By Bob

Published on Aug 16, 2004



Warning! This story is a fictional account of a sexual encounter between two consenting adult males. It involves an older man and a barely legal adult in a sexual nature. If that disgusts or distresses you, leave now. If you are underage, whatever that means where you live, you must leave, too. Sorry, their rules, not mine or ours.


Like any other Thursday night, I was sitting in my family room watching my favorite shows. Starting with "Friends" was a ritual I have done for the past 4 years. It was the one night of the week that my computer took a rest from talking with friends on line in the chat rooms from our area.

Just as "Will & Grace" came on, I heard the doorbell. Now, I thought to myself, just who could that be now. Earlier in the evening I had some kids from the neighborhood selling items to raise money for one club or another from the local junior high school that my youngest son attended. I always bought something from them, but I certainly wasn't going to purchase more than once.

The dogs were going crazy as they usually did when the bell rang. I tried to quiet them as I turned on the outside light and unlocked the door. It took me a second to adjust to the light and darkness. Standing in front of me was Jeremy, a very close friend of my oldest son, Bill. This wasn't an unusual situation, as many times his friends would stop by my home looking for him before going to his mother's home, where he normally stayed.

"Hey Mr. A," Jeremy said.

"Hi Jeremy. Welcome home," I replied, realizing that he must have come in for the weekend from school. "Bill isn't here, Jeremy and I don't know if he will be coming home this weekend, actually," I continued as I opened the door and let him into the house.

"Oh, I know," he said with a laugh. "Actually, he will be coming in tomorrow, if you didn't know," Jeremy offered.

"Really? Just like him not to let me know," I joked with him, realizing it was more truth that fiction.

"Yea, he and I are going to the homecoming dance, in case he didn't tell you."

Well, he hadn't which was par for the course. My son and his friends were college freshman. Although they went to different schools, their network on the Internet was vast. All of them had the ability to be on line with one service or another on high-speed connections and they used them extensively. So, it didn't surprise me that he and Jeremy had made arrangements and that mom nor dad had any idea what was happening. Typical, I thought to myself.

"So he's coming in tomorrow or tonight, Jeremy?" I queried.

"Well, I think tomorrow since he has a big test in the morning from what he told me," he volunteered. "Actually, I have a favor, if you don't mind?"

"Sure, Jeremy, what's up?" I asked.

"I don't know if you have heard, but my dad was transferred to L.A.," he started. "They have already sold the house and I can't get in and I was wondering if I could spend the night here," he stated matter-of-factly.

Well, since my home had been for the past 3 years a stomping grounds for all of Bill's friends, this wasn't something out of the ordinary. Many times Jeremy, and for that fact about 10 of Bill's friends, called this home for weekends when Bill was staying at my home, instead of his mothers.

"You know you can, Jeremy," I told him. "This is your second home isn't it?" I said to him with a big smile on my face.

He thanked me as we made our way down to the family room. I told him that the guestroom was open, since my youngest son wouldn't be with me over the weekend, and told him to make himself at home. We talked a while about his dad's new job, school, and just anything that came to mind. I found out some things about Bill that I hadn't heard from him, but no confidences were broken between he and Jeremy, I was sure. After about 20 minutes, Jeremy headed outside, brought in his suitcase and headed to the guest room.

I watched him as he headed up the stairs remarking to myself how he and all of Bill's friends had grown up over the years. I had known Jeremy since he was about 8, having had him on our baseball team and just around the house all of the time. He was a quiet boy, not like some of Bill's other friends who were quite animated in everything that they did. Jeremy was more the follower, I thought, than the leader in this group. He was very intelligent and a very good athlete too.

As I sat watching the television, I heard Jeremy heading down the stairs. As he turned the corner of the stairs into the family room, I was amazed. He was wearing nothing but a pair of bikini briefs, something that I certainly wasn't expecting. However, being gay, the site was very exciting. This 18-year-old boy, with a swimmer body, standing in front of me practically naked. You hear guys say they have a swimmer's body, but many times they don't, but in Jeremy's case, he was an all-state swimmer in high school and was competing on the collegiate level, as well.

"Ah, Jeremy, don't you think you want to put some clothes on?" I stammered.

Instead of answering me, he walked toward me and sat down right next to me, his naked thigh pressed tightly against mine. He looked at me and I noticed that he had a look that said he wanted to say something but was finding it difficult.

"What's up Jeremy," I asked, actually knowing what was rising for me and from what I could tell by looking at him, what was already very hard for him.

"Mr. A, I know you're gay, right?" he said.

"You know that Jeremy, I have never hidden that from any of you, have I?"

"No, you haven't," he continued. "And that is why I need to talk to you," he continued.

Jeremy began by telling me that since he went to college, he has had some fantasies about some of the guys on the team. He told me he wondered what it was like for two guys to be together. Basically, from what he was telling me, he was very curious about male/male sex.

"Jeremy," I began. "A lot of guys wonder about that from time to time. Many act on it and some just continue wondering throughout their lives."

"I know, but I really would like to find out. These guys are really turning me on in the shower and my roommate...WOW!"

He told me about his roommate and how he would parade around the room totally naked all the time. And he also said that if he got aroused, he wouldn't hide it. My first thought was if he thought that his roommate was gay and was trying to see what Jeremy's reaction was. He admitted that he wondered the same thing, but was afraid to ask or do anything in the event he was wrong.

I understood what Jeremy was saying. If he made a move toward his roommate and it turned out he was just that way, then it could compromise Jeremy's thoughts. Then he was afraid that he would be branded in the straight social order of the school.

"Well, you do know, Jeremy, that the Internet now days is very much a cruising and pick-up medium," I offered.

"Yes, but that too scares me," he admitted. I concurred with him having heard many stories, especially about younger guys, being lured to a gay-bashing encounter.

"Ah, Mr. A...Ahh...I was wondering..." Jeremy started to say.

"Wondering what, Jeremy?" I finally asked him. "You know that I have many times told you guys that I would be glad to talk to you about anything and help you with anything. You all are very special people in Bill's life, therefore, in mine."

"This isn't exactly easy," he said. "But, I would like to have sex with a guy I trust, rather than someone off the net."

Chills went up and down my spine at that comment. I suddenly realized what was happening – him coming down in his briefs and sporting a very hard cock. Something that I never realized was the fact that my being gay had possibly opened up a familiarity with some of Bill's friends.

I also hadn't realized that my own reaction was quite evident. My cock was hard and was very pronounced in my jeans. "Jeremy, are you asking me to be that person?" I muttered.

He answered, not by words, but by placing his hand on my thigh and easing it up to my hard cock. I sat there frozen not knowing what to do. My mind was racing with many emotions. First in my mind was that here I was with this very attractive young man who I had to admit to myself that I found exciting and very sexy. My second thought was that if this were not Bill's good friend and I had met him somewhere on line or at a bar, I would probably be the aggressor, since I had a passion for younger guys. Third was the fact that this was my son's good friend that I had known since he was a grade school student and that doing something would be wrong.

As he massaged my cock through my jeans, these thought rambled through me. "Jeremy, this isn't right," I managed to say.

"Why, Mr. A?" he asked. "All I'm asking is to experience something with someone I know and trust. I know you won't hurt me and I know that no one will ever know anything that might happen," he continued. "Didn't you always say that we could talk to you about anything?"

"Well, yes, Jeremy," I said. "Talk, yes. Do, well that is different"

"Mr. A," Jeremy suddenly said with a determined tone. "I want you to show me what it is like to be with a man. I don't know if I'm gay, curious, bi-sexual, or straight and I don't have the balls to ask anyone else. You have always been there to help all of us and that is all I am asking now."

I certainly couldn't argue what I had said in the past. I didn't want to be a hypocrite, but at the same time, this was something I had never imagined could happen.

As I thought about what to do, I guess my body took over from my mind. Jeremy was rolling my cock in his hand through my jeans and was now using his other hand to unzip them. The feeling he was giving me was fantastic. I found my hand on his chest just squeezing one of his hard nipples. As we sat there without saying anything, I realized that this was something he wanted and had to admit to myself that it would be very exciting and pleasurable for me as well.

After all, I justified, he is making the first move. And my second thought again surfaced in my mind. If Jeremy were any other young 18-year-old that I met on the net and had over, I wouldn't be fighting this at all. With that, my hand moved down his stomach as we both began to play with each other's hard cock.

"Jeremy, no one..." I began to say, but was stopped with his mouth covering mine in a very passionate kiss. That is all it took for me to respond. I placed my arms around Jeremy, pulled him over toward me and our tongues began to battle. He was very passionate, not at all timid in his kiss. It made me believe that he definitely had this all thought out prior to coming here tonight.

He began to unsnap my jeans and continued to pull down my zipper. At the same time, I lifted myself up off the couch and was standing in front of him, our mouths still locked in a kiss. As he began to remove my pants down my thighs, quite adeptly I may add, my hard cock sprang out of its confines of the jeans. As I never wear underwear, he was presented with what he had made so stiff.

He gasped as my cock was pointing straight at him and broke our kiss. He looked at my cock as if he had never seen a penis before.

"Man!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not that hung," I kidded.

"No, I mean I have never seen another guy hard. Well, not this close," he said.

He reached out slowly and grabbed my cock. As he did, I put my hands under his arms and helped him stand and began to remove his bikini briefs for him. There wasn't much to remove, but when they were off, I could see his young hard cock, which was now plastered against his tight stomach.

I reached out and began to roll the head of his cock in my fingers. It was so hard and felt so good to me. It had been a long time since I had had a young cock like his in my hands. He began to mimic what I was doing to him with my cock. We stood there as the body heat we were generating began to rise even further.

I took a small step back, grabbed his hard cock in my hand and took mine as well. I placed them together and began to roll them. The heads of our cocks rubbed together and I could feel the pre-cum that he was oozing at that moment. It helped to lubricated what was happening and I realized if I didn't stop, he would cum rather quickly.

Our cocks fit rather well in this manner. I, myself, was nearly 7 ¾ inches long and it appeared that Jeremy was very close to that length. I was amazed at how hard he was, but then again, he was only barely legal, I thought to myself. And, with that thought, I also realized that at his age, if he did cum, it wouldn't take him long to rejuvenate himself so that he could again. So, I continued to stroke our cocks together and with my other hand, reached down and massaged our balls at the same time.

Jeremy's head fell back and he made a few moaning sounds. I thought that maybe he was cumming, but then realized that he was just enjoying what was happening to him very much. This new feeling was something he was taking in, slowly, but assimilating it with his own thoughts.

All of a sudden I felt his balls tighten. I was experienced enough to know that in a few short seconds, he would explode. I began to move my hand more rapidly to provide more friction between our cocks. The pre-cum flowing even more pronounced between us suddenly gave way to a shot that hit me, not only on my forehead, but flooded my chest with young boy juice.

I began to slow down my strokes, but wasn't about to stop, knowing that he wasn't finished with what he was providing me. For about 15 seconds he kept shooting smaller spurts of sperm and then more seeped out of him all over my hand. I hadn't been covered in this much cum in a long time, but it was a pleasurable experience for me and for him, I could tell.

As he stepped back from me, I used my finger to take some of his juice off of my chest. I put it in my mouth and savored the sweet/salty taste of Jeremy. He looked shocked at me that I was tasting his cum. I took a great deal of it in my mouth, leaned down and began to kiss him. I was sharing his own bodily juice with him. At first, he resisted a bit, but without much prodding and silent assurance from me that it was okay for him to do this, he used his tongue to taste himself.

As we broke our kiss and embrace, he looked at my cock still hard. "You know, I have never jacked off another guy, Mr. A," he said. "Do you mind?"

"You think I'm going to stop you Jeremy after what just happened?" I laughed. "Let me lay down here on the couch and it is all yours," I finished as I made a move toward the couch.

As I lay there, I decided to let Jeremy experiment with my cock and his new-found interest. Whatever he was to do, as long as it didn't hurt me, I would let him. I figured that at 18, he knew pretty much what it was all about, but since he hadn't done anything like it before, might need to just fumble through some various trial and error methods.

Jeremy grabbed hold of my hard cock and began to stroke it slowly. He was looking at it is and examining it very closely. I was cut, but he was watching the little foreskin that I did have move up and down over the base of the head. He took his other hand and began to roll my balls in his fingers. He looked at me as I smiled back at him assuring him that he was doing fine.

He then took both of his hands and began to rub my cock between them, like you would roll some clay. I hadn't had that done to me like that in many years. My mind raced back to when I was 8 or 9 and masturbated like that because my dick was to small to grab in one hand. It was dejavu, for sure.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, just trying something different," he said. "I remember when I was younger I used to jack off like this," he offered.

I smiled as I thought that his youth and mine were no different. We each had personal experiences that we shared, but didn't know it. Maybe this method was pretty typical of a young boy learning to please himself. Admittedly, this was the first time this had happened with another in my life like this, but my logical mind told me that others had done the same.

The sensations that Jeremy was providing were intense. I reached out and grabbed his cock, which again was hard. I just wanted to play with him as he did what he wanted to with me. I could feel myself getting close to an ejaculation, but didn't say anything. Again, I wanted Jeremy to experience things himself and get to know the reactions to expect of others.

He sped up his hand motions on my cock. My hips began to move upward and downward more rapidly. Suddenly, he took one hand off of my cock and placed it back onto my balls and the other wrapped around the shaft and began to stroke quickly. He did realize what was happening, I concluded as I shot a load onto his hand.

My ejaculation wasn't as much as his was. Being a bit older might have been the reason, but I believed that the volume of sperm produced by him was because of the excitement and novelty of what had happened to him. He began to stroke slower and slower as I came, knowing that he had reached his goal.

Astonishingly, he bent down, took his tongue and licked up the cum that had made a small pool on my stomach. Then, as I had done, came up to my mouth and kissed me to share his prize with me. We both still had hold of each other's cock as this happened. We both were very secure in one another's arms.

After about 5 minutes, Jeremy broke the silence. "Do I have to sleep in the guestroom, Mr. A?" he asked.

"What? Where do you want to sleep?" I questioned him, knowing what his answer would be.

"Can't I sleep with you?"

I smiled and nodded yes. I already had decided to ask him if he wanted to, but he had beaten me to the question. I got up off the couch and went up to let the dogs out for the last time of the evening.

Jeremy followed me to the kitchen then made his way up to the guestroom. I heard him doing something up there, probably unpacking some things he needed. As I made my way to my room, I opened the door and there, sprawled on my bed, naked and again hard, was Jeremy.

"What else can you teach me," he asked with a smirk while waving his hard cock at me. "I haven't done much, but what I have so far, I really like," he added.

What a dilemma I thought to myself. Here I was with a young hard hot stud (excuse all the adjectives but they definitely fit him) begging me to please him. On the other hand, he was a friend of my son's and I didn't want to jeopardize that either.

But, I thought, what the hell. We had just made each other cum and he is asking for more. Who am I to refuse such a request? We'll see how the night progresses, I guess.

With Jeremy waving his gorgeous young cock at me, I found it very difficult to resist my first instinct. I slowly moved toward the bed and knelt on the edge. I took his cock in my hand and slowly moved my head toward his groin. I took the tip of my tongue, licked the frenulum very lightly which I could tell sent shivers up the shaft of Jeremy's hard dick.

As I continued teasing the head of his cock, I gazed upwards towards Jeremy's face. The small smile I witnessed told me that he was indeed enjoying this technique. As I continued using my tongue on him, I cupped his heavy balls with my left hand. I rolled them slowly, massaging them, knowing that this would assist in his stimulation. His cock jumped now and then as I felt the blood flowing through the barely visible vein of his shaft.

As continued to lick around the head of his cock, Jeremy's hips began to tighten and I knew that I was getting him close. Not wanting to be too fast, I stopped and move up closer to him and lay down next to him. Without saying anything, I motioned for him to straddle my chest. As if he had done this before, he acknowledged my body language and lifted his left leg over my chest and sat down, resting just above my cock.

I placed my hands on his ass and oh, what a nice tight ass it was. Being a swimmer, his gluts were very firm and somewhat of a "bubble-butt." I massaged each cheek with my hands, but I was actually scooting him up toward my mouth so that I could take his cock deep inside it.

Jeremy's head flew back and I could see the intense pleasure in his face. As his cock came closer, I began again to lick it around the head. He was pre-cumming, AGAIN, and he tasted very good to me. Young virgin cum is extremely tasteful and I was enjoying every drop he was providing.

I lifted my head and placed my mouth around the hard, fat red head of his cock. As the heat from my mouth encircled his cock-head, he let out a moan. I decided that it was time for me to practice what I was best at ... giving head. I slowly moved down the hard shaft of his cock and my nose rested in what pubic hair he had. He shaved because of swimming, and since the season was in full swing, there wasn't much there.

I took my tongue out of my mouth and licked his balls as his cock was deep in my throat. I could feel his hips begin to move as he began to face fuck my mouth. His girlfriend obviously had sucked him before, or he just instinctively began to thrust forward and back. I could feel the pulsating of his cock as my tongue slid up and down the hard shaft he was presenting me. My hands were pressing him toward me and massaging his gorgeous ass. My cock, harder than it had been for many months, was gliding on his cheeks, the pre-cum allowing it to slide easily.

Jeremy grabbed my head and thrust one last time into my mouth. He unloaded his balls down my throat. It almost felt like more of a load than he presented a few moments before, but I'm sure it wasn't, but very sufficient to allow me to taste all he had inside him. As he came, he collapsed and his body was pressed against me. The smell was fresh and the heat warm and satisfying.

It took about 2 minutes for Jeremy to rise up and look into my face. It was semi-dark in the room but I could tell the enjoyment that he was experiencing. He took his hands and ran his fingers through my hair, slowly moving them down my face. When he reached my chin, he rose my head up, leaned down and began to kiss me. His tongue entered my mouth and we rapidly dueled with our tongues. He was still brushing my face with his hands and I grabbed him and held him close.

"Oh, Mr. A, that was unbelievable," he began. "I have never had a blow job that was so complete, so exciting. My girlfriend doesn't like to give head," he continued. "But she does sometimes, but won't take my cock into her mouth more than the head. I have never felt the warmth that I did tonight."

Jeremy rolled over onto his side and rested his head on my shoulder as my arm caressed him. We talked a while as he told me that he and his girlfriend had good sex, but even when he fucked her, he had never had an orgasm like he did in my mouth. I let him talk and he went through a few stories about his sex life with her. I began to understand why he was so excited with what we did. It wasn't just a curiosity about male/male sex; it was a desire to enjoy a satisfying sexual experience.

I pulled him close to me again and kissed him. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me on top of him. Our cocks pressed against each other. My cock, already hard, started to rub against his making it rise again. He began to undulate and I reciprocated. My pre-cum moistened our contact, as he was already dry from his last orgasm. We kissed long and hard. He kept moving into me as I did toward him. We began to roll back and forth on the bed, still locked in a deep kiss.

Through my head ran the same thought that I had when we first started this earlier in the evening. Here I was with a friend of my sons. Our bodies were on fire and our sexual activity intense. This wasn't right, but it was that precise thought that excited me even more. As we rolled one final time, I found myself reaching for the lube on the nightstand near the bed.

As I grabbed the lube, I found myself kneeling between Jeremy's legs. I looked at him and he looked at me. I poured some lube onto my hand and began to play with his virgin hole. He made no attempt to stop me, instead the look in his eyes was a wanting look – one that let me know that he was mine for whatever I could do for him. As I inserted one finger in him, he jumped. He didn't protest at all and instead presented himself to me even more. I leaned over and kissed him again, still moving my finger in and out of him.

As I moved closer to him, my arms grabbed wrapped around his knees as I brought them up so that his knees were on his shoulders. I let go with one hand and poured a good amount of lube on my cock. I placed the head of my cock to the rosebud that was presented to me. He was so warm and wanting that it didn't take much for the tip of the head of my cock to pop into him. He flinched and tightened up and I withdrew a bit. He grabbed me from the back and pushed me forward. It was then that I was sure I knew what he wanted.

As we looked into each other's eyes, I pushed my cock back into Jeremy. I moved in easily this time and I slowly penetrated him to my full extent. He smiled and began to tighten just enough to make a tight seal. I began to move in and out of him very slowly, knowing when I hit the young prostate as he moaned and his hard cock would jump a bit off of his stomach. My lust was beyond the point of control as I was here with this gorgeous young man. I started to speed up, my balls slapping against his smooth ass. He would rise and fall with each thrust and I knew that he was enjoying what was happening as much as I was.

As I began to move faster and faster, Jeremy grabbed me to keep me close. My cock was coming out and sliding back in very easily. He had total control of his anus, allowing me to fill him just enough to keep my cock in total contact with him. Jeremy was saying some things to me, but I wasn't coherent enough in my passion to understand him. I knew, however, he wasn't telling me to stop, rather encouraging me to continue to please us both.

My hands were posted on each side of his head supporting my weight. My cock was moving freely and I could feel a tingling in the head. I knew I was close to cumming and told Jeremy as much. I started to withdraw so that I didn't cum in him, but he stopped me again with his hands holding me close. I couldn't hold it back and thrust deeply into him and began to shoot my load in him. It was an incredible feeling, not one that I hadn't had before, but heightened by the situation in which we were placed.

As I shot I noticed that Jeremy again was cumming between us. I knew that I had hit that "special place", as neither of us had his cock in our hand. With each spurt I provided, I felt one from his cock between us. The stickiness was evident and enjoyable.

I slowed down, but didn't leave the confines of Jeremy's virgin hole. I collapsed on top of him, immediately kissing him. As my cock began to soften, I could still feel myself in him for quite sometime. As I became totally flaccid, the head of my love tool slowly emerged from its confines. We continued to hold each other and Jeremy kissed my ear, down my cheek and back to my ear.

"Thank you Mr. A," he said breaking the silence.

"Oh, no, Jeremy. Thank you," I responded. "I wasn't expecting anything like this tonight," I said with a laugh.

"Either did I, but I am sure glad that you made love to me. It was making love, wasn't it?" he asked.

"Jeremy, there is a fine line between making love and sex, but I will tell you this," I whispered in his ear. "It wasn't just sex for me this time. Saying love may be a stretch, but it was something special to me."

He smiled and kissed me again. I rolled over to the other side of the bed, put my arm under his head and drew him close to me. I held him close but couldn't resist the temptation to rub his body all over. I caressed his arms, thighs, rear end, and finally rested my hand on his cock. I did get a reaction to that, as he placed his hand on mine and we just rested them there for a very long time.

It wasn't long before I could tell that Jeremy had fallen asleep. I kept holding him for a while, but nature was calling. I slowly lifted his head and removed my arm from around him. I placed his head on the pillow and got out of bed. As I relieved myself I decided that since I was so sweaty and sticky (and you all know why) I would shower.

I turned on the shower and let it warm up. I stepped in and felt the gentle spray engulf my body. I began to shampoo my hair when I felt a slight breeze. I assumed that the curtain had moved because of my elbow or something, but in the next few seconds I sensed something behind me. As I rinsed my eyes I felt two arms around my body holding me close. I could feel something rigid on the cheeks of my butt and of course didn't have to think twice as to what it was.

As I began to focus, I looked back and there was Jeremy smiling at me. He looked so angelic, yet so passionate.

"When I heard the water, it felt like the right thing to do," he said.

"Well, welcome, hun," I retorted. "So nice of you to join me," I continued as I turned in his arms. I put my hands on the back of his head and pulled his lips toward mine.

I could feel that youth once again was rising. His hard cock lay on his stomach and I pressed my stomach against his.

"Are you ready again?" I asked. He smiled and reached down for my cock. That was all the answer I needed. I couldn't believe that this young man was as insatiable as I was, but he definitely made a believer out of me.

I was beginning to wonder about Jeremy's experience with other guys. He seemed to have all the moves down pat. He moved his hand to my cock and began to stroke me slowly again. I was semi-hard in the shower anyway, so it didn't take much for him to stimulate me to full erection. He then moved back slightly, and remembering what had happened earlier in the family room, grabbed his cock in his hand and then brought it close to my hard tool. He grasped them both in his hand and began to stroke them together.

This time, however, he was in control and I just let him make what moves he was intending to do. As he stroked us, he took his other hand and began to explore my manhole. Not being a bottom, this wasn't something I was used to but it was feeling exciting. He was experimenting with a new sensation for him and I was happy to allow him to learn from me.

I relaxed and let Jeremy play at his own pace. His finger was rubbing slowly against my anus. Still stroking our cocks together, I could feel him pressuring me back. His hand left my body and I was confused as to what was happening. It didn't take long for me to figure it out, actually, as I felt a bar of soap running up and down between my cheeks.

`He learns fast,' I said to myself. He was using the soap as a lubricant to assist him in his exploration. He soaped up my manhole and inserted his finger slowly. I jumped and he stopped, just like what had happened to us in the bedroom. I assured him with a look that things were fine and he continued. He began to explore my hole moving his finger in and out. It hurt me, but I knew that this was the only way he was going to learn.

"Take it easy," I whispered in his ear as I nibbled it. "I'm more a top than a bottom."

"And since you fucked me, does that make me a bottom?" he asked.

"No, not necessarily, unless you would rather bottom and top."

"Well I enjoy fucking my girlfriend," he confided. "But," he continued, "I bet it is different than with a guy. She is much looser than you are."

"Well, a woman is made for that thing you have in your hand," I laughed. He looked and smiled and continued to explore.

"Is it big Mr. A.?"

"What? Your cock?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Is it alright?"

"Jeremy, you are just fine. Actually more than fine son," I said a bit surprised that I called him son. "Face it, you and I are about the same size, Jeremy. What am I going to say?" I giggled.

Through this conversation he continued to stroke our cocks and I noticed that it was really exciting me. He was bringing me to that height where I was about ready to cum and from what I could tell by the vein of his cock pressed against mine, so was he. He was also fingering me in a very proficient way not at all like a novice. This was the second time that evening that I really wondered just how male-virginal he was. I dismissed it since I knew he was sexually active with his girlfriend and was probably just transferring that knowledge to what he was doing with me. He released our cocks and stepped back. I grabbed a towel and exited the shower, knowing I would sleep well this evening.

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