A Week in Grassmore

By Piggysleaze

Published on Sep 7, 2022


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Welcome to the latest Piggysleaze series. It is set in the same "world" as some of my other stories, so I've provided a quick background summary if you haven't read those. This series is one of EXTREME raunch, and will eventually include scat, puke, and other degenerate themes. As always, do not read if younger than 18, and this work of fiction does not represent any real people. Email is always welcome: piggysleaze@mail.com

Backstory: By 2022 a secret cabal of filthy, degenerate, incestuous raunch families had attained the highest levels of power and money. They used their privilege, wealth, and positions of power to launch a scheme that had been decades in the making: filling the food and water supply with pharmaceuticals that would turn ordinary men into filth-craving, depraved pigs like themselves. For one of their first testing trials in the fall of '22, the cabal selected the small Midwestern town of Grassmore, population 1,000. This is what happened over the course of a week, as the additives began to affect the town's male inhabitants.


Growing up, Caleb hadn't really thought that much about the house his family lived in. He knew it was one of the biggest in town, and that his family was wealthy, but for him it was just home. But bringing Wil over after they'd exhausted themselves with a couple more rounds of raunchy sex with his teammates, Caleb saw his home through Wil's eyes. It was indeed enormous, with six bedrooms and a huge ground floor great room with a giant fireplace. Wil was definitely impressed and Caleb hoped his new little brothers, as he liked to think of them, would be too. For now, the two teens practically crawled into Caleb's old bedroom that he hadn't used since Bill had created their shared sex room. But it was late and he didn't want to wake up his dad up. The two filthy teens were asleep in seconds after their heads hit the pillows.

Typical teenagers, they slept until nearly one in the afternoon, at which point they had to get up to help get ready for the barbeque. Bill was downstairs in the kitchen, naked of course, busily gathering steaks and sausages for the grill. Caleb and Wil walked in, both blinking at the bright sunshine and rubbing the crusty dried shit and puke from around their eyes. Bill smiled at the handsome pair, and handed them each a hot cup of coffee. "I've already added cream," he said, and Wil could see the thick load of jizz floating in his mug.

"Delicious, sir," complimented Wil, his monster cock already starting to stir to life again.

"Please, call me Bill," Caleb's father insisted, as he dropped to his knees in front of Wil's already-massive and growing dick. Caleb joined his dad on the floor, the two taking turns sucking on Wil's throbbing meat and his huge balls. Wil stood in the kitchen, drinking his cum-flavored coffee as the incestuous father and son pleasured him. He watched as the sexy, perverted family slobbered all over each other and his dick, smearing their faces with his oozing precum and raunchy drool. The way they treated his balls really got him going, as they sucked and pulled down hard with their mouths. He could feel their teeth in the skin of his ballsac and he moaned in pleasure. Wil could already tell his body was changing. As the cum built in his heavy, sagging nuts he instinctively knew he'd have no trouble staying hard and pumping out more loads all day long. Soon he was grunting in animal pleasure as he blasted all over the father-son lovers on the floor, coating their faces and open mouths with a river of cum. "Mmmmmm," moaned Bill as he stood up, "now THAT'S some delicious cum. I'm glad you could join us today, Wil. With that cock, I know you'll be quite the hit at our little get-together." Caleb beamed with pride at his new love, and jumped up off the floor to kiss him, snowballing Wil's thick jizz between them. Bill let them go on a bit before finally cutting in, "O.K. you two, I'm putting you to work. Since you slept all morning there isn't much time to get everything ready. Folks will be here around 3:00 p.m." Wil and Caleb broke apart, Caleb gave his dad a silly salute, ready to take orders.

Heading upstairs, Wil borrowed from Caleb's now-signature wardrobe of skimpy shorts and dangly muscle tanktops. They spent the rest of the early afternoon preparing everything for the family gathering. A couple times Caleb tried to get his dad to give him a hint about tonight's surprise, but Bill always dodged the questions, telling his son they were running out of time to get ready. Sure enough, the doorbell rang right at 3:00 p.m. just as they were putting the finishing touches on the spread.

Caleb opened the door and was nearly bowled over by Kenny racing in to hug him hard around the waist. He was dressed only in a pair of tighty-whiteys that showed off his pert little ass. Kenny's dad Dutch stepped in behind him, chuckling at the nine-year-old's enthusiastic greeting. The short bearish daddy was dressed in sleazy short-short cutoffs and an open plaid shirt, also with the sleeves cut off. "He talks about you non-stop when he gets home from school," he said to Caleb, giving Kenny a playful rub on the head, "so it's nice to finally meet you." He pressed forward and gave Caleb an aggressive snog, running his tongue along the quarterback's teeth and down his throat. Caleb returned the slobbering attention, sucking and chewing Dutch's lips hard, until he tasted a little blood that he sucked hungrily. Kenny groaned happily as the little boy was squished between two of his favorite guys grinding away, the front and back of his head both being rubbed with their hard, leaking cocks.

Eventually they broke off their introductory makeout session, allowing Dutch to meet Bill and Wil, both of whom also provided welcoming tongue and slobber to Dutch and Kenny. Just as all the snogging and tonguing was wrapping up, the doorbell rang again. This time when he answered it Caleb was stunned to see a tall skinhead that made his cock jump in excitement. Nate had completely adopted the skinhead look and it suited him perfectly. The tall dad was dressed in laced up Doc Martins, skintight bleached jeans, and a Lonsdale white polo shirt that hung on him like a second skin. But what really got Caleb going was that Nate had ripped open the front of his bleachers so that his cock and balls were hanging out in the open. The man was enormous. Of course, Skip had talked about how hung his father was, but seeing was believing. He even gave Wil a run for the money, plus he was uncut, with a beautiful long hood that Caleb eyed hungrily. He was about to drop to his knees to start chewing on the foreskin when he realized someone was missing. "Where's Skip?" Nate smiled and pointed behind him. Looking around the tall skinhead, he saw that the bleachers also had a zipper down the ass, which gave a naked Skip access to eating his father's cunt right there on the front porch of the house. Caleb laughed, grabbing the kid in brotherly horseplay, "Come here you horny little fucker" before planting a kiss on him, tasting Nate's ass funk on his son's nine-year-old wet lips. This naturally set off another round of introductory drooling snogs as everyone learned everyone else's names and relationships. Bill seemed especially interested that Nate was an accountant and Dutch was a contractor, as if his mind was spinning on the information.

At last, they agreed to head out to the patio, which had been prepared for the party. Three long tables groaned with offerings for the guests. Down the first was the food: chips and baked beans; coleslaw and potato salad; and all kinds of meats -- steaks, burgers, hot dogs, and sausages. The second table was laden with booze at one end and drugs at the other. Practically anything the guests might want was available, from light beers to crack pipes, and everything in between. And finally, the third table was overflowing with sex toys including pumps, strap-on dildos, ball weights, cockrings, and more. The fathers and sons whistled and hooted with pleasure at how much their hosts had gone over-the-top for their shindig.

Caleb grabbed the hands of Skip and Kenny and led them over to the toys table, where he proceeded to outfit their child-sized bodies with cockrings, nipple clamps, and ball weights. The heavy metal looked obscene on their tiny little kiddie junk and tits, and Caleb was leaking furiously looking at his child lovers. Meanwhile his dad had taken Wil under his wing, pouring them shots of whiskey and sparking up the fattest blunt on the table. The two knocked back shots and smoked weed like they'd known each other forever. Finally Dutch and Nate, who had been largely inseparable since their time at Danny's Barber Shop, grabbed some meth to pass back and forth in between 69'ing on the ground. White clouds enveloped them as they sucked cock and squeezed balls. Bill and Wil wandered over and began pissing over the rutting dads, their moans of pleasure soon attracting Caleb and their sons to do the same. Five pissing cocks, including the little stiffies of their boys, hosed them down in rank urine while they rolled around on the ground, cocks down each other's throats.

As their piss dwindled, Skip whispered conspiratorially in Kenny's ear, who nodded and grinned evilly. The two took positions on either end of their 69ing fathers, admiring the heavy set of balls both men offered. Then, without warning, they both kicked their fathers' nuts as hard as they could. The ball bashing elicited moans of pain and pleasure from both dads, neither of whom made a move to give up the cock buried in their throat. The boys kicked again and the waves of pain and nausea swept over the rutting pigs, their eyes crying and their moans deep with agony and ecstasy. One more swift kick to the nuts and their dads began puking. Projectile puke spewed around the cocks they were sucking, spilling in great waves down into their pubes and across their crotches.

The pain and nasty hurling sent them both over the edge of orgasm. Even as puke was spilling out, both daddies began to spasm in climax, dumping thick ropes of baby seed down the other's throat. Their children immediately fell to the ground with them, sucking the stomach sludge off their black and blue balls, and diving for any drips of cum that might have leaked out. The two ball-bashed fathers only stopped sucking cock when they were sure the last pumps of cum had been gifted. Separating, they moaned on the ground as the boys ministered to their aching nuts, exchanging their earlier violence for tenderness as they carefully licked the battered balls clean of puke. The whole perverted scene had Bill, Caleb, and Wil horny as hell, and the trio lined up into a fuck train -- Caleb sinking his cock deep into his father, while Wil fucked him with his monster horsecock. Watching the fathers and their little boys' depraved ballbusting and puking sent them into orgasm quickly, with loads going deep inside Caleb's and his father's shit tunnels, while Bill unloaded his jizz over the picnic table full of food. Ropes of cum splattered all over the snacks and dishes.

As everyone came down off their orgasmic highs, it seemed like the perfect time to eat, especially while Bill's cum additive was still hot. The bank president asked Dutch and Nate to join him at the grill, and the three men talked while passing around a bottle of Jack Daniels and casually fondling each other as the steaks cooked. Meanwhile Wil and Caleb had headed over to a giant seating area, where earlier they had pushed together all the outdoor couches and chairs to create what was essentially a massive bed of lounge furniture. They were snuggling in a mass of intertwined arms and legs with the two little boys. They brought over more meth to pass around and share, and watched the lewd and horny site of the nine-year-olds smoking and blowing out milky clouds. They ran their hands over the tweaked kids, molesting every inch and pulling hard on the chains that hung from their nipple clamps.

As their horniness built, they started grabbing piles off the food table. They fed each other chips and handfuls of creamy potato salad, and began gunging themselves in the messy streaks of mayonnaise, beans, and chewed up coleslaw. Even the raw meat was ground into their pecs, crotches, and asses. The dads rejoined them, hauling over a sizzling pile of steaks. Climbing into the messy mass, they passed around the steaks with their bare hands, and ate them the same way, chewing openly and letting the meat and fat dribble out of their mouths and over their bodies and the bodies around them. They smeared the steaks over armpits, crotches, and ass to enhance the stinky flavor. Soon everyone was slick with food as the mass of men, teens, and boys writhed in the slipperiness and smeared each other with handfuls of everything available from the food table.

Caleb was the first to start shitting, and the steaming pile of turd curled in his hand as he unleashed a pound or two of prime teen sewage. He wasted no time smearing it over himself and the tangle of limbs and bodies around him. Soon the others were shitting too. Dutch especially grunted out the biggest dump Caleb had ever seen, as at least five pounds of waste emptied out of his puffy cunt. Hands reached in from all directions and great piles of steaming waste continued to coat and layer over the heaving mass of bodies. Caleb felt shit being massaged deeply into his hair like the finest conditioner, and he moaned in horniness when he was able to smear piles of filth into Nate's shaved skinhead, loving the feel of smeared waste gliding across the skin's skull.

Every inch of them was slick, as shit and gunge-covered cocks and hands slid easily in and out of any available hole. No one really knew who they were inside of at any given time -- bodies just slid in and over each other in never-ending combinations. As cunts became looser and sloppier, fists and arms replaced cocks. Caleb felt his arm disappear deep inside a tight, hot shit tunnel and moaned to see it was little Skip riding him down the elbow. The sight of Skip's tiny body sliding up and down his quarterback arm was a thing of beauty, and Caleb drooled in lust as his own cunt was being fisted. Humping whomever was inside him, Caleb pounded his little brother's insides with his arm. Skip's straining little cock quivered in the air. "Ohhhh Caleb, I think I'm going to cum. Daddy. Daddy..." he called out to his father somewhere in the humping mass of bodies. "Oh god, this is it. It's happening. Oh fuck. Oh FUCK. Don't stop. AWWW FUCKKKK...." And with that, the precious nine-year-old began pumping real cum out of his little cock -- his first real orgasm. Somewhere in the bottom of the pile, his stocky classmate let out a similar groan of ecstasy, and strands of jizz shot up into the air, splattering all over the teens and men. Kenny had just shot his first load of cum too. It was enough to send the rest of the men into the throws of climax, all of them shooting cum in every direction, the pearly white ropes landing with obscene splats atop shit-painted bodies.

The intertwined mess of males lay panting and heaving, sweating in their shared cesspool of destroyed food and waste. When at last they caught their breaths enough to speak, everyone congratulated Skip and Kenny on their first loads of cum. Bill grabbed more Jack Daniels and poured out shots for everyone, before just passing the bottles around between the shit-coated group. Skip and Kenny grabbed a pack of reds and lit up, looking sexy as hell smoking and drinking Jack directly out of the bottle, their little bodies completely hidden under the layers of filth. Caleb and Wil sparked a couple spliffs and a mellow glow settled over the still-entangled group as they passed around the weed. It was Bill who broke the contented quiet when he said, "Well, do you think we should tell them?"

Caleb perked up, "Is this about my surprise?"

Bill chuckled, shaking his head, "No, that's actually still coming. A nice way to keep the party going. No, this is something new I was just discussing with Nate and Dutch over by the grill." Bill took a deep drag off one of the joints as it passed by before handing it off to nine-year-old Skip. "You all know our vision for Grassmore." Wil, not being local, shook his head no, so Bill explained the plan that was already underway. Wil's mouth gaped open as Caleb's father described a town full of porno theaters and sex shops, drug dispensaries and bathhouses, and more. It sounded like paradise. Bill continued, "It is a big project, more than I can handle by myself. Of course, I have a team at the bank, and Mike (our mayor Mike Cumbert he filled in for Wil) has resources, but there's a lot that I can't do without guys I can trust to help me." Here he paused again for another pass of weed. As he handed it to Nate, he said, "For example, a really smart, sexy guy who can handle all the numbers and money." Nate smiled as he filled his lungs with the prime weed, nodding in thanks at Bill's compliment.

As he exhaled, Nate picked up the story, "Or an awesome contractor who can serve as construction manager over all those hot, sweaty workers," he said, passing the joint to Dutch. Dutch chuckled at this job description, as he lay back with the spliff and a bottle of Jack. Nate continued, "But Bill's right. It is a huge job. His amazing vision for Grassmore isn't just something that can be casually handled between nine and five on weekdays. This is going to require guys dedicated to working on every detail together, all the time, every day."

"And that's why," Dutch began, smoke blowing out as he spoke, "Not only have Nate and I accepted positions from Bill to oversee all the accounting and construction components, but we've agreed that we should all live together here at the house, so that we can dedicate ourselves 24/7 to making this dream a reality. We're going to move in tomorrow."

Caleb, Skip, and Kenny sat in stunned silence; afraid they might have misunderstood. It was Caleb who spoke first, his voice soft and unsure, "You mean I really am going to have little brothers?" Their dads broke out in beaming smiles, nodding enthusiastically. And then it was as if a dam had broke open. Caleb let out a whoop of pure joy that filled the entire backyard, and the filthy little boys sprang up and began jumping up and down in excitement, their ball weights swinging with each hop. They were all chattering excitedly as the news sunk in that they'd all be living under the same roof, able to fuck each other all the time. They crawled around on the shit-soaked cushions to hug and kiss each father in their new combined family.

Wil looked on, happy for the six of them, but a little sad too that he had to go home later, leaving this awesome life behind. As the others continued their celebration, Dutch scooted over and put his arm around the teen. "Wil, what's your last name?"

"Hornly," he replied.

"Your dad is Dave Hornly, the architect, isn't he," Dutch asked and Wil nodded, obviously surprised that Dutch knew the name. "I was at the football game last night when they announced the players. When you've been in construction long enough you learn the important names like Hornly. Plus, there aren't that many black architects in a 200-mile radius of Grassmore," he added with a wink to the big, black cocked cornerback. "I know you have to head home later tonight, but don't be too sad. I have a feeling we may be seeing you again real soon." He kissed the teen's thick lips and gave his tits a nice squeeze before returning to his son for another round of hugs and excited questions.

Just then they heard the sound of the doorbell, and Bill hopped up with instructions for everyone to stay put and that he'd be right back. A minute later, the shit-caked bank president returned with a beautiful German Shepherd at his side. "This was originally going to be a present for Caleb," he said, beaming with happiness at his surprise, "but now I think he's a present for the whole family. Everyone, meet Knot!" They all bounded up and excitedly surrounded the perfectly-behaved animal, taking turns petting him, nuzzling him, and letting his long dog tongue French kiss them in happy canine makeout sessions. They also admired his enormous unsheathed cock, slick and red and dripping with dog precum. Bill explained that this was a specially-raised strain of German Shepherds, bred especially for zoophiles. "Now, I know we're all going to enjoy him, but I'd really like Caleb to have the first fuck if that's alright with everyone." The crowd enthusiastically endorsed the idea, and Caleb welled up a little bit, filled with love at seeing how generous his greatly-expanded family was.

The quarterback immediately fell onto his hands and knees, presenting his hole to the hung shep. Bill called out "Knot," drawing the dog's full attention. "Fuck," he commanded and Knot immediately mounted the sixteen-year-old. Caleb sighed in pleasure as the slippery red cock jabbed right in, and Knot began humping his new bitch. Skip and Kenny got on all fours on either side of their new big brother, taking turns making out with him as he got canine fucked. They begged for the two biggest cocks to fuck them doggie style too, and Nate happily offered his son's nine-year-old pussy to Wil, while he mounted Kenny. The two began pounding the little boys with their freakish horsecocks while watching Caleb get fucked by Knot between them. Not willing to be left out, both Dutch and Bill greased up their arms from a can of Crisco on the toy table, and punched their ways into Wil's and Nate's cunts while they humped the kids. The two stood standing and jacking while power driving their arms deep into their respective holes, punching past the outer rings to sink all the way up to their shoulders. It was a beautiful sight to behold: monstrously hung pedophiles rutting into the eager holes of little boys while their guts were being full-arm-punched into oblivion. And in the middle of it all, the school's most popular student and quarterback stud being fucked in a blur by a lust-crazed German Shepherd. Caleb felt the hot fur and scrape of claws on his skin, and was literally vibrating with sexual energy at the depravity of it all. All around him were the sounds of sex. "Fuck me harder." "Rip me up, make me bleed fucker" "Fuck yeah you donkey-dicked nigger, fill my little white boy cunt." "Oh god, I'm gonna cum."

That last was from Kenny, who began firing his second grown-up load of cum into his hand while Nate fucked him. His spunk filled his little palm and ran through his fingers, which he held up to Caleb. Caleb inserted the little boy's entire hand in his mouth to suck the cum off it while Knot continued to pound him from above. He stared into Kenny's eyes as he sucked on the boy's fingers, which Kenny was pushing deeper and deeper. Caleb nodded and Kenny jammed his hand down the back of Caleb's throat until he started gagging and heaving. Kenny didn't relent until he felt the warm stickiness well up around his fingers and then he yanked out his hand just as Caleb hurled the messy semi-digested spew of their meal and shit. Kenny let it wash over his face and into his mouth as Nate's cock swelled in his ass and began pumping a thick daddy load into his little hole.

Soon everyone else was cumming too, launching long-range missiles of jizz all over the patio. Finally, it was Knot's turn, and Caleb felt the warm sensation of hot canine cum flood his guts. Then he held his breath as Knot's namesake swelled inside him, ripping apart his quarterback hole with the dog's enormous bulge. He screamed in pleasure and pain, chunks of food and shit bile dripping out of his mouth and down his chin. He moaned and nearly passed out when Knot turned himself around, resting ass to ass until he deflated. His family and friend gathered around him, kissing him and massaging his sensitive skin. He felt the love of six men and boys washing over him. When at last Knot slipped out of his ravaged, bleeding hole, he collapsed onto the ground weeping tears of pure exhilaration. He was a depraved pig and had never been happier. He was home.

EPILOGUE: Dave Hornly got a call the next day with an offer too good to believe. The town of Grassmore was asking the architect to come out for two weeks to consult on a major new project. The amount of money was obscene, well beyond what Dave would have expected, and he immediately said yes. Frankly he'd be glad to have a little time away from arguing about money with his wife, who never seemed to be able to live within their means. Grassmore's bank president himself came out to pick him up. Dave didn't particularly notice when his son Wil waved goodbye with a knowing smile. Two weeks later Wil got the call from his father that Caleb was coming to get him, and that his parents were divorcing. Dave had given his gold-digging wife everything -- the house, the cars, the office, the savings -- in exchange for custody of Wil. That night Dave fucked his son four times before they finally collapsed in exhaustion. The next morning was Wil's first day of school, where he also promptly joined the Pigs football team. Dave was named the architect and building engineer of the entire Grassmore project, and he and his son moved into the massive house with the other fathers and sons soon after. The newly-expanded family celebrated with a massive shit- and puke-fueled orgy that night. Dutch had been right that they'd be seeing Wil again. Both Dave and Wil made sure he was properly thanked for his foresight!

Next: Chapter 7

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