A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Feb 19, 2018


Tom, After a Walk in the Park 9

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by John - bokjay123@hotmail.com

As was Tom's habit, he awoke before the radio alarm went off. He found Terry snuggled against his side just as he had been before. What he didn't expect was that he had his hand on his dick. Of course, he was hard, as he was most mornings but today he could feel himself throbbing as Terry's fingers were wrapped firmly around.

After last night he pondered whether to just turn him over and enter him before he fully woke. He knew he could do it; Terry would be functioning at less than half speed in his waking moments. But he knew that wouldn't be right, last night was going to be a one-off until Terry made it plain otherwise. He lay quietly running things over in his mind until the radio came on.

Slowly he pushed Terry away making sure he didn't try to take his dick as he turned. Once on his back, he gave him a gentle shake.

"Wake up sunshine, time to start another day!"

With that, he went to the bathroom leaving Terry to awaken at his own speed.

He was in the shower when Terry came in and began cleaning his teeth. Then just before Tom had finished, he stepped into the shower with him. Tom was a little put out as the shower was really only made for one person, something Terry would have been aware of as he shared it with Alan already.

"Good morning! It moves and walks!" joked Tom.

Terry grinned back "I always take a bit to come around in the mornings."

"Here, you take the shower, I've finished". He edged to the side so that Terry could move under the spray.

"Need any help? Full service provided," he joked as he made to wash Terry's back before he stepped out.

"Nice," said Terry lazily.

Tom didn't really mean it and was going to hand the soap and leave him to it. But just to put some life into him, he moved down his back and ran the soap the length of his crack, intending to make him jump.

Instead, he did nothing. Tom did it again and used the pointed end of the oval bar to push against his hole, thinking it would get a reaction. He did it a third time and peered over his shoulder to read his face. He had his eyes closed under the showerhead. Looking down he saw that his dick was hard.

Instead of it being a joky thing, it suddenly hit that Terry was in fact randy. In an instant, he felt himself become horny. As he rubbed the soap down his crack again, he pushed his forefinger into him and heard the faintest groan.

He stepped close behind.

"Something tells me you want to feel tingly inside," he whispered reaching around and taking hold of his hard dick.

"Yes," he said simply.

Without thinking too much he quickly soaped his dick and bent Terry forward a little. A moment later and he was straining to enter, helped equally by Terry pushing back.

"You like that don't you?" He whispered after he was fully inside.

Terry groaned. "Yes, you make all my insides feel nice."

Tom had no idea why, but the whole episode coming straight out of the blue made him so horny, like had never happened for ages. So much so that it was he who was cuming too quickly now.

There was something about Terry's docility which made his mind run riot. Instead of shooting inside him like the night before, abruptly he pulled out. Taking hold of his shoulders he spun him around and pushed him down.

"Go down, I want to cum and you are going to suck me."

Terry crouched down and took hold of his dick but when he made to push in his mouth he moved it to one side as though not wanting to try.

"Open your mouth and suck me," he coaxed.

Tom took back his cock and pushed it to his lips. After a moment's hesitation, he opened his mouth and let it enter.

"Suck it."

His first efforts proved his virginity but he soon got the hang and then as if someone had flicked a switch, began to devour him so that he frequently gagged.

"Easy, don't try and take it all, concentrate on the end. Oh, yes, that's good. Keep doing that and make me cum."

Quickly Tom could feel his sap rise till he was trying to hold back.

"You're doing a good job, suck it, I want you to suck me dry. Yes, I'm cuming now, suck all my juice out."

He told him straight that he was going to cum in his mouth, which only seemed to make him more frenzied.

His first wave made Terry stop, and then he groaned again and began sucking it down as fast as he could. He didn't stop even when Tom had finished and it was only the tenderness of his dick head that made him reach down and lift him to his feet.

He stood slowly, eyes still closed and running his tongue over his lips. He appeared in a daze.

Tom moved close wondering what he would be thinking.

"You enjoyed that?"

He didn't reply as Tom moved in to cross tongues as he washed off his lips, He didn't respond, but Tom persisted, moving closer still and forcing his tongue into his mouth.

"I can taste my cum. You taste good with my cum in you," he whispered.

Terry moaned and began to use his tongue back, till they were probing each other and moaning.

Tom had never been too aggressive with anyone before but this was almost like playing out his dreams. As they duelled tongues, he noticed Terry began stroking his cock.

He broke the kiss and whispered, "I want you to do the same to me, fuck my mouth and cum in me."

Terry said nothing but as soon as Tom took him in his mouth, he put his hand on the back of his head and began humping so hard that he could hardly breathe.

Just before he came, he pulled out his cock and began wanking furiously. His first globs of cum came over Toms' face till he fought away his hand and took the still erupting dick back into his mouth.

After he had finished, he was left shaking and he leaned heavily against Tom. Finally, he opened his eyes and saw the cum on his face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"Why sorry? I love cum all over my face and for breakfast, nothing better in the whole world."

Terry slowly broke into a grin.

"I'll try and remember that."

Tom gave him a hard smack on his ass cheek.

"Now if you want to get back to London, you better get your skates on."

In a second it was all over and they were cleaning up and getting dressed.

Over cereal, Tom thought to try him out on something.

"So, next time you stay over in Alan's room, will you be joining him for a wank?"

He shook his head "No, not me."

"I thought you might be turned on to the idea now."

"Yes, but not with people I am working with. If Alan said something, even by accident to some of the others, I would die."

"So if not with Alan, what are you going to do, keep it for when you are alone in your room?"

Terry thought about it and began laughing.

"What?" asked Tom.

"Well, you've plenty more photographs to take of me, haven't you?"

As they drove to the station, Terry talked about Andrew.

"Andrew wanted to come up with us this weekend but Alan said better not."

"Why did he say that?"

"He thought you might not like three of us descending on you, besides you couldn't be taking pictures of Andrew if you were doing mine, could you?"

"I don't mind, it's a nice change for me to have people in the house."

"You'll like Andrew, he's really good-looking," said Terry almost as an afterthought.

"You are all good looking."

Terry dismissed the comment.

"No, I mean he's really good looking is Andrew. He came third in the New Man competition run by a cosmetics company last year."

"Oh, that's not bad, third best looking in Britain."

"No, he came first in the UK, he came third in Paris for the European final. That's why Dawson's took him on."

"Okay, so he must be if he is in the top three for all of Europe, but you and Alan are hardly ugly ducklings."

"You'll like him," assured Terry. Then he began to laugh.

"What you laughing about now?"

"He's like Alan when I stay in his room, he always has a wank."

"Yes, well like I said, every guy likes a wank."

He laughed some more. "But he does it whether I'm asleep or not, he doesn't care at all. Says if I don't like it I can go back to my own room. But if I am staying, he'll wank whenever he feels like. So like it or lump it."

"Very sensible," said Tom, wondering what this guy would be like.

"But if I bring him, I'll sleep in the spare room and he can share with you."

"Why wouldn't you want to share all together?"

"I know you, and I know him. Better I'm out of it," he laughed. "I'll keep my time for dropping by when I'm alone. Don't want anyone to say things about me!"

Tom shook his head, not quite believing.

"Here we are, the station is across there," he pointed.

"Okay, thanks for everything" He paused for effect. "The pictures too," he laughed.

"Any idea when you will be back again?"

"Maybe next weekend. I know Andrew is off so far, but I think Alan is working. I'll give you a call and let you know."

"Okay, fine. Be good."

He got out of the car and Tom watched him walk across the road, realising once again what a fine looking guy he was.

A car honked behind, making him drop his thoughts and set off for work.

Once on the way, his mind played over what had happened and what might be.

"Well, well, well!" he said to himself "Just when he had become a bit depressed with the idea of Alan leaving, things had turned on their head. Alan would still be dropping by and now there was Terry. Further down the road there might be Andrew and a Michael and perhaps others. It was going to be busy and varied; it hadn't been this good since he was a teenager. Plus to top it all off there may be a bit of pocket money to be earned. Well I never! All from a walk in the park. Who'd `av thought it?"


After a Walk in the Park - 9 and a bit more.

It was a few weeks later when he received a call from Alan, who was so excited he could hardly get his words out.

"You are not going to believe this."

"What am I not going to believe," answered Tom hesitantly, wondering where it might be going.

"I'm going to be on TV!"

There was a silence that Tom had to end. "Tell us then, don't keep it to yourself."

"I was chosen by an agency to be in a TV advert for Mountain Brew coffee, and then do another for Old Mill Cereals. Both TV and print, so I will be in newspapers and magazines!" Once started, he had to get it all out. "We start next week and the campaigns begin in about month, so you will be seeing me pretty often, at least on the box. Mind, I am supposed to be around 15 in the coffee one and around 18 in the cereals."

Tom congratulated him while trying to imagine him doing some acting. "Do you have any speaking parts, because I think you are going to have to drop your northern accent," he laughed.

"I'm working on it, been told about it already." And to prove his point launched into innocuous Middle English.

"How you do that?" asked Tom, quite surprised.

"I dunno, just listen to people down here and I can pick it up quickly. I have to; some of them couldn't understand a word I was saying." He laughed loudly.

"I can imagine that, but it's great you can pick up other accents."

"I can do others; there are people here from everywhere. So I listen to them a while and then I can take them off. Makes everyone laugh."

"Any idea when you will be back for a visit?"

"No, not yet, I'm going to be really busy for the next month at least."

Tom was a touch depressed when the call ended knowing he would not see him for a while. Even the thought of Terry dropping by didn't change that.

Towards the end of the month, Alan phoned him to say the coffee campaign would start the following Wednesday, starting after the early evening news. That week a colleague was going on holiday and Tom had to take over some of his clients. He phoned Tom to say he was running really late and would he mind meeting him halfway to hand over his stuff. He chose a pub on the far side of town which they both knew the location.

While it was not on the estate where Alan lived it was very close, though he didn't realise till he actually got there. He knew his workmate might be late because he was driving back from Lancaster so that might entail lots of holdups.

There were few in the pub, being very early evening. He ordered a soft drink and stood so he could watch the TV, as were two couples. He watched the news and had completely forgotten about Alan's debut so when it began to air he was quite shocked to see him, still very recognisable in a school uniform. The wife of the family sending off her husband to work and then waving goodbye to the kids going to school before sitting down to have some time to herself with a cup of coffee.

One of the women in the group who had been watching gave a little shriek which made many of the customers turn to look. She turned around and grabbed her husband.

"Look, look, that's Margaret's lad on the TV!" She was almost shouting.

"How many have you had?" admonished the husband, "don't be so daft, it might look like him but it can't be him, can it?"

"I know him when I see him, served him school dinners for years."

But the husband was having none of it. "Didn't he get sent down with his mates for trying to rob that off-license?"

"I never read his name in the paper when they had the court case. But I've not seen him for ages. Mind Margaret has never said anything."

The woman in the other couple chipped in, "Wasn't he working at Standevens?"

"He never started said the other man, just phoned up and said he wouldn't be coming to work. Maybe he had been told he was going to prison. Margaret wouldn't say anything would she, be too embarrassed for that to happen to her kid."

The woman let her husband be and went back to giving half an eye to the TV again. Sure enough fifteen minutes later the adverts were back and Mountain Brew was on again. The woman grabbed her husband nearly knocking the drink out of his hand and pulled him to the TV.

"Look, it's him, it's really him."

The husband stood quietly till it ended. "Can't be, looks like him yes, but what would he be doing on the telly?"

The woman put her drink down. "I'm phoning Margaret, she'll be working down at the club now."

Tom sipped his drink, watching her talking on the bar phone for a while before coming back to her husband. Tom took a step closer to them wanting to hear how it played out.

"So?" asked the husband. "She didn't know what I was talking about," said the woman deflated.

It was true; Margaret would not have seen it although he had passed on the news to her when he stopped by to say hello. Knowing her a little bit now, he presumed she wouldn't know how to handle the attention and it would make her nervous and defensive.

Tom was more than happy, the advert was a good one and Alan was not wooden at all and played his part as naturally as could be.

He called on Friday afternoon. "Are you in tonight, can you pick me up at the station at 6? I am going to Edinburgh for a shoot Saturday morning and I can get a couple of hours with you and me mam before catching the last train."

"Your place first," he instructed getting in the car.

Funnily enough, he didn't make much small talk on the way to his house. But once inside and the door shut, he physically grabbed Tom. "Upstairs quick, it's been ages and I'm dying for it." Not waiting for an answer he pulled him along towards the stairs.

"OK, OK, I get the message. You're a maniac and I'm here to serve!"

"And so?" he grinned.

He was indeed dying for it and they had almost an hour before he checked the clock. "Quick, shower and up to me mams."

Tom was at the door while Alan got his bag out of the car boot.

"Come on in Tom, nice to see you again."

They were in the kitchen when Alan came in loudly.

"Mam, I'm home!" he emphasised. "Oh my goodness, just look at you!"

She went towards him and they hugged. Then she pushed him away to arm's length.

"What have you done, you look so different. I hardly recognise you! Then she grabbed him again and gave him another hug.

She was right; he had had what is called a makeover. Haircut in a different style with some subtle highlights and his clothes were expensive casual. No more jeans, he wore pants that really fit well. He really did look good.

"Here mam, I got you a phone," he said giving her the box.

"Phone, what do I want with one, what you wasting your money on me for?"

"So I can call and talk to you every week, or whenever we feel like it, OK?"

"You shouldn't have. But you will have to show me how it works and everything." It was another excuse to give him hug. He was beaming.

She put the kettle on for tea and glancing out the window she gave a loud tut. Nosy Barbara from across is coming. She will have seen the car pull up and she will be wanting to know who's my visitor, nosy old cow."

"Her from across?" asked Alan grinning.

Before his mom could say anything more there was a knock at the front door and Tom could hear it open and then close.

"Hello Margaret, it's only me," she called out from the hallway.

As she came into the kitchen, she stopped and looked surprised.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company, I only stopped by for a little chat."

"Barbara this is my friend Tom."

"Please to meet you," he said.

Suddenly Alan got up from the chair.

"And I am Alan, pleased to meet you, madame."

Her face was screwed up as she stared at him. "Pleased to meet you," she said slowly. The thing was, Alan had put on a perfect French accent.

"Silly sod, that's our Alan," said his mom as she tried to cuff him on the shoulder.

"Alan?" she said again, looking really bewildered. "I haven't seen you around for ages and I thought...." She stopped dead, the rest unsaid but still left hanging in the air.

Margaret put on a stern face as if going to say something bad.

Alan just continued as before.

"It is true, but as you see, I am back. You have not seen me because I was in France. You know France Madam Barbara? I study with the Sorbonne. It is a university in Paris. But I am now here."

Barbara looked back and forth unable to make head or tail of the situation. In a panic, she stood up and began leaving.

"Oh, sorry I just remembered I left dinner on the cooker and it'll be spoilt if I don't get back."

"Au revoir madam Barbara." Alan called after her.

With that, she was off. Margaret looked out the window.

"My god, she's running for all she's worth. God knows what the gossip will be tomorrow around here."

When she turned back, she was laughing.

"Silly sod, I don't think she knew it was you." She reached for Alan and ruffled up his hair.

We spent another hour with her and then Alan said we had to move.

"Five o clock in the morning we start mam. That means I'll be up by 4. Doing a shoot at Edinburgh Castle before all the tourists arrive, which means we have to do it really early. The train gets in around midnight so I'll hardly get any sleep."

"Where you going to stay?" asked Margaret.

"There is a hotel booked. We'll do the shoot and then I will be back to the hotel for a sleep before catching the evening train back to London."

"Hotel!" echoed Margaret impressed.


"Can we stop at your place on the way to the station?"

"Only if you want to miss your train."

He curled his lip. "We have half an hour, that's enough time!"

They got through the front door when Alan suddenly grabbed Tom and pushed him back against it.

"Shouldn't take more than a few minutes but I'm not going till I get something to remember you by."

He was grinning as he went down on his knees and opened the front of Tom's jeans. Like a starving man, he went at sucking the life out of his dick. And he was right, in only a couple of minutes, Tom gave him wanted he wanted. Licking his lips and looking pleased with himself he stood up.

"We missed it earlier, but I can't go back without."

"And me," said Tom and he reversed the situation and pushed him back against the door this time. He hoped it would stretch to fill the available time they had left, but Alan was hot and came just as quickly.

"I'll be able to taste you half way to London", laughed Alan as they drove to the station.

"You are a bit nuts, you know that?"

"And so? I know you like a bit nuts."

"I certainly do, I don't think I could live with you being all normal."

He pulled into a parking space and they ran through a few things, like Alan almost forgetting to let him know Terry and Andrew said they would be coming to see him tomorrow!

Just before getting out of the car, he leant over and gave him a kiss while grabbing his crotch.

"Next time, it has to be longer, I can't stand this quick stuff."

He grinned and then he was off into the station. Tom sat in the car watching him go. That was the first time he had given him a kiss, and in semi-public too with people walking past the car. The lad had changed. London was doing him a lot of good.

He drove home in a happy mood. Alan had lifted his spirits no end. And he would have visitors tomorrow too, another bit of pocket money by the sound of it. He wondered what Andrew would be like. He already knew he was a bit of a wanker, but in the best way possible! Tomorrow he might find out more. Smiling to himself, he locked up and went up to bed.

The End

Hope you enjoyed reading this tale and if you have any comments let me know -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

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