A Weekend Alone in the Dorm

By GeorgiaGuy2 GeorgiaGuy2

Published on Apr 10, 2015



A Weekend Alone In The Dorm

The summer after I graduated from high school back in the mid-1970s I took some courses at a little 2 year Christian college in a small town out in the boondocks of a Southern state. I was only there for that one summer quarter, then I was planning to transfer to a larger Christian college in a city in the same state. So I didn't feel much interest in the place, I was just there in order to get a few courses taken.

I lived in a dorm which was divided into 4 man suites. There were two bedrooms for two guys each, with a bathroom in between that everyone shared. It was pretty well designed and comfortable. I roomed with another freshman and the two guys on the other side of the suite were both seniors. My roommate and I were both 18 while the two seniors must have been 19 or 20. We were all friendly with each other and got along well. My roommate was a freshman like me, 5 feet 10 or so to my 6 feet 2 and a little lighter in weight and frame than me. The two seniors were also in the same general height and weight areas. One was fairly non descript but the other one had auburn red hair and very fair skin. He had a pretty hairy chest and stomach that continued down through his crotch and over his thighs and it was eye catching when he was naked. I guess I was the next hairiest of the four of us, then the other senior and then my roomie. The hairy pale senior was also the most well endowed of the four of us, with a long uncircumcised dick that must have been 6 or 7 inches limp. The rest of us were pretty much the same size down there, 4 or 5 inches soft. I was circumcised and so was my roommate, and I really don't remember whether the other senior was or wasn't.

Because of the layout of the suite we all learned to cooperate with each other in using the bathroom and the shower right away. When one of us needed to crap we would give him privacy and let him shut the doors but otherwise we were pretty open about sharing the room. There was one shower stall and one toilet, with two sinks with a large mirror on the other side of the narrow room. So in the mornings we'd be showering while the other three guys came in and out to shave or pee. The shower stall had a frosted glass door that allowed a little privacy, but not much. We'd all taken showers in high school gym with other guys so we adjusted to this situation pretty well, so the four of us would be naked or in our shorts in front of each other in the bathroom without much thinking about it.

Shortly after entering puberty I had become aware that I had an exhibitionist streak in me that made me enjoy being naked in front of other guys (I hadn't been naked in front of a girl yet). So it was fun for me to walk around in the nude or in my shorts in front of my suite mates. My roommate didn't have that same streak, though, and I realized in the first couple of days that my naked walking to and from the bathroom in the mornings and evenings made him uncomfortable. Not that he said anything, but he always made sure his head was turned or that he had his back to me. So since I liked him and wanted to get along well with him I started keeping my shorts on in the room and only took them off in the bathroom when it was my turn to shower, then after I dried off I wrapped my towel around my middle to return to the room. Of course when I dressed or put on new shorts I had to be naked for a minute or so in the room but he didn't seem to mind that too much. He himself also kept his shorts on except when he was actually showering, and when he changed shorts he did it quickly. It didn't matter to me, I wanted him to be at ease with me, but I did wish I could be naked longer in the room.

The striking looking senior evidently had the same exhibitionist streak that I did. It wasn't at all uncommon for him to be naked in the early mornings when he was waiting to shower, and when he would shave he usually did it standing naked at one of the sinks. In the evenings he was usually stripped down to his white underpants, which showed his considerable bulge, when he was in his room. If he wanted to talk to us he'd come through the bathroom and visit that way, and if you went to his room he'd usually be in his shorts working at his desk or lying on his bed reading or talking. His roommate was the only one of the four of us who wore boxers, and he might strip down to those in the late evenings and then wear them in the mornings except when he was actually showering.

Well one weekend that summer my roommate and the two guys in the other bedroom were all going to be gone, leaving me alone. I didn't have a car and there was no way for me to get to my home, which was a couple hundred miles away in another state. By dinnertime on Friday evening all three of them were gone and most of the campus had cleared out as well. The dining hall was pretty empty and hardly anyone I knew well was there. Being a Christian college many of the guys who were there for the weekend were studying to become ministers and their conversation was pretty much limited to how best to convert the heathen, which didn't interest me that much. It wasn't too bad, though, I was shy and kept to myself a lot anyway and I had several books to read and some essays to write. There wasn't even a TV available but I figured I could live through it.

Naturally being all by myself meant that I could do pretty much as I pleased within the suite, and that meant I had some prime opportunities for nudity and masturbation in the days ahead. The layout of the suite meant there wasn't a lot of privacy, so previously when I had needed to relieve myself sexually I had had to do it fast in bed late at night when I knew my roommate was asleep, or just as fast in the bathroom when the other guys weren't there, or a couple of times while I was in the shower with my back turned to the frosted door. The other guys had to do the same, of course, but we never talked about it. A couple of times in the night I had heard my roommate fidgeting under his sheet and bedspread which I figured was him relieving himself, but again I never said anything. For all I knew he'd heard me doing the same thing. Again, just a fact of life.

Now I could have some fun with myself without worrying about being interrupted, and I could do it the way I liked best, buck naked and leisurely, rather than just pulling down my pants and shorts for a quick rub off when I had the chance. After dinner I returned to the suite and stripped down naked. I got hard immediately of course but I didn't masturbate just then, instead I sat at my desk and worked on some of the essays for awhile, then lay on my bed and did some reading. While I was focused on these tasks I lost my erection and relaxed even though I was naked. A couple of times I would shake my penis and roll my balls which would make me hard again, then I'd keep my hands off myself and concentrate on my book and get limp again. I did that for a couple of hours until I was really horny and I put down my book and gave myself a really good stroke session, blasting semen up over my stomach and chest. I cleaned myself off and then went on reading naked for another hour or so, continuing to get myself hard and then letting myself relax again until finally I masturbated again and had another hard orgasm, with less cum but a lot of power and excitement. Then I took a nice leisurely shower, enjoying not having to remember that the other three guys might be waiting for their turn, washed my hair, and dried off and returned to my room where I read a while longer, worked a bit more on the essays, then went to bed. I tried sleeping naked, something I had never been able to relax enough to manage to do. This time because I was tired from two ejaculations I did drift off for a couple of hours, but then I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep until I put a pair of jockeys on. It was odd how that minimal amount of clothing made a difference, but it did.

I woke up fairly late that Saturday morning. In getting dressed I decided to see what other wild things I could get into. The college had a strict dress code, requiring men to wear long pants and shirts regardless of how hot it was. It was a super steamy day so I decided that I would try going without underwear. I pulled on my pants, shirt, socks and shoes, feeling tingly in my groin from rubbing against denim without having white cotton cloth as a shield, and walked over to have breakfast. After that I went to the library (nothing much to do on campus, remember) for a few hours reading some magazines and newspapers. I went upstairs to the stacks where there was nobody around at all. I was tempted to get into an isolated corner and strip off for a few minutes but I was afraid I'd get caught, so all I did was unzip and let my dick boing out for a moment, then stuffed it back into my pants. I walked around the campus for a bit until it was lunchtime then I went to the cafeteria and ate, avoiding the preachers-to-be who were debating missionary methods, then went back to my dorm and the empty suite.

I stripped down again and sat down on my bed getting ready for another period of reading and getting myself hard and then soft again when I noticed my roommate's empty bed and side of the room. I was a little antsy and getting a bit bored with just plain masturbation so I thought I'd spice things up a bit. I went over to the bureau we shared, opened my roommate's drawer, and poked around a bit. I pulled out a pair of his underpants and a pair of socks rolled into a ball. I put the pants on, they were a bit tight since I was taller and larger framed than he, but they felt sexy and erotic. So I took them back off, and holding them and the socks in one hand I went over to his bed, which was pretty sloppily made up, and pulled back the cover and sheet and slid in, lying back on his pillow. I could smell his aftershave and soap and my heart was hammering with excitement, while my penis, needless to say, was rock hard and leaking a little pre-cum. I reached down and gripped it and stroked a couple of times before I erupted with a giant ejaculation that left me sweaty and panting. When I had recovered a bit I threw the cover and sheet back and wiped my stomach and chest off with his underpants, then took his socks and stuck my dickhead into them to soak up any last bit of juice. I got out of the bed, went over to the bureau and put the shorts and socks back in his drawer, and then worked to put the bed back the way he had left it. He was pretty sloppy about making it up so it wasn't difficult to approximate its original condition. I noticed a few pubic hairs in his sheets that were probably his, but just to be sure I plucked out a couple of mine and left them there. There wasn't enough difference between his and mine that anyone would notice, even in the unlikely event that he examined them closely.

I felt guilty and pretty low and nasty about having done such a thing, and to a guy I liked as a friend, but it was also pretty titillating to think about. I stayed naked on my side of the room reading and doing some essay work, then after about an hour I reopened his drawer and checked those shorts and socks. My cum had dried on them and unless you were looking for it and knew what it was you wouldn't notice anything odd about them, so that made me relax a bit more. I was super horny once again and my exploit in my roommate's bed had gotten me in the mood for more fun. So I walked through the bathroom, pausing to admire myself in the mirror, and into the other room, where I surveyed the other guys' clothing and possessions. I opened their bureau and checked out their underwear. I knew the really striking guy wore jockeys so I pulled out a pair of his and a roll of his socks and tried the underwear on. We were about the same size so they fit well and I was really turned on. I took off the jockeys and went to that guy's bed and lay down on it. He was pretty neat in the way he made his bed so I was careful lying on it not to mess it up too much. I jerked myself off lying on his bed and once again used his jockeys to clean myself off. A few drops trickled down onto the bedspread which made me a little panicky but I realized they would dry. So I put his jockeys back into his drawer, took his socks and wiped my dick off, then spotted his comb lying on his desk. I used it to comb out my pubic hair, pulled out some stray hairs that remained in the comb, and carefully tucked them into his bed.

Again I felt pretty low and nasty about having done this but it didn't make me want to put my clothes back on.I went back to my room and spent a couple of hours reading and enjoying getting hard and then soft again. By then it was time for dinner so I dressed again, once more leaving off underwear, and walked over to the cafeteria. It was still pretty quiet around campus so I went to the library for awhile then back to the dorm where I stripped back down. By then I was horny so once again I walked through the bathroom into the other room and inspected the other guy's underwear and socks. He wore boxers so I took a pair, tried them on, then took them and a pair of his socks over to his bed. He was sloppier about making his bed up so I felt safe in getting into it to do the deed. I made sure I left some black curly hairs behind in his bed as well. Then I straightened up his bed and returned to my room, feeling embarrassed and ashamed but also excited about what I'd done, especially the fact that my three suite mates would all be wearing underwear and socks that had some of my sperm on it and sleeping with some of my crotch hair. For the rest of the evening I stayed naked, reading and doing some writing, then I took another leisurely shower, soaping myself up and shampooing my hair really hard. Afterwards I had a nice long masturbation session, walking around the suite while stroking myself until I finally shot standing between my bed and my roommate's so that the cum hit the carpeted floor. I rubbed at it with my feet so the stain wasn't noticeable, then I tried sleeping naked again. Once again I managed for a few hours but in the night I woke up and couldn't relax, so I had to put on some jockeys in order to get back to sleep.

The next morning was Sunday, and when I woke up I took off my shorts, went to the other bedroom, and masturbated standing between the two guys' beds so that there would be cum on their carpet too. I rubbed it out with my foot, shaved and dressed (including underwear since it was Sunday) and went to breakfast, then to church (the expected thing to do) and then lunch. After lunch I double checked both rooms in the suite and found no visible stains on the carpets or on the one guy's bedspread. I also re-examined the underwear I had "anointed" and saw nothing suspicious about them either.

That afternoon people started coming back to the campus, including by late evening all three of my suite mates. I was a little nervous that any of them would notice something different about their beds or drawers but no one did. The senior who wore boxers was the first one back and when he heard that I had been there all alone that weekend he said "I would have stayed here with you if I had known." I thanked him but I assured him that I'd had plenty to do. (Naturally I didn't go into details beyond just explaining that I had worked on some essays and done some reading.) My roomie went to bed before I did and I was a little apprehensive when he stripped down to his shorts and slid into his bed, but he didn't jump back out of it yelling so I knew he hadn't noticed anything different about it. Way late that night when I was up to take a leak I took a look into the other room and saw that both of those guys were in bed and asleep, also apparently unaware that I had had some fun in there.

The next few days were a little antsy for me because I knew the guys would be innocently wearing the underwear and socks I had cleaned myself up with, but I of course had no real way of knowing when that would happen. So when I would see them in underwear I would just wonder to myself if they were the "special" ones.

That was just a one time event since other weekends at least one of my suite mates would be staying over. After that quarter ended I transferred and never saw any of those guys again, in fact, I can't even remember the names of the two seniors. It was a sneaky thing to do and kind of nasty, but also funny in a way, and no harm was done anyone over it. I've had a lot of fun remembering doing it all those years ago. And if you want to ask how I'd like it if someone did that to me, all I can say is that who knows, possibly it did happen, those guys had access to my bed, and my underwear and sock drawer!

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