A Week with the Boss

By Wrench 4321111

Published on Apr 30, 2018


This story contains sexual situations between two males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Remember to donate to nifty!

Please feel free to e-mail me at... wrench4321111@gmail.com

A Week with the Boss P4

I was in shock. I stared at my phone, willing for there to be a way to unsend that message. Mr Rousseau and Mr Bickley delighted in the horror on my face, teasing me and laughing heartily together. Eventually they decided to go down to the bar for drinks, so me and Tommy were sent to our beds to wait there for them.

I lay in bed continuing to stare at my phone. Danny still hadn't responded to the picture of me being licked out by Tommy. The time difference between New York and London meant he was probably asleep by now, but I couldn't help but wonder... Had he read the message and was too shocked or upset to respond? I couldn't imagine how my caring, loyal boyfriend would respond to being betrayed like this.

By the time morning came around, I'd barely slept a wink. Danny would be awake in the UK by now and yet there was still no response to the image.

Mr Rousseau awoke with a giant hard on and told me to suck him off before we went down to the conference. I followed my order despite being confused as to how I felt about Mr Rousseau. I was furious that he had humiliated me and probably destroyed my relationship, but I still couldn't help but be slightly aroused by the callousness of his behaviour and feel a need to make him happy. It was a leisurely blowjob, no skull-fuck this morning, and he took the opportunity to call and catch up with his husband while I did it.

I was distracted for the seminars and meetings today, not that I was expected to contribute much anyway. Every now and then Mr Rousseau would spank me on my arse to wake me up, but mostly I sat and waited for Danny's reply. It finally came while me and Mr Rousseau where having lunch and was not what I was expecting.

The first message simply read "you're not the only 1 who can cheat cunt".

Then followed a series of images. Images of Danny fucking other men, some of whom I knew. There was one taken in a mirror of Danny screwing a muscled jock that I knew to be one of his juniors at work. Another showed him in the shower with a mutual friend of ours that I'd always suspected wanted to sleep with him. The most shocking was one in which I could see Danny's cock being sucked by our neighbour's 15-year-old son, in a car and wearing his school uniform.

My immediate thought was that Danny had gone out and fucked other men when he had seen the message, as revenge, but that clearly wasn't true. There were too many men, too many pictures, for that to be true. It was only with a second glance over the pictures that I noticed Danny had a shaved head in some. He hadn't had his hair that short in over a year. That meant that he'd been cheating on me for over a year.

Seeing the surprise on my face, Rousseau snatched the phone off me. He smiled as he scrolled through the pictures and I'm sure I saw him readjust his cock in his trousers.

"Not as much of a pussy as I thought" he chuckled, before throwing my phone back.

I was astonished. Overwhelmed by emotion. Anger was bubbling inside me - this wasn't how Danny was supposed to treat me. He was loving and caring, not a beast like Mr Rousseau. My jealousy went beyond that though. In some of the pictures, he had his hands around the guy's throats, his fingers twisted in their hair, and some of them even had red slap marks on their faces. Danny had been dominant and rough with them, nothing like the soft and tender lovemaking we had.

Mr Rousseau could see my confusion. He walked around the table to stand behind me. He was so much bigger than me, so tall and broad. He made me feel subordinate and protected. I gave myself over to his pull again and suddenly I didn't feel conflicted anymore.

"What do you say we send him another picture back?" he asked.

I knew immediately that I had to. A picture of me, on my knees, Daddy's enormous dick in my mouth, gagging, and eyes streaming. Daddy was thinking the same thing. He lead me straight to the public toilets of the hotel and into a cubicle. I barely had to kneel to be at crotch level, because of our height difference. Daddy began to thrust into my mouth as fast as he could, making it as messy as possible. He messed my hair up, slapped my face hard, and spread the spit and drool up around my face. When he eventually came, he made sure to get lots on my face. I can't even imagine how much of a whore I looked. Mr Rousseau then took my phone from me and began to video. He started on his own face and slowly panned down to my messed-up face, with his ginormous cock still solid next to it. He showed me the video and then sent it. ...

Hey, hope you're all still enjoying! Sorry about it being a short chapter but it's been a busy few days. Feel free to send me any feedback!

Next: Chapter 5

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