A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Feb 8, 2018


A Walk in the Park, What Happened After? 5

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by John - bokjay123@hotmail.com

Tom had been to quite a few job interviews, but preparing for the one Alan was going to make him much more nervous. He felt a real responsibility for having started this off and now he had someone to look after and guide in the right direction.

He pulled into the cul-de-sac where Alan lived just before half-past four. At the house, his mother was already home and waiting. Alan was flitting about wondering if he had remembered everything and his mother was repeatedly going over what he should be taking. They were both as nervous as Tom.

"I will leave my car at the station in a long-term car park," he explained.

"What time will you be back?" asked his mother.

"Late Sunday afternoon or evening, not exactly sure what the timetable is," replied Tom.

"Well have a good journey." She turned to Alan and gave him a hug. "I'll be thinking of you, keeping my fingers crossed. Now behave and do what Mr Jenkins says."

"I'll be alright mam, promise."

The train journey was only the second Alan had ever taken, and he was thrilled. The way they brought around drinks, "Just like on a plane."

Tom had to smile to himself many times, fielding Alan's innocent questions. One time to distract him, he asked Alan quietly

"How's your bum today?"

He could tell the change of subject shocked him a little, but then he pulled himself together and fired back.

"Don't get talking about that, you'll give me a hard-on and I might cum in me pants."

Unfortunately, his voice was just a little louder than it should have been and one of the passengers opposite lowered his newspaper and glanced over the top. Tom gave Alan a dig in the ribs, which he immediately returned.

In London, they checked into a small hotel, which Tom used for work quite often. The receptionist recognised him and asked if he had brought his son this time. He didn't quite feel up to correcting her.

However, Alan became very disappointed went they went to bed and Tom put his foot down very firmly against any kind of sex.

"You have to be at your best tomorrow, so forget any of those ideas!"

But he settled for a cuddle before sleeping, conscious at the hard on that was burning into the side of his thigh. In the morning he remembered to rough up the other bed as though it had been slept in.

The venue was a conference room of a major hotel. They checked in with the Remington people and obtained a number in the queue for the audition. A few enquiries revealed that he would be waiting around three hours before his turn came up, so he decided to leave Alan there and go off for the appointment at Dawson's model agency.

At Dawson's he was shown into the office of a Mrs Fairbourne who turned out to be a mature lady of obvious efficiency. As she explained things to Tom, he gradually began to despair.

"Of course, so many people would like to join us that we can only accept the very best. In fact, we are only taking new people on a replacement basis we are so full. It would have to be someone very exceptional to have us add to our roster."

"When do you decide whether to take new people?" Tom ventured.

"We have a meeting once a month with all our placement people," she replied, going through Alan's portfolio.

By the way she was talking Alan did not quite measure up to `exceptional', so he was beginning to think of making contact with some other agencies that Jimmy had mentioned.

Thinking it was the end of the appointment, he began to gather his things together when at the last moment she let go a bombshell.

"But Mr Jenkins, if you succeeded in obtaining a contract with Remington, then I can tell you our acceptance would be a foregone conclusion. Remington is a very good company; we have a few people with them already. Their contracts are excellent, so we can place people with other assignments outside their schedules with just about anyone, the only proviso Remington make is that it's not with any kind of competition or ethical clash. It is very good arrangement for our people."

Tom was not sure he was hearing right after all the put-downs.

"So if they offer him a contract, you will take him?"

"Of course, we would be delighted to have anyone with a Remington contract on our books."

Now it was all down to the audition. He caught the underground back to the vicinity of the hotel and hurried to the venue.

He found Alan almost dozing off in a chair.

"You okay?"

"Fine, just a bit boring hanging about waiting. I was watching what they were doing for a while, seems easy to me. Not as complicated or exact as what you had me get up to," he grinned.

"I think that's because they have so many to get through. They are just sorting the `wheat from the chaff' today.

He was telling him the good news on the agency when a chap with a clipboard came up to them.

"Good afternoon, you are number one hundred and twelve, we will be ready for you in fifteen minutes. Ah yes, Mr Tom Jenkins and Alan Greenwood, I'm James Buckley, I believe we have a mutual friend in Jimmy Blackwood?"

"Good to meet you James, Jimmy told me he had been in contact with you."

"Yes, the pictures Jimmy sent me were most impressive. Our enrolment was actually closed but on seeing those, I had them include young Alan here for today."

"Thank you very much."

"Don't mention it, now Alan if you would go off and make yourself known to the Set Director over there, his name is Stuart. Tom would you be having a business card on you, I am sometimes asked for a high-quality photographer in the north of England, we might be able to direct someone towards you."

For the next quarter of an hour, they discussed work and various things till James decided to tick a few more boxes on his check sheet.

"How long has he been modelling?"

"Only for a couple of weeks, just for me. Is that a problem?"

"I don't think so, but I have to ask just so there has been no overexposure to say, a rival firm, that kind of thing."

They glanced at the set where some quite beautiful young woman was in obvious difficulties.

"We hate these auditions" James confided. "This is what it mostly comprises of, beautiful people who are incapable of following instructions."

The girl was pulling the most awful plastic smile you could imagine and just would not relax. To make matters worse, a woman, presumably her mother, was also giving instructions over the top of the set director.

Then Alan came on, the director told him to relax on a sofa, and the cameras clicked away, then stand up and walk to and fro across the set.

"I wish they were all like your young man, life would be a whole lot easier for everyone. Most professional! I have already shortlisted him for tomorrow, by the way, so we will be seeing you again, must rush now."

Tom felt elated. Already through to the final round.

The following day was more of the same. Only for the selected candidates instead of being photographed in what they stood up in, they had a rudimentary going over with a makeup artist and a hairdresser. But most importantly, they had to wear a selection of clothes from the Go Now range.

Alan rotated with other contenders changing clothes and then back on the set again. While this was going on Tom studied the technical side. They had a very expensive digital camera side by side with an equally expensive large format film camera. In addition, there was a video filming everything. Big money and big equipment!

At the end, they were ushered through to the dining room where they found a superb spread of food and drink. James from Remington and the Account manager from their advertising agency gave a little speech and thanked them all for coming and the work accomplished.

Tom received a further surprise in that all those who were shortlisted for the second day were presented with £80 for expenses. The only downside was that only fifteen out of the thirty candidates would be hired. To find out if Alan had made it would require another week of waiting.

Once over, the train journey back was a quiet one. Both Tom and Alan dozed most of the way, mentally exhausted from the strain and tension.

Only when they were driving back home from the station did Alan perk up.

"You're not going to drop me straight home are you?"

"Well, I thought you were tired and your mom will be waiting."

"No, I want to go back to your place first," he said emphatically. "Well, if you do that is?"

As Tom unpacked their stuff, Alan decided to get to know the kitchen and make some coffee.

"Can I take a shower?" asked Alan, "I feel I need to wake up after that journey."

"Sure, help yourself."

He disappeared and Tom sat down to enjoy the coffee and unwind.

He was still holding the cup when Alan came downstairs finished, wearing only his briefs.

"You not having one?"

"Well I was thinking of one before I sleep but probably I'd feel better with one now." His eye caught on Alan's seemingly comfortable attitude with the lack of attire and the way his briefs were not pulled on fully but were loosely hanging like a curtain from his cock.

Having showered he went to his bedroom for clean clothes only to find Alan in bed and his coffee on the bedside table waiting for him. He grinned at Tom's surprise.

"I hope this is where you were going to go after your shower."

"Now you mention it, can't think of a better place." he said sliding under the sheets.

He sipped at the remaining coffee and Alan leant into his side.

"Thanks for everything this weekend. It's been an amazing experience. Going on that train and then staying in a posh hotel and all those people at the audition. I didn't know what to expect but it was incredible. Thanks for making it possible." He hugged Tom.

"I've enjoyed it too. I was nervous, I can tell you, but it all went right. Trouble is we still have to wait to see if you have been successful or not."

"Even if I don't make it, I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"What about your mom, would she be disappointed?"

"Well for a start, she hasn't told a soul about me, she says they'll all laugh if it comes to nowt, and she doesn't want that! And really, she can't believe anyone would have me, not that she doesn't love me. But somehow I don't think she understands anything about it."

"I suppose it's not the most obvious profession on the Park Estate is it?"

Alan laughed out loud. "Got that right, didn't you!"

Tom finished his coffee and put down the cup. No sooner had it touched the table than Alan slid over him.

"About time, you've taken ages to finish that, now its time for some fun."

Before Tom could say a word, he slid down the bed and he felt a warm wet mouth take his soft cock to nurse. ............

They drove across town later that evening.

"How's your bum?" asked Tom

Alan laughed. "It's bigger than an hour ago I can tell you. But it's getting used to it and worse for you, getting to like it more and more." He poked him in the side.

"Don't!" Tom pleaded. "I'm driving!" ..........

"Mam, I'm home!" Alan shouted going through the front door.

Tom followed him in and found her sat at the kitchen table.

She got up to put the kettle on. "You'll be staying for some tea, Mr. Jenkins?"

"Call me Tom."

She smiled, "I were forgetting."

"Mam, it were fantastic," started Alan, unable to keep quiet any longer.

"All them cameras, and lights and people making a movie. Felt like I was a film star or summat."

She gave him a withering look "You? Never."

Tom could see it was her kind of humour and Alan was well used to it.

"And Mam, look at all these clothes. And they paid £80 expenses"

" £80?" She sounded really indignant. "Do you know how long I have to work to get £80? No, I don't suppose you would. And you've spent it on clothes already!" she added crossly.

Her fingers ran over the jumpers and shirts that Alan was pulling out of his bag.

"No mam, calm down."

But she wouldn't. "I hope you made it straight with Mr Jenkins, I mean Tom, for the train fare and everything.

"Mam, calm down and sit down will you."

Tom was feeling like he better go.

"I already give Tom some of the money for the train and hotel, so don't worry. And here's £40 for you mam, me first wage." he grinned. "Oh, and them clothes were all free. They give us everything that we had to wear for the pictures. So, you can stop getting at me and drink your tea."

She looked at Tom for assurance and he nodded back it was so.

Realising that she had overdone it, she looked vulnerable for a few moments. But she soon regained her composure.

She tutted loudly. "All that money and clothes too, take me weeks to earn enough to buy you them and you get them for prancing around in London for two days. The worlds not fair!"

Alan was grinning now she had returned to her kind of normal.

"What now, where does all this leave you?" she asked.

"We have to wait for their decision, which may be around a week." Answered Tom for him. "If he gets the job, then an agency has said it will take him on. Whenever he is not working for Remington, the agency will find work for him. But as I said, we have to wait and see if they make him an offer."

"And if they say yes, then he'll be going to London?"

"Yes, he will live in the agencies accommodation."

Tom saw her bite her lip.

"But I'd be worried about him being on his own down there, I'm worried when he's on his own in this house."

"The agency specialises in younger models, they look after assignments for children as young as six or seven. They are very strict too. Like they are not allowed out by themselves and everyone has to be in by ten at night."

"What, you never told me that!" said Alan

"Sounds like it might be alright then. He needs a bit of discipline if you ask me."

"Mam!" he wailed.

"I can tell you, he will be glad to get to bed early when he is working, especially with outside work he will have to be on the job at six in a morning ready to start."

"You never told me that either," wailed Alan

Tom smiled "Its all part of the job, its hard work which I have told you often enough."

Soon Tom was saying goodbye and walking down the path to his car.

As he drove home, his mind went back to the day he took a walk in the woods. He thought they must be magical woods for the world had not been quite the same since.

A Walk in the Park, What Happened After? 6

On the Monday, Tom threw himself into work, partly as a distraction to the agonising wait the week had in store. In the evening he half expected a call from Alan, but none came which he thought was a little odd.

However, on Tuesday he received a call from DDS asking when they could make a delivery. Strange, he pondered. They said it would take a week so how could this delivery be so soon. Quite agitated he made arrangements for the courier to bring it to his office.

He signed for quite a large document package noting the consignee was Remington International. Taking it back to his desk he ripped it open and retrieved a whole sheaf of documents.

Dear Mr Alan Greenwood' it began. Remington International is pleased to tell you that through your audition for our next season range, you have been chosen to join the Remington Go Now family. Congratulations!'

Tom was astounded and checked again the despatch date. It was yesterday afternoon, so they must have decided immediately that they wanted Alan on the Monday morning. So fast! The papers continued with a formal offer and contract. Many of the papers required signatures and return. His mind began to race. He would have to go see Alan and his mother. Also, as soon as the contract was signed, send off a copy to Dawson's.

When he arrived home, he sat down to read everything in detail. It certainly sounded a good offer and like Dawson's had said, it was an open contract so that he could work outside their timetable with others. Putting it aside he decided to make himself dinner when the phone rang. He had a good idea that it would be Alan.

Immediately he sensed Alan was feeling down and asked if everything was okay.

"I went round to Standevens yesterday, which is when I was supposed to start. But this geezer said they didn't want me to begin halfway through the month, so wait until the first of next month. Said it made their books easier or something. So no job, back to sitting at home bored out of me tree."

"Why don't you tell them to screw their job?" he said to wind him up.

"How can I do that, we don't know if them lot in London are going to want me or not yet, it'll be best part of a week and more before we hear, I bet."

"Oh go on, tell them to screw their sweeping up." Tom was trying to keep his voice even.

"How can I?" he wailed. "That'd be daft blowing them off if nowt comes a other."

"Do it!" said Tom.

"I cant," wailed Alan once more. Then he stopped short.

"Do you know summat I don't like?" he queried carefully.

"Do I know something? I know you should blow them off."

"Why, what's happened? Come on be straight, have you got summat to tell me?" His voice took on an edge of excitement.


"What? Have you heard already?" His tone was climbing the scale.

"Yes, I've heard," he said, barely able to contain himself.


"I told you already, how many times I have to say, tell Standevens you found another job!"

The line went silent making Tom wonder if it had cut or his money had run out.

"Alan, are you there?"

"I got the job?"

Tom began to laugh, "Yes you got the job. Well done Alan."

"I got it, I got the job," he could hear him shouting. Then he heard him sobbing.

"I'm really going to London. I really am!"

It took a while for him to calm down.

"Now look Alan, there are lots of things to sign, so I need to meet with you and your mother to go through it."

"She won't be home till late"

"I know, and this can't be discussed after she's just finished work. Can we all meet tomorrow sometime, sometime early and go through everything carefully."

"I'll ask her tonight and then give you a call."

"Alright. I'll wait for you to let me know."


"But Tom, I don't understand these things. If you say they are alright, then I'll go along with what you decide" said Margaret.

"It's a very straightforward and fair contract, good terms for Alan. I recommend that you sign at all the places marked and I will return a copy to them tomorrow."

"There's only one thing Tom," she added. "Our Alan don't know his arm from his elbow and I can't sort out any papers. Would you look after everything for us, you know, decide what he should do when things come up."

"That would be a manager. I would need some kind of power of attorney making to give me that right. Not that I would want anything for it, certainly not at this stage. But it has to be legal or it won't count for anything."

"Well can you sort it out?" she asked.

"Certainly, if that's what you want."

"I think it for the best, you know about this stuff he's getting himself into, I don't have a clue."

They had two weeks to sort out everything, he would go to London on the last day of the month, starting with Remington and the Dawson agency on the first, the same day he had been due to begin work for Standevens, as a cleaner and loader.


Alan carried out his bags to the car. Margaret was stood in the doorway. As he passed with the last bag she grabbed his arm and squeezed.

"Look after my boy won't you Tom. I know you think I go on at him, but he's the only thing I've got. Now me boys leaving home." She began to sob and rushed back to the kitchen. With a lump in his throat, he carried the bag to the car.

"I think you better go see your mom, she's all upset."

He was gone a good ten minutes. As he slid into the car he could see he had been crying too. Without a word, he put the car into gear and slowly began to move off. From the living room window, his mom waved, too upset to come out to the car. Alan waved back frantically till out of view.

"She'll be alright," he said trying to reassure himself. "First thing I do when I earn some money is to buy a phone for her, so I can give her a call. She'd like that."

They drove for a while in silence.

"What times the train?"

"Five thirty."

"Have we got time to go to your place?"

"Alan, you're a maniac. A good idea but we really don't have the time."

They checked into the same hotel. Alan hadn't let his appetite wane and was pulling Tom's clothes off the minute their bags were put down. This time Tom went along wholeheartedly and they spent the next few hours under the sheets.

For Tom, it was not a happy time. He had realised that the model he had created would now be going away. It would have been nice to have someone like Alan to see on a regular basis, but liking the lad meant doing his best for him. Ironically doing his best meant that he would not see him so often. In fact at the back of his mind nagged the idea that once he was settled and had found friends in the business and in London, he would rarely see him if ever. There was Alan, all hyper about what he was going to do and deep inside he was feeling quite sad.

Knowing he was going to London, he had a word with his boss and pulled forward visits to his London clients so that he would be able to spend three days there, time enough to see Alan settled in.

Although he didn't say so in so many words, Alan too knew he would not be seeing much of Tom. As if to grab as much as humanly possible, he demanded sex time and again. Even with Tom well spent, Alan continued to try and raise him for a last effort.

"Alan, you have to sleep. Tomorrow is your new job."

"I know but please, just do me one last time."

And so it went on into the early hours.

Dawson's made quite a fuss of him when they arrived. Mrs Fairbourne gave him a tour and introduced him around the offices and to some of his fellow models. His room was to be shared but the other guy was on an assignment for the week so it would be his alone for a while.

She made a big point of insisting Alan always checked in regularly with the girls who took appointments and made the travel arrangements. Already there was a timetable for Alan in the coming week. He had a meeting first at Remington where they would introduce the new models to the trade press. The next day was another photo session for Remington's advertising agency. The day after was free from them so Dawson's had two appointments. The first was with an agency doing a promotion for a carpet warehouse and then in the afternoon with the same agency for a hotels promotion.

With Alan now into his job in the daytime, Tom was out seeing his clients around the city. In the evening he would go to Dawson's and sign out Alan, have dinner and then back to the hotel.

They had had two rounds and Alan was already trying to get Tom to do a third.

"Alan, have you never thought of doing me?" asked Tom.

While quite happy with the way things were, in the past he had been in relationships where it was fairly equal with regards to fucking. Yet Alan had never even mentioned a word in that respect.

"I've thought about it. But I like what you are doing, and I never get around to thinking about it till we are all done. Do you want me too?"

"I would love it, yes. I won't be seeing you quite so often now and I really would like to feel you in me before I go back home."

"I've never done it before you know, not even with a girl."

"I don't think that will trouble you, you've done fine with everything else you've tried."

Alan laughed and moved to sit on his chest.

"Make me hard first" he begged, moving up to his face.

Tom sucked him and he stiffened immediately. So as not to bring him off with his mouth, he pushed him down his body and raised his knees.

"Just go slowly till you are in."

Alan did and soon his groin was mashing against Tom.

It had been years for Tom. Being such a long time, Alan felt enormous. Finally, this good-looking young man was inside him, thrusting away. Usually, it was difficult to stand up a third time, but he was soon hard and throbbing as Alan worked away.

He reached up and pulled Alan's head down to his and made to kiss him. But he pulled away and turned his head to one side.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm no good at that stuff," he said hoarsely.

"Why? How do you know when we have never tried?"

"I tried before with a girl at school and she said I was rubbish."

"Bollocks," laughed Tom and grabbed his head firmly with two hands and pulled him forcibly to his lips. He battled with Alan's mouth and probed inside.

Alan was frozen for quite a while but eventually began to relax. Then he timidly began to respond.

Tom pushed his face away. "You're a fantastic kisser. That girl was really crazy!"

"I am?"

"Of course you are, idiot!"

There was no stopping him after that. At last, Tom felt totally fulfilled. He would feel better leaving him now.

"You know what?" he gasped


"Kissing makes me horny, I'm going to cum any second."

No sooner had he said, his speed doubled and he began catching his breath.

"Now!" he groaned.

Tom felt what he had imagined for so long, this handsome stud filling him with his juice. The vision was too much and he joined with Alan in cumming.

"How did you like your first?" he asked as they were dressing, making ready to go back to the agency.

"It were good. I liked it really

"You sound like there was something not quite right."

Alan pulled a face. "You won't be mad if I tell you something?"

"Go ahead

He stood in front of Tom and kissed him, making him jump.

"Really, I like it better when you do me. I mean, I'll do it again if you want but if you're asking me, I like to feel you inside me better

He looked into Tom's eyes.

"You're not mad are you?"

Tom laughed. "No, I'm not mad. But I'm glad you tried all the same. I feel a lot better now. Don't worry though; I'll still be doing you till you are fed up of me."

Alan laughed. "That'll never happen!"


More to come later.

Hope you enjoyed that and if you have any comments let me know -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

Next: Chapter 5: A Walk in the Park II 7 8

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