I sat in the front seat as my wife clambered into the back. She thanked him and when we were settled, he set off down the hill. I introduced my wife and myself and in turn he introduced himself as Peter.

We politely chatted about our respective walks as we wended our way down the winding road. He was noticeably younger than me, by about 15 years I estimated, making him around 40 and very quietly spoken, almost diffident. I asked him if he had finished walking for the day and he replied that he felt he had done enough that day `to appease the walkers' gods' a term of phrase I felt marked him out in some way. He asked where we had walked. We told him and he asked if we'd found the track on which we had seen him. I said we hadn't and he described where it went. As it was new to us, we showed a genuine interest. The path's other attraction he said was that it passed a remote pub. I said I'd go and try the path and the pub the next day on my own as my wife had declared that she intended to spend the whole day watching the royal wedding; I in turn had declared that I would spend the whole day out walking in the hills.

As we approached the village, my wife asked him to stop at the head of a small track that so that we could walk the short distance to the cottage we had rented for the week. As my wife was getting out of the car, I turned to Peter, shook his hand and thanked him for the lift.

Call me Pete,' he responded, and I hope you enjoy your walk tomorrow.

He surprised me my keeping hold of my hand for a couple of seconds longer than necessary whilst also holding my gaze for the same time.

I said that I would enjoy the walk and a midday beer at the pub. I was silent as as my wife and I followed the track to the cottage, thinking about my farewell to Pete. Had I imagined the prolonged hand holding, the look? Was I reading too much into it?

As the long buried thoughts intruded into my consciousness, my wife's voice cut through my reverie.


I looked at her quizzically.

`I asked if you like to call in the butchers and pick up a couple of steaks to barbeque this evening?'

`Sorry, I was miles away. Yes, let's do that.' I replied.

The next day dawned with the promise of yet another fine day. I aimed to start my walk at around 0800 to arrive at the pub by noon. My wife was already settling in to watch the royal wedding (along with several million others across the country) and barely noticed my departure.

On my walk, my thoughts ranged far and wide but kept returning to yesterday's short ride home and the two seconds too long hand and eye contact. I allowed my thoughts to return to other times but not for long as I was determined they remained deeply buried. The views were spectacular, behind me the sea all the way to Ireland, before me the hills of Wales. I followed the new path and immersed myself in the unfamiliarity of it. Eventually I entered a tree lined avenue and glimpsed the roof of a building ahead; by my reckoning it was the promised pub. As I approached the open door I was aware of a rough garden to my right so I turned to enter it to drop off my rucksack on a table where I'd sit with a welcome beer. As I dropped the rucksack I was conscious of my shirt sticking to my chest and back with sweat.

`How's that for timing?'

I turned, startled. It was Pete. He was sitting at a table with a half-finished beer before him. There was also a full pint glass on the tab with condensation forming on the outside.

He filled the silence.

`I saw you enter the top of the track so this has just been pulled.'

`Perfect.' I said after the shortest hesitation of surprise. I wondered if he'd noticed the quavering in my voice.

I sat down opposite him and reached for the welcome beer. There was silence while I took a welcome couple of swigs and also while my heart rate slowed. He smiled at me when I put the glass down.

`Surprised to see me here?' he asked mischievously, smiling as he did so.

Yes, obviously,' I paused, and very pleased that you are. How did you get here?'

`I knew you were headed here so I drove up to join you for a beer. Are you sure you don't mind?' I caught a hint of doubt in his voice.

`No, not at all.'

We both went quiet for a while and relaxed a little. We made small talk about being a good day for walking, how quiet it was in this garden, the wildlife we'd seen and generally got easier with each other. We finished our drinks and I suggested another. He readily agreed.

As I rose, I asked if he'd like any lunch. He smiled and said that I'd be lucky to drag the landlady away from the television (the royal wedding) let alone get her to do a lunch. He hesitated then took a long and audible breath.

`Would you like to come back to my place for lunch?' He said in a rush and with a noticeable nervousness in his voice. Then, as if having made up his mind and to build on the courage he'd found.

`We could have another beer there if you'd rather.' As he spoke, his voice dropped to a whisper, casting his gaze downward as he did so.

I sat back down again and waited in the silence for him to look up again. When he did, I looked him directly in the eye. Warily and from a previous experience many years ago where I misread (been led on by?) the messages, I softly gripped his forearm.

`I'd like that very much Pete.' I said softly.

He breathed out heavily and his whole being relaxed.

Phew!' he gasped, I'm glad about that; I would very much like it too.'

He drove to his cottage which was a little way out of the village where my wife and I were staying. My four hour walk across hills and tracks was reduced to a 20 minute car journey on a small and deserted country road.

The cottage was quite isolated and small. I pulled off my walking shoes before entering. Inside it was simply furnished and had the air of a man living alone.

`I live on my own here, and have for many years.' He said as if following my train of thought.

I nodded but said nothing.

How about that beer I promised?' He asked. He paused and then as if making some inward decision, added, Would you like to freshen up? The shower room is through there if you would.'

Again, his voice had a querulous edge to it. I turned to where he indicated and said if it wasn't too much trouble I'd be glad to. My shirt still clung to me and I was hot now with nervousness. Indeed, I realised that we both were. Somehow this needed to be more into the open. I turned to where he'd indicated.

`Just a second!' he called as I walked into the shower room. 'You'll need a towel, I'll get one for you.'

The shower room was more of a wet-room and surprisingly large with a huge single shower head fixed to the ceiling and a smaller hand held shower head on the end of a long flexible hose clipped to the wall. Resolving to take the initiative I pulled off my shirt and dropped and stepped out of my shorts. Wearing only my briefs I turned and faced to door. I was conscious also that my penis was noticeably enlarged but not erect. It felt good. Pete entered the room already holding the towel towards me. He stopped dead in his tracks. He involuntarily looked me up and down, and then glanced at my crotch. He stood there in silence, still half offering me the towel, still looking at me.

Holding his gaze, I slowly pushed down my briefs. When my hardening penis sprung free, I let the briefs fall to the floor and stepped out of them. I waited, saying nothing. He looked at me almost pleadingly but said nothing. I could clearly hear him breathing quickly and quite heavily. The hand holding the towel was shaking. I reached for it and he wordlessly handed it to me. I turned away and hung it on the nearby hook and then turned back to look at him.

`Come in with me Peter.' I said softly and not waiting to gauge his reaction, turned away and pulled the shower lever.

The cold water hit me with surprising force and I gasped; it quickly warmed and I turned to see if he was still standing where I'd left him. He was a foot or so away from me and naked. He was about six inches shorter than me and slightly built compared to my broader and heaver build - and sporting a respectable erection.

I waited and he came closer. When he was within easy each, I pulled him closer to me and into a kiss.

As his mouth opened my penis grew rigid almost instantly and I felt his stir against me as I passionately kissed him. I gripped him tightly to me and he responded by relaxing and returning my kiss with enthusiasm. We broke apart and he half pulled away from me.

He rubbed his hands across my broad chest. I knew you'd have a fit body.' He said. He paused. It's been a long time David,' his voice barely audible above the noise of the rushing water.

`It has for me too Peter.' I replied and lowered my head to kiss him again. As we kissed, I decided that I would take the lead. I eased him away from me.

`Stay still; I'll wash you.'

I reached for the liquid soap dispenser. He stood there in silence as I soaped his neck and shoulders and then his upper chest and arms. I took my time, enjoying the feel of his skin as my hand slid across it. All the while he stood there quietly. When I reached for the shower head on the wall to rinse him he smiled at me. I took another handful of soap and started washing him again starting at his waist and moving over his hips and flat tummy. I skimmed across his pubic hair and down his leg, up again and across his pubic hair and down the other leg and back up again. I paused slightly and cupped his balls in my hand. I heard his intake of breath even above the noise of the water.

I gently massaged his balls with my soapy hand and then slid it along his erect penis. It is a wonderful feeling for both parties I know and it felt good to run my hand along a hard cock. He clearly enjoyed it too. I milked a large drop of crystal clear precum and spread it over the head with my finger. I let go of it and it dropped slightly under its own weight and settled, jutting out horizontally. I became aware then of my own erection which was harder and bigger than it had been for a long time; it was so hard as to be almost painful and I could feel its weight pulling at its root.

I washed his legs and then stood and reached for the shower head on the wall and rinsed him again.

`Stay still.' I said, and walked behind him.

I reached for the soap and started to cleanse his neck, shoulders and back, stopping in line with his hips. I applied more soap and gently massaged the cheeks of his small, firm arse. I felt him slightly press against my hands but ignored the hint and continued down one leg, back up, across his arse and then down and back up his other leg. I stopped there and rinsed him once more. Pausing for a short while, I reached again for the soap.

Standing closer so that my erect penis brushed against him, I firmly massaged the cheeks of his arse again and this time let my hand slide down the cleft of it, pausing to rest the tip of my fingers against his opening before sliding on down to cup his balls in the palm of my hand. He moved his hand to touch my penis. I let his hand stay there for a couple of seconds before sliding my hand up and down his cleft a couple of times before pulling away and rinsing him for a final time.

I moved around to face him, paused for a second or two and kissed him; it was a lover's kiss and he returned it gently. I knelt slowly, pausing to kiss and suck his nipples before settling onto the floor. His penis was and inch or two away. I waited; he was still for a while and then, almost imperceptibly, pushed towards me. I gratefully took his penis in my mouth.

I heard his gasp before my senses were overwhelmed with the taste of his precum and wonderful feeling of a hard, warm and slippery penis sliding between my lips to fill my mouth. I reached up and held his hips as I moved back and forth on him, savouring the taste and the sensation. He moved in the same rhythm as me and I stopped as he moved to and fro in my mouth. I pulled off him slightly, took hold of his penis and proceeded to give what can only be crudely described as a blow-job using my mouth and hand, using the practiced technique perfected by my wife over the years. It was wonderful feeling and one I'd missed for a very long time.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped and stood up. He looked quizzically at me as I reached around him and pulled some soap into the palm of my hand. I knelt down and took him into my mouth again. As he moved back and forth, I reached between his legs and pushed my hand into the cleft of his arse. He sensed what I was going to do as he settled his weight on my slippery finger as I probed his opening: I slid my finger inside him. I moved him in and out of my mouth, sliding my finger in and out of him in the same rhythm.

He suddenly gasped and pulled away from me, holding my head surprising firmness. I waited and when his grip relaxed, I pulled my finger from him and stood up, and held him to me. Being some six inched taller than him, his head rested on my shoulder.

Sorry,' he murmured, I nearly came.'

In response, I put my hands on his shoulders and pressed lightly downward. He needed no further hint. He slid slowly to his knees and without any hesitation, took my swollen penis into his mouth.

How I didn't cum immediately I'll never know. The sensation was dizzying as the warmth of his mouth encircled my cock. He must have sensed something as he stayed still; as the urge to cum faded, I moved out and back into his mouth. He needed no further guidance as slowly and gently he skilfully used his mouth upon me, stopping occasionally when I half pulled away, frightened that I might cum. I didn't want to yet, not here, but later. Finally, I pulled away from him. He stood and looked me in the eye.

`Will you come to bed with me David?'

I nodded assent. He reached and turned off the shower. The sudden silence was strange. He turned and retrieved the towel from where I'd hung it and returned lightly rubbing it over him before handing it to me. I did much the same as suddenly, there was a sense of urgency in the air. He reached towards me and took hold of my erection and slightly pulled at me. I dropped the towel on the wet floor; he let go of me, turned, and walked away. I followed him as he ascended the stairs, looking at his pert arse swaying as he climbed them. He walked to the end of the short corridor and into a surprisingly large room. It was brightly lit with daylight and with an uninterrupted view down the valley beyond to the sea. He stood by the double bed and held my gaze as he sat and then lay down on his back across it. I noticed that there were still droplets of water on his chest and legs. I looked at him for a few seconds; he was so inviting, laying there looking at me, his penis erect and his legs slightly apart. I moved to join him.

As I lowered myself onto the bed, he opened his arms. I entered his embrace and lay initially half on him and then fully onto him as his arms tightened about me as we kissed. All restraint fell away as we kissed, fondled, pressed, squeezed, sucked and all else that two lovers do in unbridled fervour. The feeling of him beneath me, his penis pressing against me and mine on him was all consuming. How long we were like this I cannot recall; I doubt it was for long but it felt an age. Eventually, and if my some silent signal we pulled apart and came up for air. We lay there for a while just looking at each other and gently stroking each others erection. He looked directly at me, hesitated, and then got up from the bed. He went across to a small cabinet, opened and then closed a draw and returned to the bed carrying a small tube.

Look at this,' he said, a sad reflection of my life; an unopened and out of date tube of lubricating jelly.' Smiling as he said it.

`I can't do anything about the date, but I can about opening it.' I replied.

I took it from him, twisted open the cap and then reversed it to puncture the seal with the pointed end. The clear jelly leaked a little. I rubbed a small amount between my fingers.

`It's perfect.' I said.

We sat looking at each other.

Lay down Peter.' He hesitated. On your back'.

He hestitated.

I love being told what to do.' He paused, I admitted to myself a long time ago that I like to be submissive but it's never happened. Now I hope it will.'

He sat, looking at me.

I placed my hand in the centre of his chest and gently pushed him onto his back. He lay there looking expectantly at me; his penis standing vertically. I picked up the tube and handed it to him.

`Make my prick slippery for you.' I half demanded.

I noticed his hand shook slightly as he reached for the tube and again as he squeezed some of the jelly into the palm of his hand. I leaned back a little to bring my penis free. He reached over and started to spread the jelly around and along it. It felt very good indeed and I revelled a little in the luxury of being stroked by another man. I took his hand away.

`And now you Peter; make yourself slippery for me.'

He took a little more jelly on his finger tips, lifted himself slightly and reached down. I heard the wet noise as he applied it to himself. I took the tube from him.

I knelt between his parted legs and then holding them both behind the knees, pushed his leg up against his chest. As I moved on top of him, he lifted his legs higher and onto my shoulders, gripping me behind my neck as he crossed his ankles. He'd clearly been here before. I took my weight on my hands and pushed myself up slightly. He instinctively tightened his grip across my back so that he rose with me, bringing his arse clear of the bed. I pressed forward and slid my cock between the slippery cheeks of his arse. I stopped, pressed against him.

`Help me find you, Pete'

He reached down and held by cock as he positioned himself and I felt him press against me, holding the head of my cock against his opening. He removed his hand.

I pressed slightly and felt the tip of my cock enter him. I stopped, withdrew just a little, and then moved in again. I pressed against him again and moved a little further in. I did this a couple of times until I was about a third of the length of my cock into him. At this point, my cock is quite thick; my wife has remarked upon it when we are having sex as this is the point where sometimes tells me how lovely and thick my cock is and how she enjoys it. However, in the past it had been an impediment when I am unable to enter a willing arse any further. I pressed a little harder and then stopped. I bent down and kissed him. It was a slow and unhurried kiss and we spent a couple of minutes in silent pleasure. As we kissed, he relaxed slightly and I felt myself enter him a little further. We kissed again and, as he again relaxed, I slid fully into him. I heard his sharp intake of breath even above my own gasp.

We lay still for a while, not speaking.

This feels so good David.' He whispered. It has been such a long time I'd given up hope.'

`I had too.' I said, and started to move.

The thing I remember so clearly is looking down at Pete as I moved in and out of him. Firstly, his face with a half-smile and his eyes mistily looking back at me, and secondly, as I looked down at my penis siding in and out of him, his hard cock gyrating in time with the rhythm of my strokes. I stopped a couple of times to replenish the jelly during which time neither of us spoke. Occasionally we would kiss, but largely we silently enjoyed each other. I stopped for one last time and coated by cock with the jelly. I couldn't last much longer and didn't really want to. I re-entered him, paused, and then moved more forcefully in and out of him.

He must have sensed my intention as he vigorously matched my strokes by pushing against me as I entered him. I moved quicker, deeper and more aggressively as I approached the end and he responded enthusiastically as I drove into him. I couldn't hold off any longer. With a last thrust that made him shout, I came.

It was almost painful and seemed to last for ages. Peter clung to me as I pressed harder into him as the spasms ran through me. I was conscious of my cum ejecting from me, feeling it leave my penis and into his welcoming arse.

Eventually my spasms subsided and we lay together still joined until his arse muscles ejected my softening cock. He gasped as I fell out of him and hugged me. He relaxed his legs and I moved to lie beside him. We held each other for a while and then talked in low tone about ourselves.

A long time ago he'd had a bad experience. Peter had been a lecturer in a college and had struck up a clandestine relationship with male student who was about 19 at the time and who had subsequently tried to blackmail him by threatening to report him to the college. Peter had left the college, so the threat came to nothing but he vowed never to get tempted again, until now. I had been goaded into making a move which promptly turned to a threat to tell my wife. He had underestimated my reaction however, and backed off as I angrily moved in to dissuade him and he backed away clearly frightened. However, it stopped me ever getting drawn into anything again and I'd long since buried my desires in that direction. Both of us had made much the same decision and until now, had kept to it.

In the quiet that followed, I went down the bed and took his half-hard penis into my mouth and brought him to a hard state in less than a minute. I reached for the jelly and ran a generous amount over the length of his penis. I reached behind me and spread some around my opening. All this was done in silence. I put the cap on the tube and rolled over onto my front, my legs apart in a silent invitation.

I heard him move and then felt his arms beside me on the bed followed by the weight of him as firstly his cock touched my arse and then his torso onto my back. He kissed the back of my neck as he searched for my opening. He moved his hand and I felt him guide his cock between the cheeks of my arse and then against my opening. He took his hand away and pressed lightly against me. I reached behind me with both arms, gripped his arse and pulled him roughly against me at the same time as I pushed back. He slid into me in one movement. After so many years, it felt exquisite.

He paused and then moved in and out of me.

I pushed against his thrusts in eagerness, feeling the secret pleasure of a hard cock fully penetrating me again. Peter was tender in his movements as I had expected from such a gentle man; the sensations were no less pleasurable though. Later, I lay there passively as he moved in and out of me. I don't know for how long we were joined as I was lost in the intimacy of it; I was aware however when his strokes became shorter and a little quicker.

`When you cum Peter, I want you to ram your cock into me right up to its root. Tell me you will.'

`Yes David I will.' He gasped. And then he did exactly as I'd told him.

He gave a strangled gasp and I felt his cock lunge into me. He wasn't a large man but the feeling of him fully inside me was wonderful and was made even better as I felt the warm flood as his cum spurted into me. I angled my arse slightly so I could feel the pulses of his cock with each spasm. He quietened after a while and then laid his full, but slight weight upon me. We stayed like that for a minute or so.

`Let me turn over Peter.'

He moved and I rolled onto my back and then reached and pulled him back on top of me. We lay for a little while not speaking. I think he half fell asleep as his breathing was shallow but he jerked slightly and then raised his head to look at me and then he kissed me ever so softly, his tongue flicking across my lips, flirting with my half-opened lips and then gently and sensuously into my mouth. It was such a loving kiss that I held it; when I felt him go to pull away I held his head to prolong the contact. I felt my penis stir and he must have too as he lifted his head.

`Have we got the time David.' He said, smiling at me.

I don't think so Peter,' I said ruefully. I should really think about getting back.'

He nodded.

`Let me wash you before you go.' He said, moving off me.

We returned to the shower and I stood still as he washed me much the same as I had washed him earlier. When he returned to stand in front of me, he hesitated and then slowly knelt before me. I closed my eyes as I felt first his warm breath on my half-hard penis and then the warmth of his mouth around it. He reached between my legs, found my opening and pushed a finger easily into me, lubricated as it was by the remains of his cum inside me. Moving his finger in time with the movement of his mouth upon my hardening cock he took me to a full erection. The two movements together touched some unexplored part of me and I felt any control slipping away. Peter must have sensed it also as I felt his other hand on my arse pulling me towards him as he continued to suck and move his finger inside me.

I came almost explosively. I felt a stream of cum leave me and heard Pete groan as I filled his mouth. I momentarily felt as if my legs would give way, but they didn't and I continued to empty into his mouth. As the spasms died away, he kept sucking me until I started to become soft again. I pulled him upright and kissed him, tasting the traces of my cum on his lips. His mouth was empty.

`I needed that.' He said with a smile.

`That's a first for me.' I said somewhat inadequately.

We stood there in a loose embrace for a while and I pulled away slightly.

I know,' he said quietly, you have to go.'

I nodded and reached for the towel.

I'll take you to the village David. No argument now.' He paused. Golly, now who's being forceful?' He smiled at me.

I dried off and collected my clothes as he did the same.

We left the cottage and got into his car. We wended our way to the village and I directed him to our cottage. As he pulled up outside my wife came out of the door. She did a double take and then realised who I was with.

`I met Peter at the pub and he offered me a lift. We called to look at his house on the way back.' I casually explained.

She smiled at him and then quite unexpectedly invited him to stay for dinner with us. He hesitated and she repeated the invitation; glancing quickly at me and when I nodded encouragement, he gracefully accepted.

My wife chatted about the wedding and we finished the champagne we'd bought for the occasion. I opened a decent bottle of white wine and we settled into a light meal of salad, cold fish and meats. Peter was charming and my wife was clearly taken with him, even to the point, encouraged by the champagne, of lightly flirting with him. Peter asked about the cottage and we told him that it was the first time we'd rented it despite having visited the area for many years. It was a pleasant evening despite coming about in somewhat bizarre circumstances.

My wife told Peter that as well as us both visiting, I sometimes brought my tent away for a few days to get away from the office. As casually as could be, Peter took this opportunity to say that I'd be most welcome to stay at his house if I was thinking of returning; at which point my wife said that I usually come down in early September when the area is quiet. Peter smiled and turned confidently to me and insisted that if I did, then I must stay with him if I'd care to. I pretended to ponder the offer for a couple of seconds and agreed that it would most acceptable and thanked him.

As Peter was preparing to leave, he and I exchanged addresses and `phone numbers. Peter and I shook hands in farewell and my wife gave him a kiss goodbye.

`What a nice man.' She mused as we waved him goodbye.

Once back inside, my wife made the unmistakeable signs that some marital activity was expected. This wasn't unusual following champagne. I wondered if I would be able to, but I surprised myself, and my wife, with my enthusiasm and stamina as we made love across the bed as soon as we got upstairs. When we'd exhausted ourselves we lay back on the rumpled bed.

You should take yourself off walking more often if that what it does for you.' She said smiling at me. That was bloody good.'

`You must take up Peter's kind offer to stay in September. It was very kind of him and he is a very pleasant guy. He seems a very gentle and shy man. I liked him.'

I will. I said. I certainly will.'

To be continued.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

Next: Chapter 2

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