A Very Good Day

By moc.oohay@egrasehtn_60tsohglileht

Published on Oct 9, 2010


A Very Good Day Pt 4 A Weird Interlude

It's been a long delay in this one; sorry I hope you all will enjoy it just the same--the story is a fictionalized and compressed version of real life events--long ago events. To answer the question many of you have asked: no, I don't know Dobbs's whereabouts, sadly. By a year after our break-up I lost track of him and the mutual friend that kept me more or less up to date. Thanks for reading. Remember to play, but play safe!

Dobbs was good to his word--he made love to me--gently and with exquisite tenderness; I hate to admit it, but as much as I enjoyed it, I would have preferred a slam in the shower or a rough and ready romp. That's not intended as a slight, sex in general is almost always an absolute good (pizza, surfing and sex--even when it's bad it's still pretty good); sex with Dobbs approached the sublime. After the workout of the last two days, we were both tired, so we spent the rest of the day quietly, watching movies--occasionally snuggling and languidly making out.

About 10pm we took a shower. We washed each other gently--our bruises, rug burns and bite marks were all very sensitive--I washed his hair and face, gingerly messaging his jaw; Dobbs copied my actions, the hickies on my neck made me flinch, as he gently kissed them. I washed his back noting three well healed star-shaped scars in a tight cluster on his left shoulder blade and a long jagged scar on his lower right rib cage--I knew what they were from--as I gently traced the long scar with a finger he shivered but said nothing. I washed the small of his back, then, reaching under his arms, I washed his arm pits, the slabs of his pectorals, and his washboard abs; I soaped up his pubic patch and washed his precious nut sac then soaped up and stroked his very hard penis. I stopped short, and proceeded to wash butt, thoroughly and carefully, then continued down each ropey thigh--making sure that his perineum was clean by washing it three or four times. Then I knelt and washed his calves one at a time, and carefully washed each foot; on a whim, I licked the sole of each foot; then sucked each toe, as if each was a small dick. From Dobbs reaction he was enjoying what I was doing; as I set his foot down, he thrust his ass into my face, and I dove in tongue first.

I was just getting into it when Dobbs stopped me, pulled me to my feet and stepped behind me; he quickly washed me as I'd washed him, perfunctory where I had been sensuous, he WASHED my genitals sans stroking, and washed each leg and foot. Then he soaped up my crotch and ass; he turned me sideways and rinsed me off, then soaped my ass up again--this time rather roughly shoving two or three fingers into my hole. He rinsed me off again and shut the shower off, and once again roughly, pulled me out of the shower; grabbed the bottle of lotion, stroked some onto his rampant cock, bent me over the vanity, and pushed all the way into me in one go--luckily for me, my ass muscles were on automatic, as it were, from being fucked so much--and wordlessly began to fuck me. After only a couple of dozen pumps, he lost it and nutted deep inside me with a grunt; after a few seconds recovery time, Dobbs pulled out, stepped to the shower, wiped his softening dick with a rag and left the room without a word.

I whacked as quickly as could and took care of my post-sex needs, and went down the hall to Dobbs room. He hopped up from his bed and handed me some of my clothes and bed linen and blankets,

"You're gonna sleep in the other bedroom tonight," he stated flatly, "I need space."

With that he pushed me out the door and closed it behind me.

"What the FUCK," I snarled to myself.

I went into the room made the bed and crashed, it was around midnight and I was out like a light.

It seemed like I had just closed my eyes, when I awoke to feeling the blankets thrown back and my shorts pulled off and hands on my back pinning me to the mattress.

"Don't speak," Dobbs said, as he spread some lube around my hole immediately followed by his big dick. He draped his body over my back, bit my neck where it joins the shoulder, and began to fuck me with long languid strokes. After probably twenty minutes or so, he came in me; he rolled off and stood up.

"When you're finished cleaning up, I want you to come into my room; I want you to sleep on the floor--I made you a pallet." He stated this in an almost mechanical voice.

I did as he instructed (making sure to soothe my poor abused ass with lotion). As I lay down on the floor I asked,

"Dude, what's this about?" and added, "Your kinda freakin' me out."

He looked at me seriously, started to say something, then shook his head and turned out the light. I heard the bed creak as he laid back. I wanted to stay awake, but weariness overtook me and I was out again.

Sunlight was streaming in around the drapes when I was awoken by Dobbs kneeling next to me; before I knew what was happening, he had rolled me up onto my shoulders and was fucking me for all he was worth (I thank whatever gods may be that I lotioned my hole!). Somewhat to my surprise, my dick was bone hard. He continued to pound me in that position for probably ten minutes, and then he pushed all the way in and stopped; he gripped my shoulder and pulled me even harder to himself and signaled me to roll over onto my knees. I did as I was bidden and he fucked into me for a few minutes as I began to stroke myself. Again he paused while in me as deep as he could go, and pulled us over onto our left sides, and immediately resumed fucking me. I felt him gradually increase his pace and I matched my strokes with his pumps--soon I was on the edge, as was he--he was on the verge of unloading into my ass, when I couldn't hold back any longer--I came the hardest I had since the first time he fucked me! That was enough to push Dobbs over the edge--he groaned and cursed as he emptied himself into me for the fourth time seven hours.

Wordlessly he pulled out of me and went into the bathroom; I watched him his glorious ass bunch and un-bunch as he strode across the room. I lay there for a beat or two after he shut the door then I got up, gather up all the rest of my clothes and belongings from there and the spare room and adjourned to the hall bathroom. I cleaned up and dressed and then finding Dobbs still in the bathroom, I gathered up all the dirty linen, and not hearing the shower any longer, put them in the washing machine.

According to my watch it was 0645 as I exited the laundry room; Dobbs was at the opposite end of the hall in a wife beater and gym shorts, we both paused and regarded each other. I know I looked angry, but his expression was an odd mixture: he looked stricken, resentful and helpless all at once.

I looked away and continued my journey up the hallway to the door--I heard him move and felt him behind me I stopped when he put his arm up to bar the way; I started to turn towards him; he pressed himself against my back to stop me, and then he hugged me with affection and lust all at once--his hands slid down to the front of my jeans and undid them--he pushed them down exposing my ass to him. Gently, he arranged me into fucking position and rid himself of his shorts, he pushed his hands up under my t-shirt and tweaked my nipples; of their own volition, my hands guided his rampant (and lubed) cock to my quivering hole. My jeans puddled around my ankles as I moved to accommodate all eleven inches of prime black snake that entered my well used ass. Once he bottomed out, and I could feel his course pubes against my ass and his ball sac nestle against mine, he paused and one of his hands slid down and found my newly rock hard cock. He started fucking me and stroking my dick at the same time; I moaned. Time stood still as Dobbs banged away at my ass; waves of pleasure coursed through me; I was close to busting and I could tell he was too--then it hit--a spasm shook my whole body in orgasm--I heard Dobbs gasp as well--I glanced down and noted absently that I was oozing off-white slime from my piss slit rather than proper cum. As suddenly as it started it was over, we held our positions for a moment longer; then he withdrew and stepped away, I reached down and pulled my pants up; I briefly debated using the bathroom, but decided I'd better leave while I could.

I resumed my walk to the door.

"Hey," he said, "wait a sec."

I paused with the door knob in my hand and looked back at him expectantly. He looked forlorn and miserable;

"Hey," he repeated.

I waited for perhaps a minute then I said,

"I gotta go," calmly and without rancor.

He hesitated; he started to say something, then stopped, then looked at me beseechingly and shook his head.

"I gotta go," I repeated.

"I know," he replied, "I know."

I opened the door and left. When I got to my car in the parking lot, I glanced back up at the apartment; despite the cold he was standing at the railing barefooted in just his shorts and wife beater looking down at me I unlocked and opened the door to my truck. I knew he was still watching me; before I got in I looked directly at him, and with a sad smile I raised my hand in a gesture of farewell. He didn't respond. I got in started the truck, backed out and as I drove away, I glanced back in my rearview mirror; he was still standing there.

I didn't know how to feel. Thankfully high school resumed a couple of days later, and I was able to distract myself with all its petty and minor details.

Once school was out and training was over for the day, I could put the loneliness, boredom and every other feeling I had at bay by fucking around with the three brothers next door. Ritchie was the oldest; he was three months younger than me so was still 15; he was also cute as hell, about an inch taller than me with a full mop of dark curly hair, rangy and raw boned with clear skin and a pretty almost girly face. He had brown twinkling eyes and full red lips. From the first time I'd seen him I'd wanted to kiss those lips, but alas that would never be.

We'd met the day my family moved onto the farm on the edge of town; his family's house was on a lot that abutted our farm, door-to-door it was roughly a quarter mile distance. There was an abandon farmstead on our farm about half a mile up the hill behind our farm yard, exactly five days after we'd met, Ritchie and I went on an explore and found it. We started checking out the abandon buildings; while we were back of the house Ritchie announced he had to piss; he undid his pants and let them sag about ¾ of the way down his bare butt--he never wore underwear--and in a smart assed way asked,

"You wanna hold my dick for me? My aim is kinda off."

He was taken aback when I sidled over and grabbed his dick and began using his stream to write in the dust. He said nothing when, after his flow stopped, I shook it off and started gently milking it. He said nothing as I continued to stroke it after it firmed up to a very impressive 7 n ¼ inches of boydick. He said nothing as I knelt down in front of him and started to suck his 7 ¼ inches of boydick. He said, "Holy fuck," as he unloaded a copious amount of boy juice into my mouth. He said "damn" as I released his dick back to him and he put it away.

I sucked his dick four more times that day, and six times the next, plus I introduced him to analingus--he had a gloriously stark white ass with smooth flawless skin and a tight hairless and very tasty butt hole--he was an enthusiastic recipient. The next day after that, we went back up to the abandon farm; I had a tube of Vaseline lip balm in my pocket. We went into the old house where there was a built in table;

"You wanna lick my butt some more?" he asked cheerfully.

"Sure," I said, and, as he dropped his pants and leaned over the table. I dove into his butt with gusto; soon he was yowling like a cat in heat. He turned around to feed me his dick--I backed off and stood up--he looked at me like I was crazy,

"I wanna do something different," I panted.

He gave me a warning look as I dropped my pants and underwear--I'd better not expect any reciprocation--that turned expectant when I shook my head and reached into my pocket and pulled out the lip balm.

"I want you to fuck me in the butt," I said bluntly.

I squirted some of the lip balm on my hand and stroked it onto his dick, and quickly lubed myself up as well.

"Lay down on the table," I instructed, "You're big and I want to adjust to your dick so you don't rip me apart."

He did as he was told. I pulled one leg out of my shorts, climbed up on the table and slowly impaled myself on Ritchie's boydick. I rode gently for a few minutes; then he got eager and started fucking up into me about a minute later he gasped and pumped his nut into me. I'd just started stroking myself and was a ways from my nut--

"Get off dude," Ritchie said, "I gotta piss."

I dismounted and jerked myself off while Ritchie disappeared outside to piss. He fucked me twice more that day and I sucked him twice as well. The next day we repeated the cycle; three fucks and three blow jobs. The next day Ritchie got in trouble for something and was grounded for a week, I figured I was outta luck for sex, and sort of just drifted that summer morning. I wound up at the abandon farm house, I decided to go in and whack, as I went in I was pleasantly surprised to find Ritchie's 13 y/o brother Scotty--he was in the hallway of the house with his back to me and his denim shorts puddled around his ankles! Scotty was super skinny, but super cute too, he was about 5 foot even, had straw colored hair and deep blue eyes, and, despite being skinny, with his pants down, he had a really cute little butt.

He heard the floor creak as I walked up behind him; I stroked his right ass cheek with my right hand, he cooed and turned around, and putting his hands on my shoulders, guided me to my knees in front of him. I was presented with a cute 5 ½ inch wiener with the barest hint of a pubic wreath at its base and a round hairless nut sac drawn up snugly. I didn't hesitate, but dove on it and started bobbing and slurping within two minutes I was rewarded with silky sweet boy juice--yum!

"That was my first blow job," he announced once he'd caught his breath. "I want to do everything you and Ritchie do."

"Okay," I responded, "what else you manna do now?" I realized I didn't care how Scotty had found out what was going on; he was a boy with a dick that worked that was all that mattered to me. It was a day of many firsts for Scotty; aside from his first 2 blow jobs, he got rimmed several times and enjoyed two fingers up his butt when he was getting blown; he proved to be a more conscientious top than his brother, he would cum, and if I hadn't cum yet, kept fucking me until I did. Scotty also liked making out including tongue kissing and all. Scotty also gave his first blow job--he was pretty inept--he kept at it though and he swallowed my nut enthusiastically; he liked cum right off, so the next time he fucked me he not only licked the cum off my belly, he also ate his own juice from my butt hole! All of his own volition! It wasn't `til later the next day that he asked me to fuck him--I hadn't done it since we'd moved here, so I was more than willing. We spent as much of rest of the week as we could naked and fucking each other. Ritchie was kinda on again off again with me--he loved the sex, but wasn't comfortable with the "gayness"--he started going out with girls in earnest and seemed determined to fuck every single one of them. Scotty on the other hand became the best fuck buddy a 15 y/o could ask for--we banged anytime, anywhere--at school, on the bus, I fucked him at his house with his whole family in the next room, and he fucked me at a high school football game, in the shadows behind the equipment shed about 20' away from the concession stand! Danger fucks inc. that was us.

After several weeks of us fucking around--with me occasionally servicing Ritchie (who curiously, never found out about Scotty n me) I got a surprise; apparently Scotty had been passing on everything we did with each other to someone else. I went up to the old barn on the hill--it was cold out and the barn offered better shelter than the house--and I heard Scotty talking dirty to somebody. I quietly approached, and saw Scotty's bare ass rising and fall with someone's legs over his shoulders; I glanced around him and caught a glimpse of curly dark hair--it couldn't be Ritchie, I thought with my jaws agape--and it wasn't, the shoes on Scott's shoulders were way too small. I stepped closer and recognized Scotty's little brother TJ! Scotty was pounding away at his little brother's ass--I think because of the thrill of performing in front of me--and suddenly shot spooge way before he of TJ wanted. As Scott pulled out, TJ began to furiously beat his 4 inch boy spike; I pushed his hand away and took him in my mouth; ah, that clean taste of 12 y/o boy. He had been getting close when his brother had lost it, so it didn't take but a few head bobs before TJ's silky sweet boy juice squirted into my mouth.

"Wow," TJ enthused, "is it always this fun?"

"So far," I responded.

I was still sporting wood, so TJ reached out and pulled me toward him and began to undo my pants--they and my underwear were soon about my ankles--TJ attached to my dick like a remora to a manta ray, and soon had me moaning like a two dollar whore. After he'd recovered sufficiently, Scott knelt behind me and began mouth to ass resuscitation; between TJ's newly acquired skills and his brother's activity in my ass, I lasted only moments before I was pumping the contents of my balls into TJ's mouth and throat; he gobbled it down like it was ambrosia.

Once I'd recovered, we put our clothes back in place and went out and rode on the BMX track we'd built over the summer between fuck sessions. Later that afternoon, TJ and I did a flip fuck and Scott did me after TJ had nutted. From that day on, I had sex with at least one brother every day. TJ liked to danger fuck as much as Scott did. We took every opportunity and made a few as well.

But the boys couldn't scratch the itch I had, no matter how many times they fucked me. I was at a real loss for almost two weeks; then he called and left a message to call him back. I wanted so desperately to call right then, but I was at school , and not knowing how I'd react I didn't dare. At lunch I went out to my car and called--no answer--I called back and left a message that I wouldn't be available until after 4pm, and would call then.

It took twenty seven hours before 4pm finally rolled around, and at 4pm and 1 second I was redialing.

"Hello?" his voice demanded from the ear piece.

"Hi . . . it's . . . it's . . . uh, um . . . John," I stammered.

"Well . . . ,"

"Well what? You called me first," I snapped.

"I . . . wanna . . . uh . . . Look, can we meet someplace . . . I need to talk to . . . to explain to you . . . ," he trailed off.

I heaved a heavy sigh before I responded, "Look, I'm at my folks `til tomorrow; whatever you have to say kept for two weeks, it'll have to keep until Saturday."

"Look, I'm . . . sorry . . . I'm sorry for . . . what . . . happened. I mean for the way it . . . uh . . . happened."

"We'll talk Saturday," I grumbled, "I'll meet you at Z's coffee house on North; around say . . . eleven?"

" . . . uh sure . . . I guess . . ."

"Cool, I'll see ya then," I said and hung up

I began to tremble uncontrollably as i sat behind the wheel of my truck. After fifteen or so minutes, I was finally able to drive home; once there I fended Ritchie and Scott off (my parents were out of town) with one excuse or another, but when TJ came over, I needed someone to talk to, and I need some "stress relief"; he was now 14--just 9 months and eleven days younger than his brother--and hot as fuck! He'd avoided the gawky stage that both Ritchie and Scotty had gone through, and if he kept on, he was gonna be one big man. He'd already caught up with Ritchie both in height and dick; he was 6' 2" and skinny and his member had rapidly grown to 7 ½" of circumcised beauty; his skin was flawless and despite being slim, he had an ass that should have been an object worship--and he LOOOOOOOOOOOVED gay sex. TJ called home and told his mom he was staying with a friend from school (who'd lie for him, because TJ was banging him) and settled in for some stress relieving sex.

Even though TJ had just turned 14, he was instinctively wise, and he sensed I was troubled; he began messaging me, and in short order he had messaged us both out of our clothes. Soon he was draped across my back, his legs inside mine, his dick sunken into my ass to its hilt. He lazily but firmly started to pump into me. After a few minutes of this, he slowed to a stop--

"What's going on with you?" he said as he pumped out and in once.

I started to protest, but as soon as I did he started nibbling my earlobes--my most sensitive spot--and I soon babbled the complete tale to him; the whole while he was slowly pumping my ass. As I talked, I pushed back against him `til eventually we were both on our knees and I was ramming myself back on his dick like a pile driver. He grabbed my hips and had me spin on his dick, and he rolled me up on my shoulders and FUCKED me! The climax left us both gasping like fish in the bottom of a boat.

Once we recovered though, TJ said,

"Dude, he's either in love with you and hates it, or he's afraid you'll turn him into the cops for messing with you, or he just wants to suck you in and wants to use you as a fuck toy, but, you, for your own sake, need to meet him and find out witch it is; because, like it or not, you are in love with him."

I started kissing and making out with TJ; I knew he was right, and one thing about TJ, when he was right it was stupid to argue with him. Suddenly, all the tension and anger and everything else drained out of me and I got very sleepy . . . the next I knew I woke up to pitch blackness and TJ with a very hard dick, spooned up to my back.

In the next installment I learn the meaning of "epic make-up sex" and we go to a party; TJ is in that one too.

As always, questions, comments and criticism are welcome send them to John at thelilghost06_nthesarge@yahoo.com Hope I hear from you soon. John

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