A Very Good Day

By moc.oohay@egrasehtn_60tsohglileht

Published on Sep 6, 2009


All the usual disclaimers apply--if you are too young, leave now and come back when you're legal; if this kind of story is illegal where you live, I feel sorry for you, so move to a more sensible place, log back on to Nifty and read it there. I hope you enjoy the story. By the way, this story is true, the sex happened, but be smarter than we were--play safe.

My first sexual encounter with an adult happened about three weeks after my 16th birthday, and he was black so he was my first interracial experience too. I was out of school for a week--it was hunting season, and the week could be "pre-excused" which a bunch of us non-hunters took advantage of--and cruising around since I had a car. I'd hit the local mall and other high school hang outs; nothing was going on, so I decided to hit the Interstate and see what the metropolis had to offer.

My parents were both retired from the Army; my dad was still part of the Corps of Engineers, a regional inspector. My mom was a nurse, a regional coordinator for the state license board. They both traveled often, so I was home alone quite a bit. If I had to, I'd admit to being kinda cute, especially then. I'm a redhead and at that time I was in the midst of a growth spurt, I was just over 6' and weighed in at 168 lbs. I was a baseball player and it showed; tall and lanky with broad shoulders, buff arms and chest, tight abs and a distance runners legs. I had crystal blue eyes, a clear round smooth face that girls said was cute and--I'd been told by both sexes--a nice ass. And, at that time, my pride-and-joy was almost 7". I had had sex with guys more or less regularly since I was 8; I'd been fucked at 12 and loved it, and I figured out I was gay by my 13th birthday. I was experienced with boy-boy and boy-teen sex, but naive to sex with a grown man.

I knocked around the city and found a really huge mall. I went in and started scoping out some of the guys that were around. At the food court I saw this really, really hot Latino; he looked to be about my age, was 5'9" and looked to weigh about 155 lbs. Built like a soccer player that wrestles in the winter; he was wearing a washed out blue cap backwards over black hair with a slight curl. He had that gorgeous copper/olive skin tone and deep, dark, brown eyes that you could lose yourself in. His face was equally stunning clear skin, long lashes, a perfect nose, and sculpted cheek bones; a long slender neck emerging from the loose color of an unbuttoned short-sleeve shirt and a smooth torso wrapped by a white "wife-beater." I couldn't see further down because of the stupid wretched table. I grabbed a drink and sat at nearby table. I played the glance and smile game with him for a few minutes trying desperately to screw my courage up enough to say something to him. He got up and kind of glanced around and moved slowly enough for me to follow him which I did. He strolled along looking in shops and kiosks never stopping, but slowing enough for me to close the distance with him. We did this for about 20 minutes and wound up in the young men's department of one of the upscale department stores. We were back in the racks mostly out of sight when he started "modeling" shorts off the rack, posing and pushing his package forward--this was getting really hot--we were drifting in the direction of the changing rooms when a heavily accent female voice called out:

"Felipe, donde ha sido usted--where have you been!? It is time we are leaving. Come."

I turned to see a middle-aged Latina, everything about her said "mama". I looked back at the boy; he was hanging the shorts back up. He cocked his head to the side and gave me a little-boy grin and whispered the word "Sorry" as he passed. I felt like I'd had a perfect game broken up by a home run in the bottom of the ninth.

"Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!"

I drifted away from there and wandered around the mall aimlessly. I meandered through a sports shop and then to a sunglasses place and became aware of a black guy watching me, following me with his eyes. I decided to check it out and see what was up, so I drifted out of the shop and wandered a couple of shops down. Yes! He was definitely following me. I paused in front of a bookstore and picked up a magazine; he stopped to look at a book at the table opposite mine. I took the opportunity to check him out. Oh-My-God! I almost nutted in my pants--he was so freakin' beautiful! He wore a black do-rag, had a broad, smooth face; smiling dark eyes, perfect brow; broad nose, full, kissable lips, café au lait skin--luscious. He was about 5' 11" n' wearing an oversize gray t-shirt and loose fitting black jeans; brown work boots completed his ensemble. Then I saw his hands--I had never before had to fight down an urge to lick someone else's fingers in public--long smooth fingers, almost pristine knuckles, and smooth hairless backs, perfect hands. And the color; and so smooth! Oh-My-Freakin'-GOD! Oh so hot.

I shook my head slightly to bring myself out of the trance and realized I'd murmured "God! Oh so hot" out loud! He gave me a sly, knowing smile, put his book down, and still looking at me, gave a "follow me" gesture with his head as he walked past me, I followed.

He strode a few paces further on then went through a set of double doors to his left. I followed about two paces behind. I paused outside the doors, my higher intellect finally kicked in to caution me--for a split second I thought about all the "e-ville" that could befall me--then I told the little voice of reason to shut-up and go away--and followed him. The hall was very long and utilitarian. I saw him about half-way down going through yet another door; this one under a very prominent "MENS RESTROOM" sign, I glanced around and made my way quickly after him.

I pushed through the door and found I was in yet another hallway, the door at the far end was just closing. I rushed through that door and entered a huge restroom--like major airport huge--that looked deserted--he was nowhere to be seen. Then, to my left I heard a stall door slam. I went to my left and down an alley of toilet stalls, all closed. Which one was it?! Just then the door of the handicapped stall on the far end opened and HIS hand beckoned. In a trance I floated over and into the stall. I heard the door latch behind me, I was grabbed and spun around and shoved back to the wall; with his hand on my neck he looked at me really, really hard then with a smirk he leaned in and kissed me really passionately--I'd never ever been kissed like that in public, but I quickly started to kiss back--the real thing, tongue wrestling, spit swapping, face sucking, tonsil hockey. Damn! My body was rigid and suddenly I was quivering like a feather in the wind; we were hugging each other so fiercely it's a wonder we didn't break each others ribs! We broke the hug--and the kiss--my right hand moved up to caress the left side of his face and neck; my left worked its way under his shirt; skin smoother than silk, flesh hard as iron. (My mouth waters in memory). He kissed then bit the left side of my neck--as he bit into my neck I moaned and my hands of their own accord gripped his head and neck and pushed his mouth harder into my neck. His right hand gripped and caressed the left side of my neck, his thumb rubbed along my jaw. His left hand gripped and dug into my right pec. I pulled his face away from my neck and our mouths found and began to devour each other again. And now my mouth was at his neck he moaned, then broke away and shoved me hard back against the wall (thank the gods it was a solid block wall or we would have gone right through it). Then, with a defiant glare, grabbed the waist of my jeans and yanked them down as he knelt and engulfed my diamond hard 6-3/4" dick in one smooth motion. My knees went weak, my eyes rolled back in my head and I made a gurgling sound like Homer Simpson with a dozen donuts. The only reason I didn't come right then was, I think, because I was in so much ecstasy I'd forgotten how. Within seconds, however, that knowledge came rushing back to my mind and body.

"Dude, I'm gonna cum!" I said in a choked whisper.

He pulled his mouth off my dick and grinned up at me.

"Not yet you ain't, this gonna last a little while, white boy."

Something in his tone or his manner of speaking said "military"; I realized then that he was considerably older than me. I found out later that he was 25 and had just gotten off of army active duty 6 months before. I digress.

He stood up and pulled me against him, our mouths met and our hands roved; his hands slid down my back to explore my ass, mine slid under his shirt and down his pants. I slid a hand around front and brushed through his bush and found the top of his dick; it felt like a piece of silk covered steel pipe the size of a water main! I shoved him back a little, dropped to my knees and started to unwrap my present. It was a good thing that I leaned forward beside his knee as I pulled his pants down because, 11-1/2" of black steel sprang up out of his pant leg like setting off a mouse trap, if my face had been in the way he would have broken my jaw or nose or put my out. Damn! What a glorious organ! I was so stunned, I forgot what I was doing--my jaws gaped--I said,

"How beautiful. . . What do I do . . . ?"

Even as I said that I reached out and grasped the largest circumcised penis I had seen up to that time. My hand wrapped all the way around it just barely--the tip of my thumb covered about an 1/8th" of my middle finger's nail--and I have very long hands and fingers (10"+ from the heel of my palm to tip of my middle finger). The head was the size and color of a plum; I engulfed it and got maybe 2" of his shaft in my mouth. Bliss was mine! And he wasn't complaining either,

"Nice, yeah work that dick boy. . . Yeah, das good," he murmured.

With one hand he guided my head along one side and then the other of his penis. I couldn't help but giggle as I nibbled and licked all the way.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

I paused in my labor of love and told him,

"This is just like dick-flavored corn-on-the-cob!"

He chuckled and responded,

"Jus' don't bite into it."

I grabbed the dick and flipped it up and licked it from base to tip like a candy stick. I engulfed the head and sucked again and repeated the sequence. I then began to lave his nut sack. (An observation; I've had sex with more than my fare share guys with 8" and larger dicks, most of them were cum gushers, and all of them had smaller scrotums than me). I took each in my mouth and then both, slurping and licking them like they were a melting ice cream cone, and they were just as tasty. Then I licked a little lower and tongued my way to his perineum.

"Damn boy, you gonna eat me up--you driven me crazy--you gonna eat my ass? Huh, you dirty little white boy?"

"O Fuck yeah," I said.

I returned to work on the head of his dick. He yanked it away as he sharply sucked in a breath,

"Ease up on that baby, I was `bout t' nut." He told me as he turned around.

As he did so, I was presented with an ass that defined the cooks' label "GBD"--golden brown and delicious. I am a dedicated ass eater and have been since I first tried it with Danny when I was 12--I love the taste, the scent and the sensation I get by making my subject moan and quiver. My man was most appreciative, he quivered like Jell-O, he moaned like a hump-back whale, and gasped and cursed in a sharp whisper. I kept at it, until finally he stopped me.

"I could let you do that forever, but I want to fuck. You ready to get fucked boy?"

I was horny and hesitant at the same time.

"You got the biggest dick I've ever seen--you could rip me apart--I want it, man I want it! But I am a little scared." My little voice of reason had returned quietly.

"I won't hurt you--I know how big this fucker is and I know how to use it--if you really want me to fuck you then everything will be ok, but you can't hesitate. If you ain't sure then lets not try it, `cause you will get tore up."

"I want it man. I want to feel your dick all up inside me. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me. I want you to FUCK ME." "Alright," he whispered in a soothing voice, and started nuzzling my neck. We made out for a little while; the apprehension and tension drained away and I was ready. He broke out a little tube of Vaseline lip balm, put a dollop on my finger and squirted a dose on his dick and slicked up the whole length as I lubed my pleasure hole. I turned around and faced the wall, and presented my tight white ass to him; he pulled me and pushed me into position; he rubbed the head of that massive meat up and down my crack and located my entry. He let the head rest there for a second, then we both took a breath, I pushed out as he pushed in; the head popped in and I gasped--a sensation ripped through me, not pain, more like a shock--thank gods he stopped, I caught my breath and nodded for him to continue. He pressed forward and I felt like I was using a fire plug as a suppository! As his dick snaked further and further in, that sweet delicious buzzed feeling began to envelope my body; as he bottomed out I moaned and I realized I needed something to moan into or half the mall would know I was having a GOOD time. I told my friend as much, and carefully we leaned and fished a green bandana from my back pocket, as we moved down then back up--I couldn't stop myself, I moaned like the sound track to a cheap porno--his dick smacked against my prostate and I became aware that pre-cum was running from my dick like crankcase oil from a Checker Cab, I stuffed the rag into my mouth and moaned like I was being paid to do it.

As soon as I was properly muffled, he began to really fuck me--not hard really, but true long dick fuckin'--he was right he knew how to use that big fucker. He was pumping away at a steady pace when he leaned up to my ear and licked it and nibbled on my ear lobe. I lost it; the combination of sensations was just too much, and for the second time (up `til then) in my life I came without ever stroking my dick. I nutted and nutted hard! I could already feel the muscles in my crotch and inside my thighs and knew they'd be sore come tomorrow. My partner whispered,

"I'm almost there. Here I come . . . Oh Damn! Here it comes! . . . O FUCK!" He shoved all the way up into me and shuddered like a seizure patient! He held his breath and then gasped, and whisper sharply "Shit! Fuck! Goddam!" then blew out a breath again. He pulled out and then kissed my neck. I felt that empty feeling that comes at the end of a great fuck. He pulled his pants up and then slipped out of the stall. I wanted to follow but had immediate post-fuck needs to take care of, so I latched the door and shuffled over to the toilet and did what was necessary. After I'd cleaned up, I dressed, left the stall washed up and headed back towards the mall. I figured I'd never see dude again; oh well, it was great and it would make a great jack off fantasy. As I walked out of the rest room into the little hall, I was overcome by that post deep dick glow, it was almost like my prostate was in spasm and an almost orgasmic feeling washed over me--no come, but it sure felt good--I had to lean against the wall to recover. After a few glowing seconds, I pulled myself together and started out the outer door, and collided with dude coming back in.

"Are you alright man?" he asked, "It took you a while." I smiled and responded.

"When you left out, I thought you were gone, so I wasn't in any rush. If I'd known you were waiting . . . It still woulda taken a while, that was a thorough job."

"Sorry about how I left . . . I needed to piss and wanted to give you a little privacy," he said softly, "An', it's kind of a reflex from when I was in the service."

"Thought you were military." I said a little smugly.

"It shows that bad?"

"Not really, I'm an Army brat, so I recognize GI a mile off."

"I just ETS'd a couple of months, more like six months ago."

We strolled down the long hallway and into the mall, chatting all the while. We reached the food court; he bought me a soda and we continued talking. He was at loose ends since he'd gotten out; between the economy and the uncertain military situation, he didn't know what to do, but he'd narrowed it down to college general ed courses, and getting by on his GI Bill and UI payments until lightning struck. I paid attention and nodded appropriately. Then he said,

"I'm sorry to bore you, man, but sometimes I gotta unload. Know what I mean?

"You didn't bore me, and I do know what you mean. I feel like I'm spinnin' my wheels too, I'm stuck here for another year and a half. Graduation can't come soon enough."

At this point, the movies let out, and our quiet chat was swamped by a sea of sound.

"You wanna blow this joint?" he asked over the din.

"Sure, lets rock on out." I agreed

We walked in silence to the parking garage,

"You wanna follow me to my place?" he asked, "it's not far from here."

I thought about it, no one was at home, so I was my own man and hanging out with Dobbs was really cool. I didn't get a creepy vibe from him at all,

"Sure" I said.

I followed him to a nondescript apartment building about six blocks from the mall. We parked and he led the way up to the third floor, his was the apartment on the far end. We entered, the place was sparsely furnished; a couch and mismatched chair and a big screen TV occupied the living room. A Formica table and three chairs were visible in the kitchen. The carpet was old and worn, but it, like everything else in the place was clean and everything was neat.

Dobbs grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, sports center was on briefly then a DVD started, the images on the screen resolved into a twinky white boy sucking a thuggish looking black dude; as I watched I sat down next to Dobbs on the couch,

"That looks like fun, shall we try it?" I asked in a chipper voice.

"Well, I don't know," he responded languidly, "I guess so, if you really want to."

As I moved to unwrap that amazing package once again, he stopped me and ducked into the bathroom.

"Get in here," he ordered.

I rushed to comply. I helped him strip and he stripped me and we were butt-naked devouring each other. He broke away and started the shower; we got in and continued our game of tonsil hockey. We started washing each other and soon, I was up against the wall getting my ass fucked like there was no tomorrow. He nutted deep inside me, paused for maybe 10 seconds, pulled out spun me around and swiftly sucked me to climax and swallowed my nut.

After a little recovery time, we finished our shower sans further incident, got out and dried each other off. He led me to the bedroom, and we lay down naked. He spooned up behind me and quickly fell asleep; I lingered in that place between asleep and awake and thought about what had happened to me that day. It was a good day I decided, and I heard my own sleepy voice say,

"It was a very good day." And I drifted off to sleep.

I had more fun with Dobbs, if you want to find out how he reacted when he discovered I was a 16 y/o high school student, let me know; constructive criticism is always welcome. Email me at thelilghost06_nThesarge@yahoo.com Thanx --John.

Next: Chapter 2

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