A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Feb 6, 2018


A Walk in the Park, What happened after? 3

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by John - bokjay123@hotmail.com

It was with some trepidation that Tom called his friend Jimmy on Wednesday evening.

"Hi, Jimmy, Tom here. Did you receive my stuff?"

"Hi there. Tom you sly dog, where the hell did you find this little gem?"

"Out in the woods, literally!"

Tom knew immediately he would fancy Alan. Jimmy liked them young as well as lots of them. That had been one reason why their love relationship had cooled off many years ago, Jimmy just could not stop sampling anything cute that crossed his path. But the separation was okay and they had continued to be good friends ever since.

Jimmy had once done the catwalks and Tom had created many of the pictures in his portfolio. But inevitably time had made him that much less desirable, although even in middle age he was still an eye turner. But his time on the catwalks had put him in good stead for his present business. Clothes were his passion and he had two very upmarket boutiques in a nearby city. Although they were his passion, his fortune came from a much lower level of the industry. He distributed clothes to markets all over the north and beyond. For every Pierre Cardin suit, he sold two thousand pairs of jeans on the stalls.

"You really picked a winner with this one. Had him in bed yet?" he laughed.

"Strictly in it for the photography, I think he would punch you on the nose at the first mention of any hanky-panky. A bit of a rough one actually."

He really didn't want Jimmy to think there was anything more than business with Alan or else he just might be expecting to sample the goods if he could be of any help.

"One of those, eh? Well never mind, he's still a cracker. I sent the photographs on to a friend of mine in London who just might be interested. Big chap, big company so you can get feedback right from the top. I can't guess what he will say, but I think you have a winner there. Set friendly is he?"

"Couldn't wish for a better model. Not only a natural at posing he is really interested in the technical side too."

"Well if anything comes of it, you owe me. I wouldn't mind this lad showing off some of my stuff at a few local shows."

"I am sure he would repay the favour Jimmy"

"Well, I passed on your address so they will be contacting you directly. Remington International".


"Yes, James Buckley, Publicity Coordinating Director at Remington, he's an old friend of mine."

"Wow Jimmy, if this comes off then I will owe you big time. My god, Remington!"

"Sure thing Tom, nobody is bigger than them at the moment."

He put down the phone and stared at the wall. Shit, if Remington took him he would be straight in at the top. Suddenly he felt rather nervous at what he might have started.

On Monday and Tuesday he had been in the south of England so had not seen Alan for a few days. Probably for the best actually he thought, it was moving rather fast in the bedroom department. Whilst that was good it was not the main reason he was doing all this.

He wondered what he would say to him. He decided not to say too much, if nothing came of it then he would not feel let down. Of course, he would not have heard of Remington anyway.

He called that night.

"Been trying to get hold of you these last two nights."

"Sorry, but at work on Monday they sent me off down south for two days. Got back a short time ago actually."

"Have you heard from your friend yet?"

"Yes, just finished speaking with him in fact. He has sent the portfolio off to a friend of his in London. He thought you looked good, but couldn't say for sure if anything would come of it. We'll just have to wait a bit longer."

"Ah well, I wasn't expecting much anyway. Best not to get your hopes up, right?"

"Yes" agreed Tom.

"Can I come round later, if you're not too tired from your trip?"

Tom thought about it. "Perhaps it would be better tomorrow night. It was a long drive today and I need to get to the office early tomorrow too."

"Okay, tomorrow night then."

He could tell Alan sounded a little down but knew it was the best thing to do.

In the office and he filed the report on his visits to various customers the previous two days. Around mid-morning his phone went and it was Direct Delivery Services with a package for him. He told them he would be at home around 4-30 if they could deliver it then but he hadn't a clue as to what it could be.

Off and on for the rest of the day, he was wondering what he had ordered for this delivery but could think of nothing. Perhaps a free gift, if he should be so lucky! He would just have to wait.

Five minutes after arriving home and the doorbell announced the arrival of the liveried DDS man. He signed and took the package into the lounge.

He was curious, still wondering what warranted a courier delivery.

A shiver ran down his back and then he broke out in a sweat. Inside was a whole bunch of documents from Remington International. The covering letter said they had reviewed the portfolio and would be pleased if the party could take part in this year's audition for their Go-Now label models this coming weekend. As time would be short they requested a phone confirmation upon receipt.

He put down the file and stared at the fireplace.

"Oh my god," he said out loud. "Oh my god, oh my god. Oh, fuck!! I've done it, I've gone and done it!"

His brain ran amok, he couldn't think what he had to do first. London on Saturday, he had to call them in the morning first thing to confirm. But shit, he had to talk to Alan before that. Then, oh my god, he would have to talk with his mother and tell her. Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck!

It was the only thing he could say. He would have to go and see his mother and explain everything. Maybe Alan had said something already, but maybe not and it would come out of the blue that someone had been taking pictures of her boy. He began to tremble.

His turmoil was cut short by the phone.

"It's me. Thought I better call before I turn up like."

"Glad you did. Now listen Alan. I have a reply today and they want you to take part in the audition for the next season's model selection. But it's in London and it's this Saturday.

Alan? Alan? Are you still there?

"You're pulling my plonker aren't you?"

"No I'm not Alan, this is serious stuff now. Tell me, what have you told your mum about the pictures. I, or you, will have to get permission to go to London."

"Well I did tell her I had some pictures taken, and I have got a couple of them you give me up on me bedroom wall. She said they were nice. But now you're asking, I don't think she was really listing to me."

"Tomorrow I have to phone and confirm you will be there, so tonight you have to tell her. Do you want me to be there?"

"You'll have to, she won't believe me if I crossed me heart and hoped to die."

"Okay, so I will meet you where I usually drop you off, but tell me what time."

"About 10-30, she should be home by then. Tom?"


"I'm right nervous, I don't know what to say."

"You and me both Alan, you and me both. But I will come and bring the papers, there are a few things to sign. Don't worry I have some difficult customers to deal with, maybe your mom will be just one more."

At the other end of the phone, Alan sneered dismissively. "You don't know me mam, she's a killer!"

"We'll see, till 10-30 then?"

"Yeah, see ya."

"Hey Tom, does this mean I am really going to be a model or something?"


"Oh fuck," swore Alan as though it had just registered.

"Oh fuck indeed. See you later" and Tom put down the phone.

He thought about a plan and started by getting more pictures of Alan together so that she would see it was not just a couple of shots that had been taken. He felt she was sure to be impressed. Then he went over the papers to see if there was anything tucked away in the small print that he should be aware of, but they were just an official invitation together with a pass to enter the venue where it was being held.

Next, he rang Jimmy to tell him the news.

"What about an agency if he gets the job?" was Jimmy's first reaction. "Have you thought of one?"

"No I haven't, my mind has not got that far yet."

"Well he'll need one especially if he's based in London, you can't be looking after him sat up here."

"You're right, got anyone in mind?"

"You could try Dawson's, they specialise in kids and younger models, they are all set up for it, best there is in fact. If they won't take him I'll give you a few more contacts but try them first."

Tom had heard of them and knew they had a good reputation. He would call tomorrow and book an appointment for Saturday before the audition.

He drove up to the Park Estate with his stomach churning. He knew the feeling was purely because of what they had done in bed. If it hadn't been for that he could face her positively. He told himself to put that out of his mind, he was doing this for his own career and also to help Alan. If Alan got the job, then they would rarely see each other again. A twinge in his chest at that realisation added to the complication.

Alan jumped into the car breathlessly as he had nipped out from home and run down to the dropping off point.

"You go down here and then left, that's our house in the corner. What you gonna say?"

"I've not rehearsed Alan, so I can't tell you."


"Mam, this is Tom Jenkins I told you about. Come on in," he called out ushering Tom into the house.

They said hello to each other and sat down on a sofa that had seen better days.

"What has Alan told you, so I can fill you in on anything he has missed." Tom began.

"Well, to be honest, I thought it was a cock and bull story, so I didn't pay much attention," she stated rather bluntly.

"Ah mam, I told you about it, and you didn't believe me?"

"Well you tell me so much and most of it makes no sense," she scolded back.

"Would you like to look at these I've brought along for you?" He reached into his bag and brought out ten large-format photographs.

She picked them up and slowly went through them.

"This is you?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes, this is what I've been trying to tell you," he moaned.

"Your son is very photogenic and has the makings of a career in the model industry. Not only I think so, but based on these and other photographs, Remington International have invited him for their next season model audition.

"I've never heard of them," she said abruptly.

"No probably not, but you will have heard of Top Deck, Miss Julia, 3, 5 & 7, Go Now, Richards & Co.?"

"Yes I've heard of all of them, most of them are in town."

"They are in every town in the country and some of them in many other countries. They all belong to Remington International. They want Alan for the Go Now label, aimed at teenagers and young adults. I would take him down on Friday night and bring him back on Sunday."

She was silent for a few moments keeping them in suspense.

"I don't know what Alan has told you Mr. Jenkins, but I certainly don't have the money to be sending him off to London for a weekend I can tell you. I'm a single parent, if you know what one of them is, and doing two jobs for next to nothing. There's no money growing on trees in my garden I can tell you right now."

"I understand completely. This is not only for Alan's future but it would help my future too if he got the job. I will take care of the train fare and everything; there is no need to worry about anything like that. Not at all."

Quite suddenly she seemed to relax.

"So what will happen if he gets this here job?"

"On Saturday we will go and see an agency in London, who hopefully Alan would sign with. They would look after all the financial side, getting him to and from work and everything. Of course, they take a percentage of his money, but you can't work without them.

"So he'd be in London, but there would be someone to look out for him, wouldn't there? I can't let him go to the end of this road without worrying what he'll get up to, especially with his mates."

"Mam!" Alan shouted. "I'm not as bad as that."

"There's only you around here that thinks so," she shot back.

"I understand he is going to work at Standevens next week. I am sure if this job came off, he would do much better than he ever could at that place, from what I've heard of course."

"You heard right" she agreed. "Five years apprentice sweeping up yard and they'll promote him to sweeping up offices. But what is there to do around here? There's nowt, nowt at all!" She said bitterly.

"Exactly, that is why he has the chance of a lifetime with this offer. Mind, so far it's only a chance, there is no done deal until the audition is over and they will be checking out probably hundreds of candidates. But it's a chance he should take or it will be something to regret his whole life."

"You're right Mr. Jenkins. Do you mind if I call you Tom? You can call me Margaret if you like, seeing as how you will be taking care of this un."

She reached out to Alan who was standing close and gave him a sharp poke.

"Mam don't, you're showing me up, and I'm not a kid anymore."

"I'm your mam, I can do anything I like, remember that. And, your still my kid."

"How about a cup of tea Tom, sorry I should have offered before but this has all been a bit of a shock."

"That would be nice," he said, relaxing knowing the ice had been broken.

Over the tea she looked again at the pictures, discussing what the chances were and what they might expect from the job. Unfortunately, Tom could only give generalities as he had nothing more than the invitation so far. But she was swayed by the argument and gave her blessing. They shook hands and it was after midnight when he left to go back home.

"Four o' clock Friday Alan, be ready, we have a train to catch," he called from the car window before starting the engine.

Alan and his mom stood in the doorway and waved him off.

Tom, After a Walk in the Park 4

Tom didn't achieve much work on Thursday. His mind kept going back to the talk with Alan's mother and the forthcoming weekend. It affected him so much that one of his colleagues asked him if he was sick and did he want to go home. He said that he was a bit off colour and would leave early. It would give him time to call Jimmy and sort out agency names and people he might call when he was in London.

After his evening meal, he went into the studio to compile several sets of Alan's pictures. Dawson's would need one and perhaps Remington would ask for more copies or additional material.

It was only good fortune that he heard the doorbell, as he had closed the door into the house. It was Alan.

"Thought it was going to be tomorrow?" he smiled.

"I know, but I couldn't wait till then. Had to tell you me mam gave me the third degree after you left."

"She's not happy about it?" asked Tom concerned.

"It's not that, no, she was going on about being on my best behaviour with you, not doing anything stupid and to remember me manners. You know, all that kind of stuff. But she doesn't half go on!!"

"That's what mums are there for," laughed Tom.

"And I've got some questions too. Like what shall I wear to go to London, and what do you want me to wear to go to this `er interview."

"For me, just be clean, smart and casual."

"But what does that really mean, I don't know."

"Have you got jeans? A white shirt. A jacket that can be worn with them that doesn't look out of place?"

"Oh yer, I got them. If that's what you are talking about, then I'm right. Me mam says I need summat fo't train, and summat fo't interview and summat fer Sunday. I told her I'd be alright taking three pairs of underpants and wear same other stuff all time, but she says I'd better not try!" he laughed.

"You'll be okay; I don't think there is any need for ties or suits, that's all. Anything else will be fine."

"That's a relief," Alan sighed.

"What you doing now, getting stuff about me ready?"

"Yes, almost finished for now. I left work early today and my friend Jimmy gave me lots of information about people to contact if we need them. I feel better about it today, the rush had me all a dither yesterday."

"I could tell when you were talking with me mam, you were not same as before. I could tell you were nervous," he laughed.


After a few moments silence, Alan piped up again.

"Tom? Can I ask you summat."


"If all this comes to nowt, can we still be friends and me come around?"

"I hope so, why what were you thinking?"

"I know going to London is all a chance and stuff, but I would still like to be your friend no matter what happens this weekend. Do you understand?"

"No problem. I would be upset if you stopped coming to see me, I like taking pictures of you and I like your company, really!"

"Thanks," said Alan simply and began to grin.

"What?" said Tom puzzled by his sudden change of humour.

Alan said nothing but continued to grin and flash his eyes up to the ceiling.

"Can we, before I have to go back," he pleaded.

"You'll get me shot, you will. An incorrigible rascal is what you are."

"I'll never sleep tonight unless you make me tired. I'll be fit for nowt tomorrow if I don't get me 40 winks."

"That's a terrible argument" Tom laughed. "Get yourself upstairs then while I turn off the lights in here."

He was lying on the bed naked when Tom went up and looked asleep. But as soon as the door closed he leapt off the bed and began helping Tom undress.

"I'm starving for it, been five days if you hadn't noticed," joked Alan

"Do you know what a maniac is?"

"No, I haven't a clue, but I bet it's me, in't it?"


Without a word, they went straight into a sixty-nine. Tom realised he had missed this too. There was something about Alan that he couldn't get over, and having the best-looking cock he had ever seen was only part of it.

The mutual grunts and moans kept their moods synchronised so when the time came, they erupted within seconds of each other.

Alan turned around and pushed up the bed beside him.

"I love sucking your cock, but best bit is when you cum. I really love that."

"So now you know exactly why I like doing you!"

He pushed him onto his back and moved down his body. Alan could cum again very quickly so he could now play with him as he wished. He was ready, pulling up his legs so that Tom could move between them and began licking his balls.

"I like this too, the torture period," added Tom before he filled his mouth with those smooth soft-skinned fruits.

Alan groaned, revelling in what was being done to him. When Tom let his nuts slip from his lips, Alan was ready again lifting his hips off the bed so Tom could lick behind them. His tongue eventually brushed over his hole momentarily at first, and then in regular strokes. Tom could feel Alan's body quivering in reaction.

"Tom?" Alan's voice croaked. "Do what you did before, t'other day. You know. I love it when you play with me bum."

Tom moved from the bed and took the bottle of skin lotion from the bedside table. He reverted to his position, warming the liquid on his fingers first. Then gently he began tracing his forefinger around his hole till he felt Alan pushing back against it. He slipped in the tip and moved in a circular motion. The moans of pleasure egged him on to more. Alan couldn't keep his body still, pushing his bum back and forth, so Tom only had to keep his finger steady and let him spear himself at his own pace.

It slipped in and after a few moments, Tom added to Alan's movements with his own pushing. Judging the time once more he slowly withdrew his finger, feeling Alan fighting to keep it inside. Then he gently slipped one and then two fingers home. He pushed on till they were both fully inside as far as he could go and then applied pressure to separate them as he moved back and forth.

"You okay?"

"Don't stop," begged Alan.

Unlike before, this time he pushed in a third finger. Alan groaned more pleasurable sounds, arching his back away from the bed and then pushing hard against his hand.

"Oh shit Tom. You best suck me now or I'll blow all over bed"

He moved his mouth over the end of his dick, then pushing down so pubic hair was in his face. All the time he continued the steady rhythm of his fingers going in and out.

Massaging his prostate produced a massive amount of cum, even though Alan was thrashing about so much he nearly fell off the bed and the orgasm almost severed his fingers as he clamped down in ecstasy.

"When you play with me bum, I get a right funny feeling inside. Then me head starts spinning and I'm like, seeing stars. Thought me head was gonna come off then."

As Tom came up to lie beside him he turned away and pushed back to spoon into his body.

"Give us a cuddle will you, till me head stops spinning."

He took Tom's arm across his chest and held his hand, then squirmed his body tight up against his.

"Ah, this is nice" he murmured.

Tom liked it too, he had not felt so intimate before and especially that it came from Alan. He listened to him breathing and suddenly felt tired himself. All the tension of last night and today drained away as he held him.

He had only drifted off for half an hour, but something woke him. He glanced at Alan who looked contented, breathing deeply. Whilst sleeping he had fallen away from Alan's body so he rolled slightly back against him. Alan caught his breath and wriggled a little, pressing back.

He started thinking about the two of them, how exciting Alan still was to him and how he seemed to become more and more uninhibited each time they met. Now it was Alan leading the chase. He had never met anyone who seemed to get so turned on by touching his bum, whether it was just stroking his hands over his cheeks, licking up behind his balls or now, finger frigging.

Alan moved a little, pushing back hard against him a few times. Although he appeared to be sleeping his body began to move here and there making Tom think he was about to wake up. He pushed his bum against him and began the slightest of rocking. He realised at this movement that his dick was rock hard after the daydreaming he had just been doing. The small movement of Alan's bum was tickling the end of his dick.

Alan took a long deep breath and mumbled something. At the same time, he pressed his body tight against Tom and continued to rock his hips back and forth. Tom imagined the lotion still in the crease of his arse, plus probably a bit of leftover cum that would have leaked out of his dick since Alan sucked him off. The sensation felt warm and slippery and very, very nice. He had never entertained any thoughts of fucking Alan. Sucking him was an amazing experience and gave him full satisfaction. Yet Alan loved all the attention to his bum, which was something he had rarely given to anyone else.

Instead of letting Alan's rocking movement be absorbed by his body, he wondered, what would happen if he held himself rigid?

Now he could feel his cock jabbing Alan each time he moved. He wouldn't ever try to fuck him, but what if.....

Alan didn't stop, his movements were as regular as a pendulum of a long case clock although much quicker. Tom thought the jabbing of his cock must if anything, wake him up soon. True he did begin to fidget but at each time, he pressed back tightly against Tom as if wanting some subconscious reassurance that he was still there.

He gave a little murmur again and this time pressed his bum back really firmly as if he was trying to push Tom away, maybe like claustrophobia. But it was nothing more than a slight re-adjustment of his position. He wet his lips, murmuring again in sleep, and grasped Tom's hand tighter against his chest.

Tom noticed a change in his movements. Instead of just rocking back and forth, his bum cheeks began were clenching at the end of each thrust. He could feel the pressure on his cock, squeezing the head every so slightly. A hot flush ran through his body as he imagined the end of his cock being massaged and gently pummelled by Alan's arse cheeks.

His imagination again fired up as he wondered if he could really feel a hot spot with the end of his dick. Was it pushing against his hole or was that wishful thinking.

Alan began to move, pushing out his lower arm in a stretch. Slowly he turned his head back towards Tom, bleary-eyed. His body weight fell against Tom as he twisted.

Tom definitely felt something hot and tight around the end of his dick.

Alan gave a momentary pause to his turn and said

"I fell asleep," as if it was a surprise.

He stretched his body once more, arching his body and pressing hard against Tom. At the same time, he pushed out his bum even more.

Tom knew what it was immediately. A hot surge ran from his dick and up through his body.

Alan turned back to lie on the pillow, continuing to push his bum back and forth.

"I love this, being here, sleeping with you."

Tom could feel the arse cheeks squeezing and then pushing back as if questioning what was parking there. Alan gave a long sensuous groan and turned his face into the pillow.

"Love you playing with my bum, makes me so horny."

He pushed back hard playfully and Tom felt his dick being carried into his hot channel at least an inch.

"That nice!" Alan said, lazily lifting his head out of the pillow and rocked his bum again.

Once more it slid a little further in. Tom reckoned he must have about two inches in there, but with his continued rocking that was increasing a fraction each time. Still half asleep he had to admit that Alan probably had no idea what was actually happening, probably thought in some way he was using his hand although that would have been quite impossible in the position they were in.

"It feels different from the last time," he said again after a minute or so.

"Is it nice?" asked Tom

"Oh yes, very nice," he replied languidly.

"I'm not doing anything; you are doing all the work moving against me."

Slowly the words began to sink in and moments later he started moving a little faster. Also, he slightly moved his position more or less fidgeting his bum against Tom's groin.

"Whatever, it's really nice," he murmured.

Half a minute later and he began to speed up. Little groans and moans escaped, usually accompanied by a heave of his body against Tom's.

Tom was enjoying himself no less. His imagination told him that now there must be four inches inside. His cock was in a furnace, sliding smoothly back and forth. A second cum now seemed to be an easy achievement and it was not going to be so far off.

As Alan began to get really worked up, his movements became less rhythmical, more jumpy and jerky. Each sensation that brought an Ooh! or an Ah!, sent him backing into Tom harder and harder, bringing ever more catches in his breath

"I'm cumming," shouted Tom, surprising himself.

As he started sending waves of his juice into Alan, he let out a startled "Oh!!" Then he grabbed his dick and began furiously wanking himself, all the time ramming himself back into Tom.

As he began to cum, Alan twisted around so that he would not stain the bed sheets and in the process made Tom howl as he yanked his dick. Tom in a flash swept an arm under his thighs and lifted him slightly so that he was half on top of him. Oblivious, Alan continued wanking away till he was fully spent. Having finished, his body just seemed to melt onto Tom, as every muscle collapsed after the orgasm.

Tom held onto him for a while.

"You sounded like you enjoyed that," he said softly into his ear.

"Is me head still on?" answered Alan. "That was amazing, talk about going to heaven."

Tom eased him back to the side and let his dick slowly exit. Alan lay still for a while continuing his recovery.

"Tom?" he said slowly as he did when there was something bothering him.

"What we just did now. Was that a fuck?"

It made Tom raise his eyebrows.

"Yes, any problem?"

"I didn't know, well I was not sure like. It was only when I felt you cumming inside me that it made me think. I didn't know you had your dick in there at all."

"What did you think?"

"I dunno," he pondered. "I didn't think anything, only how nice me body was tingling and stuff. I thought you were playing with me like before if anything."

"But you liked it?"

Alan had been looking into space through the ceiling, he turned to Tom and began to smile.

"Of course, I can't describe how good it was. Bloody fantastic!" he grinned.

He reached and grabbed Tom's still very full cock.

"But how did that get inside me?" he said while pushing his hand between his legs and feeling his hole. "Its still small and your cock is gigantic!"

"Well it didn't all go in, about half I guess."

"Still half, that's a lot and my bum is still not that big."

"You know when a woman has a baby, then her pussy stretches for the delivery and then goes back to normal, well a bum is a bit the same way. It can stretch wide open and then it goes back to normal afterwards"

"I never knew that!" he said surprised. He thought for a few more moments. "Then why didn't you put it all in that case?"

"It was you doing the pushing onto my cock, I didn't do a thing. Besides taking all of my cock first time might have hurt a bit so I didn't want to try."

"It didn't hurt at all" Alan assured him.

He fondled Tom's cock, obviously in wonder at how it ever went inside.

He looked at Tom again and began to smile.

"What?" asked Tom wondering what was coming next.

"Can we do it again? Now I know what happened I want to try it a second time!"

"I would love to, but three times is a bit much for me."

"Oh go on, give it a try, I'm game."

"I don't think so, it would take me ages to raise another load," said Tom trying to get out of it, he knew it was not such a good idea and it was getting late.

"Bollocks!" said Alan dismissively and scooted down the bed in a flash and took the semi erect cock into his mouth.

"Alan, that's just been up your bum!"

"So? It's my bum in't it?" he said taking a second off from slurping his dick.

"Anyway it tastes of your cum, so it's alright," he added.

In his present mood Tom knew there would be no way to dissuade him and besides, he was having the desired effect on his cock. A kid with a new toy and he'd cum twice already, shit!

It was clear Alan was trying hard, sucking his balls and licking behind them as Tom always did for him. Soon the tingling in his balls told him he had succeeded.

Alan quickly judged him to be ready again and backed in front of Tom like before.

"I think you better do the mounting, so you can do it at your own speed, I don't want to hurt you going too fast. Better like that till you learn how to handle it."

But if Tom was worried about perhaps going in too fast, he got a shock at the way Alan slammed himself onto his cock, he couldn't have done it so harshly even if he'd have wanted to.

"You okay?"

"Yes, just hurt a bit that's all. Are you all in, I want everything this time, want to feel really stuffed."

Tom began slowly, measuring Alan's reactions carefully. He might have thought he wanted it all but Tom knew only too well that imagination and actual fact are sometimes two different things. Luckily with his chute being full of cum already, his dick slid in and out relatively easily.

After a few minutes, Tom lifted his upper leg and ducked underneath. Alan not knowing, panicked that he was going to pull out."

"You've not finished, have you? You can't have," he wailed.

Tom laughed, "No, just hold your horses a bit, I'm moving to another position."

Once Alan was on his back and Tom had raised his legs back to his chest, he reached up and lifted Alan's head.

"Now you can see my dick go in and out."

Alan watched his dick stroke in and out a few times then threw his head back on the pillow groaning.

"Unbelievable, I can feel it go in and out but to see all your cock disappear inside me, its weird."

Not sure that he had seen right, he lifted up his head again to watch Tom.

"You're not putting it all in, I want to feel all of you," he complained.

"Okay, you asked for it, but just tell me if it hurts too much."

Alan grinned as Tom brought his body down gently on his. But his face changed as more and more weight behind Tom's cock pushed in the last couple of inches. Alan thrashed his head from side to side and sweat began to form on his brow.

"Don't stop," he croaked, "I want all of you".

For Tom, it felt like his cock had hit a brick wall, almost like a virgin girl in fact when you needed that extra push to break through. He adjusted his position slightly and then began to increase the pressure, notching it up bit by bit. After what seemed like an age, something began to move and Tom could feel like his dick was finally going all the way in. Moments later he could feel his groin mashing against Alan.

"All the way, just like sir asked."

"Oh fuck, oh fuck" groaned Alan. "I'm going to burst. Don't move whatever you do, just don't move."

Tom was forced to smile although he hated the idea he was causing him any pain or discomfort.

"Have I got to remind you that you did, in fact, ask for nine inches to be shoved up your bum?"

Alan gave a laugh but landed out to slap him. "Don't say that you make me laugh and it hurts a bit when I move." He was panting trying to control what was happening. Then as an afterthought, he added, "I don't want nine inches up my bum, I don't want any inches up my bum, I just want all of you." He stopped speaking and then said "I can't really explain."

Tom bent and gave him a peck on the lips, something he had never done before.

"I'll pull out if it's too much."

"No, just hang on a bit, the feeling is getting better now. Give us a few more secs that's all."

Tom kept himself still for a while, then Alan moved his hand down to grab his cock, which was small and flaccid. A few strokes later and it began to grow, telling Tom that his was suffering was almost finished. With his dick hard, Alan moved his hips, actually grinding back into Tom. It caused him to catch his breath and he swore.

"Oh fuck! But it feels good to have you all inside."

Moments later and he tried to push his groin into Tom, then again and again.

"Oh fuck, do me will you, do me now." His voice was hoarse and he was thrashing his head from side to side but his dick was rock hard and standing straight up.

"Do me quick, I'm going to cum soon."

Tom realised that he had gone from pain to pleasure really quickly and was screaming towards another orgasm. He began stroking his dick almost all the way out and then fully home. Alan stopped his own wanking and started moaning in pleasure.

Rapidly he increased the pace which turned on his own passions once he was going at optimum speed.

"I'm going to cum soon," warned Tom

Alan suddenly seemed to regain consciousness from the gibbering mass of moans seconds before. He grabbed his dick and started wanking furiously.

"It's brilliant. I want you to cum inside like before, I want to feel you cumming in me," he croaked

"Now!" shouted Tom

He rammed home bringing howls of groans from Alan, whose dick exploded as soon as he felt Tom begin to fill him up a second time.

"Happy now?" asked Tom

Alan grinned and shocked Tom as he gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Better than I was expecting and it was brilliant before. Amazing!" he smiled.

"Well I hate to be the one to spoil the fun, but if you check the bedside clock, I think you will see we have to get out of here pretty quick."

Remembering, Alan gave a nervous look at the time.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit!!!"

"If me mam finds me out when we are off to London tomorrow, she'll have kittens. We got to go."

He flew off the bed and gathered up his clothes.

"Wouldn't you be better cleaning up first?"

"Don't have time, I can do that once I'm home. Come on Tom, you got to get me back home sharpish."

Tom put his foot down driving over to the Park Estate. Fortune had the police in other parts of the town for once. At the end of the cul-de-sac, Alan made a quick farewell and bounded down the road. From where he was parked the house still looked in darkness so he might just have made it.

More to come later.

Hope you enjoyed that and if you have any comments let me know -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

Next: Chapter 4: A Walk in the Park II 5 6

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