A Walk in the Woods

By Steven A

Published on Dec 31, 2005



This is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story contains a description of mutual masturbation between two consenting teens. If you're looking for hard core sex, then look elsewhere. Your comments, concerns, etc. about the story are most appreciated: uwsteven05@yahoo.com

Summer camp is an exciting time for all boys. The opportunity to be out in the woods, sitting by the fire, and enjoying life away from the city is something every child should experience. For boys, summer camp is also an excellent opportunity to be away from home and to try new experiences, far away from the watchful eyes of mother and father. That's what happened when I went to summer camp back when I was a youth in the 1980s.

Summer camp, by its single-gendered nature is a haven for preteen sexual experimentation. Most boys in the 11-14 year old range (I was 13 at the time) are curious about their burgeoning sexualities, so a little bit of harmless experimentation should be expected. I was pretty naive then and didn't know much about sexual things, so I didn't spend my time at camp thinking about sex. I was soon to discover the awesome opportunity to learn new lessons for life summer camp afforded.

Like I said, the only difference between myself and most of my experimenting peers was that I wasn't terribly interested in hanging out with them. I never got along with my peers that well, anyway. I was more interested in spending time with the college-aged counselors and counselors-in-training (CITs) who worked at the camp. I didn't have any older brothers or cousins like most of my peers, so I viewed camp as my chance to become friendly with older guys.

Unfortunately, most of the counselors had little to no interest in hanging out with little kids. They wanted to do other things during their limited free time from work.

There was, however, one counselor-in-training who hung out with the campers. Kevin was 16 and kind of a scrawny guy; not much more than 5'8" and maybe 140 pounds. He was assigned the rather mundane responsibility of leading the daily camp newsletter. While the other campers and counselors were out in the sun and in the lake, he spent his days inside working on the newsletter. We campers were welcome to help out with the newsletter, but few did. Kevin was kind of a loner among the counselors and CITs, and I, as a loner, felt a particular kinship with him. I started spending more and more and time with Kevin at camp, and it was fun. Therefore, it was no surprise when we had the chance to spend three hours with our favorite counselor doing whatever activity we wanted, I chose Kevin. Since we had spent all of our time together in the newspaper office, this was a unique opportunity. We decided to start with swimming and then play tennis after that.

We headed down to the changing room next to the lake to get our suits on. Normally the counselors go to their side of the building to change and shower, but Kevin decided to stay in the campers' side. I realized that I had never seen more of his body than his legs, as he had no reason to be shirtless in the newspaper office. He had a whole lot of hair on his legs, which I thought was really cool. I had started getting adult-like hair on my legs only very recently, so I often looked at his legs and hoped that mine would get as hairy as his one day. The first thing Kevin did was pull his shirt off, revealing a rather pale chest, without much definition. He did, however, have a fair bit of hair on his chest and under his arms. He certainly had more hair than most of the other counselors and all of the other CITs, many of whom had no chest hair whatsoever. I wouldn't have expected such hairiness from such a small guy, but who knows sometimes! When it came time to change into his swimsuit, he turned his back to me so I could only see his butt. I thought it was kind of weird that I could see little hairs in his crack- I didn't think that happened in puberty- and I stared at his ass it for a few seconds. We had a lot of fun playing around in the lake. After an hour or so we changed back in to our regular clothes (he hid his penis from view again), and we headed up to play tennis for a few hours. We had a lot of fun together, and I really felt comfortable around him. I could tell he felt comfortable around me, too. Despite our age difference we were pretty good friends.

The following day we were back in the newspaper office, going through the routine of producing the day's paper. After a half hour or so, Kevin asked me if I had a girlfriend back at home. I didn't, but it wasn't a big deal. I was only 13 and wasn't too concerned with it. After his question, I felt comfortable asking him if he did. Until that time, we didn't talk about our personal lives much. Kevin said that he had had a girlfriend at his high school but that they had ended it just before coming to camp. I asked him how it was to have a girlfriend and he said that it was cool; that it made you feel older. He then leaned over towards me and whispered that there were good "advantages" to having one. I had a pretty good idea what he meant, but I wanted to know for sure, so I asked him about it. He made sure there was nobody else around and said that when you had a girlfriend you didn't have to "get yourself off" as much, as there was someone to do it for you.

I had only recently discovered masturbation and had only been able to ejaculate for a few months, so I was keenly interested in the conversation's turn. Kevin told me that his ex-girlfriend would touch his penis through his shorts and had even put her hand inside his pants a couple of times. By this time I had started to get hard in my shorts. Kevin then asked me if I jacked off, and I sheepishly admitted that I did, but that I didn't do it very often and had not done it at camp.

He asked me if I could come yet, and I proudly stated that I could. Kevin agreed that there was a lack of privacy at camp and that he couldn't wait to get home where he could jack off in his room in privacy. At that point I glanced down at his shorts and detected a more distinguished bulge.

Things got silent at that point and a minute or so later the director came on the camp's loudspeaker announcing that the activity period was over and that it was time for lunch.

Things progressed as normal for the next couple of days. We had our regular activities, and Kevin and I worked on the newspaper. Then the director announced that we would have another opportunity to choose our favorite counselor for free time, just like a few days prior when Kevin and I swam and played tennis. I didn't feel like doing any of those activities, but I wanted to spend time with Kevin, so I suggested that we go for a hike in the woods on the camp's property.

(We couldn't leave camp, of course.) Kevin and I got our hiking boots on and headed for the trail. It was really quiet back in the woods and we didn't disturb the silence with much conversation. After twenty minutes or so we decided to take a break and sit down on the ground ten or fifteen yards off the trail.

We talked about baseball and about some of the other people at camp. It was really relaxing and comfortable. After about 10 minutes, a question I got up the nerve to ask Kevin a question I had long wondered about. I asked him how long his legs had been so hairy. We were sitting across from each other and the difference between his manly legs and my boyish legs was stark. He kind of laughed and said that when the puberty fairy went around and distributed her pixie dusk, he got too much "hair dust" and not enough dusk to make him grow tall. I thought that was funny. Kevin told me that he started getting adult hairs on his legs when he was 10 or 11, and by age 14, he had more leg hair than most adults. He ran his hands over his legs to emphasize just how much hair there was.

My interest was piqued for sure, but I didn't know how to proceed. A few minutes passed, and I wanted to know more; I just didn't know how to ask. I got the nerve together to ask Kevin if I could ask one more thing. He said sure, and I clumsily asked him if having hairy legs meant that he was hairy "down there" as I glanced down at his crotch. He laughed and said that he indeed was. He relayed a story that he was at the YMCA to work out a few weeks before coming to camp. After working out, he went to take a shower. As he was showering, his dad came in to the shower room. They hadn't seen each other naked in years, and both were quite surprised to discover that the 16 year old son had a thicker pubic bush than the father. I was floored, as I had seen my dad naked, and I knew that adult men had lots of pubes. For a teenager to have a hairier dick than an adult was impressive to me.

Kevin could tell that I was surprised by that. I asked him how old he was when he got pubes. He didn't remember, but thought it was around 11. He asked me if I had pubes, and I said that I did, but not very many. I don't think I was behind my peers; I had seen several of them naked in the campers' shower room. Kevin told me that some of the other counselors had commented on his hairy dick and thought it looked strange on an otherwise non-descript guy. By this point, the conversation made my sensitive dick hard in my shorts. I don't think Kevin could tell, but he sensed that I was interested in the conversation. That's why I was blown away with excitement when Kevin said he would show me his dick and pubes, if I wanted to see them.

You better believe I was interested in seeing him, but I didn't want to appear too excited. I played it cool and told him that he was welcome to do it. Deep inside I hoped he would. At that point Kevin stood up and untucked his shirt. At that point, I could see his 'happy trail' for a brief moment. He continued to unbutton his cargo shorts and pull the zipper down. I could see his underwear at that point, but it didn't look like he had an erection. He then let his shorts fall to his ankles, leaving him only wearing his boxer briefs. I couldn't help but stare at his briefs, in excited anticipation of what I soon would see. Kevin asked me if I was ready and sure he should proceed. When I confirmed, he put his hands under the waistband along his hips, and he lowered his boxer briefs.

I gasped audibly when his dick and bush came in to view. I had never seen that much hair on a guy before! His pubes grew in a thick, dense bush extending for four or more inches above his dick, almost all the way up to the waistband. The hair extended from leg to leg and completely filled in a 'triangle' above his dick. Hidden in the middle of the hair was an average sized, yet very thick cock hanging heavily over his plump, furry balls. Kevin could tell that I was 'impressed' and asked me if I had ever seen a dick as hairy as his before. I could honestly say that I hadn't and that I thought it was awesome.

Kevin then asked me if I had gotten hard from seeing it. I couldn't really hide it in my shorts, and I admitted that I had. He then told me that I was free to take off my shorts, as nobody would see us out there. I was ashamed at how boyish I would looked as compared to him. I trusted him, however, and said that I would. I was shaking a bit as I stood up and pulled down my elastic- banded shorts, leaving me only wearing my tented briefs. After more assurance from Kevin that we were alone, I placed my thumbs under the waistband and lowered by briefs. Kevin followed the briefs down with his eyes, and when my dick and small patch of pubes came in to view, he smiled. If ever a difference between a boy and a man became apparent, it was at that moment.

Kevin said that he thought it looked nice and that it definitely would get bigger and hairier soon. I appreciated his kind words, but I was naturally skeptical. I felt silly being the only one of us with an erection, and I asked Kevin how big his got when he got hard. He told me it grew to about 6.5 inches, easily dwarfing my 4 inch dick. Without even noticing it, my hand instinctively had gone down to my dick and started playing with it. Kevin noticed this and asked me if I needed to jack off. I couldn't deny that I wanted to, and he said I was welcome to. He even said he might do it, but he would be more comfortable sitting down.

At that point, he sat back on the ground, with his pants still around his ankles. He pulled off his shirt in the meantime, leaving all of his body exposed except for his shorts around his ankles and his shoes. I was in awe of how manly this boy- who was only three years older than me- looked.

Kevin pulled his legs up towards his body and spread them slightly, leaving me an awesome view of his hairy legs and furry balls. He started playing with his heavy cock, and in just a few minutes, it was fully engorged. It was so thick and the veins running through it throbbed and pulsed. It was definitely exhilarating. I decided to sit down next to Kevin and I started pulling on my cock. Kevin said he thought that it was cool that I could already ejaculate, and we went back to stroking our hard cocks.

I couldn't help but look at Kevin while he jacked off. His cock was bigger than his fist, and his fingers almost couldn't reach around the whole thing. His cock head was a much darker color than my own, and then there was all that hair. It was so amazing. In no time, a drop of precome appeared at the head, and Kevin used it to lubricate his jacking. While I was watching Kevin's dick, he was watching mine. We chitchatted a bit about how cool it was we could do this together and about how good it felt.

A few minutes later Kevin stopped jacking off. I was a little confused, but I was totally surprised when he reached out and touched my smooth chest. He told me that it was okay, and that I should continue jacking off. Over the course of the next few minutes, he lowered his hands, reaching my belly. He then leaned over and whispered in my ear that he would like to touch my cock. I couldn't speak. I just nodded that it was okay. He then pulled my hand off of my dick, and he placed his hand on my cock. I gasped again. At that point, Kevin started talking dirty to me in my ear, telling me that he loved my cock and that he wanted to make me come. He then started jacking me off and whispering more things in my ear. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off very long. I told him that I was going to come, but he just kept jacking me. As it became apparent that my ejaculation was imminent, I started moaning loudly. Shortly thereafter, I started ejaculating. I wasn't able to shoot yet, so only a few drops dribbled out of my dick and over his hands. Kevin thought it was great, and I agreed.

I can't really describe how it felt to have Kevin help me come. I was still coming down from the 'post-orgasmic high' when Kevin went back to stroking his thick cock. I had to watch him and I was fascinated by it. Almost immediately, I knew I had to be a part of it. I reached over and placed my hand on his chest. I ran my hands through the curly hairs on his chest. I played with his nipples, and I looked up at Kevin. He smiled at me and kept pumping his dick. I slowly lowered my hands, taking care to play with his cute belly button and the thick treasure trail surrounding it. I was so excited and nervous about touching his dick, but I knew I had to do it. I wanted to experience all parts of it. I ran both hands through his thick pubic bush, and I reached under and grabbed his plump balls. Kevin started making noises, telling me that he was enjoying it.

When I got the nerve together, I took Kevin's hands off his dick and I replaced them with my own. It was so different than my own. His was thick, hot, and throbbing. I could barely wrap my hand around it, and I needed both hands to adequately handle it. It was just so different than my own.

By that point, Kevin had leaned back and put his hands behind his head, exposing his thickly- haired underarms to me. He just looked so manly. I sped up on my jacking, doing what I had learned to do to myself and transposing it to him. Kevin cooed with pleasure, and I enjoyed myself almost as much as he did. As I increased my speed, his grunts increased. His cock was leaking copious amounts of precome, which I used as a lube to make my hands glide up and down his awesome organ. I could sense that he was getting close to coming, and I wanted to experience it up close.

About a minute later, Kevin's cock started throbbing, and I guessed that he was going to come at any moment. I was right. Within seconds, Kevin let out this guttural groan, telling me I was about to see him come. Shortly thereafter, the first jet of sperm erupted from his dick. It shot at least 3 feet in the air and landed all over his chest and stomach. The other four or five shots landed on his stomach and ran down into his bush. There was so much come! Whereas I only dribbled a little bit, Kevin shot a huge load of thick, hot, pearly-white man juice. I couldn't believe it. When his cock stopped spasming, Kevin rubbed his come into his chest, the juice matting down the hairs. It was hotter than I can describe. I was so turned on, and I could tell I had done well. Kevin was breathing heavily and had a huge grin on his face.

After we both caught our breath again, Kevin cleaned himself off with his tshirt before putting it back on. We pulled up our pants, and headed back for the trail. We talked on the way back, agreeing that we wouldn't be able to talk about this in front of others. For the rest of the summer we grinned and giggled whenever we saw each other in the newspaper office and in camp. We weren't able to sneak away to the woods again to jack off again, but the memory of that hike stuck with me for many mastubatory sessions as I continued through adolescence.

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