A Very Good Day

By moc.oohay@egrasehtn_60tsohglileht

Published on Sep 13, 2009


Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get this one posted, but part of it was hard to write. I had to write it though, because it really happened and the same thing is happening to hundreds of returning veterans and their partners. I Hope it's not a downer. And, as always play safe.

We had gotten to Dobbs' place around 5.30, at that time of year where we were, it was deep twilight, and so, after our workout at the mall and our exercise in the shower we were spent. We'd crashed around 8; I started awake disoriented and lost, then Dobbs wrapped an arm around me and snuggled in behind me and nuzzled my neck,

"Easy Baby," he cooed to me, "you're okay; I gachu . . . I gachu."

I sighed and cuddled deeper into him and rested content for a minute or two, then I grasped his hand and pulled it to my face; I breathed in the scent of his skin, and then he began to lightly caress my face--I gave smooches and love nips to each knuckle and finger--at the same time, he began to nibble my neck, and pulled me with him as he leaned back and snaked his other arm under me and began to rub my pecs and tweak my nipples. I tingled all over; I sucked his forefinger deep into my mouth and realized that I wanted something else to suck on. I turned toward Dobbs and raised myself slightly and beheld that beautiful face; even in the murky darkness I was enrapt, I leaned in and inhaled his scent, and with dreamy half closed eyes kissed him. Within seconds we were tongue wrestling. As I lay against him, for an instant I thought there was a ball bat between us, and I wanted to swing on that bat!

At this point Dobbs nipped one of my ear lobes--an electric shock of pleasure shot through me--then he nibbled lower on my neck and the feeling got better. I was about to let the pleasure sweep me up, when I pushed him away and onto his back; with a few pecks and nips to his nips and pecs (I'm sorry I couldn't' stop myself) and a brief stop at his bellybutton (innie) I took his beautiful eleven in hand and mouth and started the best blow job I could give; I licked my chocolate meatcicle from base to tip, swirling the head with my tongue, then took it as deep as I could and held for as long as I could then bobbed up and down five times then started over. I kept this rhythm up for a while and Dobbs cooed and moaned his approval. Then he grabbed my head and pumped into my mouth and throat--he went deeper than I had, so I gagged and pulled back--he pushed me down harder--I pushed back against him; we played like that for a few minutes. To my surprise, I enjoyed this play and also to my surprise I went further down with each round; I was over 2/3 the way down on him when I almost choked--I pulled myself off him then shaking my head, so he knew the game was in time out.

"Damn baby, you gettin' good at that," he told me as he pulled me up and kissed me, his tongue and lips devouring my mouth. He worked his way down my neck, with me still on top, and continued to work down my body to my chest--his hands, at my flanks, stroked and lightly scratched my skin, as he bit down on first my left nipple and then my right--my body trembled and a warbling inarticulate moan of ecstasy burst from me.

"Ooh man, my man, ooh . . . Ooh, ah . . . Woohoo!" Each oh and ah, a reflexive reaction to each nip, bite and scratch.

I'd been messing around with guys since I was 8 and fucking, mostly bottom, since 12; even though Danny had gotten into kissing and touching, it was mostly centered on dick, balls and ass--I was stunned that my skin was so sensitive in so many places--the idea that being bitten or scratched would drive me to erotic ecstasy had never crossed my 16 year old mind (go fig). Now, under Dobbs' ministrations, I could almost lose sight of the main event--almost, but not quite--and not for my sexual mentor either.

He moved lower finally taking my drizzling dick into his mouth, and he knew how to suck dick; his lips and tongue enveloped my junk with just the perfect amount of suction and saliva, as he slid down my length and buried his nose in my red bush; he bobbed and slurped and then drug his teeth very lightly across the head of dick--I shivered and gasped--then he pulled off and lapped at my sack as I arched my back and held my self up with my hands on the bed outside his knees. He licked lower into my perineum--now I laid back, my shoulders slid between his calves, raising my crotch up and toward his mouth. He gripped my hips and guided my ass to his lapping tongue, with contact, a jolt shot through me, from my ass to my toes to the top of my head--I arched my back like a cat in reverse, I snapped my head back and forth and howled. How he managed it I don't know, but some how he levered himself up to his knees as he rolled me up onto my shoulders, never losing contact with my twitching joy spot. Now he was lapping and jabbing my hole with his tongue, his lips brushed and nuzzled and smacked all around my entry. I was numb and twitching with pleasure at the same time, "Gods! O gods . . . ah, ooh err," was all I could gasp.

At this point Dobbs lowered my ass back to the bed as he moved around to dangle his magic wand over my mouth; now I gripped his hips and pulled myself up taking his dick like a sword swallower.

He was still tonguing my butt as he reached out to grab the lube from the night stand; he disengaged himself, switched back around, rolled me back up on my shoulders and generously applied the lube to my hole and his fuck stick. He paused, and looked me in the eyes; he settled my heels on his shoulders and leaned forward, and still looking me in the eyes eased that massive meat all the way into me, in one smooth motion. As he bottomed out, he leaned his upper body back a bit and slid my heels to the front of his shoulders; then, still holding my ankles he leaned forward and straightened his legs simultaneously lifting my impaled ass with him rolling me up onto my shoulder blades. With sighs and moans form me, still looking me in the eyes, Dobbs began to fuck me. My dick was dribbling pre cum like hydraulic fluid from an m110 main hose, I was drooling like one of Pavlov's dogs, and moaning like an icebreakers hull, as Dobbs pumped my ass like a sewing machine; that wonderful deep-dick glow started to radiate from my prostate, I felt like I was floating, almost out of body--but as good as I was feeling, angels with shot guns and crow bars wouldn't be able to get me out of my body. Now Dobbs slipped my right heel across to his right shoulder, my left leg flopped down his side and straightened as I turned on to my left hip; he pistoned my ass without missing a beat. In this position I had better access to my dick and began stroking myself to his rhythm.

"How you doin' baby?" he asked in a husky whisper.

"Ooh, Big Daddy, ooh yeah," I sighed in reply. He chuckled at that and said,

"You ready to cum Babyboy?"

"Yeah, but not yet; you got me on the knife's edge. You make feel soooo good."

"Damn, I created a monster," he said with a smirk, "You want me to fuck you silly, huh."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I all but yodeled.

With that he pushed me over on to my belly and draped himself over my back like a blanket, slid his hands up under my arms, grabbed my shoulders and continued to plow me in earnest. I reached back and grabbed his ass to urge him further and unconsciously raised my ass to meet his thrusts. I started to push back as he hammered away; I pushed up onto my knees; one hand still urging his ass onward my other taking my dick in hand and strokin'. With my movements, Dobbs started going faster--one of us said "home stretch"--my stroking hand must have been a blur, my nut was building--Dobbs pounded my ass like a jack hammer, his breathing rough and ragged,

"We got it baby. Oh yeah, we got it. Here it comes. Oh yeah, Offfuck. OOO FFFUCK!"

Dobbs babbled as he slammed deep into me and that tripped my trigger and I unloaded my nut juice in a spasm, and flopped forward onto the bed, gasping like a fish in the bottom of a boat, and drug Dobbs, still inserted, along with me. We lay like that for a while, then, once he was completely soft, Dobbs rolled off me and ducked into the bathroom; I heard him pissing as I got up and went into the bath down the hall. I took care of business and when I returned to the bedroom Dobbs was just finishing putting fresh sheets on the bed.

"I hate sleeping in cum," was his only comment. I took the opportunity to slip off to the kitchen and pour us both a big glass of orange juice and carried them back to the bedroom.

"You read my mind," he said as he accepted the glass and slugged half of it down in one go. He sat down on the bed and gestured for me to do the same. I sat next to him; he turned and looked at me, smiled and said,

"You are one cute white boy, you know that John? I've seen lots of guys, all over the world, you are fucking cute. I'm glad I saw you fuckin' around with that Mexican kid . . . I noticed him first, but then I saw you. I figured what ever you guys did, I'd zero in on you afterwards." He paused then chuckled, "You shoulda seen the look on your face when Felipe's mama showed up. I was tryna hit on you once you lef outta the department store, but you were so pissed you didn't see me for like ten minutes."

He paused for a long moment and then said,

"I can't believe how lucky I am--you're here with me--I've felt lost and alone since I ETS'd. . . I like you."

"When you left that bathroom, initially you weren't gonna come back were you?" I asked after a long pause.

"Truth, no I wasn't, but then I felt it when I was going back to the mall."

"Felt what?"

"Need. I felt it in the way you gave yourself up to me, and I felt it like a kick in the gut as I walked away. I knew I needed to be with you."

With that we started making out, at a comparatively leisurely pace. As we necked, I popped wood, he saw it and chuckled, "Damn boy." As we continued we laid back and got more comfortable, and once again we snuggled down and went to sleep. I glanced at the clock as I drifted off; 12.30.

It showed 3.48 when I woke up again, I had to piss--BAD--as gently as I could, I slid out of bed and into the bathroom, pissed and washed my hands. When I came back to the bed, I gazed at the sleeping perfection that lay there in the feeble light of the streetlamp; it was warm in the room and together we made it warmer, so he was covered to the waist with only a sheet. I could barely perceive him breathing, so that at a glance he was a classical bronze "The Sleeping Moor". I laid down on the edge of the bed on my side, my head propped in my hand as I just gazed. Finally, I slid over closer and stroked his head. He snapped awake, grabbed my wrist and rolled on top of me with a hand at my throat--

"Dobbs!" I snapped sharply, "Dobbs! It's me!"

With my right hand I grabbed the wrist of the hand on my neck and pulled it onto my sternum and twisted my left free and locked his arm with mine. I looked at his face and knew he didn't see me--my Dad was a vet of WW II, Korea and Vietnam (US Army; 1942-1967)--I knew a post traumatic flash back when I saw one. I knew Dobbs was Special Forces, so I knew he'd been in the shit--he quickly recovered; his left broke free of my right and grabbed my throat hard--I acted fast before I chocked out, I pushed up with my knees to unbalance his body--he threw more of his weight on my neck--I simultaneously yanked his left arm so he fell forward and brought my right fist up under his chin as hard as I could--that was enough to stun him--I broke away and leapt from the room; I thought about leaving but I was bare ass naked and all my clothes plus phone and car keys were in the room with him. FUCK!

I paused and heard him fumble and fall off the bed and I heard him bang into the wall and I heard a thud on the floor. I waited. I sat, very tensely, on the arm of the couch. I listened; I heard no movement, but I heard something--a high pitched almost whistle and whimper--my brow knitted as I listened,

"Dobbs," I called tentatively, paused and called again, "Dobbs?"

Still no response, and still that whining cry; I got up and moved carefully toward the bedroom door.

"Dobbs, I coming into the room. Are you okay?" Still he didn't respond. Now, with a firmer voice, "Answer me. Is it okay for me to come in?" a pause, then as sharply as I could manage, "Dobbs! Answer me; is it safe for me to come in? You're the only one who can tell me. Now answer!"

"Yes," he answered, his voice was barely audible and chocked with emotion. "It's safe" he said and then broke down sobbing.

I cautiously approached the bedroom door and turned on the light as I looked in; I could see his legs and butt on the floor on the other side of the bed. He was laying face down shuddering; I could hear him whimpering and sobbing. I fought down the urge to rush over, gather him up and hug and console him; instead I focused on finding and collecting my clothes.

"I'm sorry," he said in a soft shaky voice. I continued quietly about my business.

"I didn't mean for that to happen . . . it's just that . . . just that . . . It was so real, I was there! I could smell it! I could feel the sun beating down on me. I could here the machine guns and explosions." He babbled, each word tumbling after the other. I could hear the anxiety rising in his voice. Calmly as I could I asked,

"Did you know it was a dream? A flashback?" He was quiet for a time and responded,

"I knew I'd been there before; everything was the same . . ."

"That's your brain trying to tell you are in control. . .' I said matter of factly, "They're your memories and they're your actions and it's your dream. You own it." Like I said, I know PTSD when I see it.

He had gotten up off the floor, still crying and sniffling, and sat down on the bed; his head was hanging, his shoulders slumped--he was defeated. I had put my pants on, and had gathered my clothes on the dresser next to the door.

"I'm sorry," he repeated wearily, "I'm sorry. . . Now you gonna leave . . . I don't blame you. . . I never shoulda gone back to that bathroom. Fuck . . . fuck." He sniffed as he sat there. I remained silent and didn't move. Finally he looked at me,

"Well go. Leave already," he growled. I looked at him neutrally. He sprang to his feet and lunged at me, yelling "Go, Go!" More from reflex than deliberate thought, I sprang to a fighting position and lashed out before I realized it; I connected with his gut just under the ribs with a left uppercut and his jaw with an over hand right--he staggered back and sat back down on the bed--I took a step back and remained in a defensive crouch. He shook his head and gave a sad grunt, rubbed his jaw and looked at me,

"Well? You have my attention. . ."

"Understand Mister Dobbs, when I leave, under these circumstances, it will be my choice; you can't force me. . ."

"I know, now you're not afraid of me. . ."

"Bull-fuckin'-shit if I'm not afraid of you--my dad was a Special Forces instructor--I know what you can do just by reflex. . . You know what you could have done to me . . . but like you said, it's a matter of need . . . You need me to be here and I need to be with you."


"I lost a brother and parts of both my parents to PTS--I'm not gonna lose you to--I like you too, but even if I didn't being alone is not what you need."

We both relaxed considerably. I stayed back until he asked me to come closer. I could see how gingerly he moved his head and jaw, a twinge of guilt came over me--I hadn't needed to hit him that hard--I was as guilty of acting without thinking as he was. He reclined on the far side of the bed, I sat on the edge closest to the door; I leaned back and rested on the pillow--I felt dizzy and hot--the adrenalin rush subsided--I noticed Dobbs' hands were trembling, he was still burning adrenalin-BAD-I stood up, went to the bathroom and got a bottle of lotion and a warm cloth and retuned to the room. I entered the room and went to his side of the bed and knelt down.

"Easy Baby," I soothed as wiped his tear streaked face with the warm rag and then put it over his left jaw joint. I put a small line of lotion across the very top of his chest then gently and carefully messaged the top of his shoulders and the sides and back of his neck. He hissed and groaned and AHAH"d, but didn't resist. Then I just as carefully stretched his neck muscles and then messaged his face. I leaned back and looked at him; he gave me a lopsided smile and said,

"That feels lots better, but I don't think I'm gonna eat anything hard or chewy for the next few days."

"Well, I don't know about chewy, but you better be able to eat something hard." I responded as I grabbed my crotch.

He laughed and then groaned and grabbed himself across the top of his abs,

"Whoa fuck, I take it your dad showed you a couple of moves?" he wheezed. I nodded.

"Damn, that was pretty good. And at least you're tryin' t' make it a little better. Where'd you learn message?"

"I took a sports med/first aid course," I said, "Now stretch out so I can get the rest of you to relax--we both need to rest--you haven't slept very much lately have you?"

"Truth? If it hadn't been for you wearin' me out, I don't think I woulda slept any yet."

He was now stretched out on his belly and I began the message by drizzling lotion across his shoulders and down his back, as I started working his muscles I murmured,

"I guess I'll have to do my best to keep you wore out."

He chuckled and groaned, "I'll hold you to that if you don't make me laugh."

"I'll do my best." And messaged him from head to toe back and front. He'd been mostly hard when he rolled over, now he was bone hard and flexed that bad boy; it snapped against his abs with a loud slap.

"Well, that's done," said as I stood up and took a step back.

"Hey," he said with mock alarm, "What about dis?" as he gestured to his iron pipe.

"What chu wan' me to do wi' dat?"

"I want chu take care of it."

"How?" I asked in all innocence.

"Well first, step closer," he said as he reached up and undid my pants and pushed them and my boxer-briefs down. "Now, get rid of those." I stepped out of them as he said, "now, kneel down an' get a good look at 'im." I did as instructed. "Now touch it." I did. "Now, taste it." I tongued it like a candy cane. "Ooh yeah." I continued to lick. Then he said, "Now take it in your mouth. Yeah, just like that. Oh yeah, ooh yeah, do that with your tongue some more--oh yeah!" Then, "Stop--you gonna make me nut--c'mere," he said as he drew my face up to his, and my body up onto the bed beside him.

He held me and looked at me and took a breath and glanced away, then back,

"Thank you for staying with me--for not giving up . . . on me . . . and for . . . being with me," I sensed he was on the verge of tears so,

"Are you kidding me?" I said with incredulity, "Do you know how freakin' hot you are? I may be a dumb farm boy, but I ain't crazy--I am not about to walk away from a living breathing wet dream. You are so fuckin' beautiful, an' I'm stickin' wi' chu long as I can."

He smiled and was about to say something, when I stopped him by kissing him hard,

"Now," I said, then kissed him again, "I want you to fuck me like you'll never have the chance again."

With that, all the anger and tension and adrenalin that remained, turned to passion in both of us. We kissed and bit each other everywhere; we pushed and pulled and wrestled--really wrestled, oil added, on the floor (Thank gods his downstairs and next-door neighbors were gone for the weekend) full-on take down and pin--It was while he was laying there on the floor gasping that I crawled over, straddled him and settled down on that mighty joy stick. I rode him with an easy rhythm, my hands tweaking his nipples and caressing his face and neck. Once he'd recovered his breath, he rose up on his elbows and watched as I fucked myself on his dick. He sat up further and spread his legs so my butt settled to the floor. We mirrored each other, I put my legs over his; my feet were flat on the floor just past his hips, his feet mirrored mine. We both leaned back on our hands and both of us started to bridge out raising our butts in unison, he was just far enough under me that we were able to rock in opposite directions and bang back together. We could only keep it up for a few strokes (but damn did that feeel goood) before we shifted back to our original position; I leaned down and sucked his tongue into my mouth. After a few more minutes, I rose up and spun around on that impaling pike and rode in that position for a while. Dobbs maneuvered himself to knees and then first his right foot slipped in front of my right knee, then his left to my left knee, so he was squatting behind me banging away; because of the position, he could drive deeper than I'd had him yet. Unconsciously, my right hand reached down between my legs to fondle his nut sack on every down stroke. After a few ecstatic minutes of this, he plunged all the way in and held there, dropped his left knee, gripped my shoulder and pulled us over onto our sides. Now we started fucking in earnest, he stroked my dick in time with his strokes to my ass; at the rate he was going both inside and out, I wasn't gonna last much longer,

"You close?" he rasped, "I'm close, Damn baby I'm almost there."

"Me too." I said in a hoarse whisper as I guided his stroking hand with mine. I could feel the wave building and soon I ride it to shore. He gave me my cock and reached up and gripped my shoulder as he braced his foot against the bed for better leverage –he was pounding the spot relentlessly--I couldn't hold back anymore,

"Oh man, omna, oman, omanoman!" I babbled and shot my nut half way to the wall!

After about ten more pumps Dobbs slammed into me hard and something between a howl and a roar burst out of his mouth as blast after blast of his cum shot up into my guts--I swear I could feel it in my stomach--the hand gripping my shoulder dug in so I felt compelled to pull it off. He gasped `sorry' as I did.

"Damn. Was that what you had in mind?" he asked cheerily.

"Kinda. Not quite though. Hmm, maybe a little less athletic . . . and a little more . . .I don't know . . . We'll just keep at it and I'll let you know when we get there.

"Okay, if I hafta," he moaned like kid being forced to go to Aunt Mildred's house.

We got up and each of us used the bathroom and then met in the shower. We washed each other and lotioned each other and settled down in bed. I was on my back and he draped himself on my left side I listen as his breathing became deep even and regular. The light of the morning sun was bleeding in around the drapes as I snuggled down with Dobbs and went to sleep.

There's more to this story on the way, I promise I'll try to stick to the fun parts. I had more fun with Dobbs, and I'll tell you how he reacted when he discovered I was a 16 y/o high school student. I will try to post again for this story in a week or so.

For now though, to all my fellow combat vets--take the PTSD screening that VA offers--what I wrote really did happen with Dobbs--he could have accidentally killed me. Don't put your partner or your self in that kind of danger. The same goes for you partners of vets, get the info so you can recognize what's going on and make sure your man or woman get the services they earned. End of Sermon.

Sorry about the preaching--but otherwise let me know what you think of the writing. Besides this one, I've two more stories (Or story arcs) posted: The Little Ghost posted in interracial and military, and Danny and Me in adult youth. Comments questions and feedback are always welcome. Email me at thelilghost06_nThesarge@yahoo.com

Thanx --John.

Next: Chapter 3

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