A Valentine's Day Thirty Years Reunion

By Kevin Head

Published on Feb 15, 2007



I pushed him down onto the bed and began ravaging his body frantically. I worked feverishly unbuckling his belt, getting his fly unzipped, pulling his shirt up, and his trousers down quickly to uncover the firmness of the forbidden fruit buried beneath his briefs. I wasted no time ripping his briefs down past his buttocks positioning the waistband beneath his scrotal sac. Finally, there it was, the jackpot; a prize that I had been after since our chance meeting a few hours earlier in the casino. A payout that I hadn't been able to collect on in thirty years, but a treasure I had craved so many times during the past three decades.

I grabbed hold of the base of Roy's beautiful boner while I hovered over the crimson knob of his manhood much like a Honey Bee preparing to land on a succulent flower to collect its nectar. I quickly let my mouth engulf his magnificent looking manhood; an engorged manhood with a beautifully circumcised glans. Roy's almost six inches of robust raging cock hadn't changed in thirty years and still fit nicely into my mouth. As I took him in my mouth he began groaning, moaning, and bucking his groin up into my face as he grabbed hold of my hair tugging on my brown locks. Roy's precum juices tasted just as sweet as I remembered from thirty years ago.

As Roy continued face fucking me I caressed his balls. I licked his dick from top to bottom letting my tongue encircle the glans as I came to the top, every once in a while my tongue darted into his piss slit looking for more of his nectar. Roy continued moaning and writhing around on the bed as our animalistic tryst continued. Between the moans of pleasure he kept asking me to turn around so he could taste me. I stayed between his legs wanting this to be a special reunion; a special blow job, because when I asked him to reciprocate later I wanted it to be special. There was going to be plenty of time that weekend to do each other many times over. This was my special moment to pleasure a special person in my life; a moment when I wanted to retrieve some of his succulent nectar to savor it.

My name is Alan and that is how the reunion between two old college roommates started off in a hotel suite in Lake Tahoe on Valentine's Day 2007. Roy and I had been roommates and lovers all through college and then for some reason things went sour in our relationship and we went our separate ways in life. There was a year's difference in our ages when we met. I was eighteen almost nineteen and Roy was seventeen almost eighteen when we started college.

The meeting the first day of classes began by sharing two classes together; it was one of those things where we both knew by days end that we would be sleeping in each other's arms that night -- we would become lovers. We couldn't take our eyes off each other throughout our classes, and then during lunch Roy reached down and took hold of my hand as he looked longingly into my eyes. Before the day ended we had managed to trade out dorm rooms with two other guys, so that we could be together for the semester.

The first night together there was no sex. We spent the evening drinking a bottle of wine getting to know each other. As we lay across the bed we played with and stroked each other's hands, fingers, and faces. We kissed tenderly and passionately. As the bottle of wine emptied slowly we emptied our souls to each other. I learned that Roy had been somewhat pampered by his parents growing up and never allowed to participate in sports; therefore, he was a little overweight. Not obese, but he needed to shed a few pounds to be more attractive and a better lover.

His weight didn't make a difference to me, but we decided that night that we would spend a couple hours three nights a week in the gym getting him into shape. I was already in good shape, but Roy needed to shed about ten to twelve pounds and put some definition to his body. We also pledged to get on a lean diet and stick to it. Before the night was over we both took a shower together; that was the first time we saw each other naked. We were pleasantly surprised to find that our reproductive equipment was the same sizes soft and erect and we were both circumcised; therefore, there would be no cause for envy or jealousy of each other's equipment.

The shower we took together that first night was so sensuous such a beautiful experience. We bathed each other's bodies kissing each other every once in a while. We must have stood in the shower for a long time caressing each other's bodies because eventually the shower water began to turn cold. After we got out and dried off we slid into my bed. We pledged our undying love for each other holding each other tightly until we drifted off to sleep. The next morning I went down on my new found lover for the first time to give him what would become a ritualistic morning blow job.

As I began stirring to life the following morning my naked body sensed a slight chill to the early morning sea breeze that waft through the open dorm room window gently blowing across my bare buttocks. I felt a noticeable prodding at my booty crack; it felt like the full length of an erect prong positioned nicely in the crevice of my ass crack. Roy's arm draped over the right side of my body holding me in a passionate embrace next to his warm body. I could feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck. God, I so wanted Roy to slip his swollen member inside my awaiting asshole; filling my anal cavity with the entirety of his fully engorged manhood, and then fuck me silly until sunrise.

The morning sun had not yet crested the horizon and the bedroom was still mask in an eerie darkness. I was hard, not necessarily from lust, but a morning piss hard on. I needed to take a piss in the worst way, so I began surreptitiously wriggling free from the grasp not wanting to wake Roy yet. Once I slithered free from his embrace I was out of bed and into the bathroom taking a much needed morning whiz.

After urinating silently I then washed my crotch area and gargled quietly before returning to bed. I wanted my manhood and mouth to be clean and fresh as I awoke my Roy with a morning blowjob. In the predawn twilight I quietly slid back into bed next to my new found lover, who by then was lying flat on his back with his hands clasp behind his head and the front of his naked body fully exposed.

Even though Roy was a little overweight I enjoyed what I saw in the darkness. As I lay next to Roy my finger tips began delicately circling his brown areoles, and then I began flicking each nipple gently feeling each little pink bud in the center awaken to a delightful erection. In the darkness my fingers crept down his stomach in search of more hidden treasures. I found his brown bush and began playing in the forest, fondling his nut sac before taking his manhood in hand, and stroking it slowly to full length.

I wanted to give Roy a wakeup blowjob he would remember for a lifetime. I was sure my mouth on his manhood would bring him to life that morning. For me there was nothing quite like a morning knob job to jump-start the day; reality is, there was nothing to take the place of good early morning blowjob.

Since my first sexual experiences as a young boy in the Midwest I think that I enjoyed oral sex more than anything else, especially a morning BJ. Maybe, that's why I'd had such poor luck with women and sex, especially in the oral sex department. My experience with the handful of women that I had been with was that they just didn't care to suck a dick first thing in the morning, nor did they know much about how to give good head anytime of the day. The art of giving good head is learned behavior; however, in my opinion, for guys sucking a dick is almost a natural act. I guess that's why I enjoyed oral sex with guys so much, and looked forward to pleasuring Roy orally to fruition that morning.

The first faint rays of sunlight began filtering through the dorm room window. From where I lay I could see the outline of Roy's fully erect cock standing tall awaiting my attention. His cock was a truly a picturesque thing of beauty standing full-size in the shadows of the ambient early morning light. I was drawn to the irresistible crimson colored cockhead like a bug to a porch light.

With great stealth I tactfully moved around on the bed like a tactical CIA operative on a secret mission under the cover of darkness. I finally made it between Roy's legs unnoticed facing his mid section ready to launch my covert operation on his manhood. I didn't want him to wake up too soon. I had heard that guys needed to be woken up ever so gently early in the morning while receiving a blowjob.

I lay there for a few moments admiring the beauty of Roy's reddish rod with the pretty pink glans. God, it was such a majestic looking piece of manhood standing straight and tall with just the slightest curve back towards his stomach. I carefully reached for his fuck stick; the fingers of my right hand closing around the base of the hard shaft. As I held it I could feel it throbbing with anticipation. I wanted that hot pulsating monster in my mouth as quickly as possible, but I restrained myself. With my hand wrapped around the base of Roy's cock I began lowering my head towards the exposed portion in preparation to engulf the magnificent looking knob.

As I moved forward my olfactory senses picked up on an inviting scent, yet slightly offensive musk odor emanating from his bushy crotch. My sensitive nose rooted around the undergrowth of pubic hair that surrounded the base of Roy's dick, inhaling the scent, savoring the smell before engulfing that first mouthful of morning delight. As I held the trunk of Roy's young tree in my hand there was an overwhelming temptation to immediately devour the entirety of it, and then begin bobbing up and down on it to finish it off immediately. But that was so amateurish.

I lowered my mouth towards my early morning treat with great stealth; however, before taking it full into my mouth I let my lips carefully close around the shining crimson knob kissing it gently. Once I had the head enclosed in my mouth my tongue began to search slowly around the pink colored cockhead. As my tongue circled the piece of pink fruit a top the tree I began to lightly tease the darker coronal ring and then began titillating the piss slit.

My tongue tantalized the glans as I flicked at the piss slit; I diligently bathed the magnificent looking cockhead before I tired to inhale anymore of it. Of course, I knew that there was no way I would be able to swallow six inches of steely hard cock, so I would continue concentrating my efforts on the head and first couple of inches -- the most sensuous portion the penis. I found the frenulum, that sexually erogenous zone of the penis, and began teasing it. I applied light suction and then began slowly bobbing up and down on the first couple of inches rubbing Roy's frenulum with my tongue. Sensing a need for change I let my tongue explore the underside of Roy's cock shaft working my way towards his scrotal sac.

I gently nudged Roy's inner thighs spreading his legs further apart with my head as my tongue worked its way towards the taint. I had tantalized Roy's cock from the glans licking and kissing my way down the full length of the underside of his dick to his nut sac. I was going for the prize. I began kissing and teasing his taint, and then in the darkness I found his brown eye.

My tongue coated his pucker with a goodly amount of saliva. By this time Roy began groaning and moaning softly, stirring on the bed. I coated my finger with more saliva and continued rubbing the rosebud entrance to Roy's rectal cavern with my finger tip as I continued stroking his saliva slick hard dick with my right hand. I had just discovered that Roy's asshole was super sensitive much like mine; however, I had to be careful not to go too far without proper consent.

I was curious as to whether Roy had ever been finger fucked before. Some guys found anything penetrating their assholes to be offensive; however, others found anal sex play to be very sensual, and would cry out in ecstasy when getting fingered fucked or corn holed. I was one who found finger fucking and cornholing to be very sensuous; furthermore, for me to be finger fucked while receiving a blowjob was pure bliss. I vividly remember the first time I was fingered fucked and sucked at the same time by my buddy in high school.

My buddy Denny Dengle was the first person I met when I moved to California. We managed to get to know each other as well as suck each other off the very first day we met. I soon discovered that Denny had problems with algebra in high school; in fact, he had flunked algebra his freshman year, therefore he was repeating the class. I was a whiz at math so I volunteered to tutor Denny three days a week after school. Denny desperately needed tutoring to stay eligible to play football on the Varsity high school team. The first few times tutoring Denny it was strictly business nothing happened except algebra. Of course, when I finished tutoring Denny I'd walk home horny as Hell. Yes, I had fast become enamored with Denny and we had already engaged in sex, so I'd been fantasizing of a night while I jerked off about other sexual possibilities between us.

After a few weeks hanging out together and a few sessions of mutual masturbation and oral sex Denny and I had become close friends. He had introduced me to his other two fuck buddies, so we all hung out together. Then one day he invited me to stay overnight. His parent's had gone to San Francisco for the weekend, so we had the house to ourselves. As we lay in his bed that Friday about midnight he asked if I was awake. I told him I was and he asked me if I wanted to learn some new stuff. To which I said sure.

We had already sworn the secret oath, so we began stroking each other. Denny had the biggest cock of the four of us fuck buddies. Although I'd never measured it he told me it was almost nine inches in length. I figured he was telling the truth as was two fistfuls, whereas mine was a single fistful with a little overhang at that age. From the very first day I enjoyed stroking him and we enjoyed sixty-nining. That first meeting was the beginning of a great friendship that lasted throughout our high school years. We would become great fuck buddies over the next three years.

Back in the day a fuck buddy was a girl friend or boy friend with whom there was no romantic bond. Just a partner to have sex with occasionally; a relationship completely devoid of all the bullshit such as dating, dinners, and other romantic rituals, someone you didn't have to spend all your money on, and then after spending a fortune may or may not get some sex.

I had developed a couple of other fuck buddy like Denny, so I felt that there was always room for another because I was a horny teenager. Of course, the sixty-nine position was the favored position for young school boys because neither could back out after blowing the other. So, after a few sixty-nine sessions Denny asked me that Friday night if we would care to try something new.

Denny explained how the sixty-nine plus one worked and told me he would go first to give me an idea of how and what to do. He told me if it hurt or I didn't want to go any further to slap him on the buttock and he would stop. I was eager to try something new, so we got into position facing opposite each other on the bed. Denny coated his finger and my asshole with a goodly amount of Vaseline before hand, and then we assumed the sixty-nine position where we began to fellate each other.

After a few seconds Denny ever so gently began probing my rectal area penetrating my awaiting asshole ever so slowly. At first it was painful as I was a virgin; however, once he pushed past the point of pain and was deep inside my rectal cavity his long middle finger found my magical button and began massaging it. Oh God, I wanted to cum and scream at the same time; it felt so fucking good as he finger fucked me and rubbed my prostate.

When I blew my load I almost suffocated Denny with the powerful amount of spooge I blew down his throat. He started gagging and had to spit some of it out. From that time on we refined finger fucking and sucking and it became part of our repertoire. So, not knowing how Roy might react to an intrusive finger shoved up his asshole I abandon my attentions of assaulting his anus, not wanting to awake him sharply and in turn have him wake up the entire floor when he went ballistic from my blow job plus digital insert.

I refocused my attention on Roy's magnificent looking man meat concentrating on the knob to complete the early morning blowjob. I began kissing and licking working my way back up towards the tip of his cock while my right hand continued caressing his hard cock.

As Roy fully awoke he whispered, "Alan, get your ass turned around so I can suck your dick."

I turned around on the bed so we were facing opposite each other. Roy's hands began searching the lower part of my body in search of my treasure, finding my well-round glutes he began massaging both of them. Then within a few seconds he lifted my midsection up over his face. I positioned my knees straddling Roy's face so my groin was directly over his mouth. Once he had full access to my man meat he took it in his mouth and began to fellate my semi flaccid fuck stick bringing it back to life in a matter of seconds.

"Oh shit! That feels so fuckin good," I responded as Roy engulfed my hardening cock.

We continued to silently fellate each other's cocks tenderly licking and nursing them like a baby on a tit. As we worked towards fruition we rolled each other onto our sides to continue the face fucking exercise. My hips were moving back and forth slowly pumping my cock in and out of Roy's warm mouth. I wanted to taste Roy's love juice. In a matter of minutes our bodies arched stiffly, our cocks swelled and stiffened, and then we exploded, unloading shot after shot of spooge into each other's mouths within seconds of each other. We lay there nursing every drop of nectar from each other's withering wangs until we were forced to pull apart due to sensitivity. I pulled off Roy's slowly deflating dick and turned around in the bed asking, "So, did you enjoy that babe?"

A sexually exhausted Roy lying on his back replied hoarsely, "I'd like to stay here in bed all day with you and keep doin that."

"Me too."

"You Know, I think that was more exercise than I've had in my entire lifetime," Roy confided quietly.

"Yeah." I replied with a little giggle grabbing Roy tighter pulling him to me and kissing him on the cheek, "but it was worth it babe."

"Roy whispered into my ear, "Thanks for the greatest sex ever for me and for the best morning blowjob I've ever."

My mind returned to the job at hand whereby I proceeded to polish off Roy's swollen cock swallowing the load of semen his cock had just belched out. Finally, I detach my mouth from Roy's softening schlong and moved up on the bed so I could kiss him. Roy was in a state of bliss as he lay on the bed panting and sweating from my ravaging attack on his body.

I whispered into his ear, "As soon as you recover I want you inside me. Be my Valentine and fill my ass with your sweet cock like you used to years ago."

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